Phillips: Bibliography of Antarctic and sub-Antarctic birds, 1998 97 PUBLICATIONS AND THESES ON ANTARCTIC AND SUB-ANTARCTIC BIRDS, 1998 C.M. PHILLIPS British Antarctic Survey, Natural Environment Research Council, High Cross, Madingley Road, Cambridge, CB3 0ET, UK (
[email protected]) SUMMARY PHILLIPS, C.M. 2001. Publications and theses on Antarctic and sub-Antarctic birds, 1998. Marine Ornithology 29: 97–101. A total of 151 scientific publications and theses on Antarctic and sub-Antarctic birds for 1998 is listed by author. This annual list is produced on behalf of the Bird Biology Subcommittee of the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) Working Group on Biology as a service to marine ornithologists. Keywords: Publications, Antarctica, sub-Antarctic, birds INTRODUCTION South Georgia. CCAMLR Science 5: 217–230. AUBIN, T. & JOUVENTIN, P. 1998. Cocktail-party effect in In 1986, the Bird Biology Subcommittee of the Scientific Com- King Penguin colonies. Proceedings of the Royal Society of mittee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) Working Group on Biology London 265B: 1665–1673. recommended that a list of recent publications on Antarctic and AUBIN, T. & LENGAGNE, T. 1998. Reconnaissance du cri du sub-Antarctic seabirds species from 1986 be prepared. parent par le poussin du Manchot Royal Aptenodytes patagonicus dans le milieu bruyant de la colonie. Bulletin de The 1998 list, the thirteenth to be produced and published in la Société Zoologique de France 123: 267–277. Marine Ornithology, has been compiled by scanning the relevant BARBRAUD, C. & BAKER, S.C. 1998. Fulmarine petrels and literature and abstracting services, and by correspondence with South Polar Skua Catharacta maccormicki populations on members of the subcommittee.