Mustang Daily, April 26, 2001
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C A L I F P R N l A P 0 L Y T E C H N I C STATE UNIVERSITY, SAN lUIS OBISPO Come one, come all: X)kk’r Thursday, April 26,2001 <k>;kiirc\v*»r. Eyegasm exhibit showcases But it b tlic students' ¡yersonal portraits, 7 youth that must Ditch the druggies: fighi Amhidances shouLln't wait, 4 íhhI dìe'* High: 72° / Low: 52° Volume LXV, Number 121, 1916-2001 X'' For extended weather forecast, see Daily Dose, 2 DAILY Campaign University Union turns 30 Renowned signs found By Adrenna Benjamin architects MUSTANG DAILY STAFF WRITER visit Poly distorted While styles and have changed a lot since the 1970s, By Katherine Gernhardt By Janelle Foskett some C'al Poly staples are perma MUSTANG DAILY STAFF WRITER MUSTANG DAILY STAFF WRITER nent. Numcroiii» c.imp.iiLin poster*' tor a Today the Julian .A. MePhee Repre.sentatives from companies canJiJate tor tlu* AssiKiatcJ Stiklents, University Union turned 10 years such as llisney and world-renowned Irtu presuicnt position h.ive Ix-cn tt>rn old. In honor ot that, there will be .irchitects will be among the speak down or altered in the last two days. a birthday celebration in the UU ers at the C'ollege ot Architecture IVent Vann, a political science pla:a. and Environmental l\*sign’s senior and candidate tor ASl presi “Students can participate in (C'AED) intormarional forum in dent, said he was shocked when he was -t- sinuiny happy birthday to the Cduimash .Auditorium Friday and iittormed Wednesday inorninL: his UU," s.iid Kerri Holden, commit Saturday. c. iinp.iiL;n jxisters had been changed to tee or>.;ani:er. “We’re also ha\ inu a The forum will feature product lot ot tree things to yive .iw.iy, depict the word “Biyot" in place ot his ««■Li shows and presentations by con last n.ime at the top ot the posters. such as eitt certiticates to Jamba struction corporations and other V'.tnn s,iul the j'sisters ha».l been Juice, Caddstone, .McLintocks .ind industry professionals. Ladd said taken down, scanned with new words the product show will incliule see UNION, page 2 and phrases and put u|' where his orig COURTESY PHOTO/UNIVERSITY ARCHIVES, CALIFORNIA POLYTECHNIC STATE UNIVERSITY state-of-the-art technology and inal jsosters Iven pl.iced. Where sample m.iterial for students. Vann’s posters reail “Vote Vann," the A highlight of Friday’s presenta .titered psisters read “Vote iL'norance." tions will be Scott Bates of Walt The altered I'Htsters also depicted racial Disney Imagineering at 2; 10 p.m. slurs in quotes. V.inn said. ''jñit- He IS the project manager for the Vann said he ver\ upset when new C'.ilifornia Adventure rheme he tirst heard .iKnit the inculent, hut p.irk in .Anaheim. students are sin.irt etiou^h to L.idil and D.ile Dodd-H.insen, make decisions tor themselves. event org.mizer, .igreed that .mother “1 h.ive never lx*eit called .invthint; highlight of the forum will be tw<) like Ivtore,” he s.ud. “Thev will S.iturd.iv si-min.irs given bv “worLI know I t ’s not true.” renowned” iichitects Ste\en ,‘\lthoui;h V.inn s.ud his opponents’ Ehrlich ,md Jon Jerde. The scnim.irs sup|xirtets m.iv lx* res|\)nsihle tor the will t ike .It 10:1$ ,i.m. .iiul d. im.i).;e to his jsosters, he is “in no way .iccusinii" his op|sonents. 2:4$ p.m.. respectively. .Ardith Treyen:.!, ciHirdin.itor ot DodvI-l l.insen s.ud the forum (-.impus Student Rel.itions .md IS put on to benefit students. The Attairs, sud she would have tt) diverse group ot presenters is know who masle the altered posters tor attracts students to the event. He the incident M tall under what is noted that the Gal Poly forum has actionable in the Student CaxJe ot attracted professionals from around Conduct. the world. “At this point, we don’t have any “We’ve had people come from as intonnation to move torward," she far as Spain and Guatemala," he said. “I certainly understand their con said. This IS the third consecutive cern. and I wiHild hope there would K* year that C^al Poly has hosted the tair practices used in this political forum. procevs." A third presentation will be Tuesday night’s altering; t>t Vann’s given on Saturday at I p.m. by poster was not the tirst problem in his (daire Turtle of Wet Design. Tuttle COLLIN HESTER/MUSTANG DAILY designed the water display at the see POSTERS, page 2 Bellagio Hotel and tdisino in Las, and Dodd-Hansen called her “the most significant