12288 Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 41 / Monday, March 2, 2020 / Notices ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Branch, (913) 551–7723, or by email at ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY
[email protected]. AGENCY [EPA–R07–OW–2020–0061; FRL–10005–74– SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The EPA [EPA–HQ–OW–2019–0372; FRL–10005–82– Region 7] is hereby giving notice that the state of OW] Missouri is revising its approved Public Notice of Approval of the Primacy National Pollutant Discharge Water Supply Supervision Program. Revision Application for the Public Elimination System (NPDES) 2020 MDNR revised their program by Water Supply Supervision Program Issuance of the Multi-Sector General incorporating the following EPA From the State of Missouri Permit for Stormwater Discharges National Primary Drinking Water Associated with Industrial Activity AGENCY: Environmental Protection Regulations: Lead and Copper: Short- Agency (EPA). Term Regulatory Revisions and AGENCY: Environmental Protection ACTION: Notice of approval and Clarifications (72 FR 57781, October 10, Agency (EPA). solicitation of requests for a public 2007) and Revised Total Coliform Rule ACTION: Notice; request for public hearing. (78 FR 10269, February 13, 2013). The comment. EPA has determined that MDNR’s SUMMARY: The Environmental Protection program revisions are consistent with SUMMARY: All ten of the Environmental Agency (EPA) is hereby giving notice and no less stringent than Federal Protection Agency’s (EPA) Regions are that the state of Missouri is revising its regulations. Therefore, EPA intends to proposing for public comment the 2020 approved Public Water Supply approve these program revisions. National Pollutant Discharge Supervision Program delegated to the Elimination System (NPDES) general Missouri Department of Natural Public Hearing Requests permit for stormwater discharges Resources (MDNR).