1987 Spring – Bogue – “The History of the American Political Party System”
UN I VERS I TY OF WI SCONSIN Department of History (Sem. II - 1986-87) History 901 (The History of the American Political Party System) Mr. Bogue I APPROACHES TO THE STUDY OF AMERICAN POLITICAL PARTIES Robert R. Alford, "Class Voting in the Anglo-American Political Systems," in Seymour M. Lipsett and Stein Rokkan, PARTY SYSTEMS AND VOTER ALIGNMENTS: AN APPROACH TO COMPARATIVE POLITICS, 67-93. Gabriel W. Almond, et al., CRISIS, CHOICE AND CHANGE: HISTORICAL STUDIES OF POLITICAL DEVELOPMENT. *Richard F. Bensel, SECTIONALISM AND AMERICAN POLITICAL DEVELOPMENT, 1880-1980. Lee Benson, et al., "Toward a Theory of Stability and Change in American Voting Patterns, New York State, 1792-1970," in Joel Silbey, et al, THE HISTORY OF AMERICAN ELECTORAL BEHAVIOR, 78-105. Lee Benson, "Research Problems in American Political Historiography," in Mirra Komarovsky, COMMON FRONTIERS OF THE SOCIAL SCIENCES, 113-83. Bernard L. Berelson, et al., VOTING: A STUDY OF OPINION FORMATION IN A PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN. Allan G. Bogue et al., "Members of the House of Representatives and the Processes of Modernization, 1789-1960," JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY, LXIII, (September 1976), 275-302. Cyril E. Black, THE DYNAMICS OF MODERNIZATION Paul F. Bourke and Donald A. DeBats, "Individuals and Aggregates: A Note on Historical Data and Assumptions," SOCIAL SCIENCE HISTORY (Spring 1980), 229-50. Paul F. Bourke and Donald A. DeBats, "Identifiable Voting in Nineteenth Century America, Toward a Comparison of Britain and the United States Before the Secret Ballot," PERSPECTIVES IN AMERICAN HISTORY, XI(l977-78), 259-288. David Brady, "A Reevaluation of Realignments in American Politics," American Political Science Review 79(March 1985), 28-49.
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