Tm WESTFIELD LEADER Serving Westfieid Since 1890
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tm WESTFIELD LEADER Serving Westfieid Since 1890 vsrsttm Published \ YEAR, NO. 36 Second Gui Ponite P»U WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, MARCH 31, 1988 Every Thursday 24 Pages—30 Cents •i Waifeld, N.J. To Host 64th Annual Forum Reveals Priorities Of 16,908 Votersjtegistered r Egg Hunt Saturday Board of Ed. Candidates The We: ;lns Club, in its For Bd. of Ed. Election 64th year is Ace, will again The five candidates for three teachers' salaries as a cost/cur- hold its annual taster Egg Hunt The annual school election to half-million dollars in reductions seats on the Board of Education rently accounting for approx- be held Tuesday (April 5) gives and about a quarter-million for the children of Westfield, convened at Roosevelt Junior imately 70% of the increase, Saturday, April 2, at 1 p.m., in Westfield's 16,908 registered dollars in improvements. An ad- High School on Tuesday night to which should not be decreased: voters the opportunity to elect ditional 14 cent school property Mindowaskin Park. answer questions and air their "We have to continue to pay good three candidates to seats on the tax levy is needed to support the All Lions usually participate in views under the combined aegis salaries to attract good Board of Education and to vote proposed budget. this event. Club President of the Westfield Parent-Teacher teachers," she said. Mrs. Molnar on the 1988-89 proposed school Michael Gordeuk has appointed Polling places for school elec- Council and the League of also mentioned state mandated budget of $30 million. tions are different from those for Lion William Villane again as Women Voters. programs as accounting for chairman of the Easter Egg There are five candidates con- general elections. For the school In ballot order, the candidates, budget incrpaw: testing the three School Board election, Ward I voters vote at Hunt. Lion Edward Renfree will B. Carol Molnar, James R. Kane, Mrs. Pepper declared that the seats: Donnell Carr, James R. Franklin School, Ward II at cavort about in an Easter Bunny Donnell Carr, Susan Pepper and budget was reasonable in an ef- Kane, B. Carol Molnar, Susan Washington School, Ward III at costume. Dr. Benjamin Rulf, participated fort to remain competitive with Pepper and Dr. Benjamin Rulf. Jefferson School, and Ward IV at The Easter Egg Hunt was in a two-hour forum attended by other school districts with which Mrs. Pepper, who is the current Edison Junior High School. started by the local Lions Club in approximately 85 members of Westfield compares itself while Board president, is the only in- The polls for the school election the 1930s and has been a popular the public, Mr. Carr stated "the biggest fac- cumbent. Dr. Alfonse Miele and event every year. More than 1,200 will be open Tuesday from 1 to 9 The meeting began with open- tor is inflation — every year George Weimer previously an- p.m. Voters unsure of where to colored hard-boiled eggs will be ing remarks by all five can- things go up." nounced that they would not seek vole can contact the Union Coun- distributed throughout the park didates and progressed to ques- The candidates' opening re-election. ty Board of Elections in for the children to find. A special tions supplied by Westfield remarks were refined as ques- Elizabeth (527-4126) for informa- area will be reserved for toddlers The proposed 1988-89 budget, a schools parent-teacher organiza- tions on priorities, specific cur- 7.74% increase over the current tion. The Board of Elections will three years of age and younger. tions and to questions from the riculum items and budget items budget, includes more than a be open until 9 p.m. Tuesday. One hundred plastic eggs will audience. The League of Women were posed. Mr. Kane reiterated be hidden among the regular Voters established the question his interest in testing and School Election Results eggs with gift certificates from and answer format of the counseling when asked on what Hill's Ice Cream of Westfield for meeting. he would focus as a member of To Be Cablecast Live ice cream treats. In addition, Ms. Marcia Forman of Spring- the board, and added that he every child will receive a bag of would persue the current efforts School election results will be Mark C. Smith, superintendent of The Easter Bunny will be on hand field, League member, cablecast live again this year, gourmet jelly beans and other moderated the session. She was to incorporate computers into the schools, as anchorperson. Guests sweets when the hunt is com- Saturday at Mindowaskin Park curriculum of the lower grades. beginning at 9 p.m. on Tuesday, on the show include retiring to delight young children at the assisted by League members April 5, over Suburban Cable TV school board member George pleted. Age limits have been set who acted as timekeepers. Mr. Rulf, in answer