DA 17 DA 67 DA 68 DA 22 DA 29 DA 39 DA 40 DA 41 DA 46 N. FORK N. & M. TUOLOMNE YUBA RIVER FORKS CHERRY CREEK, RIVER Figure 6-3. 's Water Infrastructure ELEANOR CREEK AMERICAN M & S FORK RIVER YUBA RIVER New Bullards Res Bar Reservoir GREENHORN O'Shaughnessy Network Configuration for CALVIN (1 of 2) SR- S. FORK NBB CREEK & BEAR DA 32 SR- D17 HHR DA 42 DA 43 DA 44 RIVER STANISLAUS SR- LL- C27 RIVER & 45 Camp Far West Reservoir DRAFT Folsom Englebright C31 Lake DA 25 DA 27 Tunnel FEATHER Lake 7 SR- CALAVERAS New RIVER SR-EL CFW SR-8 RIVER Melones Lower Cherry Creek MERCED MOKELUMNE Reservoir SR-10 Aqueduct ACCRETION CAMP C44 RIVER FAR WEST TO DEER CREEK C28 FRENCH DRY RIVER CREEK WHEATLAND GAGE FRESNO New Hogan Lake Oroville DA 70 D67 SAN COSUMNES Lake RIVER SR- 0 SR-6 C308 SR- JOAQUIN Accretion: NHL C29 RIVER 81 CHOWCHILLA American River RIVER New Don Lake McClure Folsom to Fair D9 DRY Pardee Pedro SR- New Exchequer RIVER Oaks Reservoir 20 CREEK Reservoir Dam SR- Hensley Lake DA 14 Tulloch Reservoir SR- C33 PR Hidden Dam TR SR-52 C23 KELLY RIDGE Accretion: Eastside Eastman Lake Bypass Accretion: Accretion: Buchanan Dam C24 Yuba Urban DA 59 Camanche Melones to D16 Upper Merced D64 SR- C37 Reservoir C40 2 SR-18 Goodwin River 53 D62 SR- La Grange Dam 2 CR Goodwin Reservoir D66 Folsom South Mokelumne River Aqueduct Accretion: 2 D64 depletion: Upper C17 D65 Losses D85 C39 Goodwin to 3 Merced River 3 3a D63 DEPLETION mouth C31 2 C25 C31 D37 DA69 North Side & Main 8 Thermalito Depletion: D64 GW-7 D65 Fore/Afterbay Goodwin to 5 SR- 3b GW-7 mouth depletion: San 7 GW-7 GW-12 D63 Joaquin River GW-8 Accretion: 4 D60 C38 Accretion to D64 between Millerton GW-5 D67 D66 Lower Merced 5 Tolomne below 6 2 3 Lake and Mendota GW- River D62 New Don Pedro Pool GW-5 DA 69 GW-7 GW-8 C43 4 CVPM 5 GW-13 Urban D98 depletion: Lower GW-11 D66 D64 C45 Merced River D60 DA 14: BUTTE 4 7 Ind: 6 CREEK & LITTLE C26 C32 C41 T2 CVPM 7G 6 Stockton CHICO CREEK GW- GW-

D64 T4 CVPM 13 CVPM 5G GW-8 Urban C30 DA70 7 CVPM 12G C172 CVPM 12 GW-1 C36 GW- Urban D64 Sac East C46 11 Res: 9 Refuges Stockton CVPM 5S Res: CVPM 8G CVPM 11G CVPM 13G Sacramento CVPM 8 CVPM 11 T27 DA 10: ANTELOPE , MILL C31 D42 C34 Urban Urban CVPM 12S DA 58: COW CREEK, 1 BATTLE CREEK & ,DRY, DEER, BIG CHICO & DA 69 Accretion: San Accretion: Joaquin River Redding ELDER CREEKS D51 CVPM 13S PAYNE CREEK CVPM 8S Ind: 7 below between Merced and CVPM 7S T13 D67 CVPM 11S Tuolomne Tuolomne Eastside Bypass DA 15 DA 15 Sacramento 5 DA 58 & DA Chowchilla Bypass D69 D60 10 D692 C47 C48 Keswick 3 9 Reservoir Mendota Pool LAKE SHASTA SR- D76 D76 C30 D67 D61 D68 D68 D68 D69 D69 D69 D69 D61 D73 D73 D60 4 D5 D73 C2 D74 C5 D77 D75 C1 C4 C69 D66 D30 D31 D61 D43 C67 C7 C8 D44 C42 D616 D687 D698 D697 D731 INFLOW a b 1 ISOLATED FACILITY 6 2 9 8 3 9 5 4 1 9 3 2 8

