Towards a Rad Framework for E-Commerce Systems
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TOWARDS A RAD FRAMEWORK FOR E-COMMERCE SYSTEMS Ernest Cachia University of Malta Msida, Malta Mark Micallef University of Malta Msida, Malta Keywords: E-Commerce, Rapid Application Development, Software Metrication, Software Quality Assurance, Software Development Life Cycles. Abstract: Given the ever-increasing revenues being generated from e-commerce systems (, 2005), the quality of such systems is becoming ever more important. Industry studies carried out by the authors of this paper show that customers want higher quality systems built in ever-shorter timespans. This paper establishes the need for the creation of a Rapid Application Development (RAD) based framework specifically tailored towards e-commerce systems. A skeletal version of such a framework is also proposed. 1 INTRODUCTION processes and so on. Results from these studies will also be used to substantiate various arguments made Year after year, statistics constantly indicate that throughout this paper. revenues from online shopping are steadily in- creasing throughout the world (, 2005)(J.H.Y. Yeung, 2003)(News, 2005). As cus- 2 WHY RAD AND tomers get more comfortable with shopping online, it has almost become a natural step for business to E-COMMERCE? offer their goods and services online. To many, this may seem like a simple issue involving the setting up It has often been observed that by the time a com- an online catalogue and an online payment facility. puterised business solution is delivered, it no longer However, in reality, things are more complex. For satisfies the requirements of the client who ordered it. example, existing business processes need to be This is because in the months (and sometimes years) replicated online or changed accordingly to reflect it takes for a system to be specified, designed, built, the online aspect of the business (E. Lawrence, tested and deployed, the client’s requirements tend to 2000). Also, the ways in which customer difficulties change (Howard, 2002). The nature of modern mar- are dealt with take on a new dimension in the online kets also has a hand in the dynamic nature of system world due to the potentially enormous customer base. requirements (Small, 2000). In 1991, James Mar- tins proposed the concept of Rapid Application De- The authors of this paper carried out two studies velopment (RAD) (Martine, 1991). RAD is basically in the course of their research. The first was a study a “high speed” adaptation of the linear sequential amongst 350 online shoppers which examined vari- model in which rapid development is achieved by us- ous aspects of online shopping and consumer behav- ing component-based construction (Pressman, 2000). iour (E. Cachia, 2004). The second study was car- The main idea is to reduce the time between determin- ried out amongst 10 software development companies ing requirements and implementing them, thus reduc- who specialise in the development of e-commerce ing the likelihood that they would change in the in- systems. The latter focused mainly on each com- terim (Howard, 2002). This is achieved by a lean de- pany’s business environment (types of clients, types velopment cycle and a number of principles of tech- of systems, etc) and their approach to requirements niques such as Joint Application Development (JAD), definition, quality assurance, software engineering Time Boxin, Prototyping and Clean Rooms. 234 Cachia E. and Micallef M. (2006). TOWARDS A RAD FRAMEWORK FOR E-COMMERCE SYSTEMS. In Proceedings of WEBIST 2006 - Second International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies - Internet Technology / Web Interface and Applications, pages 234-241 DOI: 10.5220/0001242102340241 Copyright c SciTePress TOWARDS A RAD FRAMEWORK FOR E-COMMERCE SYSTEMS There are a substantial number of indicators that life-cycle (Butler, 1994). Our industry interviews seem to show that e-commerce systems development reveal that most e-commerce systems make use of would benefit from a RAD approach. These are standard technologies and do not carry high technical discussed below. risks. Primarily, by their very nature, e-commerce The non-technical two potential points of failure systems are business-oriented software systems. mentioned by Butler are as follows. Firstly, RAD They support a number of business processes which, developers and customers need to be committed to as indicated by Martins (Martine, 1991), tend to be the rapid-fire activities necessary to get a system dynamic. Clearly, decreasing the timespan in such complete in a much abbreviated timeframe (Butler, projects would reduce the likelihood that clients’ 1994). This is dependant on the people involved in requirements will change in the time it takes for a individual projects and cannot really be characterised system to be developed. Participants in our industry on the basis of the type of system being developed. survey unanimously agreed that customers’ require- Therefore, e-commerce systems suceptibility to this ments are highly flexible and are likely to change point is on the same level as any other type of system. quite often. Cases in which a client sticks to initial Finally, Butler points out that RAD requires sufficient requirements without making changes are rare. human resources to create the right number of RAD teams. Although this too depends on particular Our industry interviews show that most e- circumstances, there is some evidence to show commerce systems are developed within six that small and medium enterprises (SMEs) tend to months. 