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Curriculum Vitae

Karl Jerome Witt

Department of Psychology and Counseling The University of at Tyler 3900 University Boulevard Tyler, TX 75799 903.565.5899 [email protected]


Exploring the use of multi-user virtual environments and other technology pertaining to counselor education and practice Human growth and development, especially psycholinguistic development and strengths-based approaches among teens and toddlers Career development among high school students, including technology use Career turnover among societies worldwide Early college high schools achievement motivation; hope theory, success factors, and resiliency; parental attachment; development of work values School counselors and the use of therapeutic skills Gender bias in supervision selection Counseling and economic trends Programmatic development



Ph.D. Texas A&M University – Corpus Christi, 2011 Counselor Education Dissertation: Applications of the Helping Relationship in Multi-User Virtual Environments: An Exploration of Counseling from Practitioners’ Perspectives

M.S. Texas A&M University – Corpus Christi, 2006 Counseling

B.A. Texas A&M University, 1997 Physics with Mathematics minor


Mississippi Department of Education Licensed Educator, License #237518, Issued 2010 Guidance Counselor, Physics, Mathematics

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National Board for Certified Counselors National Certified Counselor #244659, Issued 2008

Texas State Board of Examiners of Professional Counselors Licensed Professional Counselor, License #63773, Issued 2008 Supervisor’s License, 2011-present Full License, 2010-present Intern’s License, 2008-2010

Texas State Board for Educator Certification / Texas Education Agency Certified Educator #362985, Issued 1998 School Counseling, 2006-present Physics, 2001-present Secondary Mathematics, 1998-present


The University of Texas at Tyler, Tyler, Texas, 2012-present Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology and Counseling, 2013-present Interim Director of School Counseling, 2013-present Adjunct Professor, Department of Psychology and Counseling, 2012

Delta State University, Cleveland, Mississippi, 2010-2012 Assistant Professor, Division of Counselor Education and Psychology, 2011-2012 Research Fellow, College of Education, 2011-2012 Instructor, Division of Counselor Education and Psychology, 2010-2011

Flour Bluff Independent School District, Corpus Christi, Texas, 2006-2010 Counselor, , 2008-2010 Counselor, Flour Bluff Junior High, 2006-2008 Counselor Intern, Flour Bluff High School, 2005

Texas A&M University – Corpus Christi, 2004-2006, 2009 Intern, Academic Advising Transition Center, 2009 Graduate Assistant: Research, Bell Library, 2004-2006

Corpus Christi Independent School District, Corpus Christi, Texas, 2005-2006 Counselor Intern, Elliot Grant Middle School, 2006 Counselor Intern, Richard King High School, 2005

Garland Independent School District, Garland, Texas, 1999-2004 Master Trainer: Technology, Naaman Forest High School, 2001-2004 Classroom Teacher, Naaman Forest High School, 1999-2004

Bishop Quarterman Conference Center, Amarillo, Texas, 1997-2000 Program Director, 1999-2000 Senior Counselor, 1998 Dorm Counselor, 1997

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College Station Independent School District, College Station, Texas, 1998 Student Teacher, A&M Consolidated High School, 1998

Episcopal Student Center, College Station, Texas, 1995-1998 Chaplain’s Assistant, 1995-1998


Courses Taught 2010-present

Fall 2014 COUN 5344 Advanced Principles of School Counseling COUN 5386 Supervised Internship in School Counseling

Summer 2014 COUN 5324 Cultural Diversity and Advocacy (online section) COUN 5324 Cultural Diversity and Advocacy (face-to-face section) COUN 5396 Internship I COUN 5397 Internship II

Spring 2014 COUN 5324 Cultural Diversity and Advocacy COUN 5396 Internship I COUN 5397 Internship II

Fall 2013 COUN 5344 Advanced Principles of School Counseling COUN 5396 Internship I COUN 5397 Internship II

Summer 2013 COUN 5324 Cultural Diversity and Advocacy (online section) COUN 5324 Cultural Diversity and Advocacy (face-to-face section) COUN 5396 Internship I COUN 5397 Internship II

