Aquarium Fish As Larval Predator
Dr. Saroj Kumar Ghosh, Department of Zoology, Bejoy Narayan Mahavidyalaya Aquarium fish as larval predator Using conventional techniques like spraying of insecticides, repellants, fogging and other chemicals to reduce the growth of mosquitoes not only pollutes the environment, but also allows the mosquito to enhance its resistance. As a result, the mosquitoes remain intact and simply refuse to die. However, the population of mosquito could be effectively tackled using the aquarium fish, which primarily feeds on the mosquito larvae. Experience has shown that biological control using fish is best achieved as part of an integrated vector control strategy. Larvivorous: feeding mainly on insect larvae and pupae. Types of larval habitat The larvivorous fish can be used in a variety of aquatic habitats for control of mosquito breeding: a) Man-made habitats: Water tanks (domestic and industrial), lakes, fountain pools, cattle troughs, swimming pools, cisterns, ponds, shallow wells, waste ditches, husk pits, drains, water storage tanks at construction sites, seepage water pools and water reservoirs of different types, especially in desert locations, irrigation cisterns and canals, shallow ponds, small dams and rice fields. b) Natural habitats: Ponds, lakes, riverbed pools, slow moving small streams, swamps and temporary water collections during rainy season. Criteria for species selection: i) Larvivorous fish must be small, hardy and capable of getting about easily in shallow waters among thick weeds where mosquitoes find suitable breeding grounds. ii) They must be drought resistant and capable of flourishing in both deep and shallow waters. iii) They must have the ability to withstand handling and transportation for long distances.
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