17828 Hon. Barbara Lee Hon. Maxine Waters
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17828 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS July 26, 1999 IN COMMEMORATION OF THE has served APWU proudly for 35 years as a ther passing over the skies of Cuba or through GRAND OPENING OF THE national officer in the western region. its territorial waters should be considered a EASTMONT COMPUTING CENTER Mr. Moore was born in Austin, Texas and factor in determining whether a nation is a FOR THE OAKLAND COMMUNITY received has formal education there. While in major drug transiting country that substantially high school, he played football and was a impacts the U.S., there appears to be some HON. BARBARA LEE teammate of Dick (Night-Train) Layne who confusion down at Foggy Bottom. The bill I introduced today, H.R. 2608 along OF CALIFORNIA later played for the Detroit Lions. Mr. Moore graduated from Tillitson College with a B.A. with Chairman BURTON is very simple, ad- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Degree in Chemistry. dressing this issue of the major transiting na- Monday, July 26, 1999 Mr. Moore served in the U.S. Air Force be- tion list determination under the Foreign As- Ms. LEE. Mr. Speaker, I rise to recognize ginning in 1945. After his discharge, he began sistance Act Section 481(e) as relates to the Eastmont Computing Center, located in his employment with the Postal Service in drugs headed for the USA. This bill merely East Oakland, California, on its grand opening. June 1952 and later became active with the clarifies that the term ‘‘through which is trans- This multi-million dollar computing center is a Union in Long Beach, California. ported’’ in fact expressly includes drugs pass- project of The Oakland Citizens Committee for He was the Executive Vice President of the ing through the territorial airspace, land and Urban Renewal (OCCUR), which was estab- Long Beach Local in 1963 and became Exec- water of a country on the way to our nation. lished in Oakland, California in 1954 for the utive Vice President of the California National There should be no need for any more legal resource time on this issue. purpose of raising the quality of life for all of Postal Union in 1964. It will be my intention to move this simple, In 1964, Mr. Moore became the National Oakland’s residents, with the emphasis on non-controversial clarification bill through the Postal Union Regional Representative and serving those in the greatest need of a bal- House International Relations Committee held that position until 1971, while also serving anced delivery of goods, effective public pol- quickly. icy, and services. OCCUR created the as the Long Beach Local President between There should be no further confusion on this Eastmont Computing Center (ECC) to serve 1965 and 1971. In 1971, the American Postal matter, so that the full review of the Cuban il- as a community resource on information tech- Workers Union, AFL–CIO was formed and Mr. licit narcotics situation not be distracted by nologies in order to provide universal com- Moore was the APWU National Representa- endless debate over something as obvious as puter and Internet access and employment fo- tive between 1971 and 1977. His position was drugs passing over the skies of Cuba or being cused training to Oakland citizens. to represent the union at regional level labor- dropped into or moving through Cuban waters The Eastmont Computing Center provides management meetings and resolve disputes on the way to our cities and local commu- cutting-edge information technology training to with the region on both contract interpretation nities. youth and other residents of under-served and employee discipline. Mr. Speaker, I submit the full text of the bill communities. The Center provides a broad In 1977, Mr. Moore was elected Western to clarify this situation. range of unique skills and employment training Regional Coordinator for the entire Western H.R. 2608 programs to youth, senior citizens, and com- Region of APWU, the largest geographic area Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- munity-based organizations. in the United States, representing 13 states resentatives of the United States of America in The Center is one of only three California and Pacific territories. Mr. Moore has been re- Congress assembled, recipients of the highly competitive U.S. De- elected every election since then and is one of SECTION 1. AMENDMENT TO FOREIGN ASSIST- partment of Commerce Telecommunications only 12 officers to serve on APWU’s National ANCE ACT OF 1961. and Information Infrastructure Assistance Pro- Executive Board, the highest ranking authority Section 481(e) of the Foreign Assistance of the APWU. Act of 1961 (22 U.S.C. 2291(e)) is amended by gram grants. Additional funding for the Center adding at the end the following: is provided by a number of government, foun- Mr. Moore has served APWU and its former ‘‘For purposes of paragraph (5)(B), the term dation, corporate and individual donors includ- unions for 35 years with distinction; one of the ‘through which are transported’ includes the ing the Eastmont Town Center, Pacific Gas longest consecutive tenures in labor history. I territorial airspace, land, and water of a and Electric, Chevron, Pacific Bell, The San am proud to salute him for his generous serv- country.’’