The Journal of the New Zealand Antarctic Society Vol 15. No. 3, 1997 GATEWAY TO THE AUSTRALIA'S BIG SEASON JCE CHRISTCHURCH GATEWAY TO ANTARCTICA For further information contact City Promotions Christchurch City Council CHRISTCHURCH P.O. Box 237 T H E G A R D E N C I T Y Ph: 64 3 371-1780 Fax: 64 3 371-1262 Antarctic Contents ^^^' ' x ■ ifci—K-. Forthcoming Events B ^ _ > A . ■ V 1 Policy f*j 1^ L1 Looking into the Ice's 21 st Century s ^Jj News National Programmes B» New Zealand "'"wH Australia ■ o^. Malaysia South Korea Cooer: Thunderbird, a North American Indian god of storms, sits atop the totem pole at USA Christchurch Airport honouring US airmen who Russia made a supply drop to the South Pole in 1956. Cover Story Volume 1 5, No. 3, 1997, Gateway City Blazes a Trail Issue No. 162 Tourism ANTARCTIC is published quarterly by the New Zealand Antarctic Society Inc., ISSN 0003-5327. General Editor: Shelley Grell Please address all editorial inquiries and contributions to Antarctic Bulletin, Report P O Box 404, Christchurch or telephone 03 365 0344, facsimile 03 365 4255, Iceberg Devastation Creates New Life, by DrUoydPeck e-mail
[email protected]. Education »>ii^""** Book Reviews \ ANTARCTICA The Silence Calling \ • ~^\/ "Lonely Planet Antarctica" ■'' '" mSBB Feature Exploring the Unknown / O r » M M ' ..... \imm tgh-ajar" ' \ S—f ?'■*[BSS nmx- V •-■ \.-'U A \_//_....1 r \^r . ' _ A- FORTHCOMING EVENTS V % J i 28-30 April, 1998 — Antarctic Futures Workshop, St Andrews College, ■■ t^feiSuHR Christchurch NZ.