

Vol. 166 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, JULY 2, 2020 No. 122 Senate The Senate met at 10 a.m. and was ments to get to a point where they No longer do disappointments for called to order by the President pro could get a clean audit. DOD is still the Democrats mean that Democrats need tempore (Mr. GRASSLEY). only one that hasn’t. better arguments. Now disappoint- f Sometime around 2010, I believe, we ments for Democrats are claimed as laid down a requirement that the clean proof—proof—that our country is fun- PRAYER audit date ought to be met by 2017. damentally broken or that James The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- Well, that wasn’t met. So, for decades, Madison messed something up. fered the following prayer: DOD has been saying that they are al- So while we have far-left mobs at- Let us pray. most there. Now they say it will be at tacking statues of our Founding Fa- O God of light, as we approach Inde- least another 5 years before a clean thers from coast to coast, we have far- pendence Day, we thank You for giving opinion can be reached. left politicians attacking the institu- us the gift of true freedom. One reason they haven’t been able to tions those Founders left us. You have blessed us with freedom do that is the outdated mess of hun- Now, step back and look at the land- from sin, guilt, and shame. You have dreds of financial management sys- scape of fundamental changes that redeemed us. You have also given us tems. Yet the Department of Defense leading Democrats or their close allies freedom from fear, providing us with still wants to spend almost $200 million are demanding: amending the First peace in the midst of the storms. on an annual audit. Amendment to restrict its protections, Today, please guide our lawmakers I urge my colleagues to support my ending the electoral college, packing so that they will fulfill Your purposes amendment to pause the audit effort the Supreme Court with new Justices, as they face the challenges of these that is doomed to fail anyway and, in- packing the Senate with new States, times. Lord, awaken them to Your in- stead, invest that $200 million in updat- and, to accomplish all this, destroying escapable presence. Keep them from ing the Department of Defense finan- the Senate’s distinguishing feature thinking that You are absent from our cial management system because, until that makes radical change hard by de- world or disinterested in it. Enable they get the financial management sign. them to feel You in their midst as they systems right, DOD will never be capa- We have an entire political move- grapple with the problems of our time. ble of having a clean audit. ment that is telling us—literally out We pray in Your strong Name. Amen. I yield the floor. loud—that they have lost patience with f f playing by the rules and may well de- clare war on the rule book itself. A co- PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY alition of leftwing special interests are The President pro tempore led the LEADER explicitly campaigning for ‘‘51 for 51.’’ Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ma- They want Senators to vandalize the I pledge allegiance to the of the jority leader is recognized. rules to pass legislation with a simple United States of America, and to the Repub- f majority and then use that ill-gotten lic for which it stands, one nation under God, power to cement a presumed advantage indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. ISSUES FACING AMERICA by awarding the District of Columbia The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, be- two Senate seats. BOOZMAN). The Senator from Iowa. fore I discuss the legislation before the They want to nuke the Senate to Mr. GRASSLEY. Mr. President, I ask Senate, I need to spend a moment on pack the Senate. This is naked politics. unanimous to speak for 1 something broader. Our country needs No neutral principle could explain why minute in morning business. to confront the Democratic Party’s all these special interests prioritize The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without willingness to threaten our governing this cause which most Americans op- objection, it is so ordered. institutions themselves. pose. No neutral principle explains why f Earlier this year, as the Senate dis- Democrats want the 20th most popu- posed of the least fair, least thorough, lous city to get two Senators all to NATIONAL DEFENSE and most rushed impeachment in mod- itself when retrocession to Maryland AUTHORIZATION ACT ern history, I offered a broader warn- would satisfy their own slogans more Mr. GRASSLEY. Mr. President, the ing. I said: ‘‘Leaders in the opposite cleanly. Department of Defense is the only party increasingly argue that if our in- No neutral principle explains why agency that can’t get a clean audit. stitutions don’t produce the outcomes House Democrats wasted floor time on Sometime around 1990, there was an they like, our institutions themselves a potentially unconstitutional show audit passed directing Depart- must be broken.’’ vote.

∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor.



VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:38 Jul 03, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A02JY6.000 S02JYPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE S4170 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 2, 2020 Just days after Democrats used the reach, but, as all my colleagues know, sources to carry out their missions. Its power to block Senator the NDAA is also a profoundly local impact will not be felt just by our ad- SCOTT’s police reform bill, even col- bill for communities in all 50 States. versaries overseas but by our service- leagues who recently defended this im- My home State is proud to support members and communities right here portant tradition have now bowed to three Army installations and the men at home. the pressure to flirt with ending it. and women of the Kentucky Air and I would like to once again thank On a similar note, you may remem- Army National Guard. Last fall, I Chairman INHOFE, Ranking Member ber that a kind of naked intimidation hosted Defense Secretary Mark Esper REED, and our colleagues on the Armed without modern precedent in modern in Kentucky to speak with the Fort Services Committee for their serious memory took place a few months ago. Knox community. He called for a re- and thoughtful work. The Democratic leader stood by the newed commitment to supporting our Let’s get this bill moving toward steps of the Supreme Court and di- all-volunteer force, including military completion. rectly threatened Justices if they ruled spouses and their families. f the wrong way in the June Medical The NDAA advances that goal. It will Services case. authorize a new elementary school at RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME This display aligned with a whole Fort Knox. This construction, paired The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under new tradition of Senate Democrats with progress toward a new middle the previous order, the leadership time threatening judges. A year ago, several school at Fort Campbell, will continue is reserved. making Kentucky’s installations a wel- wrote Justices saying the ‘‘Court is not f well [and] perhaps the Court can heal coming home for military families. itself before the public demands it be This project comes on the heels of CONCLUSION OF MORNING ‘restructured.’ ’’ Fort Knox’s selection for the new V BUSINESS In other words, nice judicial inde- Corps headquarters. This mission The PRESIDING OFFICER. Morning pendence you have got there. It would brings more than 600 additional sol- business is closed. be a shame if something happened to diers to Kentucky in support of U.S. it. operations over in . They will f Right on cue, a number of leftwing join Fort Knox’s already impressive EXECUTIVE SESSION groups are agitating to revive the dis- list of significant commands, including credited notion of court-packing. the Army’s Recruiting, Cadet, and Now, following the Democratic lead- Human Resources Command. The V EXECUTIVE CALENDAR er’s display, the Court ruled the way he Corps will find a premier installation The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under wanted on that very case. They handed made even better by this NDAA. the previous order, the Senate will pro- it down on Monday of this week. Our Our bill also authorizes the construc- ceed to executive session to resume colleague took to the floor cracking tion of a new headquarters for the Ken- consideration of the following nomina- jokes, giddy—giddy—he had gotten his tucky National Guard. The facility will tion, which the clerk will report. way, but just moments later the Demo- consolidate the Guard’s operation to a The senior assistant legislative clerk cratic leader picked right up where he central location. read the nomination of Russell Vought, left off, impugning and pressuring one Just recently, our citizen soldiers of Virginia, to be Director of the Office Justice whose vote he disliked. and airmen have stepped up to combat of Management and Budget. So you see, the improper pressure COVID–19. I am glad this legislation Mr. MCCONNELL. I suggest the ab- and the accusations of illegitimacy will deliver for them. sence of a quorum. will never end. No amount of rulings At the Blue Grass Army Depot, the The PRESIDING OFFICER. The the Democrats like would be enough NDAA will advance the disposal of leg- clerk will call the roll. because the fundamental respect for an acy chemical weapons. Families in The senior assistant legislative clerk independent judiciary is simply not Madison County have lived for genera- proceeded to call the roll. there. tions with these deadly agents prac- Mr. SCHUMER. Mr. President, I ask This is about outcomes, not institu- tically in their backyards. For years, I unanimous consent that the order for tions, and there is no limit to how far have fought alongside them to support the quorum call be rescinded. left the goalposts will move. safe and responsible demilitarization. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Well, the subject is not going away, In just the first year of chemical de- objection, it is so ordered. but for today I will leave it there. This struction activities, the depot has al- RECOGNITION OF THE MINORITY LEADER weekend, July 4, Americans will cele- ready completed a campaign ahead of brate our founding. We will celebrate schedule. An entire type of munition The Democratic leader is recognized. the Framers and the traditions and the has been completely deleted from the CORONAVIRUS institutions that they left us. U.S. stockpile. Our legislation will help Mr. SCHUMER. Mr. President, two We cannot let radicals tear down us safely consign more of these weap- numbers sum up the state of America their likenesses or their legacies. We ons to the ash heap of history. today: 52,788, the number of confirmed must preserve the gifts and the institu- Now, I have also spoken this week COVID–19 cases yesterday; and 1.4 mil- tions we celebrate so our grandchildren about the growing boldness of our Na- lion, the number of unemployment and their grandchildren can celebrate tion’s adversaries and the evolving claims filed this week. In the next few them as well. threats our servicemembers face. The months, these numbers will be far more f men and women of Fort Campbell, in- important than the job numbers re- cluding the 101st Airborne, are among leased this morning in determining the NATIONAL DEFENSE those our Nation turns to first to han- long-term health of our economy and AUTHORIZATION ACT dle serious challenges. Their recent de- the health of this country. The statis- Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, on ployments to Europe, Afghanistan, and tics I mentioned would have been an entirely different matter, the Sen- to support the COVID–19 response in harrowing during February, March, ate continues to consider the National New York and New Jersey show their April, or May, during the initial surge Defense Authorization Act. I under- importance to our country. and rapid spread of the disease. They stand we are close to a bipartisan Pursuant to the national defense would have been distressing even then, structure for amendments, and if our strategy, this NDAA will encourage but here in the beginning of July, 6 Democratic colleagues will let us, I new capabilities so elite fighting forces months into the crisis, long after other hope we can move forward today. like the 101st are equipped for success countries have experienced a rapid de- All week I have discussed how the under any circumstances. cline of COVID–19, it is shocking that 60th consecutive NDAA will help our The Senate is grateful for the coura- the United States is hitting ever Nation protect its people, stand with geous service of our Armed Forces. The grimmer milestones. our allies, and keep pace with our com- bipartisan legislation before us honors There is no doubt that much of the petitors. This legislation has global their sacrifices and authorizes the re- responsibility for this debacle—the

VerDate Sep 11 2014 09:06 Jul 03, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G02JY6.001 S02JYPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE July 2, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S4171 COVID debacle—falls on the shoulders lic service jobs in the tens of thou- ‘‘Go out to where the real people of President Trump, who failed to pre- sands. The number of new cases is ac- are.’’ pare our Nation for the initial surge, celerating in nearly half our States. Over 700,000 people live and work in failed to organize a national supply Still, the Republican majority, in the the District of Columbia, 46 percent of chain of PPE, failed to develop a na- words of its majority leader, ‘‘has yet them are Black. They hold jobs just tional strategy for testing and contact to feel the urgency of acting.’’ Still, like everyone else. They teach, deliver tracing, and failed to even commu- the Republican leader says we must groceries, care for our sick, and work nicate the depth of the challenge our ‘‘assess the conditions’’ in the country in our restaurants and churches. Many country faces. And much of this still before providing relief to our citizens. of them work here in the Capitol, pro- proves true today. Just how much more assessment do we viding essential services to some Sen- The Washington Post reported this need when we remember those two ators who, obviously, don’t consider morning that Arizona, which has expe- numbers—52,000 new cases and 1.4 mil- them ‘‘real people.’’ rienced a huge surge in cases, still lion people applying for unemploy- My friends on the other side of the doesn’t have the testing supplies they ment? aisle would have you believe that every need because of a national supply chain Every day this week, Senate Demo- member of this city is a lobbyist or de- failure. crats have come to the floor to plead Even after 2.6 million infections and with our colleagues to take up legisla- fense contractor or a reporter. Not 120,000 American fatalities, the Presi- tion to help millions of American only is that comically false, but I don’t dent said yesterday: workers and small businesses that are remember the part of the Constitution where it says your rights as American I think we’re going to be very good with struggling right now. Every day this the coronavirus. I think at some point that’s week, Senate Republicans have blocked citizens only apply if Republican Sen- going to sort of just disappear. our requests: rental assistance, ators approve of your line of work. Can you imagine the bubble this man blocked; food assistance, blocked; mor- I have noticed that it has become is in? He is only concerned about atorium on evictions, blocked; re- fashionable for elements of the polit- scratching and stroking his own ego sources for schools, nursing homes, ical right to accuse Democrats of ig- and not about what is going on in the State and local governments, Indian noring ‘‘real Americans.’’ It seems that country, so he can just dismiss the se- Country, and elections—blocked, the political right has a clear idea of riousness of this—the most serious blocked, blocked, and blocked. Just which Americans are real and which health and economic crisis we have had how long will this Republican Senate Americans are not. in decades. It is amazing. majority prevent the American people When Republican Senators are out- That is what President Trump said from getting the aid they so des- right dismissing the personhood of yesterday: ‘‘We’re going to be very perately need? thousands of American citizens—most good with the coronavirus’’—on the Now Republicans are saying we have of whom are Black—it is time for the same day the United States reported to do another bill before August. I am political right to look in the mirror. the most new cases of coronavirus in a glad they are finally talking seriously DC residents fulfill all the obliga- single day ever. The President is so about a fourth phase of coronavirus tions of citizenship. They pay Federal eager to declare victory and pat him- legislation, though the need has been . They can be summoned for jury self on the back and then move on that obvious for months. But the Repub- . They have served in every war he is ignoring reality completely. lican leader at the moment insists that since the Revolutionary War. But they The June jobs report showed modest the next bill will be ‘‘written in his of- are denied real representation in Con- growth, but we know conditions have fice.’’ Written in his office? That is the gress. worsened since the survey was com- same one-party, ‘‘take it or leave it’’ pleted in the middle of the month. Ex- partisan approach that delayed the We can have a real conversation perts believe 10 percent of the work- CARES Act and utterly failed on polic- about Statehood without denigrating force has lost their job permanently, ing reform. or dehumanizing these citizens, but the with Americans of color counting for a Leader MCCONNELL likes to remind far right is so afraid of losing political disproportionate share. us that we need to make a law, not a power and so unwilling to appeal to Again, in terms of the long-term point. To make a law, leader, you need anyone who doesn’t already agree with health of the economy, the most con- both parties, you need both Chambers them that their strategy has become: cerning and important number is the of Congress, and you need the signa- restrict voting rights and deny equal number of new COVID cases. The num- ture of the President. Starting the next representation in Congress to hundreds ber of COVID cases, health-related, is phase of COVID legislation in the ma- of thousands of Americans. the No. 1 effect on the long-term health jority leader’s office is exactly what Self-governance and equal represen- of the economy. President Trump you do if you wanted to make a point, tation aren’t Democratic issues or Re- seems oblivious to the fact that almost not a law. publican issues. Voting rights everyone who studied this issue knows. The House of Representatives already shouldn’t be a Democratic issue or a The President’s own CDC Director says has a bill that it has passed. It needs to Republican issue. These are issues of the number of cases may be 10 times be part of the equation here. In order fairness, of equality. It is not about higher than reported. Imagine that. We to make a law, both parties in both right or left. It is about right and could have 26 million people infected Chambers should have a seat at the wrong. table. That is how we got the last and likely many, many more to come, SENATE RULES but the President assumes that the phase of COVID–19 legislation done, coronavirus—and the economy—will and it is the best way to get it done Mr. President, for a minute on rules just take care of itself. this time. changes, I heard the Republican leader If President Trump reacted to the DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA STATEHOOD come forward and decry any to jobs report like he has reacted to Mr. President, we have serious dis- change the rules. He is not a good one COVID and says, ‘‘We’re in the clear; agreements here in Congress. We to give advice. Leader MCCONNELL has we don’t have to do anything,’’ then we in passionate words, but words some- shown that he will change the rules will soon be in even worse trouble than times get a little too hot under the col- when it suits his purposes and defend we are today. lar. There are times when we need to the rules when it suits his purposes. He Here in the Senate, the Republican take a step back and really think is no icon standing in the way of any majority has been out to lunch since about what we are saying. rules change. We all saw what hap- we passed the CARES Act way back in Yesterday, speaking in opposition to pened in the last few years. March. It has been over 3 months since DC Statehood, the junior Senator from So please, Leader MCCONNELL, don’t the Republican Senate has considered Montana said lawmakers should ‘‘go give us advice on rules changes when major COVID relief legislation. Weekly out to where the real people are across you are so inconsistent about which unemployment claims are measured in the country and ask them what they rules are OK to change and which rules the millions. States are shedding pub- think.’’ are not.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:38 Jul 03, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G02JY6.004 S02JYPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE S4172 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 2, 2020 TRUMP ADMINISTRATION Act shall be used for any military pro- who haven’t served, often, we might Mr. President, governing is a matter gram or personnel to infringe upon peo- have a general appreciation, but we of priorities. In this moment of na- ple’s rights to peacefully assemble or don’t really have an understanding, tional crisis, as the COVID–19 pan- petition government for a redress of and there can start to be a gap, or a demic rages on, economic hardship grievances. It was a very simple gulf, between civilians and the mili- deepens and the centuries-old struggle amendment. tary. for racial justice is waged anew. Our There is an act, the Insurrection Act, Former Secretary of Defense Mattis national priorities have never been that sets forth specific circumstances has commented about this a lot, about clearer to everyone, it seems, but under which the military can be used this gap that can grow. I am not chal- President Trump. to do law enforcement activities for do- lenging that an all-volunteer military This week has been one of the most mestic purposes, but I wanted to have is a good thing, but there can be a gap out-of-touch weeks of an out-of-touch the strong statement that the military of misunderstanding. We would never Presidency. As the citizens of ruby red should not be used to infringe upon want to widen that gap, and we should Oklahoma voted to expand Medicaid, people’s rights to peacefully assemble always do things to narrow that gap. President Trump, this week, advanced and petition the government. I was There would be nothing that would his administration’s lawsuit to elimi- proud, when I presented that to my widen the gap more than if people were nate our healthcare law and Medicaid committee colleagues within a week to perceive that the military were now expansion along with it. As protesters after this event, that they agreed and, being arrayed against them, against continued to march in the streets for by a unanimous voice vote, included it the civilian population. It would not racial justice, President Trump, this in the base bill. only endanger important First Amend- week, attacked a program designed to I want to just stress why I think this ment rights, but it would also poten- end racial segregation in housing. As is so very, very important, and I appre- tially lead to a wider canyon between the State of Mississippi decided to take ciate my colleagues’ support to this the civilian and the military, and we down the Confederate flag, President point. Peaceful protests are protected should not do that. Trump threatened to veto the national in the First Amendment, and I think There can be uses of military assets defense bill, including a pay raise for the Framers of the Bill of Rights, when in protest situations. A sort of stand- our troops, in the name of protecting they protected something, they sort of ard way of thinking about it, for exam- the Confederacy. encouraged it. I think the Framers of ple, would be to use Guard troops. The This week, the President of the the Constitution got some things Guard is often called up to protect pro- United States seemed more concerned wrong, but they also got some things testers, and then local law enforcement with protecting the names of dead Con- right. is used to police bad actors. One would federate generals than doing anything One of the things I have always been use a group like the Guard to protect to help living American citizens. The interested in is that, while elections protesters, to keep them safe, and to President is so out of touch that it is are important—and elections and cam- make sure they are not doing things to as if he was dropped into the Oval Of- paigns are in the Constitution as being or are being harmed by others, but the fice from another planet, unaware and every 2 years for the House, every 6 law enforcement activity should be uncaring of anything going on around years for the Senate, and Presidential carried out by police and not by the him. Whether it is the resurgent elections—the Framers knew elections military. COVID killing Americans, a faltering wouldn’t be enough to protect this This is something we promote in the economy, a righteous movement for ra- great democracy. If they had thought Committee on Foreign Relations all cial justice, or Putin’s malign actions elections would have been enough, they the time. I see my colleague from Wyo- endangering our troops, President wouldn’t have said that people need to ming who is here, who is on the Com- Trump has the same reaction: stroke be able to peacefully assemble and that mittee on Foreign Relations with me his own ego, then stick his head in the people need to be able to petition the and does such a good job there. We are sand and do nothing. government for a redress of grievances. often encouraging foreign nations: I yield the floor. If elections had been enough, they Don’t use your military to do police The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- would have said: Well, if you are mad, work. Have a professional police de- ator from Virginia. just wait 2 years, and then you can partment. Use your military to defend PROTESTS vote out somebody bad and bring in the country. The professionalizing of Mr. KAINE. Mr. President, I rise to somebody good. police is an important thing, because briefly discuss a matter that is con- The Framers had been through the that is not what a military should do. tained within the NDAA bill that is experiences of things like the Boston That was the reason I introduced the currently pending before the Senate, a Tea Party and other events. They knew amendment. It was not solely to pro- matter for which I sponsored as an that to have a more perfect Union and tect First Amendment rights, which amendment, in the Committee on really preserve the democracy, they are really important, but it was also to Armed Services’ markup on the bill, needed to have elections, but they also not allow a gulf that exists between ci- that received the unanimous voice vote needed to give people the room and the vilians and the military to get even of my colleagues, and I just wanted to space to be able to peacefully assemble worse if civilians feel like the military stress its importance. and say: Hey, I don’t like this. Can we is arrayed against them. A few weeks back, on a Monday in make these changes? The last thing I will say—and then I May, peaceful protesters assembled in It is a value that is so important, will conclude—is that I lived in a mili- Lafayette Square to protest against po- like the freedom of religion and the tary dictatorship when I was young. I lice violence. They were peaceful, and freedom of the press, and were put in took a year off in the middle of law they were in full compliance with a the First Amendment for a reason. school to go to Honduras and work curfew ordinance that was in place. It Those in the military, just as Sen- with Jesuit missionaries in 1980 to 1981. was before the curfew. Federal law en- ators, take vows to support and defend It was a military dictatorship, and peo- forcement officials fired tear gas at the Constitution of the United States. ple could not vote for anything. It was them to disperse them, which I found Yet, in particular today, 2020, we have a shock to me, my seeing a society very, very troubling, as, I know, many a significant issue that I see cropping where people could vote and, maybe, people did. What concerned me even up sometimes, which is, thank good- sometimes even choose not to vote, and more was the President’s indicating ness, that we as civilians appreciate then my going to a society where peo- that he might use Active-Duty mili- the military—that the ‘‘thank you for ple couldn’t vote. People prayed for the tary against the protesters. That was your service’’ attitude, I think, is wide- day that they might be able to finally happening during the same week that ly shared. There is often a gulf between vote for their leaders, but they we were submitting amendments to the the military and civilians because, in couldn’t because the military was run- National Defense Authorization Act. the time of an all-volunteer military, ning the country at the time. So I wrote up a very simple amend- only 1 percent of people serve in the There I saw the reaction that the ment that read: No funds under this military. That means, for those of us people had toward the military, and

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:38 Jul 03, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G02JY6.005 S02JYPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE July 2, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S4173 the reaction that they had toward the Christine Romans of CNN: ‘‘Big hir- is why we worked together in a bipar- military and to that form of govern- ing.’’ tisan way. I will tell you, when I say it ment was not ‘‘thank you for your Rick Santelli of CNBC: ‘‘Really solid is overwhelmingly bipartisan, it is be- service.’’ It was ‘‘you scare me to numbers.’’ cause we have both BERNIE SANDERS death.’’ There was military on every So good news. Americans are getting and President Trump supporting it. In corner with automatic weapons. There back to work, and we need to make fact, President Trump called on Con- were roundups, and they would do an sure that we reopen responsibly, smart- gress to pass the Senate highway bill organized draft. Sometimes they would ly, safely—the sorts of things you were in his State of the Union Address. just surround a movie theater, and as talking about—knowing what to do, No question, it is the right medicine young men would come out, they would how to do it, how to do it right because for our roads. It cuts redtape to speed commandeer them to go into the mili- the health and safety, as you men- up construction. It makes our roads tary. tioned, of our families is important, safer, stronger, actually, as well, be- I experienced something so different and it includes economic health as cause of the reinforcement efforts, and from what I experience here, which was well, and we have that report today it sends money directly to States so a society in which your first reaction with a stellar jobs report. people can get back to work. when you see somebody in uniform—in INFRASTRUCTURE Americans deserve a safe, reliable, ef- the military—is fear. You are afraid of Mr. President, I also want to point ficient transportation system. So the him. We would never want that to be out today that yesterday the Demo- Democrats in the House of Representa- the prevailing attitude here. We would crats in the House passed their 100-per- tives need to get serious. Their 100-per- want our attitude here to be ‘‘thanks cent partisan version of a highway in- cent partisan bill is going nowhere. for your service.’’ frastructure bill. They co-opted a bi- It does seem that the Democrats in I believe my amendment, now incor- partisan issue, completely cut out Re- the House are all about politics and porated in the NDAA, will preserve the publicans—completely cut them out of nothing about progress—the progress important roles that the military the conversation. we need to make as a country. They plays, preserve the important prin- Not only that, but House Democrats are over there pushing socialism, and ciples of peaceful assembly, petitioning added a laundry list of really leftwing right here we are pushing solutions. The country needs less government, First Amendment, but we proposals in what they passed yester- grandstanding, and it needs more gov- will also make sure that we as a soci- day in the House. In a sense, it is ‘‘Groundhog’s Day’’ erning. So I am going to continue to ety don’t find, by pitting the military for the Green New Deal. This far-left work across the aisle. We will work against civilians, that we will be led to fantasy has become a recurring night- with the administration and will not a situation where we will not be able to mare, and we saw it yesterday on the quit until our bipartisan highway in- fully appreciate the sacrifices they floor of the House of Representatives. frastructure bill passes and becomes make and the work they do for us. The Democrats must be taking their law. Together, we can rebuild America. I am excited that the bill on the floor cue from Joe Biden. The Biden cam- NATIONAL DEFENSE AUTHORIZATION ACT now contains this provision and hope paign is promoting the Green New Mr. President, now to the issue today my colleagues will promptly and Deal, as he said, a ‘‘crucial frame- on the floor of the U.S. Senate. We are quickly pass the NDAA. work.’’ considering critical national security I yield the floor. Biden has put the Green New Deal legislation. The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. author, Representative ALEXANDRIA The National Defense Authorization SCOTT of Florida). The Senator from OCASIO-CORTEZ, in charge of his cli- Act, NDAA, lays out America’s defense Wyoming. mate task force. This is where the priorities for the coming years. The JOBS REPORT Democrats want to take the country. NDAA supports our brave service men Mr. BARRASSO. Mr. President, as I The truth is, Joe Biden has just now and women, and it sets policies to de- come to the floor today, we have just become the Trojan horse for the far, far fend our Nation. seen incredible record-setting job num- left. The investments made through this bers. It is wonderful news for American House Democrats’ partisan highway bill our country from foreign workers, for families all across the bill, to me, is a road to nowhere. It is threats, and there are many. This is country. It is a stellar June jobs re- going to see no light of day in the U.S. why the NDAA has, over the years, be- . Senate. come must-pass legislation. The U.S. economy added 4.8 million Infrastructure must be bipartisan, es- In fact, the Defense policy bill has jobs, shattering all expectations. It is pecially now. The House should follow passed every year for decades. The Sen- the largest monthly jobs gain in our the Senate’s lead. Senate Republicans, ate continues this proud tradition in Nation’s history. in the majority, have worked across taking up this, the 60th annual, Na- So if you flip through the channels the aisle with our Democratic col- tional Defense Authorization Act. this morning, Mr. President—and I did leagues to make this serious issue into This legislation is bipartisan to its see you on one of the morning shows, policy that is good for all of America, core. It reflects equal input from Re- doing a wonderful job, as you always and our bipartisan bill is ready to go. publicans and Democrats. The Senate do, talking about your home State, America’s Transportation Infrastruc- Armed Services Committee adopted 229 talking about our Nation—but these ture Act passed the Senate Environ- bipartisan amendments before approv- were some of the comments today ment and Public Works Committee, ing the legislation this month by a about the jobs numbers: the committee I chair, unanimously, 21 vote in committee of 25 to 2. CNBC’s Jim Cramer said: ‘‘There’s an to 0. The landmark legislation will fix The NDAA will ensure a smart, optimism in the country . . . people our Nation’s roads, bridges, and tun- strong, strategic defense for our Na- are hiring.’’ nels. tion, and it will maintain America’s Ed Lawrence at FOX Business said: Now, we invest but $287 billion in our dominance in a dangerous world. ‘‘This is amazing. A good report any- highways over 5 years. That is a 27-per- The bill supports $741 billion in fiscal where you look at it.’’ cent increase over current highway year 2021 defense funding, and that is Becky Quick, CNBC, said it was a funding, and it is important. It is espe- in line with the bipartisan Budget Act ‘‘trend from across the board of pretty cially critical to our economic recov- of 2019. It implements the national de- strong numbers.’’ ery today. fense strategy to promote a strong Stephanie Ruhle of NBC said it was a We still have close to 20 million military deterrent and to strive for a ‘‘big positive.’’ Americans out of work due to the lasting peace. Charles Payne, FOX Business, said: coronavirus-related lockdowns. Jump- You have seen it, Mr. President, and ‘‘Even though the economists keep say- starting highway projects is going to you have discussed it—with the world ing it’s impossible,’’ the numbers are speed the recovery, and it will help fuel distracted, China has become terrific. job creation. emboldened. The Chinese military has Steve Liesman, CNBC, said: ‘‘Bring- Our bill benefits the entire country— stepped up its aggression against its ing a lot of folks back.’’ both urban areas and rural areas. That neighbors and in the South China Sea.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:38 Jul 03, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G02JY6.006 S02JYPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE S4174 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 2, 2020 Russia also poses a growing threat. For the past 4 years, Congress has (c) RULE OF CONSTRUCTION.—Nothing in China and Russia will not put their been able to pass the NDAA with this section, or an amendment made by this ambitions on hold for coronavirus or strong, top-line defense funding. The section, may be construed to affect or other- wise alter any provision of the Federal Food, anything else. They will not wait for us bipartisan Budget Act sets overall de- Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 301 et or for them to recover from the fense funding levels for fiscal year 2021. seq.), including its implementing regula- coronavirus crisis and resolve our do- Longer term funding is necessary, but tions. mestic disputes. it is uncertain. At the end, add the following: America must keep China and Russia Democrats have opposed stronger de- SEC. ll. UNDERSTANDING THE IMPACT OF E- both in check. The NDAA promotes a fense funding in the past, especially USE BY ADOLESCENTS winning strategy. It modernizes our AND YOUNG ADULTS. during the Obama-Biden administra- (a) STUDY.—The National Institutes of nuclear defenses. It maintains our tion. This history suggests that if Health, in coordination with other appro- high-tech edge over China and Russia. Democrats win the election, they will priate agencies, shall conduct a study on the The NDAA honors our commitment to slow our Nation’s critical defense in- short-term and long-term health impacts of our dedicated men and women in uni- vestments. e-cigarette use by youth and young adults form. The NDAA strengthens America’s under 21 years of age, that includes the fol- It delivers a well-earned pay raise for hand to stand up to foreign aggressors, lowing: (1) An examination of the health impacts our troops, as well as high-quality to stand up against those people who housing, healthcare, childcare services of using liquids obtained from the legal mar- are against American values. ket, including liquids that may not have pre- for military families at home as well as Our NDAA will protect American market approval from the Food and Drug abroad. The NDAA ensures our force is leadership in the world. It will enhance Administration, compared to liquids ob- ready to fight and to win. That means our standing with adversaries and al- tained illicitly. to fight and to win today’s wars, as lies alike. Above all, it sends a clear (2) A determination of the precise relation- well as the wars in the future. message to our enemies: You cannot ship between underage vaping and underage It provides state-of-the-art equip- defeat the United States so don’t even smoking, which may include using national ment and tools our troops need to de- survey data, in which the reporting of smok- try. ing and vaping usage classifications (such as fend America all around the world. The Every Senator should support this NDAA will help spur innovation. It in- current users, former users, or never users) smart, strong, strategic approach to shall be integrated and not treated as sepa- vests in new technologies: artificial in- America’s defense. rate or unrelated categories. telligence, hypersonic weapons, bio- Let’s honor this proud tradition; let’s (3) A determination of the precise relation- technology, cyber security. support our troops; and let us once ship between vaping and smoking among The bill modernizes our Pentagon’s again pass the NDAA, this, for the 60th young adults, who are 21 to 24 years of age, financial management system. It pro- time. using national survey data, in which the re- vides for greater accountability and Mr. President, I yield the floor. porting of smoking and vaping usage classi- transparency at the Defense Depart- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- fications (such as current users, former ment. This works to protect taxpayer users, or never users) shall be integrated and ator from California. not treated as separate or unrelated cat- money. f The NDAA also includes innovative egories. PREVENTING ONLINE SALES OF E- (4) An examination of e-cigarette usage legislation that promotes a cleaner en- data from cities, localities, and States that vironment. Now, in saying that, I mean TO CHILDREN ACT have adopted e-cigarette product bans to that my bipartisan bill with SHELDON Mrs. FEINSTEIN. Mr. President, I evaluate— WHITEHOUSE of Rhode Island, SHELLEY am delighted this morning to be on the (A) the proportion of e-cigarette users in MOORE CAPITO, and TOM CARPER of floor with the distinguished Senator those areas who return to smoking combus- Delaware—we have included as part of from Texas. In order to proceed, I ask tible cigarettes; the NDAA the Environment and Public unanimous consent that, as in legisla- (B) the proportion of e-cigarette users in those areas who access products from illicit Works Committee-approved legislation tive session, the Committee on the Ju- unanimously. It is called the USE IT markets; and diciary be discharged from further con- (C) the proportion of e-cigarette users in Act. It is included in the NDAA. ‘‘USE sideration of S. 1253 and the Senate those areas who stop using all nicotine prod- IT’’ is short for utilizing significant proceed to its immediate consider- ucts or reduce their overall nicotine product emissions with innovative tech- ation. use. nologies. That is why I am saying we The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without (5) A determination of the frequency of use are doing more to clean the environ- objection, it is so ordered. of each specific and multiple prod- ment. The clerk will report the bill by title. ucts among high school students in the The USE IT Act will help researchers The legislative clerk read as follows: United States, including— find commercial uses for captured car- (A) the number of high school students A bill (S. 1253) to apply requirements relat- who use each specific and multiple tobacco bon dioxide emissions. It supports the ing to delivery sales of cigarettes to delivery use of carbon capture technology, in- products less than 20 days per month; and sales of electronic nicotine delivery systems, (B) the number of high school students who cluding direct air capture. This and for other purposes. use each specific and multiple tobacco prod- groundbreaking research is already There being no objection, the com- ucts 20 or more days per month. happening in my home State of Wyo- mittee was discharged and the Senate (6) An examination of the rates of underage ming. It is taking place at the Inte- proceeded to consider the bill. e-cigarette use in cities, localities, and grated Test Center outside of Gillette. Mrs. FEINSTEIN. Mr. President, I States that have adopted Tobacco 21 The USE IT Act will further this im- further ask unanimous consent that prior to the date of enactment of the Further portant work. the Cornyn amendment at the desk be Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2020 (Pub- lic Law 116–94). It will apply our Nation’s brightest considered and agreed to; that the bill, minds to take carbon from the air, trap (7) An examination of illegal smuggling of as amended, be considered read a third tobacco products in cities, localities, and it, and transform it into valuable com- time and passed; and that the motion States that have— mercial products. Captured carbon can to reconsider be considered made and (A) banned such products; be used to extract oil from wells—wells laid upon the table with no intervening (B) enacted taxes on such products that are that would not otherwise be profitable. action or debate. higher than the national median; or It is also used to make building mate- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without (C) enacted other legal restrictions on such rials and carbon fibers. It can also be objection, it is so ordered. products. used for medical purposes. The amendment (No. 2424) was agreed (8) A determination of how prevalence esti- mates of tobacco use in the National Youth The goal of the legislation is to inno- to as follows: vate our way to a cleaner environment Tobacco Survey differ from prevalence esti- (Purpose: To require the National Institutes mates of tobacco use in other national sur- without onerous overregulation. of Health to conduct a study and report on veys, including the Population Assessment So I want to thank the Armed Serv- the short-term and long-term health im- of Tobacco and Health and the Knowledge ices Committee chairman, JIM INHOFE, pacts of e-cigarette use by youth and Panel. for bringing the USE IT Act one step young adults under 21 years of age) (9) A determination of the prevalence of closer to becoming law. At the end of section 2, add the following: the following high-risk behaviors among

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:38 Jul 03, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G02JY6.009 S02JYPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE July 2, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S4175 high school students, and their relationship, (iii) by adding at the end the following: ing and vaping usage classifications (such as if any, to vaping and smoking: ‘‘(II) an electronic nicotine delivery sys- current users, former users, or never users) (A) Using marijuana or . tem.’’; shall be integrated and not treated as sepa- (B) Binge drinking. (B) by redesignating paragraphs (7) rate or unrelated categories. (C) Underage sexual activity. through (14) as paragraphs (8) through (15), (3) A determination of the precise relation- (D) Using an electronic device while driv- respectively; and ship between vaping and smoking among ing. (C) by inserting after paragraph (6) the fol- young adults, who are 21 to 24 years of age, (E) Knowingly riding in a motor vehicle lowing: using national survey data, in which the re- with a driver who was recently drinking. ‘‘(7) ELECTRONIC NICOTINE DELIVERY SYS- porting of smoking and vaping usage classi- (F) Seriously considering suicide. TEM.—The term ‘electronic nicotine delivery fications (such as current users, former (10) An examination of the role flavors play system’— users, or never users) shall be integrated and in youth initiation and use of e-cigarettes ‘‘(A) means any electronic device that, not treated as separate or unrelated cat- and other tobacco products. through an aerosolized solution, delivers nic- egories. (11) An examination of the risk of youth otine, flavor, or any other substance to the (4) An examination of e-cigarette usage addiction to nicotine, including the impact user inhaling from the device; data from cities, localities, and States that of e-cigarettes that use nicotine salts. ‘‘(B) includes— have adopted e-cigarette product bans to (12) An examination of risks to youth of ‘‘(i) an e-cigarette; evaluate— nicotine use and exposure to harmful and po- ‘‘(ii) an e-hookah; (A) the proportion of e-cigarette users in tentially harmful constituents emitted from ‘‘(iii) an e-cigar; those areas who return to smoking combus- some e-cigarettes, including flavorings used ‘‘(iv) a vape pen; tible cigarettes; in e-cigarettes. ‘‘(v) an advanced refillable personal vapor- (B) the proportion of e-cigarette users in (13) A determination of a credible estimate izer; those areas who access products from illicit of the difference in health risks between ‘‘(vi) an electronic pipe; and markets; and combustible cigarette smoking and vaping, if ‘‘(vii) any component, liquid, part, or ac- (C) the proportion of e-cigarette users in a valid estimate can be made, to inform to- cessory of a device described in subparagraph those areas who stop using all nicotine prod- bacco regulation in the United States, tak- (A), without regard to whether the compo- ucts or reduce their overall nicotine product ing into account— nent, liquid, part, or is sold sepa- use. (A) the findings of the British Royal Col- rately from the device; and (5) A determination of the frequency of use lege of Physicians in their 2016 report, ‘‘Nico- ‘‘(C) does not include a product that is— of each specific and multiple tobacco prod- tine without smoke: Tobacco harm reduc- ‘‘(i) approved by the Food and Drug Admin- ucts among high school students in the tion’’; istration for— United States, including— (B) the article entitled ‘‘Invalidity of an ‘‘(I) sale as a tobacco cessation product; or (A) the number of high school students Oft-Cited Estimate of the Relative Harms of ‘‘(II) any other therapeutic purpose; and who use each specific and multiple tobacco Electronic Cigarettes’’ published in the ‘‘(ii) marketed and sold solely for a purpose products less than 20 days per month; and American Journal of Public Health in Feb- described in clause (i).’’; and (B) the number of high school students who ruary 2020; (2) in section 2A(b)(1) (15 U.S.C. 376a(b)(1)), use each specific and multiple tobacco prod- (C) the findings of the National Academies by inserting ‘‘NICOTINE/’’ after ‘‘CIGA- ucts 20 or more days per month. of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine in RETTES/’’. (6) An examination of the rates of underage their 2018 report, ‘‘Public Health Con- (b) EFFECTIVE DATE.—This section, and the e-cigarette use in cities, localities, and sequences of E-Cigarettes’’; amendments made by this section, shall take States that have adopted Tobacco 21 laws (D) relevant reports and advisories of the effect on the date that is 90 days after the prior to the date of enactment of the Further Surgeon General; and date of enactment of this Act. Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2020 (Pub- (E) other peer reviewed research. (c) RULE OF CONSTRUCTION.—Nothing in lic Law 116–94). (b) REPORT.— this section, or an amendment made by this (7) An examination of illegal smuggling of (1) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 1 year after section, may be construed to affect or other- tobacco products in cities, localities, and the date of enactment of this Act, the Na- wise alter any provision of the Federal Food, States that have— tional Institutes of Health shall submit a re- Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 301 et (A) banned such products; port to Congress on the findings of the study seq.), including its implementing regula- required to be conducted under subsection tions. (B) enacted taxes on such products that are higher than the national median; or (a). SEC. 3. NONMAILABILITY OF ELECTRONIC NICO- (C) enacted other legal restrictions on such (2) REQUIREMENT.—Not later than 90 days TINE DELIVERY SYSTEMS. after the date on which the report required (a) REGULATIONS.—Not later than 120 days products. under paragraph (1) is submitted, all data, after the date of enactment of this Act, the (8) A determination of how prevalence esti- research products, and reports from the United States Postal Service shall promul- mates of tobacco use in the National Youth study required to be conducted under sub- gate regulations to clarify the applicability Tobacco Survey differ from prevalence esti- section (a) shall be made publicly available of the on mailing of cigarettes mates of tobacco use in other national sur- online. under section 1716E of title 18, United States veys, including the Population Assessment (c) NO NEW FUNDS AUTHORIZED.—No addi- Code, to electronic nicotine delivery sys- of Tobacco and Health and the Knowledge tional funds are authorized to be appro- tems, in accordance with the amendment to Panel. priated to carry out this section. the definition of ‘‘cigarette’’ made by section (9) A determination of the prevalence of The bill (S. 1253), as amended, was or- 2. the following high-risk behaviors among (b) EFFECTIVE DATE.—The prohibition on high school students, and their relationship, dered to be engrossed for a third read- if any, to vaping and smoking: ing, was read the third time, and mailing of cigarettes under section 1716E of title 18, United States Code, shall apply to (A) Using marijuana or alcohol. passed, as follows: electronic nicotine delivery systems on and (B) Binge drinking. S. 1253 after the date on which the United States (C) Underage sexual activity. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- Postal Service promulgates regulations (D) Using an electronic device while driv- resentatives of the United States of America in under subsection (a) of this section. ing. Congress assembled, SEC. 4. UNDERSTANDING THE IMPACT OF E-CIGA- (E) Knowingly riding in a motor vehicle SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. RETTE USE BY ADOLESCENTS AND with a driver who was recently drinking. This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Preventing YOUNG ADULTS. (F) Seriously considering suicide. Online Sales of E-Cigarettes to Children (a) STUDY.—The National Institutes of (10) An examination of the role flavors play Act’’. Health, in coordination with other appro- in youth initiation and use of e-cigarettes SEC. 2. AMENDMENTS TO THE JENKINS ACT. priate agencies, shall conduct a study on the and other tobacco products. (a) IN GENERAL.—The Act entitled ‘‘An Act short-term and long-term health impacts of (11) An examination of the risk of youth to assist States in collecting sales and use e-cigarette use by youth and young adults addiction to nicotine, including the impact taxes on cigarettes’’, approved October 19, under 21 years of age, that includes the fol- of e-cigarettes that use nicotine salts. 1949 (commonly known as the ‘‘Jenkins lowing: (12) An examination of risks to youth of Act’’) (15 U.S.C. 375 et seq.), is amended— (1) An examination of the health impacts nicotine use and exposure to harmful and po- (1) in section 1 (15 U.S.C. 375)— of using liquids obtained from the legal mar- tentially harmful constituents emitted from (A) in paragraph (2)(A)(ii)— ket, including liquids that may not have pre- some e-cigarettes, including flavorings used (i) by striking ‘‘includes roll-your-own to- market approval from the Food and Drug in e-cigarettes. bacco’’ and inserting the following: ‘‘in- Administration, compared to liquids ob- (13) A determination of a credible estimate cludes— tained illicitly. of the difference in health risks between ‘‘(I) roll-your-own tobacco’’; (2) A determination of the precise relation- combustible cigarette smoking and vaping, if (ii) in subclause (I), as so designated, by ship between underage vaping and underage a valid estimate can be made, to inform to- striking the period at the end and inserting smoking, which may include using national bacco regulation in the United States, tak- ‘‘; and’’; and survey data, in which the reporting of smok- ing into account—

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:38 Jul 03, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A02JY6.004 S02JYPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE S4176 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 2, 2020 (A) the findings of the British Royal Col- story to prevent more teens from going that nearly 5.3 million students are lege of Physicians in their 2016 report, ‘‘Nico- down the same path, what she told me using e-cigarettes—over 5 million stu- tine without smoke: Tobacco harm reduc- in Fort Worth not that long ago is that dents. tion’’; these e-cigarettes and vaping devices Besides being illegal, the rate of e- (B) the article entitled ‘‘Invalidity of an Oft-Cited Estimate of the Relative Harms of are everywhere. They are everywhere cigarette use among teenagers is grow- Electronic Cigarettes’’ published in the and can be easily purchased even ing. In 2019, almost 30 percent of high American Journal of Public Health in Feb- though you are not supposed to use to- school students reported using an e- ruary 2020; bacco products or nicotine when you cigarette in the previous 30 days. That (C) the findings of the National Academies are under the age of 21. is a 50-percent increase from the year of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine in So all this bill requires, and it is before. So the popularity of them for their 2018 report, ‘‘Public Health Con- really rather modest—it is unbeliev- younger and younger children is going sequences of E-Cigarettes’’; able that it took us this long to get it up and up. (D) relevant reports and advisories of the here today, as modest as it is. At the According to the U.S. Surgeon Gen- Surgeon General; and time of delivery, if you buy a product (E) other peer reviewed research. eral report, the developing adolescent (b) REPORT.— online, the buyer has to sign and show brain is uniquely sensitive to nicotine. (1) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 1 year after an ID proving their age. It is the same Other studies have shown that children the date of enactment of this Act, the Na- requirement you would have if you exposed to nicotine may be at greater tional Institutes of Health shall submit a re- made a physical purchase at a retail es- risk for experiencing deficits in atten- port to Congress on the findings of the study tablishment or if you were buying to- tion and cognition, suffering from required to be conducted under subsection bacco online. For some reason, e-ciga- mood disorders, and engaging in drug- (a). rettes and vaping devices have been op- (2) REQUIREMENT.—Not later than 90 days seeking behavior. These effects may erating on a different playing field, but continue into adulthood, long after e- after the date on which the report required no longer. That is why I am so pleased under paragraph (1) is submitted, all data, cigarette use has stopped. research products, and reports from the to be here with Senator FEINSTEIN to Further, new research shows that study required to be conducted under sub- pass the Preventing Online Sales of E- young people who use e-cigarettes are section (a) shall be made publicly available Cigarettes to Children Act. five times more likely to smoke tradi- To summarize, this legislation would online. tional cigarettes within 1 year. Clearly, (c) NO NEW FUNDS AUTHORIZED.—No addi- put the same in place for e- it is a come-on to children to graduate tional funds are authorized to be appro- cigarettes as there are for traditional from the e-cigarette to the real ciga- priated to carry out this section. cigarettes purchased online. rette. Mrs. FEINSTEIN. Thank you, Mr. For those who think that we can Given the effects of nicotine on chil- President. never do anything on a bipartisan dren and the likelihood of their I yield the floor to the distinguished basis, that we can’t pass laws because transitioning to traditional cigarette Senator from Texas. we are hopelessly polarized and dys- smoking, it is critical that we close The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- functional, maybe this will provide any legal loopholes that allows under- ator from Texas. some source of encouragement to the age youth to use e-cigarettes. Studies Mr. CORNYN. Mr. President, I am de- American people, but it also dem- show that one of the easiest ways for lighted to be here today with my onstrates that we are doing our best to underage users to purchase e-cigarettes friend, the Senator from California, try to protect children’s health, par- is online. Our bipartisan bill would re- with whom I have worked so closely on ticularly against addictive substances quire e-cigarette retailers to meet the so many issues. We are both members that are delivered through e-cigarettes same requirements as those that sell of the Senate Committee on the Judici- and vaping devices. traditional cigarettes online. ary and the Senate Select Committee Thank you, Senator FEINSTEIN, for I believe we have 27 cosponsors equal- on Intelligence, and it is always a your leadership on this and for your ly divided between our two parties, so pleasure to work with her and her partnership. I yield the floor. I am very pleased about that. staff. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- By applying the same safeguards we Today is really an important day. It ator from California. have worked on with online sales of has been long in coming, but finally Mrs. FEINSTEIN. Mr. President, I traditional cigarettes, our bill would the Senate has now passed legislation thank the Senator from Texas. I have ensure that online e-cigarette sellers that requires the same proof-of-age re- the pleasure of serving with him on the are verifying the age of their cus- quirement that is needed for tobacco Committee on the Judiciary. We have tomers, properly labeling packages, products to e-cigarettes and vaping been there for a long time, and over the and checking identification at deliv- products, particularly those that are years, I have come to have great re- ery. sold over the internet. That is what we spect for him. So it is a particular While there is limited research on are focused on. asset for me to be able to share the au- the effects that vaping has had on Last December, I met a 16-year-old thorship of this bill. coronavirus patients, the virus is young woman named Anna Carey, who Mr. President, I rise to speak on the known to attack the lungs. People with is one of my personal heroes. She was Preventing Online Sales of E-Ciga- underlying conditions are particularly one of the students at her high school rettes to Children Act. Our common- susceptible. Last year, we saw a mys- who became addicted to e-cigarettes. sense bill would treat e-cigarettes the terious lung illness sicken thousands of E-cigarettes are nicotine delivery de- same as traditional cigarettes and people that had a history of vaping. So vices. The only difference between it other tobacco products when it comes it stands to reason that any damage al- and smoking a cigarette is the fire, the to purchasing them online. Can you be- ready caused by vaping may further products of combustion, but it is just lieve it? E-cigarettes can be purchased compromise a person’s ability to fight as addictive as cigarettes. online by someone 12 years old. There off the coronavirus. Anna started experiencing symptoms is no age requirement. I want to thank Senator CORNYN for that are uncommon in an otherwise This bill would help prevent children working with me on this important healthy teenager. She became ex- from illegally obtaining e-cigarettes by legislation and our 26 colleagues who tremely lethargic. She experienced ensuring that online vendors are joined as cosponsors to address the epi- random and severe chest pains. Two verifying the age of their customers, demic of e-cigarette use among Amer- initial x rays came back clear, so doc- properly labeling packages, and check- ican youth. tors released her, but her health strug- ing identification upon delivery. The I yield the floor. gles continued. Eventually, she was ad- law exists today, as I stated, for tradi- mitted to the hospital and diagnosed tional cigarettes, and there is no rea- f with chemical-induced pneumonia in son e-cigarettes should be treated dif- both of her lungs. ferently. EXECUTIVE CALENDAR—Continued While I am glad to report that she is An annual survey by the Centers for The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- fully recovered and is now using her Disease Control and Prevention found ator from Nebraska.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 09:06 Jul 03, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A02JY6.003 S02JYPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE July 2, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S4177 HONG KONG being extradited to mainland China, taurants and in their places of assem- Mr. SASSE. Mr. President, I rise and, supposedly, according to the gov- bly because they assume they are like- today with a heaviness in my heart for ernment officials in Hong Kong, this ly to be punished under the new na- what we have seen happening in the rule, this intended legislation was tional security law if they keep up last 36 hours in Hong Kong. going to be suspended. Well, instead, it signs that they have had in their places Freedom-loving people in Hong Kong looks like it is, in fact, connected to of business where they were com- for the last 23 years have known basic, this new national security law. muning and breaking bread over the fundamental human and natural Yesterday really marks the begin- past many, many years. This serves as rights, and we see the Communist ning of a new reign of terror in Hong a chilling reminder of how the CCP Party of China coming in and trying to Kong. With the implementation of this rules through fear, which it ultimately steal their dignity and to steal their national security law, it is abundantly turns into self-censorship. freedom. They live in real and tangible clear that the Communist Party seeks Hong Kong-based Twitter accounts fear of what is going to happen tonight to turn Hong Kong into a police state have been deleted en masse. Individ- and this weekend and next week. no different from Tibet or Xinjiang, uals fear for their safety if they con- Yesterday was July 1. July 1 is the and the Hong Kong Government no tinue to use the platform, and they anniversary 23 years ago of Hong longer derives any power from the con- fear retribution for previous tweets Kong’s return to Chinese sovereignty sent of the people who govern, but supporting democracy and accountable under the Sino-British Joint Declara- rather it seeks to rule solely by its co- government, which is just a funda- tion. Under that agreement, the Com- operation with the CCP’s security ap- mental human thing to be able to say munist Party of China made a pledge paratus. or do or talk about or plead for. Like in not just to Hongkongers and not just We are witnessing the signs of the mainland China, Twitter will undoubt- to the British but to the watching coming crackdown. Even before this edly become a tool that is reserved world, and they said that it would law was signed, democracy activists only for the oppressors, no longer for guarantee—they would guarantee—a and lawmakers, including Martin Lee, the oppressed. certain level of autonomy and freedom who is Hong Kong’s father of democ- I fear that Joshua’s request—‘‘If my to the Hong Kong community and that racy and the drafter of Hong Kong’s voice will not be heard soon, I hope Hong Kong would not be forced to live basic law, had already been rounded up. that the international community will under the kind of despotism that the Many are expecting the same fate for continue to speak up for Hong Kong mainland Chinese are forced to experi- themselves in the coming days. Many and step up concrete efforts to defend ence. folks have begun to say goodbye to our last bit of freedom’’—I fear that The Communist Party announced to their families in anticipation that they Joshua’s request will be met with si- the world, in signing that declaration, are going to be rounded up and hauled lence. that Hongkongers would be retaining a off into another one of the Chinese re- I fear that we will fail Ronald Rea- lot of freedom. Well, since that education camps or whatever Orwellian gan’s challenge to us that we would be handover in 1997 and, especially since euphemism we want say for the new ‘‘staunch in our conviction that free- 2003, when there was another at- and potentially coming Auschwitzes. dom is not the soul prerogative of the tempted national security law debated, Reading over the last several days, I lucky few, but [rather, it is] the the people of Hong Kong have been am grieved over what are especially unalienable and universal right of all holding pro-democracy protests and painful and tear-jerking farewell mes- human beings.’’ We are all created in celebrations every year on the July 1 sages from many of these democracy God’s image, and our rights come to us holiday. Annually, on July 1, they have activists in Hong Kong on social media from God via nature, not because of the reminded the world of what the pledge heading up to midnight on June 30, be- beneficence of some government. I fear that we in the United States was of the Communist Party in that fore the new law took effect. My heart and those in the international commu- agreement of July 1997. ached as I read Joshua Wong tweeting nity will just simply move on from the Yesterday, though, protesting and out from the Psalms, in particular kind of imminent crackdown in Hong demanding basic and Psalm 23:4: Kong that we are going to see that is freedoms in Hong Kong became a I may walk through valleys as dark as . Under the new national security death, but I won’t be afraid. You are with going to have echoes of what happened law, to speak out, to exercise freedom me, and your shepherd’s rod makes me feel in Tiananmen Square in June of 1989 of assembly, freedom of speech, or free- safe. and that so many people just decide to dom of the press issues is considered an This was mere hours after announc- allow the Chinese Government to act of secession, subversion, and ter- ing that he and other Demosisto mem- whitewash and pretend never happened. rorism. That is what the new national bers—a democracy political organiza- We must not allow that to happen. security law that the Chinese have tion—would be closing down their orga- I pray that we in this body will live forced on Hong Kong stipulates. nizations. up to our convictions and that we will Thousands of people—thousands of Pro-democratic parties and pro-inde- speak out about what the Communist brave freedom lovers—flooded into the pendence parties, like the Hong Kong Party is going to do to the freedom- streets anyway, and they celebrated National Front and Studentlocalism, loving people of Hong Kong. yesterday that anniversary, and they have announced on social media that Thank you. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- demanded that their representatives they, too, have disbanded and will try ator from Oklahoma. who have sold them out to Beijing to continue their fight for freedom Mr. INHOFE. Mr. President, first, let would continue to testify to the from abroad. But if you read the na- me make a comment about the re- pledges that were made 23 years ago tional security law that the Com- marks from my friend from Nebraska. yesterday. At the end of yesterday, munist Party is imposing, it looks like It happens that I was in Hong Kong several hundred of these freedom-lov- they are going to try to claim when that happened, and I saw the peo- ing protesters were arrested, and 10 of extraterritorial powers over ple, knowing what was going to happen them were charged with suspected vio- Hongkongers in exile regarding free- to them after all the promises that lations under the new national security dom-of-speech issues in other places in were made. Everything that we sus- law. the world as also a violation of this pected and dreaded has now happened. Chinese Government officials now new, tyrannical, Communist Party Chi- I appreciate the fact that there is seem to be saying that these folks, nese law. somebody who cares enough to bring these 10, are going to be extradited to Videos of restaurant owners and cafe all of this to the American people. mainland China and face their charges owners are up on social media. You can Mr. SASSE. Mr. President, if the there. Remember, the protests that we see them removing their pro-democ- chairman would yield for just one mo- have seen in Hong Kong over the last 15 racy posters, their signs celebrating ment. or 16 months were specifically because the freedom that Hong Kong has known Mr. INHOFE. Yes. of an extradition law where in the past. These folks are tearing Mr. SASSE. I would also like to Hongkongers were facing the threat of down these signs in their own res- praise the chairman for the work he

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:38 Jul 03, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G02JY6.014 S02JYPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE S4178 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 2, 2020 does. Flying around the world can be as possible. We wanted every Member It is now down to the hours. It will be hard on bodies. When you have all the to have a say in this bill, and that is set up so that when we come back from work you have to do at home and you exactly what happened. I am glad we the recess, we will be able to pass this go around the world and you encourage were able to reach a bipartisan path bill. freedom-loving people—I know that forward to complete consideration of Keep in mind, we pass it, and that is many, many wonderful folks in Taiwan this bill right after the recess, and that not the end because the House has to who are fearful because of what they is exactly what we are going to do. pass their bills, and, of course, then the see happening in Hong Kong know they I have gone over a lot of the reasons President will sign the bill. We go into have had an advocate in the chairman this bill is so important over the past conference with the House and the Sen- of the Armed Services Committee for week, so I will keep it simple. Here is ate, and before the President signs the many, many years. why we need to pass this bill: bill, we have to have not just a con- To the people in Taiwan who are also First of all, it gives our troops a ference, but very likely it will go to scared at this moment, JIM INHOFE is a needed and deserved raise. It is out the Big Four. If it does that, that is an- heroic speaker. I just want to thank there. other process. Very likely, it could be him for the work he has done there. It authorizes more than 30 kinds of November when we actually end up Mr. INHOFE. Thank you very much. special pay for our troops at various passing this bill. Our absolute deadline Thank you. I appreciate that. levels of hazard—things that haven’t has always been December 31. We will It has been a tough time here. I been done before. be well in advance of that. would say that he has made my day. It makes sure our military families— I know the President has strong feel- ings about one of the provisions of the NATIONAL DEFENSE AUTHORIZATION ACT this is the big thing. I have a very close bill. He says if that is in there, he will Over the past few days, we have been friend in here who was talking about veto the bill. We all know what that is. working on this national defense au- the fact that—on the floor—the main It is controversial. It is the Warren thorization bill. It is one that we pass problem we are facing in our Nation as amendment that was put in. I have to every year and have passed every year a threat is China and Russia. He made say this: All but one Republican oppose the comment and observation that, for 60 years. that. I have to say that so people will My colleagues have done good work yet, we spend more on the military hear it and understand it because that than the two of them put together. on this bill so far. We took requests is true. very seriously. We put hundreds of That is true, but I did want to remind Anyway, passing the bill is not a them in this bill. We actually did. Over him—and I did on the floor yesterday— matter of if; it is going to pass. This is 700 of the papers and amendments have that there is a reason for that. The rea- a very good bill. It is a must-pass bill. been put in this bill. One of the reasons son for that is the most expensive One of the things that happen with a we wanted to do this is because—we thing we have in the military that we must-pass bill is that everyone who didn’t used to do it, but we actually did deal with every year are people. We can’t get their bills on other interest this time. A problem that existed last take care of people. areas passed—they know this bill is year didn’t exist this year. There is re- I remember last year that one of the going to pass, so they try to put in sistance on the floor to getting amend- main thrusts of our bill was to get all amendments. We have taken a lot of ments. That resistance has gone now, of those housing things that were the amendments that have nothing to and I think we are going to be able to privatized 10 years before and that do with defense, but nonetheless we do it. hadn’t been performing very well—to know it is necessary. It has been nec- This bill was written by the Demo- take care of our troops and their fami- essary for 60 years. This is nothing crats and Republicans in the U.S. Sen- lies. We spent time doing that. You new. ate, and they did a very good job. When take a Communist country like China I would remind our colleagues that you stop to consider that we have as or Russia—they don’t care about the we have a long way to go yet. We will many—we actually have over 700 troops. They give them a gun and say: make sure that the conference report is amendments that are now a part of Go out and kill people. No wonder we a bipartisan one when we get to that this bill. This was made by the Mem- have to spend more. That is the reason point so that both parties can support bers here, not by any other group. It is we are going to continue to do that, it. It is exactly what we have right not the way it has always been done. and this bill does that. now. I have to say, with Senator We had a great markup. In fact, our There are countries out there that REED—we very carefully weighed our markup ended up—I call it unanimous hate everything America stands for portions of the bill, as well as amend- because it was passed by 25 to 2, and and want to do us harm. We know that ments, to make sure we were fair to the 2 who voted against it are not big is right. I sometimes get tickled when both sides—both the Republicans and on the military anyway. I call it unani- I hear people talking about, well, we Democrats—and that is the product we mous. That is unusual—unusual—to don’t want to do this because that is have in front of us. get a bill this size to pass unanimously going to upset them. We don’t want to From the brave patriots who fought out of a committee to the Senate floor. keep Gitmo open because that might for our Nation nearly 250 years ago to This is going to happen today. I feel upset the terrorists. Well, welcome to the 2.1 million who serve today, this very good about the progress we are the real world. bill is by them and for them. making. When we come back from this So this gives our troops the equip- This weekend, as you celebrate Inde- Fourth of July recess, we are going to ment, the training, and the resources pendence Day, think about what this holiday stands for. Think about what it be able to finish it, and it should be in they need to defend this Nation. takes to protect the freedoms we cele- good shape. I never want to put ourselves in the brate. In a few moments, I will be asking position where we have a fair fight in There is no doubt in my mind that for unanimous consent on adoption of America. We don’t want fair fights. We this bill will give our troops what they the managers’ package and to make six want to go into combat with a clear ad- need. The bill will make American amendments in order. By my esti- vantage over our adversaries, and this families safer and will enable us to mation, this is the first time in at least bill does that. stand up for our democratic values It makes sure that the Pentagon is the last few years that we have really around the world. We will be passing considered and voted on this many in- situated to support our troops wher- this bill and will be very proud of it. dividual amendments on the floor. ever they are, but it also protects - With that, I yield the floor. I have to say something about Sen- payer dollars and ensures account- I suggest the absence of a quorum. ator REED. Sure, we differ on some ability to the taxpayers. That is very The PRESIDING OFFICER. The things, but it has always been that we important, and this bill does that. clerk will call the roll. have reached agreement on virtually This bill also does a lot of good The bill clerk proceeded to call the every issue. I was glad we had agree- things we all support. That is why we roll. ment on amendments. We were pushing are passing the bill today. It is a no- Mr. TOOMEY. Mr. President, I ask hard to have even many more amend- brainer. It is not a matter of if we are unanimous consent that the order for ments. We wanted to consider as many going to pass it; it is a matter of when. the quorum call be rescinded.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:38 Jul 03, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G02JY6.015 S02JYPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE July 2, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S4179 The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. munist Party. Some of the arrests were seeing the effects: As I said, hundreds BOOZMAN). Without objection, it is so made because Hongkongers possessed of arrests that occurred just yesterday ordered. items that called for Hong Kong’s inde- as tens of thousands of courageous f pendence. That is right—people ar- Hongkongers—here we see some of rested simply for holding a sign, ar- them—poured into the streets to shout HONG KONG AUTONOMY ACT rested for holding a flag. Among them and chant and demonstrate peacefully, Mr. TOOMEY. Mr. President, I am was a 15-year-old girl—a 15-year-old to tell the Chinese Communist Party here on the Senate floor with my col- girl. Her crime: She held a flag that that they are not going to back down. league from Maryland. I am here this said ‘‘Hong Kong independence.’’ An- We have also seen Hongkongers who morning, in part, to condemn the Chi- other was a 19-year-old young man. His have been forced to scrub their social nese Communist Party’s actions, their crime was that he had a pro-democracy media history, booksellers who were efforts to swallow Hong Kong into the sticker on his phone. Imagine—imagine intending to remove books from their mainland and silence the dissent of the the nerve of wanting to have self-deter- shelves, Hong Kong pro-democracy po- people of Hong Kong, but I am also mination and expressing that with a litical figures saying that they have to here to do something about that. sticker on your phone. So he was ar- lessen their activism and rethink their For decades, Hong Kong has been one rested. strategy. of the most successful, thriving soci- His parents attempted to visit their How can you blame them? How can eties on the planet. An indispensable son in jail and bring him dinner, and you blame them? They could face years part of their success has been their the police refused their visit. It is not in if the Hong Kong authorities, freedom. Hong Kong has enjoyed a vi- at all clear if this young man will be at the bidding of the people in Beijing, brant free press, free speech, freedom able to get out even on bail. choose to target them. to worship. They have had an inde- So the Chinese Communist Party has I think we can fully expect inde- pendent judiciary and a partially very rapidly started enforcing this new pendent media voices in Hong Kong to democratic electoral representative law, and I think it is because they real- be shuttered and Beijing’s censorship system of government for a long time ize what is at stake. They know that and surveillance apparatus to flourish now. the people of Hong Kong fervently be- in the coming months and years. The fact is, Hong Kong’s vibrancy is Hong Kong is one of the freest places lieve in the importance of an open and being throttled by the Chinese Com- in Asia and, because of these freedoms free society. They believe in and they and the Hong Kong people’s natural en- munist Party. want the ability to practice liberal val- So I am on the Senate floor today to trepreneurial spirit, Hong Kong is just ues, and they want a system of trans- request passage of a piece of legislation one of the most successful and vibrant parent, accountable government, one that responds to this. I am pleased to cities there has ever been. that is elected by and responsive to the report it has already received unani- Yet for years—maybe because of people. mous support from both Chambers of this—the Chinese Communist Party See, the vision of the people of Hong Congress. I introduced this legislation has pursued a systematic campaign to Kong for their own city, for their soci- with my colleague Senator VAN HOL- snuff out these basic freedoms in Hong ety, is anathema to the Chinese Com- LEN of Maryland to create real pen- Kong and bring the Hongkongers who munist Party because the Chinese alties on those responsible for this live there into line. The intensity of Communist Party’s deepest fear is that campaign by the Chinese Communist the Chinese Communist Party’s aggres- mainland Chinese citizens will demand Party to end Hong Kong’s free way of sion appears to be growing by the day. the freedoms that Hongkongers enjoy, life. Their campaign shouldn’t be very and that quest for freedom on the It is called the Hong Kong Autonomy surprising. Just look at the recent ac- mainland would pose an unacceptable Act, and the bill would impose manda- tions: the genocidal action toward the risk to the authoritarian control of the tory sanctions on anyone involved in Uighurs in Xinjiang or the aggressive Communist regime. taking action to attack the basic free- action toward neighboring countries in So the Chinese Communist Party is doms that were promised to the people the South China Sea—or toward the cracking down. We have been wit- of Hong Kong. entire world, since the COVID–19 virus nessing it just in recent hours. This Critically, our legislation also takes was first detected in Wuhan and the new so-called national security law was another step. It penalizes banks that Chinese Government lied to us about unilaterally imposed on the people of choose to finance the erosion of Hong its nature. Hong Kong without any input from the Kong’s autonomy, banks that would Fundamental principles, such as free- people of Hong Kong, and that is in di- put marginal profits ahead of the basic dom and transparency, the just rule of rect contravention to Chinese commit- human rights of the people of Hong law—these ideas are entirely antithet- ments to Hong Kong and the inter- Kong. ical to the core of the Chinese Com- national community. The law was also I am really pleased that we are here munist Party’s mission. I think that, purposefully written in a very vague this morning. I think we are on the several years from now, we are going to and ambiguous manner, designed to es- verge of sending this legislation to the look back on July 1 of 2020 as a mile- sentially criminalize any behavior or President’s desk because America stone in the Chinese Communist Par- speech on the part of a resident of needs to take meaningful steps like ty’s aggression and hostility toward Hong Kong that the Chinese Com- this to push back on the Chinese Com- Hong Kong. munist Party does not approve of. munist Party. Yesterday was the first day that the Now, the law may be ambiguous, but We should remember that this ag- Chinese Communist Party’s new so- the message behind it is not. If a 19- gression toward Hong Kong is not lim- called national security law went into year-old can now be imprisoned for ited to Hong Kong. The Chinese Com- effect. News reports described the law having a sticker on his phone or a 15- munist Party is intent to spread its in- as ‘‘tailor-made to bring Hong Kong’s year-old girl can be imprisoned for hav- fluence and power worldwide, and in massive pro-democracy movement to ing a flag, then no one is safe, and that the process, it is meant to simulta- heel.’’ is the message that Beijing wants to neously undermine and challenge free This picture was taken within the send to the people of Hong Kong: We and open societies. I should point out last 48 hours—thousands and thousands can arrest you. We can imprison you if that the spread of the Chinese Com- of people of Hong Kong taking to the you misbehave. So think twice about munist Party influence around the streets to simply demand their free- what you say, where you go, with world poses a very real threat to us, to doms—peacefully—to protest, to insist whom you meet, what you read, what Americans, to our national and eco- that they continue to have the free- you write. Maybe even think twice nomic interests. doms that help make their society such about what you think. That is part of why the Hong Kong a great society. This law, sadly, looks like it means Autonomy Act is so important. It is Tragically, 300 of these people were the end of Hong Kong’s autonomy and not only an effort to shield freedom- arrested last night simply because they the freedoms which underpin its social loving Hongkongers from this con- were protesting the Chinese Com- and economic vibrancy. And we are tinuing escalation of aggression by the

