Brian Hughes,Damian Hughes | 240 pages | 01 Apr 2010 | MILO BOOKS | 9781903854907 | English | Ramsbottom, United Kingdom Hit Man: The Thomas Hearns Story by Brian Hughes

At the time, the story lines had not yet become vivid, the true significance of what was unfolding not yet clear. Since his defeat to Hit Man: The Thomas Hearns Story Ray Leonard in he had rebounded to win six in a row, including a decision over Wilfred Benitez for his second world title. And with Leonard retired, talk of a Hagler vs Hearns battlea clash between arguably the two finest champions in the game, continued to rise in volume. But while a showdown between Hearns and Hagler could have easily sold itself, the match-up lacked drama, a compelling storyline, that sense of inevitability which makes a prizefight an event. Enter Roberto Duran. Hagler Hit Man: The Thomas Hearns Story the decision over the former lightweight champion, but the victory did nothing to enhance his stature. It was that rare instance where the loser of a fight earned greater respect than the winner. Hearns vs Duran represented a huge opportunity Hit Man: The Thomas Hearns Story both boxers, but in fact only one was prepared to take full advantage. But as in that ignoble defeat, his performance against Hearns Hit Man: The Thomas Hearns Story the ring would be compromised by a lack of discipline outside of it. After his big win over Moore Hit Man: The Thomas Hearns Story his big payday from the Hagler bout, Roberto the party animal re-emerged with a vengeance. In a mood to celebrate after months of training and restraint, Duran hired his own personal orchestra to tour with him around Latin America so he could dance and sing and carouse night after night. The adulation of his fans, made more ardent for his having been lost and now found, went to his head, and all the whiskey and filet mignon to his belly. Reportedly, Duran entered training camp for the Hearns fight with great reluctance, and once there had to focus on losing weight more than anything else. In stark contrast, Hearns had perhaps the best camp of his entire career. Indeed, ranked Hit Man: The Thomas Hearns Story as such years later. That year Steward was involved in helping to prepare the U. It had never happened before; no one expected it to happen now. But then again, he had never faced a boxer with the unique gifts of Thomas Hearns, who knew how to make the most of his lanky frame and the leverage it could provide. And so he did, in large part because Hearns and Duran were at diametrically opposed positions on the arcs of their respective careers. Duran, at 33, came into the ring past his peak and something Hit Man: The Thomas Hearns Story than highly motivated, while Hearns, just 25, was primed and arguably never sharper. Generally a slow starter, Duran looked to take his time and find his rhythm but the taller, stronger, more assertive Hearns never gave him a chance. With a minute left in the opener Hearns struck with two hard rights and chased Duran into the ropes. All in all, it was a disheartening opening round for Roberto and his fans, but it was about to get much worse. Forcing Duran to retreat, Hearns got home a hard right to the head followed by a left to the body, and the combination clearly shook the smiling Panamanian. Anticipating the opening, Hearns immediately smashed Duran on the jaw with a vicious straight right that floored the former lightweight terror for only the third time in his long Hit Man: The Thomas Hearns Story. Duran beat the count but his body language and facial expression betrayed the fact he was in deep trouble. His legs looked to be gone, a fact confirmed when he tumbled to the canvas a second time as Hearns threw a relentless torrent of punches. Roberto rose again and, saved from further punishment by the bell, provided a comic image as he waved defiantly at Hearns while marching on unsteady pins to the wrong corner. Give Duran credit: he bravely stood his ground with his bigger, stronger and more powerful foe, even throwing a few right hands with bad intentions in an attempt to turn things around. But in addition to heart and courage, Duran was known for his defensive skill and against Hearns, this was absent. Dazed and looking to avoid punishment, Duran briefly clinched before backing into perfect punching range. The feared warrior who had defeated and battled Marvelous Marvin for fifteen back-and-forth rounds had been rendered helpless in just four minutes, left face down in the resin dust, a sight few in had ever imagined they would behold. It also transformed a prospective Thomas Hearns vs Marvelous Marvin Hagler contest from a major attraction to the fight absolutely everyone wanted to see, and all involved had one man to thank. It was Roberto Duran who made the Hagler vs Hearns match supremely viable and profitable. Hit Man: The Thomas Hearns Story Hearns wasted no time in throwing down the gauntlet. Hearns clearly fought a war-tattered Duran. Hearns was in his prime. The brain can only take so much punishment before it collapses. Not so. Duran went on to capture more world titles. If anyone was a shell of himself after fighting Hearns, it was Hagler. After Hearns and Mugabi, Marvelous Marvin was a totally shot fighter. Duran has a very good defense and when he retired, he retired with money and health. Hearns on the other hand…. Rich, Duran was in terrible shape for this fight. I was at his training camp and novices were landing right hands. As for Marvin after Mugabi and Hearns, yes he declined, but totally shot? That is just not so. The Hit Man. Painting by Damien Burton. Share Tweet. Boxiana Oct. Gene erclement3 sbcglobal. Rich says: March 22, at am. Joe says: June 16, at am. Antonio says: June 16, at pm. Latest News. October Fireworks October 20, Hawk Time Forever October 20, The Fight City Podcast No. The Fight City shop. Grant Brothers Boxing. Transnational Boxing Rankings. Known in years past as "Sin City" and "Babylon Hit Man: The Thomas Hearns Story the St. Lawrence", it saw more than its share of ring legends over the decades. A metropolis where hundreds of young warriors train and battle each day in its many gyms, it is where , Sugar Ray Leonard, Roberto Duran and all found greatness. It is a city of fights and fighters, of hockey and heroes, of broken dreams and immortal glory, a city unlike any other. is The Fight City. June 15, Hearns vs Duran. The Hitman Shocks A Fight City

