Fire Fatal to Two
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iEbitrb 1£nrally f nr 1£nral QLnurragr Servin8 c:lhe Central Penquis Jlrea Vol. 5, No . 12 Thursday , March 24, 1966 Ten Cents Fire Fatal to Two Guilford firemen battle blaze which took the lives of Mr. and Mrs. Halton Nesbit at Guilford Center last Saturday. See Page (Bunker Photo) Page:! THE TOWN CRIER THE TOWN CRIER is published each Thursday cnzit" e "mm&.U1 it\~ evening by the TOWN CRIER PUBLICATIONS. We hope to be of help to th,e citizens of the towns ~"~pital 'f'lew~ in our coverage through NEWS, INFORMATION, AND LOWER PRICED ADVERTISING. The Regional Hospital Association workshop, orginally sched re accept no financial responsibility for errors uled for Friday, April ls l has been postponed until somfl time in advertising but will gladly print corrections. in May, date to be announced. Copies of most photos appearing in THE TOWN CRIER mav be obtained through our office. Receptionists: Friday, Edna Treworgy Saturday, Melville If you have news or available photos of any sort Wibberly and Harriet Ross Sunday , Maryb::lle York and Max we urge you to call an editor or drop in. Dead ine Scanlon; Monday, Thelma McEachern: Tuesday, ,June Dasha line will be Monday Noon but we would appreciate Wednesday, Edith \Vhite; Thursday, Anne Place. copy received earlier in the week. PATIENTS ADMITTED Classified ads 50 cent minimum including up to From Milo: From Etna: 12 words, 3 cents for each addi tiona! word. Dis George Hamlin Karen Small play ad space by the column inch. Louise Cunningham Ruth Small Lisa Hoskins Mary Small Mary Clements, Fron1 Brownville: EDITOR - Joanne Brigham Olive Philbrook. Ida Dean Milo 943-7384 Charles Dean Henry Russell Pearl Poole James Owens SERVICES John Peavy Iva Worster Paul A. West, Surveyingand Irvin Philbrook drafting. Box 703, B-rownville Margaret Fisher If you want to BUY, SELL, Me. 965-9191. Steven Philbrook RENT or SWAP, try "Town Amber Cyr Clarence Parkman Crier" Classified. CARD OF THANKS James Comeau We would like to thank our Howard Webb FOR s.ALE. friends and neighbors, the BaldwmSp1net Piano for sale'. Milo a d D b F' D · t PATIENTS DISCHARGED Tel. 943-2580 Milo. n er Y Ire epar - From Milo: ' ments, and generous towns ·- Elizabeth McLaughlin People for the assistance, do- Hildred Brown Estelle McSorley Karen Clark FOR SALE nations and prompt action giv- Leonora Byther Linda Casey and daughter S rool'l' house for sale, double en us at the time of our recent Olive Philbrook George Hamlin lot, new 1 1/2 car gavage. fire. John Peavey Mary Clewent Riverside St. , Milo .. Call943- The Jack Paul Family Robe.:-t Lyford Mae Annis 2668. Derby Louise C Ulllllughan' Theodore Berg Carroll Currie Linda Bri tch FOR SALE William Paul Transfered to Dow Air Force Apartment size electric From Etna: Hospital, James Owens, Brownville range, 12yearsoH, f< con Ruth SmaU dition. Call 965-9807. FOR SALE KIWANIS C!.UB CONTEST 1958 Ford Fairlane 500, 4 Chiquita Temple# 9 will meet For the second year the Ki Thursday evening with a cov door, Hard Top, V 8 motor, MILO wanis Club has placed a car ered dish supper at 6:30p.m. Auto. Trans. & power steering. Milo Garden Club will hold on the ice above the bridge in Linwood Lord, 4 Maple St., a rummage and food sale on The committee is Donna Fogg, Guilford for the residents of ?.1ilo, Me. Tel. 943"'7759 or Saturday, March 26 from 9 to Florer.ce Leighton, Myr tle . the town to enter the guessing Knowles, Harriet Mit c: holl. 943 -7710. 11:30 at Milo Town Hall Din game as to the datr~ whcri ing Room. GUILFORD the car. will. disappear through Anyone having anything they Almeda Chapter OES will hold the ice. A $100 bond will be LOST a special open meeting for In- ' 1 key ring c.ontaining 6 or 7 wish to donate may leave it in given to the lucky person and stallation, Thursday, March tickets are now on sale. "keys in downtown Milo. Call the dining room. Those who are to help on sale will be at 29. Louise Ne•vrnan, District 943-7720. Deputy of Milo will be the in MAINE AUTOMOBILE ASSOC. the· dining room at .8: 00 on Friday evening to get ready stalling officer. A 6:30 supper FOREST R. WANTED TO BUY for sale. will be served and all members attending are requested to bring SHELDON Old furniture,. china, glass, US Ple»ant Sfre.t lamps, etc. Bellewood Ant ABBOT main course dishes. Oove,..Fowcroft 04426 Phon<r: M4·'ZU8 bdou t a.M. - •fiu iques, Sebec