Spring 2013 COUN 5334 Foundations and Ethics of School Counseling COUN 5344 Advanced Principles of School Counseling

Winter 2012 CED 606 Career Development and Placement

Fall 2012 CED 602 Assessment Techniques in Counseling CED 619 School Counseling Internship CED 711 Crisis Intervention Techniques (1/2 semester) ELR 702 Educational Research Design* COUN 5386 Supervised Internship in School Counseling PSYC 5399 Independent Study – Advanced School Counseling

Summer 2012 CED 606 Career Development and Placement CED 617 Foundations of School Counseling CED 635 Methods of Counseling Research and Statistics

Spring 2012 Release Counseling Program Co-Coordinator CED 602 Assessment Techniques in Counseling Witt 4

CED 609 Counseling Practicum CED 635 Methods of Counseling Research and Statistics

Winter 2011 CED 606 Career Development and Placement

Fall 2011 CED 602 Assessment Techniques in Counseling CED 609 Counseling Practicum CED 616 Social and Cultural Counseling

Summer 2011 CED 617 Foundations of School Counseling CED 635 Methods of Counseling Research and Statistics

Spring 2011 CED 606 Career Development and Placement CED 609 General Internship (Practicum) CED 635 Methods of Counseling Research and Statistics

Fall 2010 CED 609 General Internship (Practicum) CED 620 Human Growth and Development CED 635 Methods of Counseling Research and Statistics*

* Indicates course developed

Other Teaching Experiences

Multiple classroom peer instruction experiences as a requirement for doctoral classes Provided peer tutoring in master’s and doctoral level statistics and quantitative research courses Conducted exam review sessions for master’s students Conducted school staff trainings on topics such as child abuse and assessment as school counselor Conducted school staff trainings on technology use and integration as master trainer for technology Secondary classroom teacher of Physics and Algebra II, 1999-2004 Classroom guidance at middle and high school levels Homebound teacher

Courses of Teaching Interest

Human Growth and Development Career Counseling Psychometrics Research Methodology Assessment School Counseling Internship Counseling Theories Group Counseling Counseling Skills Psychopharmacology Neuropsychology Online classes

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University supervisor for Supervised Internship in School Counseling course, 2014-present University supervisor for Internship course, 2013-2014 Provided live supervision for all Pre-practicum students (2-4 hours weekly), 2010-2012 Provided tape review supervision for all Pre-practicum students (4-10 hours/semester), 2010-2012 University supervisor for Supervised Internship in School Counseling course, 2012 University supervisor for School Counseling Internship course, 2012 University supervisor for General Internship (Practicum) course, 2010-2012 Provided individual and triadic supervision for all Practicum students, 2010-2012 Site supervisor for Flour Bluff Junior High and Flour Bluff High School, 2007-2009 Provided individual and triadic supervision of community and school counseling students, 2008-2009 Completed doctoral level Advanced Supervision course, Spring 2008 Cross-cultural supervision experience



Witt, K. J., Oliver, M., & McNichols, C. (submitted). Counseling via avatar: Professional practice in virtual worlds. Journal of Clinical Mental Health Counseling.

Witt, K. J., & McNichols, C. (submitted). Assessing the needs of rural supervisors in Texas. Journal of Professional Counseling: Practice, Theory, and Research.

McNichols, C., & Witt, K. J. (in progress). Economic implications for counseling in the Mississippi Delta. Delta Journal of Education.

Oliver, M., Ricard, R. J., Witt, K. J., Alvarado, M., & Hill, P. (2010). Creating college advising connections: Comparing motivational beliefs of early college high school students to traditional first-year university students. NACADA Journal, 30(1), 14-22. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.12930/0271-9517-30.1.14

National and International Presentations

Beals, G., McCormick, J., & Witt, K. J. (2013, October). Enhancing active professional counselors in school settings: Going beyond a 60-hour school counseling program. Presented at the biennial conference of the Association for Counselor Education and Supervision, Denver, Colorado.

Witt, K. J. (2011, October). Counseling via avatar: Professional practice in virtual worlds. A research poster session presented at the biannual conference of the Association for Counselor Education and Supervision, Nashville, Tennessee.

