Fungal Diversity


The fungal endophyte dilemma

Hyde , K.D.1,2 * and Soytong, K. 3

1Faculty of Environmental Engineering, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming, Yunnan, P.R. China 2 School of Science, Mae Fah Luang University, Chiang Rai, Thailand 3 King Mongskut’s Institue of Technology, Ladkrabang, Bangkok, Thailand

Hyde, K.D. and Soytong, K. (2008) . The fungal endophyte dilemma . Fungal Diversity 33: 163 -173 .

Much has been written on endophytes and there have been many definitions of endophytes propos ed. In th is commentary we comment on the considerable amount of work that has been published on endophytes and detail the various definitions that have been put forward . Mycorrhizal fungi occur within roots which are symptomless and most definitions of end ophytes would accommodate this ecological group. Mycorrhizae however, are not usually regarded in the same mode as endophytes. We highlight what we consider to be some of the major advances in endophyte studies and briefly comment on the occurrence of endo phytes and their roles. The mutualistic role of non grass endophytes is mostly speculative and here we explore the roles of endophytes as saprobes and/or latent . Endophytes, especially those from medicinal have become the focus of re search for bioactive compounds – we provide possible explanations for this. The study of endophytes is alluring and we propose reasons for this ; high diversity; easy to apply statistics; easy to study . We discuss some important needs when pursuing endophyt e studies. The isolation of endophytes is a method -dependent process and therefore it should be realized that in any study, the endophytes isolated will be dependent on the method ology used and intensity of the study. Direct analysis of DNA may provide a n alternative method to reveal endophytes present in plant material.

Key words: DGGE, diversity, ecological role, host -specificity, methodology, mycorrhizae

Article Information Received 30 October 200 8 Accepted 20 November 200 8 Published online 30 Novembe r 2008 *Corresponding author: Kevin D. Hyde; [email protected]

Introduction endophyte studies; and 5) draw attention to the need to find new ways to study endophytes. There has been much written on fungal The paper will address the mystical non-grass endophytes this year (2008) with an issue of endophytes as much less is known concerning Fungal Biology Reveiws and this issue of the role of these mi cro -organisms. Fungal Diversity devoted to the subject. Several deca des of research and numerous articles on endophytic fungi in plants have What are endophytes resulted in a plethora of knowledge of the Much has been written on endophytes; group. The data in part however, has been they have been defined in many ways and there biased by the methodology used, and one have been many reviews and even books on the question that we should ask is “ how much do subject. So what is the best definition for plant we really know about fungal endophytes, endophytes? The most commonly used especially the non-grass endophytes ?” In this definition is that of Petrini (1991), “All paper we will 1) précis the information on organisms inhabiting plant organs that at some endophytes; especially their definition and role; time in their life, can colonize internal plant 2) briefly visit natural products discovery from tissues without causing apparent harm to the endophytes; 3) explain why endophyte studies host ” however, there are many alternatives appear to be alluring; 4) point out the pitfalls of (Box 1).

163 The term “ endophyte” was introduced by De Bary and was for some time applied to “any organisms occurring within plant tissues” (De Bary, 1866)

“Mutualists, those fungi that colonize aerial parts of living plant tissues and do not cause symptoms of disease (Carroll, 1986)

“Fungi that form unapparent infections within leaves and stems of healthy plants (Carroll, 1988)

“Fungi as colonizers of the living internal tissues of their plant host” (Rollinger and Langenheim, 1993)

“All organisms inhabiting plant organs that at so me time in their life, can colonize internal plant tissues without causing apparent harm to the host” (Petrini, 1991)

“A group that colonize living, internal tissues of plants without causing any immediate, overt negative effects” (Hirsch and Braun, 199 2).

