The pleasure of your company is requested Four $2,500 scholarships will be awarded for the evening of December 3rd from 8 in May 1977 for the academic year 1977/ p.m. until 12 midnight. Fun and games - 78. Applications must be completed and shopping and "games of chance" will returned by January 15, 1977; to SLA provide an unforgettable evening. Raffles Scholarship Committee; 235 Park Avenue will be held - prizes awarded. Objets South; , New York 10003. Awards d'art will be available for your holiday are for graduate study leading to a gift giving. You may browse through books masters degree in a recognized, U.S. or and discover hidden treasures. Of course Canadian school of library or information food and drink will be available to sus- science. Qualifications are: a definite tain you. interest in special library work, good ~cademic record, and financial need. The purpose of this gathering is to raise money for the scholarship fund and for local needs. If you can contribute time, **** goodies, handicrafts or castoffs; contact one of the following people: WANTED Joe Ann Clifton 887-2678 Jan Krcmar 889-2211 Your "used" paperback books-! We will appre- Jean Miller 691-0841 x3358 ciate all donations to be sold at the SLA Myra Grenier 966-1013 Christmas Bazaar. This year no hard bound Location: National Association of Letter books will be handled. To drop off your Carriers 774 Valencia, L.A. paperbacks please contact any of the Time: December 3, 8-12 p.m. following people. Bring your friends and family. Pasadena HOLIDAY GREETING INSERT Joan Swan (JPL) 354-2883 West Covina More about our special December feature! Linda McLaughlin (Honeywell) 331-0011 Send h~liday greetings the easy way. x264 San Fernando Valley For $5 you may send your message, with Norm Crum (Lockheed) 847-2444 drawings if you wish, to your hundreds of West L.A. library associates. (Think of the sav- Valerie Sugar (Rand Corp) 393-0411 x344 ings:). Here's a sample: Downtown L.A. f Ann Wiedel (Security Pacific Bank \ 613-8623 Ii May Your Holidays Downey ~ , Barbara White (Rockwell International) rrr ~: Be Happy Days 922-4648 Orange County Jackie George Judy Sindel (Rockwell International) (714) 632-3621 Be clever but brief (or double your space South Bay for $10) and send your message to Jan Karen Olds ( Corp) 648-5286 Krcmar, Bunker Ramo Corp., Main Library, 31717 La Trenda Drive, Westlake Village, If you are interested in working in the booth CA 91359. Make checks payable to So. during the bazaar or if none of these loca- Calif. Chapter SLA. Deadline November 19th. tions,is convenient, please call Karen Olds. -1- - """" - --- ~ ,. ~ ~ - - " & AREA LUNCHEON COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN AVAILABLE PUBLICATIONS

DowNTOWN: Sharon McNeil "A Union List of Specifications and Standards Security Pacific 613-5388 in California Libraries" is now available SAN FERNANDO VALLEY: Norman Crum from Information Unlimited. The list in- Lockheed-Calif. 847-6887 cludes the holdings of 53 libraries. As SAN GABRIEL VALLEY: Jeanne Tatro well as the 300 different U.S. association Cal Tech 795~681l x24l3 and government specs and standaras listed, ORANGE: Dave Everett an appendix lists sources of foreign pub- UCI (714) 835-5225 lications. Order for $11 each (includes tax SOUTH BAY: Virginia Crabtree and postage) from Information Unlimited; Northrop 970-4146 P.O. Box 4185; 2510 Channing Way; Berkeley, VENTURA/SANTA BARBARA: Barbara Horn California 94704. Moreel Library (Naval School)(805) "982-3241 ------WEST LOS ANGELES: Katie Fromberg R&D Associates 822-1715x229 "The 1976 Union List of Health Sciences Seri:- The above chairmen were announced by the a1s" of the USC Norris Medical Library and Area Luncheon Coordinator, Jean Miller, the Los Angeles County/USC Medical Center Beckman Instruments, Inc., (714) 871-4848 or Libraries is available on computer paper (213) 691~084l. Announcements of area without binder for $8. Lt contains over luncheons are being sent in a separate mail- 3,000 current and ceased titles and it gives ing. the title, beginning date of publication, location, a brief holdings statement, explanatory notes, and cross references. To order make checks payable to Norris Editor: Jacque1yne George, TRW Medical Library and send to Julie Cahill, Associate Editor: Fumi Oiye, TRW Serials Assistant; Norris Medical Library; Advertising Manager: Ann alene Voigt; University of Southern California; 2025 Lockheed-California Zonal Avenue; Los Angeles, CA 90033. Deadline: 15th of each month. ~:::!".'-.""---= ~ a"'O .£- ~ '""~ - ~ -r.: ~... - --=-- -~>~.~---=~". .J:-'~ ~=""--=~"C;';"':';-' ~-



