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CONGRESSIONAL RECORD— Extensions of Remarks E2185 HON. BRAD SHERMAN HON. BARBARA LEE HON. MAX SANDLIN HON. SCOTT Mcinnis October 26, 1999 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E2185 CIVITAS PROGRAM RESTORING IN MEMORY OF PRESIDENT My proposal could save the government bil- HOPE IN BOSNIA AND JULIUS NYERERE lions of dollars. Giving up the 3.4 percent pay HERZEGOVINA raise and cutting away earmarked proposals HON. BARBARA LEE would eliminate the need for indiscriminate OF CALIFORNIA spending cuts which would devastate already HON. BRAD SHERMAN IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES under-funded programs. Mr. Speaker, the time to act is now. We OF CALIFORNIA Tuesday, October 26, 1999 have to make the tough choices that the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Ms. LEE. Mr. Speaker, as a student, active American people sent us here to make. For us in the African liberation movement, President to meet our obligations and protect Social Se- Tuesday, October 26, 1999 Julius Nyerere was a source of inspiration to curity, we will have to make sacrifices. We will me. As a supporter, educator and celebrator Mr. SHERMAN. Mr. Speaker, in recent have to do the right thing. of indigenous African cultures, Nyerere was a I am hopeful that the House leadership will weeks a delegation of educators and edu- President who left an indelible mark not only make the right choice at this critical moment in cation officials from Bosnia and Herzegovina on Africans of all countries, but of people of all the budget debate. It will take courage. It will traveled to my district to continue their work nations. require us to make tough choices. And that’s with the Center for Civic Education in imple- It is fitting at this time to pay the utmost re- our job. spect to his insight, which recognized the menting a successful civic education initiative f called Civitas @ Bosnia and Herzegovina beauty and value of cultures that have so tra- which is restoring hope to that divided nation. ditionally been devalued or exploited. Presi- TRIBUTE TO THE LATE MARY dent Nyerere, for example, promoted the use FARLEY The Civitas initiative consists of an edu- of Swahili, making this native African language cation for democracy program for elementary the official language of Tanzania. HON. SCOTT McINNIS and secondary students in Bosnia and Those of us who were active in the move- OF COLORADO Herzegovina with the goal of promoting the ment against apartheid in South Africa, looked IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES development of a political culture supportive of to Nyerere for this leadership, and emphasis democratic values, principles, and institutions. on a collective system of government in which Tuesday, October 26, 1999 all people in the community are valued and The distinguished members of the delega- Mr. MCINNIS. Mr. Speaker. It is with great provided for, ujamaa, or ‘‘familyhood’’. honor and profound sadness that I now rise to tion include: Rahela Dzidic, Executive Director, Fittingly, President Nyerere was and is ad- pay tribute to the life of Pueblo, Colorado’s Civitas @ Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo, dressed throughout the world as ‘‘teacher’’, great civic matriarch, Mary Farley. After living Mile Ilic, Professor of Pedagogy and Psy- and his legacy of supporting and upholding a remarkably accomplished life that spanned chology, University of Banja Luke, Banja Luka, the beauty of Africa for the world will live on 94 years, sadly, Mrs. Farley passed away ear- Sanja Kantar, Philosophy Professor, Prijedor, in the people of Tanzania and everywhere. lier this month. But even as we mourn her Dejan Krunic, Counselor for Physics and As- f passing, everyone who knew Mary should tronomy, Pedagogical Institute of the MAKE THE RIGHT CHOICES take comfort in the truly incredible life she led. Republika Srpska, Civitas Regional Coordi- SPENDING Since the 1930’s, few can claim a place in nator, Banja Luka, Anton Milos, Elementary the Pueblo community as lofty as Mary. Her School Principal, Civitas Municipal Coordinator HON. MAX SANDLIN accomplishments and contributions, Mr. for Kiseljak, Brestovsko, Ismet Salihbegovic, Speaker, were many. During WWII, she co- OF TEXAS chaired Pueblo’s war bond drive and also Deputy Minister of Education, Sarajevo Can- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES served as secretary for the Community welfare ton, Sarajevo, Halil Spago, Counselor for Edu- Tuesday, October 26, 1999 council. In the 1960’s, she and her husband— cation, Mostar Canton, Ministry of Education, Mr. SANDLIN. Mr. Speaker, I am a longtime the equally distinguished late Dr. John Far- Mostar, Esad Toromanovic, Sociology Pro- opponent of congressional pay raises and ley—founded the Farley Foundation which fessor, Civitas Cantonal Coordinator, Una pork barrel spending. The time for us to make quickly became a leading philanthropic force Sana Canton, Bihac, Karlo Zelenika, Psy- tough choices is most certainly here. I am en- in the community, state, and nation. chology and Pedagogy Professor, Civitas