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:38 Jul 03, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G02JY6.017 S02JYPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE S4180 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 2, 2020 Chinese Communists, but the bill is a With that technical fix, Speaker freedom of association, and the right larger signal to China. It is a message PELOSI and the Republican leadership from arbitrary or unlawful arrest, de- that the United States and the free sent it right back. Why did they send it tention, and imprisonment. It goes be- world are no longer willing to look past right back so quickly? Because this is yond that to impose mandatory sanc- some of the worst behavior that has an urgent moment. In fact, our timing tions on banks that do business with been occurring. It is a message that could not be more critical. On Tuesday, individuals who are complicit in under- our patience has run out. President Xi imposed a national secu- mining these freedoms and the rights China is being warned to expect stiff rity law on Hong Kong by fiat. It was of the people of Hong Kong. resistance—stiff resistance to stealing only after the law was passed that Bei- I am glad we acted quickly. As you American intellectual property, to jing unveiled its provisions. Even Hong can see, the Government of China is committing genocide against religious Kong’s Chief Executive and President moving by the day to squash the rights minorities like the Uighurs, to milita- Xi loyalist, Carrie Lam, said she hadn’t and freedoms of the people of Hong rizing artificial islands and infringing been allowed to see a draft before the Kong. We need to move with urgency on other nations’ sovereign waters, and law’s passage. to send a statement that we stand with trampling on the basic freedoms of the As Senator TOOMEY indicated, this the people of Hong Kong. people of Hong Kong. law is written broadly enough that it In a moment, I am going to be join- I could go on, but suffice it to say will criminalize speech and peaceful as- ing my colleague, Senator TOOMEY, in that this is occurring in the context of sembly. Anybody who publishes anti- asking for unanimous consent. Before I a great battle—the great battle about Beijing viewpoints could be punished turn it back over to him, let me just what model the world is going to pur- by life in prison. Saying anything seen say, assuming we get that—and it sue. Will the citizens of the United to be undermining the ruling Com- looks like we will—I hope President States and other democratic nations munist Party’s authority would be a Trump will sign this immediately—im- around the world continue to foster the violation. mediately. liberal democratic model that spread This is consistent with mainland Chi- As a country, Republicans and Demo- around the world after World War II, na’s approach, which has virtually crats together need to send a strong with open societies, the just rule of eliminated independent journalism and signal that we will not stand for the law, greater economic freedom under- severely restricted NGOs. actions of Beijing, undermining their pinned by respect for private property, Here are some highlights of the law own agreements—agreements under basic human rights like the freedom of that was just passed—I should say, im- international law, which they are speech and the freedom of a free press posed. It now mandates that the Hong bound to, and we will not stand still in and the freedom to worship? Kong Government undertake ‘‘national silence and do nothing while they All of the prosperity and the ele- security education’’ in school, social crack down on freedom in Hong Kong. vation of human dignity that comes organizations, and media outlets. The I yield to Senator TOOMEY from from human freedom and democratic law mandates that anyone entering Pennsylvania. values from our model—that is the public office in Hong Kong swear alle- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- model that is up against the dark shad- giance to Beijing. ator from Pennsylvania. ows of the authoritarian governments What is more, the law applies to any- Mr. TOOMEY. Mr. President, again, that are constantly pushing to system- one, anywhere. It can even apply to of- let me stress how grateful I am for the atically erode, corrode, and warp the fenses committed outside the region by passionate, persuasive, and very effec- values and freedoms that we cherish. a person who is not a permanent resi- tive advocacy of Senator VAN HOLLEN Through this bill, the U.S. Senate dent of the region. That means a U.S. throughout this entire effort. I am very makes clear which side we are on. citizen penning an editorial that ar- grateful to him, as I am to other col- At this point, I would like to yield to gues for sanctions against China could leagues who helped make this happen. the Senator from Maryland. technically fall afoul of the new law for As in legislative session, I ask unani- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- ‘‘inciting hatred’’ against Beijing. mous consent that the Senate proceed ator from Maryland. Legal experts believe this is even to the immediate consideration of H.R. Mr. VAN HOLLEN. Mr. President, I broader than the Chinese 7440, which was received from the want to salute my friend and colleague, applied in mainland China. House. the Senator from Pennsylvania, Mr. Senator TOOMEY said, despite this— The PRESIDING OFFICER. The TOOMEY, for his remarks and for his despite this threat, despite passage of a clerk will report the bill by title. leadership on this very vital issue of law that would punish people for up to The senior assistant legislative clerk standing up for the rights and freedom life imprisonment for expressing their read as follows: of people in Hong Kong and, as he said, views, thousands of protesters took to A bill (H.R. 7440) to impose sanctions with sending a signal to others around the the streets yesterday and staged the respect to foreign persons involved in the world who would seek to stamp out largest rally in Hong Kong this year. erosion of certain obligations of China with human rights and political freedom. Hundreds of Hong Kong police officers respect to Hong Kong, and for other pur- When Senator TOOMEY and I saw that moved in swiftly to quash dissent and poses. the Chinese Communist Party was tak- implement the law. Police fired tear There being no objection, the Senate ing its more recent steps to crack down gas, pepper spray, and water cannons proceeded to consider the bill. on freedom in Hong Kong, we intro- to disperse the protesters. Mr. TOOMEY. Mr. President, I ask duced the Hong Kong Autonomy Act. The police then issued a statement unanimous consent that the bill be That act just passed the U.S. Senate that noted some protesters were chant- considered read a third time and passed unanimously last week and was sent to ing ‘‘Hong Kong independence, the only and that the motion to reconsider be the House of Representatives. way out.’’ The statement said such slo- considered made and laid upon the This is a very fast turnaround from gans are ‘‘suspected to be inciting or table. either of the Chambers in the U.S. Con- abetting others to commit secession’’ The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there gress. I want to thank Speaker PELOSI and may violate the new law. objection? and her Republican partner and all the The United States must stand with Without objection, it is so ordered. Democrats and Republicans in the the people of Hong Kong. That is what The bill (H.R. 7440) was ordered to a House of Representatives for coming this bill says. This bill says we stand third reading, was read the third time, together so quickly on this legislation. with the people of Hong Kong. and passed. The legislation before us made a As Senator TOOMEY indicated, it f technical fix to the bill that Senator would impose mandatory sanctions on TOOMEY and I introduced in which this individuals in firms who violate Chi- EXECUTIVE CALENDAR—Continued Senate passed out last week a tech- na’s obligations to the people of Hong Mr. TOOMEY. I suggest the absence nical fix to comply with the constitu- Kong under the joint declaration and of a quorum. tional requirements as to where a bill the basic law—rights of freedom of The PRESIDING OFFICER. The that might generate revenue begins. speech and equality before the law, clerk will call the roll.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:38 Jul 03, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G02JY6.018 S02JYPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE July 2, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S4181 The senior assistant legislative clerk uals that Halper cited as sources in his gress must take a stand. That is why I proceeded to call the roll. research have denied contributing to am here to encourage my colleagues to Ms. COLLINS. Mr. President, I ask Halper’s work. support my amendment. unanimous consent that the order for Oddly, Office of National Assessment I yield the floor. the quorum call be rescinded. Director James Baker has repeatedly The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without told me that Halper’s deliverables were ator from Utah. objection, it is so ordered. ‘‘high quality’’ and ‘‘conformed to the UNANIMOUS CONSENT REQUEST—S. RES. 645 Ms. COLLINS. Mr. President, I see requirements set forth in the con- Mr. LEE. Mr. President, before we there are colleagues and friends on the tract.’’ break for the Fourth of July recess, I floor waiting to speak, and I just want What planet does the Office of Net think it is important for the Senate to to assure them that I will be very Assessment live on? go on record condemning the rising rapid. The office spends almost $20 million tide of mob violence that we see across (The remarks of Ms. COLLINS per- a year of taxpayers’ money every year. the country and the increasingly prev- taining to the introduction of S. 4155 Yet according to a deposition of Mr. alent mob mentality that is fueling it. are printed in today’s RECORD under Baker, the Office of Net Assessment The violence struck home for me this ‘‘Statements on Introduced Bills and hasn’t performed any annual net as- week when one of my constituents was Joint Resolutions.’’) sessments since 2007. shot after an armed mob surrounded Ms. COLLINS. Mr. President, I sug- A net assessment is the Office of Net his vehicle in Provo, UT. gest the absence of a quorum. Assessment’s core mission. It even says This resolution is not controversial. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The so in the title. Its purpose of doing net Even in these divisive times, it is clerk will call the roll. assessments got lost along the way. something, I think, we can all agree The senior assistant legislative clerk Moreover, after I began my oversight on, and I want to read through some proceeded to call the roll. work at the Office of Net Assessment, a highlights right now so you get a feel Mr. GRASSLEY. Mr. President, I ask Department of Defense directive regu- for it. unanimous consent that the order for lating the Office of Net Assessment was the quorum call be rescinded. The United States of America was founded changed to provide cover for the unit’s in 1776 on universal principles of freedom, The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without lackluster performance. Isn’t that con- justice, and human equality. objection, it is so ordered. venient? When your work is to do net Throughout our nation’s history, Ameri- OFFICE OF NET ASSESSMENT assessment and you have been in exist- cans have struggled to realize those ideals Mr. GRASSLEY. Mr. President, I ence for decades, and since 2007, you . . . but nonetheless [have made] greater have made a career in the Senate fight- haven’t been doing your net assess- progress toward them than any [other] na- ing against government waste, , ment, you issue a directive changing tion on earth. and abuse. Most recently, I have found [The United States is a diverse nation] what the purpose of the Office of Net committed to cultivating respect, friendship, this waste in an office within the De- Assessment is all about. They did it and justice across all such differences, and partment of Defense called the Office pretty simply. protecting the God-given equal rights of all of Net Assessment. Its purpose is to On April 14, 2020, the word ‘‘shall’’ Americans under the law. produce an annual net assessment, was removed from the December 23, America’s law enforcement officers do an which is a long-term look at our mili- 2009, version of the directive that re- extremely difficult job extremely well, and tary’s capabilities and those of our quired the Office of Net Assessment to despite the inexcusable misconduct of some, greatest adversaries. produce what their title said—‘‘net as- the overwhelming majority of such officers I am here to say to my colleagues sessments.’’ The new version also are honest, courageous, patriotic, and right- fully honored public servants. that that office has lost its way. When changed the Office of Net Assessment’s In recent weeks, people across the United I began a review of Stefan Halper’s con- research scope to generic research, States have organized legitimate, peaceful, tracting work at the Office of Net As- seemingly untethered to a net assess- constitutionally protected demonstrations sessment, something didn’t look right. ment—how convenient. against instances of police brutality and ra- So I asked the inspector general to This swamp needs to be drained. cial inequality. look into it. Last week, I introduced an amend- [Some of these Americans have organized For those who are unaware, Stefan ment to the Defense bill that does sev- these peaceful protests, asking for investiga- Halper was a central figure in the de- eral things. First, it reduces Office of tions into serious problems meriting inves- tigation and reform.] bunked Russia collusion investigation. Net Assessment’s budget to $10 million Some Americans, unsatisfied with peaceful Stefan Halper secretly recorded Trump a year instead of $20 million a year. and positive demonstrations, have instigated campaign officials during Crossfire Second, my amendment requires the and indulged in mob violence and criminal Hurricane. Halper also received over a Secretary of Defense to create a com- property destruction, not in service of any million taxpayer dollars from the Of- prehensive plan to ensure that the Of- . . . coherent cause, but simply as an arro- fice of Net Assessment for several ‘‘re- fice of Net Assessment performs what gant, bullying tantrum of self-righteous search’’ projects, but the inspector gen- the title of the agency says it is sup- illiberalism and rage. eral found some problems with that posed to do—an annual net assess- These mobs have demonstrated not only contempt for public safety (as evidenced, contract. ment—and complies, at the same time, among other , by an unprovoked phys- The Office of Net Assessment didn’t with every dollar they get with Federal ical on a Wisconsin State Senator require Halper to submit evidence that contracting requirements. This would and the [more recent] shooting of a motorist he actually talked to the people he take it back to the reason why it was in Provo, Utah) and common decency (as evi- cited in his work, which included Rus- first created decades ago. denced by their . . . obscene berating of law sian intelligence officers. Third, the amendment would require enforcement officers standing their posts to Secondly, the Office of Net Assess- the Department of Defense inspector protect their communities), but also their ment couldn’t provide sufficient docu- general to study and report on the Of- manifest ignorance and historical illiteracy (as evidenced by their destruction of public mentation that Halper conducted all of fice of Net Assessment’s contracting memorials to historical heroes like Ulysses his work in accordance with the law. failures and determine if the net as- S. Grant, St. Junipero Serra, Miguel Cer- And, three, the Office of Net Assess- sessment can be done for less than $10 vantes, George Washington, Hans Christian ment didn’t maintain sufficient docu- million. Heg, and a reported plan to target a statue of mentation to comply with all Federal And, fourth, it requires the Govern- Abraham Lincoln financed in 1876 entirely by contracting requirements and Office of ment Accountability Office to perform private donations from freed African-Amer- Management and Budget guidelines. an audit of the effectiveness of the ican slaves). The inspector general also found that comprehensive plan. It is the sense of the Senate that the rising these problems were not unique just to Right now, it is pretty clear that the tide of vandalism, mob violence, and the mob mentality that feeds it—including its cruel Halper’s contracts, which indicates, Office of Net Assessment lacks leader- and intolerant ‘‘cancel culture’’—should be then, systemic issues within the Office ship and discipline, and it is also pretty condemned by all Americans; [that] peaceful of Net Assessment. Moreover, it has clear that it has wasted tens of mil- demonstrations and mob violence are dif- been reported that some of the individ- lions of dollars over the years. Con- ferent in kind; [that] physical assault and

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:38 Jul 03, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G02JY6.020 S02JYPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE S4182 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 2, 2020 property destruction are not forms of polit- very little reform. So we would be Mr. MENENDEZ. Mr. President, it is ical speech but violent crimes whose per- hard-pressed to believe that paragraph especially the President of the United petrators should be prosecuted to the full ex- has legitimacy as well. States—the person who leads our Na- tent of the law; and [that] the innocent law Then the resolution reeks of suprem- tion—who should be a unifying force, enforcement officers, public officials, and private citizens who suffer the mob’s vio- acy, self-righteous illiberalism, mani- not one who incites violence; therefore, lence and endure its scorn while protecting fest ignorance, and historical illit- I object. our communities from them deserve [every eracy. It reeks of a supremacist view: The PRESIDING OFFICER. Objec- American’s thanks and appreciation]. We know better. tion is heard. As I say, it is very straightforward. Even with all of those problems and The Senator from Utah. As we saw in Seattle this week, these even with the fact that it has come at Mr. LEE. Mr. President, what is hap- mobs are not going to stop until they the last moment, there was no effort to pening here? This is the U.S. Senate. are stopped. A nonbinding resolution is work with anybody to offer maybe a bi- Just so everyone is clear about the bat the tiniest first step of a response—the partisan resolution that would capture guano-inspired insanity we just wit- nessed, I just proposed a nonbinding merest exercise of the Senate’s atro- all of this. Even though it seeks to resolution condemning mob violence, phied institutional muscles. We need to mischaracterize overwhelmingly what and Senate Democrats objected. I don’t do much, much more, and I look for- has been the peaceful protests of people know whether to be outraged or embar- ward to working with colleagues on in the Nation, I would consider not ob- rassed for them. This isn’t even a bill; both sides of the aisle to develop the jecting to the Senator’s request if he it is just a statement that says mob vi- legislation to do it. also recognized and added to his resolu- Yet, in this divided political mo- tion the fact that we have a President olence is bad. Democrats can’t say mob violence is bad without simultaneously ment, heading into the 244th birthday of the United States who ultimately taking a jab at the President of the of the greatest, freest, most tolerant, provokes inciteful language and United States? and prosperous nation the world has inciteful violence. I mean, we have a President who By the way, what about the mayor of ever known, I think showing that Sen- Seattle? What about the city council of retweets a video of people saying ate Republicans and showing that Sen- Minnesota? What about the countless ‘‘White power. White power.’’ ate Democrats can work together and other people who have perpetuated or speak with one voice against woke mob We have a President who retweets a video of White citizens with arms, enabled or facilitated or coddled mob violence and in defense of equal justice violence across the country? pointing them at peaceful protesters and civic peace would be a welcomed It is one of the reasons why we are who—at the end of the day, it is their step. not going to engage in this task of Therefore, Mr. President, as if in leg- right to peacefully protest. making it a political tit-for-tat. It is We have a President who said that islative session, I ask unanimous con- not that. People are being shot. Busi- there were good people on all sides, in- sent that the Senate proceed to the nesses are being looted. Innocent consideration of S. Res. 645, submitted cluding the White supremacists, in Americans are being attacked and earlier today. I ask unanimous consent Charleston. threatened. Lives are being ruined. We have a President who used vio- that the resolution be agreed to; that Communities are burning—literally the preamble be agreed to; and that the lence—the armed force of the State and burning. motions to reconsider be considered violence against peaceful protesters in So whose side are you on? This reso- made and laid upon the table with no Lafayette Park, who were doing none lution was designed to be unifying. It intervening action or debate. of what the Senator suggests in his res- avoided controversial subjects. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there olution. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- objection? Despite all of that, if the Senator ator from Hawaii. The Senator from New Jersey. would modify his request to include the Mr. SCHATZ. Mr. President, may I Mr. MENENDEZ. Mr. President, re- following language: Insert at the end of ask the Presiding Officer to remind us serving the right to object, look, there his last line, line 15, section—make a of rule XIX. are nuggets in the Senator’s resolu- new section (5): ‘‘Our elected officials, The PRESIDING OFFICER. The tion—certainly recognizing that, over- especially the President of the United Chair will remind Senators of both par- whelmingly, law enforcement does an States, should not incite violence or le- ties that rule XIX provides that no honorable and valuable job in our soci- gitimize those who engage in hate- Senator in debate shall directly or in- ety. It is a tough job. The bad ones fueled acts,’’ I would consider allowing directly, by any form of words, impute make it difficult for all the good ones. the Senator’s resolution to move for- to another Senator or to other Sen- I would agree with that. But I have to ward and not objecting to it. ators any conduct or motive unworthy be honest with you. There are also ele- The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. or unbecoming of a Senator. ments of this resolution that are not as CRUZ). Does the Senator so modify his Mr. LEE. Mr. President, the resolu- straightforward as the gentleman request? tion was designed to be unifying. It would have you believe. Mr. LEE. Reserving the right to ob- avoided controversial subjects. All it First of all, the very first paragraph ject, as I look at the language proposed asks of us is basic dignity and respect. says that we were founded on universal by my colleague from New Jersey, I As long as we are on the topic of rule principles of freedom, justice, and would accept the rest of it except for XIX, it is unbecoming to accuse a col- human equality. Of course, ex- the words ‘‘especially the President of league of using language that is su- isted at the time. There is no mention the United States.’’ The rest of it is premacy simply by reflecting on lan- of America’s original sin, which is slav- unobjectionable. guage in the Declaration of Independ- ery. Certainly we cannot think of slav- The point here is that without point- ence, simply by reflecting on language ery as human equality. ing to any one specific individual, we that acknowledges the incivility and Then, to go on to suggest in his third should all be able to acknowledge, as a intolerability of mob violence. But ap- paragraph that we are morally com- sense of the Senate, that we do hold parently that is too much to ask today. mitted to justice ‘‘across all such dif- these truths as self-evident; that our I guess we should be thankful for clar- ferences, and protecting the God-given country was founded on these very ity. And now we know. We don’t have rights of all Americans under the law,’’ strong ideals. Even if, as the resolution to ask. They told us how they feel well, I can tell you, in my home State itself acknowledges, we have failed at about this resolution. of New Jersey and across the Nation, times to live up to them, we have still You can’t really oppose this, it seems there are many Americans who clearly done it. to me, without being on the side of the do not believe that we are morally So I would accept the modification mobs, of mob violence, of mob men- committed to justice across all such but only with the removal of the words tality, of cruelty and intolerance and differences. As a matter of fact, we saw ‘‘especially the President of the United terror. Now we understand what this that in how the majority responded to States.’’ resolution is about. I don’t think one the George Floyd death and others The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- can oppose this without being com- across the Nation—a lot of rhetoric; ator from New Jersey. fortable with those things. These mobs

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:38 Jul 03, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G02JY6.027 S02JYPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE July 2, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S4183 are not progressive. These mobs are Mr. MENENDEZ. Mr. President, we with the advice of the Parliamen- not enlightened. These mobs are not have learned something today. We have tarian. It is very clear to me that the edgy. They are not hip. They are learned that my colleagues are unwill- rules are not being applied equally to . They are dim-witted, phony, ing to call out the President of the each party, and I think that is some- drama addicts—— United States when the President of thing we are going to have to wrestle Mr. MENENDEZ. Mr. President, par- the United States uses language that with if we are going to continue to be liamentary inquiry. Is this line not in incites violence; says that White su- worthy of the moniker ‘‘the world’s direct violation of rule XIX? premacists in Charleston are as good as greatest deliberative body.’’ The PRESIDING OFFICER. The everybody else; retweets a video of The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ma- Chair concludes that pointing out that White Americans saying ‘‘White jority leader. mob violence is dangerous to our Na- power;’’ retweets a video of two indi- Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, tion is not contrary to rule XIX or any viduals with guns pointed at peaceful could I ask my colleagues to yield mo- other rule of the Senate. protesters; uses the force of the State mentarily? Mr. MENENDEZ. Mr. President, fur- to clear out peaceful protesters in La- I would request that Senator INHOFE ther parliamentary inquiry. There is fayette Park; goes and says, in fact, be able to lock in an agreement on the not a question of mob violence. The ‘‘when the looting starts, the shooting NDAA, and then the discussion could question is that imputing to Members starts.’’ That has a historical context resume. who did not agree with the framework to it, and the ‘‘liberate Virginia. It is So, Mr. President, I ask unanimous and language of this resolution that under siege,’’ and so, so much more. consent that Senator INHOFE be recog- they are supporting mob violence—that So, yes, I look forward to that debate nized. must be in violation of rule XIX if this because I have legislation to deal with The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there is going to be a deliberative body. the rising tide of White supremacists’ objection? The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- actions that, at the end of the day, Without objection, it is so ordered. ator is more than entitled to express have even been recognized by some of f his views in the course of debate, but our law enforcement entities as a grow- other Senators will likewise express LEGISLATIVE SESSION ing national threat. So I look forward their views in the course of debate. Mr. LEE. Failed by an education sys- to having that debate, look forward to tem and addled by a social media cul- having that legislation on the floor, NATIONAL DEFENSE AUTHORIZA- ture that taught them to be victims in- and we will see how our colleagues act TION ACT FOR FISCAL YEAR stead of citizens. A privileged, self-ab- then. 2021—Resumed sorbed crime syndicate with participa- But it is totally unacceptable to cast Mr. INHOFE. Mr. President, I thank tion-trophy graduate degrees, trying to aspersions that do not equal those of the leader, and I ask unanimous con- find meaning in empty lives by de- the person who leads our country, and sent that the Senate proceed to legisla- stroying things that other Americans we should recognize that. What it tive session and resume consideration have spent honest, productive lives shows me is that I guess President of S. 4049. building. Trump is right—he could shoot some- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there Today we learned—today we one on Fifth Avenue and get away with objection? learned—that there are those who are it, and certainly my colleagues here Without objection, it is so ordered. comfortable with this. There are those would not hold him responsible. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The who are at least not inclined to vote The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- clerk will report the bill by title. for this resolution, which simply con- ator from Utah. The legislative clerk read as follows: demns mob violence. Now we know. Mr. LEE. Mr. President, all I asked A bill (S. 4049) to authorize appropriations Now we know. in my counter was that we remove the for fiscal year 2021 for military activities of I want all my colleagues to know words ‘‘especially the President of the the Department of Defense, for military con- that when we return from recess, we United States.’’ Why? Because it is dif- struction, and for defense activities of the are coming back to the Senate floor ferent than the entire approach taken Department of Energy, to prescribe military and we are not just going to be debat- by the resolution. personnel strengths for such fiscal year, and for other purposes. ing nonbinding resolutions. It is long As long as we are calling each other past time to expose the shiftless idiocy out on casting aspersions on each oth- Pending: Inhofe amendment No. 2301, in the of the anti-American, anti-science, er’s intentions, no one’s here nature of a substitute. anti-establishment, anti-Constitution is to shield anyone from anything, as McConnell (for Portman) amendment mob and remove their snouts from the evidenced by the fact that, as my pro- No. 2080 (to amendment No. 2301), to re- Federal trough. posed modification would have pro- Colleges and universities that punish vided, it would have said that ‘‘our quire an element in annual reports on free speech and discriminate against elected officials should not incite vio- cyber science and technology activities conservative and religious students; lence or legitimize those who engage in on work with academic consortia on city councils that defund their police hate-fueled acts.’’ Last I checked, the high priority cybersecurity research departments and refuse to protect pub- President of the United States was and activities in Department of Defense ca- lic safety; States that force doctors to is an elected official. This would apply pabilities. mutilate confused children without to him. My counter in no way insu- ORDER OF BUSINESS their parents’ consent; school districts lated—not him, not any elected offi- Mr. INHOFE. Mr. President, I ask that embrace the ahistorical nonsense cial, not any of us from this resolution, unanimous consent that, at a time to of the 1619 Project; the smug, sneering which simply condemns mob violence. be determined by the majority leader privilege of all of the above and much The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- in consultation with the Democratic more—the whole garbage fire that is ator from Hawaii. leader, the following amendments be the so-called ‘‘woke’’ ideology—de- Mr. SCHATZ. Mr. President, I will be made pending en bloc and the Senate pends on Federal money. very quick. I understand we have work vote in relation to the amendments in The mob hates America on America’s to do on the Defense authorization and the order listed, with a 60-affirmative dime. It is time to cut off their allow- the vote coming up, but I am glad the vote threshold for adoption, and that ance. I think the American people majority leader is on the floor, and I there be 2 hours of debate on each would be very interested to know who am glad so many Members are on the amendment, equally divided between stands for them and who stands for floor. the two leaders or their designees, subsidizing the mob. I intend to show We have a problem in this institution prior to the vote in relation to each them. of the uneven enforcement of rule XIX, amendment. Those amendments are: Mr. President, this debate is not end- and it is hurting this body. Schatz No. 2252, Inhofe No. 2411, Sand- ing today; it is only the beginning. I have just by happenstance been on ers No. 1788, Cornyn No. 2244, Shaheen The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- the floor for various violations being No. 1729, and Tester No. 1972, as modi- ator from New Jersey. called by the Presiding Officer, usually fied.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:38 Jul 03, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G02JY6.029 S02JYPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE S4184 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 2, 2020 The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without considers for action, of those unique every panel, every recommendation. objection, it is so ordered. few, only 10 percent of those went to We have made sure those recommenda- AMENDMENT NOS. 1694, 1881, 1883, 1753, 1803, 1808, trial. tions got in the underlying bill every 1891, 1987, 1907, 2018, 2391, 1968, 1977, 2077, 2058, 2178, Year after year, we have hearings, year. They are just not working. So I 2186, 2215, 2251, 2231, 2255, 2238, 2256, 2241, 2269, 2243, Mr. Chairman, Mr. Ranking Member. would like for us to look ourselves in 2270, 2248, 2275, 2277, 2204, 2417, 1797, 1825, 1878, 1966, We have hearings and the commanders the mirror and say: Are we doing our 1971, 1991, 2053, 2138, 2168, 2217, 2220, 2235, 2257, 2287, and generals come forward and say: job? Are we standing by our service- 2298, 2317, 2319, 2326, 2327, 2331, 2341, 2370, 2378, 1693, Ma’am, we have got this. Let us take members when they need us? Sadly, 2418, 2419, 2084, 1849, 2103, 2422 care of this. We have got this. We know the answer is no. Mr. INHOFE. Further, I ask unani- what we are doing. We understand. We Mr. Chairman, I would like to modify mous consent that the following are going to take this crime so seri- your request to include amendment No. amendments be adopted en bloc and ously. We are going to prosecute these 1932 to just get a vote on it. that the Senate vote on adoption of the cases. Leave it to us. We know what we The PRESIDING OFFICER. Does the amendments en bloc with no inter- are doing. Senator so modify his request? vening action or debate. It is infuriating. They should not say Mr. INHOFE. Mr. President, reserv- Mr. President, I will read the entire they know what they are doing or they ing the right to object, let me just list so that each Member knows the are just lying to us—it is one or the make a comment first. status of his or her amendment: Moran other—but, either way, they are fail- This is a first step. We have a lot of No. 1694, Hyde-Smith No. 1881, Romney ing. The failure rate is so high—20,000 things happening after this. We are No. 1883, Peters No. 1753, Warner No. rapes last year; less than 10 percent going to be on the Senate floor for 1803, Coons No. 1808, Portman No. 1891, going to trial of the small number that hours and hours. You will have ample Kennedy No. 1987, Warner No. 1907, are even considered. The rate of con- time to entertain your amendment, Romney No. 2018, Sullivan No. 2391, viction is going down. and I would be very happy to assist you Tester No. 1968, Bennet No. 1977, John- There is no measurable in the entire in that. son No. 2077, Smith No. 2058, Wicker system of military justice for these For that reason, I would not want to No. 2178, Cortez Masto No. 2186, King survivors that is getting better—not jeopardize those 60 names and amend- No. 2215, Merkley No. 2251, Fischer No. one aspect. ments that I have already offered, to 2231, Cantwell No. 2255, Risch No. 2238, ‘‘We have got this, ma’am. Leave it jeopardize their efforts by adding your Cantwell No. 2256, Gardner No. 2241, to us.’’ It is just not true. They don’t language, and so I do object. Hirono No. 2269, Portman No. 2243, have it. They never have. Mrs. GILLIBRAND. Thank you, Mr. Menendez No. 2270, Inhofe-Reed No. If they don’t look themselves in the Chairman. I will withdraw my objec- 2248, Peters No. 2275, Toomey No. 2277, mirror and recognize their failures, tion, and I look forward to working Inhofe No. 2204, Cantwell-Manchin No. they never will. Year after year, thou- with you on the floor. 2417, Jones No. 1797, Lankford No. 1825, sands of servicemembers are raped and The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there Loeffler No. 1878, Tester No. 1966, sexually assaulted and assailants are an objection to the original request? Tester No. 1971, Kennedy No. 1991, Mar- not held accountable. It is not just a Without objection, it is so ordered. key No. 2053, Cruz No. 2138, Durbin No. few bad apples. In many of those cases, Under the order consented, the 2168, Feinstein No. 2217, Heinrich No. the assailant is someone in the sur- amendments are now pending, and the 2220, Rounds No. 2235, Brown No. 2257, vivor’s chain of command—the same question is on agreeing to the amend- Sasse No. 2287, Boozman No. 2298, Har- chain of command that decides the ments, en bloc. ris No. 2317, Klobuchar No. 2319, Inhofe case. They pick the judges, the juries, The amendments were agreed to en No. 2326, Young No. 2327, Shelby No. the prosecutors, and the defense coun- bloc, as follows: 2331, Wyden No. 2341, Blackburn No. sel. That is the system. That system is AMENDMENT NO. 1694 2370, Blackburn No. 2378, Moran No. so weighted that if a commander has a (Purpose: To require the Secretary of Vet- 1693, Inhofe No. 2418, Sanders No. 2419, view before they go in, your chance of erans Affairs to conduct a study on the un- Lee No. 2084, Van Hollen No. 1849, Has- success is very little. employment rate of female veterans who san No. 2103, and Rubio No. 2422. There is no other judicial system in served on active duty in the Armed Forces The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there America that would ever allow this to after September 11, 2001) objection? happen. That commander is not even At the appropriate place in title X, insert Mrs. GILLIBRAND. Mr. President. trained. He is not a prosecutor. He is the following: The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- not a lawyer. This system is not deliv- SEC. ll. STUDY ON UNEMPLOYMENT RATE OF FEMALE VETERANS WHO SERVED ator from New York. ering justice. People in the military do ON ACTIVE DUTY IN THE ARMED Mrs. GILLIBRAND. Mr. President, I not have the benefit of civil liberties FORCES AFTER SEPTEMBER 11, 2001. am reserving the right to object. because of this. They don’t get justice. (a) STUDY.— This amendment list does not include They never had it, and they never will. (1) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 180 days my amendment No. 1932, a bill that the This amendment, this bipartisan and after the date of the enactment of this Act, Presiding Officer and I have worked on commonsense reform, leaves the ma- the Secretary of Veterans Affairs, in con- and a bill that the majority leader has sultation with the Bureau of Labor Statis- jority of uniquely military crimes tics of the Department of Labor, shall con- voted for. within the chain of command. It would duct a study on why Post-9/11 Veterans who This amendment is so simple. It pro- only remove the decision making over are female are at higher risk of unemploy- fessionalizes how the military pros- whether to prosecute serious crimes to ment than all other groups of female vet- ecutes serious crimes—serious crimes independent, trained, unbiased mili- erans and their non-veteran counterparts. such as sexual assault, rape, and mur- tary impartial prosecutors. (2) CONDUCT OF STUDY.— der. It removes the systemic fear that It is the Senate’s job to provide the (A) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary shall con- survivors have in reporting these oversight and accountability to the duct the study under paragraph (1) primarily crimes. through the Center for Women Veterans U.S. military. We owe our U.S. service- under section 318 of title 38, United States According to the Pentagon’s most re- members everything. For every year Code. cent survey, almost 21,000 servicemem- that we don’t address this fundamental (B) CONSULTATION.—In carrying out the bers were sexually assaulted in 2018. scourge, it is another year we are fail- study conducted under paragraph (1), the This is a 30-percent increase from the ing them. I have asked for a vote, Mr. Secretary may consult with— year before. The current climate is not Chairman and Mr. Ranking Member, (i) other Federal agencies, such as the De- good for survivors. Currently, most for 5 years in a row. This is the fifth partment of Defense, the Office of Personnel survivors are retaliated against when year I am denied a vote. It is the fifth Management, and the Small Business Ad- they come forward and report these ministration; year that you are saying to our serv- (ii) foundations; and crimes. In fact, the rate of retaliation icemembers that you don’t care, and (iii) entities in the private sector. is two-thirds of all survivors, un- you don’t want to fix the system. (3) ELEMENTS OF STUDY.—The study con- changed from past years. Worse than We have tried every small-ball re- ducted under paragraph (1) shall include, that, of the cases that the command form you can imagine—every study, with respect to Post-9/11 Veterans who are

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female, at a minimum, an analysis of the fol- the burden of protecting the freedom of the AMENDMENT NO. 1753 lowing: people of the United States. (Purpose: To require the Secretary of Home- (A) Rank at time of separation from the (5) The selfless example of the service of land Security to submit a report to Con- Armed Forces. the members and veterans of the Armed gress on the screening practices for Great (B) Geographic location upon such separa- Forces, as well as the sacrifices made by the Lakes and inland waterways seaports) tion. families of those individuals, inspires all in- At the appropriate place in subtitle F of (C) Educational level upon such separation. dividuals in the United States to sacrifice title X, insert the following: (D) The percentage of such veterans who and work diligently for the good of the SEC. 10ll. REPORT ON GREAT LAKES AND IN- enrolled in an education or employment United States. LAND WATERWAYS SEAPORTS. training program of the Department of Vet- (6) The sacrifices of the families of the fall- (a) REPORT REQUIRED.— erans Affairs or the Department of Labor en members of the Armed Forces and the (1) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 180 days after such separation. families of veterans of the Armed Forces after the date of the enactment of this Act, (E) Industries that have employed such should never be forgotten. the Secretary of Homeland Security shall veterans. (b) SENSE OF THE SENATE.—It is the sense submit a report to the Committee on Home- (F) Military occupational specialties avail- of the Senate that the Senate— land Security and Governmental Affairs of able to such veterans. (1) designates the week of September 20 the Senate and the Committee on Homeland (G) Barriers to employment of such vet- through September 26, 2020, as ‘‘Gold Star Security of the House of Representatives erans. Families Remembrance Week’’; containing the results of the review and an (H) Causes to fluctuations in employment (2) honors and recognizes the sacrifices explanation of the methodology used for the of such veterans. made by— review conducted pursuant to subsection (b) (I) Current employment training programs (A) the families of members of the Armed regarding the screening practices for foreign of the Department of Veterans Affairs or the Forces who made the ultimate sacrifice in cargo arriving at seaports on the Great Department of Labor that are available to order to defend freedom and protect the Lakes and inland waterways. such veterans. United States; and (2) FORM.—The report required under para- graph (1) shall be submitted in unclassified (J) Economic indicators that impact unem- (B) the families of veterans of the Armed form, to the maximum extent possible, but ployment of such veterans. Forces; and may include a classified annex, if necessary. (K) Health conditions of such veterans that (3) encourages the people of the United (b) SCOPE OF REVIEW.— could impact employment. States to observe Gold Star Families Re- (1) SEAPORT SELECTION.—In selecting sea- (L) Whether there are differences in the membrance Week by— analyses conducted under subparagraphs (A) on inland waterways to include in the (A) performing acts of service and good review under this subsection, the Secretary through (K) based on the race of such vet- will in their communities; and eran. of Homeland Security shall ensure that the (B) celebrating families in which loved inland waterways seaports are— (M) The difference between unemployment ones made the ultimate sacrifice so that oth- rates of Post-9/11 Veterans who are female (A) equal in number to the Great Lakes ers could continue to enjoy life, liberty, and seaports included in the review; compared to unemployment rates of Post-9/ the pursuit of happiness. 11 Veterans who are male, including an anal- (B) comparable to Great Lakes seaports in- ysis of potential causes of such difference. AMENDMENT NO. 1883 cluded in the review, as measured by number (b) REPORT.— of imported shipments arriving at the sea- (1) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 90 days (Purpose: To state the policy of the United port each year; and after completing the study under subsection States on cooperation in the Indo-Pacific (C) covered by at least the same number of (a), the Secretary shall submit to the Com- region) Field Operations offices as the Great Lakes mittee on Veterans’ Affairs of the Senate seaports included in the review, but are not At the end of subtitle E of title XII, add and the Committee on Veterans’ Affairs of covered by the same Field Operations offices the following: the House of Representatives a report on as such Great Lakes seaports. such study. SEC. 1262. STATEMENT OF POLICY ON COOPERA- (2) ELEMENTS.—The Secretary of Homeland (2) ELEMENTS.—The report required by TION IN THE INDO-PACIFIC REGION. Security shall conduct a review of all Great Lakes and selected inland waterways sea- paragraph (1) shall include the following: It is the policy of the United States— (A) The analyses conducted under sub- ports that receive international cargo— (1) to strengthen alliances and partner- (A) to determine, for each such seaport— section (a)(3). ships in the Indo-Pacific region and Europe (B) A description of the methods used to (i) the current screening capability, includ- and with like-minded countries around the ing the types and numbers of screening conduct the study under subsection (a). globe to effectively compete with the Peo- (C) Such other matters relating to the un- equipment and whether such equipment is ple’s Republic of China; and physically located at a seaport or assigned employment rates of Post-9/11 Veterans who (2) to work in collaboration with such al- are female as the Secretary considers appro- and available in the area and made available lies and partners— to use; priate. (A) to address significant diplomatic, eco- OST-9/11 VETERAN DEFINED.—In this (ii) the number of U.S. and (c) P nomic, and military challenges posed by the section, the term ‘‘Post-9/11 Veteran’’ means Protection personnel assigned from a Field People’s Republic of China; a veteran who served on active duty in the Operations office, broken out by role; (B) to deter the People’s Republic of China Armed Forces on or after September 11, 2001. (iii) the expenditures for procurement and from pursuing military aggression; overtime incurred by U.S. Customs and Bor- AMENDMENT NO. 1881 (C) to promote the peaceful resolution of der Protection during the most recent fiscal (Purpose: To designate the week of Sep- territorial disputes in accordance with inter- year; tember 20 through September 26, 2020, as national law; (iv) the types of cargo received, such as ‘‘Gold Star Families Remembrance Week’’) (D) to promote private sector-led long- containerized, break-bulk, and bulk; At the end of subtitle G of title X, add the term economic development while coun- (v) the legal entity that owns the seaport; following: tering efforts by the Government of the Peo- (vi) a description of U.S. Customs and Bor- SEC. 1085. SENSE OF SENATE ON GOLD STAR ple’s Republic of China to leverage predatory der Protection’s use of space at the seaport, FAMILIES REMEMBRANCE WEEK. economic practices as a means of political including— (a) FINDINGS.—The Senate makes the fol- and economic coercion in the Indo-Pacific (I) whether U.S. Customs and Border Pro- lowing findings: region and beyond; tection or the General Services Administra- (1) The last Sunday in September— (E) to promote the values of democracy tion owns or leases any facilities; and (A) is designated as ‘‘Gold Star Mother’s and human rights, including through efforts (II) if U.S. Customs and Border Protection Day’’ under section 111 of title 36, United to end the repression by the Chinese Com- is provided space at the seaport, a descrip- States Code; and munist Party of political dissidents and tion of such space, including the number of (B) was first designated as ‘‘Gold Star Uyghurs and other ethnic Muslim minori- workstations; and Mother’s Day’’ under the Joint Resolution ties, Tibetan Buddhists, Christians, and (vii) the current cost-sharing arrangement entitled ‘‘Joint Resolution designating the other minorities; for screening technology or reimbursable last Sunday in September as ‘Gold Star (F) to respond to the crackdown by the services; Mother’s Day’, and for other purposes’’, ap- Chinese Communist Party, in contravention (B) to identify, for each Field Operations proved June 23, 1936 (49 Stat. 1895). of the commitments made under the Sino- office— (2) There is no date dedicated to families British Joint Declaration of 1984 and the (i) any ports of entry that are staffed re- affected by the loss of a loved one who died Basic Law of Hong Kong, on the legitimate motely from service ports; in service to the United States. aspirations of the people of Hong Kong; and (ii) the distance of each such service port (3) A gold star symbolizes a family member (G) to counter the Chinese Communist Par- from the corresponding ports of entry; and who died in the line of duty while serving in ty’s efforts to spread disinformation in the (iii) the number of officers and the types of the Armed Forces. People’s Republic of China and beyond with equipment U.S. Customs and Border Protec- (4) The members and veterans of the respect to the response of the Chinese Com- tion utilizes to screen cargo entering or Armed Forces, through their service, bear munist Party to COVID–19. exiting through such ports; and

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(C) that includes a threat assessment of in- termination, as well as recommendations on AMENDMENT NO. 1907 coming containerized and noncontainerized how to identify and address suspect content (Purpose: To require a report by the Comp- cargo at Great Lakes seaports and selected and elements to provide warnings to users of troller General of the United States on di- inland waterways seaports. the content; versity and inclusion within the civilian AMENDMENT NO. 1803 (G) a description of the technological workforce of the Department of Defense.) (Purpose: To improve efficient use of sen- counter-measures that are, or could be, used At the end of subtitle A of title XI, add the sitive compartmented information facili- to address concerns with digital content for- following: ties) gery technology; and SEC. ll. REPORT BY COMPTROLLER GENERAL At the appropriate place in title X, insert (H) any additional information the Sec- OF THE UNITED STATES ON DIVER- the following: retary determines appropriate. SITY AND INCLUSION WITHIN THE CIVILIAN WORKFORCE OF THE DE- SEC. lll. EFFICIENT USE OF SENSITIVE COM- (3) CONSULTATION AND PUBLIC HEARINGS.—In PARTMENT OF DEFENSE. PARTMENTED INFORMATION FA- producing each report required under para- CILITIES. graph (1), the Secretary may— (a) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 1 year after Not later than 180 days after the date of (A) consult with any other agency of the enactment of this act, the Comptroller General the enactment of this Act, the Director of Federal Government that the Secretary con- of the United States shall submit to Con- National Intelligence, in consultation with siders necessary; and gress a report on issues related to diversity the Secretary of Defense, shall issue revised (B) conduct public hearings to gather, or and inclusion within the civilian workforce guidance authorizing and directing Govern- otherwise allow interested parties an oppor- of the Department of Defense. (b) ELEMENTS.—The report required by sub- ment agencies and their appropriately tunity to present, information and advice section (a) shall include the following: cleared contractors to process, store, use, relevant to the production of the report. (1) A description of the demographic com- and discuss sensitive compartmented infor- (4) FORM OF REPORT.—Each report required position of the civilian workforce of the De- mation (SCI) at facilities previously ap- under paragraph (1) shall be produced in un- partment. proved to handle such information, without classified form, but may contain a classified (2) An assessment of any differences in pro- need for further approval by agency or by annex. motion outcomes among demographic groups site. Such guidance shall apply to controlled (5) APPLICABILITY OF FOIA.—Nothing in this of the civilian workforce of the Department. access programs of the intelligence commu- section, or in a report produced under this (3) An assessment of the extent to which nity and to special access programs of the section, shall be construed to allow the dis- the Department has identified barriers to di- Department of Defense. closure of information or a record that is ex- versity in its civilian workforce. AMENDMENT NO. 1808 empt from public disclosure under section (Purpose: To provide for Federal coordina- 552 of title 5, United States Code (commonly AMENDMENT NO. 2018 tion of activities supporting sustainable known as the ‘‘Freedom of Information (Purpose: To require a report on the Chem- chemistry, and for other purposes) Act’’). ical and Biological Defense Program of the (The amendment is printed in today’s (6) APPLICABILITY OF THE PAPERWORK RE- Department of Defense) At the end of subtitle F of title X, add the RECORD under ‘‘Text of Amendments.’’) DUCTION ACT.—Subchapter I of chapter 35 of following: AMENDMENT NO. 1891 title 44, United States Code (commonly SEC. 1064. REPORT ON THE CHEMICAL AND BIO- (Purpose: To require the Secretary of Home- known as the ‘‘Paperwork Reduction Act’’), shall not apply to this section. LOGICAL DEFENSE PROGRAM OF land Security to publish an annual report THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE. on the use of deepfake technology, and for AMENDMENT NO. 1987 (a) REPORT REQUIRED.—Not later than 60 other purposes) (Purpose: To require the Secretary of the days after the date of the enactment of this At the appropriate place, insert the fol- Treasury to provide States with informa- Act, the Secretary of Defense shall submit to the congressional defense committees a re- lowing: tion regarding unredeemed matured sav- port on the Chemical and Biological Defense SEC. ll. DEEPFAKE REPORT. ings bonds) (a) DEFINITIONS.—In this section: Program of the Department of Defense. (1) DIGITAL CONTENT .—The term At the appropriate place, insert the fol- (b) ELEMENTS.—The report required by sub- ‘‘digital content forgery’’ means the use of lowing: section (a) shall include the following: (1) An assessment of the significance of the emerging technologies, including artificial SEC. lll. PROVIDING INFORMATION TO intelligence and machine learning tech- STATES REGARDING UNDELIVERED Chemical and Biological Defense Program niques, to fabricate or manipulate audio, vis- SAVINGS BONDS. within the 2018 National Defense Strategy. (2) A description and assessment of the ual, or text content with the intent to mis- Section 3105 of title 31, United States Code, threats the Chemical and Biological Defense lead. is amended by adding at the end the fol- Program is designed to address. (2) SECRETARY.—The term ‘‘Secretary’’ lowing: means the Secretary of Homeland Security. (3) An assessment of the capacity of cur- (b) REPORTS ON DIGITAL CONTENT FORGERY ‘‘(f)(1) Notwithstanding any other law to rent Chemical and Biological Defense Pro- TECHNOLOGY.— the contrary, the Secretary shall provide gram facilities to complete their missions if (1) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 1 year after each State, as digital or other electronically funding levels for the Program are reduced. the date of enactment of this Act, and annu- searchable forms become available (includ- (4) An estimate of the length of time re- ally thereafter for 5 years, the Secretary, ing digital images), with sufficient informa- quired to return the Chemical and Biological acting through the Under Secretary for tion to identify the registered owner of any Defense Program to its current capacity if Science and Technology, shall produce a re- applicable savings bond with a registration funding levels reduced for the Program as de- port on the state of digital content forgery address that is within such State, including scribed in paragraph (3) are restored. the serial number of the bond, the name and technology. (5) An assessment of the threat posed to registered address of such owner, and any (2) CONTENTS.—Each report produced under members of the Armed Forces as a result of registered beneficiaries. paragraph (1) shall include— a reduction in testing of gear for field readi- (A) an assessment of the underlying tech- ‘‘(2) The Secretary shall prescribe such reg- ness by the Chemical and Biological Defense nologies used to create or propagate digital ulations or other guidance as may be nec- Program by reason of reduced funding levels content , including the evolution of essary to carry out the purposes of this sub- for the Program. such technologies; section, including rules to— (6) A description and assessment of the ne- (B) a description of the types of digital ‘‘(A) protect the privacy of the owners of cessity of Non Traditional Agent Defense content forgeries, including those used to applicable savings bonds; Testing under the Chemical and Biological commit fraud, cause harm, or violate civil ‘‘(B) ensure that any information provided Defense Program for Individual Protection rights recognized under Federal law; to a State under this subsection shall be Systems, Collective Protection Systems, (C) an assessment of how foreign govern- used solely to locate such owners and assist field decontamination systems, and chemical ments, and the proxies and networks thereof, them in redeeming such bonds with the agent detectors. use, or could use, digital content forgeries to United States Treasury; and (c) FORM.—The report required by sub- harm national security; ‘‘(C) ensure that owners of applicable sav- section (a) shall be submitted in classified (D) an assessment of how non-govern- ings bonds seeking to redeem such bonds form, available for review by any Member of mental entities in the United States use, or with the United States Treasury are able to Congress, but shall include an unclassified could use, digital content forgeries; do so in an expeditious manner. summary. (E) an assessment of the uses, applications, ‘‘(3) Not later than 12 months after the AMENDMENT NO. 2391 dangers, and benefits of deep learning tech- date of enactment of this subsection, and an- (Purpose: To require reports on diversity and nologies used to generate high fidelity artifi- nually thereafter, the Secretary shall submit inclusion in the Armed Forces) cial content of events that did not occur, in- to the Committee on Appropriations and the At the end of subtitle C of title V, insert cluding the impact on individuals; Committee on Finance of the Senate a report the following: (F) an analysis of the methods used to de- assessing all efforts to satisfy the require- SEC. 520. REPORTS ON DIVERSITY AND INCLU- termine whether content is genuinely cre- ment under paragraph (1). SION IN THE ARMED FORCES. ated by a human or through digital content ‘‘(4) For purposes of this subsection, the (a) REPORT ON FINDINGS OF DEFENSE BOARD forgery technology and an assessment of any term ‘applicable savings bond’ means a ma- ON DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION IN THE MILI- effective heuristics used to make such a de- tured and unredeemed savings bond.’’. TARY.—

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(1) IN GENERAL.—Upon the completion by grades in each Armed Force with the per- of recommendations on mechanisms to en- the Defense Board on Diversity and Inclusion centage of such populations among the gen- hance and increase such retention; and in the Military of its report on actionable eral population. (E) achievement of cultural and ethnic di- recommendations to increase racial diver- (D) A comparison of the participation rates versity in recruitment for the Armed Forces, sity and ensure equal opportunity across all of minority populations in each career field including development of recommendations grades of the Armed Forces, the Secretary of in each Armed Force with the percentage of on mechanisms to enhance and increase such Defense shall submit to the Committee on such populations among the general popu- diversity in recruitment. Armed Services of the Senate and the House lation. AMENDMENT NO. 1968 of Representatives a report on the report of (E) A comparison among the Armed Forces (Purpose: To expand eligibility for mental the Defense Board, including the findings of the percentage of minority populations in health services from the Department of and recommendations of the Defense Board. each officer grade above grade O–4. Veterans Affairs to include members of the LEMENTS.—The report required by (2) E (F) A comparison among the Armed Forces reserve components of the Armed Forces) paragraph (1) shall include the following: of the percentage of minority populations in (A) A comprehensive description of the each enlisted grade above grade E–6. (The amendment is printed in today’s findings and recommendations of the De- (G) A description and assessment of bar- RECORD under ‘‘Text of Amendments.’’) fense Board in its report referred to in para- riers to minority participation in the Armed AMENDMENT NO. 1977 graph (1). Forces in connection with accession, assess- (Purpose: To require a briefing on the assign- (B) A comprehensive description of any ac- ment, and training. ment of members of the Armed Forces on tionable recommendations of the Defense (d) SENSE OF SENATE ON DEFENSE ADVISORY active duty to the Joint Artificial Intel- Board in its report. COMMITTEE ON DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION IN ligence Center of the Department of De- (C) A description of the actions proposed to THE ARMED FORCES.—It is the sense of the fense) be undertaken by the Secretary in connec- Senate that the Defense Advisory Committee At the end of subtitle D of title IX, add the tion with such recommendations, and a on Diversity and Inclusion in the Armed following: Forces— timeline for implementation of such actions. SEC. lll. BRIEFING ON ASSIGNMENT OF MEM- (D) A description of the resources used by (1) should consist of diverse group of indi- BERS OF THE ARMED FORCES ON the Defense Board for its report, and a de- viduals, including— ACTIVE DUTY TO THE JOINT ARTIFI- scription and assessment of any shortfalls in (A) a general or flag officer from each reg- CIAL INTELLIGENCE CENTER OF such resources for purposes of the Defense ular component of the Armed Forces; THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE. Board. (B) a retired general or flag officer from Not later than 90 days after the date of the (b) REPORT ON DEFENSE ADVISORY COM- not fewer than two of the Armed Forces; enactment of this Act, the Secretary of De- MITTEE ON DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION IN THE (C) a regular officer of the Armed Forces in fense, with appropriate representatives of ARMED FORCES.— a grade O–5 or lower; the Armed Forces, shall brief the Commit- (1) IN GENERAL.—At the same time the Sec- (D) a regular enlisted member of the tees on Armed Services of the Senate and the retary of Defense submits the report re- Armed Forces in a grade E–7 or higher; House of Representatives on the feasibility quired by subsection (a), the Secretary shall (E) a regular enlisted member of the and the current status of assigning members also submit to the Committee on Armed Armed Forces in a grade E–6 or lower; of the Armed Forces on active duty to the Services of the Senate and the House of Rep- (F) a member of a reserve component of Joint Artificial Intelligence Center (JAIC) of resentatives a report on the Defense Advi- the Armed Forces in any grade; the Department of Defense. The briefing sory Committee on Diversity and Inclusion (G) a member of the Department of Defense shall include an assessment of such assign- in the Armed Forces. civilian workforce; ment on each of the following: (2) ELEMENTS.—The report required by (H) an member of the academic community (1) The strengthening of ties between the paragraph (1) shall include the following: with expertise in diversity studies; and Joint Artificial Intelligence Center and oper- (A) The mission statement or purpose of (I) an individual with appropriate expertise ational forces for purposes of— the Advisory Committee, and any proposed in diversity and inclusion; (A) identifying tactical and operational objectives and goals of the Advisory Com- (2) should include individuals from a vari- use cases for artificial intelligence (AI); mittee ety of military career paths, including— (B) improving data collection; and (B) A description of current members of (A) aviation; (C) establishing effective liaison between the Advisory Committee and the criteria (B) special operations; the Center and operational forces for identi- used for selecting members. (C) intelligence; fication and clarification of concerns in the (C) A description of the duties and scope of (D) cyber; widespread adoption and dissemination of ar- activities of the Advisory Committee. (E) space; and tificial intelligence. (D) The reporting structure of the Advi- (F) surface warfare; (2) The creation of opportunities for addi- sory Committee. (3) should have a membership such that tional non-traditional broadening assign- (E) An estimate of the annual operating not fewer than 20 percent of members pos- ments for members on active duty. costs and staff years of the Advisory Com- sess— (3) The career trajectory of active duty mittee. (A) a firm understanding of the role of members so assigned, including potential (F) An estimate of the number and fre- mentorship and best practices in finding and negative effects on career trajectory. quency of meetings of the Advisory Com- utilizing mentors; (4) The improvement and enhancement of mittee. (B) experience and expertise in change of the capacity of the Center to influence De- (G) Any subcommittees, established or pro- culture of large organizations; or partment-wide policies that affect the adop- posed, that would support the Advisory Com- (C) experience and expertise in implemen- tion of artificial intelligence. mittee. tation science; and AMENDMENT NO. 2077 (H) Such recommendations for legislative (4) should focus on objectives that ad- (Purpose: To strengthen Federal anti- or administrative action as the Secretary dress— discrimination laws enforced by the Equal considers appropriate to extend the term of (A) barriers to promotion within the Employment Opportunity Commission and the Advisory Committee beyond the pro- Armed Forces, including development of rec- expand accountability within the Federal posed termination date of the Advisory Com- ommendations on mechanisms to enhance Government) and increase racial diversity and ensure mittee. (The amendment is printed in today’s (c) REPORT ON CURRENT DIVERSITY AND IN- equal opportunity across all grades in the CLUSION IN THE ARMED FORCES.— Armed Forces; RECORD under ‘‘Text of Amendments.’’) (1) IN GENERAL.—At the same time the Sec- (B) participation of minority officers and AMENDMENT NO. 2058 retary of Defense submits the reports re- senior noncommissioned officers in the (Purpose: To require the Secretary of Health quired by subsections (a) and (b), the Sec- Armed Forces, including development of rec- and Human Services to conduct a study retary shall also submit to the Committee ommendations on mechanisms to enhance and issue a report on the affordability of on Armed Services of the Senate and the and increase such participation; insulin) House of Representatives a report on current (C) recruitment of minority candidates for At the appropriate place, insert the fol- diversity and inclusion in the Armed Forces. innovative pre-service programs in the Jun- lowing: (2) ELEMENTS.—The report required by ior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps SEC. lll. STUDY AND REPORT ON THE AFFORD- paragraph (1) shall include the following: (JROTC), Senior Reserve Officers’ Training ABILITY OF INSULIN. (A) An identification of the current racial, Corps (SROTC), and military service acad- The Secretary of Health and Human Serv- ethnic, and sex composition of each Armed emies, including programs in connection ices, acting through the Assistant Secretary Force generally. with flight instruction, special operations, for Planning and Evaluation, shall— (B) An identification of the current racial, and national security, including develop- (1) conduct a study that examines, for each ethnic, and sex composition of each Armed ment of recommendations on mechanisms to type or classification of diabetes (including Force by grade. enhance and increase such recruitment; type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes, gestational (C) A comparison of the participation rates (D) retention of minority individuals in diabetes, and other conditions causing reli- of minority populations in officer grades, senior leadership and mentorship positions ance on insulin), the effect of the afford- warrant officer grades, and enlisted member in the Armed Forces, including development ability of insulin on—

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(A) adherence to insulin prescriptions; (2) ELEMENTS.—The report required by prioritization of threats in the cyber domain (B) rates of diabetic ketoacidosis; paragraph (1) shall include the following: and risks in critical infrastructure; (C) downstream impacts of insulin adher- (A) A description of the extent to which (C) an assessment of whether the Cyberse- ence, including rates of dialysis treatment data is being collected and maintained on curity and Infrastructure Security Agency and end-stage renal disease; whether beneficiaries under the TRICARE has the appropriate personnel and resources (D) spending by Federal health programs program have other forms of health insur- to— on acute episodes that could have been ance. (i) perform risk assessments, threat hunt- averted by adhering to an insulin prescrip- (B) A description of the extent to which ing, incident response to support both pri- tion; and the Secretary of Defense has implemented vate and public cybersecurity; (E) other factors, as appropriate, to under- the recommendations of the Inspector Gen- (ii) carry out the responsibilities of the Cy- stand the impacts of insulin affordability on eral of the Department of Defense to improve bersecurity and Infrastructure Security health outcomes, Federal Government collections of third-party payments for care Agency related to the security of Federal in- spending (including under the Medicare pro- at military medical treatment facilities and formation and Federal information systems; gram under title XVIII of the Social Secu- a description of the impact such implemen- and rity Act (42 U.S.C. 1395 et seq.) and the Med- tation has had on such beneficiaries. (iii) carry out the critical infrastructure icaid program under title XIX of the Social (C) A description of the extent to which responsibilities of the Cybersecurity and In- Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1396 et seq.)), and in- the process used by managed care support frastructure Security Agency, including na- sured and uninsured individuals with diabe- contractors under the TRICARE program to tional risk management; and tes; and adjudicate third-party liability claims is ef- (D) an assessment of whether current (2) not later than 2 years after the date of ficient and effective, including with respect structure, personnel, and resources of re- enactment of this Act, submit to Congress a to communication with such beneficiaries. gional field offices are sufficient in fulfilling report on the study conducted under para- (d) TRICARE PROGRAM DEFINED.—In this agency responsibilities and mission require- graph (1). section, the term ‘‘TRICARE program’’ has ments. AMENDMENT NO. 2178 the meaning given that term in section 1072 (c) SUBMISSION OF REVIEW.—Not later than (Purpose: To improve the cyber workforce of title 10, United States Code. 1 year after the date of the enactment of this and establish cyber challenges) AMENDMENT NO. 2215 Act, the Secretary of Homeland Security (The amendment is printed in today’s (Purpose: To strengthen the Cybersecurity shall submit a report to Congress detailing RECORD under ‘‘Text of Amendments.’’) and Infrastructure Security Agency) the results of the assessments required under subsection (b), including recommendations AMENDMENT NO. 2186 At the appropriate place, insert the fol- to address any identified gaps. (Purpose: To require the Comptroller Gen- lowing: eral of the United States to submit to Con- SEC. ll. GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION SEC. lll. CISA DIRECTOR. REVIEW. gress a report assessing the billing prac- Subchapter II of chapter 53 of title 5, tices of the Department of Defense for care (a) REVIEW.—The Administrator of the United States Code, is amended— General Services Administration shall— received under the TRICARE program and (1) in section 5313, by inserting after the at military medical treatment facilities) (1) conduct a review of current Cybersecu- item relating to ‘‘Administrator of the rity and Infrastructure Security Agency fa- At the end of subtitle C of title VII, add Transportation Security Administration’’ cilities and assess the suitability of such fa- the following: the following: cilities to fully support current and pro- SEC. ll. REPORT ON BILLING PRACTICES FOR ‘‘Director, Cybersecurity and Infrastructure jected mission requirements nationally and HEALTH CARE FROM DEPARTMENT Security Agency.’’; and regionally; and OF DEFENSE. (2) in section 5314, by striking the item re- (a) FINDINGS.—Congress finds the fol- (2) make recommendations regarding re- lating to ‘‘Director, Cybersecurity and Infra- sources needed to procure or build a new fa- lowing: structure Security Agency.’’. (1) Through the TRICARE program, the cility or augment existing facilities to en- ll Department of Defense provides health care SEC. . AGENCY REVIEW. sure sufficient size and accommodations to benefits and services to approximately (a) REQUIREMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE RE- fully support current and projected mission 9,500,000 beneficiaries. VIEW.—In order to strengthen the Cybersecu- requirements, including the integration of (2) The Department of Defense is not struc- rity and Infrastructure Security Agency, the personnel from the private sector and other tured as a typical health care provider, Secretary of Homeland Security shall con- departments and agencies. which can lead to complicated billing prac- duct a comprehensive review of the ability of (b) SUBMISSION OF REVIEW.—Not later than tices and strict deadlines for members of the the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Secu- 1 year after the date of the enactment of this Armed Forces, former members of the Armed rity Agency to fulfill— Act, the Administrator of the General Serv- Forces, and their dependents, as well as for (1) the missions of the Cybersecurity and ices Administration shall submit the review providers. Infrastructure Security Agency; and required under subsection (a) to— (3) Numerous findings issued by the Inspec- (2) the recommendations detailed in the re- (1) the President; tor General of the Department of Defense be- port issued by the Cyberspace Solarium (2) the Secretary of Homeland Security; tween 2014 and 2019 describe the third-party Commission under section 1652(k) of the and collection program of the Department as in- John S. McCain National Defense Authoriza- (3) to the Committee on Homeland Secu- adequately managed, resulting in substantial tion Act for Fiscal Year 2019 (Public Law rity and Governmental Affairs of the Senate uncollected funds that could be used to im- 115–232). and the Committee on Homeland Security of prove the quality of health care at military (b) ELEMENTS OF REVIEW.—The review con- the House of Representatives. ducted under subsection (a) shall include the medical treatment facilities. AMENDMENT NO. 2251 following elements: (4) Numerous press reports have found that (Purpose: To extend the prohibition on com- the Federal Government aggressively col- (1) An assessment of how additional budget resources could be used by the Cybersecurity mercial of certain munitions to the lects unpaid debts from uninsured or low-in- Hong Kong Police Force) come civilian patients who happen to receive and Infrastructure Security Agency for treatment at a military medical treatment projects and programs that— At the end of subtitle E of title XII, add facility, even though providing that treat- (A) support the national risk management the following: ment often benefits military readiness by mission; SEC. 1262. EXTENSION OF PROHIBITION ON COM- providing experience to military medical (B) support public and private-sector cy- MERCIAL EXPORT OF CERTAIN MU- professionals. bersecurity; NITIONS TO THE HONG KONG PO- LICE FORCE. (b) SENSE OF CONGRESS.—It is the sense of (C) promote public-private integration; and Congress that it is in the national interest of (D) provide situational awareness of cyber- Section 3 of the Act entitled ‘‘An Act to the United States to ensure members of the security threats. prohibit the commercial export of covered Armed Forces, former members of the Armed (2) A comprehensive force structure assess- munitions items to the Hong Kong Police Forces, and their dependents receive high- ment of the Cybersecurity and Infrastruc- Force’’, approved November 27, 2019 (Public quality health care, and that Federal agen- ture Security Agency including— Law 116–77; 133 Stat. 1174), is amended by cies prioritize fairness and accessibility (A) a determination of the appropriate size striking ‘‘one year after the date of the en- when administering health care. and composition of personnel to accomplish actment of this Act’’ and inserting ‘‘on No- (c) REPORT.— the mission of the Cybersecurity and Infra- vember 27, 2021’’. (1) IN GENERAL.—Not later than one year structure Security Agency, as well as the AMENDMENT NO. 2231 after the date of the enactment of this Act, recommendations detailed in the report the Comptroller General of the United States issued by the Cyberspace Solarium Commis- (Purpose: To ensure appropriate shall submit to Congress a report assessing sion under section 1652(k) of the John S. prioritization, spectrum planning, and the billing practices of the Department of McCain National Defense Authorization Act interagency coordination to support the Defense for care received under the for Fiscal Year 2019 (Public Law 115–232); Internet of Things) TRICARE program or at military medical (B) an assessment of whether existing per- (The amendment is printed in today’s treatment facilities. sonnel are appropriately matched to the RECORD under ‘‘Text of Amendments.’’)