r §f),"~TIlI~(7~~W I §@:!I1.Ew1J;1JN~(@itIm I stu~e i nurnrfrtru~ly nrruirr ~I new m BUtUrgrurroun!ltnmuut new add~ess ! ~ ~ BUturprrnouulattrutiott new phune numbe~ ~ ,I) ~ ~ookn1J1nr~rirurr California BookSupply Ii ~ ~ nub3lubuntry. 12627Hawthorne Blvd ~ ~ I-bwthorne. Ca 902r:D ~ " 772-WI 675-7191 i I ~~..&..."VAVAVAV~AV"AVAWAWAWA"V~ -2- .-

..... ~~ ~"""- --....- .~ Ii' " PEOPLE PEOPL E PEOPLE.. .

PEOPLE IN MEMORIAM John Theophil Milek, 1915-1976 ALICE MEDINA of JPL Library is the ~ John Mitek, who died of a heart attack ~ proud mother of a new baby girl named Lesley Ann. Alice is a student October 2, was a good friend of-thirty years' member of our chapter. standing. I got to know him when he first came to Southern California as the librarian of the Hughes Aircraft Company. Later he was t.':\ KEN BROWN, former Southern 'T/ Californian, visited friends recently a mainstay of the Electronic Properties Information Center at Hughes. Just before while passing through town from the the fall of South Vietnam he spent some time FID meeting in Mexico City enroute there setting up an official government to the AS IS meeting in San Francisco. standards and testing laboratory. As of November 1, Ken is the Acting Secretariat General of the FID in the By training he was a chemist and metal- Hague. lurgist, but he spent six years as an engi- neering librarian. At one time, he was the NEW MEMBERS chairman of the Science Technology Group of Linda P. Elliott our Chapter. He was fascinated by and in- Rebecca J. Jensen - Darling Paterson & volved in the compilation of bibliographies, Salzer technical data and the problems and usefulness of information science. NUC shows a total of Linda Mc Sweeney - Tosco Cornelia Moore - Price Waterhouse IBM 23 entries for him for 1958 - 1974, and he is Project the author of numerous articles and technical reports. In the course I taught at UCLA on Margaret O'Drobinak - Naval Weapons Cen te r the bibliography of science, engineering and Peter J. Rosenwald technology, I referred students to some of Elizabeth A. Williams - CA Savings & his compilations. Besides his work at Hughes, Loan League he also taught courses in materials engineer- ing, technical writing, standards and spec- ification engineering and microelectronics ENERGY DELTA, SUPPLY VS, DEMAND technology. (Vol. 35 Scie:1ce & Tech:1o1ogy) 60-1p. Second Printing. '$-10 As a friend I knew him as a performer-on "- the accordian (he once had his own German SPACE TECH"OLOGY TRANSFER TO CO}.!MUKlTY A:C,D INDUSTRY (Vol. 29 band), as a German Schup1attler dancer (with Science & Tech'1Olo~y) 196p, Now his mother as a twirling partner), as a available in limited quantities. $20 superb photographer, as an avid stamp collec- WIIVELT, INC.. P.O. 80x 28130, tor, and as a fine family man. After suffer- ing a stroke a few years ago he went into San V~~go. CA 92128 enforced retirement, but with no let-up in

Note our new address. activities. He combined his stamp, music and photography hobbies into entertaining and educational lectures to young people. He had a wonderful sense of humor. His many friends SO. CALIF. CHAPTER MEMBERS in Southern California will miss him. SERVING IN ASSOCIATION POSITIONS Johanna E. Tallman Vivian Arterberry Networking Committee 1975/78 John Connor Research Committee

, 1976-79 Rita Gurnee Education Committee 1976-79 Scott Kennedy Standards Committee RAMESH C. TANEJA [!J ECUCATIONAL SALES REPRESENTATIVE 1976-78 Leroy Linder Standards Committee PHONE (213) 248-9654 1976-78 (213) 385-5021 Cecily Surace Govt. Information Comm. 1975-77 ENCYCLOPAEDIA' BRITANNICA, INC.