60% of participants claim that their systems dedicate more human resources to existing traditional take no longer than three months to develop. Kerr business, even when developing new e-commerce (J. Kerr, 1994) points out that if a business application systems because that is what currently earns them can be modularized in a way that enables each major money (J.H.Y. Yeung, 2003). This suggests that function to be completed in less than three months, it development of systems for SMEs may not always is a candidate for RAD. be appropriate for RAD integration. However, this depends on individual situations and a customer’s E-Commerce users can be very unforgiving. For commitment to the e-commerce project. example, in our study of 350 online shoppers, it was discovered that only 18.4% of shoppers would The arguments presented in this section clearly in- remain unconditionally loyal to their site if it suffered dicate that e-commerce systems are likely to be highly performance problems. High quality and reliability suitable candidates for rapid application development. is therefore important in e-commerce systems. The RAD approach promotes reuse of components as these would have already been tested. Also, new 3 THE NEED FOR A SPECIFIC components must be tested and all interfaces must be fully exercised (Pressman, 2000). FRAMEWORK FOR E-COMMERCE SYSTEMS In the course of our research, we also delved into cases where RAD is likely to fail and analysed In the section 2, we showed that e-commerce systems whether e-commerce systems would also be vulnera- are well suited for rapid application development. ble in this area. This is discussed below. However, it is also being argued that RAD does not do a good enough job for e-commerce systems as it Butler (Butler, 1994) lists four potential points of stands. One might suggest that development teams failure for RAD. Two of them are technical whilst should simply utilise the existing RAD methodology the other two are more to do with human nature and as-is, as opposed to creating an RAD-based frame- commitment issues. Firstly, Butler stresses that not work specifically tailored for e-commerce systems. all types of applications are appropriate for RAD. However, in 2004, Cachia (E. Cachia, 2004) showed In order for a system to be compatible with RAD, it that e-commerce systems differ significantly from needs to be modularisable. This does not pose a prob- other types of systems. The characteristics that lem with e-commerce systems because by nature, separate e-commerce systems from other types of they are modularised into high-level components systems are as follows. such as online catalogues, shopping carts, customer support mechanisms, and so on (E. Cachia, 2005). Firstly, e-commerce systems tend to be content A second potential technical point of failure is the driven. Most, if not all, e-commerce systems would level of technical risk within a project. If technical need to be connect to a data source from which the risks are high, RAD would not be the appropriate resulting web pages would be constructed. A typical 235 WEBIST 2006 - INTERNET TECHNOLOGY scenario would be an online catalogue being gen- core system functionality that should be specified. In erated from a product database. This characteristic addition to what the system must do, there should is important because when building such a system, be specifications such as the level of security to be developers need to come up with the best possible employed, the browsers which the system should be ways to present the information to the user. How will compatible with, the number of concurrent users it the user access the information? Which information can handle, the type of navigation schemes it should will be given priority? How will it be organised? And employ, and so on. Participants in our industry so on. interviews were asked whether they specify such requirements in advance. The replies were varied Another important identifying characteristic of with most companies specifying security and then e-commerce systems is the fact that they are exposed one or two of the others quality attributes. However, to security risks. The open nature of the internet most agreed that it is important to specify these makes such systems susceptible to security risks. attributes explicitly early on in the development Hacking attempts are frequent and high profile cases process.