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Mount Vernon Banner Historic Newspaper 1888


Mount Vernon Democratic Banner January 5, 1888

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Recommended Citation "Mount Vernon Democratic Banner January 5, 1888" (1888). Mount Vernon Banner Historic Newspaper 1888. 33.

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28— Prohibition County Convention held 16—Death of Jonathan Vending, aged 78 6— Charles G. Smith, a carpenter, falls ' It is said that Wm. K. Vanderbilt LOCAL CHRONOLOGY. at the Court House. ears, pioneer resident of Monroe township. from the roof of a dwelling in Mt. Vernon, will take up his permanent residence in SIMMONS Banner, 30—Death of Noah Boynton, Esq., aged 16— 19—Knox County Teachers' Institute and has several ribs broken. Europe. 62 years, from the effects of falling in front held at Mt. Vernon, 7— Death ol Benjamin Chamliers, aged 88 Brief Record of Important The Empress Eugenie has recovered The best thing the ’party leadeis of the M. E. church and striking his head. 21— Burglars raid the town and gain en­ years, at his home in Miller township. her health, and now talks about a tour could do would be to trade the proposed Events Transpiring in 30—Death of Mrs. Abel Hart from con trance to the houses of C.G. Cooper, H. L 13—Nick Hein, a tailor of Centreburg, in the Holy Land. National League of Republican Clubs Knox County Dur­ sumption. Curtis, J. S. Ringwalt, F. S. Crowell and deserts his wife and children and elopes Mr. Gladstone says he is in favor of for a worthless yellow dog and then MAY. others. with Lizzie Butcher, a single girl, of Mt. great modesty and simplicity, but not ing 18.87- 2—Elopement of Wesley Shaw and Della WHOLESALE to the CONSUMER. shoot the dog.—Phila. Times 22— Deith of Wm. Morgan, aged 75 years, Vernon. gayetv, at funerals. McCartney—the former deserting his wife of Pleasant township. The Vance Cadets 15— Marriage of Rev. J. S. Broadwell, of PRICKS t'GT n TO. and seven children. At Weimar, Germany, two old peo­ The Zanesville Signal has broken out Valuable Reference Paper go into camp at New Lexington. Fredericktown, and Mrs. Dora Chilcoat, of 2—Call extended by the Congregational ple named Bayer, husband and wife •‘I have used Simmons Liver 22— 28—The 26th annual meeting of the Mt. Vernon. in a new place. Hear it: that Should he Carefully church, to Rev. Sydney Strong, -of Friend, died suddenly on tjie 55th anniversary Regulator for many years, hav­ Smith and Kilrain fought, on an is­ Ohio State Campmeeting Association, held 16— Author's Day celebrated by the pupils of their marriage. OVER $0,000.00 ing made it my only Family Filed Away. Nebraska. near Mt. Vernon. of the Mt. Vernon High School Medicine. My mother before land in the Seine, twenty miles from 4— Attempted assassination of Sheriff A Nevada ranchman, to protect his Worth of Liquors to be closed me was very partial to it. It is Rouen, and strict moralists will, no 23— Eugene Young, of Monroe township, 21— Marriage of Miss Frances Adams, of cattle from the effects of blizzards, has a safe, good and reliable medi­ doubt, say in more senses than one, JANUARY. Stevenson, by Kiovuaho, the crazy Find- thrown from a buggy and his nose broken, Mt. Vernon, and Mr. Harry Walter, of Cin­ cine for any disorder of the 3— Installation of County Officers—Sher­ lander. painted them all with a mixture of tar out at actual cost. system, and if used in time is those who witnessed the slugging were bv a collision on west Vine street. cinnati. red clav and linseed oil. Now is the time for you to buy when DR. 0. C. FARQUHAR, « great preventive of sickness. insane and on the road to ruin. iff Stevenson, Coroner Bunn, Recorder 5— The Salvation Army makes a descent 25 —Death of Mrs. John Adams, aged 56 22— Zach. Hibbitts brought into court, you can get goods for less than dealers I often recommend it to my Sandford, Commissioner Craig, Infirmary on Mt. Vernon and opens its batteries at the ears. pleads guilty to murder in the second de­ friends, and shall continue to can buy same for, by the barrel. Being The Liverpool (Eng.) Post says the Director McArtor. Rink. 27— Meeting of citizens to fight the drive gree for the killing of William Burris, and Three Peculiarities do so. 5— Organization of Knox County Sports­ afraid-of Township Local Option which Physician and Specialist, “Rev. James M. Rollins, Queen has been greatly irritated by the 6— Mysterious disappearance of a farmer ell royalty. is sentenced to the penitentiary for life. Hood’s Sarsaparilla, the great blood purifiei will surely make Mt. Vernon a dry ZANESVILLE, : OHIO Pastor M. E. Church, So. Fairfleld.V a.” remarks called forth in the newspapers men’s Association. named Wm. Hayes,of Monroe township. 