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AMENDMENT NO. 2255 efforts of the Department of State to estab- (c) SENSE OF CONGRESS.—It is the sense of (Purpose: To extend real-time sound moni- lish the Office of Sanctions Coordination the Congress that the President should ap- toring at Navy installations where tactical pursuant to section 1(g) of the State Depart- point a coordinator for sanctions and na- fighter aircraft operate) ment Basic Authorities Act of 1956, as tional economic security issues within the amended by paragraph (1), including a de- framework of the National Security Council. At the end of subtitle B of title III, add the scription of— (d) APPROPRIATE CONGRESSIONAL COMMIT- following: (A) measures taken to implement the re- TEES DEFINED.—In this section, the term SEC. 320. EXTENSION OF REAL-TIME SOUND MON- quirements of that section and to establish ‘‘appropriate congressional committees’’ ITORING AT NAVY INSTALLATIONS the Office; means— WHERE TACTICAL FIGHTER AIR- (1) the Committee on Foreign Relations, CRAFT OPERATE. (B) actions taken by the Office to carry out the duties listed in paragraph (3) of that sec- the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Section 325(a)(1) of the National Defense Urban Affairs, and the Committee on Fi- Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2020 (Pub- tion; (C) the resources devoted to the Office, in- nance of the Senate; and lic Law 116–92) is amended by striking ‘‘a 12- (2) the Committee on Foreign Affairs, the month period’’ and inserting ‘‘two 12-month cluding the number of employees working in the Office; and Committee on Financial Services, and the periods, including one such period that be- Committee on Way and Means of the House gins in fiscal year 2021’’. (D) plans for the use of the direct hire au- thority provided under paragraph (4) of that of Representatives. AMENDMENT NO. 2238 section. AMENDMENT NO. 2256 (Purpose: To improve coordination of United (b) COORDINATION WITH ALLIES AND PART- (Purpose: To require an analysis of sourcing States sanctions policy) NERS OF THE UNITED STATES.— and industrial capacity issues related to At the end of subtitle G of title XII, add (1) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary of State aluminum) the following: shall develop and implement mechanisms At the end of section 806(c), add the fol- SEC. 1287. IMPROVED COORDINATION OF UNITED and programs, as appropriate, through the lowing: STATES SANCTIONS POLICY. head of the Office of Sanctions Coordination (12) Aluminum. (a) OFFICE OF SANCTIONS COORDINATION OF established pursuant to section 1(g) of the AMENDMENT NO. 2241 THE DEPARTMENT OF STATE.— State Department Basic Authorities Act of (Purpose: To express the sense of Congress (1) IN GENERAL.—Section 1 of the State De- 1956, as amended by subsection (a)(1), to co- on the implementation of the Asia Reas- partment Basic Authorities Act of 1956 (22 ordinate the development and implementa- surance Initiative Act of 2018 with respect U.S.C. 2651a) is amended— tion of United States sanctions policies with to Taiwan arms sales) (A) by redesignating subsection (g) as sub- allies and partners of the United States, in- At the end of subtitle E of title XII, add section (h); and cluding the United Kingdom, the European the following: (B) by inserting after subsection (f) the fol- Union and member countries of the Euro- SEC. 1262. IMPLEMENTATION OF THE ASIA REAS- lowing: pean Union, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, SURANCE INITIATIVE ACT WITH RE- ‘‘(g) OFFICE OF SANCTIONS COORDINATION.— Japan, and South Korea. GARD TO TAIWAN ARMS SALES. ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—There is established, (2) INFORMATION SHARING.—The Secretary (a) FINDINGS.—Congress makes the fol- within the Department of State, an Office of should pursue the development and imple- lowing findings: Sanctions Coordination (in this subsection mentation of mechanisms and programs (1) The Department of Defense Indo-Pacific referred to as the ‘Office’). under paragraph (1), as appropriate, that in- Strategy Report, released on June 1, 2019, ‘‘(2) HEAD.—The head of the Office shall— volve the sharing of information with re- states: ‘‘[T]he Asia Reassurance Initiative ‘‘(A) have the rank and status of ambas- spect to policy development and sanctions Act, a major bipartisan legislation, was sador; implementation. signed into law by President Trump on De- ‘‘(B) be appointed by the President, by and (3) CAPACITY BUILDING.—The Secretary cember 31, 2018. This legislation enshrines a with the advice and consent of the Senate; should pursue efforts, in coordination with generational whole-of-government policy and the Secretary of the Treasury and the head framework that demonstrates U.S. commit- ‘‘(C) report directly to the Secretary. of any other agency the Secretary considers ment to a free and open Indo-Pacific region ‘‘(3) DUTIES.—The head of the Office shall— appropriate, to assist allies and partners of and includes initiatives that promote sov- ‘‘(A) exercise sanctions authorities dele- the United States, including the countries ereignty, rule of law, democracy, economic gated to the Secretary; specified in paragraph (1), as appropriate, in engagement, and regional security.’’. ‘‘(B) serve as the advisor to the the development of their legal and technical (2) The Indo-Pacific Strategy Report fur- senior management of the Department and capacities to develop and implement sanc- ther states: ‘‘The United States has a vital the Secretary regarding the development and tions authorities. interest in upholding the rules-based inter- implementation of sanctions policy; (4) EXCHANGE PROGRAMS.—In furtherance of national order, which includes a strong, ‘‘(C) serve as the lead representative of the the efforts described in paragraph (3), the prosperous, and democratic Taiwan. . .The United States in diplomatic engagement on Secretary, in coordination with the Sec- Department [of Defense] is committed to sanctions matters; retary of the Treasury and the head of any providing Taiwan with defense articles and ‘‘(D) consult and closely coordinate with other agency the Secretary considers appro- services in such quantity as may be nec- allies and partners of the United States, in- priate, may enter into agreements with essary to enable Taiwan to maintain a suffi- cluding the United Kingdom, the European counterpart agencies in foreign governments cient self-defense capability.’’. Union and member countries of the Euro- establishing exchange programs for the tem- (3) Section 209(b) of the Asia Reassurance pean Union, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, porary detail of government employees to Initiative Act of 2018 (22 U.S.C. 3301 note), Japan, and South Korea, to ensure the max- share information and expertise with respect signed into law on December 31, 2018— imum effectiveness of sanctions imposed by to the development and implementation of (A) builds on longstanding commitments the United States and such allies and part- sanctions authorities. enshrined in the Taiwan Relations Act (22 ners; (5) BRIEFING REQUIRED.—Not later than 90 U.S.C. 3301 et seq.) to provide Taiwan with ‘‘(E) serve as the coordinator for the devel- days after the date of the enactment of this defense articles; and opment and implementation of sanctions Act, and every 180 days thereafter until the (B) states: ‘‘The President should conduct policy with respect to all activities, policies, date that is 5 years after such date of enact- regular transfers of defense articles to Tai- and programs of all bureaus and offices of ment, the Secretary of State shall brief the wan that are tailored to meet the existing the Department relating to the development appropriate congressional committees on the and likely future threats from the People’s and implementation of sanctions policy; and efforts of the Department of State to imple- Republic of China, including supporting the ‘‘(F) serve as the lead representative of the ment this section, including a description efforts of Taiwan to develop and integrate Department in interagency discussions with of— asymmetric capabilities, as appropriate, in- respect to the development and implementa- (A) measures taken to implement para- cluding mobile, survivable, and cost-effective tion of sanctions policy. graph (1); capabilities, into its military forces.’’. ‘‘(4) DIRECT HIRE AUTHORITY.—The head of (B) actions taken pursuant to paragraphs (b) SENSE OF CONGRESS.—It is the sense of the Office may appoint, without regard to (2) through (4); Congress that— the provisions of sections 3309 through 3318 of (C) the extent of coordination between the (1) the Asia Reassurance Initiative Act of title 5, United States Code, candidates di- United States and allies and partners of the 2018 (Public Law 115–409; 132 Stat. 5387) has rectly to positions in the competitive serv- United States, including the countries speci- recommitted the United States to support ice, as defined in section 2102 of that title, in fied in paragraph (1), with respect to the de- the close, economic, political, and security the Office.’’. velopment and implementation of sanctions relationship between the United States and (2) BRIEFING REQUIRED.—Not later than 60 policy; and Taiwan; and days after the date of the enactment of this (D) obstacles preventing closer coordina- (2) the United States should fully imple- Act, and every 90 days thereafter until the tion between the United States and such al- ment the provisions of that Act with regard date that is 2 years after such date of enact- lies and partners with respect to the develop- to regular defensive arms sales to Taiwan. ment, the Secretary of State shall brief the ment and implementation of sanctions pol- (c) BRIEFING.—Not later than 30 days after appropriate congressional committees on the icy. the date of the enactment of this Act, the

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:59 Jul 03, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00021 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A02JY6.018 S02JYPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE S4190 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 2, 2020 Secretary of State and the Secretary of De- ‘‘§ 9083. Office of the Chief of Space Oper- ‘‘§ 9531. Procurement of commercial satellite fense, or their designees, shall brief the Com- ations: function; composition communications services mittee on Foreign Relations of the Senate ‘‘(a) FUNCTION.—There is in the executive ‘‘The Secretary of the Air Force shall be and the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the part of the Department of the Air Force an responsible for the procurement of commer- House of Representatives on the efforts to Office of the Chief of Space Operations to as- cial satellite communications services for implement section 209(b) of the Asia Reas- sist the Secretary of the Air Force in car- the Department of Defense.’’. surance Initiative Act of 2018 (22 U.S.C. 3301 rying out the responsibilities of the Sec- (b) TABLE OF SECTIONS.—The table of sec- note). retary. tions at the beginning of chapter 963 of such AMENDMENT NO. 2269 ‘‘(b) COMPOSITION.—The Office of the Chief title is amended by inserting before the item relating to section 9532 the following new (Purpose: To require a report on the impact of Space Operations is composed of the fol- item: of the children of certain Filipino World lowing: War II veterans on the national security, ‘‘(1) The Chief of Space Operations. ‘‘9531. Procurement of commercial satellite foreign policy, and economic and humani- ‘‘(2) Such other offices and officials as may communications services.’’. tarian interests of the United States) be established by law or as the Secretary of SEC. 945. TEMPORARY EXEMPTION FROM AU- the Air Force may establish or designate. THORIZED DAILY AVERAGE OF MEM- At the appropriate place, insert the fol- ‘‘(3) Other members of the Space Force and BERS IN PAY GRADES E–8 AND E–9. lowing: Air Force assigned or detailed to the Office Section 517 of title 10, United States Code, SEC. llll. REPORT ON IMPACT OF CHILDREN of the Chief of Space Operations. shall not apply to the Space Force until Oc- OF CERTAIN FILIPINO WORLD WAR tober 1, 2023. II VETERANS ON NATIONAL SECU- ‘‘(4) Civilian employees in the Department SEC. 946. APPLICATION OF ACQUISITION DEM- RITY, FOREIGN POLICY, AND ECO- of the Air Force assigned or detailed to the ONSTRATION PROJECT TO DEPART- NOMIC AND HUMANITARIAN INTER- Office of the Chief of Space Operations. MENT OF THE AIR FORCE EMPLOY- ESTS OF THE UNITED STATES. ‘‘(c) ORGANIZATION.—Except as otherwise EES ASSIGNED TO ACQUISITION PO- (a) IN GENERAL.—Not later than December specifically prescribed by law, the Office of SITIONS WITHIN THE SPACE FORCE. 31, 2020, the Secretary of Homeland Security, the Chief of Space Operations shall be orga- (a) IN GENERAL.—Chapter 81 of title 10, in consultation with the Secretary of De- nized in such manner, and the members of United States Code, is amended by adding at fense and the Secretary of State, shall sub- the Office of the Chief of Space Operations the end the following new section: shall perform such duties and have such ti- mit to the congressional defense committees ‘‘§ 1599i. Application of acquisition dem- tles, as the Secretary of the Air Force may a report on the impact of the children of cer- onstration project to Department of the Air prescribe. tain Filipino World War II veterans on the Force employees assigned to acquisition national security, foreign policy, and eco- ‘‘§ 9084. Office of the Chief of Space Oper- positions within the Space Force nomic and humanitarian interests of the ations: general duties ‘‘For purposes of the demonstration United States. ‘‘(a) PROFESSIONAL ASSISTANCE.—The Of- project authorized by section 1762 of this (b) ELEMENTS.—The report required by sub- fice of the Chief of Space Operations shall title, the Secretary of Defense may apply the section (a) shall include the following: furnish professional assistance to the Sec- provisions of such section, including any reg- (1) The number of Filipino World War II retary of the Air Force, the Chief of Space ulations, procedures, waivers, or guidance veterans who fought under the United States Operations, and other personnel of the Office implementing such section, to employees of flag during World War II to protect and de- of the Secretary of the Air Force or the Of- the Department of the Air Force assigned to fend the United States in the Pacific theater. fice of the Chief of Space Operations. acquisition positions within the Space (2) The number of Filipino World War II ‘‘(b) AUTHORITIES.—Under the authority, Force.’’. veterans who died fighting under the United direction, and control of the Secretary of the (b) TABLE OF SECTIONS.—The table of sec- States flag during World War II to protect Air Force, the Office of the Chief of Space tions at the beginning of such chapter is and defend the United States in the Pacific Operations shall— amended by adding at the end the following theater. ‘‘(1) subject to subsections (c) and (d) of new item: (3) An assessment of the economic and tax section 9014 of this title, prepare for such ‘‘1599i. Application of acquisition demonstra- contributions that Filipino World War II vet- employment of the Space Force, and for such tion project to Department of erans and their families have made to the recruiting, organizing, supplying, equipping the Air Force employees as- United States. (including research and development), train- signed to acquisition positions (4) An assessment of the impact on the ing, servicing, mobilizing, demobilizing, ad- within the Space Force.’’. United States of exempting from the numer- ministering, and maintaining of the Space SEC. 947. AIR AND SPACE FORCE MEDAL. ical limitations on immigrant visas the chil- Force, as will assist in the execution of any (a) SUPERSEDURE OF AIRMAN’S MEDAL WITH dren of the Filipino World War II veterans power, duty, or function of the Secretary of AIR AND SPACE FORCE MEDAL.— who were naturalized under— the Air Force or the Chief of Space Oper- (1) IN GENERAL.—Section 9280 of title 10, (A) section 405 of the Immigration Act of ations; United States Code, is amended— 1990 (Public Law 101–649; 8 U.S.C. 1440 note); ‘‘(2) investigate and report upon the effi- (A) by striking ‘‘Airman’s Medal’’ each or ciency of the Space Force and its prepara- place it appears and inserting ‘‘Air and (B) title III of the Nationality Act of 1940 tion to support military operations by com- Space Force Medal’’; and (54 Stat. 1137; chapter 876), as added by sec- manders of the combatant commands; (B) in subsection (a)(1), by inserting ‘‘or tion 1001 of the Second War Powers Act, 1942 ‘‘(3) prepare detailed instructions for the the Space Force’’ after ‘‘the Air Force’’. (56 Stat. 182; chapter 199). execution of approved plans and supervise (2) SECTION HEADING.—The heading of such AMENDMENT NO. 2243 the execution of those plans and instruc- section is amended to read as follows: (Purpose: To require an assessment of United tions; ‘‘§ 9280. Air and Space Force Medal: award; States manufacturing surge capacity) ‘‘(4) as directed by the Secretary of the Air limitations’’. Force or the Chief of Space Operations, co- In section 805(a)(3), insert ‘‘, including (3) TABLE OF SECTIONS.—The table of sec- ordinate the action of organizations of the manufacturing surge capacity,’’ after ‘‘eval- tions at the beginning of chapter 937 of such Space Force; and uation of the competitive strengths and title is amended by striking the item relat- ‘‘(5) perform such other duties, not other- weaknesses of United States industry’’. ing to section 9280 and inserting the fol- wise assigned by law, as may be prescribed lowing new item: AMENDMENT NO. 2270 by the Secretary of the Air Force.’’. (Purpose: To provide assistance for United (b) TABLE OF SECTIONS.—The table of sec- ‘‘9280. Air and Space Force Medal: award; States citizens and nationals taken hos- tions at the beginning of chapter 908 of such limitations.’’. tage or unlawfully or wrongfully detained title, as amended by section 931(f) of this (b) DIFFERENTIATION IN DESIGN.—The Presi- abroad, and for other purposes) Act, is further amended by striking the item dent shall ensure that the design of the Air (The amendment is printed in today’s related to section 9083 and inserting the fol- and Space Force Medal and accompanying lowing the following new items: ribbon (and any related bar or device) award- RECORD under ‘‘Text of Amendments.’’) ed under section 9280 of title 10, United AMENDMENT NO. 2248 ‘‘9083. Office of the Chief of Space Oper- States Code (as amended by subsection (a)), (Purpose: Relating to the Space Force) ations: function; composition. differs in an appropriate manner from the de- ‘‘9084. Office of the Chief of Space Oper- After section 931, insert the following: sign of the Airman’s Medal and accom- ations: general duties. panying ribbon, bar, or device awarded under ‘‘9085. Regular Space Force: composition.’’. SEC. 931A. OFFICE OF THE CHIEF OF SPACE OP- section 9280 of title 10, United States Code, ERATIONS. At the end of part II of subtitle D of title as such section was in effect on the date be- (a) IN GENERAL.—Chapter 908 of title 10, IX, add the following: fore the date of the enactment of this Act. United States Code, as amended by section SEC. 944. CLARIFICATION OF PROCUREMENT OF AMENDMENT NO. 2275 931(e) of this Act, is further amended— COMMERCIAL SATELLITE COMMU- (1) by redesignating section 9083 as section NICATIONS SERVICES. (Purpose: To require a plan for the 9085; and (a) IN GENERAL.—Chapter 963 of title 10, continuity of the economy) (2) by inserting after section 9082 the fol- United States Code, is amended by inserting (The amendment is printed in today’s lowing new sections: before section 9532 the following new section: RECORD under ‘‘Text of Amendments.’’)

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AMENDMENT NO. 2277 ondary Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. ‘‘(B) is under the clinical supervision of a (Purpose: To impose sanctions with respect 7801)); health care professional described in para- to foreign persons involved in the erosion ‘‘(3) flown as part of an established Junior graph (1).’’. of certain obligations of China with respect Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (JROTC) AMENDMENT NO. 1966 to Hong Kong) program; or (Purpose: To provide assistance to manage (The amendment is printed in today’s ‘‘(4) flown as part of an educational pro- farmer and rancher stress and for the men- gram that is chartered by a recognized com- RECORD under ‘‘Text of Amendments.’’) tal health of individuals in rural areas) munity-based organization (as defined in AMENDMENT NO. 2204 subsection (h) of such section).’’. At appropriate place in title X, insert the following: (Purpose: To amend the Oklahoma City Na- AMENDMENT NO. 1825 tional Memorial Act of 1997 to authorize SEC. 1lll. ASSISTANCE FOR FARMER AND (Purpose: To require each agency, in pro- the transfer of funds for the endowment RANCHER STRESS AND MENTAL viding notice of a rule making, to include fund for the Oklahoma City National Me- HEALTH OF INDIVIDUALS IN RURAL a link to a 100 word plain language sum- AREAS. morial, and for other purposes) mary of the proposed rule) (a) DEFINITION OF SECRETARY.—In this sec- At the appropriate place, insert the fol- At the appropriate place, insert the fol- tion, the term ‘‘Secretary’’ means the Sec- lowing: lowing: retary of Agriculture. SEC. ll. TRANSFER OF FUNDS FOR OKLAHOMA (b) FINDINGS.—Congress finds that— CITY NATIONAL MEMORIAL ENDOW- SEC. ll. REQUIREMENT TO POST A 100 WORD SUMMARY TO REGULATIONS.GOV. (1) according to the Centers for Disease MENT FUND. Control and Prevention, the suicide rate is 45 Section 7(1) of the Oklahoma City National Section 553(b) of title 5, United States Code, is amended— percent greater in rural areas of the United Memorial Act of 1997 (16 U.S.C. 450ss–5(1)) is States than the suicide rate in urban areas amended by striking ‘‘there is hereby au- (1) in paragraph (2), by striking ‘‘and’’ at the end; of the United States; thorized’’ and inserting ‘‘the Secretary may (2) farmers face social isolation, the poten- provide, from the National Park Service’s (2) in paragraph (3), by striking the period at the end and inserting ‘‘; and’’; and tial for financial losses, barriers to seeking national recreation and preservation ac- mental health services, and access to lethal count, the remainder of’’. (3) by inserting after paragraph (3) the fol- lowing: means to commit suicide; and AMENDMENT NO. 2417 ‘‘(4) the Internet address of a summary of (3) as commodity prices fall and farmers (Purpose: To modify the requirements for not more than 100 words in length of the pro- face uncertainty, reports of farmer suicides the Department of Energy response to the posed rule, in plain language, that shall be are increasing. review by the Nuclear Weapons Council of posted on the Internet website under section (c) PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT CAM- the budget of the National Nuclear Secu- 206(d) of the E-Government Act of 2002 (44 PAIGN TO ADDRESS FARM AND RANCH MENTAL rity Administration) U.S.C. 3501 note) (commonly known as regu- HEALTH.— Beginning on page 1028, strike line 7 and lations.gov).’’. (1) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary, in con- sultation with the Secretary of Health and all that follows through page 1029, line 8, and AMENDMENT NO. 1878 insert the following: Human Services, shall carry out a public (Purpose: To authorize certain postgraduate ‘‘(3) DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY RESPONSE.— service announcement campaign to address health care employees and health profes- ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—If the Council submits the mental health of farmers and ranchers. sions trainees of the Department of Vet- to the Secretary of Energy a written descrip- (2) REQUIREMENTS.—The public service an- erans Affairs to provide treatment via tele- tion under paragraph (2)(B)(i) with respect to nouncement campaign under paragraph (1) medicine) the budget request of the Administration for shall include television, radio, print, out- a fiscal year, the Secretary shall include as At the end of subtitle G of title X, add the door, and digital public service announce- an appendix to the budget request submitted following: ments. to the Director of the Office of Management SEC. 1085. MODIFICATION OF LICENSURE RE- (3) CONTRACTOR.—The Secretary may enter and Budget— QUIREMENTS FOR HEALTH CARE into a contract or other agreement with a ‘‘(i) the funding levels and initiatives iden- PROFESSIONALS PROVIDING TREAT- third party to carry out the public service MENT VIA TELEMEDICINE. tified in the description under paragraph announcement campaign under paragraph (2)(B)(i); and Section 1730C(b) of title 38, United States (1). ‘‘(ii) any additional comments the Sec- Code, is amended to read as follows: (4) AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS.— retary considers appropriate. ‘‘(b) COVERED HEALTH CARE PROFES- There is authorized to be appropriated to the SIONALS.—For purposes of this section, a cov- ‘‘(B) TRANSMISSION TO CONGRESS.—The Sec- Secretary to carry out this subsection retary of Energy shall transmit to Congress, ered health care professional is any of the $3,000,000, to remain available until ex- with the budget justification materials sub- following individuals: pended. mitted in support of the Department of En- ‘‘(1) A health care professional who— (d) EMPLOYEE TRAINING PROGRAM TO MAN- ergy budget for a fiscal year (as submitted ‘‘(A) is an employee of the Department ap- AGE FARMER AND RANCHER STRESS.— with the budget of the President under sec- pointed under section 7306, 7401, 7405, 7406, or (1) IN GENERAL.—Subtitle A of the Depart- tion 1105(a) of title 31, United States Code), a 7408 of this title or title 5; ment of Agriculture Reorganization Act of copy of the appendix described in subpara- ‘‘(B) is authorized by the Secretary to pro- 1994 (7 U.S.C. 6912 et seq.) is amended by add- graph (A).’’. vide health care under this chapter; ing at the end the following: ‘‘(C) is required to adhere to all standards ‘‘SEC. 224B. EMPLOYEE TRAINING PROGRAM TO AMENDMENT NO. 1797 for quality relating to the provision of MANAGE FARMER AND RANCHER (Purpose: To improve the authority for oper- health care in accordance with applicable STRESS. ations of unmanned aircraft for edu- policies of the Department; and ‘‘(a) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary shall es- cational purposes) ‘‘(D)(i) has an active, current, full, and un- tablish a voluntary program to train em- At the appropriate place, insert the fol- restricted license, registration, or certifi- ployees of the Farm Service Agency, the lowing: cation in a State to practice the health care Risk Management Agency, and the Natural SEC. ll. IMPROVING THE AUTHORITY FOR OP- profession of the health care professional; or Resources Conservation Service in the man- ERATIONS OF UNMANNED AIRCRAFT ‘‘(ii) with respect to a health care profes- agement of stress experienced by farmers FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES. sion listed under section 7402(b) of this title, and ranchers, including the detection of Section 350 of the FAA Reauthorization has the qualifications for such profession as stress and suicide prevention. Act of 2018 (Public Law 115–254; 49 U.S.C 44809 set forth by the Secretary. ‘‘(b) REQUIREMENT.—Not later than 180 note) is amended ‘‘(2) A postgraduate health care employee days after the date on which the Secretary (1) in the section heading, by striking ‘‘AT who— submits a report on the results of the pilot INSTITUTIONS OF HIGHER EDUCATION’’ and in- ‘‘(A) is appointed under section 7401(1), program being carried out by the Secretary serting ‘‘FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES’’; and 7401(3), or 7405 of this title or title 5 for any as of the date of enactment of this section to (2) in subsection (a)— category of personnel described in paragraph train employees of the Department in the (A) by striking ‘‘aircraft system operated (1) or (3) of section 7401 of this title; management of stress experienced by farm- by’’ and inserting the following: ‘‘aircraft ‘‘(B) must obtain an active, current, full, ers and ranchers, and based on the rec- system— and unrestricted license, registration, or cer- ommendations contained in that report, the ‘‘(1) operated by’’; tification or meet qualification standards set Secretary shall develop a training program (B) in paragraph (1), as added by subpara- forth by the Secretary within a specified to carry out subsection (a). graph (A), by striking the period at the end time frame; and ‘‘(c) REPORT.—Not less frequently than and inserting a semicolon; and ‘‘(C) is under the clinical supervision of a once every 2 years, the Secretary shall sub- (C) by adding at the end the following: health care professional described in para- mit to the Committee on Agriculture of the ‘‘(2) flown as part of the established cur- graph (1); or House of Representatives and the Committee riculum of an elementary school or sec- ‘‘(3) A health professions trainee who— on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry of ondary school (as such terms are defined in ‘‘(A) is appointed under section 7405 or 7406 the Senate a report describing the imple- section 8101 of the Elementary and Sec- of this title; and mentation of this section.’’.

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(2) CONFORMING AMENDMENTS.— taught, the activities carried out, the re- 3 of the National Security Act of 1947 (50 (A) Subtitle A of the Department of Agri- search grants that are made, and who is em- U.S.C. 3003). culture Reorganization Act of 1994 is amend- ployed at the Confucius Institute. AMENDMENT NO. 2168 ed by redesignating section 225 (7 U.S.C. 6925) AMENDMENT NO. 2053 (Purpose: To express the Sense of Congress as section 224A. (Purpose: To impose reporting requirements on support for coordinated action to ensure (B) Section 296(b) of the Department of Ag- relating to the SBIR and STTR programs the security of Baltic allies) riculture Reorganization Act of 1994 (7 U.S.C. of the Small Business Administration) 7014(b)) is amended by adding at the end the At the end of subtitle D of title XII, add At the appropriate place, insert the fol- the following: following: lowing: ‘‘(11) The authority of the Secretary to SEC. 1242. SENSE OF CONGRESS ON SUPPORT SEC. lll. REPORTING REQUIREMENTS. carry out section 224B.’’. FOR COORDINATED ACTION TO EN- Section 9(b) of the Small Business Act (15 (e) TASK FORCE FOR ASSESSMENT OF CAUSES SURE THE SECURITY OF BALTIC AL- U.S.C. 638(b)) is amended— LIES. OF MENTAL STRESS AND BEST PRACTICES FOR (1) in paragraph (7)— RESPONSE.— It is the sense of Congress that— (A) in subparagraph (F), by striking ‘‘and’’ (1) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary shall con- (1) the continued security of the Baltic at the end; vene a task force of agricultural and rural states of Estonia, Latvia, and is (B) in subparagraph (G), by adding ‘‘and’’ stakeholders at the national, State, and critical to achieving United States national at the end; and local levels— security interests and defense objectives (C) by adding at the end the following: (A) to assess the causes of mental stress in against the acute and formidable threat ‘‘(H) with respect to a Federal agency to farmers and ranchers; and posed by Russia; which subsection (f)(1) or (n)(1) applies, (B) to identify best practices for respond- (2) the United States and the Baltic states whether the Federal agency has satisfied the ing to that mental stress. are leaders in the mission of defending inde- requirement under each applicable sub- (2) SUBMISSION OF REPORT.—Not later than pendence and democracy from aggression section for the year covered by the report;’’; 1 year after the date of enactment of this and in promoting stability and security (2) in paragraph (9), by striking ‘‘and’’ at Act, the task force convened under para- within the North Atlantic Treaty Organiza- the end; graph (1) shall submit to the Secretary a re- tion (NATO), with non-NATO partners, and (3) in paragraph (10), by striking the period port containing the assessment and best with other international organizations such at the end and inserting ‘‘; and’’; and practices under subparagraphs (A) and (B), as the European Union; (4) by adding at the end the following: respectively, of that paragraph. (3) the Baltic states are model NATO allies ‘‘(11) with respect to a Federal agency to (3) COLLABORATION.—In carrying out this in terms of burden sharing and capital in- which subsection (f)(1) or (n)(1) applies and subsection, the task force convened under vestment in materiel critical to United that the Administration determines has not paragraph (1) shall collaborate with non- States and allied security, investment of satisfied the requirement under either appli- governmental organizations and State and over 2 percent of their gross domestic prod- cable subsection, require the head of that local agencies. uct on defense expenditure, allocating over Federal agency to submit to the Committee 20 percent of their defense budgets on capital AMENDMENT NO. 1971 on Small Business and Entrepreneurship of modernization, matching security assistance (Purpose: To require the Secretary of Vet- the Senate and the Committee on Small from the United States, frequently deploying erans Affairs to provide veterans read-only Business of the House of Representatives a their forces around the world in support of access to the documents of such veterans report regarding why the Federal agency has allied and United States objectives, and contained in the Individual Longitudinal not satisfied the requirement.’’. sharing diplomatic, technical, military, and Exposure Record) AMENDMENT NO. 2138 analytical expertise on defense and security At the end of subtitle C of title VII, add (Purpose: To leverage commercial satellite matters; the following: remote sensing) (4) the United States should continue to SEC. 752. ACCESS OF VETERANS TO INDIVIDUAL At the appropriate place in title XVI, in- strengthen bilateral and multilateral defense LONGITUDINAL EXPOSURE RECORD. sert the following: by, with, and through allied nations, particu- The Secretary of Veterans Affairs, in con- SEC. lll. LEVERAGING COMMERCIAL SAT- larly those that possess expertise and dex- sultation with the Secretary of Defense, ELLITE REMOTE SENSING. terity but do not enjoy the benefits of na- shall provide to a veteran read-only access to (a) IN GENERAL.—In acquiring geospatial- tional economies of scale; the documents of the veteran contained in intelligence, the Secretary of Defense, in co- (5) the United States should pursue a dedi- the Individual Longitudinal Exposure Record ordination with the Director of the National cated initiative focused on defense and secu- in a printable format through a portal acces- Reconnaissance Office and the Director of rity assistance, coordination, and planning sible through a website of the Department of the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, designed to ensure the continued security of Veterans Affairs and a website of the Depart- shall leverage, to the maximum extent prac- the Baltic states and on deterring current ment of Defense. ticable, the capabilities of United States in- and future challenges to the national sov- AMENDMENT NO. 1991 dustry, including through the use of com- ereignty of United States allies and partners (Purpose: To establish limitations regarding mercial geospatial-intelligence services and in the Baltic region; and acquisition of commercial satellite imagery. Confucius Institutes, and for other purposes) (6) such an initiative should include an in- (b) OBTAINING FUTURE GEOSPATIAL-INTEL- novative and comprehensive conflict deter- At the appropriate place, insert the fol- LIGENCE DATA.—The Director of the National rence strategy for the Baltic region encom- lowing: Reconnaissance Office, as part of an analysis passing the unique geography of the Baltic SEC. ll. RESTRICTIONS ON CONFUCIUS INSTI- of alternatives for the future acquisition of states, modern and diffuse threats to their TUTES. space systems for geospatial-intelligence, land, sea, and air spaces, and necessary im- (a) DEFINITION.—In this section, the term shall— provements to their defense posture, includ- ‘‘Confucius Institute’’ means a cultural in- (1) consider whether there is a suitable, ing command-and-control infrastructure, in- stitute directly or indirectly funded by the cost-effective, commercial capability avail- telligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance Government of the People’s Republic of able that can meet any or all of the capabilities, communications equipment and China. geospatial-intelligence requirements of the networks, and special forces. (b) RESTRICTIONS ON CONFUCIUS INSTI- Department and the intelligence commu- AMENDMENT NO. 2217 TUTES.—An institution of higher education nity; or other postsecondary educational institu- (2) if a suitable, cost-effective, commercial (Purpose: To require the Secretary of De- tion (referred to in this section as an ‘‘insti- capability is available as described in para- fense to conduct a study on military avi- tution’’) shall not be eligible to receive Fed- graph (1), determine whether it is in the na- ators and aviation support personnel to de- eral funds from the Department of Education tional interest to develop a governmental termine the incidence of cancer diagnosis (except funds under title IV of the Higher space system for geospatial intelligence; and and mortality among such aviators and Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1070 et seq.) (3) include, as part of the established ac- personnel) or other Department of Education funds that quisition reporting requirements to the ap- At the end of subtitle C of title VII, add are provided directly to students) unless the propriate committees of Congress, any deter- the following: institution ensures that any contract or mination made under paragraphs (1) and (2). SEC. 752. STUDY ON THE INCIDENCE OF CANCER agreement between the institution and a (c) DEFINITIONS.—In this section: DIAGNOSIS AND MORTALITY AMONG Confucius Institute includes clear provisions (1) The term ‘‘appropriate committees of MILITARY AVIATORS AND AVIATION that— Congress’’ means— SUPPORT PERSONNEL. (1) protect academic freedom at the insti- (A) the congressional defense committees; (a) STUDY.— tution; (B) the Select Committee on Intelligence (1) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary of Defense, (2) prohibit the application of any foreign of the Senate; and in conjunction with the National Institutes law on any campus of the institution; and (C) the Permanent Select Committee on of Health and the National Cancer Institute, (3) grant full managerial authority of the Intelligence of the House of Representatives. shall conduct a study on cancer among cov- Confucius Institute to the institution, in- (2) The term ‘‘intelligence community’’ ered individuals in two phases as provided in cluding full control over what is being has the meaning given such term in section this subsection.

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(2) PHASE 1.— (b) DEFINITIONS.—In this section: islation to prevent the manipulation by the (A) IN GENERAL.—Under the initial phase of (1) APPROPRIATE COMMITTEE OF CONGRESS.— Russian Federation of global uranium mar- the study conducted under paragraph (1), the The term ‘‘appropriate committees of Con- kets and potential domination by the Rus- Secretary of Defense shall determine if there gress’’ means— sian Federation of the United States ura- is a higher incidence of cancers occurring for (A) the Committee on Armed Services and nium market. covered individuals as compared to similar the Committee on Veterans’ Affairs of the AMENDMENT NO. 2235 age groups in the general population through Senate; and (Purpose: To authorize a pilot program to ex- the use of the database of the Surveillance, (B) the Committee on Armed Services and plore the use of consumption-based solu- Epidemiology, and End Results program of the Committee on Veterans’ Affairs of the tions to address software-intensive the National Cancer Institute. House of Representatives. warfighting capability) (B) REPORT.—Not later than one year after (2) ARMED FORCES.—The term ‘‘Armed At the end of subtitle F of title VIII, add the date of the enactment of this Act, the Forces’’— the following: Secretary shall submit to the appropriate (A) has the meaning given the term SEC. 884. PILOT PROGRAM EXPLORING THE USE committees of Congress a report on the find- ‘‘armed forces’’ in section 101 of title 10, ings of the initial phase of the study under OF CONSUMPTION-BASED SOLU- United States Code; and TIONS TO ADDRESS SOFTWARE-IN- subparagraph (A). (B) includes the reserve components named TENSIVE WARFIGHTING CAPA- (3) PHASE 2.— in section 10101 of such title. BILITY. (A) IN GENERAL.—If, pursuant to the initial (3) COVERED INDIVIDUAL.—The term ‘‘cov- (a) FINDING.—In its final report, the Sec- phase of the study under paragraph (2), the ered individual’’— tion 809 Panel recommended the adoption of Secretary concludes that there is an in- (A) means an aviator or aviation support consumption-based approaches at the De- creased rate of cancers among covered indi- personnel who— partment of Defense, stating, ‘‘More things viduals, the Secretary shall conduct a second (i) served in the Armed Forces on or after will be sold as a service in the future. XaaS phase of the study under which the Sec- February 28, 1961; and could really mean everything in the context retary shall do the following: (ii) receives benefits under chapter 55 of of the Internet of things (IoT). Consumption- (i) Identify the carcinogenic toxins or haz- title 10, United States Code; and based solutions are appearing in many indus- ardous materials associated with military (B) includes any air crew member of fixed- try sectors, from last mile transportation flight operations from shipboard or land wing aircraft and personnel supporting gen- (e.g., bike shares and electric scooters) to ag- bases or facilities, such as fuels, fumes, and eration of the aircraft, including pilots, riculture (e.g., tractor-as-a-service for farm- other liquids. navigators, weapons systems operators, air- ers in developing countries). Most smart (ii) Identify the operating environments, craft system operators, personnel associated phone users are familiar with software up- including frequencies or electromagnetic with aircraft maintenance, supply, logistics, dates that provide bug fixes or new features. fields, where exposure to ionizing radiation fuels, or transportation, and any other crew A more extreme example of technology inno- (associated with high altitude flight) and member who regularly flies in an aircraft or vation enabled by the IoT is the ability to nonionizing radiation (associated with air- is required to complete the mission of the deliver physical performance improvements borne, ground, and shipboard radars) oc- aircraft. to vehicles through over-the-air software up- curred in which covered individuals could dates. . . In the not-so-distant future, cloud AMENDMENT NO. 2220 have received increased radiation amounts. computing and the IoT will enable consump- (iii) Identify, for each covered individual, (Purpose: To express the sense of the Senate tion-based solution offerings and delivery duty stations, dates of service, aircraft on the extension of limitations on the im- models that are hard to imagine today.’’ flown, and additional duties (including Land- portation of uranium from the Russian (b) SENSE OF CONGRESS.—It is the sense of ing Safety Officer, Catapult and Arresting Federation) Congress— Gear Officer, Air Liaison Officer, Tactical At the end of subtitle F of title XXXI, add (1) that the Department of Defense should Air Control Party, or personnel associated the following: take advantage of ‘‘as-a-service’’ or ‘‘aaS’’ with aircraft maintenance, supply, logistics, SEC. 3168. SENSE OF THE SENATE ON EXTENSION approaches in commercial capability devel- fuels, or transportation) that could have in- OF LIMITATIONS ON IMPORTATION opment, particularly where the capability is creased the risk of cancer for such covered OF URANIUM FROM RUSSIAN FED- software-defined, and cloud-enabled; individual. ERATION. (2) to support the Department of Defense’s (iv) Determine locations where a covered It is the sense of the Senate that— commitment to new approaches to develop- individual served or additional duties of a (1) a secure nuclear fuel supply chain is es- ment and acquisition of software; covered individual that are associated with sential to the economic and national secu- (3) that the Department should explore a higher incidences of cancers. rity of the United States; variety of approaches, to include the use of (v) Identify potential exposures due to (2) the United States should— consumption-based solutions for software-in- service in the Armed Forces that are not re- (A) expeditiously complete negotiation of tensive warfighting capability; and lated to aviation, such as exposure to burn an extension of the Agreement Suspending (4) that, in conducting activities under the pits or toxins in contaminated water, embed- the Antidumping Investigation on Uranium pilot program established under this pro- ded in the soil, or inside bases or housing. from the Russian Federation (commonly re- gram, the Department should use the Soft- (vi) Determine the appropriate age to ferred to as the ‘‘Russian Suspension Agree- ware pathway under the new Adaptive Ac- begin screening covered individuals for can- ment’’); or quisition Framework. cer based on race, gender, flying hours, pe- (B) if an agreement to extend the Russian (c) IN GENERAL.—Subject to the avail- riod of service as aviation support personnel, Suspension Agreement cannot be reached, ability of appropriations, the Secretary of Armed Force, type of aircraft, and mission. complete the antidumping investigation Defense is authorized to establish a pilot (B) DATA.—The Secretary shall format all under title VII of the Act of 1930 (19 program to explore the use of consumption- data included in the study conducted under U.S.C. 1671 et seq.) with respect to imports of based solutions to address software-intensive this paragraph in accordance with the Sur- uranium from the Russian Federation— warfighting capability. veillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (i) to avoid unfair trade in uranium and (d) SELECTION OF INITIATIVES.—The Sec- program of the National Cancer Institute, in- maintain a nuclear fuel supply chain in the retary of each military department and the cluding by disaggregating such data by race, United States, consistent with the national commander of each combatant command gender, and age. security and nonproliferation goals of the with acquisition authority shall propose for (C) REPORT.—Not later than one year after United States; and selection by the Secretary of Defense for the the submittal of the report under paragraph (ii) to protect the United States nuclear pilot program at least one and not more than (2)(B), if the Secretary conducts the second fuel supply chain from the continued manip- three initiatives that are well-suited to ex- phase of the study under this paragraph, the ulation of the global and United States ura- plore consumption-based solutions to address Secretary shall submit to the appropriate nium markets by the Russian Federation software-intensive warfighting capability. committees of Congress a report on the find- and Russian-influenced competitors; The initiatives may be new or existing pro- ings of the study conducted under this para- (3) a renegotiated, long-term extension of grams of record and shall focus on software- graph. the Russian Suspension Agreement can pre- defined or machine-enabled warfighting ap- (4) USE OF DATA FROM PREVIOUS STUDIES.— vent adversaries of the United States from plications, and may include applications In conducting the study under this sub- monopolizing the nuclear fuel supply chain; that— section, the Secretary of Defense shall incor- (4) as was done in 2008, upon completion of (1) rapidly analyze sensor data; porate data from previous studies conducted a new negotiated long-term extension of the (2) secure warfighter networks, including by the Air Force, the Navy, or the Marine Russian Suspension Agreement, Congress multi-level security; Corps that are relevant to the study under should enact legislation to codify the terms (3) swiftly transport information across this subsection, including data from the of extension into law to ensure long-term various networks and network modalities; or comprehensive study conducted by the Air stability for the domestic nuclear fuel supply (4) otherwise enable joint all-domain oper- Force identifying each covered individual chain; and ational concepts, including in a contested and documenting the cancers, dates of diag- (5) if the negotiations to extend the Rus- environment. noses, and mortality of each covered indi- sian Suspension Agreement prove unsuccess- (e) CONTRACT REQUIREMENTS.—Contracts vidual. ful, Congress should be prepared to enact leg- for consumption-based solutions entered into

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STUDY ON CYBEREXPLOITATION OF the Secretary of Defense shall submit to the for— MEMBERS OF THE ARMED FORCES Committees on Armed Services of the Senate (1) the solution to be measurable on a fre- AND THEIR FAMILIES. and the House of Representatives a report quent interval customary for the type of so- (a) STUDY REQUIRED.—Not later than 150 setting forth the results of a study, con- lution; days after the date of the enactment of this ducted by the Secretary for purposes of the (2) the contractor to notify the govern- Act, the Secretary of Defense shall complete report, on the feasibility and advisability of ment when consumption reaches 75 percent a study on the cyberexploitation of the per- making round-the-clock childcare available and 90 percent of the contract funded sonal information and accounts of members for children of members of the Armed Forces amount; and of the Armed Forces and their families. and civilian employees of the Department of (b) ELEMENTS.—The study required by sub- (3) discretion for the contracting officer to Defense who works on rotating shifts at section (a) shall include the following: add new features or capabilities without ad- military installations. (1) An intelligence assessment of the ditional competition for the contract, pro- (b) ELEMENTS.—The report required by sub- threat currently posed by foreign govern- vided that the amount of the new features or section (a) shall include the following: ment and non-state actor cyberexploitation capabilities does not exceed 25 percent of the (1) The results of the study described in of members of the Armed Forces and their total contract value. that subsection. families, including generalized assessments (f) DURATION OF INITIATIVES.—Each initia- (2) If the Secretary determines that mak- as to whether cyberexploitation of members tive carried out under the pilot program ing round-the-clock childcare available as of the Armed Forces and their families is a shall be carried out during the three-year pe- described in subsection (a) is feasible and ad- substantial threat as compared to other riod following selection of the initiative. visable, such matters as the Secretary con- (g) MONITORING AND EVALUATION OF PILOT means of information warfare and as to siders appropriate in connection with mak- PROGRAM.—The Director of the Office of Cost whether cyberexploitation of members of the ing such childcare available, including— Assessment and Program Evaluation shall Armed Forces and their families is an in- (A) an identification of the installations at establish continuous monitoring to evaluate creasing threat. which such childcare would be beneficial to the pilot program established under sub- (2) Case-study analysis of three known oc- members of the Armed Forces, civilian em- section (c), including collecting data on cost, currences of attempted cyberexploitation ployees of the Department, or both; schedule, and performance from the program against members of the Armed Forces and (B) an identification of any barriers to office, the user community, and the contrac- their families, including assessments of the making such childcare available at the in- tors. vulnerability and the ultimate consequences stallations identified pursuant to subpara- (h) REPORTS.— of the attempted cyberexploitation. graph (A); (1) INITIAL REPORT.—Not later than Janu- (3) A description of the actions taken by (C) an assessment whether the childcare ary 31, 2021, the Secretary of Defense shall the Department of Defense to educate mem- needs of members of the Armed Forces and submit to the congressional defense commit- bers of the Armed Forces and their families, civilian employees of the Department de- tees a report on initiatives selected for the including particularly vulnerable subpopula- scribed in subsection (a) would be better met pilot program, roles and responsibilities for tions, about any actions that can be taken to by an increase in assistance for childcare implementing the pilot program, and the reduce these threats. fees; monitoring and evaluation approach for the (4) An intelligence assessment of the (D) a description and assessment of the ac- pilot. threat posed by foreign government and non- tions, if any, being taken to make such (2) PROGRESS REPORT.—Not later than April state actor creation and use of deep fakes 15, 2021, the Secretary of Defense shall sub- childcare available at the installations iden- featuring members of the Armed Forces or mit to the congressional defense committees tified pursuant to subparagraph (A); and their families, including generalized assess- a report on the progress of the initiatives. (E) such recommendations for legislative ments of the maturity of the technology (3) FINAL REPORT.—Not later than 3 years or administrative action as the Secretary used in the creation of deep fakes and as to after the date of the enactment of this Act, considers appropriate to make such how deep fakes have been used or might be the Secretary of Defense shall submit to the childcare available at the installations iden- used to conduct information warfare. congressional defense committees a report tified pursuant to subparagraph (A), or at (5) Development of recommendations for on the cost, schedule, and performance out- any other military installations. policy changes to reduce the vulnerability of comes of the initiatives. The report shall members of the Armed Forces and their fam- AMENDMENT NO. 2317 also include lessons learned about the use of ilies to cyberexploitation, including rec- (Purpose: To require the Secretary of De- consumption-based solutions for software-in- ommendations for legislative or administra- fense to commission an independent sci- tensive capabilities and any recommenda- tive action. entific study of the impacts of transbound- tions for statutory or regulatory changes to (c) REPORT.— ary flows, spills, or discharges of pollution facilitate their use. (1) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary shall sub- or debris from the Tijuana River on the (i) CONSUMPTION-BASED SOLUTION DE- mit to the congressional defense committees personnel, activities, and installations of FINED.—In this section, the term ‘‘consump- a report on the findings of the Secretary the Department of Defense) tion-based solution’’ means any combination with respect to the study required by sub- of software, hardware or equipment, and At the end of subtitle B of title III, add the section (a). labor or services that provides a seamless ca- following: (2) FORM.—The report required by para- pability that is metered and billed based on SEC. 320. STUDY ON IMPACTS OF TRANSBOUND- actual usage and predetermined pricing per graph (1) shall be submitted in unclassified ARY FLOWS, SPILLS, OR DIS- resource unit, and includes the ability to form, but may include a classified annex. CHARGES OF POLLUTION OR DEBRIS (d) DEFINITIONS.—In this section: rapidly scale capacity up or down. FROM THE TIJUANA RIVER ON PER- (1) The term ‘‘cyberexploitation’’ means SONNEL, ACTIVITIES, AND INSTAL- AMENDMENT NO. 2257 the use of digital means to knowingly access, LATIONS OF DEPARTMENT OF DE- (Purpose: To require a report on the use and or conspire to access, without authorization, FENSE. potential refurbishment of existing oper- an individual’s personal information to be (a) STUDY.— ating and mothballed Federal research and employed (or to be used) with malicious in- (1) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 90 days testing facilities to support hypersonics tent. after the date of the enactment of this Act, activities of the Department of Defense) (2) The term ‘‘deep fake’’ means the digital the Secretary of Defense, in coordination At the end of subtitle C of title II, add the insertion of a person’s likeness into or dig- with the Administrator of the Environ- following: ital alteration of a person’s likeness in vis- mental Protection Agency, the Secretary of SEC. lll. REPORT ON USE OF TESTING FACILI- ual media, such as photographs and videos, State, and the United States Commissioner TIES TO RESEARCH AND DEVELOP without the person’s permission and with of the International Boundary and Water HYPERSONIC TECHNOLOGY. malicious intent. Commission, shall commission an inde- Not later than 180 days after the date of AMENDMENT NO. 2298 pendent scientific study of the impacts of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of (Purpose: To require a report on round-the- transboundary flows, spills, or discharges of Defense shall submit to the congressional de- pollution or debris from the Tijuana River fense committees a report on the costs and clock availability of childcare for members of the Armed Forces and civilian employ- on the personnel, activities, and installa- benefits of the use and potential refurbish- tions of the Department of Defense. ment of existing operating and mothballed ees of the Department of Defense who work rotating shifts) (2) ELEMENTS.—The study required by para- Federal research and testing facilities to graph (1) shall address the short-term, long- At the end of subtitle F of title X, add the support hypersonics activities of the Depart- term, primary, and secondary impacts of following: ment of Defense. transboundary flows, spills, or discharges of AMENDMENT NO. 2287 SEC. 1064. REPORT ON ROUND-THE-CLOCK AVAIL- pollution or debris from the Tijuana River (Purpose: To require the Secretary of De- ABILITY OF CHILDCARE FOR MEM- BERS OF THE ARMED FORCES AND and include recommendations to mitigate fense to conduct a study on CIVILIAN EMPLOYEES OF THE DE- such impacts. cyberexploitation of members of the PARTMENT OF DEFENSE WHO WORK (b) REPORT.—Not later than 180 days after Armed Forces and their families) ROTATING SHIFTS. the date of the enactment of this Act, the At the end of subtitle B of title XVI, add (a) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 270 days Secretary of Defense shall submit to the ap- the following: after the date of the enactment of this Act, propriate committees of Congress a report

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:59 Jul 03, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00026 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A02JY6.041 S02JYPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE July 2, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S4195

containing the results of the study under AMENDMENT NO. 2341 AMENDMENT NO. 1693 subsection (a), including all findings and rec- (Purpose: To require the Secretary of the (Purpose: To provide compensation and cred- ommendations resulting from the study. it for retired pay purposes for maternity (c) APPROPRIATE COMMITTEES OF CONGRESS Army to submit to Congress a plan to fin- ish remediation activities conducted by leave taken by members of the reserve DEFINED.—In this section, the term ‘‘appro- components) priate committees of Congress’’ means— the Secretary in Umatilla, Oregon) (1) the Committee on Armed Services, the At the end of subtitle A of title VI, add the At the end of title XXVII, add the fol- following: Committee on Environment and Public lowing: Works, and the Committee on Foreign Rela- SEC. lll. COMPENSATION AND CREDIT FOR RE- tions of the Senate; and SEC. 2703. PLAN TO FINISH REMEDIATION AC- TIRED PAY PURPOSES FOR MATER- (2) the Committee on Armed Services, the TIVITIES CONDUCTED BY THE SEC- NITY LEAVE TAKEN BY MEMBERS OF THE RESERVE COMPONENTS. Committee on Transportation and Infra- RETARY OF THE ARMY IN UMATILLA, OREGON. (a) COMPENSATION.—Section 206(a) of title structure, and the Committee on Foreign Af- 37, United States Code, is amended— fairs of the House of Representatives. Not later than 90 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of the (1) in paragraph (2), by striking ‘‘or’’ at the AMENDMENT NO. 2319 end; (Purpose: To provide an exception to the lim- Army shall submit to Congress a plan to fin- ish remediation activities conducted by the (2) in paragraph (3), by striking the period itation on period of care provided to new- at the end and inserting ‘‘; or’’; and born children of veterans) Secretary in Umatilla, Oregon, by not later than three years after such date of enact- (3) by adding the end the following new At the end of subtitle G of title X, add the ment. paragraph: following: ‘‘(4) for each of 6 days in connection with SEC. 1085. ADDITIONAL CARE FOR NEWBORN AMENDMENT NO. 2370 the taking by the member of a period of ma- CHILDREN OF VETERANS. ternity leave.’’. Section 1786 of title 38, United States Code, (Purpose: To improve section 212, relating to (b) CREDIT FOR RETIRED PAY PURPOSES.— is amended— governance of fifth-generation wireless (1) IN GENERAL.—The period of maternity (1) in subsection (a), by striking ‘‘The Sec- networking in the Department of Defense) leave taken by a member of the reserve com- retary’’ and inserting ‘‘Except as provided in In section 212, strike subsection (c) and in- ponents of the Armed Forces in connection subsection (c), the Secretary’’; and sert the following: with the birth of a child shall count toward (2) by adding at the end the following new the member’s entitlement to retired pay, and subsection: (c) CROSS-FUNCTIONAL TEAM FOR FIFTH-GEN- in connection with the years of service used ‘‘(c) EXCEPTION BASED ON MEDICAL NECES- ERATION WIRELESS NETWORKING.— in computing retired pay, under chapter 1223 SITY.—Pursuant to such regulations as the (1) ESTABLISHMENT REQUIRED.—The Sec- of title 10, United States Code, as 12 points. Secretary shall prescribe to carry out this retary of Defense shall, in accordance with (2) SEPARATE CREDIT FOR EACH PERIOD OF section, the Secretary may furnish more section 911(c) of the National Defense Au- LEAVE.—Separate crediting of points shall than seven days of health care services de- thorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017 (Public accrue to a member pursuant to this sub- scribed in subsection (b), and may furnish Law 114–328; 10 U.S.C. 111 note), establish a section for each period of maternity leave transportation necessary to receive such cross-functional team for fifth-generation taken by the member in connection with a services, to a newborn child based on medical wireless networking in order— childbirth event. necessity if the child is in need of additional (A) to advance the adoption of commer- (3) WHEN CREDITED.—Points credited a care, including if the child has been dis- cially available next generation wireless member for a period of maternity leave pur- charged or released from a hospital and re- communication technologies, capabilities, suant to this subsection shall be credited in quires readmittance to ensure the health and security, and applications by the Depart- the year in which the period of maternity welfare of the child.’’. ment of Defense and the defense industrial leave concerned commences. base; and AMENDMENT NO. 2326 (4) CONTRIBUTION OF LEAVE TOWARD ENTI- (B) to support public-private partnership TLEMENT TO RETIRED PAY.—Section 12732(a)(2) (Purpose: To strike the provision relating to between the Department and industry re- of title 10, United States Code, is amended by laboratory- or production facility-directed garding fifth-generation wireless net- inserting after subparagraph (E) the fol- research and development programs) working. lowing new subparagraph: Strike section 3152. (2) PURPOSE.—The purpose of the cross- ‘‘(F) Points at the rate of 12 a year for the AMENDMENT NO. 2327 functional team established pursuant to taking of maternity leave.’’. (Purpose: To require a study and plan on the paragraph (1) shall be the— (5) COMPUTATION OF YEARS OF SERVICE FOR use of additive manufacturing and three- (A) oversight of the implementation of the RETIRED PAY.—Section 12733 of such title is dimensional bioprinting in support of the strategy developed as required by section 254 amended— warfighter) of the National Defense Authorization Act (A) by redesignating paragraph (5) as para- for Fiscal Year 2020 (Public Law 116–92) for graph (6); and At the appropriate place in title II, insert harnessing fifth-generation wireless net- the following: (B) by inserting after paragraph (4) the fol- working technologies, coordinated across all lowing new paragraph (5): SEC. lll. STUDY AND PLAN ON THE USE OF AD- relevant elements of the Department; ‘‘(5) One day for each point credited to the DITIVE MANUFACTURING AND (B) coordination of research and develop- THREE-DIMENSIONAL BIOPRINTING person under subparagraph (F) of section IN SUPPORT OF THE WARFIGHTER. ment, implementation and acquisition ac- 12732(a)(2) of this title.’’. tivities, warfighting concept development, (a) STUDY.—The Secretary of Defense shall (c) EFFECTIVE DATE.—This section and the conduct a study on the use of additive manu- spectrum policy, industrial policy and com- amendments made by this section shall take facturing and three-dimensional bioprinting mercial outreach and partnership relating to effect on the date of the enactment of this across the Military Health System. fifth-generation wireless networking in the Act, and shall apply with respect to periods Department, and interagency and inter- (b) ELEMENTS.—The study required by sub- of maternity leave that commence on or section (a) shall examine the activities cur- national engagement; after that date. (C) integration of the Department’s fifth- rently underway by each of the military AMENDMENT NO. 2418 services and the Department agencies, in- generation wireless networking programs (Purpose: To eliminate a provision relating cluding costs, sources of funding, oversight, and policies with major Department initia- to the distribution of launches for phase collaboration, and outcomes. tives, programs, and policies surrounding se- two of the acquisition strategy for the Na- (c) REPORT.—Not later than 180 days after cure microelectronics and command and con- tional Security Space Launch program) the date of the enactment of this Act, the trol; and Secretary of Defense shall submit to the (D) oversight, coordination, execution, and Strike section 1602. leadership of initiatives to advance fifth-gen- Committee on Armed Services of the Senate AMENDMENT NO. 2419 and the Committee on Armed Services of the eration wireless network technologies and House of Representatives a report on the re- associated applications developed for the De- (Purpose: To provide incentives for the De- sults of the study conducted under sub- partment. partment of Defense to achieve a clean audit opinion on its financial statements) section (a). AMENDMENT NO. 2378 AMENDMENT NO. 2331 At the end of subtitle A of title X, insert (Purpose: To amend the United States Inter- the following: (Purpose: To modify the authorities on national Broadcasting Act of 1994 to au- micro nuclear reactor programs) SEC. 1003. INCENTIVES FOR THE ACHIEVEMENT thorize the Open Technology Fund of the BY THE COMPONENTS OF THE DE- In section 235, strike the section heading United States Agency for Global Media and PARTMENT OF DEFENSE OF UN- and insert the following: to reauthorize the United States Advisory QUALIFIED AUDIT OPINIONS ON THE SEC. 235. REPORT ON MICRO NUCLEAR REACTOR Commission on Public Diplomacy) FINANCIAL STATEMENTS. PROGRAMS. (a) INCENTIVES REQUIRED.—Not later than In section 235, strike subsections (e) and (The amendment is printed in today’s 180 days after the date of the enactment of (f). RECORD under ‘‘Text of Amendments.’’) this Act, the Under Secretary of Defense

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:59 Jul 03, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00027 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A02JY6.042 S02JYPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE S4196 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 2, 2020 (Comptroller) shall, acting through the Dep- (D) any actions undertaken by the United (7) The death of Lieutenant Collins played uty Chief Financial Officer of the Depart- States or by other countries to minimize a critical role in changing the eligibility cri- ment of Defense, develop and issue guidance such limitations. teria for the death gratuity for Senior Re- to incentivize the achievement by each de- (2) COUNTRIES DESCRIBED.—The countries serve Officers’ Training Corps graduates who partment, agency, and other component of described in this paragraph are the fol- die prior to their first assignment. the Department of Defense of unqualified lowing: (b) APPLICABILITY OF LAWS.— audit opinions on their financial statements. (A) Each member state of the North Atlan- (1) DEATH GRATUITY.—Section 623 of the (b) REPORT.—Not later than 90 days after tic Treaty Organization. National Defense Authorization Act for Fis- the date of the enactment of this Act, the (B) Each member state of the Gulf Co- cal Year 2020 (Public Law 116–92), and the Under Secretary shall submit to the appro- operation Council. amendment made by that section, shall priate committees of Congress a report set- (C) Each country party to the Inter-Amer- apply to Lieutenant Richard W. Collins III as ting forth a description and assessment of ican Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance (Rio if his death had occurred after the date of current and proposed incentives for the Treaty), done at Rio de Janeiro September 2, the enactment of that section. achievement of unqualified audit opinions as 1947, and entered into force December 3, 1948 (2) CASUALTY ASSISTANCE.—Section 625 of described in subsection (a). (TIAS 1838). the National Defense Authorization Act for (c) APPROPRIATE COMMITTEES OF CONGRESS (D) Australia. Fiscal Year 2020, and the amendment made DEFINED.—In this section, the term ‘‘appro- (E) Japan. by that section, shall apply to Lieutenant priate committees of Congress’’ means— (F) New Zealand. Richard W. Collins III as if his death had oc- (1) the Committee on Armed Services, the (G) The Philippines. curred after the date of the enactment of Committee on the Budget, and the Com- (H) South Korea. that section. mittee on Appropriations of the Senate; and (I) Thailand. (c) LIMITATION.—No amount exceeding 10 (2) the Committee on Armed Services, the (3) FORM.—Each report under paragraph (1) percent of a payment made under subsection Committee on the Budget, and the Com- shall be submitted in unclassified form, but (b)(1) may be paid to or received by any at- mittee on Appropriations of the House of may contain a classified annex. torney or agent for services rendered in con- Representatives. (4) AVAILABILITY.—A report submitted nection with the payment. Any person who violates this subsection shall be guilty of an AMENDMENT NO. 2084 under paragraph (1) shall be made available on request to any Member of Congress. infraction and shall be subject to a fine in (Purpose: To require an annual allied burden the amount provided under title 18, United (c) APPROPRIATE COMMITTEES OF CONGRESS sharing report) States Code. DEFINED.—In this section, the term ‘‘appro- At the appropriate place, insert the fol- priate committees of Congress’’ means— AMENDMENT NO. 2103 lowing: (1) the Committee on Armed Services, the (Purpose: To improve the response of the De- SEC. llll. ALLIED BURDEN SHARING REPORT. Committee on Foreign Relations, and the partment of Defense to threats to United (a) FINDING; SENSE OF CONGRESS.— Committee on Appropriations of the Senate; States forces from small unmanned aerial (1) FINDING.—Congress finds that section and systems worldwide) 1003 of the Department of Defense Authoriza- (2) the Committee on Armed Services, the At the end of subtitle D of title IX, add the tion Act, 1985 (Public Law 98–525; 63 Stat. Committee on Foreign Affairs, and the Com- following: 2241)— mittee on Appropriations of the House of SEC. lll. THREATS TO UNITED STATES FORCES (A) expresses the sense of Congress that, Representatives. FROM SMALL UNMANNED AERIAL SYSTEMS WORLDWIDE. due to threats that are ever-changing, Con- AMENDMENT NO. 1849 gress must be informed with respect to allied (a) FINDINGS.—Congress makes the fol- (Purpose: For the relief of Richard W. Collins lowing findings: contributions to the common defense to III) properly assess the readiness of the United (1) United States military forces face an States and the countries described in sub- At the end of subtitle C of title VI, add the ever increasing and constantly evolving section (b)(2) for threats; and following: threat from small unmanned aerial systems (B) requires the Secretary of Defense to SEC. lll. RELIEF OF RICHARD W. COLLINS III. in operations worldwide, whether in the United States or abroad. submit to Congress an annual report on the (a) FINDINGS.—Congress makes the fol- (2) The Department of Defense is already contributions of allies to the common de- lowing findings: doing important work to address the threats fense. (1) On May 20, 2017, Lieutenant Richard W. from small unmanned aerial systems world- (2) SENSE OF CONGRESS.—It is the sense of Collins III was murdered on the campus of wide, though the need for engagement in Congress that— the University of Maryland, College Park, that area continues. (A) the threats facing the United States— Maryland. (b) EXECUTIVE AGENT.— (i) extend beyond the global war on terror; (2) At the time of his , Lieutenant (1) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary of the and Collins had graduated from the Reserve Offi- Army is the executive agent of the Depart- (ii) include near-peer threats; and cers’ Training Corps at Bowie State Univer- ment of Defense for programs, projects, and (B) the President should seek from each sity and received a commission in the United activities to counter small unmanned aerial country described in subsection (b)(2) accept- States Army. systems (in this section referred to as the ance of international security responsibil- (3) At the time of the murder of Lieutenant ‘‘Counter-Small Unmanned Aerial Systems ities and agreements to make contributions Collins, a graduate of a Reserve Officers’ Program’’). to the common defense in accordance with Training Corps who received a commission (2) FUNCTIONS.—The functions of the Sec- the collective defense agreements or treaties but died before receiving a first duty assign- retary as executive agent shall be as follows: to which such country is a party. ment was not eligible for a death gratuity (A) To develop the strategy required by (b) REPORTS ON ALLIED CONTRIBUTIONS TO under section 1475(a)(4) of title 10, United subsection (c). THE COMMON DEFENSE.— States Code, or for casualty assistance under (B) To carry out such other activities to (1) IN GENERAL.—Not later than March 1 section 633 of the National Defense Author- counter threats to United States forces each year, the Secretary of Defense, in co- ization Act for Fiscal Year 2014 (10 U.S.C. worldwide from small unmanned aerial sys- ordination with the heads of other Federal 1475 note). tems as the Secretary of Defense and the agencies, as the Secretary determines to be (4) Section 623 of the National Defense Au- Secretary of the Army consider appropriate. necessary, shall submit to the appropriate thorization Act for Fiscal Year 2020 (Public (3) STRUCTURE.—The Secretary as execu- committees of Congress a report containing Law 116–92) amended section 1475 of title 10, tive agent shall carry out the functions spec- a description of— United States Code, to authorize the pay- ified in paragraph (2) through such adminis- (A) the annual defense spending by each ment of a death gratuity to a graduate of the trative structures as the Secretary considers country described in paragraph (2), including Senior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps appropriate. available data on nominal budget figures and (SROTC) who receives a commission but dies (c) STRATEGY TO COUNTER THREATS FROM defense spending as a percentage of the gross before receiving a first duty assignment. SMALL UNMANNED AERIAL SYSTEMS.—Not domestic products of each such country for (5) Section 625 of the National Defense Au- later than 90 days after the date of the enact- the fiscal year immediately preceding the thorization Act for Fiscal Year 2020 author- ment of this Act, the Secretary of the Army, fiscal year in which the report is submitted; izes the families of Senior Reserve Officers’ as executive agent for the Counter-Small Un- (B) the activities of each such country to Training Corps graduates to receive casualty manned Aerial Systems Program, shall de- contribute to military or stability oper- assistance in the event of the death of such velop and submit to relevant committees of ations in which the Armed Forces of the graduates. Congress a strategy for the Armed Forces to United States are a participant or may be (6) Sections 623 and 625 of the National De- effectively counter threats from small un- called upon in accordance with a cooperative fense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2020 manned aerial systems worldwide. The re- defense agreement to which the United apply only to a Senior Reserve Officers’ port shall be submitted in classified form. States is a party; Training Corps graduate who receives a com- (d) REPORT ON EXECUTIVE AGENT ACTIVI- (C) any limitations placed by any such mission but dies before receiving a first duty TIES.— country on the use of such contributions; assignment on or after the date of the enact- (1) REPORT REQUIRED.—Not later than one and ment of that Act. year after the date of the enactment of this

