WEEKEND EDITION MIAMIOK.COM Have a great day! MHS’ HOPPING SIGNS Thanks for supporting WITH LADY NORSE your local paper! SPORTS, PAGE B1 6 54708 10125 7 MIAMI NEWS-RECORD Serving Miami and the surrounding communities since 1903. Friday, December 11, 2020 | Vol. 116 No. 99 | $1.25 Fundraiser for Gaines scholarship at NEO kicks off The marked-off area are where “The endowment is for legacy Bricks from paver bricks that are being used purposes so their name will downtown as a fundraiser by the Ottawa always be on the NEO Founda- County Musicians Tribute Com- tion website,” said committee Miami being sold mittee is located. co-founder Debbie East. MIAMI — Bricks from a long Dobson Museum director Jim Ellis forgotten portion of Main Street in Jordan Boyd, the late Larry Rob-
[email protected] COURTESY PHOTO Miami are being put to a good use. erts and East got the committee Paver bricks from downtown Miami that are at least 100 years They are being sold to raise started. old are being sold by members of the Ottawa County Musicians Paver bricks from downtown money for the Steve and Cassie “There will be possibilities for Tribute Committee to help raise money for an endowed schol- Miami that are at least 100 years Gaines Scholarship at North- every music student (at NEO) to arship at NEO honoring Steve and Cassie Gaines. old are being sold by members eastern Oklahoma A&M that receive a scholarship from the of the Ottawa County Musicians will benefit music students at the Gaines Foundation.