28— Incendiary fire at Centreburg, de­ 23 -The log house, at Buckeye City, for­ and regulating medicine, Is characterized by town and as we do not want to be 6,7,8—Meetings belt! to investigate elec­ 6— Prof. Orton, State Geologist, visits Mt. TIME AND DOCTORS’ BILLS SAVED by by the tacit approval of pugilism shown stroys the warehouse of R J. Pumphrey merly eccupied by Zach. Hibbitts, destroyed three peculiarities, namely: CAUGHT NAPPING ■Itrays keeping Simmons Liver by the Prince of Wales in his visit to tric light question; also to secure subscrip­ Vernon to inspect the gas well. and livery stable of A. T. Borden. Horse by incendiary fire. tions to bore for natural gas. 7— Contest between Hon.J.S. Braddock Tlie combination of tbo various CURES: Deformities, Stiff Joints, Paraly­ Regulator in the house. Sullivan, and Her Majesty has express­ alued at $150 stolen from barn of Cassell 24—Small fire at Dr. Gordon’s residence, 1st: remedial agents used. With a big stock of liquors on hand, sis, Lung Diseases, Piles, Asthma, Bron­ “I have found Simmons Liver 7— Death of James Withrow, pioneer citi­ and B. & 0. R’y Co., concerning fence line Lynn, living near Fredericktown. Mt. Vernon. we have decided to close same out chitis and Consumption (in its incipient Regulator the best family med­ ed her annoyance in a letter sent to zen of Jefferson township. of the present Bridge Works, in which the The proportion in which tlie roots, stage), Rheumatism, Liver Complaint, Dys­ SEPTEMBER. 24— Algie Fickeson, aged 11 years, severe­ at a sacrifice rather than take any icine I ever used for anything His Royal Highness. 8— Termination of big rat hunt in Wayne, former comes out ahead 2d: herbs, barks, etc., are mixed. pepsia, St. Vitus Dance, Fits, Kidney and that may happen, have used it 1— Annual Reunion of the 96th 0. V. I. ly burned about hands and face, while per­ chances. Without boasting we can Morris and Clinton townships. 12— Mahlon Copeland arrested for buglar- Tlie process by which tlie active Blood Diseases, Catarrh, Headache, Weak in indigestion, Colic, Diarrhoea, at Fredericktown. Death of Wm. Darling sonating Santa Claus. truthfully say, that we have been hand­ and Aching Back, Neuralgia and all and ev­ Hillousncss, and found it to re­ The Mt. Vernon Banner, edited by 9— YeeWing, Chinese laundryman died medicinal properties are secured. ling the best and purest goods ever lzing John Lee’s store. aged 62 years, a resident of Wayne town­ 25— Death of Mrs. N. N. Hill, aged 71 3d: ery Chronic Disease, Old Sores, Scrofula and lieve immediately. After eat­ Leeky Harper, one of the oldest and from too liberal potions of opium and 13— Death of County Commissioner J. sold by any Mt. Vernon house. We all Skin Diseases. ing a hearty supper, if, on going ship. years, near Mt. Vernon. Tlie result is a medicine of unusual strength best Democratic editors in the State, whisky. Harvey McFarland, aged 66 years, after a carry (with perhaps one exception) the I locate the disease by making a chemical to bed, I take about a teaspoon­ 2— Edward Yeager, of Monroe township, 25—Residence of T. I). Stull, Mt. Vernon, and curative power, which effects cures hcic- examination of a sample of the patients ful, I never feel the effects of has started on its 35th year under the 10— Death of William Spearman, of Clin­ short illness from general debility. tofore unequalled. These peculiarities belong largest stock, and our variety of liquors severely kicked in the head hv a horse. burglarized. is the greatest in Knox county. It is a urine. The tirst passed in the morning pre­ the supper eaten. management of the present editor. We ton township. 