Can- couraging the leadership of the House to re- In recognition of her tireless civic endeavors tonal Coordinator, Sikoki Brijeg, Masa Miskin, ject attempts to cut spending on vital govern- touting noble causes like historical, environ- Translator, student, University of Sarajevo, ment programs across the board. Instead, let’s mental, and cultural preservation, Mary was Philosophy Faculty, Sarajevo, Aida Skaljic, eliminate the proposed congressional pay hike inducted into the Pueblo Hall of Fame in 1994. Civitas Translator/Assistant, Sarajevo. and the countless budget earmarks. While her personal accomplishments are I staked out this proposal in a letter today to many, none are more weighty than the re- The Civitas initiative in Bosnia has produced Speaker of the House DENNIS HASTERT re- markable legacy she has left in her family. impressive results. More than 2,500 teachers questing that he reject the proposed across- Mary’s son, Tom Farley, now a leading attor- in all parts of Bosnia and Herzegovina have the-board spending cuts at a time when Con- ney in the Pueblo area, has been a powerful been using Project Citizen, a program trans- gress is scheduled to receive a pay raise. I voice in Colorado’s political circles, serving as lated and adapted from a successful civic edu- am also suggesting that Speaker HASTERT a state legislator and political activist. Kathy cation middle school program used in the should turn back the spending programs we Farley, Mary’s daughter, has followed her United States. The teachers also are using call ‘‘earmarks.’’ mother’s lead as a community activist, serving translated and adapted versions of selected In light of budget realities and constraints on as the Director of the Southern Colorado lessons on basic concepts of democracy. In all spending, we must define and protect our pri- Community Foundation after a two term stint of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the program has orities as we are forced to make other spend- as a powerful advocate on the Pueblo County ing sacrifices. The proposed 1.4 percent Commission. Ultimately, while John and Mary reached more than 100,000 elementary and across-the-board spending cut would have dis- can be proud of all the many things they ac- secondary students since its inception in 1996. astrous effects on critical programs such as complished together, none could surpass what The initiative in Bosnia and Herzegovina is defense and education, as well as vital pro- they have left in their children. part of the broader Civitas: An International grams for senior citizens. It has been said, Mr. Speaker, that the ulti- Civic Education Exchange program adminis- This reckless round of cuts would threaten mate measure of a person’s life is the extent tered by the Center for Civic Education. The our military’s readiness and reduce the num- to which they made the world a better place. program provides for a series of exchanges ber of men and women in uniform. Cutting If, indeed, this is the measure of worth in life, among leaders and educators in civic edu- across the board could deprive almost 7,000 Mary’s friends, family, and the Pueblo commu- cation in the United States and emerging and children and their families of the proven value nity can all attest to the success of the life she of the Head Start program. Furthermore, the led. Indeed, both the Pueblo community and established democracies worldwide. cuts would reduce aid to our nation’s farmers. the great State of Colorado will benefit for I applaud the promising results the Civitas Disaster assistance and income assistance many generations from Mary Farley’s tireless initiative has already achieved and look for- would both be reduced at a time when they drive to make her world a better place for us ward to the continued success of the program. are so badly needed. all. VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:48 Nov 06, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 D:\FIX-CR\1999REC\E26OC9.REC E26OC9 mmaher on DSKFW6RHC1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE E2186 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks October 26, 1999 It is with this, Mr. Speaker, that I say thank So it was very appropriate that at one To those who provide care and comfort for you and good-bye to this great American who time this venerable event initially was des- our veterans; and, will long serve as an inspiration to us all. We ignated as Decoration Day, to be observed by To those veterans organizations who placing flowers and flags—in essence, deco- render our final salute— will all miss her greatly. rating—the graves of our war dead. We, who will join the honored dead in these f Today, we define this day as Memorial hallowed grounds— Day, meaning, essentially, ‘‘anything, such Thank you and salute you! CONGRATULATING SAINT AGNES as a monument, intended to preserve the f MEDICAL CENTER FOR 70 YEARS memory of a person or event.’’ OF CARE Memorial Day, then, is a day appointed to COMMENTING ON THE DEPART- commemorate and decorate the dead of our MENTS OF INTERIOR AND RE- HON.
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