INT. CHILDREN’S PLAY ROOM - DAY Two little girls and a little boy sit in the center of a picturesque play room. It’s bright and pink. Sunshine pours in from the window. The kids are playing with Barbie dolls, but they look a little bored. VOICE OVER New, from ! You’ve seen Barbie be a doctor. You’ve seen her be a beauty queen. For Barbie’s next adventure, she really just wants to be alone for a while. (beat) Introducing... Depressed Barbie! The kids seem half excited, and half confused.

INT. DOLLHOUSE - CONTINUOUS Barbie is under the covers of her bed. It’s a dark, dreary room in a dollhouse, full of dollhouse-sized pizza boxes, used tissues, and piles of trash. The only source of light is a small TV with a menu on it. The covers slowly pull back to reveal Depressed Barbie, in old pajama bottoms and an oversized t-shirt. Depressed Barbie looks like a regular Barbie doll, but with a messy bun, no make up, and a blank scowl. VOICE OVER Depressed Barbie comes complete with ratty sweatpants and a t-shirt that her ex-boyfriend left at her apartment. If you want to change her outfit, I mean, why bother? Depressed Barbie goes back to sleep.

C.U. DOLLHOUSE TABLE - CONTINUOUS Several little accessories are spread out on a table. 2.

VOICE OVER The fun doesn’t stop there! Depressed Barbie also includes a number of fun accessories, like a cheap bottle of chardonnay, a carton of ice cream, and a pack of cigarettes, because they just take the edge off a little, you know?

INT. CHILDREN'S PLAY ROOM - CONTINUOUS CURLY-HAIRED GIRL Huh? Isn’t smoking bad? VOICE OVER Give Barbie a break, okay? She has like two hundred jobs. Can’t she just do her own thing for a while? It’s like you always want her to be “on” or something. CURLY-HAIRED GIRL Geez, sorry. BOY I’ll play with you Depressed Barbie. VOICE OVER (testy) Oh, you’ll “play with her”? Why don’t you try respecting her? BOY Sorry, do you want me to go? VOICE OVER No. BOY Maybe it’d help if Barbie talked to a therapist or something. VOICE OVER STOP TRYING TO FIX THIS TYLER!

INT. DOLLHOUSE - CONTINUOUS Barbie is in bed. The doorbell rings. 3.

VOICE OVER Who’s that? I know, what Barbie set would be complete without ? The door opens. VOICE OVER (CONT’D) Introducing Food Delivery Ken! Ken looks depressed too. He’s wearing a drab grey hoodie and a pair of soccer pants. The Ken doll hands the Barbie doll a plastic bag full of takeout boxes. The door closes.

INT. CHILDREN'S PLAY ROOM - CONTINUOUS GIRL WITH GLASSES Wait, he just delivers the food and leaves? CURLY-HAIRED GIRL Sounds lonely. VOICE OVER Well there’s no need to worry about that because every Depressed Barbie also comes with Snookums the cat! A plastic tabby appears on Barbie’s bed. GIRL WITH GLASSES Cool! VOICE OVER And Fifi the cat! A plastic siamese appears on Barbie’s bed. VOICE OVER (CONT’D) And Goonie and Bon Bon and Coco! Three more plastic cats appear on the bed. GIRL WITH GLASSES Cool? CURLY-HAIRED GIRL That’s a lot of cats. 4.

VOICE OVER (sobbing) Sorry, it’s just like, all the other have like, Corvettes, and dream houses, and like, what do I have, huh? A Netflix subscription? The kids just sit there, unsure of what to say.

INT. DOLLHOUSE - CONTINUOUS Depressed Barbie and Food Delivery Ken, along with all their accessories, are spread out on a small table. VOICE OVER (singing) Depressed Barbie, the one with the frown. Depressed Barbie, just sorta hanging around. Depressed Barbie, she had a breakdown! (beat) Wellbutrin not included. THE END.