“Endophytes are any fungi isolated from internal symptomless plant tissues” (Cabral et al ., 1993)

“Fungi and which, for all or part of their life cycle, invade the tissues of living plants and cause unapparent and asymptomatic infections entirely within plant tissues, but cause no symptoms of disease” (Wilson, 1995)

“Infection strategy is regarded as important in the definition of the term endophyte” (Wilson, 1995)

“The term endophyte should be clearly defined in any study” (Brown et al ., 1998)

“True endophytes – fungi whose colonization never results in visible disease symptoms (Mostert et al ., 2000)

“Fungi that colonize a plant without causing visible disease symptoms at any specific moment” (Schulz and Boyle, 2005)

Box 1. Definitions of the term endophyte

In this issue of Fungal Diversity there to those endophytes found in leaves. are also three papers on mycorrhizae in roots. However, there are always exceptions to the Mycorrhizae grow in symbiotic association rule; Cenococcum geophilum has been with plants and both benefit from this observed as a foliar endophyte and as a association (Rinaldi et al., 2008). Most of the mycorrhizal associate (Arnold , 2007). definitions of endophytes (Box 1) would accommodate mycorrhizae, however, it “goes History of endophyte studies without saying” that these lifestyles differ and The earliest re cord of mutualistic should not be confused. The fungi associated symbiosis is in the roots of the fossil tree with the roots of orchids are usually termed Amyelon radicians from the Paleozoic era mycorrhizae, but the paper by Tao et al. (Bacon and Hill, 1996). This is considered (2008) reveal that “real” endophytes may also important not only from the standpoint of the be present in the roots and other tissues of original of endophytic symbiosis, but also for orchids. Arnold (2007) explores the problem evidence that plant- associations of endophytes versus mycorrhizae and occurred very early in evolutionary terms . illustrate that the mycorrhizae found in roots The major advances in endophyte studies a re are mostly different in taxonomic composition listed in Box 2.

164 Fungal Diversity

• 1898 - Asymptomless endophytes were first isolated and cultured from of temulentum (Vogl, 1898, cited by Wilso n, 1996). • 1933 -1989 - This discovery prompted a series of studies in which similar asymptomatc endophytes were recorded in a wide range of grasses (Sampson, 193 8; Latch et al ., 198 5; Saha et al ., 1987; White, 1987; Clay and Leuchtmann, 1989). • 1977 -1983 - Extensive work on endophytes of conifers (Carroll et al ., 1977; Carroll and Carroll, 1978; Carroll and Petrini, 1983) • 1982 -2000 - Significant contribution to knowledge of endophytes ( Petrini and Petrini 1985; Petrini, 1991, 1996 ) • 1987 -1991 - Contribution to UK (and European) endophytes (Fisher and Petrini, 1987 , 1990; Petrini and Fisher, 1990; Fisher et al ., 1991). • 1990 -2000 - Extensive work on endophytes of palms (Rodrigues and Samuels, 1990; Rodrigues, 199 4; Taylor et al ., 1999; Fröhlich et al ., 2000). • 199 6 - Endophytic fungi in grasses and woody plants - book on endophytes published by Redlin and Carris (1996). • 1998 - Introduction of leaf imprint method for checking isolation protocols (Schulz et al ., 1998) . • 2000 -2008 - Significant contribution to knowledg e of tropical endophytes ( e.g. Suryanarayanan and Kumaresan , 2000 ).) • 2000 -2008 - S ignificant contribution to knowledge of endophyte s (e.g . Arnold et al ., 2000 ; Arnold , 2007) • 2004 - Review o f fungal endophytes. Topics include definitions, host -specificity, isolation techniques, modes of infection and colonization, molecular characterization and roles (Ghimire and Hyde, 2004). • 2005 - Review, the endophyte continuum . Topics addressed include definitions, balansiaceous and non - balansiaceous endophytes, coloniza tion, diversity and secondary metabolites. Much of the review focuses on mechanisms of interaction between the endophytes and host ( Schulz and Boyle, 2005 ). • 2008 – Issue of Fungal Biology Reviews dedicated to endophytes • 2008 – Issue of Fungal Diversity de dicated to endophyte studies