Shasta Lake D503

C14 depletion: losses THOMES CVPM 4S Delta Cross Depletion: San COTTONWOO YOLO BYPASS CVPM 10 Joaquin River Mud Slough and Eastside Bypass Channel Mendota CREEK Urban below Tuolomne Salt Slough D CREEK D511 D513 Wildlife Area CVPM 4 Knights Landing Freemont Weir Urban Ridge Cut D52 1 Spring Creek Power Conduit C30 Glenn-Colusa Canal C313 C18 C20 D55 C3 CVPM 1S CVPM 2S 6 CVPM 10S Colusa Basin Drain CLEAR CREEK SR- 3 GW-4 GW-10 CVPM 4G

Corning Canal CVPM 10G D61 D640 D51 D52 GW- 5 Misc Left & Right Bank Diversions GW-4 4 2 Whiskey D613 Town Lake CVPM 1G DA 15 CVPM 6 C88 C6 ` Urban D507 Tunnel C84

Clear Creek Sac West C30 CVPM 6S C15 Refuges 5 GW-9 GW-1 NORTH BAY GW D52 AQUEDUCT C68 GW-1 9 3 C85 CVPM 2G CVPM 6G C13 C302 C303 CVPM 3S


DA 58 Tehema-Colusa Canal C12 C17 Urban C30 losses upper DMC San Joaquin C11 4 Winters, Moore & CVPM 9G Refuges DELTA MENDOTA CANAL Trinity River C314 West Adams Canals THE DELTA Clifton Court TRINITY Minimum Flows CVPM 3G RIVER SR-1 D94 C171 GW-9 Forebay DA12 Old River D52 C30 D70 D70 D71 D71 D72 D72 GW-6 D550 D59 D723 5 9 1 3 0 2 2 4 Clair Engle GW-9 Lake CVPM 9S losses R4 losses R5 losses R6 Capay Diversion losses R3 CVPM 3 GW-6 C16 Tracy Pumping Dam Putah South O'Neill Pwr Urban Plant Bethany Canal Reservoir LEWISTON C19 C21 C22 GW-3 Rock Slough D80 D80 D81 D81 D81 D82 D74 D74 D74 LAKE INFLOW D803 D74 D74 D74 CVPM 9 1 4 4 6 8 0 2 3 4 5 7 9 Urban Contra Costa GW-2 GW-3 Pumping Plant Harvey Banks DA 55 Pumping Plant Dos Amigos Gianelli GW-2 Pumping Plant losses R1-2

DA 10 South Bay DA 12 DA 65 SR- Pumping Plant CONTRA COSTA C31 22 C70 CANAL 0 San Luis Los Banos SR- SR- Reservoir Grandes 12 BBL Black Butte DA 24 local CU DA 49 Lake C155 SR- DA 16 local CU Mallard C15 LV Pacheco Tunnel 0 Slough Walnut Creek D89 SANTA 1 T1 D50 D52 C71 Los D71 CLARA SR- 4 9 8 Vaqueros Del Valle 4 SR- LB STONY Pumping LOCAL Clear CL- Lake Berryessa Plant CREEK Lake/Indian Monticello Dam DA 11 Valley Res: Napa-Solano Ind: Napa-Solano Reservoir SOUTH BAY SR- Co Urban Co Urban D89 SCV C20 AQUEDUCT 2 1 SR- 15 GW- PUTAH T1 CACHE Lake Del CREEK 5 C31 CREEK Valle 5 DA 16 DA 24 T16 C79 T7

