thehands Lamplighter&feet MONTHLY NEWSLETTER OF FRANKLIN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH DECEMBER 2015 201 North College Street February 2011 Franklin, KY 42134 Monthly NewsletterTel: (270) 586-4535 of Faith Fax: (270) Bible 586-4592 Church E-mail:
[email protected] Mar So k Advent Conspiracy isBy Here!Chuck Silverstein In this Issue Lo- Advent Conspiracy is 11.5a simple idea for us to take and run with. It Advent/Christmas involves a decision to make Christmas a revolutionary event once again rem Baby Shower by committing—as individuals and as a faith community—to focus this ip- Activities Schedule Hannah Joy season on: sum dol- Advent Resources Worshiping Fully, 11.6Spending Less, Giving More, and Loving or Youth Corner All. sit March Outreach Sign Up Check out the reverse side of your Advent Conspiracy bulletin inserts in Stewardship Corner December to read more11.12 about each component of the Advent December Lectionary Conspiracy.Crusaders Let us conspire Day together Trip to allow this season to become Readings transformative for our lives of faith, for our families, for our relationships, and for11.16 God’s world. Together, we can reclaim the December Calendar celebration andFocus truly transformational,on Prayer world-changing meaning of Looking Ahead Christmas. 11.19 Worship Committee invites each of us to take on FPC’s 2015 Missionary Moment Advent ConspiracyMen’s Breakfast Challenge: Give at least one less11.20 physical gift this year, and instead give that same money toward ChoirLiving WatersTry Outs for the World—creating clean water systems in the name of the Living Water, Jesus! (continued on next page) CHURCH OFFICE HOURS Monday thru Thursday Article 9:00am-2:30pm Advent Conspiracy (cont.) LUNCH: A half hour between 11:30pm-12:30pm Come to the back of the sanctuary after worship to learn how you can Give More by giving one less physical gift this season, CHURCH STAFF and giving that same money toward FPC’s LWW water system Rev.