. Francisco Foundation, Oracle, Hewlett Pack- ice to the union and the people of the western f ard and IBM. region of the United States. I wish to commend the management and f DON’T WRITE OFF RURAL staff of the Eastmont Computing Center for AMERICA their tireless work and for their diligence. It MAJOR DRUG TRANSIT COUNTRY has been through their perseverance that they ACT OF 1999, H.R. 2608 HON. BOB SCHAFFER have garnered the resources necessary to es- OF COLORADO tablish and operate this training facility for the HON. BENJAMIN A. GILMAN IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES benefit of all the citizens of Oakland. OF NEW YORK Monday, July 26, 1999 I wish to extend to the Eastmont Computing IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. SCHAFFER. Mr. Speaker, rural America Center, its staff, donors and support volun- Monday, July 26, 1999 is hurting these days and the rest of the coun- teers sincere best wishes for success as they try should take notice. The current period of Mr. GILMAN. Mr. Speaker, a front page begin to deliver technology access and em- relative economic prosperity has abandoned story in last Friday’s Miami Herald indicates ployment training services to the citizens of most sectors of the agriculture economy, often Oakland. the Administration has launched a full scale because of deliberate decisions made at the f review of the role of Cuba in the drug trade. White House. It’s a review that along with many others here For example, U.S. trade policy presently fa- HONORING RAYDELL MOORE’S 35 in the Congress we fully welcome. We look vors manufactured products, high tech equip- YEARS AS A POSTAL UNION NA- forward to seeing the Administration’s conclu- ment, and medical supplies in exchange for TIONAL OFFICER sions on Cuba’s links to drug trafficking tar- easy access to American markets for foreign geting the United States. farmers. Nor are trade policies fair for our HON. MAXINE WATERS The Miami Herald also points out that as farmers and ranchers, Mr. Speaker. Foreign OF CALIFORNIA part of the State Department’s review, lawyers growers enjoy far easier access to our mar- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES are having a hard time sorting out what a kets than we do to theirs. ‘‘major’’ drug transiting nation may be under Westerners tend to be closely tied to agri- Monday, July 26, 1999 federal law, and whether the designation of a culture. That’s why so many of my rural con- Ms. WATERS. Mr. Speaker, it is my pleas- ‘‘major’’ transit nation should take into account stituents find it hard to believe there are actu- ure to bring to the attention of my colleagues drugs that may just pass over Cuban skies or ally people in Washington, D.C. who harbor the recognition of Mr. Raydell Moore of Long through its territorial waters on the way to the hostility toward them. Beach, California by the American Postal USA. Just last month, Mr. Speaker, after his party Union (APWU), AFL–CIO, as one of their While a common sense interpretation of the voted against several rural issues, the Demo- longest serving national officers. Mr. Moore law should assume that these illicit drugs, ei- cratic Congressional Campaign Committee VerDate mar 24 2004 14:15 Apr 21, 2004 Jkt 069102 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR99\E26JY9.000 E26JY9 July 26, 1999 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 17829 chairman told reporters Democrats have ‘‘writ- determine otherwise, they would do well to This title requires all such committees ten off the rural areas.’’ The DCCC Chairman check their facts, consider the farmer, and to notify the Office of the Senate Daily Rep. PATRICK KENNEDY (R.I.) later admitted he possibly even say a word of thanks before Digest—designated by the Rules com- shouldn’t have said it. I agree, but he did, and supper. mittee—of the time, place, and purpose in doing so illustrated the disdain with which f of the meetings, when scheduled, and some in Congress view rural America. any cancellations or changes in the Coloradans understand America must count LEWIS AND CLARK EXPEDITION meetings as they occur. on rural areas, not dismiss them. Statistics BICENTENNIAL COMMEMORATIVE As an additional procedure along confirm the importance of rural settings. Agri- COIN ACT with the computerization of this infor- culture is still America’s number one employer mation, the Office of the Senate Daily providing more jobs, more business trans- SPEECH OF Digest will prepare this information for actions, more entrepreneurial opportunities, HON.