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State Presentations

Witt, K. J., McNichols, C., & Lamb, L. (submitted). The brave new world of counselor education: The impact of technology and distance learning. A day-long session presented at the annual conference of the Texas Counseling Association, San Antonio, Texas.

Witt, K. J. (2013, February). Online group supervision: Student, site supervisor, and instructor perceptions and experiences compared to face-to-face supervision. Presented at the annual conference of the Texas Association for Counselor Education and Supervision, Austin, Texas.

McNichols, C., & Witt, K. J. (2012, April). Understanding the culture of poverty: Implications for counseling. Presented at the annual F.E. Woodall Spring Conference for the Helping Professions, Cleveland, Mississippi.

Witt, K. J. (2011, November). Counseling at a distance: An avatar-based approach. Presented at the annual conference of the Mississippi Counseling Association, Biloxi, Mississippi.

Witt, K. J., Calvin, J., & McNichols, C. (2011, January). Every move you make: Supervision support from intro to graduate. Presented at the annual conference of the Texas Association for Counselor Education and Supervision, Austin, Texas.

Witt, K. J. (2010, November). Counseling via avatar: Mental health through Second Life. Presented at the annual conference of the Texas Counseling Association, Austin, Texas.

Witt, K. J., & McNichols, C. (2010, November). Economic crisis: How counselors adapt. Presented at the annual conference of the Mississippi Counseling Association, Jackson, Mississippi.

McNichols, C., & Witt, K. J. (2010, February). Economic crisis: Implications for counselor education. A research poster session presented at the annual conference of the Texas Association for Counselor Education and Supervision, Austin, Texas.

Garza, K., & Witt, K. J. (2009, January). Student perceptions and experiences of submissions to the IRB. A research poster session presented at the annual conference of the Texas Association for Counselor Education and Supervision, Austin, Texas.

Alvarado, M., Witt, K. J., Reeve, J., & Ricard, R. J. (2008, November). Perceptions of (ECHS) students: What counselors should know part II. Presented at the annual conference of the Texas Counseling Association, Houston, Texas.

Lancaster, C., & Witt, K. J. (2008, February). Strategies for working with Asperger’s and high functioning autism. Presented at the annual secondary schools meeting of the Texas School Counseling Association, Galveston, Texas.

Lancaster, C., Freeman, S., & Witt, K. J. (2007, November). The school counselor’s toolkit of tried and true strategies for prompting the success of students with autism in school. Presented at the annual conference of the Texas Counseling Association, Corpus Christi, Texas. Witt 7

Regional and Local Presentations

Garza, K, & Witt, K. J. (2009, January). Student perceptions and experiences of submissions to the IRB. A research poster presented at the annual conference of the Center for Educational Development, Evaluation, and Research, TAMU-CC, Corpus Christi, Texas.

Ricard, R. J., & Witt, K. J. (2006, June). MHMR performance review of six indicators. Presented to the Nueces County Mental Health and Mental Retardation Board, Corpus Christi, Texas.

Invited Presentations

Witt, K. J. (2011, July). Legal testimony. Guest lecture for Marriage and Family Counseling.

Witt, K. J., & Shaffer, Y. (2010, March). High school: Transitions. Presented at the monthly meeting of the Flour Bluff Junior High Parent Teacher Student Association, Corpus Christi, Texas.

Witt, K. J. (2009, February). High school: Career connections. Presented at the monthly meeting of the Flour Bluff Junior High Parent Teacher Student Association, Corpus Christi, Texas.

Witt, K. J. (2008, October). High school: What you need to know. Presented at the monthly meeting of the Flour Bluff Junior High Parent Teacher Student Association, Corpus Christi, Texas.

External Grants

Witt, K. J., & McNichols, C. (2014). Assessing the needs of rural supervisors in Texas. Grant awarded by the Texas Association for Counselor Education and Supervision. Amount: $500.

University Grants

Witt, K. J., & McNichols, C. (2014). Assessing the needs of rural supervisors in Texas. Grant awarded by the University of Texas at Tyler College of Education and Psychology. Amount: $800.