-~ ~ ------IFLA INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION OF LIBRARY Units, Round Tables, and working groups." ASSOCIATIONS 42nd GENERAL COUNCIL The attendance of four hundred forty-four August 23-28, 1976 LAUSANNE, SWITZERLAND was less than that of previous conferences. The hope is that the 43rd conference in It was a pleasant conference in a beautiful Brussels, Belgium, will attract three setting, unhurried and thoughtful. The neat thousand. It is to be an open conference hedges and the apparently prosperous populace so that all librarians may attend. gave one a sense that all was well. Mr. Laval, the Librarian of the University of Lausanne, and his co-workers obviously gave Dr. McKenna called for a meeting of SLA much time and thought in making arrangements librarians the Saturray before the con- for our comfort. Passes were provided so ference to discuss a European SLA chapter. that we could use the public transportation It seems that one was started with a news- system but often we walked to the Swiss letter and several meetings but faded when Institute of Technology in order to enjoy the there was a division'between the military gardens and landscape. post librarians and those in civilian em- ploy. The military wanted the meetings It was good, too, to meet librarians attend- held at army posts to reduce the cost to ing their first IFLA session and to renew them but were uncertain if civilians acquaintance with those who had been a part would be allowed to attend. Another factor of previous meetings. Our host, Monsieur Lav~l'was how much respect the commander of the was one of these; also, Mr. Walter W. Ristow, post had for the library staff and if he Head of the Map and Geography Division of the would allow his librarian to attend even Library of Congress, Mrs. Foster Mohrhardt, if the meeting was at another post. and Mr. and Mrs Julius R. Chitwood of Among those in attendance were: Miss Rockford, Illinois, and too many others to Miriam H. Tees, Mrs. Vivian Hewitt, and mention. However, I should tell of my room Mrs. Michele Burdet, formerly Ciel M. mates, Miss Margaret M. Tye, Padgate College Carter, a former'resident of Los Angeles.

- of E~~':.,c~ior:',!earr;h;!..dl~,8:~~§t£!},,- Che;,sj1iJ~'~ She" ~is "now ~a~Swi"S~e~-Went=an'd~o~ITger= = Eng:I:an"a.-an";oaMi~ssRffetaClarK of East associated with a llbrary but needs and Glastonbury, Connecticut, representing the uses special libraries by telephone from New England School Librarians. her mountain home. , ./ A major accomplishment of the conference was The Exchange of Publications Committee,had the pqssage of the draft statutes by which two meetings presided over byDr~r the structure is changed appropriately in Genzel, Deutsche Staatsbibliothek, German accordance with the times. How the voting Democratic Republic, with Mr. F. L. J. privileges were to be allotted was a stumb- Vanwijngaerden of the Royal Library, ling block. The opposition wanted only one Brussels, as secretary. Mr. Alexander vote for each country regardless of the Allardyce of the British Lending Library, number of member library associations. Each Boston Spa, presented standard forms in American library association will vote indi- English to be used in the exchange of vidually. One American association was with- publications. It was good to renew ac- holding its membership until this matter was settled. quaintances with former exchange partners; among them was Mr. B. P. Kanesvsky of the Lenin State Library, Moscow, U.S.S.R. iProvision was made for the developing

i countries by reducing their dues. Now, A former member of this chapter, Stanley . individuals may join by paying fifty dollar McElderry, now Dean of the University of dues. Since most librarians consider this Chicago Library School, gave a paper on high, the organization remains an elitist one the "Alternatives to the Conventional - an opinion it had been trying to dispel. Card Catalog From the User Foint of View." Dr. Frank E. McKenna was elected chairman of Among the meetings of special libraries the Professional Board. The function of were those of the Hospital Section. A blind librarian told of his work with the this board is explained as "coordinates the blind and another librarian told of her professional work of the Federation under- work with the handicapped. taken by the Divisions,Section) Professional (cont'd)

.' -4-





WHEN: THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1976 WHERE: THE LUMINARIAS 3500 RAMONA BLVD. MONTEREY PARK, CA (San Bernardino Freeway across from Calstate LA)



$7.95 (including tax and tip)


Mail your reservations to KAY HAINES, 3257 Mount Curve Ave., Altadena, CA 91101 on or before 12 November 1976.