14— Rev. B. F. Marlott, a Dunkard preach­ exclusively to Hood’s Sarsaparilla, and aro ferred. “OVID G. SPARKS, 4 -John Newall, aged 9 years, of Liberty 25— Christmas appropriately observed by fact that the majority of whiskies sold 11— Attempted incendiary fire at McCor­ er, of North Liberty, skips out, leaving nu­ My treatment for the Piles is new, pain­ “Ex-Mayor Macon, Ga.” read it closely. It is a strong Demo­ township, kicked in the face by a horse. the churches throughout Mt. Vernon. now-a-days never seen a still. Fully 70 less, safe and certain. My own method. mick's store and the office of Hon. Abel merous creditors behind, and deserting his Unknown to Others <»"ONLY GENUINE'** cratic paper—ably edited, ably mana­ George Shrimplin, indicted for burg­ 26— Amos Scarbrough of Mt. Liberty, ar­ per cent, of same are base imitations All diseases caused from secret habits, Hart. wife, takes up with a woman in Indiana. Hood's Sarsaparilla is prepared with tli Has our Z Stamp on front of Wrapper. ged, and very successful—Ohio Patriot, lary and who forfeited his bail, was arrested rested for forgery. made from chemicals, ethers, acids, Loss of Virility, Manhood and Vital Force 12— Installation of officers of Knox Lodge 16—Mr. John Ponting appointed County greatest skill and care, by pharmacists of Bead oil, coloring matter, spirits, «fcc. treated successfully, as thousands can testi­ New Lihson. in Coshocton county and lodged in Knox The events transpiring for the balance of J. H. Zeilin & Co., So/e Proprietors, K. of H. Commissioner, vice Mr. McFarland, dec’d. education and long experience. Hence it is a Physicians owe it to their patients, as fy, whose life previous to cure was miserable. Price, 91.00. PHILADELPHIA, PA. county jail. the year 1887, will be found on the inside Female Diseases of all kinds, successfully Senator Beck, of Kentucky, has in­ 13— Dwelling house burned of Charles 16—Robert Craig, aged 25 years, met with medicine worthy of entire confidence. If you well as to their own reputation, when­ 5-Miscreants set fire to load of hay. pages of this issue of the Banner. suffer from scrofula, salt rheum, or any dis­ cured in a short time. Will he in Mt. Ver­ McGugin. Clinton township. a fatal buzz-saw accident in Brown town­ ever a tonic or stimulant is needed, to PROFESSIONAL GARDS. troduced a bill to provide that every standing on West street, Mt. Vernon, and a ease of tlie blood, dyspepsia, biliousness, sick non, at theCURTIS HOUSE, 14— Contract entered into for completion ship. prescribe only the purest of liquors. person who carries on the business of a team of horses belong to Zeph Welsh were Tin* .Slate Militia to Encamp at headache, or kidney and liver complaints, We earnestly request every physician Tuesday, January 31st, of Public Library. 18— The several county officials met at the catarrh or rheumatism, do not fail to try MAY P. ANAWALT, retail dealer in liquors, manufacturer t'oInmbiiN I>iiring tlie Cen­ in Knox county, to call in person and ONE DAY ONLY. 16—Dedication of the remoddled M. E. Court House and passed resolutions of re­ so severely injured by the fire that they had Terms Cash, Prices Reasonable. of tobacco, snuff or cigars, or dealers of to be shot. tennial Exposition. thoroughly inspect our stock of liquors, TEACHER OF MUSIC AND FRENCH. Church. spect to the memory of Commissioner Mc­ Hood’s Sarsaparilla We will show them or any person MT. VERNON, OHIO. tobacco without having paid a special 7 - Senatorial convention of 17th-28th dis­ It is now certain that the Ohio Centen­ “I recommend Hood’s Sarsaparilla to all 19— Express robbery at Centreburg. Farland, deceased. nial of 1888, will be unequaled in the history competent of judging the largest and Residence, 107 West Chestnut St. 15dec8t tax therefor, shall be liable to a fine of 20— Fire at residence of George S Bene­ 19— Ascension Day services held at St. trict held in this city and Hon. John S. my friends as tlie best blood purifier on MEDICAL NOTICE! Braddock nominated. of our country. It is now about decided to eat tli.” Wm. Gaff, druggist, Hamilton, O. purest stock of liquors in Central Ohio. $500 or imprisonment in a county jail dict, Gambier. Paul’s Episcopal church. yy-ALDO TAYLOR. levote the greater part of the opening week “ Hood’s Sarsaparilla lias cured me of scrof­ Whiskies have never been as cheap R. E. A. FARQIJHAR, OF PUT- 22—George Martin, colored, arrested for 21—Rev. Joseph Cook, of Boston, lectured 7— Auditor 0. W. McKee sworn