Mountain View City Council Candidate Forum, 6 to 8, Microsoft, 1065 La Avenida, Bldg 1, Mountain View September 2 Board Meeting, 7 Pm, First Republic Bank, Los Altos

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Mountain View City Council Candidate Forum, 6 to 8, Microsoft, 1065 La Avenida, Bldg 1, Mountain View September 2 Board Meeting, 7 Pm, First Republic Bank, Los Altos League of Women Voters of the Los Altos-Mountain View Area July/August 2014 Mountain View City Council New$members$ Candidate Forum Welcome$to$the$League:$ Judy Crates Please join us for our first Candidate Forum of Carol Rhoads the season! Laura Shea We are pleased to have you! The League and the Mountain View Chamber of Commerce are hosting the Mountain View City Council candidates in a forum hosted at Microsoft’s Silicon Valley Campus in Mountain View. Dues%are%due%for%2014/2015% When: Wednesday, August 27 Your continued membership is more Doors open at 5:30pm important than ever before. We are gearing up Forum is from 6pm – 8pm for the November elections and will be working Where: Microsoft Silicon Valley Campus, Building 1 at to register new voters, convene candidate 1065 La Avenida, Mountain View, CA forums and get out the vote as we near Election Day. Our mission is critical as recent polls What: Co-sponsored with the Mountain View suggest only slightly more than 30 percent of Chamber of Commerce, a city council candidates registered voters in Santa Clara County intend forum has been scheduled. Oscar Garcia, President to vote in November. and CEO of the Chamber, will moderate the forum. Microsoft Corporation is our host. KMVT will record Go to to pay the forum, and it will air on the public access channel. online or use the enclosed form to pay by check. How: The event is free, but there is a pre-registration Dues are $75 for individual members or $110 for process. a household. Register to attend at Eventbrite: Save$the$Dates$for$Election$Forums$ Sept. 28: Election Meet & Greet with trustees for El Camino Hospital District, Santa Clara Valley Water District, Foothill-De Anza at the Los Altos Youth Center Opportunities$for$Involvement$ Sept. 29: Los Altos Hill City Council and The County Council of the Leagues of Women Purissima Water District at Los Altos Hills Voters of Santa Clara County is establishing a Council Chambers new Juvenile Justice Committee. We are looking for people to serve!on this committee. If you Oct. 1: Los Altos City Council at Los Altos High would!like to join the committee please contact Melody Grandell at [email protected]. Oct. 2: Mountain View-Whisman United District ! trustees, Los Altos-Mountain View High School trustees at Los Altos High School Oct. 8: Los Altos School District trustees at Los Altos Library Check our website for the latest updates! approval of office development should somehow be To Build or not to Build? “phased” so that it doesn’t “get ahead of” housing Mountain View’s housing supply continues to be provision. One aspect of public comment by Mountain tight, though several large apartment developments View residents that was not brought up by Council are in the works. Some important planning staff was repeated requests to smooth the way for an resources have also been in short supply temporarily. elementary school in the San Antonio Area. On May 27, staff suggested to Council, and Council Council has continued to hear from upset agreed, that none of the seven “gatekeeper” project residents being displaced by rising rents and proposals requesting review should proceed until redevelopment. On June 17, they passed amendments some of the major current planning tasks are to the Tenant Relocation Assistance plan, which completed. Five of the proposals were for offices, one should help some people being evicted due to for a hotel and one for expansion of an apartment redevelopment. No major initiative to deal with rent complex. escalation or to construct additional affordable units The largest development proposal already under has been heard recently. review, Merlone Geier Partners’ Phase II project at San In addition to protesting the potential aggravation Antonio Center, was still unapproved when Council of the housing situation presented by Phase II plans left for a two-month summer recess. Its advertised for San Antonio Center, residents requested “final” public hearing on July 1, which was scheduled unsuccessfully that Council prioritize an extended- for a second reading on July 8, produced no vote. stay hotel development for the city-owned Moffett Faced with major public opposition, including a Gateway site at 750 Moffett Boulevard. This would possible referendum, to a proposal for a hotel, a allow new apartments currently rented by cinema, a large parking structure, and almost 400,000 corporations for their short-term employees to be square feet of new office space – seen by critics as an rented by longer-term residents. On June 