Enclosed is my check for reservations @ $7.95 each. TOTAL

NAME ADDRESS Street city State zip TELEPHONE

- - ~..... ,,~ ~ ~--- - SECTION IV. PERSONAL

To assist in analyzing the questionaire, please answer the 8. Are there funds for staff development in your libr.JrY budget? following questions about yourself. Simply ci rcle the computer code in fron t of the singl" bes t answer to each ques tion. (51) Yes 2 No

1. (43) Sex: 1 F 2 M 9. Are professional librarians allowed to attend management development activities on library time? 2. 1 Yes No (44) 1 21 or under 4 40-49 (52)

2 22-29 5 50-59 10. When do you prefer to attend continuing education activities? 3 30-39 6 60 or over (53) 1 Short intensive courses on weekends.

2 Once per week on week days. 3. Years employed as a librarian: II 3 Regular college-type semester courses. (45) 1 less than 2 years 4 11-15 years 4 2 3-5 years 5 16-20 years Other, please specify

3 6-10 years 6 over 20 years 11. Which one of the following statements is most true for you?

(54) 1 I would want a training certificate issued by the continuing education institution after completion of courses. 4. of librarv/information center with which you are affiliated: 2 I would need academic credits counted toward a post MLS (46) 1 academic 4 special certificate. 2 5 informa tion center ./J public 3 I would take courses for self-improvement only -- I want no I 3 schoo 1 6 other, please specify- credit or only a statement of completion.

12. Indicate the highest level of schooling that you have had the opportuni ty t:~_~fIlJ>lete: II 'J)

5. Numb"r of people who report to you: (55) 1 High school 4 Bachelor's degree (s)

Professional staff Non-professional staff 2 Community college 5 Master' s degree (s)

(47) 0-1 person (48) 0-1 person 3 Attended 4-year institution 6 Doctoral degree (s) 2 2-4 persons 2 2-4 persons but did no t complete degree 3 3 5-10 persons 5-10 persons 13. Have you engaged in any continuing education during 4 11-20 persons 4 11-20 persons the last five years?

5 21-50 persons 5 21-50 persons (56) 1 Yes 2 No 6 over 50 persons 6 over 50 persons 14. What is your estimated demand for further education?

(57) 1 Yes, would 1ike to engage in further learning and defintely plan to do so.

6. Where is your library/information center located? 2 Yes, would like to engage in further learning but 1)1 (49) 1 San Francisco area 4 Sacramen to area have no definite plans yet. 2 5 Fresno area Los Angeles area 3 Possibly, but difficulties would have to be overcome. 3 San Diego area 6 Other 7. What area do you live in? (50) 1 Metropolitan 2 City / town area 3 Farm area

- ~- - ~ - - --- I " If ...... '" '" ?' ..... :"