Box 2. History of endophyte publications

Occurrence and biodiversity of non-grass Role of endophytes endophytes When discussing the role of endophytes; Endophytes have been isolated from all the endophyte s are usually categorized as plants studied to date. Plants range from large clavicipitalean (grass -inhabiting) and non cla - trees (Gonthier et al., 2006; Oses et al., 2 008), vicipitalean ( generally non grass -inhabiting). palms ( Taylor et al., 1999; Fröhlich et al., The functions of grass endophytes are 2000), sea grasses (Alva et al., 2002), and even generally better known (see Clay, 1988, 1996, lichens (Li et al., 2007). The numbers of strains 1997); whereas the role of non-grass endo- and species of endophytes vary considerably phytes is rather mystical. Here, we will explore and generally depend on the intensity of the the roles of non-grass endophytes. study . In co nclusion, 1) the numbers of Much has been written on the roles of endophytes (strains and species) depends on non grass endophytes ( Arnold, 2007; Sieber, how much care, time and Petri -dishes are used 2007; Slippers and Wingfield, 2007). They in a study; a meticulous researcher will have been implicated in , decreas ed laboriously isolate thousands of strains and herbivory, increas ed drought resistance , in - consequently more species; a lackadaisical creas ed disease resistance and enhance ment of researcher wil l achieve the opposite; 2) plant growth (Fröhlich et al., 2000; Sieber, temperate plants yield different communities of 2007). However , demonstration of mutualism endophytes as those from tropical plants; 3) under field conditions has been mostly incon- different tissues may yield different endophyte clusive (Sieber, 2007). communities and 4) we know very little about Much more needs to be done to prove the role of endophytes ( Johnston et a l., 2006; that endophytes have beneficial traits for Sieber 2007). Most endophytes isolated to date plants. Koch’s postulate should be performed have been ascomycetes and their anamorphs, to prove the endophyte life style, however, few however Rungjindamai et al. (2008) show that studies have come close to fulfilling these several endophytes may also basidiomycetes. requirements (Sieber, 2007). Several studies however, do i ndicate reduction in herbivory in

165 plants colonized with certain endophy te species Table 1. Some examples of e ndophytes that (see Sieber; 2007). have been shown to be latent pathogens