w.iter designer Local businesses volley to help charityon the planet." A roundtable discussion, which By Whitney Kellogg to 1 p.m. The Aloha Volleyball Classic is a competing» against approximately 100 will be held Friday night, will give- MUSTANG DAILY STAFF WRITER colleges. “Everyone loves Hawaii,” sjiid Lisa senior project tor the seniors students a chance to ask questions Rancho Grande Motors fuixled the Kellert, a business senior and director and is part ot the General Motors of the presenters. Ladd noted that Aloha! There’s no need to start group with $ 2,$00 for the campaign. ot public relations for the student Markettnt» Internship, a national col- the discussion also gives the presen packing a swimsuit and .sandals tor a The dealership increased its radio team. “We rhou>»ht aKnit doiny a lej»iate competition that provides stu ters a rare opportunity to interact Hawaiian vacation in the middle of advertising campaign by $ 1,000 and country theme because it’s at the dents with a hands-on, educational with each other. sprint» quarter. Twelve Cal Poly stu included event information in its reg Rancho Grande Motors dealership, experience, said Norm Borin, the “This is one of the opportunities dents, General Motors and a liKal car ular newspaper advertising, Kellert but this is a beach town.’’ team’s adviser and markerinn professor. for (the profe.ssionals) to actually dealership are brinuint» the islands to said. The team posted fliers around k>iLx>kers who enter into a tree raf For more than eij»ht years, the San L u is Obispo on Saturday with a campus and the community and wore take a moment in their careers to fle at the event will K* eligible to win Orfalea Qille>»e ot Business has chosen volleyball and barbecue tund-raiser. T-shirts promoting the fund-raiser to stop and compare notes,” Ladd said. more than $ 2,000 in prizes, including a team of top marketing students to Sixteen Kxal businesses will partic solicit que.stions. Ladd complimented students for two round-trip rickets for a four-ninht design and advertise a promotional ipate in the sand volleyball touma- Most of the money*from the dealer exemplifying the university’s “learn trip to Honolulu. A dunk tank with campaitjn for a local organization, run ment benetirint» Bit» Brothers-Bit» ship went to bringing 90 tons of sand by doing" philosophy. Cal Poly students and faculty partici the fund-raising event and analyze the Sisters ot San Luis Obispo ('ounty. to the event site, advertising and buy “What makes Cal Poly students pants and a Jamba Juice “smtxxhie results. This year’s team, CAiastal The event will K* at Rancho (jrande ing materials for the actual event, she so appealing is that they’ve had slamminj»’’ contest are additional Oeations Marketing Group, chose to Motors from lLl a.m. to 4 p.m. and is said. experience building and designing,” tree to the public. Students and the donation opportunities. support Bij» Brothers-Bi^ Sisters of San Tlte team expects to raise at least he said. community are invited to watch the “It’s w'hiK'ver can pound the Jamba Luis Obispo C'ounty, a local charity $ 1,000 and to accommodate more The Construction Sciences tour-on-tour tournaments and to buy Juice the fastest without ^»ettinf» a that provides mentors for more than foixi from Firestone Grill from 10 a.m. brain freeze," Kellert said. 160 children in the area. The team is see TOURNAMENT, page 2 see FORUM, page 2 2 Thursday, April 26,2001 News Mustang Daily Holden said the UU has looked The UU has ¡^one through a lot UNION the same since 1971 because ot his over the last 50 years, but the tuture TOURNAMENT continued from page 1 torical and architectural reasons. ot the building: seems promisinji. continuetj from page 1 “Fitteen years ayo, the school was “We will also have drawing’s ot a little more liberal and less con what the UU will look like in the $75 from El Corral Bookstore." than 500 people Saturday. cerned about makiny money com tuture," Holden said. 1 lokk'n said there will also he a H) Big Brothers-Big Sisters of San Luis pared to how it is now," >aid Rick Architects held tocus yroups and playing music. Obispo Ckiunty will use the money to Shreve, maintenance engineer tor most students su^Kested having; a TODAY'S SUN “While the l')J is playinj», there match kids ages 6 to 16 and raise com the UU. tannint’ salon in the tuture as well as Rise: 6:16 a.m. / Set: 7:45 p.m.