...... ::; ..... '" '" 0- '" 0- "" '" '" ::: 0 ;?5 0- ::; ::;; .=; ::= ;?5

N .... I =- 0 - I I " ;:; '" I ! I , I i '"r. 0'15'II .... 'tl ""I ;:'I I I 21" z "' '" =- 0 >-< co c: 0"'; ...; ...; ...; ...; p;' 0 " 0" ;." ::> "c 0 0 c 0 ,.,,, c I en " =- Q.. or '" .... =- I I ....."" " " " rt <: " 5!" "" H> "" ,:gl" " ....,."I " '" '" " " " "ro 0 c ro .... "' '' . " " 5! rt I 8 <: 0 Ir" "'.,. . '"'' t"' en ....0 0 ::> 0 I H> '" Q...... '" " 5! c "" '" f I I ,.,' .... '" '" <:J' rt .... "" " " en ...... 0 I'" '" I I .... H> "'::> '" ::> en " '" ro .... ::> '" ::T t rt en '" '" "'" rt "" " ,,::> 0 "I" '" rt '" 0 "'" 0 " " en " " '" ::> '" ....::> H> ro .... '" x '" "rt '" <: ,, 0 H> ...... ",." H> .... ro 0.,. ::>...... " or '" ro en '" <: >; c "" " 0 '" ,, '" " ... ::> '" en,." ::; .... ro 5' '" I 1 en C1> C1> "' .... en C1> C1> H> ::> '" rn-' " .: C1> " 0 .... "',." '" .... " C1> "rt': ,." "' ::> 0 ,.,. ro c .... C1> C1> ' .... 0.... H> en ::> H> en " .... C1> "g r I " " ;:. ro ..., . "' .... = H> " " en =- ,'" 0 '" rt .... C1> c ...."'t;; I 0 1 "' '' H> ::> " "" 0 <: co '" .... 0 0; .... " ;; 0 H> '" C1> c " "" " '" <: 0" 18' 0 en H> ".... '" i-' "' '' " 0 " C1> ".."", .... en 0 en " .: ... H> 0 i-' Q. '" C, ...... 5! 0 "'.".... " 0 '" '" '" 5! 0 '" 0 '" j l '" "I I '" .... ) ::> '" rt ;:; '" ..... en " .... 5! H> r '" '" en 0 " :' 810 C H> 0 ::> ... '" 0 ::> C:,.,...... " '" ==1" '"H> ...... 0 ,II' H> en " '" '" "" ro 0 0 '" 0 .... '" '" " =1" 0 ...... 5! c " en '" J .... ::> ". ... , ,." ,." c 0 0 N :o-5!'"";1;;'" " rt'" ji en .... ""''" .>-< I I I I§r I I I I 0 '" 0 '" ... '"" '" ::>" ,." ....' 0 ,.. 0 II' ::> ::>r " '" '"" "5! ::> rt en t


M 0 D E (1-3) SELF SECTION I. THE MANAGEMENTPROCESS SEMINAR/ WORK- STUDY LECTURE SHOP PROGRAM ~ (4) - Management theories & styles & their application to library supervision. 1 2 3 (25) (5) - Management functions: planning, organizing, staffing, directing, 1 2 3 (26) controlling of library operations. (6) - Management skills: library budgeting, cost accounting, marketing, 1 2 3 (27) personnel administration, (7) Management science: evaluation & measurement of staff performance, 1 3 (28) - systems approach, analysis of library problems. (8) Technical skills: automation, on-line systems (data-base operation, 1 2 3 (29) - BALLOTS, OCLC, etc.), handling of non-print media. (9) - I do not need additional training in this subject area. SECTION n. INTER-PERSONALRELATIONS 2 3 (10)- Self image and professional image. 1 (30) (11)- Emp1oye~ motivation. 1 2 3 (31) (12)- Staff development. 1 2 3 (32) I Ii (13)- Communications 1 2 3 (33) (14)- Group Dynamics 1 2 3 (34) (15)- Human relations. 1 2 3 (35) 2 (16)- Gaining patron support of your library. 1 3 (36) (17)- I do not need additional training in this area. SECTION III. PERSONAL MANAGEME~~ EFFECTIVENESS I 2 3 (18) - Goal set ting and personal growth needs assessment. 1 (37) 1 2 3 (19)- Decision making (38) 1 2 3 (20)- Policy formulation. (39) I 1 2 3 (21)- Problem solving. (40) 2 (22)- Time management. 1 3 (41) 1 1 2 3 j (23)- Making effective presentations. (42) (24)- I do not need additional training in this subject area. " ..




Questionnaire Directions

This enclosure is a questionnaire designed to measure the opinions of California librar- ians about the need for continuing education, as well as the method by which the training could be offered. Replies are needed from a large and representative sample of professional librarians for the results of the study to be meaningful. All replies will be anonymous. Postage has been paid. You need simply to answer the questions, fold -and tape the pages together and mail.

The questionnaire was designed by Irene Yeh, Readers' Services Librarian at Golden Gate University Library, who has been invited to be guest editor for the July, 1977 issue of California Librarians which will feature continuing education as its theme. The results of this survey will also be published in that issue.

Each of the first three sections of the questionnaire is about one subject. Each sec- tion includes five to seven topics.

At the left, within each section, please rank the topics in the order of their importance to you; from "1" to "5" in Section I, from "1" to "7" in Section II, and "1" to "6" in Section III. For example, if you feel "Management Skills" is the most important topic for continuing education, rank it "1". If you feel that "Technical Skills" is next most important, rank it "2", and so on. Use each number only once.

