New Nine-Classroom Addition for St. Francis de Sales' High School Ready Next September ■ Member of Audit Bureau of Circulatiom Content# Ccpyricht by the C*tholic Pre*# Society. Inc., 19B7— Permi»ion to Reproduce, Except on Article* Olhenri** Merited, Given After 12 M. Fridey Folloering issue DENVER CATHaiC REG ISTER Architects' sketch of oddition (at left) to St. Fronds' de Sales' High School, Denver; connecting section with present building is at center. VOL. Lit. No. 23. THURSDAY, JANUARY 17,1957 DENVER, COLORADO Student8 attending St. Fluorescent lighting will be roof, of 20-year construction, Francis de Sales’ High employed throughout. A consid­ can be easily removed when erable portion of the expense construction of the thiri floor School, Denver, in the involved in the project is for U feasible. 1957-58 curricular year electrical rewiring of the old Architect for the project fa will enjoy the facilities of building to bring it up to Pub­ John K. Monroe. Th* Kirehbof the modern plant sketched lic Service standards. Construction Company ha# tbe CATHEDRAl PARISH NEAR The new unit will have steel- general contracL and McCarty above. The RL Rev. Monsignor Gregory Smith, V.G., pastor of sash windows, wails o f cinder £ Johnson Plumbing and Heat­ the parish and superintendent block, acoustical tile ceilings, ing Company, tbe mechanical of the school, announced that snd asphalt tile floors. The contracL contracts for the construction of the new entrance (center) Founder of Home on Ran^e and nine<lassroom unit (left) CENTENARY YEAR OF 1960 were signed Tuesdiy. Jan, IS. Tbe contracts provided for com­ pletion of tbe 1300,000-pius Prairie Priest Rides Herd project by Aug. 20 of this year. Began The acquisition of the eight Goldseekers lots fo r the bnilding eite brings On 30 'Maverick' Boys the total cost well over $400,- OOO, to be defrayed by the Arebbiahop’s High Schools Fund 1st Building After Campsfrn. At North Dakota Ranch The classroom unit at right is tbe original St. Francis de By F rank M om ss “but just because thera is w Sales’ High School, currently in much else to do.” One of the most incon­ Bishop Miege Visit use. The existing front en­ Father Cassedy always bad trance, a atone stairway in the spicuous ranchers in Den­ in mind helping boy#. Ha cams center of the present building, ver this stock show week from a poor family, and saw By R ev. John B. E bel will be done sway with and a was a short, Iriahifaced tha need on tbe streets o f Jer­ new entrance will be built to sey City. He taught boy# in The Catliedral Parish of Denver is rapidly priest. One might never connect the old unit with the Terre Haute, Ind., and Wauwa­ ajiproaehiiifj its centennial. The parish dates its new. An additional entrance, tosa, Wis., while still a layman. oripin to June. 1860, thus antedating even the also facing east, will be pro­ A fter being ordained in 1944, vided at the south end of the he broached the subject o f start­ labors of the pioneer Father (later Bishop") Jo- new unit ing a boys’ home to then Bishop + seph P- Machebcuf, who did not Central Entrance Vincent Ryan of Bismarck, now anive in Denver until October deceased. Tbe Bishop counseled The planned central en­ prayer, actually unneeded ad­ HISTORICAL DATA o f that year. trance section will contain a vice, for Father Cassedy has al­ IS BEING SOUGHT One hundred years ago at stair tower in strict accord with ways turned to the Blessed Vir­ this time, in 1857, Colorado was fire regulations. Stairways will gin for help. lead to halls on both floors of largely an uninhabited wilder­ Gets First Break A hulorr o f Ciilhoc]r#l Por* both buildings. His first break came when l«h. Drnvrr. ii brin# prrpared ness. Father Machebeuf, who To be constructed of steel he joined the Order of Eaglea, In antieipalian of ihp rcnlrn- was to be its pioneer missionary, frame with reinforced concrete and: ^ v e a talk before a two- nUl o f the parish, vhirh will was stationed in Albuc^ucrque, floors and brick and stone trim, complrfr 'iu lOOlh year in (he new classroom unit is de­ state Eagles' convention, men­ N. Mcx., little dreaming of the June. 1960. signed to support a third floor tioning his hope of starting a destiny that awaited him hun­ borne fo r “ homeless and neg­ Anyono having faivtoric pic> at some future date. The third dreds o f miles to the north. floor, omitted from present lected boys,” The Eaglea dug tufcfl. dociuncnla. Irtlm, or in their pocketa and came up rreollocriona of worih ronrom* Traders, trappers, and moun­ plans because o f it# large added eoi^ will house