Ilcparnntnt of ~Blic Ork.S LOS ANGELES Conceming the Lindo

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Ilcparnntnt of ~Blic Ork.S LOS ANGELES Conceming the Lindo ... ". .. ' EARL WARREN OCfYU"Otl OP' CAI.lPOIIMIA A. D. EDMONSTON. STAT& IEHCliNUJI FRANK D. DURtCI:IE CMIIII' 0~ DL¥1110.. 01111~'" STATE OF CALIFORNIA }lr. Ed Fletcher -2- January 19, 195.3 ilcparnntnt of ~blic ork.s LOS ANGELES Conceming the Lindo. Vista .Hcsa wells, we have written to Paul Bcermann to ascertain the source ot his information. If this source is a AOO .. Caa RD'\.Y TO January 19, 195.3 State Agency, we cnn naturally secure the data at the source. DIVISION OfF WATER RIUOURCES eoa CAUFO.. NlA aTAT& a1.0a. LOS ANGELU 12 Again I wish to thank you for your interest and cooperation in fur- nishing this Division with your information. I am aorey we do not have 8Ufficient ~istorical data or sufficient time to make further exploratory tests to ascer- tain the exact source of the water supply for your deep wells. Please keep me advised it you decide to make a combined pump test on all of your \otells. Mr. Ed Fletcher 103J 9th Avenue Very Truly yours 1 San Diego, Cal 1 tomia A. D. EDMOi STON, STA'lE EllGThreEI.. Dear Ed: Your letter or January 19, 195.3, enclosing in!otw!tion on your wells in El. Cajon Valley, has been received. The information which yo\' furnished supple- ments that 'Which we have already obtained. It is unfortunate that more data concerning water levels, mineral quality of water, and exact quantities of \1>.-ater pumped from e!!ch well. were not kept. Such information, 1! available from the beginning on each of your wells, might have provided valur:.ble clews as to the origin or the well waters arxl the dependability of the supply. Without this inrormation it is almost impossible to predict the source ot the water supply to your ~ls. From records of water levels taken WtES\ one or more o! your wells was pumping, tl.ere is an indication that pumping at one well attects the water level in other l.-ell.s. Since it is gESlerally conceded that the water supply to these wells is through traetures in deep granitics, 5uci· a ralationship might well bo expected. It is noted that the pumping capacit7 for each one ot rour wells has been detemined separately; that is to say, that when the pump teat was made on a give1 well, no other wells were pumping at the same time. Pump tests made in this manner vill give the mazimum capacity for a given well but if several wells • are pumping from a given aquifer or are deriving -water !rom a common fracture zone in the granitics, it is very possible tor the pumping in one wll to affect the water level and therefore, the capacit7 or another well. There are indi- cations, therefore, that the total. capacity ot your four wells may not be equal to the sum of the capacities determined one well at a time. It you are in- terested in the total yields to be obtained !rotn your four wells the safe and conservative approach would be to ascertain this yield·loahile all wells are pro- ducing. Since such a test or series or tests llOuld be considerably beyond the scope ot our report on El Cajon Valley, it is suggested that the power canpany mq be willing eithe~ to eonduct such a test or assist in making a test. In the event you decide such a combined test is desirable and necessary to ascertain the total sate yield o! your !our wells, thils Division would be glad to eoc;:- erate to the extent at making water level measurements in an atteupt to ascer- tain the effect ot such pumping on nearby wells. In all or our work in E1. Cajon Valley, the La Hesa, Lemon Grove, and S;>ring Valley Irrigation District has been very cooperative and possibly they wuld be glad to cooperate or assist in any pump test llhich you make. 'lbe well log Ol) your well No. 4 indicates the well to be 8 inches in d1 ameter but I understand that a deeper portion ot the well. is three inches. Can you advise how deep the eight-inch section is or at what point the thre&- inch diameter well begins? • • • • PAL WARREN 00¥&11.0. OP CALIPOIIMIA A. D, ltDNCN8TC"H, lnAT& EHAik&n P'RANK a. DURKIC CMta• OJ' OlYittOII Dt•&"OII STATE OF CALIFORNIA • qJnrtm£nt of ~blic ork.s Colonel Ed Fletcher -2- lo!arch 18, 195.3 LOS ANGELES AOo•.ca• Jll:ft.Y TO a conaiderable delay in time before the Clark well was affected by pumping DIVI8ION 011' WATER AUOURC£8 ~ CALIP'OIUCIA nATC 8&.00, would indicate that there is a considerable pressure loss in the aquifer in LO• ANGELD 1.2 tranamitting water. Such