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:59 Jul 03, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00028 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A02JY6.063 S02JYPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE July 2, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S4197 Act, the Secretary of the Army, as executive (B) An assessment of progress, and key tions for fiscal year 2021 for military activi- agent for the Counter-Small Unmanned Aer- challenges, in the implementation of the ties of the Department of Defense, for mili- ial Systems Program, shall submit to Con- strategy using such metrics, and rec- tary construction, and for defense activities gress a report on the Counter-Small Un- ommendations for improvements in the im- of the Department of Energy, to prescribe manned Aerial Systems Program. plementation of the strategy. military personnel strengths for such fiscal (2) ELEMENTS.—The report required by (C) An assessment of the extent to which year, and for other purposes. paragraph (1) shall include the following: the Department of Defense is coordinating Mitch McConnell, Mike Crapo, Pat Rob- (A) A description and assessment of the adequately with other departments and erts, John Cornyn, John Barrasso, Cory structure and activities of the executive agencies of the United States Government, Gardner, Roy Blunt, Thom Tillis, Mar- agent as established and put in place by the and other appropriate entities, in the devel- sha Blackburn, Mike Rounds, Shelley Secretary, including the following: opment and procurement of counter-small Moore Capito, Kevin Cramer, John (i) Any obstacles hindering the effective unmanned aerial systems for the Depart- Thune, James M. Inhofe, Jerry Moran, discharge of its functions and activities, in- ment. Joni Ernst, John Boozman. cluding limitations in authorities or policy. (D) An assessment of the extent to which Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I (ii) The changes, if any, to airspace man- the designation of the Secretary of the Army ask unanimous consent that the man- agement, rules of engagement, and training as executive agent for the Counter-Small Un- plans that are required in order to optimize manned Aerial Systems Program has re- datory quorum calls for the cloture the use by the Armed Forces of counter- duced redundancies and increased effi- motions be waived. small unmanned aerial systems. ciencies in procurement of counter-small un- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without (B) An assessment of the implementation manned aerial systems. objection, it is so ordered. of the strategy required by subsection (c), (E) An assessment whether United States ORDER OF BUSINESS and a description of any updates to the strat- technological progress on counter-small un- Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I egy that are required in light of evolving manned aerial systems is sufficient to main- ask unanimous consent that notwith- threats to the Armed Forces from small un- tain a competitive edge over the small un- manned aerial systems. manned aerial systems technology available standing rule XXII, the cloture mo- tions ripen following the disposition of (e) REPORT ON THREAT FROM SMALL UN- to United States adversaries. MANNED AERIAL SYSTEMS.— (3) REPORT.—Not later than 180 days after the Tester amendment No. 1972, as (1) REPORT REQUIRED.—Not later than 180 entry into the contract referred to in para- modified. days after the submittal of the strategy re- graph (1), the Secretary shall submit to the The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without quired by subsection (c), the Secretary of De- congressional defense committees a report objection, it is so ordered. fense shall submit to the appropriate com- setting forth the results of the assessment The Senator from Missouri. mittees of Congress a report that sets forth required under the contract. Mr. HAWLEY. Mr. President, I ask a direct comparison between the threats AMENDMENT NO. 2422 unanimous consent to speak for 5 min- United States forces in combat settings face (Purpose: To support supply chain utes. from small unmanned aerial systems and the innovation and multilateral security) The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without capabilities of the United States to counter (The amendment is printed in today’s such threats. The report shall be submitted objection, it is so ordered. ECORD in classified form. R under ‘‘Text of Amendments.’’) UNANIMOUS CONSENT REQUEST—AMENDMENT (2) COORDINATION.—The Secretary shall The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ma- NO. 2352 prepare the report required by paragraph (1) jority leader. Mr. HAWLEY. Mr. President, I ask in coordination with the Director of the De- CLOTURE MOTION unanimous consent to add my amend- fense Intelligence Agency and with such Mr. MCCONNELL. I send a cloture ment No. 2352 to the list of amend- other appropriate officials of the intelligence motion to the desk for the substitute ments to be voted on under the pre- community, and such other officials in the amendment No. 2301. vious agreement. United States Government, as the Secretary The PRESIDING OFFICER. The clo- considers appropriate. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there ture motion having been presented (3) ELEMENTS.—The report required by objection? paragraph (1) shall include the following: under rule XXII, the Chair directs the Mr. REED. Objection. (A) An evaluation and assessment of the clerk to read the motion. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Objec- current and evolving threat being faced by The legislative clerk read as follows: tion is heard. United States forces from small unmanned CLOTURE MOTION Mr. HAWLEY. Mr. President, 3 weeks aerial systems. We, the undersigned Senators, in accord- ago, my colleagues across the aisle (B) A description of the counter-small un- ance with the provisions of rule XXII of the tried to pull a fast one on the Amer- manned aerial system systems acquired by Standing Rules of the Senate, do hereby ican people. Behind closed doors, with the Department of Defense as of the date of move to bring to a close debate on amend- the enactment of this Act, and an assess- no public hearings and no public de- ment No. 2301 to Calendar No. 483, S. 4049, a bate, they decided that some of the ment whether such systems are adequate to bill to authorize appropriations for fiscal meet the current and evolving threat de- year 2021 for military activities of the De- names of our Nation’s military bases scribed in subparagraph (A). partment of Defense, for military construc- must be removed, stripped, replaced, (4) APPROPRIATE COMMITTEES OF CONGRESS tion, and for defense activities of the Depart- erased, and they decided that war me- DEFINED.—In this subsection, the term ‘‘ap- ment of Energy, to prescribe military per- morials of fallen soldiers should come propriate committees of Congress’’ means— sonnel strengths for such fiscal year, and for down. I objected to that effort then, (A) the Committee on Armed Services and other purposes. and I object to it now. the Select Committee on Intelligence of the Mitch McConnell, Mike Crapo, Pat Rob- Senate; and The national defense legislation that erts, John Cornyn, John Barrasso, Cory we are considering, the legislation that (B) the Committee on Armed Services and Gardner, Roy Blunt, Thom Tillis, Mar- the Permanent Select Committee on Intel- sha Blackburn, Mike Rounds, Shelley funds our military and protects our ligence of the House of Representatives. Moore Capito, Kevin Cramer, John citizens, should not be turned into a (f) INDEPENDENT ASSESSMENT OF COUNTER- Thune, James M. Inhofe, Jerry Moran, vehicle for the cancel culture. The can- SMALL UNMANNED AERIAL SYSTEMS PRO- Joni Ernst, John Boozman. cel culture that I think you know what GRAM.— CLOTURE MOTION I mean—the cancel culture that is tear- (1) ASSESSMENT.—Not later than 60 days Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I ing down statues of George Wash- after the submittal of the strategy required ington, Ulysses S. Grant, Abraham by subsection (c), the Secretary of Defense send a cloture motion to the desk for shall seek to enter into a contract with a the underlying bill. Lincoln, and Theodore Roosevelt now, Federally funded research and development The PRESIDING OFFICER. The clo- for heaven’s sake—this cancel move- center to conduct an assessment of the effi- ture motion having been presented ment seeks to divide us, not unite; to cacy of the Counter-Small Unmanned Aerial under rule XXII, the Chair directs the erase our history, rather than to reck- Systems Program. clerk to read the motion. on with it; to turn away from our long (2) ELEMENTS.—The assessment conducted and shared struggle to forge a more pursuant to paragraph (1) shall include the The legislative clerk read as follows: CLOTURE MOTION perfect Union, and, instead, to build an following: entirely different America of a kind of (A) An identification of metrics to assess We, the undersigned Senators, in accord- progress in the implementation of the strat- ance with the provisions of rule XXII of the woke fundamentalism. egy required by subsection (c), which metrics Standing Rules of the Senate, do hereby I am here to advocate for a better shall take into account the threat assess- move to bring to a close debate on Calendar way. All I ask for is a vote on an ment required for purposes of subsection (e). No. 483, S. 4049, a bill to authorize appropria- amendment to have this discussion in

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:59 Jul 03, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00029 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A02JY6.066 S02JYPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE S4198 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 2, 2020 public, to have the discussion about re- MCSALLY), the Senator from Alaska Under the cover of night, the Com- naming our military bases and about (Ms. MURKOWSKI), and the Senator from munist Party’s puppets in Hong Kong the future of these war memorials in North Carolina (Mr. TILLIS). have enacted a security law that public, to conduct open hearings where Mr. DURBIN. I announce that the threatens to sweep aside the traditions military families and veterans and the Senator from Massachusetts (Mr. MAR- and freedoms that have made that city local community can be heard and KEY), the Senator from Washington such a special place. While the Chinese where we can seek and find common (Mrs. MURRAY), and the Senator from Communist Party hasn’t yet rolled in ground together. That is all I am ask- New (Mr. UDALL) are nec- tanks, as it did in Tiananmen Square, ing for. And all I am asking for is a essarily absent. the effects of this law are no less vote on this. The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. chilling to democracy. Yet, here today, on the floor of the YOUNG). Are there any other Senators The security law imposes broad pro- U.S. Senate, I have been told that we in the Chamber desiring to vote? hibitions on what it calls subversive cannot even have a vote. We can’t even The yeas and nays resulted—yeas 47, activities. What kinds of activities? call the roll on this. No, we just have nays 44, as follows: Activities like waving or chant- to swallow it and move on as the woke [Rollcall Vote No. 130 Ex.] ing a slogan like ‘‘Hong Kong independ- cancel culture moves on, steamrolling YEAS—47 ence’’ or ‘‘Hongkongers, build a na- tion.’’ In other words, the security law our history and our traditions, and, Alexander Fischer Portman yes, our best traditions as Americans. Barrasso Gardner Risch criminalizes basic elements of peaceful You know, our military bases are Blackburn Graham Roberts protests and democratic change that more than walls and fences. They are Blunt Grassley Romney Hongkongers have used for years and more than lines on a piece of paper in Boozman Hawley Rounds that set them apart from their fellow Braun Hoeven Rubio a 1,000-page bill. Our bases are full of Capito Inhofe Sasse citizens on the mainland. life and history. They are hallowed Cassidy Johnson Scott (FL) The new law also erodes the rights of Collins Kennedy ground for the soldiers and veterans Scott (SC) the accused that are essential to a fair Cornyn Lankford Shelby who have trained and served at them. Cotton Lee legal system. The Chinese Communist Sullivan They enrich local communities with Cramer Loeffler Party isn’t interested in rights or fair- Thune their legacy. They form fond memo- Crapo McConnell ness. It is interested in control—total Cruz Moran Toomey ries, and they help relationships en- Daines Paul Wicker control—and this law exerts total con- dure. They have meaning that tran- Ernst Perdue Young trol over the people of Hong Kong. Under the new law, protesters ac- scends any one person or even a place, NAYS—44 and that history belongs to all of us. cused of such vague crimes as sepa- Baldwin Harris Rosen ratism and collusion can be smuggled So all of us should debate this together Bennet Hassan Sanders and move forward together. I am sorry Blumenthal Heinrich Schatz away to mainland China to be tried in that we have been denied an oppor- Booker Hirono Schumer Communist courts. The so-called tunity to do so today. Brown Jones Shaheen crimes don’t even have to be com- Cantwell Kaine Sinema I yield the floor. Cardin King mitted in Hong Kong in order to be Smith punished; the new law could encompass f Carper Klobuchar Stabenow Casey Leahy Tester expatriates with foreign citizenship CLOTURE MOTION Coons Manchin Van Hollen living overseas—even here in America. Cortez Masto Menendez Warner The PRESIDING OFFICER. Pursuant Duckworth Merkley So simply meeting with a U.S. Senator, to rule XXII, the Chair lays before the Durbin Murphy Warren like me or Senator MCCONNELL or Sen- Feinstein Peters Whitehouse Senate the pending cloture motion, Wyden ator SCHUMER or Senator VAN HOLLEN, which the clerk will state. Gillibrand Reed could land a Hongkonger in prison for The legislative clerk read as follows: NOT VOTING—9 a lifetime. The China Communist CLOTURE MOTION Burr Markey Murray Party thus is extending its iron rule We, the undersigned Senators, in accord- Enzi McSally Tillis beyond its own shores to our free soil. Hyde-Smith Murkowski Udall ance with the provisions of rule XXII of the Those convicted under the new law Standing Rules of the Senate, do hereby The PRESIDING OFFICER. On this could face life imprisonment, alongside move to bring to a close debate on the nomi- vote, the yeas are 47, the nays are 44. the many underground church leaders, nation of Russell Vought, of Virginia, to be The motion is agreed to. Uighurs, Tibetans, Falun Gong mem- Director of the Office of Management and f bers, and other persecuted individuals Budget. the Chinese Communist Party has al- Mitch McConnell, Marsha Blackburn, EXECUTIVE SESSION Joni Ernst, John Boozman, Steve ready ‘‘disappeared.’’ Daines, Cory Gardner, Pat Roberts, Indeed, the crackdown is already un- Mike Rounds, Mike Crapo, Roger F. EXECUTIVE CALENDAR—Continued derway. The Chinese Communist Par- Wicker, Cindy Hyde-Smith, Lamar ty’s agents in Hong Kong rounded up as Alexander, Shelley Moore Capito, Rob The PRESIDING OFFICER. Cloture many as 300 protesters this week for Portman, Roy Blunt, John Barrasso, having been invoked, the Senate will what it called unlawful assembly. John Thune. resume executive session to consider Some of the protesters were arrested The PRESIDING OFFICER. By unan- the Vought nomination. under the supposed authority of the imous consent, the mandatory quorum Thereupon, the Senate proceeded to new security law. Their fate at this call has been waived. consider the nomination of Russell moment is unknown. The question is, Is it the sense of the Vought, of Virginia, to be Director of The takeover of Hong Kong may Senate that debate on the nomination the Office of Management and Budget. seem like an event far away, especially of Russell Vought, of Virginia, to be The Senator from Arkansas. when we have so many problems at Director of the Office of Management HONG KONG AUTONOMY ACT home. But the same could have been and Budget, shall be brought to a Mr. COTTON. Mr. President, what is said after the Second World War when close? happening at this moment in Hong Stalin and the Soviet secret police The yeas and nays are mandatory Kong is a tragedy, a crime, an affront dropped an Iron Curtain over Eastern under the rule. to the civilized world. In a year in Europe. Czechoslovakia and Poland The clerk will call the roll. which so much has happened, we may were far away, too, but the brutal re- The legislative clerk called the roll. look back in the near future and view pression of their people showed the Mr. THUNE. The following Senators this moment in Hong Kong as the sin- world what was at stake in the titanic are necessarily absent: the Senator gle biggest moment of the year. It is struggle between freedom and com- from North Carolina (Mr. BURR), the not getting enough attention, though, munism. Senator from Wyoming (Mr. ENZI), the because the Communist Party is using We face the same sort of titanic Senator from Mississippi (Mrs. HYDE- the pandemic as cover for its crimes struggle today, and it is not limited to SMITH), the Senator from Arizona (Ms. against Hong Kong. Hong Kong. All across the periphery,

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:59 Jul 03, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00030 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G02JY6.038 S02JYPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE July 2, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S4199 the Chinese Communist Party is acting which funds our military and pay the Iron Curtain but the ‘‘Ice Curtain,’’ aggressively. It has essentially invaded raises for our troops. I thought it which we needed to stay closed. India and killed 20 Indian soldiers. In would be very appropriate to highlight Much preparation was put into keep- the South China Sea, it has attacked the hundreds of men and women in my ing Russia from invading or infil- or otherwise threatened vessels from State who stand watch and patrol the trating the United States from its Vietnam, , and the Philippines northern skies of Alaska and America northern flank—from the Arctic, from and has repeatedly and increasingly en- to protect our Nation. They are unsung Alaska. In the early Cold War years, croached on Taiwanese and Japanese heroes. You don’t hear a lot about our government recruited and trained airspace. them in the news, but we certainly ap- fishermen, bush pilots, trappers, and But in Hong Kong, the security law preciate them. I think all Senators and many, many in our patriotic Native proves most clearly that the Chinese all Americans do, which is why I want Alaskan communities throughout the Communist Party will not abide by its to talk about them today. State to stand guard for America dur- commitments, whether to its own peo- They are our brave servicemembers ing the Cold War. And so many Alas- ple or to foreign nations. Through ac- who fly and maintain our F–22 kans did this for decades. It was their tions this week, Beijing has effectively Raptors—this amazing stealth fighter; patriotic duty guarding the northern torn up the joint declaration it made our E–3 Sentrys, which are also known flank of our great Nation. with Britain to govern the peaceful as AWACS, which are like the quarter- There were the great Eskimo scouts handover of Hong Kong just as cyni- back in the sky of aircraft; our Alaska of the Alaska National Guard, who cally as China has broken its commit- Guard KC–135 Stratotankers; our brave knew the land better than anyone else ments to the United States, to the members of the Alaska Rescue Coordi- could. They were so patriotic with World Trade Organization, to the nation Center, who operate HH–60 Pave their love of this Nation. World Health Organization, and others. Hawk helicopters and H–130 Hercules It is still unclear how many Russians And, of course, this law exposes once aircraft, should we need a search and were able to get to our lands, but sto- again the hideous nature of com- rescue mission; and our Active-Duty ries do abound in Alaska about strang- munism, which is so paranoid and inse- members and guardsmen, who main- ers speaking Russian showing up in cure it can’t tolerate even a tiny out- tain, monitor, and track threats from communities unannounced—five men post of freedom within its . No other countries for our country, par- emerging from the water in wet suits wonder. Freedom is an attractive, pre- ticularly threats coming from Russia. over olive-drab uniforms, the color of cious, and contagious thing. The way These brave men and women—hundreds the uniform of Soviet Special Forces. of life enjoyed by the citizens of Hong of them—are keeping guard day and Go to any one of our Native Alaska Kong could give the wrong ideas to the night over the northern skies of Amer- communities, and today, you will still 1 billion Chinese yearning for freedom ica. hear such stories. elsewhere in the country. Nothing When the Russians fly their Bear Something that is very clear and could be more threatening to the Chi- bombers and fighter jets into or near very well known is that between 1961 nese Communist Party’s rule. American air space, these intrepid and 1991, the U.S. military intercepted Now the party has begun the take- Americans are on duty to ensure that thousands of long-range Soviet bomb- over that Hongkongers have long our F–22s are there to intercept and ers and reconnaissance aircraft when feared. Those of us with freedom to greet the Russian pilots and aircraft they were moving into American air- speak and act on their behalf must do who threaten to move into our air de- space. We used our aircraft back then, so now, as one of the great citadels of fense identification zone, or ADIZ, as the F–102s, F–106s, and later, F–4s, F– Asia slips into the totalitarian dark- we call it. They are there waiting and 15s. Then, like now, our aircraft were ness. While dark days may lie ahead for intercepting Russian bombers. These superior to the Russians and that was Hong Kong, one day the future will re- airmen keep us all safe. As I men- certainly one of the reasons we won the turn the sunny highlands of freedom to tioned, they are all worthy of the great Cold War. that small citadel. title Alaskans of the Week. This is still going on today. This is I yield the floor. Before I get into exactly what these still a threat. The Russians continue to The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- men and women do to guard our Na- flex their military muscle, from ator from Alaska. tion—and they do it round the clock; Ukraine to Siberia, and they have F–22 RAPTORS they are doing it right now, by the added new Blackjack bombers to the Mr. SULLIVAN. Mr. President, I way, and will be doing it the Fourth of mix and their SU–35 fighters. They still have come to the floor to talk about July, by the way—I would like to talk come close to American airspace via one of the favorite things I get to do all a little about Russia and Alaska and flights near Alaska. That is where our week, and that is to talk about some our close geography. I want to give a F–22 pilots and those who support them Alaskans who are making a difference. little geography lesson. There are ac- come in. We call this our ‘‘Alaskan of the tual places in Alaska where you really Just in the last 6 months, our Alas- Week.’’ can see Russia from your house. kan F–22s, shown here, have inter- It means that I get to speak about Russia and Alaska are divided by the cepted 10 Russian Bear bombers. We my State, usually an individual, maybe Bering Strait, which is about 55 miles are starting to see Cold War levels of a couple of people, but every now and at its narrowest point. In the middle of intrusions into American airspace and, then I like to mix things up and keep the Bering Strait sit two islands, Big of course, our patriotic men and people on high alert because the people Diomede, which is actually Russian women—young men and women, by the I am going to talk about in Alaska are territory, and Little Diomede, which is way—flying these great aircraft, going the ultimate people—Americans—on part of Alaska, part of America. They after these big Bear bombers. There high alert. As opposed to recognizing are less than 21⁄2 miles apart from each were 10 missions already, and it is just one or two, I am going to recognize a other, nearly touching. In the words of July 2. What are they up to? bunch of Alaskans, an impressive a New York Times reporter, it is the Air Force Gen. Terrence group, who work day and night, not place where ‘‘the two great continental O’Shaughnessy, who commands only to keep Alaska safe but to keep powers reach across the map and all NORAD and these forces, ultimately, America safe. They will be doing it this but touch, like the outstretched figures and U.S. Northern Command, linked weekend, the Fourth of July—24/7, 7 in Michelangelo’s ‘The Creation of the uptick in Russian military flights days a week, 365 days a year, always on Adam.’’’ It is a little dramatic, but you off Alaska’s coast to the ongoing high alert. get the point—Little Diomede and Big coronavirus pandemic and Russia’s As we are heading into the Fourth of Diomede. testing of our military readiness. They July weekend, Russia is once again in On a clear day, you can see Russia are testing us, but we are ready for the news, and we have been debating from St. Lawrence Island, which is also them. the National Defense Authorization Alaskan, and even from our mainland, In essence, that is what we have been Act on the Senate floor, a very critical in Wales, AK. During the Cold War, the doing all week—debating and getting bill that I am fully supportive of, Alaska-Siberia frontier was called not ready to vote on final passage of the

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:59 Jul 03, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00031 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G02JY6.046 S02JYPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE S4200 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 2, 2020 National Defense Authorization Act, to intercept the Russians and to top off friends and family this holiday, dozens which is all about our military’s readi- the 600-gallon F–22 fuel tanks when of airmen in Alaska are on alert and ness. Again, in Alaska—24 hours a day, they are in the air and then refuel ready to go do this mission in a mo- 7 days a week, 365 days a year—our them on the way back. This is all part ment’s notice. brave men and women are guarding the of one big mission. That is what they We have to remember also that the northern flank of America. are doing. freedoms we are celebrating this week- This is how Lt. Col. Dave Deptula, All told, there are hundreds of Alas- end have been secured at a price. There commander of the 525th Fighter Squad- kans in the air and on the ground in- is no Independence Day without the ron—this F–22 squadron, the ‘‘Bull- volved in operations like this every U.S. military and our courageous vet- dogs’’—described it: single time it happens. erans, past and present. The Russians will fly their bombers and As I mentioned, it is happening a Yet it is not just about protecting fighters across the Bering Strait and they lot—twice a month in the last half our Nation. Think about this: Amer- will test our ADIZ [Air Defense Identifica- year. ican servicemembers have done more tion Zone] airspace—they will try to see if Patriotic young men and women are to liberate men and women across the they can come into our airspace. And if they always prepared to defend our country globe from tyranny and oppression— were going to go into it, we would be there in the sky—24 hours a day, 7 days a literally, hundreds of millions of peo- every time to say, respectfully, ‘‘Hello. We’re week. ple—than probably more than any here and we’re flying with live munitions.’’ One thing I want to do for this ‘‘Alas- other force in human history. That in- He said the goal is to make sure the kan of the Week’’ is remind Americans cludes those who are currently serving. Russians know that they are there to when they are celebrating the Fourth Think about that when you are cele- protect our Nation and try to deesca- of July—which is a great thing to do— brating the Fourth of July. Can any late. to remember that these dedicated war- other country say that? Think about By the way, Colonel Deptula is my riors will be on guard protecting our the other big countries in the world— former Air Force fellow and a great Air Nation. When everybody is barbecuing, China, Russia, . Have they Force leader, just like his dad. celebrating America, think about what been forces to have liberated hundreds As an aside, pilots in the military they are doing. of millions of people? The fact is, they have what are called ‘‘call signs,’’ If you have seen any video of the F– are the kinds of countries that have which are essentially their pilot nick- 22s flying, it is impressive, but we also tried to dominate hundreds of millions. names. As a marine, I know many pi- have to remember there are real pilots As my friend from Arkansas just men- lots by their call signs. Lieutenant in those planes. Look how close they tioned, China is doing it again, as we Colonel Deptula’s call sign is ‘‘Ghost.’’ are in this mission. It can be very dan- speak, in Hong Kong. Maybe that is because he is an F–22 gerous. So, yes, our Nation has challenges stealth fighter pilot, able to sneak up Think of this to get a sense of how right now—no doubt about it. Yet I on Bear bombers like this without this all works. It is the middle of the think the vast majority of us recog- being seen and even heard. But I have night and the klaxon goes off. It is win- nizes the obvious fact that we are the also heard that maybe it is because ter in Alaska. It is dark and 20 below greatest country in the world and have when it is time to pay the tab at a bar, zero. A pilot hustles to her airplane— stood for liberating not just Americans he doesn’t seem to be around. Just kid- yes, ‘‘her.’’ We have F–22 female pilots. but hundreds of millions around the ding there, Colonel Deptula, Ghost. I One is call sign Contra. We were dis- world. My view is that we are the can’t think of a better call sign for an cussing recently in my office about greatest country in the history of the F–22 stealth fighter pilot in Alaska, what a great job she does. She gets in world. One reason is due to those who and we are very, very proud of Ghost in the aircraft and flies nearly 600 miles stand guard to protect us and our free- the Sullivan Senate office. sometimes—certainly, faster than the doms and our liberty. So a big thank-you to those who fly Here is how it works. Here is what speed of sound—to reach the rough Ber- and maintain our F–22 Raptors—our these brave young men and women in ing Sea to intercept a Russian Bear the U.S. Air Force do to protect our AWACS—our Alaska National Guard bomber like this in the middle of the KC–135s; our HH–60s; our HC–130s; and Nation. We have 15 long-range radar night. She probably had to refuel on sites across the great State of Alaska, all of the Active-Duty members and the way there. guardsmen who on the Fourth of July, which are constantly feeding informa- Sometimes Russian pilots can get ag- tion to the 176th Air Defense Squadron, which we are going to celebrate in a gressive. According to Ghost, we do not couple of days, will be ready to go do which analyze that information. respond aggressively in turn. We are By the way, I have the honor and this mission at a moment’s notice and respectful. We are tough. We are pro- be ready to protect us. pleasure next week of hosting the Sec- fessional. The Russians know it, and I will be up on the Yukon River, in retary of the Air Force in Alaska. She the Russians know that they are up Alaska, with my wife and daughters, as will be able to see our great military against the best Air Force in the we always are, to celebrate not only members, and we will go out and actu- world—armed and ready. So the Rus- America’s birthday but my wife’s, and ally see some of these radar sites. sians usually behave. we will be toasting the brave young When our military note troublesome But this can be a stressful mission. men and women who are doing this for activity, they send out a bone-rattling As I mentioned, it has happened 10 our country. I encourage the rest of my alarm—what is called the KLAXON—to times already in the last 6 months. It fellow Americans to do the same. the Combat Alert Cell. This is a group is so critical for our Nation. So many To the Raptor pilots and maintainers of pilots and maintainers who are al- young Alaskans are involved in this. and everybody who supports them, ways ready. They are like firemen. Our men and women in the military thanks for what you are doing. Most They literally have a pole where they represent the very best of this coun- importantly, congratulations on being scramble down to get to their air- try—brave, strong, committed, devoted our Alaskans of the Week. craft—what they call a ‘‘hot cocked’’ to our country, devoted to democracy, I yield the floor. and armed F–22 at the ready. devoted to the Republic. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- As these pilots literally race to their That is why we have been working on ator from Tennessee. jets, so, too, does the aircrew of the this all week. When we come back from Mr. ALEXANDER. Mr. President, it AWACs—the long-range eyes and ears our Fourth of July work period, we will is my honor to be here today to see a for the F–22. They launch very quickly. continue to work on and pass the Na- marine Presiding Officer and a marine This is taking place at JBER in An- tional Defense Authorization Act for making a speech. chorage. Simultaneously, at Eielson them. We are grateful for Senator SUL- Air Force Base, about 350 miles north On this Fourth of July holiday, as I LIVAN’s service to our country and his of Anchorage, the 168th Air Refueling mentioned, I hope we can take the time service in the Senate as a diligent, pa- Squadron, a unit of the Alaska Air Na- to thank them and to remember those triotic, hard-working, good-humored tional Guard, launch the KC–135 tank- who have served before. Know that Member of the Senate. I am glad I had ers to meet the F–22s as they are going when you are spending time with a chance to hear his remarks.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:59 Jul 03, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00032 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G02JY6.048 S02JYPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE July 2, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S4201 I was trying to think of where in the or a year off of the amount of time be- Admiral Giroir testified this month world to go on my 50th birthday, and I fore the vaccine comes and take that before our committee that our country went to Anchorage, AK, to go fishing financial risk. I think all of us would has done 30 million tests—more than at Halibut Cove. I had a wonderful time agree with that. any other country. We are doing that and have a great memory. So the Sen- Instead of talking about vaccines at about the rate of 500,000 tests a day, ator represents a really terrific State. today, which are next year’s solution, and he says that we will have four to Mr. SULLIVAN. I thank my good let me talk about two aspects of five times that many in September. friend from Tennessee for those kind COVID–19 that are this year’s solu- Now, I hear about problems in this comments. tion—in fact, that are this fall’s solu- place or in that place about people not CORONAVIRUS tion. One is diagnostic tests to find out getting tests or that it takes too long Mr. ALEXANDER. Mr. President, whether you have the disease or not, for the results to come back from the just 31⁄2 months ago, a sneaky, dan- and one is treatments, which is medi- labs. The fact is, that what is going on gerous virus turned our country and cine that can be given to you to reduce now is every State in the country is de- the world upside down. It is hard to be- the chance that you might be seriously veloping a plan for July through De- lieve that it was just 31⁄2 months ago— ill or will even die. cember on how many tests States like mid-March—that we were headed to- That is appropriate in the first place Indiana, Tennessee, and Alaska might ward March Madness in basketball; because, in not very many weeks, need in working with the Federal Gov- that our economy was roaring; that un- America will be headed back to school ernment, and the Federal Government employment rates for about every cat- and to college. In Metro Nashville, TN, has been supplying Tennessee with egory were as low as they had been in public school begins on August 4. All what Tennessee needs. a long, long time. America felt really across the country, most colleges and In our State, for example, which is 1 good about itself. By the time we schools will be back in business by of the States that is in the top 10 of would have gotten to the Fourth of Labor Day. There were 75 million stu- having frequent testing, the Governor July, it would have been a terrific cele- dents who were casualties of COVID–19. has said: If you want a test, you can bration except that here came this dan- They were sent home from school or have a test. Go down to your public gerous, sneaky virus that turned our college in mid-March—100,000 public health department, and you will get lives and those in countries all over the schools, 35,000 private schools, and 6,000 one for free. Now, whether they will be world upside down. colleges. Graduations were canceled. able to continue that, we will see, but I want to comment this afternoon on Sports championships and once-in-a- that is what we are doing today. Despite that, when 75 million stu- some aspects of where we are in terms lifetime events were canceled. of COVID–19 based upon five congres- In our country today, two-thirds of dents try to go back to school and col- sional hearings this month that I have married parents with children work lege, I imagine principals and adminis- trators will want to test teachers fre- either chaired or attended in our HELP outside the home, and most single par- quently, older people frequently, and Committee or the one I participated in ents work outside the home. Suddenly, everybody in some classes if one stu- today in Senator BLUNT’s Appropria- their children were home. Teachers dent gets sick, maybe everybody in an tions Committee on Health. Of course, were not really prepared for such elementary school if several students Senator MURRAY, of Washington State, wholescale remote teaching, and par- get sick, and maybe the parents and is the ranking Democrat on both of ents were not prepared for grandparents of the children if the chil- those committees. homeschooling. So ever since mid- dren bring home the disease. So we are Of course, much of the talk is about March, students have been in limbo. going to need a lot more tests. vaccines. Even though we have appro- We are looking forward to doing This is why Senator BLUNT and I and priated $3 trillion and another aston- whatever we can to help make sure others worked together in the last leg- ishing $3 trillion in credit, that is not that those 75 million students in islation to support what we called the going to really solve the problem. The schools and colleges can go back to shark tank at the National Institutes only cure for this disease, this virus, school and college this fall and go back of Health. This was an unprecedented will ultimately be through testing, safely. That is the importance of tests effort at the National Institutes of treatments, and vaccines. It is appro- and treatments. That is the first. Health, led by Dr. Francis Collins, who Now, there is another one, and it is priate that we talk about vaccines be- led the Human Genome Project and is cause our country is moving more rap- not trivial. This is a sports-hungry one of the most distinguished sci- idly than it ever has in producing a country. We love our sports, and every- entists in our country. safe and effective vaccine for a new body has a different sport one likes. This is a project to see if we can find virus. The question I asked Dr. Collins this a new way to create tens of millions of As Dr. Francis Collins—the head of morning was: Are we going to have diagnostic tests that are what they call the National Institutes of Health—told enough COVID–19 tests so we might be point-of-care tests. That means you our subcommittee this morning, it usu- able to watch some football this fall or can take them instantly; that you can ally takes, historically, 5 to 10 years to some basketball this winter? I had read get a result within an hour or so; and create a vaccine. Here, the goal of the that the National Hockey League was that they are inexpensive and reliable. administration’s warped speed effort to going to test every player every day in You don’t have to ship them off. You create a vaccine is to have 300 million the National Hockey League. would probably do this with saliva. So doses ready by the first of this coming It is not recommended by the Centers you might put a lollypop in your year—in other words, 6 months from for Disease Control and Prevention. It mouth and let that saliva on the lol- now. That is its aspirational goal. The is not standard for there to be wide- lypop indicate, one way or another, administration is not sure it will get spread testing at schools and colleges, whether you have a positive or a nega- there, but you don’t get anywhere if even though the president of Brown tive result. you don’t set high goals. We know that University told our committee she Dr. Collins’ goal—and he said this is as a country. So it has set an enor- would like to test all students on their a very aspirational goal—is to be able mously ambitious goal. way back to Brown. to produce a million of those tests a We are taking steps that are like The fact is, if we are going to be able day by Labor Day. This would change none we have ever taken before, such to go back to school, back to college, our lives in many numbers of ways. as Congress has appropriated money, back to work, out to eat, maybe even This would mean that Brown’s presi- has approved, and is starting to build a watch a sports game, maybe even, in dent could surely test all students, not manufacturing plant for a vaccine be- some cases, attend a sports game, we just once when they go back but more fore we know that it works. Now, we are going to need a lot more quick, re- often. It would mean many sports don’t do that before we know that it is liable tests. Let me talk about those, teams could test every player every safe, but we will do it before we know just for a moment, in terms of going day if that is what it required. that it works. We can be sure that, in back to school and going out to eat It would mean that we would prob- some cases, we are going to lose that and, perhaps, being able to watch a lit- ably have more tests than we would money, but it is better to cut 6 months tle football this fall. need.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:59 Jul 03, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00033 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G02JY6.050 S02JYPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE S4202 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 2, 2020 What would that do? showing any symptoms of having it. cines in the United States? Well, we It would, one, help to contain the dis- But if you get it, there are already two didn’t. Now we are building it. Are we ease so we could identify who has this or three treatments that your doctors, going sustain it? disease so we could quarantine them your hospital can prescribe to shorten No. 2, what about our stockpiles? We and the people they have exposed in- the time that you recover and to re- filled them up, and then they were de- stead of quarantining all of us and duce the chance that you might die. pleted—the stockpile here, the stock- keeping us from going back to school, Dr. Collins said that by the time we pile in the States. Hospitals needed out to eat, and going to work. get to the fall, he expects there will be money. They sold off their stocks, and It would contain the disease, and it more of these treatments approved by so they were depleted. We have now would build confidence. If you are the FDA. There are different kinds of built them up, but are we going to sus- working in a plant with 500 people and treatments, and he didn’t go into all tain that for the next pandemic or just you know that 6 people have had to be the specifics, but one kind he men- say: OK, we beat COVID; let’s go and tested because they had been tested tioned was the so-called antibody cock- worry about something else. and were found to have been positive, tail. This was developed during the What about data? We are not getting you are going to worry about that. Yet, time of Ebola, and it was approved by all the data we want in the way we if you know that you could get a free the FDA. It helped us get rid of the should be getting it from the Centers test today and any time you wanted Ebola disease before it came to the for Disease Control. Are we just going and could get the result in an hour, I United States and caused a lot of trou- to forget that, or are we going to do believe you would have more con- ble here. something about that now? fidence in going to work or in going to This antibody cocktail—‘‘monoclonal Hospital preparedness. Hospitals school or in going out to eat or even in antibody’’ is the longer name of it—is weren’t really ready. They did a mag- playing on a football team whether you not approved yet. It is not proved to be nificent job of getting ready, but we are in college or in high school. safe or effective yet, but because it was lagged on hospital preparedness. We So we are pulling for Dr. Collins’ once before, there is a cautious opti- have built that up again. Are we going shark tank and his effort to produce mism that it will be approved for to sustain it, or are we going to let it these new ways of testing. They have COVID–19—a version of it—and that drop off once more? had an unprecedented outpouring of ap- those will be ready by the fall. Our State and local public health. Al- plications. He said most of them come If it does work out that this treat- most all of our public health efforts in this country are State and local. We from smaller companies. They are ment is safe and effective and approved are not a small European country down to 26, I believe is the number, and by the Food and Drug Administration, where everything is centralized. We are they are putting them through this rig- there are several companies that have a great big, complicated, diverse coun- orous test. His goal is a million new these antibody cocktails, and they try where parts of Indiana are very dif- tests a day. should be able to manufacture large ferent from parts of Tennessee and That is important for principals to numbers of them. I guess my point is, we talk a lot Alaska and New York or wherever we know and teachers to know and those about vaccines. We spend every day are from, and as Governor Leavitt, who who are hoping to play a little football hearing about the deaths, the hos- testified before us, said, for 30 or 40 and watch a little basketball this fall— pitalizations, and what is going on, and years, we have gradually disinvested in that there might be plenty of quick, re- this spike or that spike, but as we our public health system. We are not liable tests to help contain the disease think about 75 million students going building that up, but are we going to in your community and to be confident back to school and college, going back sustain it? that you are in a safe place. to work, whether we will see some foot- So that is my hope, that when it And then what is the second thing we ball or maybe basketball later, the two comes to building up this manufac- could expect? aspects that are needed to determine turing capacity here in the United We heard about treatments. As Sen- that are tests and whether the shark States, increasing our stockpiles to the ator KENNEDY says in his inimitable tank will produce enough of them and levels they should be, beginning to col- way, people aren’t scared of the virus treatments, and both seem to have a lect the data in the way it needs to be, because they are afraid they might get good possibility of being there for us in preparing our hospitals to receive pa- sick; they are afraid they might die. the fall. tients, building up our State and local And they might, particularly if they We had a hearing last week that fo- public health—are we going to sustain are in a vulnerable population or older cused on this question: How do we sus- that while we have our eye on the ball, age. tain what we have built in this pan- or are we going to do what we have There is no medicine for this virus, demic? In fact, one Senator lectured done for the last 20 years and slide off or at least there wasn’t until recently. me a little bit and said: Why are we into a short memory? Now there is one, Remdesivir, which worrying about the next pandemic? We Senator Bill Frist, who was majority the United States has bought a huge are in the middle of this one. leader of this body, said that he made amount of, which has been shown to re- And my answer was, because for the 20 speeches in 2005 and 2006 about what duce by 32 percent—according to Dr. last 20 years, we forgot about the last we needed to do to be prepared for the Fauci, who testified at our hearing yes- pandemic as soon as it was over, and next pandemic, which he said is surely terday—reduce by 32 percent the then we got to the next pandemic, and coming. They did some things, but amount of time it takes you to recover we weren’t as ready as we should be. most of the things that he said needed from COVID–19. According to the ex- We have had four Presidents and sev- to be done weren’t done. We could do perts who testified, there are other eral Congresses that passed nine laws them today if we would just have the plasma medicines and steroids that to try to get us ready, and then here resolve to do them. have shown to be helpful. That exists comes this sneaky, dangerous virus, Governor Leavitt said that before a today. and we find some gaps in our prepara- pandemic, those who do what he and So if you are a parent or a grand- tion. It is not President Trump’s gap. Senator Frist did, which was to say we parent or a teacher or administrator It is not President Obama’s gap. It is need to do all these things, are called worried about children going back to our gap because we didn’t do some of alarmists, and then after a pandemic or school, you are probably not very wor- the things we should do. in the middle of it, they are called in- ried about the children catching One of the things I believe each of us adequate to the task. COVID–19 because, generally speaking, should do in this Senate is be willing Then there is the last point I would they haven’t seemed to get sick from this year, this summer, to take the les- like to make, and it is about politics. COVID–19—all around the world. It has sons we have learned and sustain what The COVID–19 virus—this sneaky, dan- been older people who do. But the chil- we built, not just to complete our work gerous enemy—is a science matter, not dren might come home and bring it to on this pandemic but to be ready for a political matter, but it has become the parent or the grandparent. As I the next one. too much of a political matter. said, this is a sneaky, dangerous virus. For example, do we have enough Take the issue of masks. We have You can give it to somebody without manufacturing capacity for the vac- gotten into a situation where whether

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:59 Jul 03, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00034 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G02JY6.052 S02JYPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE July 2, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S4203 you wear a mask depends on your atti- OPENING STATEMENT While states and communities continue to tude toward President Trump. For COVID–19: UPDATE ON PROGRESS TOWARD SAFE- take action to help keep people safe, nothing many Americans, it seems that if you LY GETTING BACK TO WORK AND BACK TO was more disruptive to American life—and are pro-Trump, you don’t wear a mask, SCHOOL—JUNE 30, 2020 nothing would head it back toward nor- All of our witnesses today are partici- malcy—than for those 135,000 public and pri- and if you don’t like Trump, you do vate schools and 6,000 colleges to reopen safe- wear a mask. pating in person, and some senators are par- ticipating by videoconference. ly this Fall. I suggested that the President might I’d like to say something about masks: Earlier this month this committee heard occasionally wear a mask just to signal The Office of the Attending Physician has from college presidents and school leaders to his followers that it is a good idea; advised that senators and witnesses may re- about their plans for safely reopening this move their masks to talk into the micro- fall. This hearing is an opportunity for an recommended by every single health update and to hear from the nation’s top expert to wear a mask—certainly for phone since our chairs are all six feet apart. So that’s why my mask is off—because I’m health experts on how headmasters, prin- the protection of everybody else. six feet away from everyone else. But like cipals, superintendents, chancellors and col- Another way to say it is that our many other senators on this committee, lege presidents can open their schools safely athletic director at the University of when I’m walking the hallways or on the just a few weeks from now. Tennessee, Phillip Fulmer, said: If you Senate floor, I’m wearing a mask. This committee last heard from today’s four witnesses on May 12, when three of the really, really want to watch some foot- People wear masks because the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention advises the four were quarantined and most of the sen- ball, wear a mask. What he means by use of ‘‘simple cloth face coverings to slow ators participated virtually. That was one of that is that it would help contain the the spread of the virus and help people who the first virtual senate hearings in history disease in our area so the football play- may have the virus and do not know it from and surely the best watched virtual hearing. ers can play safely. transmitting it to others.’’ Every network carried the two and half Well, yesterday the President made Unfortunately this simple lifesaving prac- hours of statements and questions and an- swers from senators. it clear. He said masks are good, and he tice has become part of a political debate that says: If you’re for Trump, you don’t The question before the country today is is happy to wear them when he needs wear a mask. If you’re against Trump, you not about whether to go back to school or to. Of course, the fact is, he doesn’t do. That is why I have suggested the presi- college or child care or work, but how to do need to most of the time. He is tested dent should occasionally wear a mask even it safely. Even though COVID–19 has not, in every day. People around him are test- though there are not many occasions when it general, hurt young children and college-age ed. And—as I am not wearing one right is necessary for him to do so. The president students nearly as much as older or more now—he is speaking most of the time. has millions of admirers. vulnerable Americans, there is some health risk. But in my view the greater risk is not But there are times when I wear my They would follow his lead. It would help end this political debate. The stakes are too going back to school. mask. When I leave the floor, I wear high for it to continue. Guidance for reopening schools from the the mask. When I go back down the Around here, senators and staff wear American Academy of Pediatrics tells school hall, I wear the mask. When I am in a masks—because we don’t want to make each administrators: ‘‘the AAP strongly advo- smaller room, less than 6 feet away other sick. I was exposed to COVID–19 by a cates that all policy considerations for the from somebody, I wear a mask, and I pre-symptomatic staff member on my way to coming school year should start with a goal expect others to do that as well. Dulles Airport and, as a result, self-quar- of having students physically present in antined for two weeks. The senate physician school.’’ Every expert who testified in the six told me one reason that I did not become in- The American Academy of Pediatrics adds: hearings I attended this month said fected was because the staff member was ‘‘The importance of in-person learning is there are three things to do: Wear a wearing a mask and that greatly reduced the well documented, and there is already evi- mask, wash your hands, and stay 6 feet chances of exposure. dence of the negative impacts on children be- apart when you can. If all of us do It’s also a pretty good way to make a cause of school closures in the spring of 2020. those things, we are much more likely statement. I like to wear my plaid mask. Dr. Lengthy time away from school and associ- ated interruption of supportive services to be able to go back to school, back to Fauci uses his mask to demonstrate his loy- alty to the Washington Nationals. Senator often results in social isolation, making it college, back to work, out to eat, and Kaine is either a cowboy or a bandit. difficult for schools to identify and address maybe even watch a little football. If you want college football to return this important learning deficits as well as child Vanderbilt University did a survey in fall, like I do, listen to the words of Coach and adolescent physical or , sub- the middle of May, and what they Fulmer at the University of Tennessee who stance use, depression, and suicidal ideation. found was surprising. Most of the atti- told fans how they can help make that hap- This, in turn, places children and adolescents pen: ‘‘If you really really want sports, foot- at considerable risk of morbidity and, in tudes of people in Tennessee weren’t ball, and all those things, then wear a mask some cases, mortality. Beyond the edu- about male versus female or east and keep social distancing,’’ he said last cational impact and social impact of school versus west or any other difference; it week. closures, there has been substantial impact was about Republican or Democrat. Re- The United States is in the middle of a on food security and physical activity for publicans didn’t want to wear a mask very concerning rise in COVID–19 cases and children and families.’’ very much; the Democrats mostly did. hospitalizations in many states, and the ex- Dr. Lloyd Fisher, the incoming president Republicans were eager to go out to perts in front of us today have told us that of the Massachusetts chapter of the Amer- eat; Democrats were a little slower. washing our hands, staying apart and wear- ican Academy of Pediatrics told reporters ing a mask are three of the most important last week: ‘‘While for most children COVID– Republicans weren’t as worried about ways to slow the spread of the virus. 19 has not had the devastating and life- catching the disease; Democrats were I am grateful to the Rules Committee, Ser- threatening physical health effects that have pretty worried. The debate got too po- geant at Arms, the press gallery, the Archi- occurred in adults, the negative impact on liticized. tect of the Capitol, the Capitol Police, and their education, mental health and social de- I thank President Trump for what he our committee staff, Chung Shek and Evan velopment has been substantial,’’ he said. Griffis, for all of their hard work to help said yesterday. He has 70 or 80 million ‘‘Nothing can take the place of the daily keep all of us safe. face-to-face interaction our children experi- people as his social media followers. If Among the casualties of COVID–19 are the ence when attending school in person.’’ they get the idea that wearing a ‘‘Make 75 million students who were sent home from Many American colleges—overall consid- America Great Again’’ mask is good for schools and colleges in March. ered the best in the world—will be perma- the country, I bet millions will wear it. Add to the casualties the teachers who nently damaged or even closed if they re- If they do, the country will be safer, weren’t prepared to teach remotely and the main, in Brown University president Chris- the economy will be better, and we will working parents who suddenly had school tina Paxsons words, ‘‘ghost towns.’’ children at home and who weren’t prepared be able to go back to school and do the Mitch Daniels, the president of Purdue, to home school. Add the lost sports seasons wrote in a Washington Post op-ed that for other things we want to do. and once in a lifetime graduation cere- Purdue, ‘‘failure to take on the job of re- Mr. President, I ask unanimous con- monies. Then there were unprecedented di- opening would be not only anti-scientific but sent to have printed in the RECORD my lemmas for administrators and inadequate also an unacceptable breach of duty.’’ opening statement from our hearing school budgets. Being sent home from school So today, in addition to hearing more yesterday. does not rank with the sickness and death about the concerning rise in cases and hos- the virus has caused. The United States has pitalizations in some states in the U.S., I There being no objection, the mate- over 2.5 million cases of the virus and over would like to ask our witnesses in their rial was ordered to be printed in the 126,000 deaths according to Johns Hopkins statements and answers to questions to put RECORD, as follows: University. themselves in the place of a superintendent

VerDate Sep 11 2014 09:35 Jul 03, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00035 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G02JY6.054 S02JYPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE S4204 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 2, 2020 of one of America’s approximately 14,000 For example, Tennessee Governor Bill Lee trace, and isolate those exposed or sick. And school districts, or the principal or head- has told me that he is reserving as much as hopefully by the fall there will be treatments master of one of the 135,000 schools, or the $1 billion of what Tennessee received so he to make the consequences of the disease less president or chancellor of one of the 6,000 can determine what flexibility he has in severe. colleges, and help them answer the question spending the money. Washington state has I look forward to hearing from our distin- of how to reopen schools safely. not spent as much as $1.2 billion. According guished witnesses how school leaders and So Dr. Fauci, I hope that in your opening the Missouri State Treasurer, Governor Par- college presidents can safely reopen 135,000 statement or in answers to questions you sons has not spent about $1 billion. schools and 6,000 colleges, and also learning will suggest the steps a superintendent According to the report by state health of- the latest developments on testing and treat- might take to open school safely, and how ficials and Johns Hopkins, an average salary ments that we can expect during the year not only to keep children safe but to keep for a contact tracer would be a little more 2020 before vaccines arrive. safe the adults—teachers, parents and grand- than $35,000. That adds up to about $3.5 bil- Mr. ALEXANDER. Mr. President, I parents—with whom they come in contact. lion for 100,000 contact tracers. So Congress thank Senator BLUNT and Senator Dr. Hahn—Will there be treatments or has already sent to states enough money to MURRAY for their cooperation this medicines this fall that will help speed re- hire all the contact tracers that are needed. month in this series of six hearings covery from COVID–19 or reduce the possi- Second, who pays for testing. In the that we have had on COVID–19. bility of death? I believe the fear of going CARES Act, Congress voted to make all I think it is very important for the back to school—or going anywhere these COVID–19 tests available to patients at no American people to know that while days—is in large part because of the fear of cost. That meant insurers would cover diag- there is a vaccine down the road, the severe illness. If that risk can be lessened by nostic tests, which detect whether a person new treatments, it should increase con- is currently infected with the virus, and also tests are coming, the fast tests, and fidence in going back to school. antibody tests, which indicate whether a per- the treatments are coming. They I’d also like to commend Dr. Hahn and the son has had COVID–19 in the past and now should be here by the fall. That is what work FDA did to get tests on the market as may have immunity to future infection. the experts say. It is not what I say; quickly as possible to help understand the Guidance from the Labor Department, the that is what the experts who testified spread of the virus. Since then, FDA has Treasury Department, and the Centers for before us say. worked out which tests have not worked as Medicare and Medicaid Services last week The experts all said the following: If well as they should, and taken steps to re- said insurers are only required to pay for you want to contain the disease, if you move them from the market. That’s what is tests without patient cost sharing if a doctor want to go back to school and back to supposed to happen during a pandemic. orders it. I agree with that. college and back to work and out to Admiral Giroir—at our last hearing you But given that the CDC specifically rec- said you expected there to be 40–50 million ommends doctors order tests in 2 situa- eat and maybe even see a little foot- diagnostic tests available each month by tions—when a person has signs or symptoms ball, stay 6 feet apart, wash your September. Is that still true? And exactly of COVID–19, or recently had contact with hands, and wear a mask. how does a school district go about making someone known or suspected to have COVID– I yield the floor. sure it has those tests? And who pays for 19—who pays for testing at other times? I suggest the absence of a quorum. them? What are the prospects from the I believe Congress will need to take further The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. ‘‘shark tank’’ at NIH that there will be new action. For example, if a school wants to test BRAUN). The clerk will call the roll. fast, reliable and inexpensive tests available its students randomly, perhaps that school The senior assistant legislative clerk for more widespread testing? should coordinate with their state to become proceeded to call the roll. Dr. Redfield—you are continuing to work a part of the state testing plan, making all Mr. PORTMAN. Mr. President, I ask on additional guidelines about going back to tests free to students and teachers. Congress unanimous consent that the order for school and college safely. Are CDC employ- may need to provide more money to states to the quorum call be rescinded. ees available to help states work with school cover that. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without districts or college administrators to develop If an automaker wants to test all its em- their plans? And what advice do you have ployees at a plant every two weeks, perhaps objection, it is so ordered. about the arrival of the flu season this fall at the automaker should pay for that testing or S. 4049 the same time as COVID–19? become part of a state testing program using Mr. PORTMAN. Mr. President, I am This is a lot to discuss but there will be funds already provided by the federal govern- on the floor today to talk about the an- time during the next two and half hours to ment. nual National Defense Authorization answer most of those questions. Third, flu shots. CDC has said more people Act to support our servicemembers and Let me highlight three areas that have need to get flu shots this fall so health care their families. This is one of the few come up in our four earlier hearings this workers can better distinguish between things that the Senate actually passes month that I think need clarification. COVID–19 and the flu. CDC says a priority is and does so on a bipartisan basis, and I First, contact tracing. There is no doubt for all children over the age of 6 months be contact tracing is crucially important to vaccinated for the flu so they don’t become am hopeful we will do that again. It is identify anyone who might have been ex- sick and pass it to more vulnerable popu- because Republicans and Democrats posed so that person doesn’t, in turn, expose lations who could have more severe con- alike recognize it is imperative to give someone else. According to an NPR report on sequences. the men and women serving in our June 18, states already have hired at least On January 24, Sen. Murray and I hosted Armed Forces the resources and sup- 37,000 contract tracers. State health officials our first bipartisan briefing on coronavirus port they need to carry out their crit- and Johns Hopkins Center for Health Secu- at a time there were only 4 cases in the U.S. ical missions for all of us. rity issued a report estimating a need for at Since then this committee has held 4 more This year, I am pleased to recognize least 100,000 contact tracers. briefings. This is our 8th hearing on the importance of ensuring that our Several reports have suggested that the coronavirus and U.S. preparedness. federal government should appropriate funds Last week’s hearing was about steps to troops get compensated properly for to pay for these contact tracers. The reality take this year, while our eye is on the ball, the hard work and sacrifices they is: Congress already has. to better prepare for the next pandemic. I make. It has an across-the-board 3-per- On April 24, Congress appropriated $11 bil- have issued a white paper outlining five rec- cent pay increase in it. They deserve it. lion, which has been sent to states and tribes ommendations for Congress to prepare Amer- On July 4, as we celebrate 244 years of for the expenses of testing. The legislation icans for the next pandemic, and that paper freedom, I think it is appropriate that explicitly said that money could be used for has received more than 350 substantive com- we demonstrate our support for the contact tracing. This is in addition to the ments that are available to every member of brave men and women in uniform nearly $755 million from the first emergency the committee. appropriations legislation signed into law At the end of this hearing, I’m going to ask whose sacrifices have ensured the lib- March 6 that went out to states for each witness what are the 2–3 actions that erty we are celebrating. coronavirus response and can be used by Congress could take this year to prepare for I am also pleased that there is a lot states for contact tracing. the next pandemic, some of which undoubt- in here that is really important to the This is also in addition to the March 27 leg- edly could help with this pandemic. people I represent in Ohio. At Wright- islation in which Congress provided at least But this hearing is about what happens Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio, $1.5 billion in the CARES Act for states, ter- now as administrators prepare to reopen which is our State’s largest single-site ritories, and tribes to use for COVID pre- schools and colleges. employer, the bill authorizes $23.5 mil- paredness and response, some of which can Experts underestimated this virus and be used for contact tracing. The CARES Act there is still much we don’t know about it. lion for important work on a new hy- also included $150 billion to states, but a sig- But we do know the basic steps to take to re- drant fuel system for the Defense Lo- nificant amount of that $150 billion has not open schools and colleges in 2020 before there gistics Agency. It will make a big dif- been spent because it is restricted to ex- is a vaccine and those are: social distance, ference to our airmen and Air Force ci- penses related to COVID–19. wear a mask, wash your hands, test, contact vilians and to the troops around the

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:59 Jul 03, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00036 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A02JY6.069 S02JYPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE July 2, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S4205 world who rely on DLA for their equip- We provided enough funding to keep Ukraine. I was pleased to see that ment and resources. it open partly by bringing in foreign Ukraine was very recently designated There is also $35 million for enhanced sales, and I helped in that, to try to get as a NATO Enhanced Opportunities energy efficiency at Wright-Patter- other countries to try to use our tank Partner, and one day I hope to welcome son’s National Air and Space Intel- plant, which they have and still do. We them as a full member of NATO. We ligence Center, NASIC. We are so proud also reversed years of backlogged are passing, I hope, a unanimous con- to have NASIC in Ohio, and we are maintenance recently, and we ensured sent resolution in this body with re- happy to see this additional invest- our workers have a safe environment in gard to this issue. We need to be sure ment in infrastructure for NASIC. which to work. So it is doing well now. and let Ukraine know we support them. Hopefully, the Space Command will The lines are humming. Thank good- For the past 4 years, I have worked end up in Ohio as well. ness we kept it open. to include provisions in the NDAA, the There is also $15 million in the bill In 2018, I had the opportunity to be Defense bill we are working on now, for construction of a new Guard readi- the first Member of Congress to see the that help expand military assistance to ness center in Columbus, OH, which latest model of the Stryker Dragoon Ukraine and build on the Ukraine mili- will serve as a staging area for the vehicles. They have a 30-millimeter tary security assistance initiative. Ohio National Guard, which is increas- turret—a cannon on top of an armored This year I was pleased that the bill ingly being called upon to respond to vehicle. This is a wheeled armored ve- again authorizes $250 million in lethal crises. I will have a chance to visit hicle with a turret on top of it. That 30- and nonlethal aid to Ukraine. That in- with some of our Guard members next millimeter cannon replaced the normal cludes $125 million in lethal assistance week in Ohio, and I look forward to it. 50-caliber machine gun. The 50-caliber that they need. That is an increase of One of the bill’s other important ini- machine gun is effective in certain in- $75 million from last year’s budget. So tiatives that has a big impact on my stances, but the 30-millimeter cannon we are doing even more to help allow State is authorizing $1.4 billion to up- is much more effective in many places the Ukrainians to defend themselves. grade and modify Abrams tanks. It au- on the battlefield, particularly in Eu- New this year, this bill includes my thorizes about $847 million to build and rope, given the threat we face there. proposal to require the Departments of upgrade the Stryker armored fighting So whether it is in Eastern Europe in State and Defense to develop a new vehicles. There is also an additional the Baltic States or being multiyear strategy to support the de- $378 million to produce 72 Stryker prepositioned in Germany for the possi- velopment of Ukraine’s military forces, chassis to support the Army’s Maneu- bility of having to respond, this is what increasing its capability and capacity ver Short Range Air Defense Program. our military wants, what our Army and providing a resource plan for U.S. This is all really great news for our wants, and we have to continue to pro- security assistance. I had the opportunity to speak today men and women in uniform. Why? Be- vide our soldiers this Dragoon variant to General Dayton, who will be nomi- cause they are going to get from Lima, of the Stryker so that they can deter nated by the President to be the next OH, the best equipment in the world to aggression from Russia and others and Ambassador to Ukraine. This is a guy be able to protect themselves and keep help keep our allies safe. This includes, who has done a terrific job of working the peace. These Abrams and Stryker by the way, Ukraine. vehicles are the most advanced and le- Talking about Ukraine, it has been in with the Ukrainian military to mod- thal tanks and armored vehicles on the the headlines a lot over the last several ernize the military, to ensure there is more transparency, civilian control, battlefield today. months. I have been to Ukraine several and to be sure they are following the Of course, this isn’t just a big win for times. I had the opportunity to be on model that will allow them to be suc- our military; it is also great for the the frontline in Ukraine at what is cessful in recruiting and in fighting Joint Systems Manufacturing Center, called the line of contact. Let me tell which I call the tank plant—always against the Russian threat. you, it is not a cold war; it is very There is a lot to like in the NDAA, have. It is in Lima, OH, and it is the much a hot war. and I have introduced some amend- only facility in the world that can do I know that here, on this side of the ments that I hope will be included as what they do. It is certainly the only Atlantic, what is happening in Ukraine well. I will continue to advocate for facility in the United States that has can sometimes seem like it is half a Ohio and for the men and women who the capacity and the highly trained world away and maybe doesn’t affect keep us safe every day. personnel capable of producing Abrams us, but it is not far away, and it does I look forward to voting on the bill’s tanks and Stryker armored vehicles. It affect us. It is very relevant. In a sense, passage in the Senate soon so that our is a strategic asset for our country and it is where the modern battle is taking troops, who give so much of themselves a source of employment for some truly place between two very different just to be able to keep us safe, have the outstanding engineers, welders, and ideologies, one of freedom and democ- resources they need, the best equip- other technicians. I love going to the racy and wanting to connect to the ment, and the highest level of readi- plant and talking to them about what West, and that is modern Ukraine. ness to be able to fulfill that mission to they do. A lot of them are veterans, That is exactly what President keep the peace and to continue to se- and all of them believe that they are Zelensky and the Parliament there and cure our liberties. part of the effort. others want to do. The other would be OPIOID EPIDEMIC The Obama administration, by the the oligarchy and the corruption of Mr. President, I am here on the floor way, 9 years ago, wanted to shutter Russia, which want to pull Ukraine today to talk about some recent trou- this plant. They said that we wouldn’t back into their orbit. bling statistics that ought to serve as a need tanks in the future and we should In Ohio we have a large Ukrainian call to action for every single one of us. shut down the plant and shut down the community, particularly in Northeast Last Friday, in observance of World line, which would have cost billions of Ohio, and they certainly have a vested Drug Day, the United Nations Office on dollars to mothball and then try to interest in seeing that their ancestral Drugs and Crime released its annual start it again. Thank goodness we homeland can defend itself from Rus- world report detailing the impact of didn’t do that. We fought hard against sian aggression as it works to align drug use and trafficking across the it. I recognized it was the wrong deci- itself more with NATO and the West world. Frankly, the report paints a sion and fought against it every step of while promoting the platform of de- grim picture that reminds us that the way. I remember, at the time, some mocracy, freedom, transparency, and America has a unique addiction crisis, of the were saying: Oh, free markets. especially as it relates to opioids. my gosh, this is somehow inappro- I have met with President Zelensky The report says that in recent years priate to keep funding going when the several times, and I am encouraged by the United States has lost more men, Obama administration says it is not his commitment and his passion to women, and children to drug overdose necessary. But it was necessary. It was keeping Ukraine on the right track, in- deaths—60,000 to 70,000 per year—than necessary then, and, boy, it is certainly cluding fighting corruption. We have to the next 20 countries combined. necessary now. We saved the taxpayers continue as a country to ensure that Let me say that again. The United a lot of money by not shutting it down. elimination of corruption continues in States has lost more people to drug

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:59 Jul 03, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00037 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G02JY6.058 S02JYPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE S4206 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 2, 2020 overdose deaths than the next 20 coun- Over the last couple of years, prior to Officials in Hamilton County, which tries combined. That is unacceptable. the coronavirus, we continued to make is Cincinnati, OH, where I am from, This sad comparison of the United steady progress—not 22 percent, but we stated there were 42 overdose deaths in States to other countries is a reminder made steady progress in declining. We May and that at least 23 people died in that we have to do better and we can achieved these strides, in part, thanks June. In Cuyahoga County, our State’s do better. to legislation we passed in this Con- most populous area and the home of Even more concerning to me is the gress—a significant commitment of Cleveland, the medical examiner’s of- recent data we are now receiving about new resources by the Republicans and fice has reported 235 fatal drug what is happening as a result of the Democrats on this floor and by the ad- overdoses so far in 2020 and at least 66 current coronavirus pandemic. It was ministration. The CARA Act and fatal heroin, fentanyl, and bad enough, as the world drug report CARES Act provided local and State overdoses in May alone. Those figures, shows, but now, during the last few governments and nonprofit groups with by the way, match the deadliest months, during this pandemic, things additional resources to help use proven months for overdoses on record in the have gotten worse. prevention treatment and recovery county, and that would be back in 2017. The Overdose Detection Mapping Ap- programs effectively. Remember, we talked about how the plication Program is a collaborative I was the author of the CARA legisla- deaths are going up year after year, Federal organization that tracks over- tion. We spent 4 years putting it to- and 2017 was the peak, and then they dose data from more than 3,300 emer- gether, with national folks coming in went down in 2018. Well, this year al- gency agencies. According to data that from all over the country helping us, ready, in Cleveland, we are back up to has been obtained by the Washington and we put together something that where we were in 2017. The Columbus Post, fatal and nonfatal overdoses were made sense and that was actually coroner’s office has had to move to a 18 percent higher in March of this year working. space three times larger than its old of- as compared to March of 2019. They are We have also ensured that our first fice to accommodate the increases in 29 percent higher this April compared responders on the frontlines of this cri- overdoses and overdose deaths. We are to a year ago and 42 percent higher this sis had the resources they need, includ- not alone in this uptick. According to May than they were a year ago, in 2019. ing the miracle drug Naloxone, which the Center for Optimal Living, 30 These are overdoses that are being reverses the effects of an overdose. States have seen an increase in over- tracked through EMS, ambulance, hos- This kind of continued support was pitals, and emergency rooms. This is dose deaths during this pandemic. critical for our communities making The Federal response to the really concerning. the progress we have made in com- coronavirus pandemic has included cer- One of the findings of this U.N. re- bating the disease of addiction, and I port was that the most dangerous class tain measures to ensure those suffering have been proud to help lead the effort from addiction can continue to get the of drugs worldwide were opioids, in- at the Federal level, although at the care they need, and I am glad we were cluding prescription pain killers, her- State level and local level everybody able to provide some provisions both in oin, and the synthetic opioids like has kicked in, including so many vol- the CARES legislation that was passed fentanyl. These drugs were the cause of unteers and so many families, and it about a month ago but also the other about two-thirds of the overdose deaths has made a difference. in the world in recent years, according But these new reports show that now legislation we passed around that time. We have done a number of things to to the U.N. we are going the other way. We have a cut redtape and the regulatory relief to The recent data shows that fentanyl long way to go in this fight against the expand telehealth and telehealth op- use, in particular, has gone up in the addiction crisis in America, and I am tions specifically for opioid treatment, United States during this pandemic, es- afraid we are in danger now of taking a as well as increasing the number of al- pecially when it is laced with other step backward. drugs, such as heroin, meth, and co- Thanks to the coronavirus, our lives ternate delivery methods for patients caine. As many of my colleagues know, have changed in so many ways. Many quarantined at home so they can main- one of my top priorities in Congress individuals who have lost their jobs tain their access to opioid treatment over the last several years has been to have had to radically change the way providers. These reforms have been combat this opioid addiction crisis that they work. Unfortunately, the disrup- helpful in offering a lifeline for those has hit communities in my home State tions have extended to this field of ad- working hard to stay sober and clean, of Ohio so hard. This new information diction treatment as well. and, in some instances, according to about the resurgence of addiction is As States have begun to order a sus- addiction and mental health leaders particularly discouraging because in pension of elective procedures—this from across the State, these reforms recent years we have made great happened back in March and April— have even allowed addiction specialists progress. We had actually, finally, people were not able to get elective to reach new patients who were hesi- after years and years of increased over- procedures in hospitals, and there was tant to come into the doctor’s office in dose deaths every single year—finally, a shift toward more telehealth to help the first place, sometimes due to the in the last few years, we had begun to preserve the personal protection gear, stigma that attaches to addiction. see a reversal of that, and here we the PPEs, for frontline workers. Many These aren’t perfect solutions, of have, during this pandemic, the oppo- patients and caregivers who relied on course, because the numbers show that site happening. face-to-face interaction and around- addictions are actually up, but ulti- In 2017, Ohio’s opioid overdose death the-clock care to be able to stay the mately, they have been helpful. We are rate was almost three times the na- course on recovery from drug addiction going to have to find a way to get a tional average. We were one of the top and from mental health issues have handle on this coronavirus pandemic in three States in the country in terms of lost vital access to care. I think that is a way that we can resume these tradi- overdose deaths. Nearly a dozen Ohio- one of the reasons we see this uptick. tional in-person addiction treatment ans are dying from these drugs every Some have fallen off their treatment services that have helped so many re- day, surpassing car crashes as our plans, and some have relapsed. cover from this debilitating disease. country’s top killer among young peo- Unfortunately, this is happening We are going to have to ensure that we ple and, for Ohio overall, the State’s right now as we talk. If we combine can get away from some of this isola- No. 1 killer. But that next year, in 2018, that with the feelings of isolation so tion and sense of disparity that people we were one of the leaders in turning many people feel being quarantined or feel. the tide with a 22-percent reduction in being isolated, the feeling of frustra- One thing we do know is, the benefits 1 year in overdose deaths. That was the tion, the feeling of despair many Amer- of telehealth for treating addiction are same year, by the way, when national icans have felt with these dual real, and I think we should act now in overdose deaths also declined for the healthcare and economic crises, you this next COVID–19 bill that we are first time since 1990. Think about that. have a perfect storm for the resurgence talking about passing next month or From 1990 to 2018, it increased every in opioid deaths. That is exactly what maybe even later this month. That leg- year, and finally we saw a reduction. In has happened in Ohio and around the islation, in my view, should include Ohio it was a significant reduction. country. provisions that allow providers to have