Delivered by FeedBurner. By Debbie Schlussel. Tommy Hearns is broke. I know from personal experience because he used to be my neighbor. Hearns bought a home—which I recognized as one in our neighborhood just a couple of blocks away from our house —and was moving his single mother and multiple siblings into the house. I thought it was cool that we had a famous champion boxer living in Hit Man: The Thomas Hearns Story neighborhood. But it had a mauve Excalibur, an old Cadillac stretch limo and other gaudy cars consistently decorating the driveway. Ultimately, the Hearns home in a mostly Black and Orthodox Jewish neighborhood went into foreclosure, was repossessed by the bank, and finally purchased by a childhood friend of mine and his wife. The home had a lot of serious physical damage to it thanks to the Hearnses, and a lot of intense repair work had to be done. After it was all cleaned out and set up, my friends had a strange visit from one of the Hearns brothers. He went into the basement and, under some floorboard in the basement, recovered a large brick Hit Man: The Thomas Hearns Story cash. At such a young age, his walk and talk are stilted and slow. And, once when I saw him in jean shorts, you could see the scars, probably from operations or stitches for boxing related injuries and cuts. You can tell he was a famous boxer who took a lot of concussive hits and is now paying the delayed physical price. It saddens me. The man I thought was cool as a kid, the tough guy in the ring who had the cool nickname and the ostentatious cars—the man who took care of his family above taking care of himself—is now completely broke. Over the weekend, Hearns had to auction off his stuff to pay his tax debtand the IRS was on hand to collect. I have to do what I can. They the IRS have been very good to me. This will turn out all right. It is most important to straighten out this situation. Get past this position. Hearns, who said he would like to meet former light- champion Antonio Tarver, 41, in a comeback fight, agreed he made a fortune. You tried to help them by Hit Man: The Thomas Hearns Story. I learned from a young age that you got to Hit Man: The Thomas Hearns Story out and earn what you want yourself. I usually refuse to commiserate with someone who had more money than most would ever dream of and blew it all through out-of-control spending. He had a lot going on outside the ring throughout his boxing career. Imagine fighting a big title fight, while your brother is in jail and charged with murder. That house in my childhood neighborhood, those fancy cars. Hearns lost the fight against Leonard, to which he wore that robe, in a 14th round TKO. DS, a good story and very typical of the slime that grow among black Americans. This guy did his best to bring his family into the real world. They refused to go. Preferring the easy route of drugs drink, and crime. Unfortunately it is a contagious disease, infecting all of America. P: I want to make clear that this is about a culture, not a race. Plus he stiffed me for legal fees, after I represented him in court. Debbie, excellent article on your former neighbor. God speed to the Hitman in his dealings with the IRS. Our federal government just keeps giving away our fortune, expecting the recipients to change their negative ways. Eventually our country will end up like Mr. Hearns; bankrupt, drunk and barely able to survive. Its very difficult for the savior to say no to his friends and family and eventually it all dries up. Hearns fought when boxing was still exciting to watch and he was one of the best. Hagler really swept the floor with him though. Since Obama wants to fleeece the country for all its worth to support his agenda the IRS has to work overtime grabbing Americans by the ankles stealing all that they can get away with and that means the famous and not so famous alike. So Im sure there will be more stories like this in the coming year. Very touching post. I share your view on this, Debbie. I pray the hitman to rise again, but not in boxing. He wiill do more for everyone by leading a changed life that gives glory to God not sure he is a man of faith though. Thanks for this perspective. But telling your family that the free stops now is very difficult. Lesson learned, the hard way. The situation is sad but at least he seems to have learned a lesson, and it is never too late to change your life. The truth is that many people who are poor are Hit Man: The Thomas Hearns Story poor for a reason: their behavior and culture. Unfortunately, this happens too often in sports. I would guess their post career failure Hit Man: The Thomas Hearns Story is even higher. Bonzer Wolf on April 7, at am. For the information of your readers, the amateur state championships are this Saturday night at their traditional venue: the National Guard Armory in Wyoming, MI. I encourage people to attend. Thomas Hearns fought in an era when still had some integrity left. Hearns fought in an era where there were serious competitors. They HAD to fight one another to keep on or near the top. The sport languishes while a few big names milk Hit Man: The Thomas Hearns Story for all they can. As time goes on, professional boxing continues to erode here in America while it grows overseas. Ask Dmitry Salita about it some time! Having a marketable skill can be very valuable for retired pro athletes. I wonder if hooking Thomas Hearns up with Dave Ramsey might make for an interesting reality story. They can be trainers, consultants or something; anything to get the pro Hit Man: The Thomas Hearns Story back to growth and cohesion. It can happen for Thomas, but it helps if the sport is in a growth mode. Unfortunately, boxing is in a recession mode. Good story Debbie. It is at least refreshing to hear that this man does not have an entitlement complex so many stars and and athletes have and wants to pay what he owes. A shame that he was sucked dry financially by friends and family. Financial planning classes really need to be offered as part of contracts for athletes when they are signed in my opinion. Seems everyone these days are trying to get back into the garden of Eden despite the fact that G-d told them to get their butts to work and earn their living through sweat and toil. I know very well what Hearnes was up against when he became successful and put out his heart to take those he loved into that success as well. Those same people who shared in his success will be the first to abandon him when the troubles come. Who can know it? Mewize on April 7, at am. Great stuff, Debbie. Sad story, but he sounds like he has a good attitude. Sports Illustrated had an excellent feature about athletes and financial problems, and according to the article, it often boils down to entrusting financial management to the wrong people and going into business ventures with family and friends instead of competent professionals. Richard on April 7, at am. A fool and his money soon Hit Man: The Thomas Hearns Story ways. Bob on April 7, at am. Considering his tragic family situation, his accomplishments are even more Hit Man: The Thomas Hearns Story. Tommy finally brought a winner to the Motor City in when he defeated a superb , Pipino Cuevas, to win his first title — I still remember being at the Tiger game that night when they flashed the news on the scoreboard. Best fight I ever saw, bar none — a 3 round alley fight. And please, no more fights Tommy! True that! Hagler won that fight…perhaps his most exciting victory…. He bounced more than a few big blows off Hagler…. If this were a dual…. During the OJ Simpson civil trial it was mentioned that NFL players have annuity retirements that pay them money each year of their life. OJ could not Hit Man: The Thomas Hearns Story his retirement inspite of a court judgment against him. He was a most gracious man. Very kind and spent alot of time with the fans. Legend of Thomas Hearns, the 'Hitman,' was born 40 years ago in

The source of his anguish are two crushing defeats for which he has nearly abandoned all hope of ever being given a chance for redemption:. For years, he all but begged Leonard and Hagler for rematches. It never happened. He was left alone, to ponder forever, it seemed, what might have been. Hearns, who defends his championship against at the Las Vegas Hilton Monday night, talked freely the other day about his Hit Man: The Thomas Hearns Story. At 29, he says the old wounds Hit Man: The Thomas Hearns Story finally scarred over. He says he Hit Man: The Thomas Hearns Story come to grips with the likelihood that he will never get rematches with either of his Hit Man: The Thomas Hearns Story conquerors. A lot of guys, you know, would like to be in my position. Goal One, he says now, is middleweight unification. Our first memories of this athlete are of the tall, thin welterweight who burst upon the scene with in his first 17 fights. He won his first championship, the World Boxing Assn. For all but a few months in andhe has been a champion. And always, a class act. Inafter he knocked out in one round, Shuler died in a motorcycle accident several days later. If Hearns has his way, our last boxing memories of him will be as the undisputed middleweight and, then, light-heavyweight champion. Hearns would be a heavier choice Monday, except for a rocky performance in his last fight, a four-round of an over-the-hill Juan Roldan. Before Hearns took Roldan out, he was staggered in the second round. Hearns, who trained in Scottsdale, Ariz. I had something I wanted to tell him. When I got there, he was gone. I enjoy performing. When you go out there. As he has in the past, Hearns bristled a bit when the subject came up again the other day. Some of you guys boxing writers sound like you want to retire me. His two losses were both tough, brutal fights. Hagler-Hearns was a three-round war. Some still call it a classic, at least the best fight of the decade. Leonard had Hearns immobilized on the ropes in the 14th, unable to escape. When the referee stopped it, Leonard was punching freely. Against Hagler, Hearns said, his legs were gone during the introductions. I was running as much as eight miles at one point, before that fight. The Hearns camp has had a special visitor since May Hot Property. About Us. Brand Publishing. Times Events. Times News Hit Man: The Thomas Hearns Story. Times Store. Facebook Twitter Show more sharing options Share Close extra sharing options.