to a ques- from infants to seven year olds. Don's Club's 64th annual Easter Channel 36. Weimer and John Toriello, vice Egg Hunt. Biographical sketches of the can- tion on important issues explain- In case of rain or muddy park didates were provided in printed When the polls close at 9 p.m., president of the Westfield Board grounds, the Lions will have a entrance, where children receive form by the P-T Council. (Contlnued on page 20) . the live show will begin with Dr. of Education. stand near the East Broad Street eggs and gifts. The candidates appeared unanimous in their support of the Absentee Ballots Available proposed 1988-89 school year Chamber To Honor Tony Dennis and budget which will also be voted To Voters.Until April 4 upon in the April 5 school district United Fund Volunteers, April 13 election. They were also united in Monday (April 4) is the last day • Religious holiday obser- their opinion that the present Westfield voters can apply in- vance. Anthony Annese, the owner of Dennis in Westfield, Mr. Annese school system was an excellent Tony Dennis, and the volunteers has been a member of the West- person at the Union County * Disabled. one. r Board of Elections for an • Attending school, college or of the United Fund of Westfield field Area Chamber of Com- absentee ballot to vote in the an- university out of the area. However, the candidates did as a group, will be the principal merce. Particularly, he has been nual school election Tuesday * Conflicting nature and/or express differences in concerns honorees for business and com- a key participant in the Westfield (April 5). hours of employment. which they would address in the munity achievements during the Association of Merchants, the event,of their election to the Westfield Area Chamber of Com- retail division of the Chamber. The Union County Board of Westfield voters who have any board; : Elections is located at 271 North questions about obtaining merce annual awards dinner, For the past several years, Mr. Broad St., Elizabeth, and will be absentee ballots can obtain fur- Carol Molnar outlined four Wednesday evening, April 13, at Annese has been president of receiving absentee ballot ap- ther information by contacting i. areas of penonal Interest in her Bob* Late Country Club. VLA.M, and,, in this capacity, plications until 3 p.m., Monday. the Business Office of the Board opening remarks: concern for ,,"In presenting the traditional serves on the Chamber Ex- . Registered, voters may vote of Education at 7B9-4401. the middle level students while 'Merchant of the Year' award to ecutive Board. absentee for the following The annual school election will the high- and lower-achieving Anthony Annese," says Chamber Dedicated volunteers have reasons: be held from 1 to 9 p.m. Tuesday pupils continue to be acom- President Mitchell Evans, "we made the United Fund of West- * Out of state on April 5. (April 5). Three school board modated; continuation of reduc- formally recognize the founder field one of the most successful * Confined due to sickness or seats and a $30 million school tion of class sizes; research con- and manager of the Tony Dennis such groups in the state. physical disability. budget are on the ballot. cerning the kindergarten admis- clothing store in Westfield and Approximately 400 volunteers sion date; and concern and action his 15 year committment to offer- are currently involved in the regarding drug/alcohol use. ing quality merchandise and year-long United Fund Agenda. Cohen, Investigates Finances James Kane specified two courteous service in an attractive They conduct the fund-raising topics of interest to him — ap- business setting." campaign, allocate the funds to Of Bd. of Social Services propriate counseling in elemen- The President's Trophy, an support 18 member agencies, and tary schools as well as in in- award given annually for service do the planning required to iden- Freeholder Neil Cohen given full and complete financial termediate and senior schools, to the community, will be tify and meet real community (D-Union), a member of the information. plus a desire to see "an exchange presented to representatives of needs. From the United Fund of- Union County Finance Commit- One of the primary reasons for of information...on the time and volunteers who comprise the fice at the Westfield train station, tee, announced that his investiga- the Freeholder Board's action in money spent on state-mandated United Fund of Westfield. 302 North Ave., West, Executive tion of the Board of Social Ser- removing the autonomy of the testing." Mr. Kane added that he "In so honoring the volunteers Director Linda, Maggio co- would support the student posi- ordinates the activities of the vices financial position has Board of Social Services was of our local United Fund," states Anthony Annese revealed that funds on deposit in designed to assure the fiscal in- tion in favor of the proposed open Mr.