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:59 Jul 03, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00038 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G02JY6.060 S02JYPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE July 2, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S4207 the flexibility to continue to offer al- indirect casualties. Not only must Con- It is a big commitment, especially at ternative forms of care via telehealth gress ensure our addiction health serv- a time when we are struggling to in- to people when this pandemic is over so ices have the resources they need to vest in supporting our workers, our the providers can readily adapt in the adapt to this new reality, but we also businesses, and our economy here at event that another pandemic or an- have to redouble our efforts to slow the home during this global pandemic. other disaster forces us to shift spread of the coronavirus so we don’t While it is a sizable commitment, it healthcare services back to virtual lose ground on this addiction crisis just is one I have supported because Israel care. We need to continue telehealth as we were making progress and that is a close ally and friend that lives in now and provide the reimbursement we don’t keep more Americans from a very dangerous and volatile part of but also ensure that it is going to be achieving their God-given potential. the world. It is surrounded on many there for the future because it is work- PROTESTS fronts with enemies who would like to ing. Mr. President, I hadn’t planned to destroy it, including Iran, Hamas, and I am committed to working with my talk about this, but I was watching the Hezbollah. colleagues on bipartisan solutions to floor earlier today when there was a Moreover, Israel and the United the challenges we talked about today. heated discussion on the Senate floor States have a variety of shared inter- Yesterday, I introduced legislation about the chaos and violence we have ests. Most importantly, in my view, called the Telehealth Response for E- seen on the streets in many of our the United States has an enduring obli- prescribing Addiction Treatment Serv- great cities. gation to support a secure homeland ices Act, or TREATS Act, to make per- The peaceful demonstrations, which for the Jewish people after the horrors manent a number of temporary waivers developed really spontaneously after of the Holocaust. for telehealth services and bolster tele- the tragic death of George Floyd and Under normal circumstances, I would health options for addiction treatment other injustices, delivered a powerful not even come to the Senate floor services. Specifically, the bill is going message about the need to address ra- today. I have consistently supported to do a couple of things. cial disparities and about the need for the security assistance, and I still do. First, it will allow for a patient to be police reforms. So why am I here today? prescribed lower scheduled drugs like The right to demonstrate peacefully I am here because while I remain Suboxone or buprenorphine through must be protected, but the looting, the strongly committed to the security of telehealth on their first visit. Current desecration of monuments, the , Israel and providing security assist- law requires you go to an in-person and the destruction of property, includ- ance, I am also strongly opposed to visit when needing any controlled sub- ing small businesses in some of these Prime Minister Netanyahu’s declared stances, but this has been a deterrent communities of color—it breaks my intention to unilaterally annex parts of to patients in crisis and in urgent need heart to see some of these small busi- the West Bank starting this month. of treatments from schedule III or IV ness owners talk about what they are The unilateral annexation of parts of drugs. going through; the injuries to our law the West Bank would totally under- Our bill is important. By the way, it enforcement officers who are just doing mine what has been, at least until the also limits abusive practices by lim- their jobs, doing what they are asked Trump administration, bipartisan iting telehealth visits to those who to do in a professional way; and, of American policy in support of a two- have both audio and video capabilities course, the self-appointed statue de- state solution that would ensure the to be able to interact with the treat- stroyers we have seen. This lawless- security and the rights of both Israelis ment providers to reduce fraud and ness, in too many instances, must not and Palestinians. abuse when it is your first visit. It be tolerated. Those who have exploited Under the leadership of President would also prohibit prescribing sched- the situation and the peaceful dem- Harry Truman, the United States ule II drugs like opioids that are more onstrations to foment this violence are championed the establishment of the prone to being abused through these undermining the cause of the peaceful State of Israel as a homeland for the telehealth visits. So we have provisions marchers and further dividing an al- Jewish people, and that remains a in there to avoid abuse, but it is impor- ready polarized country. steadfast American commitment. But tant to continue this telehealth when I yield the floor. the right to a secure homeland for the the other options aren’t there. I suggest the absence of a quorum. Jewish people does not include the Second, our bill would allow for The PRESIDING OFFICER. The right to unilaterally annex territories Medicare to bill for audio-only or tele- clerk will call the roll. on the West Bank and deny the Pales- phone telehealth visits if it is not the The legislative clerk proceeded to tinian people a viable state and home- patient’s first visit. In-person visits or call the roll. land of their own. telehealth visits with video compo- Mr. VAN HOLLEN. Mr. President, I So I will say it again: The United nents are important, and I think it is ask unanimous consent that the order States should support and continue to important to have that on the first for the quorum call be rescinded. support the legitimate security needs visit because they can allow for more The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without of Israel, but we also need to stand up robust checkups and evaluations. objection, it is so ordered. for a just two-state solution to the Due to distance or access to S. 4049 Israeli-Palestinian conflict and for the broadband, these types of appoint- Mr. VAN HOLLEN. Mr. President, I rule of law and international order ments aren’t always possible. We still come to the floor today to discuss what that the United States has championed need to focus on safety and robust I believe is an important and con- ever since the end of World War II. treatment options, but in order to bal- sequential matter at this moment: the Now, as I said before, the bill before ance the needs of patients, we have way ahead for U.S. relations with our us would codify and extend the memo- proposed to allow our Nation’s seniors friend and partner, Israel. randum of understanding between the to use phones for subsequent behav- The pending legislation before us in- United States and Israel on security ioral health visits when they do not cludes a plan to codify and extend a assistance signed on September 14, have access to the internet. multiyear commitment of American 2016. You can be sure that that memo- There is no question that the great- security assistance to Israel. Specifi- randum of understanding for security est priority facing our country at this cally, it would codify a memorandum assistance never contemplated Israel’s moment is this unprecedented of understanding reached during the annexing parts of the West Bank. coronavirus pandemic, but this new Obama administration to provide $38 In fact, the opposite is true. Part of U.N. report and the rising number of billion over 10 years in security assist- the American rationale for providing overdoses in Ohio and around the coun- ance to Israel. That is $3.8 billion a Israel with robust military assistance try show that there is even more at year. That is a significant promise. In has been to give Israel the confidence stake here than we realize. We know of fact, on an annual basis, that $3.8 bil- to seek a secure peace based on a two- the direct impacts of the coronavirus lion represents over half of current state solution. pandemic, but losing ground on addic- U.S. foreign military funds around the Here is what National Security Advi- tion and behavioral health is one of the world. sor Susan Rice said in the Treaty

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:59 Jul 03, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00039 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G02JY6.056 S02JYPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE S4208 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 2, 2020 Room at the White House at the time tion, and preserving that option means don this long-held American inter- of signing that MOU. strongly opposing the unilateral annex- national principle to create an excep- She first pointed out that it rep- ation of West Bank territory. tion for Israel, but they look very fool- resented ‘‘the single largest pledge of Now, the unilateral annexation by ish. military assistance to any country in Israel of all or any part of the West We all recognize that some of the ter- U.S. history.’’ She reinforced the mes- Bank will unleash a cascade of harmful ritory proposed to be annexed by Prime sage that the United States remains consequences. Minister Netanyahu’s plan would ulti- absolutely committed to Israel’s secu- One, if we become complicit in this mately be included within Israel’s offi- rity. action, it will harm our national secu- cial boundaries through a process of Then she said this: rity interests and credibility by under- negotiations. Land swaps have been a That’s also why we continue to press for a mining the fundamental principles of regular feature of the talks, but there resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian con- international law that we in the United is a world of difference between a nego- flict—two states for two peoples living side States have championed since the end tiated settlement and one imposed by by side in peace and security. As the Presi- of World War II. illegal, unilateral annexation. dent— Two, it will further isolate Israel in If we, the United States, aid and abet She was referring to President the international community, and this effort, we will lose all our credi- Obama— many countries—including in Europe— bility in condemning other instances of has said, the only way for Israel to endure are likely to respond with different unilateral annexation. I have with me and thrive as a Jewish and democratic state forms of sanctions. Some are already a wrath of angry statements from Sen- is through the realization of an independent moving in that direction. ators of both parties made here on the and viable Palestinian state. Three, it will harm both our position floor of the Senate—outraged by Rus- That is what she said at the signing and Israel’s interests in the Middle sia’s unilateral annexation of Crimea; of the same MOU that we would be East, by weakening allies like Jordan, outraged by Russia’s efforts to extend codifying in the bill before us. and threaten to unravel the warming its sovereignty over other parts of Lest anyone think that was simply relationships Israel has built with the Ukraine—and Secretary Pompeo stat- the position of a Democratic President Sunni Gulf States to counter Iran. ing that the United States ‘‘does not and a Democratic administration, it The bottom line is that unilateral and will not ever recognize Moscow’s was not. annexation will greatly strengthen the annexation of Crimea.’’ Susan Rice and Condoleezza Rice hand of our common enemies—Iran, I agree. He was right to say it. We, on have more in common than just their Hamas, and Hezbollah—and hurt the Senate floor, were right to say last names. Secretary of State friends like Jordan. those things. Those were violations of Condoleezza Rice attended the signing Four, it will harm Israel’s security international law. In fact, not only did ceremony for the previous memo- by completely undermining the credi- we condemn those actions; we rallied randum of understanding that took bility of the Palestinian Authority and other countries to impose sanctions on place on January 16, 2009, and, on that its capacity to effectively govern the Russia. occasion, she too highlighted the need Palestinian areas on the West Bank. But what will Secretary Pompeo say to achieve ‘‘a two-state solution build- Five, unilateral annexation will ulti- next time? What is Mr. Pompeo going ing upon previous agreements and obli- mately lead to one of two outcomes. to say if Turkey, which currently occu- gations.’’ She said: ‘‘ . . . two-state so- Either all the people in the annexed pies northern Cyprus, should decide lution, which is the only way, ulti- areas will be extended equal demo- one day that it will unilaterally annex mately, to secure a future for Israelis cratic rights and Israel will risk losing that territory? That would give Turkey and Palestinians alike over the . . . its Jewish identity, or Palestinians on more direct claims to the undersea gas long term.’’ the West Bank will be relegated to fields between Cyprus and Israel. So the Bush administration and the small, disconnected enclaves with no What about China’s claims to the is- Obama administration, at the signings viable future—what two former Israeli lands of the South China Sea, or other of the memorandums of understanding Prime Ministers have warned is ‘‘slip- disputed territories in many parts of for security assistance, both said the ping toward apartheid.’’ the world that are claimed by multiple only way forward was through a viable Six, if the current Netanyahu govern- parties? two-state solution that recognized the ment heads down the road of perma- The whole reason to abide by a rules- rights, dignity, and aspirations of both nently denying the Palestinian people based system is to say not only no to peoples. their right to self-determination and your adversaries; you must also say no Now, the unilateral annexation of denies them their basic human rights, to your friends. Otherwise, it is not a West Bank land that Prime Minister then Israel will increasingly alienate rules-based system at all; it is the glob- Netanyahu has proposed would blow itself from America. That is not in the al jungle. away, would destroy, any real pros- interest of either of our two countries. That is why President Eisenhower pects for a viable two-state solution. It So those are at least six of the harm- said no both to our British and Israeli would make a mockery of the state- ful results of unilateral annexation. I friends when they tried to seize the ments made by both National Security am going to elaborate on each of those Suez Canal in 1956. Advisor Susan Rice and Secretary of points. If we accept Prime Minister State Condoleezza Rice. It would make No. 1, any American acceptance of Netanyahu’s unilateral annexation, we a mockery of the tenets of a bipartisan unilateral annexation will undermine will not have any credibility the next U.S. foreign policy up until the Trump the very principle of international law time around when an adversary does administration. that we have fought to uphold in the so. Make no mistake, those most in international community since the end In fact, here is what President Eisen- favor of unilateral annexation are of World War II. The United States has hower had to say at that time: those most opposed to any viable two- been the architect of the rules-based There can be no peace without law. And state solution. international order, as reflected in the there can be no law if we were to invoke one Now, I am under no illusions that a U.N. Charter of 1945, as well as in the code of international conduct for those who viable two-state solution is a near- Declaration on Principles of Inter- oppose us and another for our friends. term prospect. It is not right around national Law, based on the U.N. Char- That is what President Eisenhower the corner. The Palestinian Authority ter, that were signed in 1970 and found said, and, of course, it makes sense. On has been weak, and, until recently, be- in many other universally agreed-to February 20, 1957, President Eisen- cause of the one-sided actions of the documents and commitments. hower broadcast an address to the Trump administration, has decided not It is well established that one coun- American people about the need for to negotiate. But even though the try cannot take territory gained from Israel to withdraw from territories it near-term chances of a negotiated two- another in war. Now, I know the Trump captured during the 1956 war. In that state solution remain remote, we must administration has done all sorts of case, he said we would not consider oc- preserve—we must preserve—that op- mental and verbal gymnastics to aban- cupation of another country as a

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:59 Jul 03, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00040 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G02JY6.062 S02JYPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE July 2, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S4209 ‘peaceful means’ or proper means to tion with Israel in recent years, issued sistance and first recognized Israel. If achieve justice and conformity with similar warnings. The Ambassador of Israel proceeds with unilateral annex- international law.’’ the United Arab Emirates to the ation, the legitimacy of the Pales- This is a well-established principle United States, Ambassador Al-Otaiba, tinian Authority will be diminished that the United States has championed headlined a recent article, ‘‘It’s either and Hamas will be the beneficiary. in the international arena. Annexation or Normalization.’’ Five, unilateral annexation and the No. 2, the unilateral annexation of He said: ‘‘Once it is clear that there abandonment of any viable two-state parts of the West Bank will further iso- is no longer a realistic chance of a via- solution will lead to one of two possible late Israel in Europe and across the ble, sovereign state of Palestine being outcomes, neither of them meeting the world. The EU’s foreign policy chief, created, it becomes more difficult for goals of the parties. Those two dif- Josep Borrell, said recently that an- Arab leaders to justify publicly their ferent paths have been described by nexation ‘‘would inevitably have sig- plans to further develop strategic co- Israeli leaders themselves. nificant consequences’’ for the EU’s re- operation with Israel.’’ Here is the way former Israeli Prime lationship with Israel, and already an I know it is fashionable in some Minister and Defense Minister Ehud array of European parliaments are pre- places these days to discount these Barak explained the situation in a paring responses, including sanctions. warnings from Arab leaders. After all, Haaretz interview in June 2017. He said: In a joint statement issued on June it is true, they have cried wolf before ‘‘If we keep controlling the whole area 24 by the current and incoming EU when it comes to following through on from the Mediterranean to the river members on the U.N. Security Coun- their warnings about certain Israeli ac- Jordan where some 13 million people cil—that is Germany, Belgium, , tions. We are told: Don’t worry. Don’t are living—8 million Israelis, 5 million Estonia, and Ireland—together with worry, they don’t really mean it; they Palestinians—if only one entity the UK and Norway, they together are just making these pronouncements reigned over this whole area, named said: ‘‘We also share the Secretary- to placate the Arab street. Israel it would become inevitably— General’s assessment that if any Israeli Maybe so, but there is a point where that’s the key word, inevitably—either annexation of the Occupied West the Arab street will rebel, when it will non-Jewish or non-democratic.’’ That Bank—however big or small—is imple- explode. And that may be the day when is from a former Israeli Prime Min- mented, it would constitute a clear vio- Israel signals that it will unilaterally ister. lation of international law.’’ annex territory in the West Bank and In the event of a scenario in which They went on to say ‘‘that following eliminate any prospects for a peaceful Palestinians living in an annexed West our obligations and responsibilities two-state solution. Bank are given full rights and allowed under international law, annexation What will be the result? The result to vote, Barak predicted Israel would would have consequences for our close will be to strengthen Iran, to strength- quickly become a ‘‘binational state relationship with Israel and would not en Hamas, to strengthen Hezbollah, with an Arab majority and civil war.’’ be recognized by us.’’ The second option, if you abandon a None of this should be surprising. Un- handing them a very potent weapon like the Trump administration, they against Israel and the United States. two-state solution, according to the are being consistent in how they react They will say they have been proved former Prime Minister, the second op- to violations of international law, ap- right, that Israel never intended to ne- tion is the current path, he said, ‘‘a plying the same standards to adver- gotiate a just settlement and that the slippery slope toward apartheid.’’ Because those two outcomes are un- saries and friends alike. United States has been complicit. Israel has often been unfairly singled Four, unilateral annexation will desirable, he pointed out that Israel out and unfairly treated and criticized jeopardize American-Israeli coopera- has a ‘‘compelling imperative’’ to pur- at the United Nations, and the United tion with the Palestinian Authority to sue a solution of two states for two States has, on many occasions, prop- provide security and stability in the peoples. erly exercised its veto to defend Israel West Bank. Unlike Hamas, the Pales- Another former Israeli Prime Min- against unfair treatment. But in this tinian Authority long ago recognized ister, Ehud Olmert, has also repeatedly case, if Israel moves forward with uni- Israel’s right to exist as part of a dia- warned that Israel is on a path to lateral annexation, strong opposition logue for peace and a just settlement. apartheid if the two-state solution col- at the U.N. would not be the result of As former IDF Major General Gilead lapses. He said, if that happens, Israel the world treating Israel differently or pointed out, the leader of the Pales- will ‘‘face a South African style strug- unfairly; it would be a self-inflicted tinian Authority, President Abbas, gle for equal voting rights, and as soon wound. Again, the Trump administra- ‘‘believes that terror does not serve the as that happens, the state of Israel is tion may shield Prime Minister best interests of the Palestinians.’’ finished.’’ Just recently in the New York Netanyahu’s government from U.N. ac- He went on to say: ‘‘We have a very Times, former Israeli Ambassador to tion, but don’t count on future admin- satisfactory security cooperation rela- the United States Sallai Meridor said: istrations to defend illegitimate ac- tionship with the PA.’’ He predicts: ‘‘The moment there is ‘‘If we take steps that make separation tions. Three, unilateral annexation will un- unilateral annexation, the PA will lose from the Palestinians impossible, we dermine our security interests in the its legitimacy. If they do, sooner or may destroy the very root of the entire Middle East and those of Israel. It will later they will not be able to show Zionist enterprise.’’ Six, I believe unilateral annexation put our friends in the region in great their faces in the Palestinian street. will have all the harmful impacts I jeopardy and weaken our coordination And who will pay the price? Our sol- have discussed on the Senate floor with Gulf States against Iran. diers.’’ King Abdullah of Jordan very re- A respected group known as the Com- today and many more that so many cently emphasized that annexation is manders for Israel’s Security—a group Israelis have warned about. I hope ‘‘unacceptable’’ and recently warned of over 220 retired Israeli generals and Prime Minister Netanyahu will pull the Senate of a ‘‘massive conflict’’ if equivalent ranked individuals—ex- back from the brink. But hope and unilateral annexation proceeds. pressed similar fears, saying that the prayer are not a policy. In normal Here is what the widely respected re- prospect of unilateral annexation, like times, an American President from ei- tired Israeli Defense Force Major Gen- the coronavirus, was an ‘‘ominous de- ther political party would have made eral Amos Gilahd said on June 8 when velopment’’ and spelling out the risk of clear that such action is unacceptable asked about annexation: the full collapse of the Palestinian Au- to the United States of America, but It is a disaster. Why do we need to do it? thority and its security agencies. these are not normal times. We actu- It is unnecessary. It is a threat to Israel. We Hamas has always argued that the ally have an American Ambassador to might endanger our security cooperation Palestinian Authority had been played Israel now who is promoting this uni- with Jordan that is so valuable that most the fool when it recognized Israel’s lateral annexation plan and who op- Israelis can’t even imagine. right to exist. They argued that Israel poses a two-state solution. Here is Arab leaders from the Gulf States, would never agree to a just settlement what now-Ambassador Friedman said who have been strengthening coopera- if Palestinians first gave up armed re- in November 2016:

VerDate Sep 11 2014 10:19 Jul 03, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00041 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G02JY6.063 S02JYPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE S4210 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 2, 2020 There has never been a ‘‘two state solu- dent Obama noted in one of his speech- ests, but we will also have our dif- tion’’ only a ‘‘two state narrative.’’ es, ‘‘The situation for the Palestinian ferences. This is a moment when, yes, He describes it as: people is intolerable.’’ And he drew we should provide the security assist- an illusion that serves the worst intentions parallels to the struggle of African ance, the military assistance. Yet, in of both the United States and the Pales- Americans for full and equal rights. doing so, we should also make clear tinian Arabs. It has never been a solution, Secretary of State John Kerry has that it should not be used in any way only a word narrative. But even the nar- said that if the choice is one state, to promote unilateral annexation. rative itself now needs to end. Israel can either be Jewish or demo- Our view in filing this amendment is That is from the current U.S. Ambas- cratic; it cannot be both. ‘‘You would that the only way to reconcile our sador in 2016. have millions of Palestinians perma- strong support for a safe and secure In 2016, our current ambassador also nently living in segregated enclaves in Israel and our commitment to estab- said that he is in favor of extending the middle of the West Bank, with no lishment of two states for two peoples permanent Israeli control and sov- real political rights, separate legal, living side by side is what we proposed. ereignty over the entire area from the education and transportation systems, I hope and pray that Prime Minister Jordan River to the Mediterranean vast income disparities, under a perma- Netanyahu will not move forward with Sea, clearly snuffing out any prospects nent military occupation that deprives his unilateral annexation plan. I hope for a two-state solution and the viable them of the most basic freedoms. Sepa- we can continue to say that the U.S.- way forward. rate and unequal is what you would Israel relationship is built not only on Ultimately, of course, the govern- have.’’ shared interests but also on shared val- ment of Israel will make its own deci- Nelson Mandela often talked about ues. sions, and then, we here in the United the need to ensure a secure State of I suggest the absence of a quorum. States will have to make ours. The Israel as a homeland for the Jewish The PRESIDING OFFICER. The United States must have a position people and the rights of the Palestinian clerk will call the roll. that reflects our values and our people. He said: ‘‘We know too well The senior assistant legislative clerk ideals—our ideals of democracy, of that our freedom is incomplete without proceeded to call the roll. human rights, of equal justice and rule the freedom of the Palestinians.’’ Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I of law and self-determination. There is a memorial statue to Nelson ask unanimous consent that the order God knows we are far from perfect Mandela in Ramallah. for the quorum call be rescinded. here, and we can see that clearly dur- What do we do? What do we do—those The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without ing this moment of national reckoning of us who are committed to a vibrant, objection, it is so ordered. around racial justice and equity. But secure, and democratic Israel that is a f we have set those principles as our home for the but are also con- goals, as our North Star, and until this cerned about the abandonment of the EXECUTIVE CALENDAR Trump administration came along, we vision of a two-state solution that also Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I have also made human rights and the respects the aspirations and rights of ask unanimous consent that the Sen- right of self-determination a key pillar the Palestinians? ate proceed to the consideration of Ex- of our bipartisan American foreign pol- As I said at the beginning of these re- ecutive Calendar No. 750, and all nomi- icy. marks, I have strongly supported secu- nations on the Secretary’s desk with It is those principles that have led us rity assistance for Israel, and I con- the exception of PNs 1785, 1923, 1975, to support a secure and democratic tinue to do so. I also pointed out that 1525, 1526, 1795 through 1798, 1805, 1924 Israel as the home for the Jewish peo- National Security Advisor Susan Rice through 1926, 1952, 1865, 1867 through ple and the establishment of a separate and Secretary of State Condoleezza 1874, 1876 through 1897, 1954 through viable state as the homeland for the Rice both indicated in their comments 1963; that the nominations be con- Palestinian people. at the signing ceremony of the MOUs firmed and the motions to reconsider The American people support a two- for security assistance that a viable be considered made and laid upon the state solution and significantly the two-state solution was the only—their table with no intervening action or de- American Jewish committee in the 2019 words—only way to permanent peace. bate, all en bloc; and that the Presi- survey of American Jewish opinion For all the reasons I have stated dent be immediately notified of the shows overwhelming support for a two- today, I do not believe that the U.S. Senate’s action. state solution among the American Government, the U.S. taxpayer should The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Jewish community and a large major- be aiding and abetting Prime Minister objection, it is so ordered. ity who say Israel should be willing to Netanyahu’s plan to unilaterally annex The nominations considered and con- dismantle all or some of the settle- the West Bank. The American Govern- firmed are as follows: ments as part of a peace agreement. ment and the American taxpayer must IN THE ARMY The next generation—this younger gen- not facilitate or finance such a process. The following named officer for appoint- eration—of Americans and of American That is why today a group of 12 Sen- ment in the United States Army to the grade Jews is even more focused on issues of ators has filed an amendment to the indicated while assigned to a position of im- human and political rights for all peo- bill to make that position clear—the portance and responsibility under title 10, ples, Israelis and Palestinians. position that we fully support the ro- U.S.C., section 601: There are many who have said that bust $38 billion security assistance to To be general the possibility of a two-state solution Israel but also make it clear that those Gen. Gustave F. Perna disappeared long ago, with the expan- funds should not be used to facilitate NOMINATIONS PLACED ON THE SECRETARY’S sion of settlements and outposts and and promote unilateral annexation. DESK the network of roads and checkpoints. There are many who say that this IN THE AIR FORCE They have called the prospects for a does not go far enough, and there are PN1950 AIR FORCE nomination of Kirk W. two-state solution a delusion, a mi- others who oppose annexation but say: Greene, which was received by the Senate rage; yet, even as the facts on the Pass the security assistance without and appeared in the Congressional Record of ground have made a two-state solution making any statement about annex- June 2, 2020. harder to realize, many of us continue ation or without taking any action. To PN1974 AIR FORCE nomination of Patter- to see that as the vision for the future, them, I am reminded of former Israeli son G. Aldueza, which was received by the Senate and appeared in the Congressional one that brings hope to both peoples. Defense Minister and Commander Record of June 8, 2020. Make no mistake the unilateral an- Moshe Dayan’s statement saying: ‘‘Our IN THE ARMY nexation of parts of the West Bank American friends offer us money, arms, would be the final nail in the coffin of PN1358 ARMY nomination of Michael F. and advice. We take the money, we Coerper, which was received by the Senate that idea. So what happens then? What take the arms, and we decline the ad- and appeared in Congressional Record of do we do? Once any remaining hope for vice.’’ January 6, 2020. that vision is extinguished, I think we We are friends, the United States and PN1804 ARMY nominations (146) beginning are in unchartered territory. As Presi- Israel. We have many common inter- ROHUL AMIN, and ending D015498, which

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:59 Jul 03, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00042 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G02JY6.065 S02JYPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE July 2, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S4211 nominations were received by the Senate and Pennsylvania, to be a Member of the ing Member REED and their staffs for appeared in the Congressional Record of May Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety their work to produce the fiscal year 4, 2020. Board for a term expiring October 18, 2021 defense authorization bill. PN1853 ARMY nomination of Christopher 2025. (Reappointment). The FY21 NDAA authorizes $740.5 bil- V. Emmons, which was received by the Sen- There being no objection, the Senate lion in defense spending, up $2 billion ate and appeared in the Congressional Record of May 11, 2020. proceeded to consider the nominations, from last year. The bill provides a 3- PN1927 ARMY nomination of Nathaniel A. en bloc. percent pay raise for our troops and in- Stone, which was received by the Senate and Mr. MCCONNELL. I ask unanimous cludes provisions that support spouse appeared in the Congressional Record of May consent that the Senate vote on the employment, childcare, and improved 21, 2020. nominations en bloc, with no inter- military housing. It ensures that the PN1928 ARMY nomination of Margaret C. vening action or debate; that, if con- United States can defend effectively Brainardbland, which was received by the firmed, the motions to reconsider be against threats from Russia, China, Senate and appeared in the Congressional considered made and laid upon the and North Korea and invests in key and Record of May 21, 2020. table en bloc; and that the President be innovative capabilities and tech- PN1929 ARMY nomination of Michael B. immediately notified of the Senate’s McGuire, which was received by the Senate nologies. It includes key provisions I and appeared in the Congressional Record of action. requested to boost efforts at Rock Is- May 21, 2020. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The land Arsenal, address military sexual PN1930 ARMY nomination of Ralph Pean, question is, Will the Senate advise and trauma, and protect the health of our which was received by the Senate and ap- consent to the Hamilton, Roberson, military communities from dangerous peared in the Congressional Record of May Summers, Connery, and Summers chemicals. 21, 2020. nominations? But this year, we take up the NDAA PN1931 ARMY nomination of Christopher The nominations were confirmed en during a global pandemic, record un- M. Hartley, which was received by the Sen- bloc. employment, and calls to address ra- ate and appeared in the Congressional f cial injustice. The bill touches on some Record of May 21, 2020. PN1951 ARMY nomination of Mauro EXECUTIVE CALENDAR of these issues. It authorizes $44 mil- Quevedo, Jr., which was received by the Sen- lion for vaccine and medical research Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I ate and appeared in the Congressional related to COVID–19 and expands bene- Record of June 2, 2020. ask unanimous consent that the Sen- fits for Active Duty and National PN1976 ARMY nomination of Joshua W. ate proceed to the en bloc consider- Guard personnel involved in COVID re- Krupa, which was received by the Senate and ation of the following nominations: Ex- sponse. appeared in the Congressional Record of ecutive Calendar Nos. 754, 755, and 756. I am pleased that it includes a provi- June 8, 2020. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without sion authored by Senator WARREN to PN1977 ARMY nomination of Peter C. objection, it is so ordered. require DOD to remove names, sym- Renals, which was received by the Senate The clerk will report the nomina- bols, and other displays honoring the and appeared in the Congressional Record of tions en bloc. Confederacy. If we want to move to- June 8, 2020. The senior assistant legislative clerk ward a more just society, we cannot IN THE NAVY read the nominations of Owen McCurdy continue to honor Confederate leaders Cypher, of Michigan, to be United PN1964 NAVY nomination of Robert C. who committed treasonous atrocities Birch, which was received by the Senate and States Marshal for the Eastern District appeared in the Congressional Record of in order to preserve slavery. of Michigan for the term of four years; I also authored two amendments that June 2, 2020. Thomas L. Foster, of Virginia, to be N1965 NAVY nomination of Tori J. Moffitt, were included by consent, the first an United States Marshal for the Western amendment supporting strong security which was received by the Senate and ap- District of Virginia for the term of four peared in the Congressional Record of June assistance for the Baltics that I filed years; and Tyreece L. Miller, of Ten- 2, 2020. with Senator GRASSLEY. The Baltic PN1966 NAVY nomination of Mattheau B. nessee, to be United States Marshal for States remain key allies and among Willsey, which was received by the Senate the Western District of Tennessee for the few NATO countries that fulfill the and appeared in the Congressional Record of the term of four years. target spending of 2 percent of GDP on Thereupon, the Senate proceeded to June 2, 2020. defense, and this provision encourages consider the nominations en bloc. f support for more robust and enduring Mr. MCCONNELL. I ask unanimous EXECUTIVE CALENDAR consent the Senate vote on the nomi- security assistance. My other amend- ment is one I sponsored with Senator Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I nations en bloc with no intervening ac- PORTMAN, welcoming NATO recogni- ask unanimous consent that the Sen- tion or debate; that if confirmed, the tion of Ukraine as an Enhanced Oppor- ate proceed to the en bloc consider- motions to reconsider be considered tunities Partner. EOP status will help ation of the following nominations: Ex- made and laid upon the table en bloc; only further deepen cooperation with ecutive Calendar Nos. 504, 505, 506, 719, that the President be immediately no- NATO, which is especially critical as and 720. tified of the Senate’s action. 2020 marks the 6th year of ongoing Rus- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without sian occupation of eastern Ukraine. objection, it is so ordered. objection, it is so ordered. The question is, Will the Senate ad- But the FY21 NDAA still does not go The clerk will report the nomina- far enough. tions en bloc. vise and consent to the Cypher, Foster, and Miller nominations en bloc? I field two amendments that go to The senior assistant legislative clerk the heart of our duties as Senators, the read the nominations of Joseph Bruce The nominations were confirmed en bloc. power to declare war and the power of Hamilton, of Texas, to be a Member of the purse. Congress must stop abdi- the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety f cating its constitutional responsibil- Board for a term expiring October 18, MORNING BUSINESS ities. 2022; Jessie Hill Roberson, of Virginia, Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I Article I of the Constitution gives to be a Member of the Defense Nuclear ask unanimous consent that the Sen- Congress the sole authority to declare Facilities Safety Board for a term ex- ate be in a period of morning business, war. I voted for the war in Afghanistan, piring October 18, 2023 (Reappoint- with Senators permitted to speak but I never imagined that we would ment); Thomas A. Summers, of Penn- therein for up to 10 minutes each. still be there nearly two decades later sylvania, to be a Member of the De- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without or that the same authorization would fense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board objection, it is so ordered. be used to justify actions around the for a term expiring October 18, 2020; f world that this body had not con- Joyce Louise Connery, of Virginia, to templated at the time. My amendment be a Member of the Defense Nuclear NATIONAL DEFENSE would sunset all authorizations for the Facilities Safety Board for a term ex- AUTHORIZATION ACT use of force after 10 years so that Con- piring October 18, 2024. (Reappoint- Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, I am gress can take up the issue and engage ment); and Thomas A. Summers, of grateful to Chairman INHOFE and Rank- in its constitutional duties.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 10:19 Jul 03, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00043 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A02JY6.073 S02JYPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE S4212 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 2, 2020 I also cosponsored an amendment led FOURTH OF JULY ator PAUL’s amendment to the Na- by Senator UDALL making clear that Mr. CARDIN. Mr. President, July 4 is tional Defense Authorization Act not Congress has not given the executive a day to recognize our Nation’s Dec- because I support his amendment as branch any authority to go to war laration of Independence 244 years ago. written, but because I believe this Sen- against Iran. On this day, we collectively pause to ate has a responsibility to fully debate We also cannot continue to let this honor the values that make this Na- the question of our policy, strategy and President raid national defense funds tion great. plans for Afghanistan. Tabling an for his ridiculous and racist border wall July 4 is also a day of shared reflec- amendment cuts off all debate on this effort—remember, the one that the tion to see how well we have made important matter. We should not be President promised Mexico would pay more tangible the ideals of our found- ducking these decisions. We should for. Every dollar diverted has been at ers ‘‘to create a more perfect union.’’ confront our policy directly, take the expense of our men and women in As we look across the landscape of our stock of where we are, and set a re- uniform, especially hurting our Na- country today, these words ring with sponsible course for the future. tional Guard. This bill does nothing to even greater resonance. Our Nation and I strongly support ending the war in address that. Even when the Ninth Cir- our people face a call to action to con- Afghanistan and the responsible with- cuit court ruled last Friday that the tinue the fight against racial injustice, drawal of our men and women in uni- money grab was illegal, the Depart- an injustice that has limited the free- form. However, I believe that man- ment of Defense informed us on Mon- dom of too many for too long. dating the total unconditional with- day that it would not stop construction The collective ideals to which Thom- drawal on a 1-year timeline will result of the President’s campaign promise. as Jefferson gave voice in the Declara- in the further destabilization of an al- That is why I filed an amendment that tion’s promise of ‘‘Life, Liberty, and ready volatile region. Unconditional would keep the President from trans- the Pursuit of Happiness’’ still echo withdrawal divorced from a diplomatic ferring defense funds outside of DOD through the American experience— process to achieve political reconcili- for the wall. We need a robust debate from Alexander Hamilton’s immigrant ation between the warring parties will on the proper, effective way to respond dream, birthed before our Nation, to make it harder to achieve a peaceful to the humanitarian crisis at our bor- the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s outcome that serves our national secu- der, one approved by Congress. July 4, 1965, sermon at Atlanta’s Ebe- rity interests. In addition, I filed an amendment nezer Baptist Church. As Dr. King said, Despite my disagreement with much that would disapprove of Russia par- ‘‘If we are going to make the America of the substance of the Paul amend- ticipating in the G7 or being re- Dream a reality, we are challenged to ment, the Senate should deliberate on admitted into a reconstituted G8. Not work in an action program to get rid of these matters, not run away from the only does Russia maintain its occupa- the last vestiges of segregation and dis- discussion. The decision to table the tion of Ukraine, but it has continued crimination.’’ Paul amendment prevented the Senate its interference in the U.S. and other America has been and will be a leader from performing this essential func- democratic nations. And just last in the world. The American people his- tion. week, The New York Times reported torically have cherished and spear- f that Russian intelligence secretly of- headed this role. Leadership at any fered bounties to Taliban-linked mili- 75TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE level comes with responsibility, and, in WHITE SANDS MISSILE RANGE tants to kill American troops in Af- this case, it means we must look to put ghanistan. Apparently, the White our own house in order, where we must Mr. HEINRICH. Mr. President, as a House has known about this for months address domestic injustices. member of the Senate Armed Services and did nothing. It is unacceptable. My We must continue our tireless work Committee and as the Senator from amendment makes it clear that the to create a more perfect union. The the great State of New Mexico, it is my U.S. should not support Russia’s par- struggle will not stop until all men, honor to recognize all of the patriotic ticipation in this international sum- women, and children can live the Americans who have contributed to 75 mit. American Dream as Dr. King envi- years of accomplishments and history The FY21 NDAA also doesn’t go far sioned. To do this, we must continue to at White Sands Missile Range, WSMR. enough to address the toxic class of assess the true meaning of liberty and In the final months of America’s en- chemicals known as PFAS, which have freedom. As we begin to acknowledge gagement in World War II and as the been linked to serious and devastating fundamental elements of our Nation’s Manhattan Project’s unprecedented illness. history, we must recommit to ensuring scientific mission achieved its secret That is why I am pleased to cospon- freedom for all. goal of harnessing nuclear power, the sor Senator SHAHEEN’s amendments to Our country’s strength lies in the di- U.S. Army established the White Sands designate PFAS as hazardous sub- versity and equality of our people. Proving Ground on July 9, 1945, in New stances and boost DOD cleanup efforts, Through this diversity and through Mexico’s Tularosa Basin. Seven days provide blood testing for this equality, today we may celebrate later, the detonation of the first atom- servicemembers and their families, and the unity described in the very declara- ic bomb at the Trinity Site ushered in increase funds to study the impact of tion of our Nation’s freedom and inde- the nuclear era and began what would PFAS on health. In addition, I support pendence. become three-quarters of a century of Senator GILLIBRAND’s amendment that On this historic day, we must also major scientific breakthroughs, crit- would extend antidiscrimination pro- celebrate our country’s capacity to ical weapons testing and evaluation, tections to our transgender change. We have overcome monu- and military technology advances. servicemembers who bravely make sac- mental challenges before. The majority We must acknowledge the sacrifices rifices for our country. I also am a co- of our Founders did not comprehend New Mexicans have made over the sponsor of Senator SCHATZ amendment that Black Lives Matter. Today, we years that contributed to both the es- to limit the transfer of equipment work to ensure actions that back up tablishment and the enduring missions under to the DOD 1033 program to mili- those important words. at WSMR. That includes the families tarize police forces across the country Still, as we reflect on the Nation’s whose historic homes and ranches were and provide transparency to the pro- founding, we recall our past, honor taken to create WSMR’s land base. It gram. that which is great, and effect the call includes local residents in the Tularosa I hope that we may be able to debate we perpetually hear to make our Na- Basin who were downwind from the all of these important issues during tion a more perfect union. Trinity test and whose lives continue consideration of this bill, all of which f to be impacted. It includes the local will only help improve this legislation communities in southern New Mexico and provide for our national defense. In NATIONAL DEFENSE who play a vital role in supporting the meantime, I reiterate my thanks to AUTHORIZATION ACT WSMR’s success today. Chairman INHOFE and Ranking Member Mr. VAN HOLLEN. Mr. President, I WSMR is a landmark of techno- REED for their work on this bill. voted against the motion to table Sen- logical advances for all branches of the

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:59 Jul 03, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00044 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A02JY6.072 S02JYPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE July 2, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S4213 military. Following World War II, President Kennedy said: ‘‘What you do It was comforting knowing someone White Sands was where German sci- here far and away from Washington, with his exceptional experience was at entist Werner Von Braun conceived, de- far away from our great capitals, far the helm, guiding the State on an issue veloped, and tested the long-range V–2 away from so many countries which de- that is so important to Nevadans and rockets, initiating America’s space pend upon us, what you do here, what trying to right the wrongs of the Fed- program. Since then, White Sands has progress you make, what dedication eral Government’s reckless mis- continued to support essential defense you demonstrate makes a significant management of nuclear waste. and space exploration programs for the difference to the security of our coun- Just last year, when the State Department of Defense and the Na- try and those who depend upon us.’’ learned of secret weapons-grade pluto- tional Aeronautics and Space Adminis- I could not agree more. I wish every- nium and mischaracterized waste ship- tration, alongside other important sci- one at WSMR a happy 75th anniversary ments having been received at the Ne- entific research. and will continue to support WSMR’s vada National Security Site, Bob once Today’s WSMR, which spans 3,200 critical work in defense of our great again proved how instrumental he is to square miles of the Tularosa Basin, is Nation. the State of Nevada. His institutional the Department of Defense’s largest, f knowledge of Nevada’s nuclear history fully-instrumented test range. It pro- ADDITIONAL STATEMENTS and depth of experience provided the vides our Armed Forces, our allies, and State with an unmatched resource as it defense technology partners with rose to challenge the shipments. unrivaled terrain for research, testing, TRIBUTE TO ROBERT J. HALSTEAD Bob has been a vital contributor and evaluation, experimentation, and ∑ Ms. CORTEZ MASTO. Mr. President, colleague; and as he embarks on his training that ensures our defense readi- I rise today to recognize the career of well-deserved retirement, I want to ness. WSMR executes an average of Robert J. Halstead, or as most of us share my deepest appreciation and 5,000 tests each year. These tests, in know him, Bob. To some, this name gratitude for his decades-long commit- emerging technologies such as swarm- might sound familiar. He has appeared ment to helping Nevadans as they have ing autonomous and unmanned sys- before Congress on a number of occa- worked to bring fairness, reason, and tems, joint integrated air and missile sions on behalf of the State of Nevada science back to the repository site des- defense, nuclear weapons effects, and to provide expert witness testimony on ignation process. space based capabilities, will keep nuclear waste storage and transpor- It is my understanding that Bob will WSMR at the forefront of our national tation. His name graces the archives at be returning to his home in Wisconsin, defense for years to come. the Nuclear Regulatory Commission where he will live with his wife, Mar- As part of the Army Test and Evalua- and the Department of Energy, and he garet. Bob is looking forward to having tion Command, WSMR is the Army has been a fierce and dedicated partner more time with his two grown children Center of Excellence for Air and Mis- in the fight against the Yucca Moun- and finally having time for one of his sile Defense Test Bed and Precision tain project. favorite past times: fishing. Fires Rockets and Missiles. White In 1988, the year after the ‘‘screw Ne- As he casts a line in one of the many Sands supports key capabilities in the vada bill’’ recklessly designated Yucca beautiful lakes Wisconsin has to offer, National Defense Strategy and mod- Mountain as the Nation’s sole high- I hope he knows how much the State of ernization priorities, including di- level nuclear waste repository site, Bob Nevada and I appreciate the sacrifices rected energy systems such as laser brought his knowledge of Federal ra- he has made to protect the safety of and high-powered microwave systems, dioactive waste programs and activi- Nevadans and the time he has dedi- kinetics, electromagnetic pulse, ties to help arm Nevada in its fight cated to one of our State’s greatest hypersonic and long-range precision against the broken and misguided proc- fights.∑ fires, U.S. Space Program test support, esses that led to the Yucca Mountain f nuclear weapons effects, and autono- designation. At the time, he may not TRIBUTE TO JESSICA COCHRAN mous systems. have known how long of a fight he was While it is a U.S. Army installation signing up for, but Bob never looked ∑ Mr. DAINES. Mr. President, this stewarded by the Army, WSMR is char- back. week I have the honor of recognizing tered as a tri-service installation, He threw himself into helping Ne- Jessica Cochran of Blaine County for home to elements of the U.S. Army, vada, learning every aspect of the com- her entrepreneurship and creativity U.S. Navy, and U.S. Air Force. Other plicated and far-fetched license appli- during these challenging times. organizations conducting operations at cation, analyzing the geography of the The COVID–19 outbreak has impacted WSMR include NASA, National Recon- site, and leaving no stone unturned so many Montana small business own- naissance Office, Defense Threat Re- when reviewing proposed transpor- ers and local communities. During duction Agency, the Research and tation routes that would ship one of these challenging times, it is tougher Analysis Center, Center for Counter- the most dangerous materials known than ever for new entrepreneurs to measures, and Combat Capabilities De- to man across the country to Nevada. open up shop. velopment Command (Data and Anal- For more than 30 years, he helped Jessica, a sixth grade teacher at Har- ysis Center and Army Research Lab- guide the State on nuclear transpor- lem Elementary School, however took oratory). tation matters, poured over environ- the initiative to start up her own ice WSMR also hosts the Bataan Memo- mental impact statements, submitted cream truck business this summer to rial Death March each year, a large contentions to the Yucca Mountain ap- spread some cheer to her community and growing event that recognizes the plication, and represented the State in during these hard times. heroism and sacrifice of the New Mexi- technical proceedings that involved the Jessica started Bliss Ice Cream, after cans and others who endured and in proposed repository. These are just a acquiring and renovating a 1985 Chevy many cases lost their lives to the hor- few of the things we have to thank him Astro van. Jessica also secured all the rors of World War II’s Bataan Death for. necessary permits and licenses as an March. I have had the distinct honor of Since 2011, Bob served as the execu- independent contractor and food ven- joining this incredible event on a few tive director of the Nevada Agency for dor for the summer. Owning an ice occasions and the valuable Nuclear Projects, always making him- cream truck has been a dream of hers lessons it imparts on everyone who self available to assist the Governor. since a child. She has taken the initia- participates. Before coming to the Senate, I had the tive to purchase all the necessary sup- I want to extend my sincere apprecia- pleasure of working alongside Bob dur- plies and decorations for the children tion and congratulations to everyone ing my time as the Nevada Attorney of Harlem and the Fort Belknap area. who works hard every single day at General. No matter the day or hour, It is my honor to recognize Jessica WSMR to keep all of us safe. President Bob always made time to review mate- for taking the bold initiative to pursue John F. Kennedy stated it best, when rials and provide well-informed, robust her dream and bring some much needed he stood before your predecessors at responses not just to me, but to my joy to the children of her community. WSMR during a visit on June 5, 1963. staff. As a teacher and a new entrepreneur,

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:59 Jul 03, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00045 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G02JY6.043 S02JYPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE S4214 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 2, 2020 Jessica is a great role model for all of VERMONT STATE OF THE UNION climate activist Greta Thunberg. This young her students and the folks of Blaine ESSAY CONTEST FINALISTS Swedish environmentalist has gained inter- County.∑ national attention for her concerns about ∑ Mr. SANDERS. Mr. President, I ask climate change. to have printed in the RECORD some of I am a girl from Africa who came to the f the finalist essays written by Vermont U.S. as a refugee and I don’t want to become High School students as part of the a ‘‘climate refugee,’’ like people in California TRIBUTE TO RAY PETERSEN 10th annual ‘‘State of the Union’’ essay who have lost homes due to fire. Climate contest conducted by my office. change first created droughts in California, ∑ which lasted over a decade according to Cli- Mr. ROMNEY. Mr. President, I rise The material follows: to congratulate Mr. Ray Petersen on a mate Central. There is an 80 percent chance ETHAN MELLO, WOODSTOCK UNION HIGH remarkable career of indispensable of a multi-decade-long drought by 2100. SCHOOL, JUNIOR Human activities, such as burning fossil service to the great State of Utah. By I believe that the most pressing issue fac- fuels, cause climate change. Exhaust gases virtue of Ray’s enduring commitment ing our country today is the issue of afford- from cars, uncontrolled factory releases, to overseeing proper land management able healthcare. This issue is unique to the burning of low-quality coal for heating, even practices, Emery County flourishes United States among developed nations, but airplanes and ships create air pollution. We with beauty and opportunity. The resi- for years we have refused to take action. Not should reduce the use of oil and gas, and use dents of Emery County and the count- only could switching to a universal alternative energy sources such as wind and less visitors who enjoy the region have healthcare system lower costs, but could solar power. Ray to thank for his 18 years as Emery also ensure that, like the rest of the coun- The government should start investing tries in the modernized world, the US insures more in public transportation, which can re- County’s Public Lands Administrator all of its citizens as a human right. duce greenhouse gas emissions because fewer and his lifetime of public service to A universal healthcare system is a system people will have to drive and we can reduce rural Utah. where all of the inhabitants of a country are air pollution. According to Energy News Net- Ray has dedicated his career to ad- guaranteed healthcare at no cost. The gov- work, ‘‘Public transit produces significantly dressing critical rural issues. As a ernment pays for all medical bills, and the less air pollution per passenger mile than a system makes sure that even the poor can be standard car carrying a single driver. Buses fourth-generation resident of Emery helped when they get sick. Government pay- emit 20% less carbon monoxide, 10% as much County, Ray understands well the chal- ing for healthcare means higher taxes, but hydrocarbons, and 75% as much nitrogen ox- lenges facing rural communities and no deductible costs. This system is a staple ides per passenger mile than an automobile the profound impact that Federal, in most European countries, as well as in with a single occupant.’’ Smarter public State, and local policy decisions have Canada. The US is one of the only major transportation will increase ridership, cut on the livelihoods of so many. In his countries to not yet adopt this system. In the number of cars on the road, reduce traf- role as Emery County Public Lands Ad- fact, out of the 33 developed countries recog- fic, and lower greenhouse gas emissions. We ministrator, Ray was consequential in nized by The Balance financial website, 32 could also recycle more plastics and stop have universal healthcare. The UN has ac- cutting down forests. Unless we change our assisting policymakers, from the coun- cepted universal healthcare as the best behaviors, global warming will continue and ty commission to the Federal Govern- choice for countries, and has a goal of world- we will continue to experience weather ex- ment, reconcile differences and find so- wide universal healthcare coverage by 2030. tremes, forest fires, and massive pollution. lutions for the county’s land manage- If the US keeps its current healthcare sys- When 195 nations met in 2015, they agreed ment, whose expansive plans fall heav- tem, they are unlikely to meet this goal. to reduce greenhouse gas emissions as part ily under State and Federal domain. In our country the healthcare system is of the landmark Paris Agreement. The structured so that private companies provide United States later backed out of that agree- Sustained opportunity and access to insurance. However, his insurance often ment but states and cities are still inter- Emery County’s lands are paramount doesn’t encompass drug prices or certain ested. I call on Congress to pass and support for its economic vitality, particularly other costs, and is not affordable by the legislation to help our environment by hon- to its agriculture, recreation and tour- poor. The US has a Medicaid system for some oring the Paris Agreement! ism industries, and its local mining, low income citizens, but this program does I have a personal interest because climate gas, and oil development. Ray has not apply to everyone who is unable to con- change affects my life as well as our planet. If we don’t change our behavior, we will suf- helped these key local industries navi- sistently pay for healthcare this has led to over 30 million Americans choosing not to fer and some of us will die. Already, animals gate the challenges and opportunities purchase healthcare, a dangerous choice if are going extinct at an alarming rate, reduc- of land management issues, to find they get sick or need emergency operations. ing the balance in our world and the quality compromise and success. Our system also allows insurance companies of our life. A fitting final accomplishment to his to jack up prices to make profit, and allows Scientists say that if we don’t stop pollu- tion and greenhouse gases, Earth will be here career, Ray was instrumental in help- prescription drug companies to charge out- rageous amounts for cheap pills. The US had for only a few hundred years. But if we can ing Utah’s congressional delegation se- the highest insurance costs relative to GDP reduce greenhouse gases, Earth can remain cure a victory for Emery County and in the world. This cost has not made our life okay for a million more years. Think about the State’s public lands as the Emery expectancy better either, as in that respect what will happen to us, your children and County Public Lands Management Act we are still worse off than we should be as grandchildren. I want to be here for as many was signed into law. This legislation the most powerful country in the world. years as I can, enjoying this world I live in. marked the culmination of years of Universal healthcare has proven very effec- PATRICK MESKILL, ESSEX HIGH SCHOOL, collaboration and cooperation with tive when it has been used in other coun- JUNIOR local partners and officials, ensuring tries. Universal healthcare lowers healthcare VACCINES CAUSE ADULTS costs, and eliminates administrative costs The law dictates a child as property until ongoing uses will be enjoyed in Emery due to the fact that it is completely run by the age of 18. While this is usually for the County without fear of a potential na- one entity, the government. In the United good of the child, what does it mean for the tional monument designation from DC States this lower cost of healthcare could fate of children with misinformed parents? and consolidation of Utah trust lands not only boost the economy, but also allow Anti-vax is a deadly philosophy of being for more social mobility for the lower class, that will generate millions in revenue against vaccinations, a philosophy that gets and less earnings for the billionaire drug for our school kids. It also included children killed. While yes, children are pro- company executives. long-sought local land transfers to tected from abuse and neglect under Child Changing the healthcare system of the meet city government needs while ex- Protective Services, there is no law to pro- United States to universal healthcare will tect them from their own parent’s ideas. panding Goblin Valley State Park, a not be an easy task, but it is one that is nec- Parent’s can avoid federally required vac- truly unique place that will now be essary for the good of our country as well as cines under religious or superstitious reasons better managed for future generations. the people in it. In the next election, we need in 45 of the 50 states (NCSL). However, when to ensure we elect politicians who not only Ray Petersen has championed rural the safety of the public is at stake, the anti- support universal healthcare, but are willing lands issues of extraordinary signifi- vax culture becomes a truly worldwide epi- to fight for it. cance to Utah throughout his esteemed demic. career. Our great State owes him a SALAMA MBILIZI, WINOOSKI HIGH SCHOOL, The confusion comes from a defrocked SENIOR debt of gratitude for three decades of former doctor, Andrew Wakefield, who first selfless public service. ‘‘Why should we study for a future that is proposed the vaccine/autism connection being taken away from us? We demand a safe (Ruth). The Food and Drug Administration Thank you, Ray. future is that really too much to ask?’’ asks (FDA) did an inquiry in 2001 to address the

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:59 Jul 03, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00046 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G02JY6.044 S02JYPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE July 2, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S4215 accusations, and found no connection to au- Member on the part of the House of Treasury, transmitting, pursuant to law, the tism in vaccines. Another complaint isolated Representatives to the Public Interest report of a rule entitled ‘‘Guidance on Waiv- the mercury in vaccines. Vaccines contain Declassification Board for a term of 3 er of 2020 Required Minimum Distributions’’ small amounts of mercury to form thimer- years: John Tierney of Salem, Massa- (Notice 2020–51) received in the Office of the osal, a preservative. These small amounts President of the Senate on July 1, 2020; to aren’t any more than the amount in 3 ounces chusetts. the Committee on Finance. of tuna fish. Nonetheless, the FDA at- ENROLLED BILLS SIGNED EC–4964. A communication from the Chief tempted lowering the amount of mercury in At 5:08 p.m., a message from the of the Publications and Regulations Branch, vaccines, but still saw no relief in rising au- House of Representatives, delivered by Internal , Department of the tism numbers. In 2004, 10 out of the 13 au- Treasury, transmitting, pursuant to law, the Mrs. Cole, one of its reading clerks, an- report of a rule entitled ‘‘Guidance for thors on Wakefield’s paper retracted their nounced that the Speaker has signed hypothesis (Mayor). Then in 2010, the med- Coronavirus-Related Distributions and ical journal ‘‘The Lancet’’ retracted Wake- the following enrolled bills: Loans from Retirement Plans Under the field’s paper, calling several elements incor- S. 4116. An act to extend the authority for CARES Act’’ (Notice 2020–50) received in the rect. America can now agree vaccines should commitments for the paycheck protection Office of the President of the Senate on July be made mandatory (Dyer). program and separate amounts authorized 1, 2020; to the Committee on Finance. Medical marvels have continued to raise for other loans under section 7(a) of the EC–4965. A communication from the Chief humanity to higher levels of immunity, Small Business Act, and for other purposes. of the Publications and Regulations Branch, causing fatal diseases to go nearly extinct. H.R. 7440. An act to impose sanctions with Internal Revenue Service, Department of the These include measles, mumps, rubella, respect to foreign persons involved in the Treasury, transmitting, pursuant to law, the polio, chickenpox, and smallpox. However, erosion of certain obligations of China with report of a rule entitled ‘‘Treasury Decision they still remain only ‘‘nearly extinct.’’ respect to Hong Kong, and for other pur- (TD): Qualified Business Income Deduction’’ ((RIN1545–BP12) (TD 9899)) received in the Of- Modern day preventable diseases have yet to poses. fice of the President of the Senate on July 1, fade from America due to anti-vax. One The enrolled bills were subsequently 2020; to the Committee on Finance. study performed in 1982, watched 25 vac- signed by the Acting President pro EC–4966. A communication from the Regu- cinated and 25 unvaccinated children for the tempore (Mr. MCCONNELL). lations Coordinator, Centers for Medicare first 5 years of their lives. The result? One f and Medicaid Services, Department of vaccinated child had mild measles but didn’t Health and Human Services, transmitting, die, while the unvaccinated children saw 14 MEASURES READ THE FIRST TIME pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled deaths by measles and one of tetanus The following bill was read the first ‘‘Medicare and Medicaid Programs; Patient (Epoke). The Center for Disease Control and Protection and Affordable Care Act; Inter- Prevention reports that 2018 has had more time: operability and Patient Access for Medicare measles outbreaks than any year this dec- H.R. 7120. An act to hold law enforcement Advantage Organization and Medicaid Man- ade, and they typically start in unvaccinated accountable for misconduct in court, im- aged Care Plans, State Medicaid Agencies, groups (CDC). prove transparency through data collection, CHIP Agencies and CHIP Managed Care Enti- Vaccines should be mandatory. Schools and reform police training and policies. ties, Issuers of Qualified Health Plans on the have begun to act on this already by requir- f Federally-facilitated Exchanges and Health ing their students to be vaccinated to at- Care Providers’’ (RIN0938–AT79) received in tend. In Australia, parents will be charged EXECUTIVE AND OTHER the Office of the President of the Senate on every 2 weeks A$28 (roughly 20 USD) for hav- COMMUNICATIONS June 15, 2020; to the Committee on Finance. ing unvaccinated children, per child (Pasha- The following communications were EC–4967. A communication from the Acting Robinson). These laws are something that Director, Office of Personnel Management, should be present in the United States. The laid before the Senate, together with transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of flu shot is already absolutely free with most accompanying papers, reports, and doc- a rule entitled ‘‘High-3 Calculation for Cer- health insurances, showing how rec- uments, and were referred as indicated: tain Privatized Senate Restaurants and ommended it is. This science has been EC–4959. A communication from the Direc- House Food Services Employees and Annu- around for a long time, and only recently, tor, Bureau of Consumer Financial Protec- itants Covered Under the Civil Service Re- thanks to the internet’s easily accessible tion, transmitting, pursuant to law, the re- tirement System and Federal Employees’ misinformation, has it been verbally con- port of a rule entitled ‘‘Treatment of Certain Retirement System’’ (RIN3206–AN90) re- tested. We must make vaccines mandatory COVID–19 Related Loss Mitigation Options ceived in the Office of the President of the to protect our country from preventable dis- Under the Real Estate Settlement Proce- Senate on July 1, 2020; to the Committee on eases. Yours or someone else’s life may de- dures Act (RESPA), Regulation X’’ (12 CFR Homeland Security and Governmental Af- pend on it.∑ Part 1024) received in the Office of the Presi- fairs. EC–4968. A communication from the Acting f dent of the Senate on July 1, 2020; to the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Director, Office of Personnel Management, MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT Affairs. transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of EC–4960. A communication from the Gen- a rule entitled ‘‘Prevailing Rate Systems: Messages from the President of the Redefinition of the Little Rock, Arkansas, United States were communicated to eral Counsel of the Federal Housing Finance Agency, transmitting, pursuant to law, the and Tulsa, Oklahoma, Appropriated Fund the Senate by Ms. Roberts, one of his report of a rule entitled ‘‘Margin and Capital Federal Wage System Wage Areas’’ (RIN3206– AN95) received in the Office of the President secretaries. Requirements for Covered Swap Entities - of the Senate on July 1, 2020; to the Com- Interim Final Rule’’ (RIN2590–AB03) received f mittee on Homeland Security and Govern- in the Office of the President of the Senate EXECUTIVE MESSAGES REFERRED mental Affairs. on July 1, 2020; to the Committee on Bank- EC–4969. A communication from the Acting As in executive session the presiding ing, Housing, and Urban Affairs. Director, Office of Personnel Management, EC–4961. A communication from the Gen- officer laid before the Senate messages transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of eral Counsel of the Federal Housing Finance a rule entitled ‘‘Prevailing Rate Systems: from the President of the United Agency, transmitting, pursuant to law, the States submitting sundry nominations Definition of Pitt County, NC, to a Non- report of a rule entitled ‘‘Margin and Capital appropriated Fund Federal Wage System and a withdrawal which were referred Requirements for Covered Swap Entities - Area’’ (RIN3206–AN94) received in the Office to the appropriate committees . Final Rule’’ (RIN2590–AB03) received in the of the President of the Senate on July 1, 2020; (The messages received today are Office of the President of the Senate on July to the Committee on Homeland Security and printed at the end of the Senate pro- 1, 2020; to the Committee on Banking, Hous- Governmental Affairs. ceedings.) ing, and Urban Affairs. EC–4970. A communication from the Acting EC–4962. A communication from the Direc- Assistant General Counsel, Regulatory Af- f tor, Bureau of Consumer Financial Protec- fairs, Consumer Product Safety Commission, tion, transmitting, pursuant to law, the re- MESSAGES FROM THE HOUSE transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of port of a rule entitled ‘‘Truth in Lending a rule entitled ‘‘Children’s Toys, and Child At 10:13 a.m., a message from the (Regulation Z); Determining ’Underserved’ Care Articles: Determinations Regarding House of Representatives, delivered by Areas Using Home Mortgage Disclosure Act ASTM F963 Elements and Phthalates for Un- Mrs. Cole, one of its reading clerks, an- Data’’ (12 CFR Part 1024) received in the Of- finished Manufacturing Fibers’’ (16 CFR Part nounced that pursuant to section 703(c) fice of the President of the Senate on July 1, 1253) received in the Office of the President 2020; to the Committee on Banking, Housing, of the Public Interest Declassification of the Senate on July 1, 2020; to the Com- and Urban Affairs. mittee on Commerce, Science, and Transpor- Act of 2000 (50 U.S.C. 3161 note), and the EC–4963. A communication from the Chief tation. order of the House of January 3, 2019, of the Publications and Regulations Branch, EC–4971. A communication from the Man- the Speaker appoints the following Internal Revenue Service, Department of the agement and Program Analyst, Federal

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:59 Jul 03, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00047 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A02JY6.128 S02JYPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE S4216 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 2, 2020 Aviation Administration, Department of Aviation Administration, Department of Aviation Administration, Department of Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Airworthi- law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Airworthi- law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Airworthi- ness Directives; The Boeing Company Air- ness Directives; The Boeing Company Air- ness Directives; The Boeing Company Air- planes’’ ((RIN2120–AA64) (Docket No. FAA– planes’’ ((RIN2120–AA64) (Docket No. FAA– planes’’ ((RIN2120–AA64) (Docket No. FAA– 2020–0095)) received in the Office of the Presi- 2020–0461)) received in the Office of the Presi- 2020–0096)) received in the Office of the Presi- dent of the Senate on July 1, 2020; to the dent of the Senate on July 1, 2020; to the dent of the Senate on July 1, 2020; to the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Committee on Commerce, Science, and Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation. Transportation. Transportation. EC–4972. A communication from the Man- EC–4980. A communication from the Man- EC–4988. A communication from the Man- agement and Program Analyst, Federal agement and Program Analyst, Federal agement and Program Analyst, Federal Aviation Administration, Department of Aviation Administration, Department of Aviation Administration, Department of Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Amend- law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Airworthi- law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Airworthi- ment of Class E Airspace; Cadiz, Caldwell, ness Directives; Rolls-Royce Deutschland ness Directives; Airbus Helicopters’’ and Cambridge, Ohio’’ ((RIN2120–AA66) Ltd and Co KG (Type Certificate Previously ((RIN2120–AA64) (Docket No. FAA–2020–0455)) (Docket No. FAA–2019–1041)) received in the Held by Rolls-Royce plc) Turbofan Engines’’ received in the Office of the President of the Office of the President of the Senate on July ((RIN2120–AA64) (Docket No. FAA–2020–0547)) Senate on July 1, 2020; to the Committee on 1, 2020; to the Committee on Commerce, received in the Office of the President of the Commerce, Science, and Transportation. Science, and Transportation. Senate on July 1, 2020; to the Committee on EC–4989. A communication from the Man- EC–4973. A communication from the Man- Commerce, Science, and Transportation. agement and Program Analyst, Federal agement and Program Analyst, Federal EC–4981. A communication from the Man- Aviation Administration, Department of Aviation Administration, Department of agement and Program Analyst, Federal Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to Aviation Administration, Department of law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Airworthi- law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Amend- Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to ness Directives; Gulfstream Aerospace Cor- ment of Class E Airspace; Coffeyville, Kan- law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Airworthi- poration Airplanes’’ ((RIN2120–AA64) (Docket sas’’ ((RIN2120–AA64) (Docket No. FAA–2019– ness Directives; Rolls-Royce Deutschland No. FAA–2019–1060)) received in the Office of 1039)) received in the Office of the President Ltd and Co KG (Type Certificate Previously the President of the Senate on July 1, 2020; of the Senate on July 1, 2020; to the Com- Held by Rolls-Royce plc) Turbofan Engines’’ to the Committee on Commerce, Science, mittee on Commerce, Science, and Transpor- ((RIN2120–AA64) (Docket No. FAA–2019–1109)) and Transportation. tation. received in the Office of the President of the EC–4990. A communication from the Man- EC–4974. A communication from the Man- Senate on July 1, 2020; to the Committee on agement and Program Analyst, Federal agement and Program Analyst, Federal Commerce, Science, and Transportation. Aviation Administration, Department of Aviation Administration, Department of EC–4982. A communication from the Man- Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to agement and Program Analyst, Federal law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Airworthi- law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Airworthi- Aviation Administration, Department of ness Directives; Leonardo S.p.A. Heli- ness Directives; Anjou Aeronautique Torso Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to copters’’ ((RIN2120–AA64) (Docket No. FAA– Restraint Systems’’ ((RIN2120–AA64) (Docket law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Airworthi- 2010–1020)) received in the Office of the Presi- No. FAA–2019–0537)) received in the Office of ness Directives; Bell Textron Inc. (Type Cer- dent of the Senate on July 1, 2020; to the the President of the Senate on July 1, 2020; tificate Previously Held by Bell Helicopter Committee on Commerce, Science, and to the Committee on Commerce, Science, Textron Inc.) Helicopters’’ ((RIN2120–AA64) Transportation. and Transportation. (Docket No. FAA–2018–0866)) received in the EC–4991. A communication from the Man- EC–4975. A communication from the Man- Office of the President of the Senate on July agement and Program Analyst, Federal agement and Program Analyst, Federal 1, 2020; to the Committee on Commerce, Aviation Administration, Department of Aviation Administration, Department of Science, and Transportation. Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to EC–4983. A communication from the Man- law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Airworthi- law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Airworthi- agement and Program Analyst, Federal ness Directives; The Boeing Company Air- ness Directives; Saab AB, Support Services Aviation Administration, Department of planes’’ ((RIN2120–AA64) (Docket No. FAA– (Formerly Known as Saab AB, Saab Aero- Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to nautics) Airplanes’’ ((RIN2120–AA64) (Docket law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Airworthi- 2019–0990)) received in the Office of the Presi- No. FAA–2019–1073)) received in the Office of ness Directives; Pilatus Aircraft Ltd. Air- dent of the Senate on July 1, 2020; to the the President of the Senate on July 1, 2020; planes’’ ((RIN2120–AA64) (Docket No. FAA– Committee on Commerce, Science, and to the Committee on Commerce, Science, 2010–0240)) received in the Office of the Presi- Transportation. EC–4992. A communication from the Man- and Transportation. dent of the Senate on July 1, 2020; to the agement and Program Analyst, Federal EC–4976. A communication from the Man- Committee on Commerce, Science, and Aviation Administration, Department of agement and Program Analyst, Federal Transportation. Aviation Administration, Department of EC–4984. A communication from the Man- Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to agement and Program Analyst, Federal law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Airworthi- law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Airworthi- Aviation Administration, Department of ness Directives; General Electric Company ness Directives; Airbus Helicopters (Pre- Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to Turbofan Engines’’ ((RIN2120–AA64) (Docket viously Eurocopter France)’’ ((RIN2120–AA64) law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Airworthi- No. FAA–2019–0683)) received in the Office of (Docket No. FAA–2017–0404)) received in the ness Directives; MD Helicopter Inc., Heli- the President of the Senate on July 1, 2020; Office of the President of the Senate on July copters’’ ((RIN2120–AA64) (Docket No. FAA– to the Committee on Commerce, Science, 1, 2020; to the Committee on Commerce, 2020–0064)) received in the Office of the Presi- and Transportation. Science, and Transportation. dent of the Senate on July 1, 2020; to the EC–4993. A communication from the Man- EC–4977. A communication from the Man- Committee on Commerce, Science, and agement and Program Analyst, Federal agement and Program Analyst, Federal Transportation. Aviation Administration, Department of Aviation Administration, Department of EC–4985. A communication from the Man- Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to agement and Program Analyst, Federal law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Airworthi- law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Airworthi- Aviation Administration, Department of ness Directives; Gulfstream Aerospace Cor- ness Directives; Embraer S.A. (Type Certifi- Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to poration Airplanes’’ ((RIN2120–AA64) (Docket cate Previously Held by Empresa Brasileira law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Airworthi- No. FAA–2019–1024)) received in the Office of de Aerona Utica S.A.) Airplanes’’ ((RIN2120– ness Directives; Learjet Inc. Airplanes’’ the President of the Senate on July 1, 2020; AA64) (Docket No. FAA–2020–0466)) received ((RIN2120–AA64) (Docket No. FAA–2019–0204)) to the Committee on Commerce, Science, in the Office of the President of the Senate received in the Office of the President of the and Transportation. on July 1, 2020; to the Committee on Com- Senate on July 1, 2020; to the Committee on EC–4994. A communication from the Man- merce, Science, and Transportation. Commerce, Science, and Transportation. agement and Program Analyst, Federal EC–4978. A communication from the Man- EC–4986. A communication from the Man- Aviation Administration, Department of agement and Program Analyst, Federal agement and Program Analyst, Federal Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to Aviation Administration, Department of Aviation Administration, Department of law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Airworthi- Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to ness Directives; Hamilton Sundstrand Cor- law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Airworthi- law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Airworthi- poration Propellers’’ ((RIN2120–AA64) (Dock- ness Directives; Bombardier, Inc., Airplanes’’ ness Directives; Airbus Helicopters’’ et No. FAA–2019–1008)) received in the Office ((RIN2120–AA64) (Docket No. FAA–2019–1081)) ((RIN2120–AA64) (Docket No. FAA–2020–0026)) of the President of the Senate on July 1, 2020; received in the Office of the President of the received in the Office of the President of the to the Committee on Commerce, Science, Senate on July 1, 2020; to the Committee on Senate on July 1, 2020; to the Committee on and Transportation. Commerce, Science, and Transportation. Commerce, Science, and Transportation. EC–4995. A communication from the Man- EC–4979. A communication from the Man- EC–4987. A communication from the Man- agement and Program Analyst, Federal agement and Program Analyst, Federal agement and Program Analyst, Federal Aviation Administration, Department of