Endophytes become primary saprobic Host Latent Disease Reference decomposers Several recent studies have explored relationships between endophytes and their role Citrus Phomopsis Stem en d Wright, spp. citri rot 1998 as saprobes (Hyde et al., 2007; Promputtha et Fusicoccum Stem end Wright, al., 2007). The evidence is circumstantial; aesculi rot 1998 however, it seems likely that some (or many) Lasiodiplodia Stem end Wright, saprobes are derived from endophytes ( Hyde et theobromae rot 1998 al., 2007; Promputtha et al., 2007; Duong et al., 2008). If this hypo thesis is correct and Vitis Phomopsis Leaf Mostert et sap robes are derived from endophytes then it is vinifera viticola lesions al ., 2000 more likely that they would be host or tissue- specific . E ndophytes may have developed intimate relationships with their hosts during Discovery of natural products from evolution and may be host - or even tissue- endophytes specific (Zhou and Hyde, 2001; Tao et al., There has been considerable interest in 2008). Several studies provide evidence to screening endophytes for novel compounds support th e hypothesis that saprobe host (e.g. Kumar and Hyde, 2004; T ejes vi et al., specificity in plants is dependent on internal 2007) and Dreyfuss and Chapela (1994) endophytes , while others indicate that host predicted that endophytic fungi are potentially components may regulate the endophytes a major source for new, useful metabolites. within ( Paulus et al., 2006). Whate ver the Until 2003 approximately 4,000 secondary reason it is clear that many endophytes in metabolites with biological activity had been leaves (and woody tissues) are host, host genus described from fungi (Dreyfuss and Chapela, or host family specific ( Arnold, 2007) and that 1994). Most of these metabolites are produced this specificity must depend on factors such as by so called “creative fungi” which include initial endophyte colonization and/or substan - species of Acremonium, Aspergillus, Fusarium ces within leav es and wood ( Paulus et al., and Penicillium, but there has been less 2006; Arnold , 2007; Hyde et al., 2007). research on endophytes ability to produce novel metabolites. Schulz et al. (2002) isolated Endophytes as mutualists and latent around 6500 endophytic fungi and tested their pathogens biological potential. They analyzed 135 Some endophytes are known to be latent secondary metabolites and found th at 51% of pathogens and much has been written on the bioactive compounds (38% for soil isolates) subject ( see Brown et al., 1998; P hotit a et al., isolated from endophytic fungi were new 2004; Sieb er, 2007; Slippers and Wingfield, natural products. Schulz et al. (2002) con- 2007). There are numerous examples of cluded that endophytic fungi are a good source endophytes that become pathogens (see Table 1 of novel compounds and that “screening is not for some examples , Brown et al., 1998). Sieber a random walk though a forest”. (2007) states that endophyt ic “pathogens” have The discovery that Taxol could be pro - co -evolved with their host s and are thus not duced by endophytes of the Yew tree ( Taxus highly virulent. These “pathogens” must at sp.) by Strobel et al. (1996) lead to an some time sporulate and when leaves senesce, explosion of endophyte studies on Chinese and or the plants are stressed or when the plants other medicinal plants (Tan and Zou, 2001; produce fruit that will eventually rot – this is Strobel et al., 1999; Strobel, 2003; St robel and the ideal time to sporulate. Much has been Daisy, 2003; Te jesvi et al ., 2007; Huang et al., written on the subject of mutualism and latent 2008). The premise is based on the fact that pathogens (see Sieber, 2007) and the topics endophytes have evolved with plants over a will not be addressed further. long evolutionary time (Taylor and Taylor,

166 Fungal Diversity 2000) and that they may have changed genetic 1. Studies provide high taxon diversity, information with the plants and visa versa can be completed in the relative (Stierle et al., 1993). Fungal endophytes are comfort of a laboratory with minimal known to produce metabolites that mimic the fieldwork, and use a well -established structure and function of host compounds traditional methodology that any moti - (Strobel, 2002) - and can produce plant growth vated student can follow. hormones such as gibberellins (MacMillan , 2. Most sporulating isolates are relatively 2002). Subglutinols which are produced by easily identified (at least to genus) as Fusarium subglutinans, an endophyte of the they belong to less than 50 charac - Chinese medicinal plant, Tripterygium wil - teristic genera. fordii possess immunosuppressive properties 3. Various methodology can be applied to and structural similarities to those of the active mycelia sterilia to promote sporulation; compounds in the plant (Lee et al., 1995; alternatively molecular methods can be Strobel, 2002). The isolation of endophytes utilized to i dentify these relatively fast from medicinal plants followed by screening growing morphotypes for bioactive compounds has become one of the 4. Sophisticated statistics can be applied main areas of endophyte research in recent to the isolates which “appear” to have years. (Kumar and Hyde , 2004; Te jesv i et al., been derived from single random units 2007; Huang et al., 2008) and will satisfy the demands of any There may be an alternative explanation unforgiving non-fungal ecologist. for the high number of bioactive compounds 5. The relatively fast growing and that have been found in endophytes (Schult z et “highly” diverse endophytes provide al., 2002). The diversity of endophytes is high ideal tools for screening and novel and endophytes are relatively fast growing on compound discovery and they can routinely used laboratory media. Many of the easily be lodged in culture collections. species are so -called “creative fungi” (Dreyfuss This is in contrast, for example to studies and Chapela, 1994) and produce large amount of saprobes from leaves, which require of novel compounds. It may be that the high uncomfortable f ield work (in the tropics); the diversity, fast growth and portion of “creative need to work lengthy hours to examine the fungi” isolated as endophytes may account for material before it spoils; protracted microscope the high diversity of novel compounds work and identification complexity; the intri - discovered. If saprobes were treated in a cacy and frustration in carrying out single spore similar way, with isolation of only fast growing isolations; the invariably slow growi ng strains; mostly “creative fungi” - then we m ight also the criticisms in statistical analysis (how can obtain a high diversity of novel compounds. the fruiting body represent the mycelia in the leaves), all to obtain a similarly high species The alluring endophytes diversity, albeit with greater taxonomic unpre - Considering the number of studies that dictability. Thus if you had the choice as a have been carried out on plant endophytes - student - what would you study? now at more than 15 papers per year (Arnold, 2007) - versus the significance of the data, one Looking for endophytes must ask the question – why are endophytes so The mycologist new to fungal endophyte alluring? Many of my past and present students studies could be easily forgiven for not have expressed a remarkable desire to study believing that endophytes really occur within endophytes, usually without sound reasons. plants. After all take a healthy leaf and surface However , if a student has such enthusiasm to sterilize it with some weak bleac h - how can study a particular subject I would never that possibly kill all epiphytes? However , there without reason, hold them back. There are also are methods to stain the leaves and view the many advantages to studying endophytes endophytes within (see Sampson, 1938; Cabral particularly in terms of attaining publishable et al., 1993; Alva et al., 2002). Johnston et al . (2006) used a creative technique to visualize results: endophyti c fungi within leaves by detecting ß -