a prezssure loss would indicate that the fissures or cracks in the granitics through which water is supplied to your welli March 18, 1953 are limited in si~a and capacity. The fact that all wells .failed to return to their original static levels even after nine ~s ot recovery w:>uld indicate that a portion or the water pumped during the test was supplied Colonel Ed !letcher from ground t~ter storage and was, therefore, supplied to the wells at a 1020 9th Street rate greater than the replenishment or the aquifer. I! this as~tio is San. Diego 1, California subsequently proved correct, it ~l mean that further exploitation of' the aquifer into Which wells are drilled would not necessarily produce a· greater it might re- Dear Colonel Ed: supply or water, and also, it further exploitation were made, sult in ever increasing drawdowns with decreasing discharges. In other of the test are interpreted as a lowering the water It was rif'3' feeling after your visit to rq office that "-"8 had not wrds, i!' the results ot satisfactorily covered the results or our studies in El Cajon Valley and levels in your wells then the rate or pumping during the test ws greater by I, therefore, wi 11 try to convey these fc.cts to you in this letter. than the recharge to the aquifer and further exploitation of the aquifer additional wells or deeper wells would not. be warranted. Unfortunately during your visit our discussions digressed to speculative theories or ground water geology, and we all realize that A careful study has been made of' the mineral analyses or water geology is not an exact science and there iB much to be learned yet of our pumped from your wells but this method or approach does not provide an;y underground llt'D.ter resources. good clues. It is noted that the chloride ion content in Well No. 1 in- creased :30 p1rts per mi] lion from September, 1952, to February 195). Results or the pump tests whic.'1 you conducted in Februar,y have Water qualitY' in this well is very similar to the mineral quality or water been plotted and studied. These test results may be summarized as follows. in the Sears well. It is also noted that the mineral character of the During the period ot the test the maximum combined rate ot pumping from all water from Well No • .3 has changed from sodium chloride type water in 1951 wells was 600 gal.lons per minute at 8:.30 a.m. February 6. At this !JWDping to a sodium-calcium chloride type water in 195.3. 'lbe analysis of water rate, drawdown at Watl No. 1 was 33 feet; at Well No. 2, 98 teet; at Well from Well No. 3 taken Februaey 3, 1953, shuwed 18 rarts per mill ion of not present in previous samples analyzed. Water No • .31 88 feet; and at liel.l No. 4, 127 feet. The combined pumping from nitrate, a constituent three ot your wells also influenced other wells to the east. 'lbe Clark wall pumped at the Clark well is sodium-calcium chloride in type having more showed a 12-f'oot drawdown, 'lhurman Brothers well a .3-foot rs.~ and than 100 parts per million nitrates. The water analYses show a slight Dahl well appro.xi.mately .5 toot drawdown. During the period, February 2 to tendene,y towards increased mineralization and chango or character which 16, a total of 9.4 acre-teet ot water was pumped. At the end or this could be attributed to a mixing or shallow ground water from the valley period, the static water levels in each one of your wlls was lower than with waters in the deeper granitics. These changes in quality are too at the beginning or the test. At Well No. 1, this difference was 3i teet; small to have real meaning but they serve to emphasize the importance or at ell No. 2, 2i teet; at Well No. 3, 1 toot; and at Well No. 4, 3.7 teet. periodic checks on the mineral quality or your well waters. It these values are averaged, the mean loss in head is approximately 2i feet. !n our report on groWld water occurrence and quality in El. Cajon The results so tar obtained !rom the tests and observations made Valley, it is our intention to take cognizance or your deep wells in the on your wl.l.a and others in El Cajon Valley do mt point to any definite fractured granitics but no positive statements can be made indicating the conclusions. However, there are several reasonable indications or assump- source of s~ to these wells. It is considered possible that a portion the supply to these ~ls may be trom the adjacent alluvial areas on the tions Mrl.cll can be dralal !rom the results to date.
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