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:59 Jul 03, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00048 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A02JY6.106 S02JYPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE July 2, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S4217 Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to Aviation Administration, Department of EC–5011. A communication from the Man- law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Airworthi- Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to agement and Program Analyst, Federal ness Directives; ATR–GIE Avions de Trans- law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Airworthi- Aviation Administration, Department of port Regional Airplanes’’ ((RIN2120–AA64) ness Directives; General Electric Company Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to (Docket No. FAA–2020–0102)) received in the Turbofan Engines’’ ((RIN2120–AA64) (Docket law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Airworthi- Office of the President of the Senate on July No. FAA–2020–0469)) received in the Office of ness Directives; Weatherly Aircraft Com- 1, 2020; to the Committee on Commerce, the President of the Senate on July 1, 2020; pany’’ ((RIN2120–AA64) (Docket No. FAA– Science, and Transportation. to the Committee on Commerce, Science, 2018–0833)) received in the Office of the Presi- EC–4996. A communication from the Man- and Transportation. dent of the Senate on July 1, 2020; to the agement and Program Analyst, Federal EC–5004. A communication from the Man- Committee on Commerce, Science, and Aviation Administration, Department of agement and Program Analyst, Federal Transportation. Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to Aviation Administration, Department of EC–5012. A communication from the Man- law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Airworthi- Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to agement and Program Analyst, Federal ness Directives; The Boeing Company Air- law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Airworthi- Aviation Administration, Department of planes’’ ((RIN2120–AA64) (Docket No. FAA– ness Directives; The Boeing Company Air- Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to 2019–1072)) received in the Office of the Presi- planes’’ ((RIN2120–AA64) (Docket No. FAA– law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Airworthi- dent of the Senate on July 1, 2020; to the 2020–0091)) received in the Office of the Presi- ness Directives; Cirrus Design Corporation Committee on Commerce, Science, and dent of the Senate on July 1, 2020; to the Airplanes’’ ((RIN2120–AA64) (Docket No. Transportation. Committee on Commerce, Science, and FAA–2020–0546)) received in the Office of the EC–4997. A communication from the Man- Transportation. President of the Senate on July 1, 2020; to agement and Program Analyst, Federal EC–5005. A communication from the Man- the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Aviation Administration, Department of agement and Program Analyst, Federal Transportation. Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to Aviation Administration, Department of EC–5013. A communication from the Man- law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Airworthi- Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to agement and Program Analyst, Federal ness Directives; Rockwell Collins, Inc. Flight law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Amend- Aviation Administration, Department of Management Systems’’ ((RIN2120–AA64) ment of Class E Airspace; Tahlequah, Okla- Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to (Docket No. FAA–2018–0977)) received in the homa’’ ((RIN2120–AA66) (Docket No. FAA– law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Airworthi- Office of the President of the Senate on July 2019–0790)) received in the Office of the Presi- ness Directives; De Havilland Aircraft of 1, 2020; to the Committee on Commerce, dent of the Senate on July 1, 2020; to the Canada Limited (Type Certificate Previously Science, and Transportation. Committee on Commerce, Science, and Held by Bombardier, Inc.) Airplanes’’ EC–4998. A communication from the Man- Transportation. ((RIN2120–AA64) (Docket No. FAA–2020–0099)) agement and Program Analyst, Federal EC–5006. A communication from the Man- received in the Office of the President of the Aviation Administration, Department of agement and Program Analyst, Federal Senate on July 1, 2020; to the Committee on Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to Aviation Administration, Department of Commerce, Science, and Transportation. law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Airworthi- Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to EC–5014. A communication from the Man- ness Directives; Airbus Helicopters’’ law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Airworthi- agement and Program Analyst, Federal ((RIN2120–AA64) (Docket No. FAA–2020–0238)) ness Directives; Airbus Helicopters (Type Aviation Administration, Department of received in the Office of the President of the Certificate Previously Held by Eurocopter Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to Senate on July 1, 2020; to the Committee on France) Helicopters’’ ((RIN2120–AA64) (Dock- law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Airworthi- Commerce, Science, and Transportation. et No. FAA–2019–0827)) received in the Office ness Directives; Bombardier, Inc., Airplanes’’ EC–4999. A communication from the Man- of the President of the Senate on July 1, 2020; ((RIN2120–AA64) (Docket No. FAA–2019–1076)) agement and Program Analyst, Federal to the Committee on Commerce, Science, received in the Office of the President of the Aviation Administration, Department of and Transportation. Senate on July 1, 2020; to the Committee on Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to EC–5007. A communication from the Man- Commerce, Science, and Transportation. law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Airworthi- agement and Program Analyst, Federal EC–5015. A communication from the Man- ness Directives; XtremeAir GmbH Air- Aviation Administration, Department of agement and Program Analyst, Federal planes’’ ((RIN2120–AA64) (Docket No. FAA– Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to Aviation Administration, Department of 2020–0568)) received in the Office of the Presi- law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Airworthi- Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to dent of the Senate on July 1, 2020; to the ness Directives; Yabora Industria law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Airworthi- Committee on Commerce, Science, and Aeronautica S.A. (Type Certificate Pre- ness Directives; Airbus SAS Airplanes’’ Transportation. viously Held by Embraer S.A.) Airplanes’’ ((RIN2120–AA64) (Docket No. FAA–2020–0452)) EC–5000. A communication from the Man- ((RIN2120–AA64) (Docket No. FAA–2019–1074)) received in the Office of the President of the agement and Program Analyst, Federal received in the Office of the President of the Senate on July 1, 2020; to the Committee on Aviation Administration, Department of Senate on July 1, 2020; to the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation. Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to Commerce, Science, and Transportation. EC–5016. A communication from the Man- law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Airworthi- EC–5008. A communication from the Man- agement and Program Analyst, Federal ness Directives; Fokker Services B.V. Air- agement and Program Analyst, Federal Aviation Administration, Department of planes’’ ((RIN2120–AA64) (Docket No. FAA– Aviation Administration, Department of Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to 2020–0450)) received in the Office of the Presi- Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Airworthi- dent of the Senate on July 1, 2020; to the law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Airworthi- ness Directives; Yabora Industria Committee on Commerce, Science, and ness Directives; ATR–GIE Avions de Trans- Aeronautica S.A. (Type Certificate Pre- Transportation. port Regional Airplanes’’ ((RIN2120–AA64) viously Held by Embraer S.A.)’’ ((RIN2120– EC–5001. A communication from the Man- (Docket No. FAA–2019–1079)) received in the AA64) (Docket No. FAA–2020–0340)) received agement and Program Analyst, Federal Office of the President of the Senate on July in the Office of the President of the Senate Aviation Administration, Department of 1, 2020; to the Committee on Commerce, on July 1, 2020; to the Committee on Com- Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to Science, and Transportation. merce, Science, and Transportation. law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Airworthi- EC–5009. A communication from the Man- EC–5017. A communication from the Man- ness Directives; De Havilland Aircraft of agement and Program Analyst, Federal agement and Program Analyst, Federal Canada Limited (Type Certificate Previously Aviation Administration, Department of Aviation Administration, Department of Held by Bombardier, Inc.) Airplanes’’ Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to ((RIN2120–AA64) (Docket No. FAA–2020–0101)) law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Airworthi- law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Airworthi- received in the Office of the President of the ness Directives; Bombardier, Inc. Airplanes’’ ness Directives; Airbus Helicopters’’ Senate on July 1, 2020; to the Committee on ((RIN2120–AA64) (Docket No. FAA–2020–0092)) ((RIN2120–AA64) (Docket No. FAA–2020–0454)) Commerce, Science, and Transportation. received in the Office of the President of the received in the Office of the President of the EC–5002. A communication from the Man- Senate on July 1, 2020; to the Committee on Senate on July 1, 2020; to the Committee on agement and Program Analyst, Federal Commerce, Science, and Transportation. Commerce, Science, and Transportation. Aviation Administration, Department of EC–5010. A communication from the Man- EC–5018. A communication from the Man- Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to agement and Program Analyst, Federal agement and Program Analyst, Federal law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Airworthi- Aviation Administration, Department of Aviation Administration, Department of ness Directives; 328 Support Services GmbH Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to (Type Certificate Previously Held by AvCraft law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Airworthi- law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Airworthi- Aerospace GmbH; Fairchild Dornier GmbH; ness Directives; Airbus Canada Limited ness Directives; AERMACCHI S.p.A. Air- Dornier Luftfahrt GmbH) Airplanes’’ Partnership (Type Certificate Previously planes’’ ((RIN2120–AA64) (Docket No. FAA– ((RIN2120–AA64) (Docket No. FAA–2020–0090)) Held by C Series Aircraft Limited Partner- 2020–0419)) received in the Office of the Presi- received in the Office of the President of the ship (CSALP))’’ ((RIN2120–AA64) (Docket No. dent of the Senate on July 1, 2020; to the Senate on July 1, 2020; to the Committee on FAA–2020–0349)) received in the Office of the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Commerce, Science, and Transportation. President of the Senate on July 1, 2020; to Transportation. EC–5003. A communication from the Man- the Committee on Commerce, Science, and EC–5019. A communication from the Man- agement and Program Analyst, Federal Transportation. agement and Program Analyst, Federal

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:59 Jul 03, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00049 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A02JY6.108 S02JYPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE S4218 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 2, 2020 Aviation Administration, Department of 31311)) received in the Office of the President EC–5034. A communication from the Man- Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to of the Senate on July 1, 2020; to the Com- agement and Program Analyst, Federal law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Airworthi- mittee on Commerce, Science, and Transpor- Aviation Administration, Department of ness Directives; PZL Swidnik S.A. Heli- tation. Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to copters’’ ((RIN2120–AA64) (Docket No. FAA– EC–5027. A communication from the Man- law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Revoca- 2020–0390)) received in the Office of the Presi- agement and Program Analyst, Federal tion and Amendment of Class E Airspace; dent of the Senate on July 1, 2020; to the Aviation Administration, Department of Williston, North Dakota’’ ((RIN2120–AA66) Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to (Docket No. FAA–2019–1061)) received in the Transportation. law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Standard Office of the President of the Senate on July EC–5020. A communication from the Man- Instrument Approach Procedures, and Take- 1, 2020; to the Committee on Commerce, agement and Program Analyst, Federal off Minimums and Obstacle Departure Proce- Science, and Transportation. Aviation Administration, Department of dures; Miscellaneous Amendments; Amend- EC–5035. A communication from the Man- Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to ment No. 3903’’ ((RIN2120–AA65) (Docket No. agement and Program Analyst, Federal law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Airworthi- 31310)) received in the Office of the President Aviation Administration, Department of ness Directives; International Aero Engines of the Senate on July 1, 2020; to the Com- Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to AG Turbofan Engines’’ ((RIN2120–AA64) mittee on Commerce, Science, and Transpor- law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Revoca- (Docket No. FAA–2019–0832)) received in the tation. tion of Jet Route J–105 and Amendment of Office of the President of the Senate on July EC–5028. A communication from the Man- VOR Federal Airways V–15, V–63, V–272 , and 1, 2020; to the Committee on Commerce, agement and Program Analyst, Federal V–583 in the Vicinity of McAlester, Okla- Science, and Transportation. Aviation Administration, Department of homa’’ ((RIN2120–AA66) (Docket No. FAA– EC–5021. A communication from the Man- Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to 2020–0010)) received in the Office of the Presi- agement and Program Analyst, Federal law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Standard dent of the Senate on July 1, 2020; to the Aviation Administration, Department of Instrument Approach Procedures, and Take- Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to off Minimums and Obstacle Departure Proce- Transportation. law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Airworthi- dures; Miscellaneous Amendments; Amend- EC–5036. A communication from the Man- ness Directives; Robinson Helicopter Com- ment No. 3908’’ ((RIN2120–AA65) (Docket No. agement and Program Analyst, Federal pany Helicopters’’ ((RIN2120–AA64) (Docket 31315)) received in the Office of the President Aviation Administration, Department of No. FAA–2017–0947)) received in the Office of of the Senate on July 1, 2020; to the Com- Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to the President of the Senate on July 1, 2020; mittee on Commerce, Science, and Transpor- law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Amend- to the Committee on Commerce, Science, tation. ment of VOR Federal Airway V–37 Due to the and Transportation. EC–5029. A communication from the Man- Planned Decommissioning of Aylmer, Can- EC–5022. A communication from the Man- agement and Program Analyst, Federal ada, VHF Omnidirectional Range (VOR) agement and Program Analyst, Federal Aviation Administration, Department of Navigation Aid’’ ((RIN2120–AA66) (Docket Aviation Administration, Department of Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to No. FAA–2019–0538)) received in the Office of Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Standard the President of the Senate on July 1, 2020; law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Airworthi- Instrument Approach Procedures, and Take- to the Committee on Commerce, Science, ness Directives; 328 Support Services GmbH off Minimums and Obstacle Departure Proce- and Transportation. (Type Certificate Previously Held by AvCraft dures; Miscellaneous Amendments; Amend- EC–5037. A communication from the Man- Aerospace GmbH; Fairchild Dornier GmbH) ment No. 3906’’ ((RIN2120–AA65) (Docket No. agement and Program Analyst, Federal Airplanes’’ ((RIN2120–AA64) (Docket No. 31313)) received in the Office of the President Aviation Administration, Department of FAA–2020–0088)) received in the Office of the of the Senate on July 1, 2020; to the Com- Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to President of the Senate on July 1, 2020; to mittee on Commerce, Science, and Transpor- law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Amend- the Committee on Commerce, Science, and tation. ment of VOR Federal Airways V–125, V–178, Transportation. EC–5030. A communication from the Man- V–313, and V–429 in the Vicinity of Cape EC–5023. A communication from the Man- agement and Program Analyst, Federal Girardeau, Montana’’ ((RIN2120–AA66) (Dock- agement and Program Analyst, Federal Aviation Administration, Department of et No. FAA–2020–0002)) received in the Office Aviation Administration, Department of Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to of the President of the Senate on July 1, 2020; Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Relief for to the Committee on Commerce, Science, law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Airworthi- Certain Persons and Operations During the and Transportation. ness Directives; Airbus SAS Airplanes’’ Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID–19) Out- EC–5038. A communication from the Man- ((RIN2120–AA64) (Docket No. FAA–2019– break’’ ((RIN2120–AL63) (Docket No. FAA– agement and Program Analyst, Federal 0978))) received in the Office of the President 2020–0446)) received in the Office of the Presi- Aviation Administration, Department of of the Senate on July 1, 2020; to the Com- dent of the Senate on July 1, 2020; to the Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to mittee on Commerce, Science, and Transpor- Committee on Commerce, Science, and law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Amend- tation. Transportation. ment of VOR Federal Airways V–7, V–52, and EC–5024. A communication from the Man- EC–5031. A communication from the Man- V–178 in the Vicinity of Central City, Ken- agement and Program Analyst, Federal agement and Program Analyst, Federal tucky’’ ((RIN2120–AA66) (Docket No. FAA– Aviation Administration, Department of Aviation Administration, Department of 2020–0008)) received in the Office of the Presi- Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to dent of the Senate on July 1, 2020; to the law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Airworthi- law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘IFR Alti- Committee on Commerce, Science, and ness Directives; International Aero Engines tudes; Miscellaneous Amendments’’ Transportation. LLC, Turbofan Engines’’ ((RIN2120–AA64) ((RIN2120–AA63) (Docket No. 31309)) received EC–5039. A communication from the Man- (Docket No. FAA–2019–0906)) received in the in the Office of the President of the Senate agement and Program Analyst, Federal Office of the President of the Senate on July on July 1, 2020; to the Committee on Com- Aviation Administration, Department of 1, 2020; to the Committee on Commerce, merce, Science, and Transportation. Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to Science, and Transportation. EC–5032. A communication from the Man- law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Amend- EC–5025. A communication from the Man- agement and Program Analyst, Federal ment of VOR Federal Airways V–18, V–54, V– agement and Program Analyst, Federal Aviation Administration, Department of 114, and V–583 in the Vicinity of Quitman, Aviation Administration, Department of Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to Texas’’ ((RIN2120–AA66) (Docket No. FAA– Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Standard 2019–0893)) received in the Office of the Presi- law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Standard Instrument Approach Procedures’’ ((RIN2120– dent of the Senate on July 1, 2020; to the Instrument Approach Procedures, and Take- AA65) (Docket No. 31314)) received in the Of- Committee on Commerce, Science, and off Minimums and Obstacle Departure Proce- fice of the President of the Senate on July 1, Transportation. dures; Miscellaneous Amendments; Amend- 2020; to the Committee on Commerce, EC–5040. A communication from the Man- ment No. 3902’’ ((RIN2120–AA65) (Docket No. Science, and Transportation. agement and Program Analyst, Federal 31308)) received in the Office of the President EC–5033. A communication from the Man- Aviation Administration, Department of of the Senate on July 1, 2020; to the Com- agement and Program Analyst, Federal Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to mittee on Commerce, Science, and Transpor- Aviation Administration, Department of law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Amend- tation. Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to ment and Removal of Air Traffic Service EC–5026. A communication from the Man- law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Standard (ATS) Routes; Eastern United States’’ agement and Program Analyst, Federal Instrument Approach Procedures, and Take- ((RIN2120–AA66) (Docket No. FAA–2020–0039)) Aviation Administration, Department of off Minimums and Obstacle Departure Proce- received in the Office of the President of the Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to dures; Miscellaneous Amendments; Amend- Senate on July 1, 2020; to the Committee on law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Standard ment No. 3901’’ ((RIN2120–AA65) (Docket No. Commerce, Science, and Transportation. Instrument Approach Procedures, and Take- 31307)) received in the Office of the President EC–5041. A communication from the Man- off Minimums and Obstacle Departure Proce- of the Senate on July 1, 2020; to the Com- agement and Program Analyst, Federal dures; Miscellaneous Amendments; Amend- mittee on Commerce, Science, and Transpor- Aviation Administration, Department of ment No. 3904’’ ((RIN2120–AA65) (Docket No. tation. Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:59 Jul 03, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00050 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A02JY6.110 S02JYPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE July 2, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S4219 law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Amend- Aviation Administration, Department of ment of Class E Airspace; Ely, Minnesota’’ ment of Air Traffic Service (ATS) Route T– Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to ((RIN2120–AA66) (Docket No. FAA–2019–1043)) 333; Western United States’’ ((RIN2120–AA66) law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Establish- received in the Office of the President of the (Docket No. FAA–2018–0986)) received in the ment of Class E Airspace; Gold Beach, Or- Senate on July 1, 2020; to the Committee on Office of the President of the Senate on July egon’’ ((RIN2120–AA66) (Docket No. FAA– Commerce, Science, and Transportation. 1, 2020; to the Committee on Commerce, 2020–0234)) received in the Office of the Presi- EC–5058. A communication from the Man- Science, and Transportation. dent of the Senate on July 1, 2020; to the agement and Program Analyst, Federal EC–5042. A communication from the Man- Committee on Commerce, Science, and Aviation Administration, Department of agement and Program Analyst, Federal Transportation. Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to Aviation Administration, Department of EC–5050. A communication from the Man- law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Amend- Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to agement and Program Analyst, Federal ment of Class E Airspace; Shenandoah, law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Amend- Aviation Administration, Department of Iowa’’ ((RIN2120–AA66) (Docket No. FAA– ment of Multiple Air Traffic Service (ATS) Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to 2019–0791)) received in the Office of the Presi- Routes; Western United States’’ ((RIN2120– law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Amend- dent of the Senate on July 1, 2020; to the AA66) (Docket No. FAA–2018–0850)) received ment of Class E Airspace; Baraboo and Committee on Commerce, Science, and in the Office of the President of the Senate Boscobel, Wisconsin’’ ((RIN2120–AA66) (Dock- Transportation. on July 1, 2020; to the Committee on Com- et No. FAA–2020–0079)) received in the Office EC–5059. A communication from the Man- merce, Science, and Transportation. of the President of the Senate on July 1, 2020; agement and Program Analyst, Federal EC–5043. A communication from the Man- to the Committee on Commerce, Science, Aviation Administration, Department of agement and Program Analyst, Federal and Transportation. Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to Aviation Administration, Department of EC–5051. A communication from the Man- law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Amend- Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to agement and Program Analyst, Federal ment of Class E Airspace; McAlester, law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Amend- Aviation Administration, Department of Henryetta, and Poteau, Oklahoma’’ ment of Air Traffic Service (ATS) Routes in Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to ((RIN2120–AA66) (Docket No. FAA–2019–1044)) the Vicinity of Glens Falls, New York’’ law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Amend- received in the Office of the President of the ((RIN2120–AA66) (Docket No. FAA–2019–0474)) ment of Class E Airspace; Rockford, Illinois’’ Senate on July 1, 2020; to the Committee on received in the Office of the President of the ((RIN2120–AA66) (Docket No. FAA–2019–0349)) Commerce, Science, and Transportation. Senate on July 1, 2020; to the Committee on received in the Office of the President of the EC–5060. A communication from the Man- Commerce, Science, and Transportation. Senate on July 1, 2020; to the Committee on agement and Program Analyst, Federal EC–5044. A communication from the Man- Commerce, Science, and Transportation. Aviation Administration, Department of agement and Program Analyst, Federal EC–5052. A communication from the Man- Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to Aviation Administration, Department of agement and Program Analyst, Federal law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Amend- Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to Aviation Administration, Department of ment of Class E Airspace; Alpine, Texas’’ law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Amend- Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to ((RIN2120–AA66) (Docket No. FAA–2019–0034)) ment and Revocation of Air Traffic Service law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Amend- received in the Office of the President of the (ATS) Routes in the Vicinity of Berlin, New ment of Class E Airspace; Greenville and Senate on July 1, 2020; to the Committee on Hampshire’’ ((RIN2120–AA66) (Docket No. Madisonville, Kentucky’’ ((RIN2120–AA66) Commerce, Science, and Transportation. EC–5061. A communication from the Man- FAA–2019–0475)) received in the Office of the (Docket No. FAA–2020–0140)) received in the President of the Senate on July 1, 2020; to agement and Program Analyst, Federal Office of the President of the Senate on July the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Aviation Administration, Department of 1, 2020; to the Committee on Commerce, Transportation. Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to Science, and Transportation. EC–5045. A communication from the Man- law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Amend- EC–5053. A communication from the Man- agement and Program Analyst, Federal ment of Class E Airspace; Sweetwater, agement and Program Analyst, Federal Aviation Administration, Department of Texas’’ ((RIN2120–AA66) (Docket No. FAA– Aviation Administration, Department of Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to 2019–0787)) received in the Office of the Presi- Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Amend- dent of the Senate on July 1, 2020; to the law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Amend- ment of Air Traffic Service (ATS) Routes in Committee on Commerce, Science, and ment of Class E Airspace; Ada, Oklahoma’’ the Vicinity of Ithaca, New York’’ ((RIN2120– Transportation. ((RIN2120–AA66) (Docket No. FAA–2020–0140)) AA66) (Docket No. FAA–2019–0473)) received EC–5062. A communication from the Man- in the Office of the President of the Senate received in the Office of the President of the agement and Program Analyst, Federal on July 1, 2020; to the Committee on Com- Senate on July 1, 2020; to the Committee on Aviation Administration, Department of merce, Science, and Transportation. Commerce, Science, and Transportation. Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to EC–5046. A communication from the Man- EC–5054. A communication from the Man- law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Proposed agement and Program Analyst, Federal agement and Program Analyst, Federal Amendment of Class E Airspace; Pratt, Kan- Aviation Administration, Department of Aviation Administration, Department of sas’’ ((RIN2120–AA66) (Docket No. FAA–2019– Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to 0902)) received in the Office of the President law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Revoca- law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Amend- of the Senate on July 1, 2020; to the Com- tion of VHF Omnidirectional Range (VOR) ment of Class E Airspace; Big Rapids, Michi- mittee on Commerce, Science, and Transpor- Federal Airway V–61 and Amendment of gan’’ ((RIN2120–AA66) (Docket No. FAA–2020– tation. Area Navigation Route T–286 Due to the De- 0142)) received in the Office of the President EC–5063. A communication from the Man- commissioning of the Robinson, Kansas, of the Senate on July 1, 2020; to the Com- agement and Program Analyst, Federal VOR’’ ((RIN2120–AA66) (Docket No. FAA– mittee on Commerce, Science, and Transpor- Aviation Administration, Department of 2019–0677)) received in the Office of the Presi- tation. Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to dent of the Senate on July 1, 2020; to the EC–5055. A communication from the Man- law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Amend- Committee on Commerce, Science, and agement and Program Analyst, Federal ment of Class D Airspace; Jacksonville NAS, Transportation. Aviation Administration, Department of Florida, and Amendment of Class D and EC–5047. A communication from the Man- Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to Class E Airspace; Mayport, Florida’’ agement and Program Analyst, Federal law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Amend- ((RIN2120–AA66) (Docket No. FAA–2020–0085)) Aviation Administration, Department of ment of Class E Airspace; Siren, Wisconsin’’ received in the Office of the President of the Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to ((RIN2120–AA66) (Docket No. FAA–2019–1042)) Senate on July 1, 2020; to the Committee on law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Establish- received in the Office of the President of the Commerce, Science, and Transportation. ment of Class E Airspace; Hardin, Montana’’ Senate on July 1, 2020; to the Committee on EC–5064. A communication from the Man- ((RIN2120–AA66) (Docket No. FAA–2019–0954)) Commerce, Science, and Transportation. agement and Program Analyst, Federal received in the Office of the President of the EC–5056. A communication from the Man- Aviation Administration, Department of Senate on July 1, 2020; to the Committee on agement and Program Analyst, Federal Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to Commerce, Science, and Transportation. Aviation Administration, Department of law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Amend- EC–5048. A communication from the Man- Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to ment of Class D Airspace and Amendment agement and Program Analyst, Federal law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Amend- and Revocation of the Class E Airspace; Mul- Aviation Administration, Department of ment of the Class D and Class E Airspace; tiple Texas Towns’’ ((RIN2120–AA66) (Docket Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to Meridian, Mississippi’’ ((RIN2120–AA66) No. FAA–2019–0808)) received in the Office of law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Establish- (Docket No. FAA–2019–0598)) received in the the President of the Senate on July 1, 2020; ment of Class E Airspace; Harlowton, Mon- Office of the President of the Senate on July to the Committee on Commerce, Science, tana’’ ((RIN2120–AA66) (Docket No. FAA– 1, 2020; to the Committee on Commerce, and Transportation. 2020–0023)) received in the Office of the Presi- Science, and Transportation. EC–5065. A communication from the Man- dent of the Senate on July 1, 2020; to the EC–5057. A communication from the Man- agement and Program Analyst, Federal Committee on Commerce, Science, and agement and Program Analyst, Federal Aviation Administration, Department of Transportation. Aviation Administration, Department of Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to EC–5049. A communication from the Man- Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Amend- agement and Program Analyst, Federal law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Amend- ment of Class D Airspace, Jacksonville NAS,

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:59 Jul 03, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00051 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A02JY6.112 S02JYPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE S4220 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 2, 2020 Florida; and, Amendment of Class D and By Mr. INHOFE (for himself, Ms. S. 4167. A bill to set the interest rate appli- Class E Airspace, Mayport, Florida’’ ERNST, Mr. GRASSLEY, Mr. TILLIS, cable to certain economic injury disaster ((RIN2120–AA66) (Docket No. FAA–2020–0085)) and Mr. BURR): loans, and for other purposes; to the Com- received in the Office of the President of the S. 4156. A bill to require the Secretary of mittee on Small Business and Entrepreneur- Senate on July 1, 2020; to the Committee on Agriculture to provide relief from hardship ship. Commerce, Science, and Transportation. due to the COVID–19 pandemic to agricul- By Ms. SINEMA (for herself and Mr. EC–5066. A communication from the Man- tural producers, and for other purposes; to ROMNEY): agement and Program Analyst, Federal the Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, S. 4168. A bill to require the Secretary of Aviation Administration, Department of and Forestry. Health and Human Services to award addi- Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to By Mr. JOHNSON: tional funding through the Sanitation Fa- law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Amend- S. 4157. A bill to amend the Homeland Se- cilities Construction Program of the Indian ment of Class E Airspace; Dillon, Montana’’ curity Act of 2002 to expand the authority of Health Service, and for other purposes; to ((RIN2120–AA66) (Docket No. FAA–2019–0874)) the National Infrastructure Simulation and the Committee on Indian Affairs. received in the Office of the President of the Analysis Center, and for other purposes; to By Mr. PETERS: Senate on July 1, 2020; to the Committee on the Committee on Homeland Security and S. 4169. A bill to establish a National Com- mission on United States Counterterrorism Commerce, Science, and Transportation. Governmental Affairs. Policy, and for other purposes; to the Com- EC–5067. A communication from the Man- By Mr. HAWLEY: mittee on Homeland Security and Govern- agement and Program Analyst, Federal S. 4158. A bill to examine the extent of the reliance of the United States on foreign pro- mental Affairs. Aviation Administration, Department of ducers for personal protective equipment By Ms. WARREN (for herself, Mr. DUR- Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to during the COVID–19 pandemic and produce BIN, Ms. HIRONO, Mr. BLUMENTHAL, law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Amend- recommendations to secure the supply chain Mr. MARKEY, Mr. SANDERS, Mr. ment of Class D and E Airspace; Dallas-Fort of personal protective equipment; to the WYDEN, Mrs. GILLIBRAND, Ms. Worth, Fort Worth, and Stephenville, Texas’’ Committee on Homeland Security and Gov- DUCKWORTH, Mr. VAN HOLLEN, Mr. ((RIN2120–AA66) (Docket No. FAA–2019–1030)) ernmental Affairs. MERKLEY, Mr. HEINRICH, and Mr. received in the Office of the President of the By Mr. THUNE (for himself, Mr. WHITEHOUSE): Senate on July 1, 2020; to the Committee on MORAN, and Mr. YOUNG): S. 4170. A bill to reform pattern or practice Commerce, Science, and Transportation. S. 4159. A bill to amend the Electronic Sig- investigations conducted by the Department f natures in Global and National Commerce of Justice, and for other purposes; to the Act to accommodate emerging technologies; Committee on the Judiciary. INTRODUCTION OF BILLS AND to the Committee on Commerce, Science, By Mr. KING (for himself and Mr. KEN- JOINT RESOLUTIONS and Transportation. NEDY): The following bills and joint resolu- By Mr. THUNE (for himself, Ms. STABE- S. 4171. A bill to direct the Administrator of the Small Business Administration to es- tions were introduced, read the first NOW, Mr. PORTMAN, Ms. BALDWIN, Mrs. CAPITO, and Mr. CARDIN): tablish or certify a calculator to assist lend- and second times by unanimous con- S. 4160. A bill to enable certain hospitals ers and recipients with paycheck protection sent, and referred as indicated: that were participating in or applied for the program loan forgiveness, and for other pur- By Mr. REED (for himself and Ms. COL- drug discount program under section 340B of poses; to the Committee on Small Business LINS): the Public Health Service Act prior to the and Entrepreneurship. S. 4150. A bill to require the Secretary of COVID–19 public health emergency to tempo- By Mr. BROWN (for himself, Ms. HAR- the Treasury to provide assistance to certain rarily maintain eligibility for such program, RIS, Mr. CASEY, and Ms. CORTEZ providers of transportation services affected and for other purposes; to the Committee on MASTO): by the novel coronavirus; to the Committee Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions. S. 4172. A bill to provide emergency fund- on Commerce, Science, and Transportation. By Mrs. BLACKBURN (for herself and ing for child welfare services provided under By Mr. HOEVEN (for himself and Mr. Mrs. LOEFFLER): parts B and E of title IV of the Social Secu- JONES): S. 4161. A bill to amend the Immigration rity Act, and for other purposes; to the Com- S. 4151. A bill to amend title XVIII of the and Nationality Act to provide for inadmis- mittee on Finance. Social Security Act to allow payments under sibility for certain aliens seeking citizenship By Ms. COLLINS (for herself and Ms. the Medicare program for certain items and for children by giving birth in the United HASSAN): S. 4173. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- services furnished by off-campus outpatient States, and for other purposes; to the Com- enue Code of 1986 to provide a credit to small departments of a provider to be determined mittee on the Judiciary. employers for covering military spouses under the prospective payment system for By Mrs. FISCHER (for herself, Ms. under retirement plans; to the Committee on hospital outpatient department services, and SINEMA, Mr. CRUZ, and Ms. Finance. for other purposes; to the Committee on Fi- DUCKWORTH): By Ms. COLLINS (for herself, Mrs. nance. S. 4162. A bill to provide certainty for air- FEINSTEIN, Mr. DAINES, Mr. JONES, By Mr. HOEVEN (for himself, Mr. port funding; to the Committee on Com- merce, Science, and Transportation. and Mr. TESTER): BOOZMAN, Ms. SMITH, and Ms. By Mr. GARDNER (for himself, Mr. S. 4174. A bill to provide emergency appro- SINEMA): BENNET, Mr. ROMNEY, and Ms. priations to the United States Postal Service S. 4152. A bill to provide for the adjustment to cover losses related to the COVID–19 crisis or modification by the Secretary of Agri- SINEMA): S. 4163. A bill to amend the Public Health and to direct the Board of Governors of the culture of loans for critical rural utility Service Act to provide for timely and effec- United States Postal Service to develop a service providers, and for other purposes; to tive systematic testing to improve bio- plan for ensuring the long term solvency of the Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, surveillance activities and practices; to the the Postal Service; to the Committee on and Forestry. Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Homeland Security and Governmental Af- By Mr. JOHNSON: Pensions. fairs. S. 4153. A bill to require the Federal Emer- By Mr. BROWN (for himself and Ms. By Ms. WARREN (for herself and Ms. gency Management Agency to evaluate the SMITH): SMITH): National Response Framework based on les- S. 4164. A bill to authorize emergency S. 4175. A bill to secure the supply of drugs sons learned from the COVID–19 pandemic, housing voucher assistance, and for other in the United States, and for other purposes; and for other purposes; to the Committee on purposes; to the Committee on Banking, to the Committee on Health, Education, Homeland Security and Governmental Af- Housing, and Urban Affairs. Labor, and Pensions. fairs. By Mr. JOHNSON: By Mr. MCCONNELL (for Mr. TILLIS By Mr. CRAMER (for himself and Mr. S. 4165. A bill to repeal section 692 of the (for himself, Mr. TESTER, and Mr. JONES): Post-Katrina Emergency Management Re- MORAN)): S. 4154. A bill to amend the Bank Service form Act of 2006; to the Committee on Home- S. 4176. A bill to amend title 38, United Company Act to provide improvements with land Security and Governmental Affairs. States Code, to expand eligibility for home respect to State banking agencies, and for By Ms. SINEMA (for herself and Mr. loans from the Secretary of Veterans Affairs other purposes; to the Committee on Bank- TILLIS): to certain members of the reserve compo- ing, Housing, and Urban Affairs. S. 4166. A bill to require the Secretary of nents of the Armed Forces, and for other By Ms. COLLINS (for herself, Mr. Veterans Affairs to secure medical opinions purposes; to the Committee on Veterans’ Af- MANCHIN, and Mr. BOOZMAN): for veterans with service-connected disabil- fairs. S. 4155. A bill to amend title 38, United ities who die from COVID–19 to determine By Mr. MENENDEZ (for himself, Mr. States Code, to authorize the Secretary of whether their service-connected disabilities BROWN, Ms. WARREN, Mr. VAN HOL- Veterans Affairs to provide or assist in pro- were the principal or contributory cases of LEN, Ms. SINEMA, Mrs. GILLIBRAND, viding an additional vehicle adapted for op- death, and for other purposes; to the Com- Ms. KLOBUCHAR, Mrs. FEINSTEIN, Mr. eration by disabled individuals to certain eli- mittee on Veterans’ Affairs. SANDERS, Mr. MARKEY, Mr. CASEY, gible persons; to the Committee on Veterans’ By Mr. SCHATZ (for himself and Ms. Mr. DURBIN, Mr. BOOKER, Mr. Affairs. CORTEZ MASTO): BLUMENTHAL, and Mr. WYDEN):

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:59 Jul 03, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00052 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A02JY6.114 S02JYPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE July 2, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S4221 S. 4177. A bill to authorize supplemental for other purposes; to the Committee on En- Medicaid programs, to improve transparency funding for supportive housing for the elder- vironment and Public Works. related to pharmaceutical prices and trans- ly, and for other purposes; to the Committee By Ms. HARRIS: actions, to lower patients’ out-of-pocket on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs. S. 4188. A bill to provide for drought pre- costs, and to ensure accountability to tax- By Ms. SINEMA (for herself and Mr. paredness and improved water supply reli- payers, and for other purposes; to the Com- CRAMER): ability, and for other purposes; to the Com- mittee on Finance. S. 4178. A bill to provide for a credit mittee on Energy and Natural Resources. By Mr. PORTMAN (for himself and Ms. against employment taxes for certain work- By Mr. WYDEN (for himself and Mr. HASSAN): place safety expenses, and for other pur- MERKLEY): S. 4200. A bill to establish a program to fa- poses; to the Committee on Finance. S. 4189. A bill to provide for drought pre- cilitate the adoption of modern technology By Ms. KLOBUCHAR (for herself and paredness and improved water supply reli- by executive agencies, and for other pur- Mr. WICKER): ability; to the Committee on Energy and poses; to the Committee on Homeland Secu- S. 4179. A bill to update the blood donation Natural Resources . rity and Governmental Affairs. public awareness campaign of the Depart- By Mr. MERKLEY (for himself and Mr. By Mr. PORTMAN (for himself, Mr. ment of Health and Human Services to in- ROMNEY): BROWN, Mr. BENNET, Mr. BRAUN, and clude public awareness on plasma donation; S. 4190. A bill to authorize the Director of Mr. JONES): to the Committee on Health, Education, the United States Geological Survey to es- S. 4201. A bill to direct the Federal Com- Labor, and Pensions. tablish a regional program to assess, mon- munications Commission to take certain ac- By Mr. KAINE (for himself and Mr. itor, and benefit the hydrology of saline tions to accelerate the Rural Digital Oppor- CASSIDY): lakes in the Great Basin and the migratory tunity Fund Phase I auction, and for other S. 4180. A bill to amend title II of the So- birds and other wildlife dependent on those purposes; to the Committee on Commerce, cial Security Act to provide that the na- habitats, and for other purposes; to the Com- Science, and Transportation. tional average wage index for any year shall mittee on Environment and Public Works. By Mr. DURBIN (for himself and Ms. not be less than the amount of the national By Ms. WARREN: DUCKWORTH): average wage index for the preceding year; to S. 4191. A bill to require a report on foreign S. 4202. A bill to amend the Food and Nu- the Committee on Finance. investment in the pharmaceutical industry trition Act of 2008 to expand online benefit By Mr. REED (for himself, Mr. BROWN, of the United States; to the Committee on redemption options under the supplemental Mr. BOOKER, Mr. BLUMENTHAL, Mr. Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs. nutrition assistance program, and for other UDALL, Mr. CARDIN, Ms. WARREN, Mr. By Ms. WARREN (for herself and Mr. purposes; to the Committee on Agriculture, WHITEHOUSE, Mr. HEINRICH, Mr. VAN DAINES): Nutrition, and Forestry. HOLLEN, Mr. MENENDEZ, Mr. WYDEN, S. 4192. A bill to increase portability of and By Mr. WICKER (for himself and Mr. Ms. HIRONO, and Mr. MARKEY): access to retirement savings, and for other BENNET): S. 4181. A bill to establish a Library Sta- purposes; to the Committee on Finance. S. 4203. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- bilization Fund to respond to and accelerate By Mr. PETERS (for himself, Mr. enue Code of 1986 to provide a credit to the recovery from coronavirus; to the Com- CASEY, Ms. ROSEN, Ms. DUCKWORTH, issuers of American Infrastructure bonds; to mittee on Health, Education, Labor, and Mr. WYDEN, Ms. BALDWIN, Mrs. GILLI- the Committee on Finance. Pensions. BRAND, Mr. BLUMENTHAL, Ms. STABE- By Mr. JOHNSON: By Mr. GRASSLEY (for himself, Mr. NOW, Ms. SINEMA, Mr. SANDERS, Mr. S. 4204. A bill to establish an Interagency DAINES, and Ms. MCSALLY): WHITEHOUSE, Mr. BROWN, Ms. KLO- Task Force to analyze preparedness for na- S. 4182. A bill to provide nursing homes BUCHAR, Mr. WARNER, and Ms. WAR- tional pandemics, and for other purposes; to with resources for responding to the COVID– REN): the Committee on Homeland Security and 19 public health emergency to protect the S. 4193. A bill to develop and nationally Governmental Affairs. health and safety of residents and workers, disseminate accurate, relevant, and acces- By Mr. DURBIN: to reauthorize funding for programs under sible resources to promote understanding S. 4205. A bill to establish the Homeland the Elder Justice Act of 2009, and for other about African-American history; to the Com- Security Higher Education Advisory Council; purposes; to the Committee on Finance. mittee on Rules and Administration. to the Committee on Homeland Security and By Mrs. FEINSTEIN (for herself, Mr. By Mr. PETERS: Governmental Affairs. WHITEHOUSE, Mr. LEAHY, Mr. DURBIN, S. 4194. A bill to establish the National In- By Mr. MERKLEY: Ms. KLOBUCHAR, Mr. COONS, Mr. stitute of Manufacturing, and for other pur- S. 4206. A bill to amend the Water Infra- BLUMENTHAL, Ms. HIRONO, Mr. poses; to the Committee on Commerce, structure Finance and Innovation Act of 2014 MENENDEZ, Mr. MERKLEY, Mrs. GILLI- Science, and Transportation. to authorize the interest rate to be used on BRAND, Mr. KING, Mr. MARKEY, and By Ms. ROSEN (for herself and Mr. a secured loan to be the interest rate for Mr. VAN HOLLEN): CASSIDY): United States Treasury securities of a simi- S. 4183. A bill to amend the Federal Elec- S. 4195. A bill to authorize the Cybersecu- lar maturity on the date of first disburse- tion Campaign Act of 1971 to require organi- rity Education Training Assistance Pro- ment of the loan, and for other purposes; to zations that spend more than $50,000 on Fed- gram; to the Committee on Homeland Secu- the Committee on Environment and Public eral judicial nomination communications to rity and Governmental Affairs. Works. file statements disclosing donors and certain By Mr. SCOTT of Florida (for himself, By Ms. HARRIS (for herself, Mr. COR- other information with the Federal Election Mr. HAWLEY, Mr. ENZI, Mr. PERDUE, NYN, Mr. BLUMENTHAL, and Mr. Commission; to the Committee on the Judi- Mr. TILLIS, Mr. COTTON, and Mr. SASSE): ciary. DAINES): S. 4207. A bill to amend the Foreign Agents By Ms. WARREN (for herself and Mr. S. 4196. A bill to modify, consolidate, or re- Registration Act of 1938, as amended to re- MARKEY): peal unnecessary agency major rules, and for quire news outlets that are agents of a for- S. 4184. A bill to require States to meet as- other purposes; to the Committee on Home- eign principal to provide adequate disclosure sisted living facility reporting requirements land Security and Governmental Affairs. of their status; to the Committee on Foreign to qualify for future COVID–19 response By Mr. JOHNSON (for himself, Mrs. Relations. funds; to the Committee on Finance. CAPITO, Mr. LANKFORD, and Mr. By Mr. CARDIN (for himself, Ms. CANT- By Mr. WICKER: INHOFE): WELL, Mr. BOOKER, Ms. HARRIS, Mr. S. 4185. A bill to establish an independent S. 4197. A bill to extend the Chemical Fa- SCHUMER, and Ms. CORTEZ MASTO): dispute resolution process for surprise air cility Anti- Standards Program of S. 4208. A bill to require the Minority Busi- ambulance bills, and for other purposes; to the Department of Homeland Security, and ness Development Agency of the Department the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, for other purposes; to the Committee on of Commerce to promote and administer pro- and Pensions. Homeland Security and Governmental Af- grams in the public and private sectors to as- By Mr. COONS (for himself and Mr. fairs. sist the development of minority business WICKER): By Mr. SCOTT of Florida (for himself enterprises, to ensure that such Agency has S. 4186. A bill to provide grants to States and Ms. MCSALLY): the necessary supporting resources, particu- that do not suspend, revoke, or refuse to S. 4198. A bill to require health plans to larly during economic downturns, and for renew a driver’s license of a person or refuse provide coverage for COVID–19 serology test- other purposes; to the Committee on Com- to renew a registration of a motor vehicle for ing; to the Committee on Health, Education, merce, Science, and Transportation. failure to pay a civil or criminal fine or fee, Labor, and Pensions. By Mr. SCOTT of South Carolina (for and for other purposes; to the Committee on By Mr. GRASSLEY (for himself, Mr. himself, Mr. BROWN, Mr. GRASSLEY, Environment and Public Works. PORTMAN, Mr. CASSIDY, Mr. DAINES, Mr. WYDEN, Mr. CORNYN, Mr. CARPER, By Mr. BLUMENTHAL (for himself and Ms. COLLINS, Ms. ERNST, Ms. Mr. LANKFORD, Mr. CASEY, Mr. Mr. UDALL): MCSALLY, Mr. BRAUN, Mrs. HYDE- PERDUE, Ms. HASSAN, Mrs. LOEFFLER, S. 4187. A bill to establish the Intercity SMITH, and Ms. MURKOWSKI): Mr. CARDIN, Ms. ERNST, Mr. WHITE- Passenger Rail Trust Fund to ensure a safe, S. 4199. A bill to amend titles XI, XVIII, HOUSE, Mr. DAINES, Mr. KING, Mr. sustainable, convenient transportation op- and XIX of the Social Security Act to lower CRAMER, Mr. BOOKER, Mr. GRAHAM, tion for the people of the United States, and prescription drug prices in the Medicare and Ms. SMITH, Mrs. HYDE-SMITH, Mr.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:59 Jul 03, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00053 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A02JY6.117 S02JYPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE S4222 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 2, 2020

BLUMENTHAL, Mr. ROMNEY, Mr. DUR- By Mr. PORTMAN (for himself and Mr. S. 2548 BIN, Mr. WARNER, Mr. REED, and Ms. CARDIN): At the request of Mr. HEINRICH, his KLOBUCHAR): S. Res. 651. A resolution expressing the name was added as a cosponsor of S. S. 4209. A bill to amend title IX of the So- sense of the Senate that, while the United 2548, a bill to amend the Elementary cial Security Act to improve emergency un- States finds value and usefulness in the and Secondary Education Act of 1965 to employment relief for governmental entities World Trade Organization in fulfilling the and nonprofit organizations; considered and needs of the United States and other free and address and take action to prevent bul- passed. open economies in the 21st century, signifi- lying and harassment of students. By Mr. JOHNSON (for himself and Mr. cant reforms at the World Trade Organiza- S. 3129 PETERS): tion are needed and the United States must At the request of Mr. CRAPO, the S. 4210. A bill to amend the Homeland Se- therefore continue to demonstrate leader- name of the Senator from Montana curity Act of 2002 to authorize the transfer of ship to achieve those reforms; to the Com- (Mr. DAINES) was added as a cosponsor certain equipment during a public health mittee on Finance. of S. 3129, a bill to provide for certain emergency, and for other purposes; to the f reforms with respect to the Medicare Committee on Homeland Security and Gov- program under title XVIII of the Social ernmental Affairs. ADDITIONAL COSPONSORS Security Act, and for other purposes. By Mr. SULLIVAN (for himself and Ms. S. 360 ROSEN): S. 3398 At the request of Mr. MENENDEZ, the S. 4211. A bill to amend title XVIII of the At the request of Mr. GRAHAM, the Social Security Act to expand access in fron- name of the Senator from Massachu- names of the Senator from Texas (Mr. tier States to mental health services fur- setts (Ms. WARREN) was added as a co- CRUZ) and the Senator from Iowa (Mr. nished through telehealth, and for other pur- sponsor of S. 360, a bill to amend the GRASSLEY) were added as cosponsors of poses; to the Committee on Finance. Securities Exchange Act of 1934 to re- S. 3398, a bill to establish a National f quire the submission by issuers of data Commission on Online Child Sexual relating to diversity, and for other pur- Exploitation Prevention, and for other SUBMISSION OF CONCURRENT AND poses. purposes. SENATE RESOLUTIONS S. 631 S. 3423 The following concurrent resolutions At the request of Mr. CARPER, the At the request of Mr. VAN HOLLEN, and Senate resolutions were read, and names of the Senator from Rhode Is- the name of the Senator from New referred (or acted upon), as indicated: land (Mr. REED) and the Senator from Hampshire (Mrs. SHAHEEN) was added By Mr. LEE (for himself, Mr. BRAUN, Rhode Island (Mr. WHITEHOUSE) were as a cosponsor of S. 3423, a bill to direct and Mr. JOHNSON): added as cosponsors of S. 631, a bill to the Joint Committee on the Library, in S. Res. 645. A resolution expressing the provide for the admission of the State accordance with section 1831 of the Re- sense of the Senate that mob violence should of Washington, D.C. into the Union. vised Statutes, to accept a statue de- be condemned; to the Committee on the Ju- diciary. S. 1267 picting Harriet Tubman from the Har- By Mr. GARDNER (for himself and Mr. At the request of Mr. MENENDEZ, the riet Tubman Statue Commission of CARDIN): names of the Senator from New Hamp- Maryland and display the statue in a S. Res. 646. A resolution recognizing the shire (Ms. HASSAN) and the Senator prominent location in the Capitol. 70th Anniversary of the Fulbright Program from Virginia (Mr. KAINE) were added S. 3427 in Thailand; to the Committee on Foreign as cosponsors of S. 1267, a bill to estab- At the request of Ms. MCSALLY, the Relations. lish within the Smithsonian Institu- name of the Senator from Montana By Ms. WARREN (for herself, Ms. tion the National Museum of the Amer- (Mr. DAINES) was added as a cosponsor BALDWIN, Mr. BLUMENTHAL, Mr. of S. 3427, a bill to require the Sec- BOOKER, Mr. BROWN, Mr. CASEY, Mr. ican Latino, and for other purposes. COONS, Ms. DUCKWORTH, Mr. DURBIN, S. 1601 retary of the Interior, the Secretary of Mrs. FEINSTEIN, Mrs. GILLIBRAND, Ms. At the request of Mr. WICKER, the Agriculture, and the Assistant Sec- HARRIS, Mr. KAINE, Ms. KLOBUCHAR, name of the Senator from Michigan retary of the Army for Civil Works to Mr. MARKEY, Mr. MENENDEZ, Mrs. (Mr. PETERS) was added as a cosponsor digitize and make publicly available MURRAY, Mr. SANDERS, Ms. SMITH, of S. 1601, a bill to direct the Secretary geographic information system map- Mr. VAN HOLLEN, Mr. WARNER, and ping data relating to public access to Mr. WHITEHOUSE): of Transportation to issue a rule re- quiring all new passenger motor vehi- Federal land and waters for outdoor S. Res. 647. A resolution recognizing the recreation, and for other purposes. forthcoming centennial of the 1921 Tulsa cles to be equipped with a child safety Race Massacre; to the Committee on the Ju- alert system, and for other purposes. S. 3629 At the request of Mr. WYDEN, the diciary. S. 1986 By Ms. BALDWIN (for herself, Ms. COL- name of the Senator from Hawaii (Ms. At the request of Mr. KAINE, the LINS, Mrs. FEINSTEIN, Mrs. CAPITO, HIRONO) was added as a cosponsor of S. name of the Senator from Oregon (Mr. Mrs. SHAHEEN, Mrs. BLACKBURN, Ms. 3629, a bill to establish the Office to WYDEN) was added as a cosponsor of S. ROSEN, Ms. MCSALLY, Ms. CANTWELL, Enforce and Protect Against Child Sex- Mrs. FISCHER, Ms. HIRONO, Mrs. 1986, a bill to amend the Fair Housing ual Exploitation. HYDE-SMITH, Mrs. GILLIBRAND, Mrs. Act to prohibit discrimination based on S. 3703 LOEFFLER, Ms. KLOBUCHAR, Ms. HAR- source of income, veteran status, or At the request of Ms. COLLINS, the RIS, Ms. STABENOW, Ms. WARREN, Ms. military status. CORTEZ MASTO, Mrs. MURRAY, Ms. names of the Senator from Indiana S. 2327 SMITH, Ms. ERNST, Ms. DUCKWORTH, (Mr. BRAUN) and the Senator from Lou- Ms. HASSAN, Ms. MURKOWSKI, and Ms. At the request of Mr. BLUMENTHAL, isiana (Mr. CASSIDY) were added as co- SINEMA): the name of the Senator from Vermont sponsors of S. 3703, a bill to amend the S. Res. 648. A resolution designating Au- (Mr. LEAHY) was added as a cosponsor Elder Abuse Prevention and Prosecu- gust 2020 as ‘‘National Women’s Suffrage of S. 2327, a bill to amend title 38, tion Act to improve the prevention of Month’’; considered and agreed to. United States Code, to modify the eli- elder abuse and exploitation of individ- By Mrs. FEINSTEIN (for herself, Ms. gibility requirements for transfer of uals with Alzheimer’s disease and re- HARRIS, and Mr. SULLIVAN): unused entitlement to Post-9/11 Edu- lated dementias. S. Res. 649. A resolution expressing support cational Assistance, and for other pur- for the designation of July 2020 as ‘‘Amer- S. 3718 ican Grown Flower Month’’; considered and poses. At the request of Ms. CANTWELL, the agreed to. S. 2397 name of the Senator from Arizona (Ms. By Mr. TESTER (for himself and Mr. At the request of Mr. SULLIVAN, the SINEMA) was added as a cosponsor of S. BURR): name of the Senator from Texas (Mr. 3718, a bill to expand the waiver of af- S. Res. 650. A resolution designating July CORNYN) was added as a cosponsor of S. filiation rules for certain business con- 10, 2020, as ‘‘Collector Car Appreciation Day’’ 2397, a bill to authorize the Attorney cerns with more than 1 physical loca- and recognizing that the collection and res- toration of historic and classic cars is an im- General to make grants to State and tion, and for other purposes. portant part of preserving the technological Tribal courts in order to allow the elec- S. 3722 achievements and cultural heritage of the tronic service of certain court orders, At the request of Mr. CRUZ, the United States; considered and agreed to. and for other purposes. names of the Senator from Iowa (Mr.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:59 Jul 03, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00054 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A02JY6.119 S02JYPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE July 2, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S4223 GRASSLEY), the Senator from Nebraska S. 4019 partment of Defense, for military con- (Mrs. FISCHER) and the Senator from At the request of Mr. REED, his name struction, and for defense activities of Montana (Mr. DAINES) were added as and the name of the Senator from the Department of Energy, to prescribe cosponsors of S. 3722, a bill to authorize Rhode Island (Mr. WHITEHOUSE) were military personnel strengths for such funding for a bilateral cooperative pro- added as cosponsors of S. 4019, a bill to fiscal year, and for other purposes. gram with Israel for the development amend title 5, United States Code, to AMENDMENT NO. 1775 of health technologies with a focus on designate Juneteenth National Inde- At the request of Mr. BLUMENTHAL, combating COVID–19. pendence Day as a legal public holiday. the name of the Senator from Vermont S. 3747 S. 4085 (Mr. LEAHY) was added as a cosponsor At the request of Ms. KLOBUCHAR, the At the request of Ms. ERNST, the of amendment No. 1775 intended to be name of the Senator from Wisconsin names of the Senator from Montana proposed to S. 4049, an original bill to (Ms. BALDWIN) was added as a cospon- (Mr. DAINES), the Senator from Indiana authorize appropriations for fiscal year sor of S. 3747, a bill to help charitable (Mr. BRAUN) and the Senator from 2021 for military activities of the De- nonprofit organizations provide serv- (Mrs. LOEFFLER) were added as partment of Defense, for military con- ices to meet the increasing demand in cosponsors of S. 4085, a bill to make struction, and for defense activities of community needs caused by the certain States and political subdivi- the Department of Energy, to prescribe coronavirus pandemic, preserve and sions of States ineligible to receive military personnel strengths for such create jobs in the nonprofit sector, re- Federal finance assistance, and for fiscal year, and for other purposes. duce unemployment, and promote eco- other purposes. AMENDMENT NO. 1793 nomic recovery. S. 4095 At the request of Mr. DURBIN, the S. 3851 At the request of Mr. WYDEN, the name of the Senator from Oregon (Mr. At the request of Ms. WARREN, the names of the Senator from California MERKLEY) was added as a cosponsor of name of the Senator from Oregon (Mr. (Mrs. FEINSTEIN) and the Senator from amendment No. 1793 intended to be pro- MERKLEY) was added as a cosponsor of Alabama (Mr. JONES) were added as co- posed to S. 4049, an original bill to au- S. 3851, a bill to prohibit high-level ap- sponsors of S. 4095, a bill to provide thorize appropriations for fiscal year pointees in the Department of Justice emergency benefits for broadband serv- 2021 for military activities of the De- from participating in particular mat- ice during periods relating to COVID– partment of Defense, for military con- ters in which the President, a relative 19, and for other purposes. struction, and for defense activities of of the President, or an individual asso- S. 4097 the Department of Energy, to prescribe ciated with the campaign of the Presi- At the request of Ms. WARREN, the military personnel strengths for such dent is a party. name of the Senator from California fiscal year, and for other purposes. S. 3865 (Mrs. FEINSTEIN) was added as a co- AMENDMENT NO. 1829 At the request of Mr. PORTMAN, the sponsor of S. 4097, a bill to provide a At the request of Mr. COONS, the name of the Senator from Colorado temporary moratorium on eviction fil- name of the Senator from Oregon (Mr. (Mr. GARDNER) was added as a cospon- ings, and for other purposes. MERKLEY) was added as a cosponsor of sor of S. 3865, a bill to provide for the S. 4098 amendment No. 1829 intended to be pro- treatment of certain criminal viola- At the request of Mr. MENENDEZ, the posed to S. 4049, an original bill to au- tions under the paycheck protection name of the Senator from Wisconsin thorize appropriations for fiscal year program, and for other purposes. (Ms. BALDWIN) was added as a cospon- 2021 for military activities of the De- S. 3874 sor of S. 4098, a bill to provide funding partment of Defense, for military con- At the request of Mr. MENENDEZ, his for the Neighborhood Reinvestment struction, and for defense activities of name and the name of the Senator Corporation Act, and for other pur- the Department of Energy, to prescribe from New Mexico (Mr. HEINRICH) were poses. military personnel strengths for such added as cosponsors of S. 3874, a bill S. 4143 fiscal year, and for other purposes. making additional supplemental appro- At the request of Mr. SCHUMER, the AMENDMENT NO. 1917 priations for disaster relief require- names of the Senator from Illinois (Mr. At the request of Ms. HASSAN, the ments for the fiscal year ending Sep- DURBIN), the Senator from Michigan names of the Senator from Nevada (Ms. tember 30, 2020, and for other purposes. (Ms. STABENOW), the Senator from ROSEN), the Senator from Maryland S. 4001 Maryland (Mr. VAN HOLLEN), the Sen- (Mr. VAN HOLLEN) and the Senator At the request of Mr. SCOTT of South ator from New York (Mrs. GILLIBRAND), from Arizona (Ms. SINEMA) were added Carolina, the names of the Senator the Senator from Illinois (Ms. as cosponsors of amendment No. 1917 from Utah (Mr. ROMNEY), the Senator DUCKWORTH), the Senator from Wash- intended to be proposed to S. 4049, an from Illinois (Mr. DURBIN), the Senator ington (Mrs. MURRAY), the Senator original bill to authorize appropria- from Virginia (Mr. WARNER), the Sen- from Ohio (Mr. BROWN) and the Senator tions for fiscal year 2021 for military ator from Rhode Island (Mr. REED) and from Pennsylvania (Mr. CASEY) were activities of the Department of De- the Senator from Minnesota (Ms. KLO- added as cosponsors of S. 4143, a bill to fense, for military construction, and BUCHAR) were added as cosponsors of S. extend the unemployment insurance for defense activities of the Depart- 4001, a bill to amend title IX of the So- provisions of the Coronavirus Aid, Re- ment of Energy, to prescribe military cial Security Act to improve emer- lief, and Economic Security (CARES) personnel strengths for such fiscal gency unemployment relief for govern- Act for the duration of the economic year, and for other purposes. mental entities and nonprofit organiza- recovery, and for other purposes. AMENDMENT NO. 1929 tions. S. RES. 458 At the request of Mr. MERKLEY, the S. 4003 At the request of Mr. LANKFORD, the name of the Senator from Texas (Mr. At the request of Mr. MENENDEZ, the name of the Senator from Georgia CRUZ) was added as a cosponsor of name of the Senator from New Jersey (Mrs. LOEFFLER) was added as a cospon- amendment No. 1929 intended to be pro- (Mr. BOOKER) was added as a cosponsor sor of S. Res. 458, a resolution calling posed to S. 4049, an original bill to au- of S. 4003, a bill to improve United for the global repeal of blasphemy, her- thorize appropriations for fiscal year States consideration of, and strategic esy, and apostasy laws. 2021 for military activities of the De- support for, programs to prevent and AMENDMENT NO. 1729 partment of Defense, for military con- respond to gender-based violence from At the request of Mrs. SHAHEEN, the struction, and for defense activities of the onset of humanitarian emergencies name of the Senator from Maine (Ms. the Department of Energy, to prescribe and to build the capacity of humani- COLLINS) was added as a cosponsor of military personnel strengths for such tarian actors to address the immediate amendment No. 1729 intended to be pro- fiscal year, and for other purposes. and long-term challenges resulting posed to S. 4049, an original bill to au- AMENDMENT NO. 1931 from such violence, and for other pur- thorize appropriations for fiscal year At the request of Mrs. SHAHEEN, the poses. 2021 for military activities of the De- name of the Senator from California

