Prepo Schoolo University

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Prepo Schoolo University FOR SALE-HOUSES. FOR SALE-LOTS. EDUCATIONAL. BDUCAJipNAX,. EDUCATIONAL. SUMMER RESORTS. UNDERTAKERS. PRICE. FOR SAI.E-OMA- 10 I'EB CENT GASH. BAL. IN WASHINGTON. IN WASHINGTOW. IN WASHINGTON. The Atlantic City OMice of 1 toe ».»««¦ FOR ?llt MONTHLY; ¦¦ S.VIE-$JOO CASH. U to v B". n.w.. 1J| Stwr la located at Atlantic W. R. (Why ffil :i flat at S4«»Vt New 8-room unit.13 lots on N. H. ave.. lag Speare, Mul liath frame large verandas; grand including splendid site for apartment house. Ad¬ nvrnar, where any Information win- cottage* dress Box Star office vi" w !. t 5oxl25; une si| fiom oars; 2 miles from 5tf. Miss SliermafiasDaySchool Tens (mtlMBUUfl iMlVMTV cernlng advertising etc., eaa be ob¬ Undertaker & Embairrser, NtifBTM rffstti i-f . -¦ tv ; I'hrnif f»<r Hag removed from 1215, loth st. to 1521 N. H. WASHINGTON, D. C. tained. The rale* are the sauta aa FOR SALE.CONN. LOT - ** ¦ >13 «« FULTON it. OORDOS. l-'oti G n.w. AVE.. 65x70: ave., where it will hencefogh be conducted by SAMUEL H. GREENE, D.D.. IX.D., charted at the Home Office. WO F street NortbWrtrt. I 4.56-) FT . AT PER FOOT. $250 Miss E. C. Clarke. A B., Cornell. French the President Pro Tempore. first-claaa an) oo the mint For s \! K IIEST IOCATION |\ THK CTTY FOlt THE MOST COMMANDING AND BEAUTIf .1- cf the schooR ;School Octo- Everything .trlctl.T . «>r 150 language reopens HOWARD L. HODGKINS, PH.D.. ATLANTIC CITV. K. J. rctsooahU Kim. tail JMi an r;... tu:-n; t !!. ; pp 11 !I_c«t park; | SITE ON WASHINGTON HEIGHTS. ber' J2. sel9-12t* Teleuboae 1*7-10U ft. fi' iu 14th si n.\< ; !. t 7?\144 ft. PVNOKAMA OVER CITY AND WXK HHEF.K Dean of the University. f 1 l"1' D. M. OGDEN, Ex . 1430 S St. n w. VALLEY RIGHT ON THE CREST. HOWARD UNIVEKSrnt SCHOOL OF LAW The University opens Its eightieth year with ESTATE. 1220 G ST. com¬ HOTEL F>U SALE-O'I.1 'Mill \ lli-JlS :.»"»; !. KOOUS J. B. WIMF.R. REAL 'Founded 1S67). better facilities than ever before. It offers LURAY^ HANNA DENOUNCES BRYAN . e Vl8-3t plete Graduate and Professional ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. ami 1 i.-i ; renption hail; tile hath, cabinet The above well-known Jaw school will open Undergraduate. I' ait'ei*. Jeep ot; .-o illi front. Rodueed fruin As * *T- * at> 6- its courses of study in seven schools. Open Pavilion directly over Board Walk. Delight¬ terms U. L>. THUMP¬ FOR S \LE.LOT IN MODNT PI.F. Monday. «jctobtr i. o'clock p.m.. Id S\jw to $5.Six*. Easy feet, fronting two commodious building. No. 420 5th St. n.w. BUILDINGS. fully cool. S' >v ?S35 P w.J,;m tf tainine 17.500 square Streets. 100 feet oo each; economical aite *or p ^,1 The school Ik open to *11, without distinction UNIVERSITY HALL. cor. of H and 15th Porches on a level with and joined to Board Walk. ME CALLS THE DEMOCRATIC CANDI¬ rim SALE 174D t) ,VT N.\V.~X^T«KY HOIiSE; «?nt buildings or two block, ofballdlng.; one of sex. race or creed, ..wnfc are above eighteen The bo-ie of the College, the Scientific School Sea and fresh private baths. Golf privileges. S'iUNE FRONT; lo KlKIMS. Hlliil CLASS FIN¬ s.|uare from .treet car WASHINGTON, D. C. years of age and possess proper qualifications. and ths School of Gradnate Studies. sc8-10tf JOS1A11 WHITE A SON. DATE A HYPOCRITE. H Street. ISH, DE1.IGHTFIL LOCATION. BROKERS. AT¬ period at *1 per foot. DAMSUMLI.^I^^tVvaNT& STLBTEVA. Rev. JOHN D. S. J.. President. TUITIOJl FREE. LAW LECTURE HALL, 1420 TENTION 1404 G at. n.w. IW~* WHITNEY, The home of tbe Law School and the School of / For circulars, containing foil Information, ap¬ and Seaside House. L O. OK I .ASH MUTT. ply to or address JAMES P. BUNDY. Secretary; Comparative Jurisprudence Diplomacy. 1e7 «?* 1421 O ST. N.W. Under tbe management of tbe Father* of the So¬ MEDICAI AND DENTAL BUILDING, 1325 H St. ATLANTIC CITV. N J. Declare* There Are No Truta . Im¬ office in Law School tafldlat, 420 5th st. n.w. The home of tbe Medical School and of the After :ta notable frill remain open BUSINESS PROPERTY. one hundred and scl9-10t,14 improvements. ciety of Jesus. Over professors Dental School. throughout the vear. r.very convenient-? au<l perialism Merely a Maak for MONEY WANTED & TO LOAN KOlt RENT.OR LEASE.407 11TH ST. N.W., seven hundred students. Mr THE UNIVERSITY HQ8P1TAL. 1335 H Street comfort tor Kail and Winter guests. Write for opposite Evening Star building; QeoLawrence Illustrated booklet. CHAS. KVANS A SUN. Free Sliver. loans on city and country Call on P. CANNON. 