Atypical Morphology Variation of Dark Septate Fungal Root Endophytes Of

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Atypical Morphology Variation of Dark Septate Fungal Root Endophytes Of Mycorrhiza (2003) 13:239–247 DOI 10.1007/s00572-003-0222-0 ORIGINAL PAPER J. R. Barrow Atypical morphology of dark septate fungal root endophytes of Bouteloua in arid southwestern USA rangelands Received: 26 June 2002 / Accepted: 23 December 2002 / Published online: 20 February 2003 Springer-Verlag 2003 Abstract Native grasses of semi-arid rangelands of the Keywords Arid · Carbon · Endophyte · Mucilage · southwestern USA are more extensively colonized by Mutualism dark septate endophytes (DSE) than by traditional myc- orrhizal fungi. Roots of dominant grasses (Bouteloua sp.) native to arid southwestern USA rangelands were pre- Introduction pared and stained using stains specific for fungi (trypan blue) and for lipids (sudan IV). This revealed extensive The roots of all vascular plants are universally colonized internal colonization of physiologically active roots by by diverse groups of fungi. These plant fungal associa- atypical fungal structures that appear to function as tions range from pathogenic to mutually beneficial. Root protoplasts, without a distinguishable wall or with very pathogens invade the vascular cylinder, plug or destroy thin hyaline walls that escape detection by methods the conductive tissues, and induce wilting and stunting. staining specifically for fungal chitin. These structures This results in reduced productivity or death of the host were presumed to be active fungal stages that progressed plants. On the other hand, mycorrhizal fungi have to form stained or melanized septate hyphae and significant and well-documented ecological roles in the microsclerotia characteristic of DSE fungi within dormant nutrition and survival of host plants in natural ecosystems. roots. The most conspicuous characteristic of these fungi Mycorrhizal fungi are restricted to and grow both inter- were the unique associations that formed within sieve and intracellularly in cortical and epidermal cells and on elements and the accumulation of massive quantities of the root surface. Mycorrhizal associations enhance plant lipids. This interface suggests a biologically significant nutrition, water relationships and other parameters in location for carbon transfer between the plant and fungus. exchange for photosynthetic carbon (Smith and Read The continuous intimate association with all sieve 1997). Grasses of both managed and native grasslands are elements, cortical and epidermal cells as well as external naturally infected by other fungal endophytes that extension on the root surface and into the soil indicates enhance host vigor, competitive ability and resistance to that they are systemic and considerably more prevalent pests (Clay 1990). than previously thought. A fungal network associated Plant roots are colonized also by numerous species of with a mucilaginous complex observed on the root surface saprophytic fungi with extensive, symptomless endophyt- and its potential role in root function in dry soil is ic or biotrophic phases in their life cycles that are not discussed. It is suggested that those fungi that non- apparent to causal observers (Parbery 1996). Increased pathogenically and totally colonize plant cells be classed attention has been given to an ubiquitous group of as systemic endophytic fungi (SEF). This would refine the miscellaneous ascomycetous fungi, designated as dark broad designation of DSE fungi. The potential mutualistic septate endophytes (DSE). Melanization of their septate benefit of SEF for native plants in arid ecosystems based hyphae and microsclerotia gives them their characteristic on the extent of lipid accumulation and its apparent dark color. DSE fungi may function as pathogens or distribution is discussed. saprophytes, as well as forming mutualistic associations similar to mycorrhizas (Jumpponen 2001). DSE are found J. R. Barrow ()) extensively in cold, nutrient-stressed environments where USDA, Agricultural Research Service, AM fungi do not proliferate (Kohn and Stasovski 1990). Jornada Experimental Range, New Mexico State University, A higher incidence of DSE than AM fungi was found in MSC 3JER, P.O. Box 30003, Las Cruces, NM 88003-8003, USA Carex sp. in subarctic alpine regions (Haselwandter and e-mail: [email protected] Read 1982; Ruotsalainen et al. 2002). Barrow et al. Tel.: +1-505-6467015 (1997) found DSE to be more prevalent than conventional Fax: +1-505-6465889 240 mycorrhizae in native grasses and shrubs in the warm Root preparation and clearing semi-arid rangelands of the southwestern USA. Methods developed by Bevege (1968), Brundrett et al. (1983), DSE are easily visible as stained or pigmented Kormanik et al. (1980), and Phillips and Hayman (1970) were structures under low-power light microscopy. They