Studying in Germany a Practical Guide for International Students
Including CD-ROM with all Degree Programmes Studying in Germany A Practical Guide for International Students 5 th Edition The Most Important Questions at a Glance ƒ9 Timeline What do I have to do and when? ƒ16 Choosing a degree programme How do I find a suitable degree programme? ƒ21 Learning German How much German do I have to know? ƒ15 English-language degree programmes Can I study in English? ƒ30 Applications How do I apply for a degree programme? ƒ28 Scholarships Are there any scholarships available? ƒ25 Living expenses How much does rent, food, etc. cost? ƒ66 Finding a job Can I work during my studies? ƒ26 Health insurance Do I need health insurance? ƒ36 Visa Do I need a visa? ƒ40 A place to live How can I find a flat? ƒ42 Checklist Planning my study visit Studying in Germany A Practical Guide for International Students 5 th Edition © DAAD, as of March 2014 Publisher DAAD Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst German Academic Exchange Service Kennedyallee 50, 53175 Bonn (Germany) Section: Promotion of Study and Research in Germany Project Coordination Dr. Ursula Egyptien Gad, Esther Kirk, Katharina Kohm Text Dr. Dagmar Giersberg, Bonn Translation Robert Brambeer, Titisee-Neustadt Layout and Typesetting LPG Loewenstern Padberg GbR, Bonn Photo Credits Michael Bahlo (p. 11), Thomas Ebert (p. 59), Dörthe Hagenguth (pp. 7, 23, 72), Peter Himsel / David Ausserhofer (p. 39), Norbert Hüttermann (cover, pp. 34, 46), Peter Grewer / WWU (p. 17), Sanjay Kulkarni (p. 69), Karl-Heinz Raach (p. 50), other photographs: private Programming and Screen Design snoopmedia GmbH, Bonn Printed by Imprimerie Centrale SA, Luxembourg carbon neutral | LU-319-984073 print production Print run March 2014 – 45,000 © DAAD This brochure and the accompanying CD-ROM is also available in German.
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