science labora- (T u n to P a g tS — CoUmitS) In# (he paat yean o f the parish tain men had blazed trails aaoss toriei. Also envisioned for the it inviud to make them avail, Tbe Csabasyi family wood Saturday, Jan. 12. Tba refugee* left the plains and mountains of future is a large gymnasium, able for thii work. Snrh ma. New Shepherd Budapest Nov. 17. After being recaptured by ColcsMO, and establisbed a few from Budapest, Hun­ which will be connected at the Irrial would be rarefully p r» the Russians and returned to &eir home, they trading posts in the Arkansas gary, are shown visiting with their new pastor, left of the plant ahown in the ScHool Addition tertrd and relomrd. again departed for West on Nov. 23. the Very Rev. Monsignor Bernard J. Cullen sketch above, toward Alameda and South Platte River Valleys, Sandor, a houaepainter, and his family are 'Ib e material may be bm aslil of St. Louis' Parish in Englewood. Avenue. or aent to the Rev. John H. but these could scarcely be being sponsored by tbe parish SC Vincent de The Caabanyis, from left, Anna, Sandnr, The first floor of the pro­ Rev. Elwood Cajiedv Eb«d at the R^gittmr offlee called permanent mclcmcnca Paul Society. Sandor, Jr., is enrolled in tbe per. jected building will conlaiu To St. Mary's in Iren, Sandor, Jr, and Earoly, arrived in Engle- isb sebooi. (9.18 llannoek Street. Kt'. three offices, four Urge clsss- guess IL but he h y a 960-acre 420S), or the (^tbedral rretory San Ituis First -r -I- + -1- -T + ^ + roorns, a storeroom, and locker spread in the heart of North (ISOI Penntrlrania Streat, Permanent Town and shower room# with toilet Dakota's Badlands. Littleton in Use MA. 3.023S). facihtiet. On the second floor The Prairie Priest is Fsther The only teal settlements in Family of Five Bolted for Freedom will he five classrooms, one Elwood Castedy, who ridei herd A one-story adiiitton to Colorado 100 yean ago wete a meeting room, faculty and of­ on some 100 bead o f cattle and St Mary’s &hool, Little­ few .Spuiish-Ainetican coiooies fice rooms w i^ toilet facilitiea, S« mors-or-lest maveriok young ton, whieh (Kida five rooms £1 Pomar Counts and a storeroom. in the San Luis Valley. San Luis, boys. Father Cassedy . directs to the parish’s education, Twice From Red-Terrorized Hungary Clearing Plant the first permanent W hite set­ plant was put into use for Tbe heating plant, of base­ Maverick — A Diotbarleti 1,187Retreafants tlement in Colorado, had been By Ha n k Roziex the first time Jan. 14. It brings with Anna when the fast-mov­ trian safeU was attempted on board radiation type, will be calf, coitooiarilr be]oB|iag founded by these colonists in the THOUSANDS of Hungarian ing events of the past two and Nov. 17. The family went by the capacity of the school to big enough to heat also the fu­ to the one fin t brandiog it. San Luis Valley in 1851, and refugees have escaped their one-half months made his mem­ train to a point about 22 500, The present enrollment is Over Past Year ture third floor and gymnasium. — Webster. 430. irrigation was iKgun. Russian - oppressed homeland ory hazy on a particular date or kilometers from their goal, The Father Caa.edr trie# bit in the past two months. Possibly evenC The stories he told of large group o f which they were The Rev. Frederick McCallin, El Pomar, Colorado Retreat bast to brand lha rouagatera On May 12. 1858, the day on unique, however, is the story the Russians’ barbarism, of the a part gained the no-man’s-land pastor, announced that an open Center for Women, Broadmoor, St. Jude Burse Stands nobodr waat# with the indel­ which J ^ n W . Denver took the of the Sandor Csabanyi family. Hungarian Freedom Fighters' between Austria and Hungary. house will be held in February, Colorado SprinR*. had 1.187 re. ible imprint# of saactitj and This man, his wife, and their heroism, of the defection of • • • ■o that the parishioners and treatanU in the 37 retreat# con­ oath of office as Governor of At Total of $4,787.04 citiseoihip. three small children escaped 17,000 Russian occupation RUSSIAN BORDER friends of the parish may view ducted fo r women in 1956. The the Kansas Territory, W . Green across the Hungarian border troops to the Hungarian cause GUARDS entered the forbidden the new facility. Included in eiKht day# of recollection drew Russell with other gold miners The St Jude Burse, Denver twice in mid-November, but the and their subsequent slaughter territory, recaptured them, and Rome on the Range for Boys the new structure are the prin­ 2S6 participanta.
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