1004 {JsftJVBirS»«. THE COLLEGE. se3-26t.8 tion for any business. Mj^'l .Po¬ ChalraemoorP J ELOCUTION. Plano.Man.. Claastcal course, to tbe degree of Bach¬ real estate. Maiyland propeity an<l on iile lnsur- Pa. ave. n.w scl7-3t leading _ Onltar. SCHOOL. nnee cash in hand; decision prompt; ^IHaKe»pe»rC j violin, elor of Arts. policies; St. ofArts Children's Music Kindergarten. % price Wed.fcSat. Scientific course, leading to tbe degree of Hotel more, rates low. WILLIAM IV SPRINGER. »11 V Department Tray J. Senator M. A. Hanna delivered an ad- eeltt-St* NOTICES. sefi-18t-6 Bachelor of Science. Atlantic City, N. OFFICIAL Manj electives; well-equipped laboratories. Remains open throughout the entire year. dress to several thousand downtown busi¬ A FOR A TERM OF WASHINGTON HEIGHTS SCHOOL. are admitted to room Incloaed in Over W NTED $1,.VMt TO jftt.lNMl OF ave., cor. Properly qualified students apecial Dining glass flfty prlvnte ness men and their at the rooms yearn at ''est of real estate security; no EXECUTIVE OFFICE. COMMISSIONERS and Sciences, 1850 Wyoming 19th st. n.w. courses. baths attached to suites: salt and fresh water l<atha employes commission. Address A. C. Star oflhf. It* the District of Columbia. Washington. September 1788-'89. Certlflcate admits to college. will be held September In the houso. modern luxury and of the Commercial Club In Chi¬ M., 'bu' GEORGETOWN COLLEGE, FOUNDED Miss FRANCES MARTIN. Entrance examinations Every appoint- McKlnley 7 lt»0<»..Notlc- l.< hereby Kiven Principal. 24, 25 and 26. Jien'. D. S. WHITE. Jr.. cago yesterday afternoon. He said In MONEY ALWAYS IN HAND TO I.OAN ON D. C. with the acta a? proved June % Oldest Catholic College In the United 8tates. sel9-tf Ass't Prin.. Miss C. PETTIGREW. Graduates of the High Schools and ael-26t-10 Owner and Pioprietor. part: rnl in suuin to cult, at per cent. & ^1894. i,:iv 8.« 1HH,i898' Washington ex¬ estate, 4V* 18711 June 17 1890. August 11. July coarses for B0ABDER8 and DAX of other accredited schools sdmltted without "You* will find my text In the letter of per > eut and 0 per rent No delay. and June 2. 1800. the following water Complete . !i2o F gt. n.w. amination. acceptance of that great apostle of free sel.Vtf ALBERT F. FOX, been laid: Seato; -treet. between NorthrnalraoltolCsP*.' SCHOLARS. Educate for a Situation. Classes meet In tbe day time and are open to Grand Atlantic Hotel, . L between 12tb avi and Beach. Atlantic N. William It Is 4% MONEY 4%: and 1st streets northwest; fjreet. OPENS SEPTEMBER 13. both men and women. Session begins Wednes¬ Virginia City, J.. silver, Jennings Bryan. his and 14th streets southeast; Harewood a.m. offers special rates for September and October. 1MMED1A1 KLY AVAILABLE ">.<). avej* Wood'sCommercialCollege day, September 26. at 0 ^ast card and he begins his Interesting ON CHOK E REAL ESTATE SECURITY. tween Rock Creek Church road and Michigan HOURS OF CLASS, Incorporated.Sixteenth Year. SCHOOL. 830 beautiful rooms-cnlslne the very best.or¬ quickest SERVICE. l.OWKST INTEREST. nue Michigan t venue between Harewood road and P. M. 311 EAST CAPITOL ST. CORCORAN SCIENTIFIC chestra. Write for terma and booklet. appeal to the people of the United States North Capitol atreet. and I» street, between 22d 8:45 A. M. TO 3 II. U HODGKINS. PH.D., DEAN. au.t0-30.7 CHARLES E. CO PR. BORROW DIRECT! Well the best ~~ what he knows about trusts. and 23d stieets northwest, and that a water main patronized by people. Instruction is offered In twenty-two departments, by telling IMMKD1 XTE ANSWERS! Patronage last year, 614. and topics. $47,000 at *Wt to WJ4. Any aeetion. Liberal tax has been levied against all lota or land abut¬ School of Business. comprising one hnodred ninety-seven of At the Kansas City convention there de¬ Star office. sel5-tf ting upon the atreet road or alley in or along Fourteen distinct courses lead to the degree HOTEL STERLING?-"" loans. Audrtes IDLE MONEY, In Graduate School. School of Shorthand and Typewriting. courses In general Ocean end of Kentucky ave veloped a wide difference of opinion In which the water mains were laid, respectively. School of E igllsh. Bachelor of Science, including money to loan on real estate secuki- the countv of Washington. District of Columbia, Lectures resumed on Monday, October 1. science, civil, mechanical and electrical engineer¬ Absolutely flrepr«H)f. the democratic party as to what they ly. long or short tluie or monthly payments, block 8, snblot 75. School of Civil Service and Departmental Promo¬ meteorology, geology, architecture, Capacity, 8«0; elevator; steam heat; private plut 15, Bloomlngdale, For Information and address tion. ing. chemistry, ana baths.
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