167 D-glucans in fungal cell walls. After looking at are those that grow out ( Gonthier et al., 2006; the micrographs in these publications even the Devarajan and Suryanarayanan, 2006; Wei et most skeptical would accept th at endophytes al., 2007). There are numerous references to really do occur within living plants. fungi being unable to grow in culture (unculturable; Duong et al., 2007; Seena et al., Problems with methodology 2008; Tao et al., 2008; Zhu et al., 2008), The problem i n using traditional metho- commonly fungi are very slow gr owing (Zhu et dology to study endophytes has previously al., 2008) and often fungi require specific been recognized (see Duong et al., 2007; Hyde media (e.g. Ceratocystis , van Wyk et al., and Soytong, 2007). The study of endophytes 2007). Many endophytes are fastidious and will is a method-dependent process (Guo et al., not grow on the artificial media routinely used 2001). Therefore endophyte papers should (Guo et al., 2001). Thus, when we isolate always mention that there may be a problem in endophytes by traditional methodology we the methodology used. Researchers should conceivably only obtained the faster growing realize that the techniques severely influence culturable fungi and it is highly probable that the fungal endophytes isolate d. Therefore they some or even numerous endophytes are never should state the probable flaws of their study isolated (Guo et al., 2001; Duong et al., 2007; methods in manuscripts and move forward in Hyde and Soytong, 2007). Even the addition of the paper from the premise that the results are Rose Bengal (Frohlich et al., 2000) is unlikely influenced by the methodology. This is better to drastically improve this situation. This is than having the reviewers point this out or no most probably why , one picking it up at all! Phomopsis , Phyllosticta and xylariaceous Pilot studies are an essential component species are dominant endophytes and yet none of traditional methodology used in endophytes of these genera commonly occur as saprobes studies ( Fröhlich et al., 2000). Different hosts (W ong and Hyde, 2001; Yanna et al., 2001; and plant organs require different sterilization Photita et al., 2005). This is particularly true on times; thicker leaves require longer times than palms where the dominant endophytes are thin leaves. One must therefore establish the Colletotrichum, Phomopsis and Xylaria taxa strength of free chlorine or other sterilants (Fröhlich and Hyde, 2000) and yet these fungi needed to make sure that all external fungi are are rarely found on dead palms leav es (Fr öhlich removed from the substrate surface. Without and Hyde, 2000; Taylor and Hyde, 2003; doing this one will end up with large numbers Pinnoi et al., 2006; Pinruan et al., 2007). of surface contaminants (e.g. Aspergillus, Any further work on endophytes Cladosporium, Penicillium) if the sterilization resulting from traditional methodology must is not effective or very few endophytes if to o accept that the data has many inherent effecive. problems. This includes the fact that the Schultz et al. (1998) introduced a method biodiversity isolated is likely to be much lower for testing whether the surface sterilization than that actually present and that the methods efficiently eliminated epiphytes. This endophyte communities isolated will be biased involves making leaf imprints on the agar towards faster growing fungi that are capable surface. If no fungi grow out then the of growing rapidly on the media used. They sterilization protocol can be deemed effective. will comprise typical endophytes (e. g. Sánchez -Márquez et al. (2007) concluded that Colletotrichum, Phomopsis , Phyllosticta and this is an excellent method for testing protocols Xylaria species). Any fu ture work would for isolating endophytes and should be used in therefore be biased and therefore. all endophyte studies. Future manuscripts should be questioned if they have not tested 1) If statistics is applied to the data the their protocols by using this method. evaluations (e.g. Frohlich et al., 2000; Probably the most important, yet rarely Kumar et al., 2004) will be unsound mentioned flaw in endophyte studies is the fact due to the above bias. the pieces of plant material are placed on agar 2) If molecular sequencing is used to and that the endophytes isolated in any study identify mycelia sterilia (e.g. Lacap et