in on his since the tax was put on, as they have without hard labor for not more than to the encampment of the State Militia. Tlie ulous humor, and done me worlds of good nam, Muskingum County, Ohio has ATTORNEY and COUNSELLOR-at-LAW. robbing the store of Fred J. Hart. at the Opera House. second term. been in the past eight months. We Dby request of his many friends in this coun­ NEWARK, OHIO, one year. citizens of Columbus have promised all otherwise.” C. A. Arnold, Arnold, Me. 21— $10,000 breach of promise suit com­ 21— Mr. Joe Ewalt, of Clinton township, 8— Miss Mary Gleason, aged 24 years, of A book containing many additional state­ buy all our goods direct from the dis­ ty, consented to spend one or two days of Practices in Licking and adjoining counties. necessary facilities in the way of an excell­ each month at MOUNT VERDON, Also in the United States Courts. Special Even the Cleveland Leader acknowl­ menced by Sarah F. Ward against John F. kicked by a horse and serionsly injured. Monroe township, burned to death by her ments of cures will bo sent to all who desire. tiller and importer in large quantities, ent camp ground, well fitted with every thus insuring to our patrons goods that where all who are sick with acute or chronic attention given to the business of Executors, edges the State’s deficit of $607,077.41 Ward. 22— Lightning strikes the residence of clothing catching tire. comfort for eamp life, such as abundant Hood’s Sarsaparilla have not been tampered with and saving diseases, will have an opportunity offered Administrators and Guardians; Collections, and says "something must be done.” 27— Emmett Peale, colored, arrested for Jackson Tate, Mt. Vernon, seriously injur­ 15—Wm. Fordney, Jr., of Mt. Vernon, ar­ them, of availing themselves of his skill Petitions for Partition and Conveyancing. fresh water, good drainage and such other Sold liy all druggists. $1; six for $5. Made them middle-men’s profits. The fact That is what the Democrats said during stealing overcoats and hat tr im the cloak ing Mr. Tate and bis (laughters Minnie and rested for wife beating and bound over to in curing diseases. Pensions, Bounty and back pay.procured. Court. necessary appendages as may he needed. only by C. 1. HOOD & CO., Lowell, Mass. that we have been doing the largest busi­ Office North Side Public Square. . 8dec87 the campaign but the Leader and Gov. rooms of the Central school building. Myrtie. ness, in our line, in Mt. Vernon, speaks 30— The police captured a crook who had 22—Severe bail and lightning storm, doing 16 —Horse and buggy belonging to Lorenzo The grand exhibition of thoue;mdsof uni­ IOO Doses One Dollar. for the quality of our goods, and the W. 4,. COOPER. FRANK M00RB. Foraker denounced it as a falsehood Marshall, stolen and subsequently recover- formed men. the magnificent parades and DR. FARQUHAR, Sr., committed burglaries in Holmes county. considerable damage to, vegetation, fruit A bureau of journalism has been tact that we receive orders almost daily QOOPER and declared that the State had lots of drills will afford an idea of Ohio’s, citizen Jc MOORE. 31— Walter Lore, Willie Bennett and trees, Ac.; dwelling of Mr. F. M.Stillev, on near Gambier, where it had been aban­ from traveling salesmen (and you can soldiery, and of her domestic strength, one established at the Hopkins University WILL POSITIVELY BE IN money. You can sometimes find the Frank Jones, three youths, arrested for bur­ the Delaware road, injured by lightning. doned. bet that they are judges of goods, as ATTORNEYS AT LAW, truth in a Republican paper after the 17— Death of Mrs. James Sanderson, aged seldom sees. Ohio is justly proud of her and is now under full headway. they generally try them in every town MOUNT VERNON, OHIO 109 Main Street, glarizing Bedell’s store. 30—Observance of Decoration Day by Joe Jan. 1, ’83-ly. Mt. Vernon, O. election. 