At the right of each subject, please circle the presentation format which you prefer.

In the fourth section, simply circle the best answer.

Thank you.

(Please ignore the numbers in parentheses. They are for our use in analyzing the results by computer.)

~ ~

---.. ... - ~ - "" .

i ,I

t I

r I

., ...... \Ii ill .. iI10 ~

First Class Permit no. 20 Pacifica, CA


No postage stamp necessary if mailed in United States

- PostageWiII Be Paid By-

IRENE YEH 923 Park Pacifica Avenue Pacifica, CA 94044


J -_.

'" '"' IFLA cont'd. On Friday, August 27, a choice of six all day excursions was offered. The one that I selected was to La Sarraz, Romainmotier, Search and Retrieval Services and Signal de Bougy. We visited the Vaudois ON-LiNE/ON-DEMAND INFORMATION castle unchanged from the days of the Barons Literature searches performed at and inhabited by the same family for eight Over forty da ta bases hundred fifty years. Its Book of Hours and All subject areas represented Complete, computer produced bibliographies other choice items were on display at the Delivery in two to four days Museum of Art and Design that we had visited Call for a cost estimate the previous Sunday. However, lighted repro-' DOCUMENTATION ASSOCIATES ductions of the pages from the Book of Hours (213) 477.5081 were shown and allowed one to see more of Eb 11716 W. Pico Blvd., Suite 201. Los Angeles, CA 90064 the pages than at the exhibit.

Other day excursions were offered to the International Labour Office, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, the Public and University Libpary at Geneva, Special Libraries Association assumes no and the Bodmer Foundation at Cologny. . responsibility for the statements and

I opinions advanced by the contributors to

As an extra-curricular activity we visited I the Association's publications. Editorial Lausanne Branch Public Library of Montroid. views do not necessarily represent the offi- It was on the way to the Ecole Poly technique cial position of Special Libraries Associa- Federale. Although the building was eight tion. Acceptance of an advertisement does years old, the maintenance was so good that not imply endorsement of the product by it appeared new. The library was on the Special Libraries Association. lower floor of a church in a park and in a densely populated area. The children's books were arranged by ages, six to ten, ...... etc. and by trade series. There were attractive displays for both children and WhAT To do tiLLTHe adults. spEciFicATioNS COME Others from Southern California in atten- After you've ordered them from the originating source. there's not m':ch you can do but wait and hope. And maybe grow a few more gray hairs in the process. dance were: Martha Boaz, Dean, School of It could take weeks. Even months. Not so when you deal with Global. Your order for specifications is Library Science, University of Southern processed the same day. Normal delivery is within 24 hours of your request. California and Mr. Robert Vosper, Univer- Here. under one roof, is the world's largest library of Military and Industry sity of California, Los Angeles and a Vice One SlOPShOPPing specifications - including a complete President of IFLA. file of obsolete documents dating back For all your to 1946. Wriie or call now for our informative Margaret Cressaty Speclllcalions &Standards brochure and price schedule. Then, next DOD'SS .R .ASA bidding opportunity. order from Global "S '" NPC and discover that there's only one thing " ~'VA

thousands. .,,, ~~~~~:= M'SC ' ~~ ~v \; We have a lot more to offer than OPS FAAR,GS , ~ ' WSS OP \ i~ $1.813,119.94 worth of su bscri ptions! ODS G'O FSN ' ;r . NAmos P CS '''G ,. , ,.' Call or write for full information. .

.... p-


Margaret Anderson, Awards Chairman for So. Government Documents Librarian at San Calif. Chapter SLA, would like to have all Francisco State University. Minimum of possible suggestions turned in by December 3 years experience in government docu- 5th so that the necessary paperwork can be ments including management and supervi- prepared. Her committee will even do the sory responsibilities. MLS required. research necessary to submit the nominations Subject masters preference. Salary to SLA so do not hesitate to at least present $13,440. Transmit resumes to Dr. Mary the names of those people whom you feel Mac William, San Francisco State Univer- should be represented. sity, Library, 1630 Holloway Avenue, San Francisco 94132. The following awards are available: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * SLA Professional Award is the highest recog- nition granted by the Association. It is D {il given to an individual or group, who mayor REMEMBER may not hold membership in the Association December .3rd in recognition of a specific major achieve- ment in, or a specific significant contri- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * bution to, the field of librarianship or information science, which advances the stated objectives of the Special Libraries Association.