168 Fungal Diversity al., 2003; Wang et al., 2005; Prom- followed by amplification with fungal -specific puttha et al., 2005, 2007; Sánchez - primers and the establishment of ribosomal Márquez et al., 2007; Rungjindamai et gene libraries to access the diversity of fungi in al., 2008; Tao et al., 2008), it should be submerged decaying leaves. Phylogenetic understood that only the faster growing analyses of randomly selected cloned endophytic taxa are being identified . sequences allow estimation of the frequencies 3) It is not wise to compare endophytic of occurrence of various fungal groups based and saprobic communities as the endo- on their contribution to the community DNA phytes isolated are biased towards those pool (Vandenkoornhuyse et al., 2002; Schadt et that are capable of growing rapidly on al., 2003; Seena et al, 2008). This approach in the media used ; foliicolous saprobes on theory, allows much greater resolution and the o ther hand are often slow growing unequivocal a ssignment to a taxon. Their total fungi. OTU numbers on decaying leaves in streams 4) Although endophytes can be screened was high, and exceeded earlier estimates using for enzymes and novel compounds (e.g. DGGE and T -RLFP, also on leaves decaying in Te jesv i et al., 2007; Ragukumar , 2008; streams (Nikolcheva and Bärlocher, 2004, Mitchell et al., 2008), the screening will 2005). not be representative of the total There are potential errors in total DNA endophyte community prese nt in the extraction; PCR -based errors have mainly been leaves. attributed to PCR biases and artefacts, and 2) data interpretation (Bidartando and Gardes, Ways around the traditional methodology 2005; Wintzingerode et al., 1997). Obviously dilemma the molecular methods used are contentious and further work is needed to o vercome Previous research into endophytes of problems. Different sequences from DGGE or plants may have provided incomplete data T-RFLP may result in the same signal, and concerning endophyte biodiversity. Therefore without further analyses the homogeneity of serious thought needs to be applied to the these sequences cannot be established (e.g. by problem of revealing t he entire fungal endo- extracting and sequencing the DNA from an phyte communities present within plants . There individual DGGE band). The knowledge of the have been several attempts to detect total biases and errors in DNA extraction, followed fungal communities by extracting the entire by and sequencing is also incomplete. host DNA (for example from leaves) with Further progress is currently hampered by the various methods to sequence individual taxa. relative scarcity of fungal and related eukaryo - Potentially successful methods include DNA tic sequences in databases; there is insufficient cloning (Guo et al., 2000, 2001; Seena et al., data t o evaluate confidently the equivalency of 2008), DGGE (Duong et al., 2007; Tao et al., percentage sequence similarities and species, 2008) or T -RLFP (Nikolcheva and Bärlocher, genera or even families (Seena et al., 2008). 2004, 2005). Both DNA cloning and DGGE are labour intensive and resulted in low Acknowledgements endophyte bio diversity . It appears that T-RLFP We dedicate this paper to Jane Fröhlich and Jo is only now being utilized for revealing Taylor, two of my past graduate students who persisted endophyte diversity within plant tissues (ref) . in studying endophytes and allured me to the topic . Estimations of fungal communities by extraction of total DNA are further advanced in References other groups, e.g. soil fungi (Schadt et al., 2003; Anderson et al., 2003; Anderson and Alva, P, McKenzie, E.H.C., Pointing, S.B., Pena - Cairney, 2004), plant roots (Vandenkoornhuyse Muralla, R. and Hyde, K.D. (2002). Do sea grasses harbour endophytes? Fungal Diversity et al., 2002; Tao et al., 2008) and submerged Research Series 7: 167 -178. leaves (Nikolcheva and Bärlocher, 2004, 2005; Anderson, I.C., Campbell, C.D. and Prosser, J.I. (2003). Seena et al., 2008). Seena et al. (2008) have Potential bias of fungal 18S rDNA and internal used extraction of whole -community DNA, transcribed spacer polymerase chain reaction