58 years, from consumption. military history during her first century, Two men swapped horses in Hart­ they go to, and are also posted as to —AT THE— FEBRUARY. Hooker Post, G. A. R. well, Ga., one day last week, and one price) speaks volumes forour goods and 30 and 31—Production of the “Mikado” by 19—Death of Samuel Bryant, aged 88 and she will show on this occasion what V£cCLELLAND & CULBERTSON, 1— Dwelling house of Wnt. Worley, in she can do, should her strength he needed gave the other a half gallon of molasses prices. Our trade is not confined to CURTIS HOUSE, The New York World says that local talent. ears, pioneer resident of Knox county. AT 3 O’CLOCK, P. M„ Henry George is not a candidate for Pleasant township, destroyed by fire, and 22—Wedding of M iss Jessie Clark, of Mt. either in domestic or national danger. to boot. Mt. Vernon and vicinity. We ship Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, Russell Lybarger, a farm hand, burned to JUNE. goods to numerous points in Ohio, In­ Wednessday, January 11th, 1888, Office—One door west of Court House. the Presidency. It also states that he 2—Severe wind and rain storm passes ernon, and Mr. Edward Thomas of Ncw- Joel Arnold, of Colchester, Conn., re­ AND REMAIN UNTIL Jan. 19-ly. death, while imprisoned in the attic. cently trapped a white weasel, the like diana, Michigan and as far East as Bos­ don’t favor the renomination of a Presi­ over Southern portion of Knox county, do- irk. “On the Brink.” ton. We have built up our enormous Friday Noon, January 13th, 1888, 2— W. W. Walkev, of Pike township,filed 22—Pythian Reunion held at Centreburg. A few evenings ago, Prince William, of which, old hunters sny, was never ^(.EORGE W. MORGAN, dential candidate. This may he true a deed of assignment for Emily Blubaugh, g considerable damage. seen in Connecticut. trade solely on the merits of our goods. Where he would be pleased to meet all 6—Convening of the June term of the 23 -George Shrimplin attempted to break We do not misrepresent goods and we his former friends and patients, as well as but we doubt it. George is too ambi­ Rachael E. Diamond and Theodore Blu­ of Germany, addressed his regiment, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Knox Common Pleas. jail .by sawing out, but the plans were dis­ Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral is recom­ give every person just what they pay all new ones, who may wish to test the ef­ Kirk Building, Public Square, tious to have himself advertised as a baugh. the Ziethen Hussars of the Guard, in mended by eminent physicians, on both for. We maintain that places that fects of his remedies, and long experience in Mt. Vernon, Ohio. 9—Attempted suicide of Thomas Scand- covered and frustrated. Berlin. His speech was brief, but sig­ treating every form of disease. : man to forego the pleasure of 6— Residence of Mr. Benj. Harnwell, at 21—Application made in court for the ap­ sides of the Atlantic, as the most relia­ handle only pure honest liquors and Oet4-ly. Gambier, destroyed by fire; loss 15,000. ling, during condition of mental aberration, nificant, and was ns follows: ble remedy for colds, coughs, and all sell the same honestly and conscien­ DR. FARQUHAR has been located having bis name associated with the at Centreburg. pointment of a Receiver for the Belt Oil and in Putnam for the last thirty years.Jand dur­ ^yBEL HART, 6-Death of John Hagarty, aged 73, of Gas Company, “Since we celebrated Christmas last ulmonary disorders. Inquire of your tiously, are just as necessary in any ing that time has treated more than 1FIVE Presidency. 9— Dr. E. P. Blinn, while attempting to ruggist for Ayer’s Almanac. town as any other line of business. Green Valley. 26—Organization of the S. P. C. A. year times have changed. They have HUNDRED THOUSAND PATIENTS, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, jump from a moving expiess train on the Most people place all persons engaged with unparalled success. John L. Sullivan, Boston’s illus­ 10- w-James I’iar, of Union township, a 28—The natural gas experiment at Mt. become very serious. We are on the Mount Vernon, Ohio. dangerous lunatic, sent to the Asylum. C , A. A C. road, alights upon his head and brink of a future which is perhaps un­ New York Scotchmen propose reviv- in the liquor trade on the same level. ISEASES of the throat and lungs treat Office—In Adam Weaver’s building, Main trious son, who has captivated the high ernon is abandoned on the trial of the ed by a new process, which is doing 11— A tornado passes over Knox county, suffers painful scalp wounds. certain, and it is, therefore, fitting that :ig the subscription to put up a monu­ This is very wrong. Legitimate places D street, above Issac Errett