24, Council aggravation of the city’s already serious housing voted to grant Exclusive Right to Negotiate status for shortage – Council suggested that half of the proposed a hotel-plus-office proposal for this site. office space be built instead as housing. This On another topic entirely, a discussion of compromise position, requiring a partial return to the downtown-environs parking, instigated by the drawing board, will not satisfy everyone, possibly upcoming Aug. 2 opening of Levi’s Stadium in Santa including the developer; and it is not clear how it will Clara, also spanned two meetings. On June 17, staff be affected by more recent changes in Council outlined plans to move the huge Mountain View direction for the new San Antonio Precise Plan. Farmers’ Market from the Caltrain parking lot to the As the session continued, Merlone Geier only other easily accessed location where it will fit, the announced a "deal" that would give the Milk Pail city-owned temporary parking lot at Bryant and Market access to 11 City-required parking spaces that California Streets. This will occur only on sporadic cannot be provided on the Milk Pail's land. Several Sundays when there is a stadium event days after the meeting, published reports said that the ( will provide full details). deal had been a limited-time-offer contingent on Staff also proposed initially to observe, for the first Council’s approving the project on July 1. Neither season, potential incursion of parked cars into the party ruled out additional negotiations, which might residential neighborhoods near the Transit Center as result in the Milk Pail’s being allowed to remain in its fans drive to Mountain View, discover a possibly $25 current location past the January 2016 expiration date charge for parking in the Caltrain/VTA lot while of a “parking license” providing the 11 spaces on land preparing to board the light rail line that goes directly that is now part of the Phase II proposal. to the stadium, and look for other parking options. The June 24 study session on the San Antonio At Council’s request, staff performed miracles and Precise Plan, covering an area well beyond San came back on July 1 with a very different plan that Antonio Center, extended past midnight and was then starts with an event-day three-hour parking limit over continued to July 8 with a specification of no further a wide area around the Transit Center, except for one oral public input. Public comments on June 24 hour on Castro Street. Two free residential parking centered on housing needs. The session produced permits, in the form of hangtags (for onstreet parking, changes in Council directions to staff, and the public is events days only), will be mailed to each household. sure to be engaged again when the draft Precise Plan Four lots near the Transit Center will have parking is released for comment at the end of August. attendants on these days, at rates ranging from $10 to Some of the notable new features of the plan: a $25 (depending on the Caltrain lot rate). The preference for varied housing-over-retail combined five lots are expected to hold the estimated development; additional BMR housing prioritized as number of stadium-goers’ cars. Seventeen event days the most important public benefit when these must be are scheduled for the season, August to April, and provided; membership in the Transportation more are anticipated. Management Association might be required for non- —Julie Lovins, observer office large developments as well as for offices; July/August 2014 Page 2 A Voice in Local Government Mountain View - Los Altos It is a tough sell to convince citizens that Union High School District registering to vote, voting and participating in local government can effect meaningful change. A lack of Budget for 2014-15 interest is especially acute for young people and minorities The budget was presented at the meeting on May who, demographically, are the 27, offered for discussion in a public hearing at the majority population in many meeting on June 16 and approved at the meeting on areas of the United States, June 23. Highlights of changes to income include a including California. 7% growth in property tax, a payment of $1.8 million from the Shoreline development tax district, an An article by Mike increase from $1.3 million to $1.5 million expected Maciag in the July 2014 issue from the district foundation, and income from Prop 38 of Governing called “The and Common Core. On the expense side, Common Citizens Most Vocal in Local Core will require new textbooks and coaches for the Government” cited interesting teachers, and the state is planning to increase the findings about civic participation at the local level. A district's contribution to pension plans from the survey of 200 communities found that: current 8.25% to 19% over 7 years (teachers' contributions will increase from 8% to 10.5%).
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