169 primers for estimating fungal biodiversity in soil. Clay, K. ( 1997 ). Fungal endophytes, , and the Environmental Microbiology 5: 36 -47. structure of grass land communities. In: Multi - Anderson, I.C. and Cairney, J.W.G. (2004). Dive rsity trophic Interactions in Terrestrial Systems (eds. and ecology of soil fungal communities: A.C. Gange and V.K. Brown). Blackwell, increased understanding through the application Oxford, UK: 151 -169. of molecular techniques. Environmental Micro - Clay , K. and Leuchtmann, A. ( 1989 ). Infection of biology 6: 769 -779. woodland grasses by fungal endophytes. Arnold, A.E. (2007). Understanding the diversity of Mycologia 81: 805 -811. foliar endophytic fungi: progress, challenges , and De Bary , A. (1866). Morphologie und Physiologie der frontiers. Fungal Biology Reviews 21: 51 -66. Pilze, Flechten, und Myxomyceten . Holfmeister’s Arnold, A.E., Maynard, Z., Gilbert, G.S., Coley, P.D. Handbook of Physiological Botany. Vol 2. and Kursar, T.A. (2000). Are tropical fungal Leipzig. endophytes hyperdiverse? Ecology Letters 3: Dreyfuss, M.M. and Chapela, I.H. (1994). Potential of 267 -274. fungi in the discovery of novel, low -molecular Bacon , C.W. and Hill, N.S. ( 1996 ). Symptomless grass weight pharm aceuticals. In: The Discovery of endophytes: Products of coevolutionary sym - Natural Products with Therapeutic Potential (ed. biosis and their role in ecological adaptations of V.P. Gullo). Butterworth -Heinemann, London, infected grasses. In: Endophytic Fungi in Grasses UK: 49 -80. and Woody Plants (eds. S.C. Redlin and L.M. Devarajan, P.T. and Suryanarayanan, T.S. (2006). Carris). APS Press, Minnesota: 155 -178. Evidence for the role of phytophagous insects in Bidartando, M.I. and Gardes, M. (2005). Fungal dispersal of non -gras s fungal endophytes. Fungal diversity in molecular terms: profiling, Diversity 23: 111 -119. identification, and quant ification in the Duong, L.M., Jeewon, R., Lumyong, S. and Hyde, K.D environment . 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