Annual Report 2011 The Muslim Converts’ Association of Singapore (Darul Arqam Singapore) is a registered charitable organisation dedicated towards public education, social welfare and religious enhancement of the community. The cross-cultural fabric of our members and community indeed represents the essence of harmonious living in a multi-racial country that transcends global boundaries. Mission To provide religious guidance and render assistance to members as may be necessary. To organise religious, literary, and/or recreational activities and to publish Islamic articles and/or literature. To participate and provide welfare services for the community where necessary, and To represent the interests of all Muslim converts residing in Singapore. Pages 2 President’s Message 3 Council Members 4 Executive Committee 4 Staff 6 Corporate Affairs Division 11 Converts’ Development Division 18 Da’wah Division 24 Education Division 30 Finance Division 36 Volunteers List 32 Onan Road, The Galaxy Singapore 424484 Tel: +65 6348 8344 Fax: +65 6440 6724 Email:
[email protected] Website: Registered with Registry of Society under the Societies Act UEN: S80SS0037D 1 g Annual Report 2011 Message Assalamu‘alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful. Alhamdulillah, the year 2011 is blessed with constructive movement for Darul Arqam and the Muslim community, although as part of a global society, we continue to face the challenges of international events that influence our lives and thoughts daily. With the intention to elevate our collective efforts in resonating harmony from the light of Islam, Darul Arqam has focused to enhance programmes that foster the goodwill amongst Muslims.