O The O Antiphons refer to the seven antiphons that are recited (or chanted) preceding the during of the . They cover the special period of preparation known as the Octave before , Dec. 17-23, with Dec. 24 being and Vespers for that evening being for the Christmas Vigil. Each highlights a title for the & refers to a of of the coming of the Messiah. ~~~ Sapientia O Wisdom of our God Most High, Dec Wisdom guiding creation with power and love: Isaiah 11:2-3, 28:29 come to teach us the path of knowledge! 17

Adonai O Leader of the House of Israel, Dec Lord of Israel giver of the Law to Moses on Sinai: Isaiah 11:4-5, 33:22 come to rescue us with your mighty power! 18

Radix O Root of Jesse’s stem, Dec Root of Jesse sign of God’s love for all his people: Isaiah 11:1, 10 come to save us without delay! 19

Clavis O Key of David, Dec Key of David opening the gates of God’s eternal Kingdom: Isaiah 22:22, 9:6 come and free the prisoners of darkness! 20

Oriens O Radiant Dawn, Radiant Dawn, splendor of eternal light, sun of justice: Dec Dayspring come and shine on those who dwell in 21 :2 darkness and in the shadow of death.

Rex Gentium O King of all nations and King of all Nations, keystone of the Church: Dec King of the Gentiles come and save man, 22 Isaiah 9:7, 2:4 whom you formed from the dust!

Emmanuel God with us O Emmanuel, our King and Giver of Law: Dec come to save us, Lord our God! Isaiah 7:14 23

Join with the Prayer of the Church each evening & reflect on these words preparing for Christmas day by day.