are modified for optimal visualization of fungi in native grass roots. observed most frequently growing inter- and intracellu- Roots were washed in tap water to remove soil. From each bulked larly within the cortex and the epidermis and on root sample, healthy feeder roots of uniform maturity and appearance (approximately 0.25 mm in diameter) were randomly selected and surfaces. Hyaline hyphae that are continuous with stained cleared by placing in an autoclave in 2.5% KOH. The temperature or melanized structures have been reported by Barrow and was increased to121C over 5 min, maintained for 3 min, and Aaltonen (2001), Haselwandter and Read (1982), New- samples were removed from the autoclave after 8 min. Roots were sham (1999) and Yu et al. (2001). Barrow and Aaltonen rinsed in tap water, bleached in 10% alkaline H2O2 for 10–45 min (2001) carefully examined histochemically stained roots to remove pigmentation, and placed in 1% HCl for 3 min. Decolorized roots were rinsed for 3 min in distilled water (dH2O) of Atriplex canescens, an important chenopodaceous before staining with either trypan blue (TB), sudan IV (SIV) or shrub indigenous to arid southwestern USA rangelands, both. To stain with TB, roots were placed in prepared TB stain with high magnification Nomarski differential interfer- (0.5 g trypan blue in 500 ml glycerol, 450 ml dH2O, 50 ml HCl), ence contrast (DIC) microscopy. They observed active autoclaved at 121C for 3 min and stored in acidic glycerol (500 ml glycerol, 450 ml H20, 50 ml HCl). For SIV staining, roots were non-staining, non-pigmented fungal structures that non- placed in prepared SIV (3.0 g sudan IV in 740 ml 95% ETOH plus destructively and predominantly colonized sieve elements 240 ml dH2O), autoclaved at 121C for 3 min and stored in acidic and were also found frequently in cortical cells. Active glycerol. For dual staining, roots were stained first in TB, forms consisted of hyphae with distinct non-staining, non- autoclaved as above and destained 24 h in the acidic glycerol. pigmented hyaline walls and presumed protoplasts where Roots were then transferred to the SIV stain and autoclaved as above. Dual-stained roots were destained in dH2O for 3 min and fungal walls were not microscopically distinguishable. stored in acidic glycerol until mounting. Chitin, a specific These active structures escaped detection by conventional component of fungal walls, stained dark blue with TB. SIV stained fungus staining and microscopic methods. both plant and fungal lipids bright red. The ecological role of DSE fungi is currently unre- Root segments (10–12 samples 2 cm long) were placed on a microscope slide in several drops of permanent mounting medium. solved. However, their widespread occurrence in cold or A cover slip was placed over the root sections and pressed firmly to drought-stressed ecosystems, their potential to function as facilitate analysis at high magnification. Analysis was done with a mycorrhizal fungi and the extensive internal colonization Zeiss Axiophot microscope using both conventional and DIC optics by active structures suggest that these endophytes are at 1000 magnification. significant components of stressed ecosystems (Barrow and Osuna 2002; Haselwandter and Read 1982; Jumppo- nen 2001). The objective of this study was to analyze the Results roots of native grasses belonging to Bouteloua to determine the nature, location and extent of active forms Lipid bodies of varied shapes and sizes were observed at of DSE fungi. times in all root cells of actively growing plants (Figs. 1, 2, 3). However, they were most prevalent in the sieve elements and frequently occupied their entire volume. Materials and methods Initially, most of the lipid bodies were presumed to be within plant vacuoles; however, examination of many Root collections samples showed them to have fungal coil-like shapes (Fig. 2A, D). As roots tended towards dormancy, TB- Roots were sampled weekly during 2001 from native populations of stained fibers in clumps were observed (Fig. 2B) in the black grama, Bouteloua eriopida sp. (Torr.) Torr., and periodically same roots within a few millimeters; lipid bodies were from native populations of Bouteloua curtipendula Michx. A. Gray. These populations were located on the Jornada Experimental Range observed forming within the clumps (Fig. 2C). Most of the USDA Agricultural Research Service in southern New frequently, lipid bodies in the sieve elements of physio- Mexico. Soil was chronically dry and soil moisture was generally logically active roots were not visibly associated with TB- less than 3% at most sampling times, except for brief periods stained tissue. However, as plants became dormant, following precipitation events, when the soil was nearly saturated. Blue grama, Bouteloua gracilis (Kunth) Lag. Ex Steud., from considerable TB-stained
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