Village. Phone Public Card parties sponsor Senior Queens will meet S p.m.: abo on WMk End• & JfoUd•r•· Thursday with Mildred Dodge Men\1!1-tuhlp buu!:"fttl I" clade: 564-7765. ed by Abbot Grange will be held 24·h:-. EMP.RCENCY llo•d Sn•l<'e Le.ral S•rvlc• at the Grange Hall every Fri and Gladys Hammond as com tJail Bo=• Ser•lc-e Pe.on&l Ac:ddant ln1-uranc• dayevening, startingApril1st mittee. A beneftt is scheduled. Tr~•~l 8en1et via "TAlf'TIK" at 7:30 p. rn. THE TOWN CRI ER Pag~ Ice Out Contest FATAL FIRE Cont'd from Page 1 (Bunker Phot1 1 (Bunker Photo) A tragic fire, which resulted in the death of :\1r. and l\lrs. The second Annual Kiwanis "Ice-Out" Contest is underway at Halton Nesbit, occured at Guilfor,d Center about 1 a.m. Satu. · Guilford. day morning. An old car has been placed on the ice above the bridge and The house was enveloped in flames when the fireman arri\eJ residents are guessing when it will disappear with the thaw. at the scene and it was necessary for them to go a mi lc I James Martin, Town Manager, is chairman of the event and water. tickets are available from all Kiwanians. First prize will be a Mrs. Nesbit's body was found in the do.vnstaris room where il One Hundred Dollar Savings Bond. was thought she had fallen asleep while watching television. The car is attached to a tree on shore by a cable so that it may Mr. Nesbit was asleep in the upstairs bedroom and due to he!!., be removed from the river after the contest. smoke and fire it was several hours before the firemen cou k get the body out. Their son, Billy, 15, awoke and by breaking a window, jump to the ground and ran barefoot in shorts and s hirt to the hom of Mr . and Mrs . Bartlette down the r oad. They were awakcnu by the pounding on the door and found the boy covered with blo. and in s hock, called the fire department and Dr. Howard wh called an ambulance and took the boy to the Mayo Memorial Hos pi tal. He had deep cuts on his hand and a punche red lung. He wa reported in fair condition Monday. Medical Examiner, Dr. Curtis of Milo was at the scene and ambulances from Dexter, Dover and Guilford. Mr. Nesbit, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alec Nesbit of Guilford, was assistance maintance foreman in the Guilford Industries. He has been a fireman for twenty years and one of the bcs t. Mrs. Nesbit, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Landry of Willimantic, also worked for Guilford Indus tries and had many friends in the vicinity. They have two sons, Billy, 15 and Reed an apprentice at the Bath Iron Works who is married and has two children. 135 Pleasant St Phone 564-2668 Dover-Foxcroft FOREST R. SHELDON SALES SERVICE Page -! THE TOWN CRIER A LOCAL MAN'S LOOK AT VIET NAM ABBOT WOlVI:SN 4 H GUii ,.''ORD WOMAN GUEST ~lore news from David Cook Feb. 18 REPRESENTATIVE lN AT SHOWER \oVASHINGTON Friends gave a s hower for We are still on our hill and guess we'll be in this area 'till Mrs. Patricia Littlefield of SusanKalel, Sunday afternoon April. Things have been t-•·etty quiet considering. 2V. C. de~ert Abbot Extension is represent- at the home of Mrs. Walter crs said there were 1000 V. C. in the Mountains , a few kilos from ing Piscataquis County •!H for Spack in North Guilford. here but we have been a voided the last week or so. I guess they a week at Washington 4 H, Refreshments of sandwiches , are regrouping and counting noses, probably wi il try to slip out Center., Washington, D. c. She punch and a shower cake, made of the area, eventually. The A !'tillery pounds the mountains eeg is the leader of the 4H group and decorated by Crystal Far- ularly. It keeps the V.C. off balance and in small groups. The of Guilford. rar was served. artillery is quite :1 way behind us and sounds like a freight train. The 4TJ foundation is made up Guests from out of town were It hits the m ountains like the sound of bass drums with shrapnel of all local gToups and Mrs. Dottie Mithee, Abbie Cadwick, whistling in every direction. I 'm glad we have it instead o[ them Littlefield as their delegate Adeline Dauphinee, E lizabeth itreallyis something. The nights are still cold. I could see my will have all expenses paid . Martell, Josephine Martell, breath this a . m . and was quite miserable until the sun came out She will attend workshops and Neota Graper, Vivian Bartlett, full force and now it is too warm. I received a box from the assembles and field trips.