Professional Memberships and Leadership

American Counseling Association, #6273874 Association for Counselor Education and Supervision, #6273874 American School Counselor Association, #110417, 2007-2014 Southern Association for Counselor Education and Supervision Chi Sigma Iota Honor Society, Theta Alpha Mu Chapter, #042428

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Texas Counseling Association, #65033 Texas Association for Counselor Education and Supervision Texas School Counselor Association Texas Career Development Association Annual Conference Facilitator, 2007 Gulf Coast Counseling Association, 2006-2008 Participated in TCA Texas Legislature March Advocacy Day, 2009

Mississippi Counseling Association, 2010-2012 Mississippi Association for Counselor Education and Supervision Mississippi School Counselor Association Annual Conference Facilitator, 2011 Participated in MCA Mississippi Legislature Advocacy Day, 2011

Counselor Education in Second Life

National Academic Advising Association, 2009-2010

Institutional Service

Interim Director of School Counseling (2013-present)

University Committees Student Appeals Committee (2013-present) Center for Ethics and Emerging Leaders Initiative (2013-present) Delta State University Research Committee (2012) Delta State University Jack Winton Gunn Award Selection Committee (Spring 2012)

College Committees Curriculum and Assessment Committee (2013-present) College of Education and Psychology Vision 2020 Committee (2012-2013)

Departmental Committees School Counseling New Faculty Search Committee Chair (2013-2014) Clinical Mental Health Committee (2013-present) Student Hearing Panel (2013) CACREP Exploration and Initial Accreditation Committee (2012-2014) Psychology and Counseling Graduate Committee (2012-present) Counselor Education New Faculty Search Committee Chair (2011-2012) College of Education NCATE Standards Field Experiences Committee (2010-2012) Counselor Education Curriculum and Program Committee (2010-2012) Counselor Education Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP) Reaccreditation Committee (2010-2012) F. E. Woodall Spring Conference Advisory Committee (2010-2012)

Advising and Recruiting School Counseling Program Academic Advisor (2013-present) Counselor Education Academic Advisor (2010-2012) Delta State University Day Academic Fair (October 2011) Witt 9

Delta State University Graduate Studies Social (March 2011) Career Services Majors Fair (August 2010)

Ed.D. in Professional Studies applicant portfolio reviewer

Professional Service

Trainings Conducted

Witt, K. J. (2014, June). 2014 Changes to supervision ethics. Presented at the Summer 2014 University of Texas at Tyler site supervisor training.

McNichols, C. & Witt, K. J. (2014, March). Ethical case studies in supervision. Presented at the Spring 2014 University of Texas at Tyler site supervisor training.

McNichols, C. & Witt, K. J. (2013, November). Supervision and ethics for site supervisors. Presented at the Fall 2013 University of Texas at Tyler site supervisor training.

Witt, K. J. (2012, August). Technology in counseling workshop. Presented at the Spring 2012 Delta State University new student orientation.

Witt, K. J. (2012, January). Technology in counseling workshop. Presented at the Spring 2012 Delta State University new student orientation.

Witt, K. J. (2011, September). Technology in counseling workshop. Presented at the Fall 2011 Delta State University new student orientation.

McNichols, C. & Witt, K. J. (2010, September). Supervision and ethics for site supervisors. Presented at the Fall 2010 Delta State University site supervisor training.

Reviewer of textbook prospectuses and manuscripts for research methods, human growth and development, and counseling consultation

Conference-related Service Texas Counseling Association 2013 Professional Growth Conference proposal reviewer Mississippi Counseling Association 2011 Annual Conference Facilitator F. E. Woodall 2011 Annual Conference Facilitator Texas Counseling Association Professional Growth Conference 2007 Facilitator

Honors and Awards

The University of Texas at Tyler Texas Alpha Xi Chapter of Alpha Chi National College Honor Society Outstanding Faculty Member, 2013

Texas A&M University – Corpus Christi College of Education Graduate Scholarship, 2007

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Chi Sigma Iota Counseling Honor Society Member, 2004-present

Naaman Forest High School Teacher Dedication Service Award, 2002