The Žerovnišček Iron Age Hillfort Near Bločice in the Notranjska Region
Arheološki vestnik 60, 2009, str. 97–157 97 The Žerovnišček Iron Age hillfort near Bločice in the Notranjska region Boštjan LAHARNAR Izvleček Abstract Prispevek obravnava drobne najdbe z utrjene naselbine The paper presents small finds from the fortified na Žerovniščku pri Bločicah. Glavnina opredeljivih najdb settlement at Žerovnišček near Bločice in the Notranjska je iz starejše in mlajše železne dobe, zlasti iz poznega region. The majority of finds are dated to the Early and latenskega obdobja. Kaže, da je bila z rimsko osvojitvijo Late Iron Age, particularly to the Late La Tène period. It tega dela Notranjske naselbina opuščena. Razlog je verjetno seems that the abandonment of the settlement at the end strateški, saj je utrjena naselbina nadzirala pomembno of Late Iron Age or at the beginning of the Roman period komunikacijo, ki je vodila od Jantarne poti proti Dolenjski, denotes political changes – the Roman conquest of the Beli krajini in Kvarnerju. Cerkniško polje area. The reason was probably the good strategic position, as Žerovnišček allowed control over an Ključne besede: Slovenija, Notranjska, Žerovnišček pri important communication route running from the Amber Bločicah, utrjena naselbina, drobne najdbe, starejša železna Route towards Dolenjska, Bela krajina and Kvarner Bay. doba, mlajša železna doba, zgodnja rimska doba Key words: Slovenia, Notranjska region, Žerovnišček near Bločice, fortified settlement, small finds, Early Iron Age, Late Iron Age, Early Roman period 1. INTRODUCTION Visible stone ramparts, numerous terraces, plateaus and other potential remains of structures The fortified settlement at Žerovnišček1 is located on the eastern edge of Cerkniško polje (fig. 1). An ancient route ran below it, which diverged from the famous Amber Route at the Postojna gates.
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