SR- Chabot, Upper San LEGEND EBM Leandro, D89 Res: Contra San Pablo, Briones, 6 Costa Lafayette Reservoirs Existing facilities (a) Nodes (b) Links with no attached values/costs Possible future facilities Ind: Contra Required Delta Costa D54 Res: Oak Flat, Outflow 1 Santa Clara Valley Flow in stream/river Conveyance D89 losses WD, Co 7 FCWCD Zone 7, C11 Junction (non-storage) node R1 9 Flow in artificial channel Calaveras Reservoir, Ind: Oak Flat, Pumping plant T18 Lower Crystal Springs Santa Clara Valley Pumping plant T17 SR- Flow in pipeline Reservoir, San Andreas ASF WD, Alameda Co Surplus Delta Reservoir, San Antonio FCWCD Zone 7, Reservoir Power plant Surface water reservoir Outflow Ind: EBMUD Inflow to model (from supersource) T2 node 0 C31 T1 T18 Water treatment plant Return flow with gain on link 6 9 Res: T35 EBMUD Res: San Outflow from model (to supersink) GW- SR- Surface water reservoir (storage) node Francisco PUC SC 1 GW-SC Lateral ground water flow Notes: Ind: San T2 GW- Francisco Ground water reservoir (storage) node Integrated Economic-Engineering Analysis of 1 1 Depletion Area (DA) PUC (c) Links with attached values/costs California's Future Water Supply 1. Agricultural demand is divided into (a) demand nodes with return flows to the surface water system and Ghost node (b) demand nodes with return flows to ground water. Link with attached value function Richard E. Howitt, Professor of Agriculture and Resource Economics 2. Urban demand is divided into residential demand (denoted "res") and industrial demand (denoted "ind"). CVPM 10S Agricultural demand node Link with attached cost function Jay R. Lund, Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering 3. Depletion areas are shown for the Sacramento and San JoaquinValleys only. University of California, Davis The Depletion areas are used by DWR to quantify local water supplies and inflows based on mass Res: San balance. Diego Urban demand node contact: [email protected] or [email protected] Supersink (outflow from July 2,1999 model) Figure 6-4. California's Water Infrastructure

Network Configuration for CALVIN (2 of 2)



KERN RIVER Lake Crowley / Long Lake Kaweah Pine Flat Lake SR- Valley Reservoir SR- FRIANT KERN CANAL Terminus Dam Success LC Palo Verde - PF S SR- SR- LK LS Pumping Plant Lake Power Plants Isabella C49 C51 SR-LI

C56 C61 C62 C64 C11 Long Valley 4 Ag Res: City of T2 ALL AMERICAN CANAL Fresno 4 GW- C57 GW-17 GW-18 C65 Ind: City of GW-20 Fresno C11 LONG VALLEY GW- 6 GW- GW- C63 TO HAIWEE

T25 C52

C11 GW- 7 CVPM 20G GW-16 CVPM 17 Urban CVPM 18G GW-21 GW- El Centro et al C31 CVPM 20S 2 GW- Infiltration and Evaporation Losses C55 C11 Coachella T11 C58 C60 CVPM 21 9 Valley Urban CVPM 17G Urban CVPM 16G C50 C53 COLORADO RIVER CVPM 20 CVPM 21S CVPM 18 GW- Urban AQUEDUCT Urban CVPM 16S CVPM 17S Intake Dam T2 CVPM 18S T31 GW- 9 (dry) C12 21 AQUEDUCT James Bypass/Fresno SloughN. Fork Kings 0 SW- GW-CH River 0L COACHELLA C54 C59 C97 C66 CVPM 21G GW- CANAL Crescent Weir Tulare Lake

SR- Owens TLB T28 Valley Ag provide outlet GW-15

GW- GW-19 Ind: SR- Bakersfield LA C13 C14 Coachella C14 C14 6 5 Valley Ag -G 7 9 CVPM 19G GW-