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:59 Jul 03, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00055 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A02JY6.075 S02JYPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE S4224 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 2, 2020 (Mrs. FEINSTEIN) was added as a co- military personnel strengths for such original bill to authorize appropria- sponsor of amendment No. 1931 in- fiscal year, and for other purposes. tions for fiscal year 2021 for military tended to be proposed to S. 4049, an AMENDMENT NO. 2184 activities of the Department of De- original bill to authorize appropria- At the request of Ms. SINEMA, the fense, for military construction, and tions for fiscal year 2021 for military name of the Senator from California for defense activities of the Depart- activities of the Department of De- (Mrs. FEINSTEIN) was added as a co- ment of Energy, to prescribe military fense, for military construction, and sponsor of amendment No. 2184 in- personnel strengths for such fiscal for defense activities of the Depart- tended to be proposed to S. 4049, an year, and for other purposes. ment of Energy, to prescribe military original bill to authorize appropria- AMENDMENT NO. 2324 personnel strengths for such fiscal tions for fiscal year 2021 for military At the request of Mr. DURBIN, the year, and for other purposes. activities of the Department of De- name of the Senator from California AMENDMENT NO. 1952 fense, for military construction, and (Mrs. FEINSTEIN) was added as a co- At the request of Mr. SCOTT of Flor- for defense activities of the Depart- sponsor of amendment No. 2324 in- ida, the name of the Senator from ment of Energy, to prescribe military tended to be proposed to S. 4049, an Texas (Mr. CRUZ) was added as a co- personnel strengths for such fiscal original bill to authorize appropria- sponsor of amendment No. 1952 in- year, and for other purposes. tions for fiscal year 2021 for military tended to be proposed to S. 4049, an AMENDMENT NO. 2244 activities of the Department of De- original bill to authorize appropria- At the request of Mr. CORNYN, the fense, for military construction, and tions for fiscal year 2021 for military names of the Senator from Kansas (Mr. for defense activities of the Depart- activities of the Department of De- MORAN) and the Senator from Min- ment of Energy, to prescribe military fense, for military construction, and nesota (Ms. SMITH) were added as co- personnel strengths for such fiscal for defense activities of the Depart- sponsors of amendment No. 2244 in- year, and for other purposes. ment of Energy, to prescribe military tended to be proposed to S. 4049, an AMENDMENT NO. 2329 personnel strengths for such fiscal original bill to authorize appropria- At the request of Mr. PAUL, the name year, and for other purposes. tions for fiscal year 2021 for military of the Senator from Vermont (Mr. EAHY AMENDMENT NO. 1954 activities of the Department of De- L ) was added as a cosponsor of amendment No. 2329 intended to be pro- At the request of Mr. MENENDEZ, the fense, for military construction, and name of the Senator from Oregon (Mr. for defense activities of the Depart- posed to S. 4049, an original bill to au- thorize appropriations for fiscal year MERKLEY) was added as a cosponsor of ment of Energy, to prescribe military amendment No. 1954 intended to be pro- personnel strengths for such fiscal 2021 for military activities of the De- posed to S. 4049, an original bill to au- year, and for other purposes. partment of Defense, for military con- struction, and for defense activities of thorize appropriations for fiscal year AMENDMENT NO. 2245 the Department of Energy, to prescribe 2021 for military activities of the De- At the request of Mr. CORNYN, the military personnel strengths for such partment of Defense, for military con- name of the Senator from Minnesota fiscal year, and for other purposes. struction, and for defense activities of (Ms. SMITH) was added as a cosponsor AMENDMENT NO. 2384 the Department of Energy, to prescribe of amendment No. 2245 intended to be At the request of Mrs. SHAHEEN, the military personnel strengths for such proposed to S. 4049, an original bill to name of the Senator from Maryland fiscal year, and for other purposes. authorize appropriations for fiscal year (Mr. CARDIN) was added as a cosponsor AMENDMENT NO. 1955 2021 for military activities of the De- of amendment No. 2384 intended to be partment of Defense, for military con- At the request of Mr. MENENDEZ, the proposed to S. 4049, an original bill to struction, and for defense activities of name of the Senator from Oregon (Mr. authorize appropriations for fiscal year the Department of Energy, to prescribe MERKLEY) was added as a cosponsor of 2021 for military activities of the De- military personnel strengths for such amendment No. 1955 intended to be pro- partment of Defense, for military con- fiscal year, and for other purposes. posed to S. 4049, an original bill to au- struction, and for defense activities of thorize appropriations for fiscal year AMENDMENT NO. 2284 the Department of Energy, to prescribe 2021 for military activities of the De- At the request of Mr. SASSE, the military personnel strengths for such partment of Defense, for military con- name of the Senator from Texas (Mr. fiscal year, and for other purposes. struction, and for defense activities of CRUZ) was added as a cosponsor of AMENDMENT NO. 2396 the Department of Energy, to prescribe amendment No. 2284 intended to be pro- At the request of Mr. MENENDEZ, the military personnel strengths for such posed to S. 4049, an original bill to au- names of the Senator from Illinois (Ms. fiscal year, and for other purposes. thorize appropriations for fiscal year DUCKWORTH), the Senator from Illinois AMENDMENT NO. 1962 2021 for military activities of the De- (Mr. DURBIN) and the Senator from Or- partment of Defense, for military con- At the request of Ms. STABENOW, the egon (Mr. MERKLEY) were added as co- names of the Senator from Connecticut struction, and for defense activities of sponsors of amendment No. 2396 in- (Mr. BLUMENTHAL) and the Senator the Department of Energy, to prescribe tended to be proposed to S. 4049, an from Massachusetts (Mr. MARKEY) were military personnel strengths for such original bill to authorize appropria- added as cosponsors of amendment No. fiscal year, and for other purposes. tions for fiscal year 2021 for military 1962 intended to be proposed to S. 4049, AMENDMENT NO. 2295 activities of the Department of De- an original bill to authorize appropria- At the request of Ms. KLOBUCHAR, the fense, for military construction, and tions for fiscal year 2021 for military name of the Senator from California for defense activities of the Depart- activities of the Department of De- (Mrs. FEINSTEIN) was added as a co- ment of Energy, to prescribe military fense, for military construction, and sponsor of amendment No. 2295 in- personnel strengths for such fiscal for defense activities of the Depart- tended to be proposed to S. 4049, an year, and for other purposes. ment of Energy, to prescribe military original bill to authorize appropria- f personnel strengths for such fiscal tions for fiscal year 2021 for military year, and for other purposes. activities of the Department of De- STATEMENTS ON INTRODUCED AMENDMENT NO. 2112 fense, for military construction, and BILLS AND JOINT RESOLUTION At the request of Ms. BALDWIN, the for defense activities of the Depart- By Ms. COLLINS (for herself, Mr. name of the Senator from Oregon (Mr. ment of Energy, to prescribe military MANCHIN, and Mr. BOOZMAN): WYDEN) was added as a cosponsor of personnel strengths for such fiscal S. 4155. A bill to amend title 38, amendment No. 2112 intended to be pro- year, and for other purposes. United States Code, to authorize the posed to S. 4049, an original bill to au- AMENDMENT NO. 2313 Secretary of Veterans Affairs to pro- thorize appropriations for fiscal year At the request of Ms. CORTEZ MASTO, vide or assist in providing an addi- 2021 for military activities of the De- the name of the Senator from Cali- tional vehicle adapted for operation by partment of Defense, for military con- fornia (Mrs. FEINSTEIN) was added as a disabled individuals to certain eligible struction, and for defense activities of cosponsor of amendment No. 2313 in- persons; to the Committee on Vet- the Department of Energy, to prescribe tended to be proposed to S. 4049, an erans’ Affairs.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:59 Jul 03, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00056 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A02JY6.077 S02JYPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE July 2, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S4225 Ms. COLLINS. Mr. President, today, I expensive adaptive vehicles in order to (b) RULE OF CONSTRUCTION.—Nothing in am pleased to be joined by my col- drive safely and, also, in order to main- this section, or the amendments made by league from West Virginia, Senator tain their independence. this section, may be construed as affecting the consent provided by any consumer under JOE MANCHIN, in introducing the Ad- Our Nation owes American veterans section 101(c) of the Electronic Signatures in vancing Uniform Transportation Op- our deepest gratitude. We must con- Global and National Commerce Act (15 portunities for Veterans Act. Our bill, tinue to honor that commitment to our U.S.C. 7001(c)) before the date of enactment known as the AUTO Act, would lessen veterans by supporting their needs, in- of this Act. the financial burden for severely dis- cluding the needs of disabled veterans abled veterans who require special who need adaptive technology for their By Mr. THUNE (for himself, Ms. adaptive equipment to drive a motor vehicles long after they are discharged STABENOW, Mr. PORTMAN, Ms. vehicle by increasing the access to the or retired from Active Duty. The AUTO BALDWIN, Mrs. CAPITO, and Mr. Department of Veterans Affairs auto- for Veterans Act is an important step CARDIN): mobile grant program. in helping those who have served our S. 4160. A bill to enable certain hos- The VA is currently authorized to Nation so honorably and have sac- pitals that were participating in or ap- provide eligible veterans with a one- rificed so much for our freedom. plied for the drug discount program time grant of approximately $21,400 to I urge all of our colleagues to join under section 340B of the Public Health be used to purchase a new or used auto- Senator MANCHIN and me in honoring Service Act prior to the COVID–19 pub- mobile and necessary adaptive equip- and supporting our Nation’s disabled lic health emergency to temporarily ment, such as specialized pedals or veterans. maintain eligibility for such program, switches. This grant is often used to- I send the bill to the desk. and for other purposes; to the Com- gether with the VA special adaptive The PRESIDING OFFICER. The bill mittee on Health, Education, Labor, equipment grants, which help veterans will be received and appropriately re- and Pensions. purchase adaptive equipment, such as ferred. Mr. THUNE. Mr. President, I ask powered lifts, for an existing auto- unanimous consent that the text of the mobile or van to make it safe for a vet- By Mr. THUNE (for himself, Mr. bill be printed in the RECORD. eran’s use. MORAN, and Mr. YOUNG): There being no objection, the text of Although veterans can receive mul- S. 4159. A bill to amend the Elec- the bill was ordered to be printed in tiple special adaptive equipment grants tronic Signatures in Global and Na- the RECORD, as follows: over the course of their lives, they are, tional Commerce Act to accommodate S. 4160 for some reason, limited to a single emerging technologies; to the Com- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- grant for the vehicle. The current limi- mittee on Commerce, Science, and resentatives of the United States of America in tation fails to take into account that a Transportation. Congress assembled, disabled veteran will need more than Mr. THUNE. Mr. President, I ask SECTION 1. ELIGIBILITY EXCEPTION FOR THE unanimous consent that the text of the DRUG DISCOUNT PROGRAM DUE TO one vehicle in his or her lifetime. In THE COVID–19 PUBLIC HEALTH fact, the Department of Transportation bill be printed in the RECORD. EMERGENCY. reports that the average useful life of a There being no objection, the text of (a) IN GENERAL.—Notwithstanding any vehicle is 11.5 years, and a vehicle that the bill was ordered to be printed in other provision of law, a hospital described has been modified structurally tends to the RECORD, as follows: in subsection (b) that, for an applicable cal- have a shorter useful life. S. 4159 endar quarter, otherwise meets the require- ments for being a covered entity under sub- According to the VA Independent Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- Budget prepared by the Disabled Amer- paragraph (L), (M), or (O) of section resentatives of the United States of America in 340B(a)(4) of the Public Health Service Act ican Veterans, Paralyzed Veterans of Congress assembled, (42 U.S.C. 256b(a)(4)) but that, for such cal- America, and the Veterans of Foreign SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. endar quarter, does not meet the applicable Wars, the average cost to replace modi- This Act may be cited as the ‘‘E-SIGN requirement for the disproportionate share fied vehicles ranges from $40,000 to Modernization Act of 2020’’. adjustment percentage described in sub- $65,000 when the vehicle is new and SEC. 2. REQUIREMENTS FOR CONSENT TO ELEC- section (c), shall be deemed a covered entity $21,000 to $35,000 when the vehicle is TRONIC DISCLOSURES. under such respective subparagraph for such used. These are significant costs for a (a) IN GENERAL.—Title I of the Electronic applicable calendar quarter. Signatures in Global and National Com- severely disabled veteran to bear to re- (b) HOSPITALS.—A hospital described in merce Act (15 U.S.C. 7001 et seq.) is amend- this subsection is— place his or her primary mode of trans- ed— (1) an entity that, on the day before the portation. That is why veterans should (1) in section 101(c) (15 U.S.C. 7001(c))— first day of the COVID–19 public health be eligible to receive an automobile (A) in paragraph (1), by striking subpara- emergency, was a covered entity described in grant once every 10 years. Our bipar- graphs (C) and (D) and inserting the fol- subparagraph (L), (M), or (O) of subsection tisan bill would do exactly that. lowing: (a)(4) of section 340B of the Public Health One disabled veteran in Maine, Neal ‘‘(C) the consumer, prior to consenting, is Service Act participating in the drug dis- Williams, from Shirley, used a VA provided with a statement of the hardware count program under such section; or automobile grant in 1999 to purchase and software requirements for access to and (2) an entity that— retention of the electronic records; and (A) prior to the COVID–19 public health an adapted vehicle—a Ford Econoline ‘‘(D) after the consent of a consumer in ac- emergency, submitted an application for par- van. He has had to purchase several cordance with subparagraph (A), if a change ticipation in such program as a covered enti- adaptive vehicles since 1999, with each in the hardware or software requirements ty described in subparagraph (L), (M), or (O) one lasting 250,000 miles, until they needed to access or retain electronic records of section 340B(a)(4) of the Public Health were no longer roadworthy. Two hun- creates a material risk that the consumer Service Act; dred and fifty thousand miles is a lot of will not be able to access or retain a subse- (B) prior to or during such emergency, was miles, particularly over Maine’s roads quent electronic record that was the subject approved for such participation; and and highways. Neal’s current vehicle of the consent, the person providing the elec- (C) during such emergency, began partici- tronic record provides the consumer with a pating in such program. now has over 100,000 miles, and he prob- statement of— (c) APPLICABLE REQUIREMENT FOR DIS- ably only has a short time before he ‘‘(i) the revised hardware and software re- PROPORTIONATE SHARE ADJUSTMENT PERCENT- will need a new one. He told me that quirements for access to and retention of the AGE.—The applicable requirement for the purchasing a new van, which he uses electronic records; and disproportionate share adjustment percent- for his wheelchair, and then he trans- ‘‘(ii) the right to withdraw consent without age described in this subsection is— fers to the driver’s seat—he is such an the imposition of any fees for such with- (1) in the case of a hospital described in extraordinary person in what he is able drawal and without the imposition of any subsection (a) that otherwise meets the re- to do, but he has told me that new van condition or consequence that was not dis- quirements under subparagraph (L) or (M) of closed under subparagraph (B)(i).’’; section 340B(a)(4) of the Public Health Serv- will cost him well over $50,000, which is (B) by striking paragraph (3); and ice Act, the requirement under subparagraph more than he paid for his home in rural (C) by redesignating paragraphs (4), (5), and (L)(ii) of such section; and Maine. (6) as paragraphs (3), (4), and (5), respec- (2) in the case of a hospital described in This is an enormous burden on vet- tively; and subsection (a) that otherwise meets the re- erans like Neal who need to purchase (2) by striking section 105 (15 U.S.C. 7005). quirements under subparagraph (O) of such

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:59 Jul 03, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00057 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G02JY6.022 S02JYPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE S4226 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 2, 2020 section 340B(a)(4), the requirement with re- preferring full-time work, or are only Throughout its 245–year history, the spect to the disproportionate share adjust- able to spend a few years with their United States Postal Service has ment percentage described in such subpara- employer before moving again. Their played a vital role in bringing our graph (O). limited hours and short tenure often country together and moving our econ- (d) DEFINITIONS.—In this section: (1) APPLICABLE CALENDAR QUARTER.—The preclude them from being eligible to omy forward. The Postal Service al- term ‘‘applicable calendar quarter’’ means a receive employer contributions to their lows us to remain connected with fam- calendar quarter for which eligibility for the retirement plan or from being fully ily and friends and helps small busi- drug discount program under section 340B of vested in their plan. nesses reach their customers around the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. Increasing access to employer-spon- the country. 256b) is based on a cost reporting period for sored retirement plans would improve The Postal Service is also the which the COVID–19 public health emergency the financial security of many military linchpin of a $1.6 trillion mailing indus- is in effect for all or part of such cost report- spouses. The bill I am introducing try that employs more than 7.3 million ing period. (2) COVERED ENTITY.—The term ‘‘covered today would help address this need by people. These jobs are as varied as entity’’ has the meaning given such term in providing a to small employ- paper manufacturers, publishing, print- section 340B(a)(4) of the Public Health Serv- ers who provide military spouses with ing, catalog companies, online retail- ice Act (42 U.S.C. 256b(a)(4)). accelerated eligibility for retirement ers, and transportation providers. (3) COVID–19 PUBLIC HEALTH EMERGENCY.— plan participation, employer contribu- The COVID–19 pandemic has changed The term ‘‘COVID–19 public health emer- tions, and vesting. our daily lives in fundamental ways, gency’’ means the public health emergency My bill would allow small employ- and the Postal Service is needed now declared by the Secretary of Health and ers—those with up to 100 employees—to more than ever. USPS is a lifeline for Human Services under section 319 of the Americans across the country, particu- Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 247d) on claim a tax credit of up to $500 per year January 31, 2020, with respect to COVID–19. per military spouse. The credit would larly seniors and others living in rural be available for three years per mili- areas. In a Harris poll conducted in By Ms. COLLINS (for herself and tary spouse. The amount of the credit May, Americans ranked the USPS as Ms. HASSAN): would be equal to $200 per military the most ‘‘essential’’ company amid S. 4173. A bill to amend the Internal spouse, plus 100 percent of all employer the pandemic. Revenue Code of 1986 to provide a cred- contributions for that spouse, up to The agency’s dedicated employees, it to small employers for covering mili- $300. like the rural letter carrier in Colum- tary spouses under retirement plans; to To receive the tax credit, small em- bia Falls, go to work each day, facing the Committee on Finance. ployers must make a military spouse increased risk as they continue to en- Mr. President, I rise today, along immediately eligible for retirement sure reliable delivery of needed pre- with my colleague Senator HASSAN, to plan participation within two months scriptions, safety-net benefits, and introduce the Military Spouses Retire- of hire. Upon plan eligibility, a mili- other critical services that might oth- ment Security Act. This bipartisan bill tary spouse must be eligible for any erwise be unavailable. would help spouses of active duty serv- matching or non-elective contribution While COVID–19 has underscored the ice members save for retirement by ex- available to a similarly situated em- essential nature of the Postal Service, panding access to employer-sponsored ployee with at least two years of serv- it has also caused significant declines retirement plans. ice, and must be 100 percent imme- in first-class and marketing mail reve- According to the Employee Benefits diately vested in all employer con- nues and increased costs, as the Postal Research Institute, American house- tributions. Service has taken additional steps to holds face a retirement savings gap of Military spouses are the unsung he- protect its employees and the public $3.7 trillion. The Center for Retirement roes of our country’s national defense. from the virus. Research estimates an even larger gap They often put their professional lives Even with substantial increases in of $7.1 trillion. When asked about their on hold, threatening their long-term package volumes during the first phase retirement preparedness, only 57 per- retirement security. The Military of the pandemic, USPS estimates that cent of Americans believe they will be Spouses Retirement Security Act COVID–19 will increase net losses and able to live comfortably in retirement. would help by encouraging small em- accelerate its cash crisis. If Congress There are many reasons why Amer- ployers to provide military spouses does not act, the Postal Service warns ican households struggle to save for re- with accelerated access to retirement it could run out of money for payroll tirement, including the shift away plans and employer contributions. I within the next year. This would from employer-based ‘‘defined benefit’’ urge my colleagues to support this bill. threaten its ability to continue pro- plans and rising health care and long- Thank you, Mr. President. viding essential services to the public, term care costs. Longer life spans in- as well as support its 630,000 employees, crease the risk of outliving retirement By Ms. COLLINS (for herself, including 3,300 in Maine. savings. The economic and health im- Mrs. FEINSTEIN, Mr. DAINES, I am committed to ensuring this pacts of the COVID–19 crisis are also Mr. JONES, and Mr. TESTER): vital institution survives the COVID–19 posing a threat to retirement security. S. 4174. A bill to provide emergency crisis and is positioned to support eco- Spouses of active duty service mem- appropriations to the United States nomic recovery. The legislation we are bers face an additional hurdle to saving Postal Service to cover losses related introducing today would provide the for retirement. According to the De- to the COVID–19 crisis and to direct Postal Service with up to $25 billion in partment of Defense, about one-third of the Board of Governors of the United emergency funding to cover COVID–19- military service members experience a States Postal Service to develop a plan related losses and other operational ex- permanent change of station move for ensuring the long term solvency of penses. every year. When a service member the Postal Service; to the Committee The legislation also includes several moves, their spouse often relocates on Homeland Security and Govern- safeguards to ensure these funds are with them, putting their own career on mental Affairs. used only for their intended purpose. hold. Mr. President, I rise to introduce the The funds would be appropriated to a Following a move, a military spouse Postal Service Emergency Assistance separate ‘‘Postal Service COVID–19 may face periods of unemployment, Act. I am pleased to be joined by my Emergency Fund’’ rather than the gen- where they are not able to participate colleague, Senator FEINSTEIN, in spon- eral Postal Service Fund, and these in an employer-sponsored retirement soring this legislation that would en- funds would only be available until plan. A 2017 survey found that the un- sure the United States Postal Service September 30, 2022. Prior to accessing employment rate for active duty mili- survives the COVID–19 pandemic and these funds, the Postal Service would tary spouses was 24 percent, more than advance the conversation needed to put be required to certify in its quarterly five times the rate for the U.S. popu- it on a path to long-term solvency. I and annual reports to the Postal Regu- lation as a whole at that time. would also like to recognize Senators latory Commission that the expendi- When military spouses find a new DAINES, JONES, and TESTER, who have ture of any such funds is necessary to job, they often work part-time, despite joined as original cosponsors. cover losses or expenses resulting from

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:59 Jul 03, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00058 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A02JY6.121 S02JYPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE July 2, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S4227 the COVID–19 pandemic. The Postal ies, which anchor our local commu- tional Humanities Alliance; National Service would also be required to nities, are no exception. Local budget League of Cities; Reach Out and Read; prioritize the purchase of personal pro- shortfalls have left libraries to grapple Reading Is Fundamental; and Urban tective equipment for its employees with severe cuts, furloughs of staff, and Libraries Council. Companion legisla- and conduct additional cleaning and reduced operations just when commu- tion is being introduced on a bipartisan sanitizing of its facilities and delivery nities need their services the most. In basis in the other body by Congress- vehicles. addition to providing additional re- man ANDY LEVIN. In addition to providing emergency sources to enable schools to reopen I urge our colleagues to join us in relief, this legislation would clarify the safely, close the homework gap, and pressing for the inclusion of the Li- terms and conditions of the $10 billion strengthen the social safety net, we brary Stabilization Fund Act in the loan that Congress provided to the need to invest in libraries to help our next COVID–19 response package. Postal Service as part of the communities recover. Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Libraries are a critical piece of our By Mr. WYDEN (for himself and Security or CARES Act. education, economic development, and Mr. MERKLEY): S. 4189. A bill to provide for drought Although the COVID–19 emergency is social infrastructure. Although many preparedness and improved water sup- contributing to the Postal Service’s fi- libraries remain closed or have limited ply reliability; to the Committee on nancing challenges, it did not cause all hours, libraries are meeting urgent community needs by increasing tech- Energy and Natural Resources. of its financial problems. According to Mr. WYDEN. Mr. President, today I nology access (including boosting WIFI the Government Accountability Office, am introducing the Water for Agri- and lending hotspots, tablets, and com- USPS lost about $78 billion from fiscal culture and Conservation Act to help puters), offering digital content, pro- year 2007 through 2019. This is why the expand critical water conservation in- viding books and materials for delivery legislation we are introducing today frastructure that helps improve water or pick-up, and hosting online story would also require the new Postmaster use efficiency, fish and wildlife habitat, General and the Board of Governors to times, classes, and discussion groups. and agriculture productivity. present to Congress a plan to ensure In this way, libraries are providing en- Throughout the West, communities the long-term solvency of the Postal richment to our young people, ensuring are experiencing high levels of drought Service. students can connect to remote and that are hurting agriculture and con- Growing up in Aroostook County, I summer learning, enabling those with servation efforts. The Water for Con- experienced the essential nature of the jobs to telework, helping job seekers servation and Farming Act aims to United States Postal Service every find employment and receive training, help communities better plan and pre- day. As Chairman of the Senate Aging and offering a lifeline to vulnerable pare for the increased demand for clean Committee, I’ve also seen the indispen- adults and seniors who need health in- water by funding projects that improve sable role that the Postal Service plays formation, a portal to government dam safety, create more resilient wa- for our nation’s seniors. The Postal services, and ways to avoid social isola- tersheds, and benefit agricultural and Service Emergency Assistance Act tion. urban water users. would ensure the Postal Service is able To strengthen the ability of libraries States, Tribes, and local commu- to continue fulfilling its essential mis- to serve communities affected by nities are working diligently to up- sion, while also providing for respon- COVID–19, our bill would provide fund- grade crumbling water infrastructure sible stewardship of taxpayer funds and ing to states on a formula basis, with a but have lacked the critical resources laying the groundwork to put the Post- minimum allotment of $10 million; to to make meaningful improvements al Service on a path to long-term via- tribes; and on a competitive basis. The that last. The Water for Conservation bility. I urge my colleagues to support funding could be used to support gen- and Farming Act would provide this bill. eral operations, including paying staff $120,000,000 over three years for dis- Thank you, Mr. President. and ensuring the safe handling of li- advantaged communities to increase brary materials; to offer greater access environmental protections, support ag- By Mr. REED (for himself, Mr. to technology, including expanding riculture, and make significant steps BROWN, Mr. BOOKER, Mr. digital networks and enabling the pur- to improve the water supply for their BLUMENTHAL, Mr. UDALL, Mr. chase and lending of hotspots, laptops, communities. CARDIN, Ms. WARREN, Mr. and digital resources; to strengthen The Water for Conservation and WHITEHOUSE, Mr. HEINRICH, Mr. services and resources, including those Farming Act would create a Bureau of VAN HOLLEN, Mr. MENENDEZ, relating to literacy, distance learning, Reclamation fund of $300 million to Mr. WYDEN, Ms. HIRONO, and adult education, workforce and eco- support water recycling projects, Mr. MARKEY): nomic development, and health infor- water-use efficiency projects and dam S. 4181. A bill to establish a Library mation; and to link patrons to govern- safety projects, as well as expanding Stabilization Fund to respond to and ment, community, and cultural re- existing programs, like WaterSMART, accelerate the recovery from sources. to get more bang for the conservation coronavirus; to the Committee on This legislation will help ensure li- buck. Health, Education, Labor, and Pen- braries can continue to find new ways The bill would establish several new sions. to bridge the digital divide and safely programs at the Bureau of Reclama- Mr. REED. Mr. President, to help li- provide information, programming, tion, which are designed to help dis- braries respond to and recover from the and services that people of all ages advantaged communities plan and im- COVID–19 pandemic and continue pro- need to stay engaged and informed. plement water conservation projects, a viding communities with needed serv- This smart investment in our libraries program to help farmers improve mi- ices, resources, technology, and will keep people and communities con- gratory bird habitat, and programs to broadband access, I am introducing the nected and contribute to our economic implement aquatic ecosystem restora- Library Stabilization Fund Act along recovery. tion projects. with Senators BROWN, BOOKER, I thank the supporters of the bill, in- At a time when the nation is suf- BLUMENTHAL, UDALL, CARDIN, WARREN, cluding the American Library Associa- fering increased droughts, when farm- WHITEHOUSE, HEINRICH, VAN HOLLEN, tion; Association for Rural & Small Li- ers and ranchers are asked to do more MENENDEZ, WYDEN, HIRANO, and MAR- braries; Association of Research Li- with less, and critical habitats are suf- KEY. Our bill would provide the $2 bil- braries; Chief Officers of State Library fering from less and less water, this bill lion the American Library Association Agencies; Common Sense Media: Inter- will make needed investments in water has estimated is necessary for a library national Dyslexia Association; Na- conservation infrastructure that re- stabilization fund under the Institute tional Association of Elementary duces demand for water, improves bio- of Museum and Library Services School Principals; National Associa- diversity, and helps farmers and ranch- (IMLS). tion of Secondary School Principals; ers plan and prepare for droughts. I COVID–19 has wreaked havoc on National Coalition for Literacy; Na- look forward to getting this bill across every aspect of our daily lives. Librar- tional Digital Inclusion Alliance; Na- the finish line.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:59 Jul 03, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00059 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A02JY6.102 S02JYPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE S4228 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 2, 2020 By Mr. GRASSLEY (for himself, The reason, unfortunately, is that Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, I ask Mr. PORTMAN, Mr. CASSIDY, Mr. the Democrats recently walked away unanimous consent that the text of the DAINES, Ms. COLLINS, Ms. from the bill. They walked away from bill be printed in the RECORD. ERNST, Ms. MCSALLY, Mr. the good faith negotiations that pro- There being no objection, the text of BRAUN, Mrs. HYDE-SMITH, and duced this bipartisan product. They did the bill was ordered to be printed in Ms. MURKOWSKI): so for political reasons. They put poli- the RECORD, as follows: S. 4199. A bill to amend titles XI, tics, and their drive for power, ahead of S. 4202 XVIII, and XIX of the Social Security patients. From conversations I have Act to lower prescription drug prices in had with colleagues on the other side Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- resentatives of the United States of America in the Medicare and Medicaid programs, of the aisle, this was a leadership-driv- Congress assembled, to improve transparency related to en decision. Maybe the thinking is that pharmaceutical prices and trans- they’ll block Senate Republicans from SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. actions, to lower patients’ out-of-pock- securing a win, or that they’ll be able This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Expanding SNAP Options Act of 2020’’. et costs, and to ensure accountability to say that President Trump hasn’t fol- to taxpayers, and for other purposes; to SEC. 2. ONLINE PORTAL FOR SNAP BENEFIT RE- lowed through. DEMPTION. the Committee on Finance. They can say that, but it doesn’t Section 7(h)(14) of the Food and Nutrition Mr. GRASSLEY. Mr. President, I rise make it true. The introduction of this Act of 2008 (7 U.S.C. 2016(h)(14)) is amended— today to introduce the Prescription bill, with a number of my Republican (1) in subparagraph (A), by striking ‘‘Sub- Drug Pricing Reduction Act of 2020. colleagues, shows that Republicans are ject to subparagraph (B), the’’ and inserting This is a bill that I have been working the ones on the side of patients. And to ‘‘The’’; and on for the past 18 months. I made low- question the commitment of President (2) by striking subparagraph (B) and insert- ering prescription drug costs one of my Trump to lowering prescription drug ing the following: top priorities as I resumed the role of prices is outlandish. ‘‘(B) EBT ONLINE REDEMPTION PORTAL.— Chairman of the Finance Committee at President Trump campaigned on ex- ‘‘(i) PURPOSE.—The purpose of this sub- the beginning of this Congress. panding prescription drug affordability paragraph is to expand options for and access I made it my priority as it’s a top and fairness. He released a comprehen- to food for eligible households by making the online redemption of program benefits, in- concern for Iowans and all Americans. sive plan that included numerous pol- cluding the acceptance of EBT cards, more My constituents throughout the state icy ideas. He and his Administration widely available to grocery stores, small re- voice concern about being able to af- have taken bold regulatory action. tailers, and farmers who face barriers in im- ford their prescription medications. I Some of those actions are being fought plementing their own online payment por- hear about this issue as much as any in the courts by stakeholders that sup- tals. other. Poll after poll shows that the port the status quo. Some have been ‘‘(ii) CONTRACTS.—Not later than 180 days concern I hear in Iowa is shared across opposed by Congressional Democrats. after the date of enactment of the Expanding the Nation. The need for Congress to As the Administration’s ability to SNAP Options Act of 2020, the Secretary act to provide patients with much- act through regulation can only take shall award on a competitive basis 1 or more contracts to 1 or more eligible entities de- needed relief is also a common us so far, President Trump called on scribed in clause (iii) to develop an online takeaway from these polls and from Congress to pass an overhaul of the portal, to be known as the ‘EBT Online Re- talking to my colleagues. Iowans want drug pricing system. In fact, he men- demption Portal’— action. Americans want action. tioned my work on this specific bill in ‘‘(I) to allow program participants to use Lowering prescription drug costs and his State of the Union address earlier online or mobile electronic benefits trans- providing relief to patients is actually this year, and he called on Congress to actions, including through the acceptance of what this bill does. send a bipartisan bill to his desk. EBT cards, to purchase program foods from, For the vast majority of my time We should be celebrating the intro- and make online payments to, authorized working on the bill, the Senator from duction of this bill today as another program retailers under the supplemental nutrition assistance program; and Oregon, Ranking Member WYDEN, has key step closer to responding to Presi- ‘‘(II) to facilitate food purchase delivery been my partner. All of the policies in dent Trump’s call for bipartisan action. for program participants using the trans- this bill, which improve Medicare and While it remains the most prominent actions described in subclause (I). Medicaid and bring much needed trans- reform bill that contains bipartisan ‘‘(iii) ELIGIBLE ENTITY.—An eligible entity parency across the supply chain, were policy solutions, today’s introduction referred to in clause (ii) is any for-profit or co-authored by the Ranking Member. reveals that Democrats are more inter- nonprofit entity with demonstrable expertise The Finance Committee reported the ested in positioning for elections than in the development, operation, or mainte- initial version of this robust bill in producing results. This is disappointing nance of electronic payment systems (in- July 2019 by a vote of 19–9. I worked to me. But it makes clear to the Amer- cluding systems with advanced security pro- tocols), which may include expertise in bene- with Ranking Member WYDEN and oth- ican people that they can count on Re- fits management or administration of State ers to make bipartisan improvements publicans to take action on the issues systems, as determined by the Secretary. to the bill. These improvements have that are important to them. ‘‘(iv) APPLICATION; PORTAL FEATURES.— made an already good bill better. I’m President Trump has worked harder ‘‘(I) APPLICATION.—An eligible entity shall introducing this updated version today. to lower prescription drug prices than submit to the Secretary an application at It remains a truly bipartisan bill. any President in memory. He has stood such time, in such manner, and containing It’s a bipartisan bill that helps pa- up to special interests. I, along with such information as the Secretary may re- tients and reduces government spend- my colleagues cosponsoring this bill, quire, including— ing. According to the nonpartisan Con- and other Republicans, stand with him. ‘‘(aa) a description of how the eligible enti- gressional Budget Office, the bill would I only wish my colleagues on the other ty plans to implement the requirements de- save seniors and Americans with dis- scribed in clause (v); and side of the aisle were as committed. I ‘‘(bb) a beta plan that has been user-tested. abilities $72 billion in out-of-pocket urge that they stop the political pos- ‘‘(II) PORTAL FEATURES.—In awarding a costs in Medicare Part D and reduce turing and work in a bipartisan way to contract to an eligible entity under clause premiums by $1 billion. The entire bill deliver the relief that Iowans and all (ii), the Secretary shall give preference to an would save taxpayers nearly $100 bil- Americans deserve. eligible entity that demonstrates an ability lion—a rare source of bipartisan budget I yield the floor. to implement the following features of an savings in an era of trillion dollar defi- EBT Online Redemption Portal: cits. Even Americans in the commer- By Mr. DURBIN (for himself and ‘‘(aa) Client-facing technology with a pri- cial market would see savings. Ms. DUCKWORTH): mary preference for mobile device or It’s a bipartisan bill that helps pa- S. 4202. A bill to amend the Food and smartphone application. tients, reduces Federal spending, and Nutrition Act of 2008 to expand online ‘‘(bb) Fail-safe systems to maintain pri- benefit redemption options under the vacy and online security of data. lowers commercial costs. That’s a rare ‘‘(cc) Ability to redirect a consumer to an feat. It’s something of which we should supplemental nutrition assistance pro- existing online platform of a vendor, if appli- all be proud. gram, and for other purposes; to the cable. So why is the bill only being intro- Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, ‘‘(dd) Ability to update as technologies duced with Republicans as co-sponsors? and Forestry. evolve.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:59 Jul 03, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00060 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A02JY6.085 S02JYPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE July 2, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S4229 ‘‘(ee) Ease of operation for program par- ‘‘(vii) AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS.— By Mr. DURBIN: ticipants, including multilingual There is appropriated to the Secretary, out S. 4205. A bill to establish the Home- functionality. of funds of the Treasury not otherwise appro- land Security Higher Education Advi- ‘‘(ff) Interoperability with delivery tech- priated, $25,000,000 to provide under the con- sory Council; to the Committee on nologies and interfaces. tract described in clause (ii).’’. ‘‘(gg) Identification of participating retail- Homeland Security and Governmental SEC. 3. BROAD ACCEPTANCE OF SNAP BENEFITS Affairs. ers within geographic proximity to the user. THROUGH ONLINE TRANSACTIONS. ‘‘(hh) Ability to perform single trans- Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, I ask Section 7(k) of the Food and Nutrition Act unanimous consent that the text of the actions using mixed tender, including a sin- of 2008 (7 U.S.C. 2016(k)) is amended— gle transaction for eligible food items using (1) by striking ‘‘on-line’’ each place it ap- bill be printed in the RECORD. an EBT card and noneligible items using an- pears and inserting ‘‘online’’; There being no objection, the text of other form of payment. (2) in paragraph (1)— the bill was ordered to be printed in ‘‘(ii) Adherence to a comprehensive busi- (A) by striking ‘‘Subject to paragraph (4), the RECORD, as follows: ness continuity and disaster recovery plan— the’’ and inserting ‘‘The’’; and S. 4205 ‘‘(AA) to allow the portal to recover from (B) by inserting ‘‘in any State’’ after Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- any interruption of service; and ‘‘stores’’; and ‘‘(BB) that includes sufficient back-up sys- resentatives of the United States of America in (3) by striking paragraph (4) and inserting tems, equipment, facilities, and trained per- Congress assembled, the following: sonnel to implement the plan. SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. ‘‘(4) TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE.— ‘‘(v) REQUIREMENTS.— This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Homeland ‘‘(A) DEFINITIONS.—In this paragraph: ‘‘(I) IN GENERAL.—The Online EBT Redemp- Security Higher Education Advisory Council ‘‘(i) COVERED ENTITY.—The term ‘covered tion Portal developed by the eligible entity Act’’. entity’ means a public or private nonprofit awarded the contract under clause (ii) SEC. 2. DEFINITIONS. entity. shall— In this Act: ‘‘(ii) ELIGIBLE ENTITY.—The term ‘eligible ‘‘(aa) enable the integrated processing of (1) APPROPRIATE CONGRESSIONAL COMMIT- entity’ means a retail food store or whole- an online EBT transaction by providing a TEES.—The term ‘‘appropriate congressional platform and facilitating the purchasing sale food concern authorized under section 9 committees’’ means— interaction between the consumer, retailer, to accept and redeem benefits under the sup- (A) the Committee on Homeland Security third-party processors (for EBT card proc- plemental nutrition assistance program. and Governmental Affairs, the Committee on essing and the secure online entry of a per- ‘‘(B) TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE CENTER.—The the Judiciary, and the Committee on Com- sonal identification number), and delivery Secretary, acting through the Administrator merce, Science, and Transportation of the vendor, as applicable; of the Food and Nutrition Service, shall, on Senate; and ‘‘(bb) to deter fraud, have in place for pro- a competitive basis, award 1 or more grants (B) the Committee on Homeland Security, gram participants privacy and security pro- to, or enter into 1 or more cooperative agree- the Committee on the Judiciary, and the tections, similar to protections provided ments with, 1 or more covered entities to es- Committee on Science, Space, and Tech- under existing electronic benefit transfer tablish a technical assistance center, to be nology of the House of Representatives. methods, including entry of a personal iden- known as the ‘SNAP Online Purchasing (2) COUNCIL.—The term ‘‘Council’’ means tification number in a manner that complies Technical Assistance Center’, to provide— the Homeland Security Higher Education with the guidelines of leading national con- ‘‘(i) to State agencies, eligible entities, and Advisory Council established under section 3. sensus standards organizations, as deter- program participants information on and (3) INSTITUTION OF HIGHER EDUCATION.—The mined by the Secretary, for encrypting per- technical assistance with, as applicable— term ‘‘institution of higher education’’ has sonal identification number entry; ‘‘(I) accepting program benefits through the meaning given the term in section 101 of ‘‘(cc) be secure and operate in a manner online transactions; the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. that maintains program integrity, including ‘‘(II) using the EBT Online Redemption 1001). food item eligibility; Portal described in subsection (h)(14)(B); (4) SECRETARY.—The term ‘‘Secretary’’ ‘‘(dd) be available in an initial or beta ‘‘(III) in the case of State agencies, con- means the Secretary of Homeland Security. version not later than 120 days after the date ducting outreach to eligible entities to en- SEC. 3. HOMELAND SECURITY HIGHER EDU- on which the eligible entity is awarded the sure that those eligible entities are informed CATION ADVISORY COUNCIL. contract; of the technical assistance provided by the (a) ESTABLISHMENT.—The Secretary shall ‘‘(ee) be ready to be fully deployed in all center; establish a council to be known as the States not later than 180 days after the date ‘‘(IV) research, training, and best practices ‘‘Homeland Security Higher Education Advi- described in item (dd); relating to redeeming program benefits sory Council’’. ‘‘(ff) be available for use by any retail food through online transactions; and (b) DUTIES OF COUNCIL.—The Council shall store or wholesale food concern authorized ‘‘(V) facilitating communication between provide advice and recommendations to the under section 9 to accept and redeem bene- eligible entities, applicable State agencies, Secretary on matters concerning homeland fits under the supplemental nutrition assist- and the Department of Agriculture; and security and the academic community relat- ance program— ‘‘(ii) to eligible entities direct grants to de- ing to the following: ‘‘(AA) at no charge beyond a nominal fee fray the technological costs of carrying out (1) The threat of malign foreign influence that is not more than reasonably necessary the activities described in subclauses (I) and and interference in the United States. to support maintenance of the portal and (II) of clause (i). (2) Proposed regulatory changes impacting subject to the approval of the Secretary; and ‘‘(C) QUALIFICATIONS.—At least 1 covered institutions of higher education. ‘‘(BB) on an application-based and browser- entity that receives a grant or enters into a (3) Promoting the openness of academic re- based platform for smartphones and a brows- cooperative agreement under subparagraph search and the exchange of ideas between in- er-based online platform for tablets and com- (B) shall have expertise in providing tech- stitutions of higher education and the Fed- puters; nical assistance to food retailers operating eral Government. ‘‘(gg) adhere to commercial standards for under a Federal nutrition program. (4) Promoting campus resilience resources service level availability to ensure the via- ‘‘(D) TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE PRIORITY.—In to address a range of threats or hazards af- bility of the portal and the use of the portal providing technical assistance to eligible en- fecting institutions of higher education. by retail food stores and wholesale food con- tities, the SNAP Online Purchasing Tech- (5) Homeland security academic and re- cerns authorized under section 9 to accept nical Assistance Center shall give priority to search programs. and redeem benefits under the supplemental eligible entities that are small and limited- (6) Student and recent graduate recruit- nutrition assistance program; and resource retailers. ment to Federal Government employment. ‘‘(hh) perform ongoing maintenance serv- ‘‘(E) FUNDING.—There is appropriated to (7) Issues relating to international stu- ices and retailer enrollment and termination the Secretary, out of funds of the Treasury dents, including— of enrollment activities to ensure continuous not otherwise appropriated, $75,000,000 to (A) obtaining and maintaining a visa; and operability of the portal. carry out this paragraph, to remain avail- (B) processing visas and Optional Practical ‘‘(II) EVALUATION OF BETA VERSION.—The able until expended, of which not more than Training. Secretary shall conduct a review of the ini- 3 percent may be used by the Secretary for (8) Cybersecurity. tial or beta version of the Online EBT Re- administrative expenses. (9) Any other matters the Secretary con- demption Portal under subclause (I)(dd), in- ‘‘(5) PUBLICATION OF ONLINE VENDORS.—The siders appropriate. cluding by soliciting feedback from program Secretary shall maintain on the website of (c) MEMBERSHIP.— participants. the Department of Agriculture a publicly (1) IN GENERAL.—The Council shall be com- ‘‘(vi) REPORT TO CONGRESS.—Not later than available listing, organized and searchable posed of not fewer than 21 members ap- 240 days after the date of enactment of the by region, locality, and State, of all ap- pointed by the Secretary, of whom 9 shall be Expanding SNAP Options Act of 2020, the proved retail food stores accepting benefits from governmental positions specified in Secretary shall submit to Congress a report from recipients of supplemental nutrition as- paragraph (2), and not fewer than 12 mem- on the status of activities carried out under sistance, including through online trans- bers shall be from non-governmental posi- this subparagraph. actions.’’. tions specified in paragraph (3).

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:59 Jul 03, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00061 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A02JY6.083 S02JYPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE S4230 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 2, 2020 (2) GOVERNMENTAL POSITIONS.—Govern- retary shall provide to the Council, on a re- SUBMITTED RESOLUTIONS mental positions specified in this paragraph imbursable basis, the administrative support are the following: services necessary for the Council to carry (A) The Bureau of Consular Affairs of the out its responsibilities under this Act. SENATE RESOLUTION 645—EX- Department of State. (g) REPORT.—Not later than 180 days after (B) The Bureau of Education and Cultural the date on which the Council holds its ini- PRESSING THE SENSE OF THE Affairs of the Department of State. tial meeting under subsection (d) and annu- SENATE THAT MOB VIOLENCE (C) U.S. Customs and Border Protection. ally thereafter, the Council shall submit to SHOULD BE CONDEMNED (D) The Office for Civil Rights and Civil the appropriate congressional committees a Mr. LEE (for himself, Mr. BRAUN, and Liberties of the Department of Homeland Se- report containing a detailed statement of the curity. advice and recommendations of the Council Mr. JOHNSON) submitted the following (E) The Science and Technology Direc- pursuant to subsection (b). resolution; which was referred to the torate of the Department of Homeland Secu- (h) NONAPPLICABILITY OF FACA.—The Fed- Committee on the Judiciary.: rity. eral Advisory Committee Act (5 U.S.C. App.) S. RES. 645 (F) The Office of Science and Technology shall not apply to the Council. Whereas the United States of America was Cooperation of the Department of State. founded in 1776 on universal principles of (G) The Student and Exchange Visitor Pro- By Mr. SCOTT of South Carolina freedom, justice, and human equality; gram of the Department of Homeland Secu- (for himself, Mr. BROWN, Mr. Whereas throughout our nation’s history, rity. GRASSLEY, Mr. WYDEN, Mr. COR- Americans have struggled to realize those (H) United States Citizenship and Immi- NYN, Mr. CARPER, Mr. ideals, falling short, as imperfect human gration Services. beings always do, but nonetheless making (I) Office of the Citizenship and Immigra- LANKFORD, Mr. CASEY, Mr. greater progress toward them than any na- tion Services Ombudsman. PERDUE, Ms. HASSAN, Mrs. tion on earth; (J) Homeland Security Investigations of LOEFFLER, Mr. CARDIN, Ms. Whereas the United States is today, as the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforce- ERNST, Mr. WHITEHOUSE, Mr. ever, an ethnically, racially, religiously, and ment. DAINES, Mr. KING, Mr. CRAMER, culturally diverse nation, morally com- (K) The Department of Justice. Mr. BOOKER, Mr. GRAHAM, Ms. (L) The intelligence community, as defined mitted to cultivating respect, friendship, and SMITH, Mrs. HYDE-SMITH, Mr. in section 3(4) of the National Security Act justice across all such differences, and pro- of 1947 (50 U.S.C. 3003(4)). BLUMENTHAL, Mr. ROMNEY, Mr. tecting the God-given equal rights of all Americans under the law; (3) NON-GOVERNMENTAL POSITIONS.—Non- DURBIN, Mr. WARNER, Mr. REED, governmental positions specified in this and Ms. KLOBUCHAR): Whereas America’s law enforcement offi- paragraph are the following: S. 4209. A bill to amend title IX of the cers do an extremely difficult job extremely (A) Twelve presidents or chancellors of a Social Security Act to improve emer- well, and despite the inexcusable misconduct of some, the overwhelming majority of such university, with a distribution of such uni- gency unemployment relief for govern- versities being private, public, and region- officers are honest, courageous, patriotic, mental entities and nonprofit organiza- and rightfully honored public servants; ally diverse. tions; considered and passed. (B) Senior leaders of relevant higher edu- Whereas in recent weeks, people across the cation associations. S. 4209 United States have organized legitimate, (4) TIMING OF APPOINTMENTS.—Appoint- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- peaceful, constitutionally protected dem- ments to the Council shall be made not later resentatives of the United States of America in onstrations against instances of police bru- than 4 months after the date of enactment of Congress assembled, tality and racial inequality, serious prob- this Act. SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. lems meriting investigation and reform; (5) TERMS.— This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Protecting Whereas some Americans, unsatisfied with (A) IN GENERAL.—Each member of the Nonprofits from Catastrophic Cash Flow peaceful and positive demonstrations, have Council shall be appointed for a term of 2 Strain Act of 2020’’. instigated and indulged in mob violence and criminal property destruction, not in service years. SEC. 2. IMPROVING EMERGENCY UNEMPLOY- (B) VACANCIES.—Any member appointed to MENT RELIEF FOR GOVERNMENTAL of any just or coherent cause, but simply as fill a vacancy occurring before the expira- ENTITIES AND NONPROFIT ORGANI- an arrogant, bullying tantrum of self-right- tion of the term for which the member’s ZATIONS. eous illiberalism and rage; and predecessor was appointed shall be appointed (a) IN GENERAL.—Section 903(i)(1) of the Whereas these mobs have demonstrated only for the remainder of that term. A mem- Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1103(i)(1)) is not only contempt for public safety (as evi- ber may serve after the expiration of that amended— denced, among other crimes, by an term until a successor has been appointed. (1) in subparagraph (A), by striking ‘‘dur- unprovoked physical assault on a Wisconsin (6) CHAIRPERSON AND VICE CHAIRPERSON.— ing’’ and inserting ‘‘with respect to’’; State Senator and the shooting of a motorist The Chairperson and Vice Chairperson of the (2) in subparagraph (B), by striking in Provo, Utah) and common decency (as evi- Council shall be designated by the Secretary ‘‘3309(a)(1)’’ and inserting ‘‘3309(a)’’; and denced by their routine harassment and ob- at the time of the appointment of the mem- (3) by striking subparagraph (C) and insert- scene berating of law enforcement officers bers pursuant to paragraph (4), and when a ing the following new subparagraph: standing their posts to protect their commu- vacancy of the Chairperson or Vice Chair- ‘‘(C) Notwithstanding any other provision nities), but also their manifest ignorance and person occurs, as the case may be. of law, funds transferred to the account of a historical illiteracy (as evidenced by their (d) MEETING.— State under subparagraph (A) shall be used destruction of public memorials to historical (1) INITIAL MEETING.—The Council shall exclusively to reduce the amounts required heroes like Ulysses S. Grant, St. Junipero hold its initial meeting not later than 30 to be paid in lieu of contributions into the Serra, Miguel Cervantes, George Wash- days after the final appointment of all mem- State unemployment fund pursuant to such ington, Hans Christian Heg, and a reported bers under subsection (c)(4). section by governmental entities and other plan to target a statue of Abraham Lincoln (2) MEETINGS.—The Council shall meet not organizations described in section 3309(a) of financed in 1876 entirely by private dona- fewer than 3 times each year at the call of such Code.’’. tions from freed African-American slaves): the Chairperson or Vice Chairperson. (b) EFFECTIVE DATE.— Now, therefore, be it (3) QUORUM.—Sixteen members of the (1) IN GENERAL.—Subject to paragraph (2), Resolved, That it is the sense of the Senate Council, of whom 8 members shall be ap- the amendments made by subsection (a) that— pointed from governmental positions and 8 shall take effect as if included in the enact- (1) the rising tide of vandalism, mob vio- members shall be appointed from non-gov- ment of section 2103 of the Relief for Workers lence, and the mob mentality that feeds it— ernmental positions, shall constitute a Affected by Coronavirus Act (contained in including its cruel and intolerant ‘‘cancel quorum. subtitle A of title II of division A of the culture’’—should be condemned by all Amer- (e) COMPENSATION.— CARES Act (Public Law 116–136)). icans; (1) PROHIBITION OF COMPENSATION.—Except (2) APPLICATION TO WEEKS PRIOR TO ENACT- (2) peaceful demonstrations and mob vio- as provided in paragraph (2), members of the MENT.—For weeks of unemployment that oc- lence are different in kind; Council may not receive additional pay, al- curred after March 12, 2020, and prior to the (3) physical assault and property destruc- lowances, or benefits by reason of their serv- date of enactment of this section, States tion are not forms of political speech but ice on the Council. may— violent crimes whose perpetrators should be (2) TRAVEL EXPENSES.—Each member shall (A) issue reimbursements in accordance prosecuted to the full extent of the law; and receive travel expenses, including per diem with section 903(i)(1)(C) of the Social Secu- (4) the innocent law enforcement officers, in lieu of subsistence, in accordance with ap- rity Act, as in effect prior to the date of en- public officials, and private citizens who suf- plicable provisions under subchapter I of actment of this section; or fer the mob’s violence and endure its scorn chapter 57 of title 5, United States Code. (B) reduce the amounts required to be paid while protecting our communities from them (f) ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT SERVICES.— in accordance with such section 903(i)(1)(C), deserve the thanks and appreciation of every Upon the request of the Council, the Sec- as amended by subsection (a). American.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:59 Jul 03, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00062 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A02JY6.092 S02JYPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE July 2, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S4231 SENATE RESOLUTION 646—RECOG- white woman, caused the white community Black individuals who were left homeless NIZING THE 70TH ANNIVERSARY of Tulsa, including the Tulsa Tribune, to call and penniless; OF THE FULBRIGHT PROGRAM for a lynching amidst a climate of white ra- (4) condemns the participants of the Tulsa IN THAILAND cial hostility and white resentment over Race Massacre, including white municipal Black economic success; officials and law enforcement who directly Mr. GARDNER (for himself and Mr. Whereas, on May 31, 1921, a mob of armed participated in or who aided and abetted the CARDIN) submitted the following reso- white men descended upon Tulsa’s Green- unlawful violence; lution; which was referred to the Com- wood District and launched what is now (5) condemns past and present efforts to mittee on Foreign Relations.: known as the ‘‘Tulsa Race Massacre’’; cover up the truth and shield the white com- Whereas Tulsa municipal and county au- munity, and especially State and local offi- S. RES 646 thorities failed to take actions to calm or cials, from accountability for the Tulsa Race Whereas the Kingdom of Thailand and the contain the violence, and civil and law en- Massacre and other instances of violence at United States of America first established forcement officials deputized many white the hands of law enforcement; relations in 1818 and entered into the Treaty men who were participants in the violence as (6) condemns the continued legacy of rac- of Amity and Commerce in 1833; their agents, directly contributing to the vi- ism, including systemic racism, and white Whereas the Fulbright Program is spon- olence through overt and often illegal acts; supremacy against Black people in the sored by the Bureau of Educational and Cul- Whereas, over a period of 24 hours, the United States, particularly in the form of po- tural Affairs of the Department of State; white mob’s violence led to the death of an lice brutality; Whereas the Fulbright Program currently estimated 300 Black residents, as well as over (7) encourages education about the Tulsa operates in over 150 countries; 800 reports of injuries; Race Massacre, including the horrors of the Whereas the Thailand-United States Edu- Whereas the white mob looted, damaged, massacre itself, the history of white suprem- cational Foundation (TUSEF) was estab- burned, or otherwise destroyed approxi- acy that fueled the massacre, and subsequent lished by a formal agreement in 1950; mately 40 square blocks of the Greenwood to deny or cover up the Massacre, Whereas 2020 is the 70th anniversary of the district, including an estimated 1,256 homes in all elementary and secondary education Fulbright Program partnership with the of Black residents, as well as virtually every settings and in institutions of higher edu- Kingdom of Thailand; other structure, including churches, schools, cation in the United States; and Whereas, recognizing the value of bilateral businesses, a hospital, and a library, leaving (8) recognizes the commitment of Congress exchange, the Government of Thailand has nearly 9,000 Black Tulsans homeless and ef- to acknowledge and learn from the history of financially contributed to the binational fectively wiping out tens of millions of dol- racism and racial violence in the United TUSEF annually since 1989; lars in Black prosperity and wealth in Tulsa; States, including the Tulsa Race Massacre, Whereas nearly 2,000 Fulbright students Whereas, in the wake of the Tulsa Race to reverse the legacy of white supremacy and and scholars from Thailand have studied, Massacre, the Governor of Oklahoma de- fight for racial justice. conducted research, or lectured in the United clared martial law, and units of the Okla- f States since TUSEF’s founding; homa National Guard participated in the Whereas over 1,300 Fulbright grantees from mass arrests of all or nearly all of Green- SENATE RESOLUTION 648—DESIG- the United States conducted research or wood’s surviving residents, removing them NATING AUGUST 2020 AS ‘‘NA- gave lectures in Thailand since TUSEF’s from Greenwood to other parts of Tulsa and TIONAL WOMEN’S SUFFRAGE founding; and unlawfully detaining them in holding cen- MONTH’’ Whereas the United States Government ters; supports additional programs in Thailand in Whereas Oklahoma local and State govern- Ms. BALDWIN (for herself, Ms. COL- the areas of education, rule of law, and inter- ments dismissed claims arising from the 1921 LINS, Mrs. FEINSTEIN, Mrs. CAPITO, Mrs. nationally recognized human rights: Now, Tulsa Race Massacre for decades, and the SHAHEEN, Mrs. BLACKBURN, Ms. ROSEN, therefore, be it event was effectively erased from collective Ms. MCSALLY, Ms. CANTWELL, Mrs. Resolved, That the Senate— memory and history until, in 1997, the Okla- FISCHER, Ms. HIRONO, Mrs. HYDE-SMITH, (1) recognizes and commends the 70th anni- homa State Legislature finally created a Mrs. GILLIBRAND, Mrs. LOEFFLER, Ms. versary of the Fulbright Program in Thai- commission to study the event; KLOBUCHAR, Ms. HARRIS, Ms. STABE- land; and Whereas on February 28, 2001, the commis- NOW, Ms. WARREN, Ms. CORTEZ MASTO, (2) encourages the President to maintain sion issued a report that detailed, for the Mrs. MURRAY, Ms. SMITH, Ms. ERNST, and expand interaction with the Kingdom of first time, the extent of the Massacre and Ms. DUCKWORTH, Ms. HASSAN, Ms. MUR- Thailand in ways that facilitate close coordi- decades-long efforts to suppress its recollec- nation and partnership in the areas of edu- tion; KOWSKI, and Ms. SINEMA) submitted the cation and cultural exchange throughout all Whereas none of the law enforcement offi- following resolution; which was consid- of Thailand and the United States. cials nor any of the hundreds of other white ered and agreed to.: f mob members who participated in the vio- S. RES. 648 lence were ever prosecuted or held account- Whereas Congress passed the 19th Amend- SENATE RESOLUTION 647—RECOG- able for the hundreds of lives lost and tens of NIZING THE FORTHCOMING CEN- ment to the Constitution of the United millions of dollars of Black wealth de- States, guided by the shared ideals of free- TENNIAL OF THE 1921 TULSA stroyed, despite the Tulsa Race Massacre dom, sovereignty, democracy, civil liberty, RACE MASSACRE Commission confirming their roles in the and individual rights; Massacre, nor was any compensation ever Ms. WARREN (for herself, Ms. BALD- Whereas, from 1919 to 1920, the 66th Con- provided to the Massacre’s victims or their WIN, Mr. BLUMENTHAL, Mr. BOOKER, Mr. gress debated, and State legislatures consid- descendants; ered, an amendment to the Constitution of BROWN, Mr. CASEY, Mr. COONS, Ms. Whereas government and city officials not the United States to provide suffrage for DUCKWORTH, Mr. DURBIN, Mrs. FEIN- only abdicated their responsibility to rebuild women; STEIN, Mrs. GILLIBRAND, Ms. HARRIS, and repair the Greenwood community in the Whereas the ratification of the 19th Mr. KAINE, Ms. KLOBUCHAR, Mr. MAR- wake of the violence, but actively blocked Amendment was the culmination of decades KEY, Mr. MENENDEZ, Mrs. MURRAY, Mr. efforts to do so, contributing to continued of work and struggle by advocates for the SANDERS, Ms. SMITH, Mr. VAN HOLLEN, racial disparities in Tulsa akin to those that rights of women across the United States Black people face across the United States; Mr. WARNER, and Mr. WHITEHOUSE) sub- and worldwide; mitted the following resolution; which Whereas the pattern of violence against Whereas the ratification of the 19th Black people in the United States, often at Amendment ensured women could more fully was referred to the Committee on the the hands of law enforcement, shows that Judiciary: participate in the democracy of the United the fight to end State-sanctioned violence States and fundamentally changed the role S. RES. 647 against Black people continues; and of women in the civic life of the Nation; Whereas, in the early 20th century, de jure Whereas the year 2021 marks the 100th an- Whereas August 18, 2020, marks the centen- segregation confined Tulsa’s Black residents niversary of the Tulsa Race Massacre: Now, nial of the ratification of the 19th Amend- into the ‘‘Greenwood District’’, which they therefore, be it ment by 3⁄4 of the States, providing the sup- built into a thriving community with a na- Resolved, That the Senate— port necessary under article V of the Con- tionally renowned entrepreneurial center (1) recognizes the forthcoming centennial stitution of the United States; known as the ‘‘Black Wall Street’’; of the Tulsa Race Massacre; Whereas August 26, 2020, marks the centen- Whereas, at the time, white supremacy and (2) acknowledges the historical signifi- nial of the 19th Amendment becoming a part racist violence were common throughout the cance of this event as one of the largest sin- of the Constitution of the United States, pro- United States and went largely unchecked gle instances of State-sanctioned violence viding for women’s suffrage; and by the justice system; against Black people in American history; Whereas the centennial of the ratification Whereas reports of an alleged and disputed (3) honors the lives and legacies of the esti- of the 19th Amendment represents a histor- incident on the morning of May 30, 1921, be- mated 300 Black individuals who were killed ical milestone to be lauded and celebrated: tween two teenagers, a Black man and a during the Massacre and the nearly 9,000 Now, therefore, be it

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:59 Jul 03, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00063 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A02JY6.093 S02JYPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE S4232 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 2, 2020 Resolved, That the Senate— Whereas people in every State have access automobile has had on the economic (1) designates August 2020 as ‘‘National to domestically grown flowers, yet only one progress of the United States and supports Women’s Suffrage Month’’; in five flowers sold in the United States is wholeheartedly all activities involved in the (2) honors the role of the ratification of the domestically grown; restoration and exhibition of classic auto- 19th Amendment in further promoting the Whereas the domestic cut flower industry mobiles; core values of the democracy of the United creates almost $42,000,000 in economic impact Whereas the collection, restoration, and States, as promised by the Constitution of daily and supports hundreds of growers, preservation of automobiles is an activity the United States; thousands of small businesses, and tens of shared across generations and across all seg- (3) reaffirms the opportunity for people in thousands of jobs in the United States; ments of society; the United States to learn about and com- Whereas more people in the United States Whereas thousands of local car clubs and memorate the efforts of the women’s suf- are expressing interest in growing flowers lo- related businesses have been instrumental in frage movement and the role of women in cally, which has resulted in an increase of preserving a historic part of the heritage of the Nation’s democracy; approximately 20 percent in the number of the United States by encouraging the res- (4) reaffirms the desire of Congress to con- domestic cut flower farms between 2007 and toration and exhibition of such vintage tinue strengthening democratic participa- 2012; works of art; tion and to inspire future generations to Whereas most domestic cut flowers and Whereas automotive restoration provides cherish and preserve the historic precedent greens are sold in the United States within well-paying, high-skilled jobs for people in established by the 19th Amendment; 24 to 48 hours after harvest and last longer all 50 States; and (5) recommits to persevering through these than flowers shipped longer distances; Whereas automobiles have provided the in- unexpected times to celebrate the suffra- Whereas flowers grown domestically en- spiration for music, photography, cinema, gists, educate new generations about this hance the ability of the people of the United fashion, and other artistic pursuits that have critical chapter in the history of the Na- States to festively celebrate weddings and become part of the popular culture of the tion’s democracy, and create a legacy that births and honor those who have passed; United States: Now, therefore, be it will inspire the next 100 years; and Whereas flower giving has been a holiday Resolved, That the Senate— (6) encourages the people of the United tradition in the United States for genera- (1) designates July 10, 2020, as ‘‘Collector States to observe National Women’s Suffrage tions; Car Appreciation Day’’; Month and commemorate this milestone of Whereas flowers speak to the beauty of (2) recognizes that the collection and res- the Nation’s democracy by ensuring that the motherhood on Mother’s Day and to the spir- toration of historic and classic cars is an im- untold stories of women’s decades-long bat- it of love on Valentine’s Day; portant part of preserving the technological tle for the ballot are recognized and cele- Whereas flowers are an essential part of achievements and cultural heritage of the brated across the United States. other holidays such as Thanksgiving, Christ- United States; and f mas, Hanukkah, and Kwanzaa; (3) encourages the people of the United Whereas flowers help commemorate the States to engage in Collector Car Apprecia- SENATE RESOLUTION 649—EX- service and sacrifice of members of the tion Day events and commemorations— PRESSING SUPPORT FOR THE Armed Forces on Memorial Day and Vet- (A) that create opportunities for collector DESIGNATION OF JULY 2020 AS erans Day; and car owners to educate young people about ‘‘AMERICAN GROWN FLOWER Whereas the Senate encourages the cul- the importance of preserving the cultural MONTH’’ tivation of flowers in the United States by heritage of the United States, including domestic flower farmers: Now, therefore, be through the collection and restoration of Mrs. FEINSTEIN (for herself, Ms. it collector cars; and HARRIS, and Mr. SULLIVAN) submitted Resolved, That the Senate— (B) in accordance with applicable public the following resolution; which was (1) supports the designation of July 2020 as health guidelines. considered and agreed to: ‘‘American Grown Flower Month’’; f S. RES. 649 (2) recognizes that purchasing flowers Whereas cut flower growers in the United grown in the United States supports the SENATE RESOLUTION 651—EX- States are hard-working, dedicated individ- farmers, small businesses, jobs, and economy PRESSING THE SENSE OF THE uals who bring beauty, economic stimulus, of the United States; SENATE THAT, WHILE THE and pride to their communities and the (3) recognizes that growing flowers and UNITED STATES FINDS VALUE United States; greens in the United States is a vital part of AND USEFULNESS IN THE the agricultural industry of the United Whereas the people of the United States WORLD TRADE ORGANIZATION have a long history of using flowers and States; (4) recognizes that cultivating flowers do- IN FULFILLING THE NEEDS OF greens grown in the United States to bring THE UNITED STATES AND beauty to important events and express af- mestically enhances the ability of the people fection for loved ones; of the United States to festively celebrate OTHER FREE AND OPEN ECONO- Whereas consumers spend almost holidays and special occasions; and MIES IN THE 21ST CENTURY, SIG- $27,000,000,000 each year on floral products, (5) urges all people of the United States to NIFICANT REFORMS AT THE including cut flowers, garden plants, bed- proactively showcase flowers and greens WORLD TRADE ORGANIZATION ding, and indoor plants; grown in the United States in order to show ARE NEEDED AND THE UNITED support for the flower farmers, processors, Whereas, each year, nearly 30 percent of STATES MUST THEREFORE CON- households in the United States purchase and distributors in the United States as well as agriculture in the United States overall. TINUE TO DEMONSTRATE LEAD- fresh cut flowers and greens from more than ERSHIP TO ACHIEVE THOSE RE- 16,000 florists and floral establishments; f FORMS Whereas the people of the United States in- SENATE RESOLUTION 650—DESIG- creasingly want to support domestically pro- Mr. PORTMAN (for himself and Mr. NATING JULY 10, 2020, AS ‘‘COL- duced foods and agricultural products and CARDIN) submitted the following reso- LECTOR CAR APPRECIATION would prefer to buy locally grown flowers lution; which was referred to the Com- DAY’’ AND RECOGNIZING THAT whenever possible, yet a majority of domes- mittee on Finance: tic consumers do not know where the flowers THE COLLECTION AND RESTORA- they purchase are grown; TION OF HISTORIC AND CLASSIC S. RES. 651 Whereas, in response to increased demand, CARS IS AN IMPORTANT PART Whereas the United States had led the for- the ‘‘Certified American Grown Flowers’’ OF PRESERVING THE TECHNO- mation, as well as reform, of rules governing logo was created in July 2014 in order to edu- LOGICAL ACHIEVEMENTS AND the multilateral trading system since World cate and empower consumers to purchase War II; flowers from domestic producers; CULTURAL HERITAGE OF THE Whereas the United States is a founding Whereas, as of April 2017, millions of stems UNITED STATES member of the World Trade Organization (in of domestically grown flowers are now ‘‘Cer- Mr. TESTER (for himself and Mr. this preamble referred to as the ‘‘WTO’’) and tified American Grown’’; BURR) submitted the following resolu- a key architect of the organization; Whereas domestic flower farmers produce tion; which was considered and agreed Whereas the United States secured impor- thousands of varieties of flowers across the tant commitments in the WTO to facilitate United States, such as peonies in Alaska, to: trade in goods and services, to prevent the Gerbera daisies in California, lupines in S. RES. 650 application of non-scientific restrictions on Maine, tulips in Washington, lilies in Or- Whereas many people in the United States United States agriculture, and to protect egon, and larkspur in Texas; maintain classic automobiles as a pastime United States intellectual property; Whereas the five flower varieties produced and do so with great passion and as a means Whereas the United States uses the rules in the largest quantities in the United States of individual expression; of the WTO to benefit workers, farmers, and are tulips, Gerbera daisies, lilies, gladiolas, Whereas the Senate recognizes the effect businesses in the United States by facili- and irises; that the more than 100-year history of the tating access to the 90 percent of the world’s

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:59 Jul 03, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00064 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A02JY6.089 S02JYPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE July 2, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S4233 consumers who live outside the borders of (B) dispute settlement function so that it AMENDMENTS SUBMITTED AND the United States; transparently, efficiently, and fully enforces PROPOSED Whereas the fundamental purpose of the outcomes negotiated by members rather SA 2420. Mr. PERDUE submitted an WTO is to create space for members to nego- than usurping their primacy by creating new amendment intended to be proposed to tiate with each other, and the WTO reserves rights or obligations; and amendment SA 2301 proposed by Mr. INHOFE to those members exclusively the right to (C) rules for special and differential treat- negotiate and adopt rules that reduce and to the bill S. 4049, to authorize appropria- ment to ensure those rules promote develop- tions for fiscal year 2021 for military activi- eliminate trade barriers and discriminatory ment for truly disadvantaged countries, ties of the Department of Defense, for mili- treatment; rather than becoming tools for globally com- tary construction, and for defense activities Whereas the prompt settlement of disputes petitive countries to engage in protec- of the Department of Energy, to prescribe in which a member of the WTO considers tionism and market distortions; military personnel strengths for such fiscal that its rights are being impaired by the ac- (3) the efforts to reform the negotiating year, and for other purposes; which was or- tions of another member is essential to the dered to lie on the table. functioning of the WTO and the maintenance function of the WTO should revitalize the ne- gotiating function by providing confidence SA 2421. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- of a proper balance between the rights and ment intended to be proposed to amendment obligations of members; to members that the WTO operates accord- ing to the rules as negotiated and adopted by SA 2301 proposed by Mr. INHOFE to the bill S. Whereas the WTO’s dispute settlement 4049, supra; which was ordered to lie on the members; function, including in particular the Appel- table. (4) a revitalized negotiating function must late Body, has increasingly failed to enforce SA 2422. Mr. RUBIO (for himself, Mr. WAR- the rules of the WTO in a timely manner, include new rules that reflect the 21st cen- NER, Mr. COTTON, Mr. SASSE, Mr. CORNYN, and has usurped the negotiating prerogative tury economy, further combat anticompeti- Mr. BENNET, and Mr. BURR) submitted an of members by creating new obligations and tive and protectionist barriers, and ensure amendment intended to be proposed to rights that are inconsistent with the rules disputes are efficiently resolved; amendment SA 2301 proposed by Mr. INHOFE negotiated by members; (5) the United States Trade Representative to the bill S. 4049, supra. Whereas the creation of those obligations should continue to lead efforts to work with SA 2423. Mr. SANDERS submitted an and rights undermines— WTO members to pursue reforms at the WTO amendment intended to be proposed by him (1) the WTO’s negotiating function by dis- that— to the bill S. 4049, supra; which was ordered couraging members from making conces- (A) ensure the dispute settlement mecha- to lie on the table. sions; and nism faithfully applies the rules adopted by SA 2424. Mrs. FEINSTEIN (for Mr. CORNYN) (2) the WTO’s dispute settlement function members, including by undertaking meas- proposed an amendment to the bill S. 1253, to by encouraging overuse of the process and ures to ensure the WTO’s Appellate Body apply requirements relating to delivery sales undermining its legitimacy, including by does not create new rights and obligations; of cigarettes to delivery sales of electronic nicotine delivery systems, and for other pur- preventing free market economies from re- (B) improve public confidence in dispute sponding to globally trade distortive prac- poses. settlement by promoting greater trans- SA 2425. Mr. DAINES submitted an amend- tices by nonmarket economies; parency and efficiency in the conduct of pro- ment intended to be proposed to amendment Whereas the WTO does not have sufficient ceedings; SA 2301 proposed by Mr. INHOFE to the bill S. rules to discipline the distortive economic (C) redress the consistent failure by cer- 4049, to authorize appropriations for fiscal policies of nonmarket economies, such as tain members to satisfy their notification year 2021 for military activities of the De- policies relating to excess capacity and obligations under various WTO agreements, partment of Defense, for military construc- forced technology transfer, the special treat- including through measures that strengthen tion, and for defense activities of the Depart- ment those economies afford to state-owned accountability; ment of Energy, to prescribe military per- enterprises, and their massive and opaque in- (D) ensures rules for special and differen- sonnel strengths for such fiscal year, and for dustrial subsidies; tial treatment are appropriately reserved for other purposes; which was ordered to lie on Whereas there is long-standing bipartisan countries whose state of development and the table. support in the United States Congress to re- SA 2426. Mr. CRUZ submitted an amend- form the WTO to address those failings; global competitiveness actually warrants such flexibility; ment intended to be proposed to amendment Whereas the current presidential adminis- SA 2301 proposed by Mr. INHOFE to the bill S. tration, as well as prior administrations, (E) create new rules and structures that can serve the interests of the United States 4049, supra; which was ordered to lie on the raised concerns about the failings described table. in this preamble and have made reform of while promoting peace, prosperity, good gov- SA 2427. Ms. HASSAN (for herself and Mr. ernance, transparency, effective operation of the WTO a top priority of United States JOHNSON) submitted an amendment intended trade policy; legal regimes, the rule of law, and free enter- to be proposed to amendment SA 2301 pro- Whereas the United States urges WTO prise; and posed by Mr. INHOFE to the bill S. 4049, supra; members to work constructively with the (F) expand upon the trilateral negotiations which was ordered to lie on the table. United States to assess the reasons why the currently underway with Japan and the Eu- SA 2428. Ms. HARRIS (for herself, Mr. COR- existing WTO rules have proven inadequate ropean Union; and NYN, Mr. BLUMENTHAL, and Mr. SASSE) sub- in order to create an atmosphere within the (6) the United States Trade Representative mitted an amendment intended to be pro- WTO that is conducive to the development of should explore and assess specific reform posed by her to the bill S. 4049, supra; which new rules less subject to jurisprudential proposals, including— was ordered to lie on the table. drift; (A) pursuing plurilateral agreements that SA 2429. Mr. BENNET (for himself, Mr. Whereas the guiding principle for reform of further the interests of the United States CASEY, Mr. BROWN, and Mr. DURBIN) sub- the WTO, and the lens through which WTO while limiting the benefits accruing to coun- mitted an amendment intended to be pro- members should consider specific reform pro- tries that are not parties to those agree- posed to amendment SA 2301 proposed by Mr. INHOFE to the bill S. 4049, supra; which was posals, is the restoration of the WTO’s capa- ments; bility and capacity for negotiation between ordered to lie on the table. (B) efforts to ensure that incorrect inter- SA 2430. Mr. CRAPO (for himself and Ms. members; and pretations by the Appellate Body, including Whereas, given that the United States has STABENOW) submitted an amendment in- with respect to the Agreement on Safe- tended to be proposed to amendment SA 2301 achieved its trade policy objectives through guards, the Agreement on Implementation of active leadership at the WTO, and that an proposed by Mr. INHOFE to the bill S. 4049, Article VI of the General Agreement on Tar- absence of that leadership would be filled by supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. iffs and Trade 1994, and the Agreement on SA 2431. Mrs. FISCHER submitted an nonmarket economies that are hostile to a Subsidies and Countervailing Measures, are amendment intended to be proposed to host of United States interests: Now, there- corrected, and not to be deemed preceden- amendment SA 2301 proposed by Mr. INHOFE fore, be it tial; to the bill S. 4049, supra; which was ordered Resolved, That it is the sense of the Senate (C) new rules and norms to address prac- to lie on the table. that— SA 2432. Ms. DUCKWORTH (for herself, Mr. (1) while the United States finds value and tices of nonmarket economies, such as prac- tices relating to state-owned enterprises, SCOTT of South Carolina, and Ms. ROSEN) usefulness in the World Trade Organization submitted an amendment intended to be pro- (in this resolution referred to as the ‘‘WTO’’) which certain countries often utilize for ob- jectives that cause severe trade distortions; posed by her to the bill S. 4049, supra; which in order to fulfill the needs of the United was ordered to lie on the table. States and other free and open economies in and SA 2433. Mr. MANCHIN submitted an the 21st century, significant reforms are (D) better implementation of existing amendment intended to be proposed to needed; rules, such as the prohibition in paragraph 4 amendment SA 2301 proposed by Mr. INHOFE (2) the United States must therefore con- of Article XIV of the General Agreement on to the bill S. 4049, supra; which was ordered tinue to demonstrate leadership to achieve Tariffs and Trade on currency manipulation, to lie on the table. reforms that restore the effectiveness of the to ensure that those rules are effective to SA 2434. Mr. MANCHIN (for himself and WTO’s— preserve the rights of free market econo- Mrs. CAPITO) submitted an amendment in- (A) negotiating function; mies. tended to be proposed to amendment SA 2301