SLA Hall of Fame election is granted to a member or a former member of the Association \\\NI4j2107 CAMDEN AVENUE following the close of an active professional WEST LOS ANGELES 90025 career for an extended and sustained period of distinguished service to the Association

in all spheres of its activities.Ii;! i!iio Its basic purpose is to recognize those individuals who have made outstanding contributions to CLA CONFERENCE the growth and development of Special Librar- "Problems and Areas of Cooperation" will be ies Association--as a whole--over a period of years. the program topic for a session presented by the CLA Libraries and Publishers Committee SLA Special Citation is an occasional recog- which will provide an exchange of ideas be- nition of a member or group of members or of tween public librarians an~ book publishers on an individual or group close to the Associa- December 2nd at 3 p.m. Panelists are tion in acknowledgment of outstanding service Glenda Hooper, Russell West, Frank Goodall, to or exceptional support and encouragement John Schanhaar and Sol Grossman. of special librarianship. SLA Honorary Member is an individual who at the time of his election does not belong to the Special Libraries Association but shall be elected to this honor by the Association membership.

To make your nominations contact: Margaret Marquis-Who's Who, Inc. Anderson (213) 822-1715 x220, Mary Krupp (213) 381-7151 x275, Vic Michel (714) 632-362l. GURNEY S. McCASLAND SALES REPRESENTATIVE Note: Nominees do not have to be members CALIFORNIA of this chapter or any specific division so P.O. BOX 5GB do not hesitate to submit any names you have. PUBLISHER OF MONTEREY PARK MARQUiS-WHO'S WHO BOOKS CALIFORNIA 9'754 MARQUIS ACAOEMIC MEOlA BOOKS 213 280-0140


~ .~

=--~ - ="""=~- ""","",--- ~ .e I .~ I DUPLICATE EXCHANGE 1976 SALARY SURVEY I

If you were unable to complete your The complete report of this fourth trien- list of wanted and duplicate items by nial survey by SLA will be published in I September 22, please send it in anyway as the December 1976 issue of Special Librar- 1 soon as completed because this is a con- ies. tinuing operation. 50th Avg. of Percen- Avg. of ! Some of you may be surprised to receive Lowest tile Highest Mean requests from foreign libraries for items 10% (Median) 10% (Average) on the last list. The last few lists of 1976 $9,3UO $15,000 $28,500 $16,300 offers were given to the librarians at the IFLA meeting to show them what the 1973 12,800 14,000 Southern California Chapter could do. There has been a 17% increase in the me- If you still have some of the items, you un- dian salary and a 16% increase in the doubtedly will be glad to help another li- mean salary since 1973. brary. -, The salary bias based on sex is less in Pernaps in doing this you will forma 1976 than in 1973. Both the mean and "buddy" attachment. Just as cities have median salaries for female respondents sister cities abroad, libraries could make have increased more than those for male similar arrangements with libraries abroad respondents. The median for women is with similar interests and publications. now 19% below the median for men as com- Many of you may have such an understanding pared to a 24% differential in 1973. In already; but if you do not, it is worth con- the age group from 20 to 29 there is no sidering. Members of your research staff and sex bias apparent. your library staff could on their trips abroad and visits to research organizations The age distribution of all respondents and libraries approach the proper individuals is now equally divided among decades and ask to establish an exchange arrangement (2~'s, 30's, etc.). for publications OF the institute. If your organization has no publications, perhaps you Each SLA Salary Survey has had a high could send some title that you regularly usable response rate. In 1976, the usable receive as a duplicate. response rate was 61%.

Margaret Cressaty -

This Space For Rent WE'RE ONLY HUMAN Call You won't find a computer in our place. People do all the work here. People you can praise for careful order processing or blame for careless mistakes. And that's why librarians tell us Annalene Voigt 847-2121 they like our service even more than our discounts.

TAYLOR-CARLISLE, BOOK WHOLESALERS,. . We can't blame our mistakes en,a computer, so we make fewer of them. For information write'":YAVLOR:cARLISLE, bEPT A 115 EAST 23d ST, NEW YORK, NY 10010 JOBLINE 795. 2145

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