Res: CVPM 15 Bakersfield C90 Urban Power Plants Coachella D61 Valley Ag -S 3


C12 Pipeline CVPM 14G CVPM 15S GW- 2 conveyance and WHITEWATER C14 C14 NEW RIVER, GW-AV RIVER 6 SW- 8 ALAMO RIVER SS CROSS VALLEY CANAL T3 Salton Sea GW- 3 Urban CVPM 14 CVPM 19 C10 Urban 0 GW-MJ Urban GW-IM T3 GW- Imperial C15 2 SR- MJ INLAND FEEDER PROJECT Valley -G GW- 1 Mojave ER C91 CVPM 14S Basin Pipeline Kern-Pixley C95 Intertie T6 Refuges Imperial C15 Mojave C13 C14 T3 2 EAST BRANCH Urban 8 0 Valley -S AQUEDUCT losses R14A-C losses R15A-18A losses R7 Devil Canyon Alamo Pearblossom Pumping Plant Mojave Power Plant LAKEVIEW PIPELINE Power Plant Power Plant Silverwood Lake

D75 D84 D85 D75 D85 D86 D86 D86 D86 D86 C10 D86 D86 D87 C12 D87 D87 C12 D87 C13 C13 D88 C89 C92 C96 1 5 3 2 9 0 1 2 3 4 3 5 8 0 4 1 2 SR- 9 6 0 1 1 SR- EASTSIDE PIPELINE EAST HIGHLINE, CENTRAL 25 27 Edmonston MAIN AND WESTSIDE CANALS Buena Vista Chrisman Pumping Pumping Wheeler Ridge Pumping Pumping Plant Plant Plant Plant OSO Las Perillas Eastside SAN DIEGO CANAL losses R8C-13B pumping losses R17-21 losses R22A-23 Pumping Plant losses R24-28J Reservoir plant GW- Lake WEST BRANCH Lake Skinner MWD Mathews COASTAL AQUEDUCT AQUEDUCT C15 CALIFORNIA 9 T2 Ind: SBV SR- D88 GW- AQUEDUCT 4 LSK T12 MWD Badger Hill SR- Pumping Plant LM

D88 Res: SBV ` 5 losses R29A-9F LOCAL T1 SUPPLY Warne Power Plant 0 Res: Eastern & Western D84 Santa Barbara Ind: Central T9 MWD 9 & San Luis MWD Obispo Ind: Eastern & Pyramid Lake C15 C15 SR- T5 T34 3 4 Western 28 MWD Res: Central MWD

D88 6 losses R29H-G-J C16 C13 1 9 LOCAL YEAR TYPE SUPPLY VARIATION IN DEMAND LEGEND YEAR TYPE VARIATION IN SAN DIEGO PIPELINES NO. 1, NO. 2 LOCAL Existing facilities DEMAND and NO. 4 T8 SUPPLY (b) Links with no attached values/costs D88 (a) Nodes Possible future facilities losses R30 7

Flow in stream/river Conveyance C10 C11 Junction (non-storage) node 6 SR- SAN DIEGO PIPELINES No 3and NO. 5 Flow in artificial channel 29 Pumping plant Ind: San Pumping plant Diego D88 Flow in pipeline 8 C15 Ventura Co 6

Power plant Surface water reservoir Res: San Inflow to model (from supersource) T30 node D88 Castaic Lake Diego 9 WA T18 Water treatment plant Return flow with gain on link T40

Outflow from model (to supersink) YEAR TYPE SR- Surface water reservoir (storage) node Notes: 1 VARIATION IN DEMAND Lateral ground water flow 1. Agricultural demand is divided into (a) demand nodes with return flows to the surface water system LOCAL and SUPPLY GW- Ground water reservoir (storage) node Integrated Economic-Engineering Analysis of 1 Depletion Area (DA) (b) demand nodes with return flows to ground water. (c) Links with attached values/costs California's Future Water Supply Ghost node 2. Urban demand is divided into residential demand (denoted "res") and industrial demand (denoted "ind"). Link with attached value function Richard E. Howitt, Professor of Agriculture and Resource Economics 3. Depletion areas are shown for the Sacramento and San JoaquinValleys only. CVPM 10S Agricultural demand node Link with attached cost function The Depletion areas are used by DWR to quantify local water supplies and inflows based on mass Jay R. Lund, Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering balance. University of California, Davis Res: San Diego Urban demand node contact: [email protected] or [email protected] Supersink (outflow from July 2, 1999 model)