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proposed by Mr. INHOFE to the bill S. 4049, that can be reviewed for approval and en- (J) the Committee on Armed Services of supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. tered into clinical trials for eventual place- the House of Representatives; SA 2435. Mr. VAN HOLLEN (for himself, ment in the marketplace; (K) the Committee on Energy and Com- Mr. LEAHY, Ms. WARREN, Mr. MURPHY, Mr. (5) technologies developed by AFIRM in- merce of the House of Representatives; and UDALL, Mr. SCHATZ, Mr. HEINRICH, Mr. SAND- clude, in part, those that will result in the (L) the Committee on Appropriations of ERS, Ms. BALDWIN, Mr. CARPER, Mr. ability to generate and integrate functional the House of Representatives. MERKLEY, Mr. KAINE, and Mr. BROWN) sub- composite tissue, neural pathways, SEC. 1092. COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGY SE- mitted an amendment intended to be pro- vascularization, aesthetic skin, bone, and CURITY FUNDS. posed to amendment SA 2301 proposed by Mr. muscle; (a) USE OF DIGITAL TELEVISION TRANSITION INHOFE to the bill S. 4049, supra; which was (6) despite the technology challenges, the AND PUBLIC SAFETY FUND.—As soon as prac- ordered to lie on the table. public-private teaming approach to medical ticable after the date of enactment of this Act, the Commission shall transfer from the f research and development used by AFIRM has resulted in more than 24 products reach- Digital Television Transition and Public TEXT OF AMENDMENTS ing clinical trials; Safety Fund established under section 309(j)(8)(E) of the Communications Act of SA 2420. Mr. PERDUE submitted an (7) it is essential that Congress continue to provide the necessary resources to sustain 1934 (47 U.S.C. 309(j)(8)(E))— amendment intended to be proposed to the technology exploration, maturation, and (1) $50,000,000 to the Public Wireless Supply amendment SA 2301 proposed by Mr. transition in regenerative medicine set forth Chain Innovation Fund established under INHOFE to the bill S. 4049, to authorize by AFIRM; and subsection (b) of this section; and appropriations for fiscal year 2021 for (8) the Senate highly encourages allocation (2) $25,000,000 to the Multilateral Tele- military activities of the Department of additional funds to AFIRM from the un- communications Security Fund established of Defense, for military construction, distributed medical research funds provided under subsection (c) of this section. (b) PUBLIC WIRELESS SUPPLY CHAIN INNOVA- and for defense activities of the De- in this Act to facilitate the continued imple- mentation of the innovative consortium TION FUND.— partment of Energy, to prescribe mili- model used by AFIRM that has a proven (1) ESTABLISHMENT.— tary personnel strengths for such fiscal track record of success. (A) IN GENERAL.—There is established in year, and for other purposes; which was the Treasury of the United States a trust ordered to lie on the table; as follows: SA 2422. Mr. RUBIO (for himself, Mr. fund to be known as the ‘‘Public Wireless At the end of subtitle C of title VIII, add WARNER, Mr. COTTON, Mr. SASSE, Mr. Supply Chain Innovation Fund’’ (referred to the following: CORNYN, Mr. BENNET, and Mr. BURR) in this subsection as the ‘‘R&D Fund’’). (B) AVAILABILITY.— SEC. 847. REQUIREMENT TO AWARD CONTRACTS submitted an amendment intended to (i) IN GENERAL.—Amounts deposited in the UNDER COMMERCIAL E-COMMERCE be proposed to amendment SA 2301 pro- PORTAL PROGRAM. R&D Fund shall remain available through posed by Mr. INHOFE to the bill S. 4049, the end of the tenth fiscal year beginning The Administrator of General Services to authorize appropriations for fiscal shall afford all commercial e-commerce pro- after the date of enactment of this Act. year 2021 for military activities of the EMAINDER TO TREASURY.—Any viders that meet the requirements estab- (ii) R amounts remaining in the R&D Fund after lished under section 846 of the National De- Department of Defense, for military the end of the tenth fiscal year beginning fense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2018 construction, and for defense activities after the date of enactment of this Act shall (Public Law 115–91; 41 U.S.C. 1901 note) and of the Department of Energy, to pre- be deposited in the general fund of the Treas- the General Service Administration’s re- scribe military personnel strengths for ury. quirements on data sharing and protection such fiscal year, and for other pur- (2) USE OF FUND.— the ability to participate in the commercial poses; as follows: (A) IN GENERAL.—Amounts deposited in the e-commerce portal program established At the end of title X, add the following: R&D Fund shall be available to the NTIA under such section. Subtitle H—Wireless Supply Chain Administrator to make grants under this Innovation and Multilateral Security SA 2421. Mr. TILLIS submitted an subsection in such amounts as the NTIA Ad- SEC. 1091. DEFINITIONS. ministrator determines appropriate, subject amendment intended to be proposed to In this subtitle: to subparagraph (B) of this subparagraph. amendment SA 2301 proposed by Mr. (1) 3GPP.—The term ‘‘3GPP’’ means the (B) LIMITATION ON GRANT AMOUNTS.—The INHOFE to the bill S. 4049, to authorize Third Generation Partnership Project. amount of a grant awarded under this sub- appropriations for fiscal year 2021 for (2) 5G NETWORK.—The term ‘‘5G network’’ section to a recipient for a specific research military activities of the Department means a radio network as described by 3GPP focus area may not exceed $50,000,000. of Defense, for military construction, Release 15 or higher. (3) ADMINISTRATION OF FUND.—The NTIA and for defense activities of the De- (3) COMMISSION.—The term ‘‘Commission’’ Administrator, in consultation with the partment of Energy, to prescribe mili- means the Federal Communications Com- Commission, the Director of the National In- mission. stitute of Standards and Technology, the tary personnel strengths for such fiscal (4) NTIA ADMINISTRATOR.—The term ‘‘NTIA Secretary of Homeland Security, the Sec- year, and for other purposes; which was Administrator’’ means the Assistant Sec- retary of Defense, and the Director of the In- ordered to lie on the table; as follows: retary of Commerce for Communications and telligence Advanced Research Projects Ac- At the end of subtitle C of title VII, add Information. tivity of the Office of the Director of Na- the following: (5) OPEN-RAN.—The term ‘‘Open-RAN’’ tional Intelligence, shall establish criteria SEC. 752. SENSE OF SENATE ON THE ARMED means the Open Radio Access Network ap- for grants awarded under this subsection, FORCES INSTITUTE FOR REGENERA- proach to standardization adopted by the O- and administer the R&D Fund, to support re- TIVE MEDICINE. RAN Alliance, Telecom Infra Project, or search and the commercial application of It is the sense of the Senate that— 3GPP, or any similar set of open standards that research, including in the following (1) the Armed Forces Institute for Regen- for multi-vendor network equipment inter- areas: erative Medicine (in this section referred to operability. (A) Promoting the development of tech- as ‘‘AFIRM’’) delivers critical regenerative- (6) RELEVANT COMMITTEES OF CONGRESS.— nology, including software, hardware, and based technologies lead to functional and The term ‘‘relevant committees of Congress’’ microprocessing technology, that will en- aesthetic recovery from injuries incurred means— hance competitiveness in the fifth-genera- during service in the Armed Forces; (A) the Select Committee on Intelligence tion (commonly known as ‘‘5G’’) and suc- (2) AFIRM is a highly rated, nationally re- of the Senate; cessor wireless technology supply chains. spected public-private consortium leading (B) the Committee on Foreign Relations of (B) Accelerating development and deploy- the development of restorative therapies for the Senate; ment of open interface standards-based com- battlefield trauma as part of several re- (C) the Committee on Homeland Security patible, interoperable equipment, such as search and development programs directed and Governmental Affairs of the Senate; equipment developed pursuant to the stand- to meet defined medical technology gaps for (D) the Committee on Armed Services of ards set forth by organizations such as the O- warfighter groups; the Senate; RAN Alliance, the Telecom Infra Project, (3) the efforts by AFIRM span from re- (E) the Committee on Commerce, Science, 3GPP, the Open-RAN Software Community, search and development to clinical trans- and Transportation of the Senate; or any successor organizations. lation, implementation, and commercializa- (F) the Committee on Appropriations of (C) Promoting compatibility of new 5G tion, with therapies developed for extremity the Senate; equipment with future open standards-based, and craniofacial trauma, skin and genito- (G) the Permanent Select Committee on interoperable equipment. urinary injuries, and transplantation; Intelligence of the House of Representatives; (D) Managing integration of multi-vendor (4) each AFIRM project specifically ad- (H) the Committee on Foreign Affairs of network environments. dresses a key need of the wounded the House of Representatives; (E) Objective criteria to define equipment warfighter, which has helped guide research (I) the Committee on Homeland Security as compliant with open standards for multi- projects toward partnerships with industry of the House of Representatives; vendor network equipment interoperability.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:59 Jul 03, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00066 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A02JY6.084 S02JYPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE July 2, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S4235 (F) Promoting development and inclusion fund to be known as the ‘‘Multilateral Tele- (4) the voluntary standards organizations of security features enhancing the integrity communications Security Fund’’. that develop protocols for wireless devices and availability of equipment in multi-ven- (B) USE OF FUND.—Amounts deposited in and other equipment, such as the 3GPP and dor networks. the Multilateral Telecommunications Secu- the Institute of Electrical and Electronics (G) Promoting the application of network rity Fund shall be available to the Secretary Engineers (commonly known as ‘‘IEEE’’). function virtualization to facilitate multi- of State to make expenditures under this (b) ANNUAL REPORT.—The Secretary of vendor interoperability and a more diverse subsection in such amounts as the Secretary State, the Secretary of Commerce, and the vendor market. of State determines appropriate. Chairman of the Commission shall jointly (4) NONDUPLICATION OF RESEARCH.—To the (C) AVAILABILITY.— submit to the relevant committees of Con- greatest extent practicable, the NTIA Ad- (i) IN GENERAL.—Amounts deposited in the gress an annual report on the progress made ministrator shall ensure that any research Multilateral Telecommunications Security under subsection (a). funded by a grant awarded under this sub- Fund— section avoids duplication of other Federal (I) shall remain available through the end SA 2423. Mr. SANDERS submitted an or private sector research. of the tenth fiscal year beginning after the amendment intended to be proposed by (5) TIMING.—Not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this Act; and him to the bill S. 4049, to authorize ap- date of enactment of this Act, the NTIA Ad- (II) may only be allocated upon the Sec- propriations for fiscal year 2021 for ministrator shall begin awarding grants retary of State reaching an agreement with military activities of the Department under this subsection. foreign government partners to participate of Defense, for military construction, (6) FEDERAL ADVISORY BODY.— in the common funding mechanism described and for defense activities of the De- (A) ESTABLISHMENT.—The NTIA Adminis- in paragraph (2). partment of Energy, to prescribe mili- trator shall establish a Federal advisory (ii) REMAINDER TO TREASURY.—Any tary personnel strengths for such fiscal committee, in accordance with the Federal amounts remaining in the Multilateral Tele- year, and for other purposes; which was Advisory Committee Act (5 U.S.C. App.), communications Security Fund after the end composed of government and private sector of the tenth fiscal year beginning after the ordered to lie on the table; as follows: experts, to advise the NTIA Administrator date of enactment of this Act shall be depos- At the appropriate place, insert the fol- on the administration of the R&D Fund. ited in the general fund of the Treasury. lowing: (B) COMPOSITION.—The advisory committee (2) ADMINISTRATION OF FUND.—The Sec- SEC. ll. ESTABLISHING A NATIONAL PROGRAM established under subparagraph (A) shall be retary of State, in consultation with the TO DISTRIBUTE FACE MASKS DUR- ING THE COVID–19 EMERGENCY. composed of— NTIA Administrator, the Secretary of Home- (a) ESTABLISHMENT OF PROGRAM.— (i) representatives from— land Security, the Secretary of Defense, the (1) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 30 days (I) the Commission; Secretary of the Treasury, the Director of after the date of enactment of this Act, the (II) the Department of Defense; National Intelligence, and the Commission, President, acting through the Adminis- (III) the Intelligence Advanced Research shall establish a common funding mecha- trator, in coordination with the Secretary, Projects Activity of the Office of the Direc- nism, in coordination with foreign partners, the Postmaster General, and the heads of tor of National Intelligence; that uses amounts from the Multilateral any other relevant Federal agencies, and in (IV) the National Institute of Standards Telecommunications Security Fund to sup- consultation with Governors, units of local and Technology; port the development and adoption of secure government, and appropriate labor unions, (V) the Department of State; and trusted telecommunications tech- shall establish a program to eliminate all (VI) the National Science Foundation; and nologies. shortages of face masks, surgical masks, and (VII) the Department of Homeland Secu- (3) ANNUAL REPORT TO CONGRESS.—Not later N–95 respirator masks in the United States rity; and than 1 year after the date of enactment of as soon as practicable. (ii) other representatives from the private this Act, and annually thereafter for each (2) REQUIREMENTS.—The program required and public sectors, at the discretion of the fiscal year during which amounts in the Mul- to be developed under paragraph (1) shall NTIA Administrator. tilateral Telecommunications Security Fund provide for the following: (C) DUTIES.—The advisory committee es- are available, the Secretary of State shall (A) HOUSEHOLD DELIVERIES.—A one-time tablished under subparagraph (A) shall ad- submit to the relevant committees of Con- supply of face masks shall be provided and vise the NTIA Administrator on technology gress a report on the status and progress of delivered through the United States Postal developments to help inform— the funding mechanism established under Service, free of charge, to every individual (i) the strategic direction of the R&D paragraph (2), including— and household in the United States. Fund; and (A) any funding commitments from foreign (B) ADDITIONAL DELIVERIES.—A one-time (ii) efforts of the Federal Government to partners, including each specific amount supply of face masks shall be provided, free promote a more secure, diverse, sustainable, committed; of charge, to individuals who do not receive and competitive supply chain. (B) governing criteria for use of the Multi- face masks that are delivered to households (7) REPORTS TO CONGRESS.— lateral Telecommunications Security Fund; by the United States Postal Service, includ- (A) INITIAL REPORT.—Not later than 180 (C) an account of— ing— days after the date of enactment of this Act, (i) how, and to whom, funds have been de- (i) all individuals who are experiencing the NTIA Administrator shall submit to the ployed; homelessness; and relevant committees of Congress a report (ii) amounts remaining in the Multilateral (ii) all individuals who are living in group with— Telecommunications Security Fund; and quarters, as defined by the Census Bureau for (i) additional recommendations on pro- (iii) the progress of the Secretary of State the purposes of the most recent decennial moting the competitiveness and sustain- in meeting the objective described in para- census. ability of trusted suppliers in the wireless graph (2); and (C) HEALTH CARE PROVIDERS.—Needed sur- supply chain; and (D) additional authorities needed to en- gical masks and N–95 respirator masks shall (ii) any additional authorities needed to fa- hance the effectiveness of the Multilateral be provided to all health care providers in cilitate the timely adoption of open stand- Telecommunications Security Fund in the United States, free of charge, either di- ards-based equipment, including authority to achieving the security goals of the United rectly or to each State for distribution to provide loans, loan guarantees, and other States. health care providers. forms of credit extension that would maxi- SEC. 1093. PROMOTING UNITED STATES LEADER- (3) PROHIBITION ON IDENTIFICATION REQUIRE- mize the use of designated funds. SHIP IN INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZA- MENT.—The program developed under para- (B) ANNUAL REPORT.—For each fiscal year TIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS graph (1) shall not require any individual in for which amounts in the R&D Fund are STANDARDS-SETTING BODIES. the United States to provide identification available under this subsection, the NTIA (a) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary of State, or proof of citizenship in order to receive Administrator shall submit to Congress a re- the Secretary of Commerce, and the Chair- face masks. port that— man of the Commission, or their designees, (b) USE OF AUTHORITIES.— (i) describes how, and to whom, amounts in shall consider how to enhance representation (1) IN GENERAL.—To carry out this section, the R&D Fund have been deployed; of the United States at international forums the President shall make use of any and all (ii) details the progress of the NTIA Ad- that set standards for 5G networks and for available authorities at the disposal of the ministrator in meeting the objectives de- future generations of wireless communica- Federal Government to procure, manufac- scribed in paragraph (3); and tions networks, including— ture, and support the domestic manufac- (iii) includes any additional information (1) the International Telecommunication turing of face masks, surgical masks, and N– that the NTIA Administrator determines ap- Union (commonly known as ‘‘ITU’’); 95 respirator masks, including emergency au- propriate. (2) the International Organization for thorities, such as the Defense Production (c) MULTILATERAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS Standardization (commonly known as Act of 1950 (50 U.S.C. 4511 et seq.), the Na- SECURITY FUND.— ‘‘ISO’’); tional Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1601 et (1) ESTABLISHMENT OF FUND.— (3) the Inter-American Telecommuni- seq.), and the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Re- (A) IN GENERAL.—There is established in cations Commission (commonly known as lief and Emergency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. the Treasury of the United States a trust ‘‘CITEL’’); and 5121 et seq.).

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(2) REQUIREMENT.—Any face masks, sur- the possession of the Federal Emergency Administration, compared to liquids ob- gical masks, and N–95 respirator masks pro- Management Agency or the Department of tained illicitly. cured or manufactured for purposes of car- Health and Human Services for purposes of (2) A determination of the precise relation- rying out this section shall be purchased in carrying out this section that have not been ship between underage vaping and underage accordance with Federal Acquisition Regula- distributed as of the date described in sub- smoking, which may include using national tion guidance on fair and reasonable pricing. section (c)(4) shall be added to the strategic survey data, in which the reporting of smok- (c) FUNDING.— national stockpile. ing and vaping usage classifications (such as (1) APPROPRIATION.—There is appropriated, (h) DEFINITIONS.—In this section: current users, former users, or never users) out of amounts in the Treasury not other- (1) ADMINISTRATOR.—The term ‘‘Adminis- shall be integrated and not treated as sepa- wise appropriated, $5,000,000,000, to remain trator’’ means the Administrator of the Fed- rate or unrelated categories. available until the date described in para- eral Emergency Management Agency. (3) A determination of the precise relation- graph (4), to the Administrator to carry out (2) FACE MASK.—The term ‘‘face mask’’ ship between vaping and smoking among this section. means a tight-weave cloth mask. young adults, who are 21 to 24 years of age, (2) LIMITATION.—No funds made available (3) INDIAN TRIBE.—The term ‘‘Indian Tribe’’ using national survey data, in which the re- under this subsection shall be provided to— has the meaning given the term ‘‘Indian porting of smoking and vaping usage classi- (A) any person who is a Federal elected of- tribe’’ in section 4(e) of the Indian Self-De- fications (such as current users, former ficial or serving in a Senior Executive Serv- termination and Education Assistance Act users, or never users) shall be integrated and ice position; or (25 U.S.C. 5304(e)). not treated as separate or unrelated cat- (B) any entity that is controlled in whole (4) ONE-TIME SUPPLY.—The term ‘‘one-time egories. or in part by a Federal elected official or supply’’ means not less than 3 face masks per (4) An examination of e-cigarette usage serving in a Senior Executive Service posi- individual. data from cities, localities, and States that tion. (5) SECRETARY.—The term ‘‘Secretary’’ have adopted e-cigarette product bans to (3) EMERGENCY DESIGNATION.— means the Secretary of Health and Human evaluate— (A) IN GENERAL.—The amounts provided Services. (A) the proportion of e-cigarette users in under this section are designated as an emer- (6) SENIOR EXECUTIVE SERVICE POSITION.— those areas who return to smoking combus- gency requirement pursuant to section 4(g) The term ‘‘Senior Executive Service posi- tible cigarettes; of the Statutory Pay-As-You-Go Act of 2010 tion’’ has the meaning given that term in (B) the proportion of e-cigarette users in (2 U.S.C. 933(g)). section 3132(a) of title 5, United States Code. those areas who access products from illicit (B) DESIGNATION IN SENATE.—In the Senate, (7) STATE.—The term ‘‘State’’ means— markets; and this section is designated as an emergency (A) any State of the United States; (C) the proportion of e-cigarette users in requirement pursuant to section 4112(a) of H. (B) the District of Columbia; those areas who stop using all nicotine prod- Con. Res. 71 (115th Congress), the concurrent (C) the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico; ucts or reduce their overall nicotine product resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2018. (D) Guam; use. (4) DATE DESCRIBED.—The date described in (E) American Samoa; (5) A determination of the frequency of use this paragraph is the date on which no new (F) the Commonwealth of the Northern of each specific and multiple tobacco prod- cases of COVID–19 are reported in the United Mariana Islands; ucts among high school students in the States for a period of not less than 14 con- (G) the Federated States of Micronesia; United States, including— secutive days. (H) the Republic of the Marshall Islands; (A) the number of high school students (d) REPORTS TO CONGRESS.—Beginning 7 (I) the Republic of Palau; who use each specific and multiple tobacco days after the date of enactment of this Act, (J) the United States Virgin Islands; and products less than 20 days per month; and and every 7 days thereafter until the require- (K) each Indian Tribe. (B) the number of high school students who ments of this section are met, the Adminis- (8) UNITED STATES.—The term ‘‘United use each specific and multiple tobacco prod- trator and the Secretary shall jointly submit States’’ means— ucts 20 or more days per month. to Congress a detailed report on the imple- (A) each of the several States of the United (6) An examination of the rates of underage mentation of and activities authorized by States; e-cigarette use in cities, localities, and this section, including— (B) the District of Columbia; States that have adopted Tobacco 21 laws (1) detailed plans to establish and imple- (C) the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico; prior to the date of enactment of the Further ment the program required under this sec- (D) Guam; Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2020 (Pub- tion, including information on progress made (E) American Samoa; lic Law 116–94). toward eliminating all shortages of face (F) the Commonwealth of the Northern (7) An examination of illegal smuggling of masks, surgical masks, and N–95 respirator Mariana Islands; tobacco products in cities, localities, and masks in the United States as soon as prac- (G) the Federated States of Micronesia; States that have— ticable, and a timeline for when such short- (H) the Republic of the Marshall Islands; (A) banned such products; age elimination will be achieved; (I) the Republic of Palau; (B) enacted taxes on such products that are (2) information on— (J) the United States Virgin Islands; and higher than the national median; or (A) the use of funds under this section; (K) each Indian Tribe. (C) enacted other legal restrictions on such (B) the current and projected supply of face products. masks, surgical masks, and N–95 respirator SA 2424. Mrs. FEINSTEIN (for Mr. (8) A determination of how prevalence esti- masks; CORNYN) proposed an amendment to mates of tobacco use in the National Youth (C) the sources of face masks, surgical the bill S. 1253, to apply requirements Tobacco Survey differ from prevalence esti- masks, and N–95 respirator masks; relating to delivery sales of cigarettes mates of tobacco use in other national sur- (D) the distribution of face masks, surgical veys, including the Population Assessment masks, and N–95 respirator masks, by State, to delivery sales of electronic nicotine of Tobacco and Health and the Knowledge geographic area, and need; delivery systems, and for other pur- Panel. (E) the prices paid by the Federal Govern- poses; as follows: (9) A determination of the prevalence of ment and to which suppliers such amounts At the end of section 2, add the following: the following high-risk behaviors among were paid; and (c) RULE OF CONSTRUCTION.—Nothing in high school students, and their relationship, (3) any other information requested by this section, or an amendment made by this if any, to vaping and smoking: Congress. section, may be construed to affect or other- (e) EFFECT ON STATE REQUESTS FOR PPE.— wise alter any provision of the Federal Food, (A) Using marijuana or alcohol. Any face masks delivered under subpara- Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 301 et (B) Binge drinking. graph (A) or (B) of subsection (a)(2) shall not seq.), including its implementing regula- (C) Underage sexual activity. be taken into account for purposes of the tions. (D) Using an electronic device while driv- Federal Government responding to State or At the end, add the following: ing. health care provider requests for surgical SEC. ll. UNDERSTANDING THE IMPACT OF E- (E) Knowingly riding in a motor vehicle masks, N–95 respirator masks, personal pro- CIGARETTE USE BY ADOLESCENTS with a driver who was recently drinking. tective equipment, or other supplies related AND YOUNG ADULTS. (F) Seriously considering suicide. to COVID–19. (a) STUDY.—The National Institutes of (10) An examination of the role flavors play (f) REQUIRED CONSULTATION.—The consulta- Health, in coordination with other appro- in youth initiation and use of e-cigarettes tion with appropriate labor unions required priate agencies, shall conduct a study on the and other tobacco products. under subsection (a)(1) shall include con- short-term and long-term health impacts of (11) An examination of the risk of youth sultation with labor organizations rep- e-cigarette use by youth and young adults addiction to nicotine, including the impact resenting employees of the United States under 21 years of age, that includes the fol- of e-cigarettes that use nicotine salts. Postal Service, including regarding the safe- lowing: (12) An examination of risks to youth of ty of such employees who carry out the ac- (1) An examination of the health impacts nicotine use and exposure to harmful and po- tivities authorized under this section. of using liquids obtained from the legal mar- tentially harmful constituents emitted from (g) EXCESS MASKS.—Any face masks, sur- ket, including liquids that may not have pre- some e-cigarettes, including flavorings used gical masks, and N–95 respirator masks in market approval from the Food and Drug in e-cigarettes.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:59 Jul 03, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00068 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A02JY6.103 S02JYPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE July 2, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S4237 (13) A determination of a credible estimate is 180 days after the date of the enactment of ties of the Department of Defense, for of the difference in health risks between this Act. military construction, and for defense combustible cigarette smoking and vaping, if (b) BIENNIAL REVIEWS BY GENERAL COUNSEL activities of the Department of Energy, a valid estimate can be made, to inform to- OF THE DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS.— to prescribe military personnel Section 5904 of such title is amended by add- bacco regulation in the United States, tak- strengths for such fiscal year, and for ing into account— ing at the end the following new subsection: (A) the findings of the British Royal Col- ‘‘(e) BIENNIAL REVIEWS BY GENERAL COUN- other purposes; which was ordered to lege of Physicians in their 2016 report, ‘‘Nico- SEL.—(1) Not less frequently than once every lie on the table; as follows: tine without smoke: Tobacco harm reduc- two years, the General Counsel of the De- At the end of subtitle D of title IX, insert tion’’; partment shall submit to Congress a report the following: (B) the article entitled ‘‘Invalidity of an on activities under this section. SEC. 952. THREATS TO UNITED STATES FORCES Oft-Cited Estimate of the Relative Harms of ‘‘(2) Each report submitted under subpara- FROM SMALL UNMANNED AERIAL Electronic Cigarettes’’ published in the graph (A) shall include, for the period cov- SYSTEMS WORLDWIDE. American Journal of Public Health in Feb- ered by the report, the following: (a) FINDINGS.—Congress makes the fol- ruary 2020; ‘‘(A) A discussion of the rates generally lowing findings: (C) the findings of the National Academies charged for services covered by this section. (1) United States military forces face an of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine in ‘‘(B) A discussion of the requests made by ever increasing and constantly evolving threat from small unmanned aerial systems their 2018 report, ‘‘Public Health Con- claimants under subsection (c)(3)(A). in operations worldwide, whether in the sequences of E-Cigarettes’’; ‘‘(C) A discussion of the fees reduced under United States or abroad. (D) relevant reports and advisories of the such subsection. (2) The Department of Defense is already Surgeon General; and ‘‘(D) The number of claims for benefits doing important work to address the threats (E) other peer reviewed research. under laws administered by the Secretary from small unmanned aerial systems world- (b) REPORT.— that were prepared, presented, or prosecuted wide, though the need for engagement in (1) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 1 year after by an individual acting as an agent or attor- that area continues. the date of enactment of this Act, the Na- ney who did so while not recognized under (b) EXECUTIVE AGENT.— tional Institutes of Health shall submit a re- this section.’’. (1) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary of the port to Congress on the findings of the study Army is the executive agent of the Depart- required to be conducted under subsection SA 2426. Mr. CRUZ submitted an amendment intended to be proposed to ment of Defense for programs, projects, and (a). activities to counter small unmanned aerial (2) REQUIREMENT.—Not later than 90 days amendment SA 2301 proposed by Mr. systems (in this section referred to as the after the date on which the report required INHOFE to the bill S. 4049, to authorize ‘‘Counter-Small Unmanned Aerial Systems under paragraph (1) is submitted, all data, appropriations for fiscal year 2021 for Program’’). research products, and reports from the military activities of the Department (2) FUNCTIONS.—The functions of the Sec- study required to be conducted under sub- of Defense, for military construction, retary as executive agent shall be as follows: section (a) shall be made publicly available and for defense activities of the De- (A) To develop the strategy required by online. subsection (c). (c) NO NEW FUNDS AUTHORIZED.—No addi- partment of Energy, to prescribe mili- tary personnel strengths for such fiscal (B) To carry out such other activities to tional funds are authorized to be appro- counter threats to United States forces priated to carry out this section. year, and for other purposes; which was worldwide from small unmanned aerial sys- ordered to lie on the table; as follows: tems as the Secretary of Defense and the SA 2425. Mr. DAINES submitted an Amend section 144 to read as follows: Secretary of the Army consider appropriate. amendment intended to be proposed to SEC. 144. MINIMUM AIR FORCE BOMBER AIR- (3) STRUCTURE.—The Secretary as execu- amendment SA 2301 proposed by Mr. CRAFT LEVEL. tive agent shall carry out the functions spec- INHOFE to the bill S. 4049, to authorize (a) MINIMUM.—The Secretary of Defense ified in paragraph (2) through such adminis- appropriations for fiscal year 2021 for shall submit to the congressional defense trative structures as the Secretary considers committees recommendations for a min- appropriate. military activities of the Department imum number of bomber aircraft, including of Defense, for military construction, (c) STRATEGY TO COUNTER THREATS FROM penetrating bombers in addition to B–52H SMALL UNMANNED AERIAL SYSTEMS.—Not and for defense activities of the De- aircraft, to enable the Air Force to carry out later than 90 days after the date of the enact- partment of Energy, to prescribe mili- its long-range penetrating strike capability. ment of this Act, the Secretary of the Army, tary personnel strengths for such fiscal (b) REPORT ON B–1 AIRCRAFT FLEET as executive agent for the Counter-Small Un- year, and for other purposes; which was SUSTAINMENT.—Not later than 180 days after manned Aerial Systems Program, shall de- ordered to lie on the table; as follows: the date of the enactment of this Act, the velop and submit to relevant committees of At the appropriate place, insert the fol- Secretary of the Air Force shall submit to Congress a strategy for the Armed Forces to lowing: the congressional defense committees a re- effectively counter threats from small un- port on the sustainment of the B–1 aircraft manned aerial systems worldwide. The re- SEC. lll. PENALTIES FOR REPRESENTING VET- ERANS AS AGENTS AND ATTORNEYS fleet. The report shall include the following: port shall be submitted in classified form. WITHOUT RECOGNITION BY SEC- (1) A cost benefit analysis of bombers com- (d) REPORT ON EXECUTIVE AGENT ACTIVI- RETARY OF VETERANS AFFAIRS. pared with the Air Force Arsenal Plane pro- TIES.— (a) PENALTIES.— gram. (1) REPORT REQUIRED.—Not later than one (1) IN GENERAL.—Section 5905 of title 38, (2) A description of any structural issues year after the date of the enactment of this United States Code, is amended to read as found in full-scale fatigue testing or inspec- Act, the Secretary of the Army, as executive follows: tions of B–1 aircraft. agent for the Counter-Small Unmanned Aer- ial Systems Program, shall submit to Con- ‘‘§ 5905. Penalty for certain acts (3) A description of future structural miti- gation strategies for B–1 aircraft, including gress a report on the Counter-Small Un- ‘‘Whoever commits any of the following an analysis of the support requirement for manned Aerial Systems Program. acts shall be fined as provided in title 18, or each aircraft. (2) ELEMENTS.—The report required by imprisoned for not more than one year, or (4) A potential modernization plan for B–1 paragraph (1) shall include the following: both: aircraft capability, including hypersonic and (A) A description and assessment of the ‘‘(1) Acts or attempts to act as an agent other advanced weapons, to ensure surviv- structure and activities of the executive (including as a financial planner, benefits ability and combat efficacy of such aircraft agent as established and put in place by the claim advisor, or benefits claim prepper) or until the B–21 aircraft is operational Secretary, including the following: attorney for the preparation, presentation, (c) LIMITATION.—None of the funds author- (i) Any obstacles hindering the effective or prosecution of a claim under a law admin- ized to be appropriated by this Act for the discharge of its functions and activities, in- istered by the Secretary— Department of Defense may be obligated or cluding limitations in authorities or policy. ‘‘(A) without recognition by the Secretary expended in support of the Air Force Arsenal (ii) The changes, if any, to airspace man- as an agent or attorney under section 5904 of Plane program, and the Department may not agement, rules of engagement, and training this title; or otherwise implement any such activity, plans that are required in order to optimize ‘‘(B) while suspended or excluded under until the report required under subsection the use by the Armed Forces of counter- subsection (b) of such section. (b) is submitted. small unmanned aerial systems. ‘‘(2) The act of unlawfully withholding (B) An assessment of the implementation from any claimant or beneficiary any part of SA 2427. Ms. HASSAN (for herself and of the strategy required by subsection (c), a benefit or claim under the laws adminis- Mr. JOHNSON) submitted an amendment and a description of any updates to the strat- tered by the Secretary that is allowed and intended to be proposed to amendment egy that are required in light of evolving due to the claimant or beneficiary.’’. threats to the Armed Forces from small un- (2) EFFECTIVE DATE.—The amendment SA 2301 proposed by Mr. INHOFE to the manned aerial systems. made by subsection (a) shall apply with re- bill S. 4049, to authorize appropriations (e) REPORT ON THREAT FROM SMALL UN- spect to acts committed after the date that for fiscal year 2021 for military activi- MANNED AERIAL SYSTEMS.—

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:59 Jul 03, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00069 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A02JY6.103 S02JYPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE S4238 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 2, 2020 (1) REPORT REQUIRED.—Not later than 180 SA 2428. Ms. HARRIS (for herself, Mr. of the evolution of such tactics and prac- days after the submittal of the strategy re- CORNYN, Mr. BLUMENTHAL, and Mr. tices. quired by subsection (c), the Secretary of De- SASSE) submitted an amendment in- (4) If the disciplinary action authorized for fense shall submit to the appropriate com- tended to be proposed by her to the bill violations of policies against the affiliations mittees of Congress a report that sets forth described in paragraph (1) included adminis- a direct comparison between the threats S. 4049, to authorize appropriations for trative separation from the Armed Forces— United States forces in combat settings face fiscal year 2021 for military activities (A) the number of individuals administra- from small unmanned aerial systems and the of the Department of Defense, for mili- tively separated from the Armed Forces in capabilities of the United States to counter tary construction, and for defense ac- connection with such violations; and such threats. The report shall be submitted tivities of the Department of Energy, (B) the number of individuals retained in in classified form. to prescribe military personnel the Armed Forces notwithstanding a sub- (2) COORDINATION.—The Secretary shall strengths for such fiscal year, and for stantiated finding of such a violation. prepare the report required by paragraph (1) other purposes; which was ordered to (5) An identification and assessment of the in coordination with the Director of Na- extent to which the number of violations de- tional Intelligence, and with such other ap- lie on the table; as follows: scribed in paragraph (4) is on the increase, propriate officials of the intelligence com- At the appropriate place, insert the fol- and a description and assessment of any munity, and such other officials in the lowing: trends in the number of such violations. United States Government, as the Secretary SEC. lll. DISCLOSURE OF STATUS BY NEWS (6) A description and assessment of the considers appropriate. OUTLETS THAT ARE AGENTS OF A training provided to members of the Armed (3) ELEMENTS.—The report required by FOREIGN PRINCIPAL. Forces in order combat the ideologies re- paragraph (1) shall include the following: Section 4(b) of the Foreign Agents Reg- ferred to in paragraph (1), and an identifica- (A) An evaluation and assessment of the istration Act of 1938, as amended (22 U.S.C. tion of each Armed Force that provides im- current and evolving threat being faced by 614(b)) is amended by inserting after the first plicit training, including a description United States forces from small unmanned sentence the following: ‘‘It shall be unlawful of such training, the frequency of such train- aerial systems. for any news or press service or association, ing, and the recipients of such training. (B) A description of the counter-small un- newspaper, magazine, periodical, or other (c) ADDITIONAL REPORTS IN CONNECTION manned aerial system systems acquired by publication that is an agent of a foreign WITH INCREASE IN VIOLATIONS.—If the report the Department of Defense as of the date of principal and required to register under the under subsection (a) in any of 2022 through the enactment of this Act, and an assess- provisions of this Act to fail to include in 2027 identifies an increase in violations de- ment whether such systems are adequate to any transmission in the United States mails scribed in subsection (b)(4) between the two meet the current and evolving threat de- or any transmission made by any means or years preceding the year in which such re- scribed in subparagraph (A). instrumentality of interstate or foreign com- port is submitted, the Secretary of Defense (4) APPROPRIATE COMMITTEES OF CONGRESS merce (including a transmission by radio, shall submit to the Committees on Armed DEFINED.—In this subsection, the term ‘‘ap- television, or the internet) that is trans- Services of the Senate and the House of Rep- propriate committees of Congress’’ means— mitted into the United States a conspicuous resentatives an additional report setting (A) the Committee on Armed Services and statement that the transmission is made by forth the results of a study, conducted for the Select Committee on Intelligence of the an agent of a foreign principal, and that ad- purposes of this subsection by an entity out- Senate; and ditional information is on file with the De- side the Department of Defense selected by (B) the Committee on Armed Services and partment of Justice, Washington, District of the Secretary for purposes of this subsection, the Permanent Select Committee on Intel- Columbia.’’. on the following: ligence of the House of Representatives. (1) The causes of the increase. (f) COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED SA 2429. Mr. BENNET (for himself, (2) Recommendations for measures to ad- STATES ASSESSMENT OF COUNTER-SMALL UN- Mr. CASEY, Mr. BROWN, and Mr. DUR- dress the increase. MANNED AERIAL SYSTEMS PROGRAM.— BIN) submitted an amendment intended (d) ADDITIONAL ELEMENTS ON TRENDS IN (1) ASSESSMENT.—Not later than 180 days to be proposed to amendment SA 2301 VIOLATIONS.—Each report under subsection after the submittal of the strategy required (a) shall also include the following: by subsection (c), the Comptroller General of proposed by Mr. INHOFE to the bill S. (1) A description and assessment of the the United States shall submit to the con- 4049, to authorize appropriations for trend in violations described in subsection gressional defense committees a report set- fiscal year 2021 for military activities (b)(4) between the year covered by such re- ting forth the results of an assessment, con- of the Department of Defense, for mili- port and the year preceding the year covered ducted by the Comptroller General for pur- tary construction, and for defense ac- by such report. poses of the report, of the efficacy of the tivities of the Department of Energy, (2) A description and assessment of the Counter-Small Unmanned Aerial Systems work undertaken by the Department of De- Program. to prescribe military personnel strengths for such fiscal year, and for fense with other departments and agencies of (2) ELEMENTS.—The assessment conducted the Federal Government, including the Fed- pursuant to paragraph (1) shall include the other purposes; which was ordered to eral Bureau of Investigation, to identify the following: lie on the table; as follows: extent and nature of such trend. (A) An identification of metrics to assess At the end of subtitle E of title V, insert (e) FORM.—Each report under this section progress in the implementation of the strat- the following: shall be submitted in unclassified form, but egy required by subsection (c), which metrics SEC. 549. ANNUAL REPORTS ON MILITARY PER- may include information in a classified shall take into account the threat assess- SONNEL AND EXTREMIST annex only to the extent that submittal of ment required for purposes of subsection (e). IDEOLOGIES. such information in classified form is the (B) An assessment of progress, and key (a) IN GENERAL.—Not later than February sole basis on which such information is challenges, in the implementation of the 28 each year, the Secretary of Defense shall submittable to Congress. strategy using such metrics, and rec- submit to the congressional defense commit- ommendations for improvements in the im- tees a report that sets forth a description SA 2430. Mr. CRAPO (for himself and plementation of the strategy. and assessment of the interaction between Ms. STABENOW) submitted an amend- (C) An assessment of the extent to which members of the Armed Forces and extremist ment intended to be proposed to the Department of Defense is coordinating ideologies during the preceding year. amendment SA 2301 proposed by Mr. adequately with other departments and (b) ELEMENTS.—Each report under sub- INHOFE to the bill S. 4049, to authorize agencies of the United States Government, section (a) shall include, for the year covered appropriations for fiscal year 2021 for and other appropriate entities, in the devel- by such report, the following: opment and procurement of counter-small (1) A description of the current policies of military activities of the Department unmanned aerial systems for the Depart- the Department of Defense, and each Armed of Defense, for military construction, ment. Force, on affiliations between members of and for defense activities of the De- (D) An assessment of the extent to which the Armed Forces and recruits to the Armed partment of Energy, to prescribe mili- the designation of the Secretary of the Army Forces and white supremacist, neo-Nazi, ter- tary personnel strengths for such fiscal as executive agent for the Counter-Small Un- rorist, gang, and other extremist ideologies. year, and for other purposes; which was manned Aerial Systems Program has re- (2) A description and assessment of the ordered to lie on the table; as follows: duced redundancies and increased effi- current procedures used by the Department, At the end of subtitle E of title V, insert ciencies in procurement of counter-small un- and each Armed Force, to identify and miti- the following: manned aerial systems. gate the affiliations described in paragraph (E) An assessment whether United States (1). SEC. 549. COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES REPORT ON PAR- technological progress on counter-small un- (3) An assessment of the recruitment tac- TICIPATION IN TRANSITION ASSIST- manned aerial systems is sufficient to main- tics and practices used by organizations that ANCE PROGRAMS AT SMALL AND RE- tain a competitive edge over the small un- propound ideologies referred to in paragraph MOTE MILITARY INSTALLATIONS. manned aerial systems technology available (1) toward members and potential members (a) REPORT REQUIRED.—Not later than 18 to United States adversaries. of the Armed Forces, including a description months after the date of the enactment of

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:59 Jul 03, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00070 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A02JY6.096 S02JYPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE July 2, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S4239 this Act, the Comptroller General of the SA 2431. Mrs. FISCHER submitted an ‘‘(b) APPOINTMENT.— United States shall submit to the appro- amendment intended to be proposed to ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 45 days priate committees of Congress a report on a amendment SA 2301 proposed by Mr. after the date of enactment of the Inter- review, conducted by the Comptroller Gen- agency Committee on Women’s Business En- INHOFE to the bill S. 4049, to authorize eral for purposes of the report, on the par- terprise Act of 2020, the President, in con- ticipation in covered transition assistance appropriations for fiscal year 2021 for sultation with the Administrator, shall ap- programs of members of the Armed Forces military activities of the Department point one of the members of the Interagency assigned to small military installations and of Defense, for military construction, Committee to serve as chairperson. remote military installations in the United and for defense activities of the De- ‘‘(2) VACANCY.—In the event that a chair- States. partment of Energy, to prescribe mili- person is not appointed within the time (b) COVERED TRANSITION ASSISTANCE PRO- tary personnel strengths for such fiscal frame required under paragraph (1), the Dep- GRAMS.—For purposes of this section, cov- uty Administrator of the Small Business Ad- ered transition assistance programs are the year, and for other purposes; which was ordered to lie on the table; as follows: ministration shall serve as acting chair- following: person of the Interagency Committee until a (1) The Transition Assistance Program. Strike section 173. chairperson is appointed under paragraph (2) The programs under section 1143(e) of (1).’’; and title 10, United States Code (commonly re- SA 2432. Ms. DUCKWORTH (for her- (3) in section 404 (15 U.S.C. 7104)— ferred to as ‘‘Job Training, Employment self, Mr. SCOTT of South Carolina, and (A) in the matter preceding paragraph (1), Skills, Apprenticeships and Internships Ms. ROSEN) submitted an amendment by striking ‘‘1995’’ and inserting ‘‘2020’’; (JTEST–AI)’’ or ‘‘Skill Bridge’’). intended to be proposed by her to the (B) in paragraph (1), by adding ‘‘and’’ at (3) Any other program of apprenticeship, bill S. 4049, to authorize appropriations the end; on-the-job training, or internship offered at for fiscal year 2021 for military activi- (C) in paragraph (2), by striking ‘‘; and’’ a small military installation or remote in- ties of the Department of Defense, for and inserting a period; and stallation that the Comptroller General con- (D) by striking paragraph (3). siders appropriate for inclusion in the review military construction, and for defense activities of the Department of Energy, under this section. SA 2433. Mr. MANCHIN submitted an (c) SMALL MILITARY INSTALLATIONS; RE- to prescribe military personnel amendment intended to be proposed to MOTE MILITARY INSTALLATIONS.—For pur- strengths for such fiscal year, and for amendment SA 2301 proposed by Mr. poses of this section: other purposes; which was ordered to INHOFE to the bill S. 4049, to authorize (1) A small military installation is an in- lie on the table; as follows: stallation at which are assigned not more appropriations for fiscal year 2021 for than 10,000 members of the Armed Forces. At the appropriate place, insert the fol- military activities of the Department (2) A remote military installation is an in- lowing: of Defense, for military construction, stallation that is located more than 50 miles SEC. ll. INTERAGENCY COMMITTEE ON WOM- and for defense activities of the De- from any city with a population of 50,000 peo- EN’S BUSINESS ENTERPRISE. Title IV of the Women’s Business Owner- partment of Energy, to prescribe mili- ple or more (as determined by the Office of tary personnel strengths for such fiscal Management and Budget). ship Act of 1988 (15 U.S.C. 7101 et seq.) is (d) SCOPE OF REVIEW.—In conducting the amended— year, and for other purposes; which was review, the Comptroller General shall evalu- (1) in section 402 (15 U.S.C. 7102)— ordered to lie on the table; as follows: ate participation in covered transition as- (A) in subsection (a)— In section 911(a)(1), strike ‘‘not later than’’ sistance programs at a number of small mili- (i) by striking paragraphs (2) and (5); and insert ‘‘not earlier than’’. tary installations and remote military in- (ii) by redesignating paragraphs (3) and (4) stallations that is sufficient to provide a as paragraphs (2) and (3), respectively; and SA 2434. Mr. MANCHIN (for himself complete understanding of the participation (iii) by adding at the end the following: ‘‘(4) monitor the plans, programs, and oper- and Mrs. CAPITO) submitted an amend- in such programs of members of the Armed ment intended to be proposed to Forces at such installations throughout the ations of the departments and agencies of United States. the Federal Government to identify barriers amendment SA 2301 proposed by Mr. (e) ELEMENTS.—The review under this sec- to new business formation by women entre- INHOFE to the bill S. 4049, to authorize tion shall include the following: preneurs, or barriers experienced by women- appropriations for fiscal year 2021 for (1) Rates of participation of members of led startups in accessing and participating in military activities of the Department the Armed Forces in covered transition as- the plans, programs, and operations of the of Defense, for military construction, sistance programs at small military installa- departments and agencies of the Federal and for defense activities of the De- Government.’’; and tions and remote military installations in partment of Energy, to prescribe mili- the United States. (B) in subsection (c), in the first sentence, (2) In the case of the Transition Assistance by inserting ‘‘, including through the use of tary personnel strengths for such fiscal Program, the following: research and policy developed by the Coun- year, and for other purposes; which was (A) A comparison between rates of partici- cil’’ after ‘‘Council’’; ordered to lie on the table; as follows: pation in person and rates of participation (2) in section 403 (15 U.S.C. 7103)— In the funding table in section 4101, in the on line. (A) in subsection (a)— item relating to MQ–4 TRITON, strike the (B) The average ratio of permanent, full- (i) in paragraph (1)— amount in the Senate Authorized column time equivalent program staff to partici- (I) in the matter preceding subparagraph and insert ‘‘411,570’’. pating members at small military installa- (A), by inserting ‘‘the executive director of In the funding table in section 4101, under tions and at remote military installations. the Council and’’ before ‘‘1 representative’’ the heading Other Procurement, Navy, under (C) The average number of program staff (II) by adding at the end the following: the heading Generators, in the item relating (including full-time equivalent staff and con- ‘‘(K) The National Aeronautics and Space to Surface Combatant HM&E (line 2), strike tractor staff) physically and permanently lo- Administration. the amount in the Senate Authorized column cated on installation at small military in- ‘‘(L) The Environmental Protection Agen- and insert ‘‘8,497’’. stallations and at remote military installa- cy. In the funding table in section 4101, under tions. ‘‘(M) The Deputy Director of Management the heading Aircraft Procurement, Air (3) Such other matters with respect to par- of the Office of Management and Budget. Force, under the heading Other Airlift, in ticipation in covered transition assistance ‘‘(N) The Bureau of Labor Statistics. the item relating to MC–130J (line 10), strike programs of members assigned to small mili- ‘‘(O) The Department of Homeland Secu- the amount in the Senate Authorized column tary installations and remote military in- rity. and insert ‘‘291,807’’. stallations as the Comptroller General con- ‘‘(P) The Department of Veterans Affairs.’’; In the funding table in section 4201, under siders appropriate. and the heading Advanced Component Develop- (f) DEFINITIONS.—In this section: (ii) in paragraph (2)— ment & Prototypes, in the item relating to (1) The term ‘‘appropriate committees of (I) in subparagraph (A), by striking ‘‘Small Improved Homeland Defense Interceptors Congress’’ means— Business Administration Reauthorization (line 111), strike the amount in the Senate (A) the Committee on Armed Services and Act of 1997’’ and inserting ‘‘Interagency Authorized column and insert ‘‘144,138’’. the Committee on Veterans’ Affairs of the Committee on Women’s Business Enterprise Senate; and Act of 2020’’; and SA 2435. Mr. VAN HOLLEN (for him- (B) the Committee on Armed Services and (II) in subparagraph (B)— self, Mr. LEAHY, Ms. WARREN, Mr. MUR- the Committee on Veterans’ Affairs of the (aa) by striking ‘‘Small Business’’; and PHY, Mr. UDALL, Mr. SCHATZ, Mr. HEIN- House of Representatives. (bb) by striking ‘‘National Women’s Busi- (2) The term ‘‘Transition Assistance Pro- ness Council established under section 405’’ RICH, Mr. SANDERS, Ms. BALDWIN, Mr. gram’’ means the program of counseling, in- and inserting ‘‘Council’’; and CARPER, Mr. MERKLEY, Mr. KAINE, and formation, and services under section 1142 of (B) by amending subsection (b) to read as Mr. BROWN) submitted an amendment title 10, United States Code. follows: intended to be proposed to amendment

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:59 Jul 03, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00071 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A02JY6.129 S02JYPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE S4240 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 2, 2020 SA 2301 proposed by Mr. INHOFE to the SIGNING AUTHORITY exclusively to reduce the amounts required bill S. 4049, to authorize appropriations to be paid in lieu of contributions into the Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I State unemployment fund pursuant to such for fiscal year 2021 for military activi- ask unanimous consent that the major- ties of the Department of Defense, for section by governmental entities and other ity leader and the senior Senator from organizations described in section 3309(a) of military construction, and for defense Kansas be authorized to sign duly en- such Code.’’. activities of the Department of Energy, rolled bills or joint resolutions through (b) EFFECTIVE DATE.— to prescribe military personnel Monday, July 20, 2020. (1) IN GENERAL.—Subject to paragraph (2), strengths for such fiscal year, and for The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without the amendments made by subsection (a) other purposes; which was ordered to objection, it is so ordered. shall take effect as if included in the enact- lie on the table; as follows: ment of section 2103 of the Relief for Workers f Affected by Coronavirus Act (contained in At the end of subtitle G of title XII, add subtitle A of title II of division A of the the following: APPOINTMENTS AUTHORITY CARES Act (Public Law 116–136)). SEC. 1287. PROHIBITION ON USE OF FUNDS TO (2) APPLICATION TO WEEKS PRIOR TO ENACT- DEPLOY DEFENSE ARTICLES, SERV- Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I MENT.—For weeks of unemployment that oc- ICES, OR TRAINING TO CERTAIN AN- ask unanimous consent that notwith- NEXED TERRITORIES IN THE WEST standing the upcoming adjournment of curred after March 12, 2020, and prior to the date of enactment of this section, States BANK OR TO FACILITATE ANNEX- the Senate, the President of the Sen- ATION OF SUCH TERRITORIES. may— None of the funds authorized to be appro- ate, the President pro tempore, and the (A) issue reimbursements in accordance priated by the United States-Israel Security majority and minority leaders be au- with section 903(i)(1)(C) of the Social Secu- Assistance Authorization Act of 2020, this thorized to make appointments to com- rity Act, as in effect prior to the date of en- Act, or any other Act enacted before the missions, committees, boards, con- actment of this section; or date of the enactment of this Act, or other- ferences, or interparliamentary con- (B) reduce the amounts required to be paid wise made available for the Department of ferences authorized by law, by concur- in accordance with such section 903(i)(1)(C), Defense, may be obligated or expended to de- rent action of the two Houses, or by as amended by subsection (a). ploy, or support the deployment of, United order of the Senate. f States defense articles, services, or training to territories in the West Bank unilaterally The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without RESOLUTIONS SUBMITTED TODAY objection, it is so ordered. annexed by Israel after July 1, 2020, or to fa- Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I cilitate the unilateral annexation of such f ask unanimous consent that the Sen- territories. ate now proceed to the en bloc consid- f PROTECTING NONPROFITS FROM CATASTROPHIC CASH FLOW eration of the following Senate resolu- AUTHORITY FOR COMMITTEES TO STRAIN ACT OF 2020 tions, which were submitted earlier MEET today: S. Res. 648, 649, and 650. Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I There being no objection, the Senate Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that the Sen- proceeded to consider the resolutions have 2 requests for committees to meet ate proceed to the immediate consider- during today’s session of the Senate. en bloc. ation of S. 4209, introduced earlier Mr. MCCONNELL. I know of no fur- They have the approval of the Majority today. ther debate on the resolutions. and Minority leaders. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The The PRESIDING OFFICER. If there Pursuant to rule XXVI, paragraph clerk will report the bill by title. is no further debate, the question is on 5(a), of the Standing Rules of the Sen- The legislative clerk read as follows: agreeing to the resolutions en bloc. ate, the following committees are au- A bill (S. 4209) to amend title IX of the So- The resolutions (S. Res. 648, S. Res. thorized to meet during today’s session cial Security Act to improve emergency un- 649, S. Res. 650) were agreed to. of the Senate: employment relief for governmental entities Mr. MCCONNELL. I ask unanimous COMMITTEE ON THE JUDICIARY and nonprofit organizations. consent that the preambles be agreed The Committee on the Judiciary is There being no objection, the Senate to and the motions to reconsider be authorized to meet during the session proceeded to consider the bill. considered made and laid upon the of the Senate on Thursday, July 2, 2020, Mr. MCCONNELL. I ask unanimous table, all en bloc. at 10 a.m., to conduct a hearing on consent that the bill be considered read The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without nominations. a third time and passed and the motion objection, it is so ordered. SELECT COMMITTEE ON INTELLIGENCE to reconsider be considered made and (The resolutions, with their pre- The Select Committee on Intel- laid upon the table. ambles, are printed in today’s RECORD ligence is authorized to meet during The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without under ‘‘Submitted Resolutions.’’) the session of the Senate on Thursday, objection, it is so ordered. f July 2, 2020, at 2:30 p.m., to conduct a The bill (S. 4209) was ordered to be closed briefing. engrossed for a third reading, was read UNANIMOUS CONSENT AGREEMENT—S. 4049 f the third time, and passed as follows: S. 4209 Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I PRIVILEGES OF THE FLOOR Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- ask unanimous consent that the filing Mr. BARRASSO. Mr. President, I ask resentatives of the United States of America in deadline for first-degree amendments unanimous consent that Brooke Congress assembled, with respect to the cloture motions Hornberger, an intern in my office, be SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. filed during today’s session be at 5 granted floor privileges for the day. This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Protecting p.m., Monday, July 20. I further ask The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Nonprofits from Catastrophic Cash Flow that no second-degree amendments be objection, it is so ordered. Strain Act of 2020’’. in order to the following amendments: Mr. BARRASSO. Mr. President, I ask SEC. 2. IMPROVING EMERGENCY UNEMPLOY- 2252, 2411, 1788, 2244, 1729, and 1972, as unanimous consent that Macy Tipton, MENT RELIEF FOR GOVERNMENTAL ENTITIES AND NONPROFIT ORGANI- modified. an intern in Senator PAUL’s office, be ZATIONS. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without granted privileges for the day. (a) IN GENERAL.—Section 903(i)(1) of the objection, it is so ordered. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1103(i)(1)) is f objection, it is so ordered. amended— Ms. COLLINS. Mr. President, I ask (1) in subparagraph (A), by striking ‘‘dur- MEASURE READ THE FIRST unanimous consent that Megan ing’’ and inserting ‘‘with respect to’’; TIME—H.R. 7120 McCulloch, a defense fellow in my of- (2) in subparagraph (B), by striking Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, at fice, be granted floor privileges ‘‘3309(a)(1)’’ and inserting ‘‘3309(a)’’; and the request of my Democratic col- (3) by striking subparagraph (C) and insert- throughout the remainder of this Con- ing the following new subparagraph: leagues, I am going to rule XIV the gress. ‘‘(C) Notwithstanding any other provision House police reform bill. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without of law, funds transferred to the account of a I understand that there is a bill at objection, it is so ordered. State under subparagraph (A) shall be used the desk, and I ask for its first reading.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:59 Jul 03, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00072 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A02JY6.129 S02JYPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE July 2, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S4241 The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ADJOURNMENT UNTIL MONDAY, IN THE ARMY clerk will read the bill by title for the JULY 6, 2020, AT 11:15 A.M. THE FOLLOWING NAMED OFFICER FOR APPOINTMENT first time. IN THE UNITED STATES ARMY TO THE GRADE INDICATED Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, if WHILE ASSIGNED TO A POSITION OF IMPORTANCE AND The legislative clerk read as follows: there is no further business to come be- RESPONSIBILITY UNDER TITLE 10, U.S.C., SECTION 601: A bill (H.R. 7120) to hold law enforcement fore the Senate, I ask unanimous con- To be general accountable for misconduct in court, im- sent that it stand adjourned under the GEN. GUSTAVE F. PERNA prove transparency through data collection, previous order. and reform police training and policies. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE There being no objection, the Senate, C OWEN MCCURDY CYPHER, OF MICHIGAN, TO BE UNITED Mr. M CONNELL. I now ask for a at 5:26 p.m., adjourned until Monday, STATES MARSHAL FOR THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF second reading, and in order to place July 6, 2020, at 11:15 a.m. MICHIGAN FOR THE TERM OF FOUR YEARS. the bill on the calendar under the pro- THOMAS L. FOSTER, OF VIRGINIA, TO BE UNITED f STATES MARSHAL FOR THE WESTERN DISTRICT OF VIR- visions of rule XIV, I object to my own GINIA FOR THE TERM OF FOUR YEARS. TYREECE L. MILLER, OF TENNESSEE, TO BE UNITED request. NOMINATIONS STATES MARSHAL FOR THE WESTERN DISTRICT OF TEN- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ob- NESSEE FOR THE TERM OF FOUR YEARS. Executive nominations received by jection having been heard, the bill will the Senate: IN THE AIR FORCE receive its next reading on the next AIR FORCE NOMINATION OF KIRK W. GREENE, TO BE THE JUDICIARY legislative day. LIEUTENANT COLONEL. THOMPSON MICHAEL DIETZ, OF NEW JERSEY, TO BE A AIR FORCE NOMINATION OF PATTERSON G. ALDUEZA, TO BE MAJOR. f JUDGE OF THE UNITED STATES COURT OF FEDERAL CLAIMS FOR A TERM OF FIFTEEN YEARS, VICE VICTOR J. IN THE ARMY WOLSKI, TERM EXPIRED. ORDERS FOR MONDAY, JULY 6, TAYLOR B. MCNEEL, OF MISSISSIPPI, TO BE UNITED ARMY NOMINATION OF MICHAEL F. COERPER, TO BE STATES DISTRICT JUDGE FOR THE SOUTHERN DISTRICT LIEUTENANT COLONEL. 2020, THROUGH MONDAY, JULY 20, OF MISSISSIPPI, VICE LOUIS GUIROLA, JR. , RETIRED. ARMY NOMINATIONS BEGINNING WITH ROHUL AMIN AND ENDING WITH D015498, WHICH NOMINATIONS WERE 2020 IN THE AIR FORCE RECEIVED BY THE SENATE AND APPEARED IN THE CON- Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I THE FOLLOWING NAMED OFFICER FOR APPOINTMENT GRESSIONAL RECORD ON MAY 4, 2020. ask unanimous consent that when the IN THE UNITED STATES AIR FORCE TO THE GRADE INDI- ARMY NOMINATION OF CHRISTOPHER V. EMMONS, TO CATED WHILE ASSIGNED TO A POSITION OF IMPORTANCE BE MAJOR. Senate completes its business today, it AND RESPONSIBILITY UNDER TITLE 10, U.S.C., SECTION ARMY NOMINATION OF NATHANIEL A. STONE, TO BE 601: MAJOR. adjourn to then convene for pro forma ARMY NOMINATION OF MARGARET C. sessions only, with no business being To be lieutenant general BRAINARDBLAND, TO BE MAJOR. ARMY NOMINATION OF MICHAEL B. MCGUIRE, TO BE MAJ. GEN. TONY D. BAUERNFEIND conducted, on the following days and LIEUTENANT COLONEL. times; and that following each pro IN THE MARINE CORPS ARMY NOMINATION OF RALPH PEAN, TO BE MAJOR. ARMY NOMINATION OF CHRISTOPHER M. HARTLEY, TO forma session, the Senate adjourn until THE FOLLOWING NAMED OFFICER FOR APPOINTMENT BE LIEUTENANT COLONEL. the next pro forma session: Monday, IN THE UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS TO THE GRADE ARMY NOMINATION OF MAURO QUEVEDO, JR., TO BE July 6, at 11:15 a.m.; Thursday, July 9, INDICATED UNDER TITLE 10, U.S.C., SECTION 624: LIEUTENANT COLONEL. To be brigadier general ARMY NOMINATION OF JOSHUA W. KRUPA, TO BE LIEU- at 10 a.m.; Monday, July 13, at 5:30 TENANT COLONEL. COL. DAVID NATHANSON ARMY NOMINATION OF PETER C. RENALS, TO BE p.m.; and Thursday, July 16, at 10:30 MAJOR. a.m. I further ask that when the Sen- f IN THE NAVY ate adjourns on Thursday, July 16, it CONFIRMATIONS NAVY NOMINATION OF ROBERT C. BIRCH, TO BE LIEU- convene at 3 p.m., Monday, July 20, and TENANT COMMANDER. that following the prayer and pledge, Executive nominations confirmed by NAVY NOMINATION OF TORI J. MOFFITT, TO BE LIEU- TENANT COMMANDER. the morning hour be deemed expired, the Senate July 2, 2020: NAVY NOMINATION OF MATTHEAU B. WILLSEY, TO BE the Journal of proceedings be approved DEFENSE NUCLEAR FACILITIES SAFETY BOARD LIEUTENANT COMMANDER. to date, the time for the two leaders be JOSEPH BRUCE HAMILTON, OF TEXAS, TO BE A MEM- reserved for their use later in the day, BER OF THE DEFENSE NUCLEAR FACILITIES SAFETY f BOARD FOR A TERM EXPIRING OCTOBER 18, 2022. and morning business be closed; fur- JESSIE HILL ROBERSON, OF VIRGINIA, TO BE A MEM- ther, that upon the closing of morning BER OF THE DEFENSE NUCLEAR FACILITIES SAFETY WITHDRAWAL business, the Senate proceed to execu- BOARD FOR A TERM EXPIRING OCTOBER 18, 2023. THOMAS A. SUMMERS, OF PENNSYLVANIA, TO BE A Executive Message transmitted by tive session to resume the Vought MEMBER OF THE DEFENSE NUCLEAR FACILITIES SAFE- TY BOARD FOR A TERM EXPIRING OCTOBER 18, 2020. the President to the Senate on July 2, nomination; finally, that notwith- JOYCE LOUISE CONNERY, OF VIRGINIA, TO BE A MEM- 2020 withdrawing from further Senate standing the provisions of rule XXII, BER OF THE DEFENSE NUCLEAR FACILITIES SAFETY BOARD FOR A TERM EXPIRING OCTOBER 18, 2024. consideration the following nomina- the confirmation vote on the Vought DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE tion: nomination occur at 5:30 p.m. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without THOMAS A. SUMMERS, OF PENNSYLVANIA, TO BE A ARMY NOMINATION OF MAJ. GEN. SEAN P. SWINDELL, MEMBER OF THE DEFENSE NUCLEAR FACILITIES SAFE- TO BE LIEUTENANT GENERAL, WHICH WAS SENT TO THE objection, it is so ordered. TY BOARD FOR A TERM EXPIRING OCTOBER 18, 2025. SENATE ON FEBRUARY 4, 2020.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:59 Jul 03, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00073 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 9801 E:\CR\FM\G02JY6.072 S02JYPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE