Greek Lesson

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Greek Lesson The Greek Alphabet Greek Greek English Name Upper Case Lower Case Equivalent Alpha A a a Beta B b b Gamma G g g Delta D d d Epsilon E e e Zeta Z z dz Eta H h long “a” Theta Q q th Iota I i i Kappa K k k Lambda L l l Mu M m m Nu N n n Xi C c x Omicron O o o Pi P p p Rho R r r Sigma S s s Tau T t t Upsilon U u u Phi F f f Chi X x hard “ch” Psi Y y ps Omega W w long “o” The Greek Alphabet Name Greek Use in Mathematics Letter Alpha A a Beta B b Gamma G g Delta D d Epsilon E e Zeta Z z Eta H h Theta Q q Iota I i Kappa K k Lambda L l Mu M m Nu N n Xi C c Omicron O o Pi P p Rho R r Sigma S s Tau T t Upsilon U u Phi F f Chi X x Psi Y y Omega W w English Derivations from Greek Words Fill in English words you can think of that are derived from the Greek words. Try to think of words with letters or sounds similar to those in the Greek words that also have meanings similar to those of the Greek words. Score one point for each English word you can put in the last column, with a limit of 2 points per Greek word (total possible points = 28). A good score is 10 or higher. Greek Word Pronunciation Meaning English Words a]kou<w a-koo’-oh I hear gra<fw graf’-oh I write le<gw leg’-oh I say, I speak kardi<a kar-di’-ah heart fonh< foh-nay’ voice, sound dida<skw di-das’-koh I teach a]delfo<j ah-del-fos’ brother Qeo<j theh-os’ God e]kklhsi<a eh-klay’-si-ah assembly, church prw?toj proh’-tos first a@ggeloj ahn’-geh-los messenger au]to<j au-tos’ same, self u[po< * hu-poh’ under nukto<j nuk-tos’ night * The Greek upsilon (“u”) is generally transliterated into English as a “y”. English Derivations from Greek Words Fill in English words you can think of that are derived from the Greek words. Try to think of words with letters or sounds similar to those in the Greek words that also have meanings similar to those of the Greek words. Score one point for each English word you can put in the last column, with a limit of 2 points per Greek word (total possible points = 28). A good score is 10 or higher. Greek Word Pronunciation Meaning English Words a]kou<w a-koo’-oh I hear acoustic gra<fw graf’-oh I write graph le<gw leg’-oh I say, I speak dialogue kardi<a kar-di’-ah heart cardiac fonh< foh-nay’ voice, sound phonograph, telephone dida<skw di-das’-koh I teach didactic a]delfo<j ah-del-fos’ brother Philadelphia Qeo<j theh-os’ God theology e]kklhsi<a eh-klay’-si-ah assembly, church ecclesiastic prw?toj proh’-tos first proton, prototype a@ggeloj ahn’-geh-los messenger angel au]to<j au-tos’ same, self automatic u[po< * hu-poh’ under hypothermia, hypodermic nukto<j nuk-tos’ night nocturnal * The Greek upsilon (“u”) is generally transliterated into English as a “y”. PHOBIAS FEAR OF: 13, number ‐ Triskadekaphobia. Body odors ‐ Osmophobia or Osphresiophobia 8, number ‐ Octophobia. Body, things to the left side of the body ‐ Levophobia Body, things to the right side of the body ‐ Dextrophobia A ‐ Bogeyman ‐ Bogyphobia. Accidents ‐ Dystychiphobia. Bolsheviks ‐ Bolshephobia. Air ‐ Anemophobia. Books ‐ Bibliophobia. Air swallowing ‐ Aerophobia. Bound or tied up ‐ Merinthophobia. Airborne noxious substances ‐ Aerophobia. Bowel movements: painful ‐ Defecaloesiophobia. Airsickness ‐ Aeronausiphobia. Brain disease ‐ Meningitophobia. Alcohol ‐ Methyphobia or Potophobia. Bridges or of crossing them ‐ Gephyrophobia. Alone, being ‐ Autophobia or Monophobia. Buildings: being close to high buildings ‐ Batophobia. Alone, being or solitude ‐ Isolophobia. Bullets ‐ Ballistophobia. Amnesia ‐ Amnesiphobia. Bulls ‐ Taurophobia. Anger ‐ Cholerophobia. Bums or beggars ‐ Hobophobia. Angina ‐ Anginophobia. Burglars, or being harmed by wicked persons ‐ Scelerophobia. Animals ‐ Zoophobia. Buried alive, being or cemeteries ‐ Taphephobia or Taphophobia. Animals, skins of or fur ‐ Doraphobia. Animals, wild ‐ Agrizoophobia. C ‐ Ants ‐ Myrmecophobia. Cancer ‐ Cancerophobia, Carcinophobia. Anything new ‐ Neophobia. Car or vehicle, riding in ‐ Amaxophobia. Asymmetrical things ‐ Asymmetriphobia Cats ‐ Aclurophobia, Ailurophobia, Elurophobia, Felinophobia, Atomic Explosions ‐ Atomosophobia. Galeophobia, or Gatophobia. Automobile, being in a moving ‐ Ochophobia. Celestial spaces ‐ Astrophobia. Automobiles ‐ Motorphobia. Cemeteries ‐ Coimetrophobia. Cemeteries or being buried alive ‐ Taphephobia or Taphophobia. B ‐ Ceremonies, religious ‐ Teleophobia. Bacteria ‐ Bacteriophobia. Changes, making; moving ‐ Tropophobia or Metathesiophobia Bald people ‐ Peladophobia. Chickens ‐ Alektorophobia. Bald, becoming ‐ Phalacrophobia. Child, bearing a deformed; deformed people ‐ Teratophobia. Bathing ‐ Ablutophobia. Childbirth ‐ Maleusiophobia, Tocophobia, Parturiphobia, or Lockiophobia Beards ‐ Pogonophobia. Children ‐ Pedophobia. Beaten by a rod or instrument of punishment, or of being severely Chinese or Chinese culture ‐ Sinophobia. criticized ‐ Rhabdophobia. Chins ‐ Geniophobia. Beautiful women ‐ Caligynephobia. Choking or being smothered ‐ Pnigophobia or Pnigerophobia Beds or going to bed ‐ Clinophobia. Choking ‐ Anginophobia. Bees ‐ Apiphobia or Melissophobia. Cholera ‐ Chorophobia. Bicycles ‐ Cyclophobia. Church ‐ Ecclesiophobia. Birds ‐ Ornithophobia. Clocks ‐ Chronomentrophobia. Black ‐ Melanophobia. Clocks or time ‐ Chronophobia. Blindness in a visual field ‐ Scotomaphobia. Clothing ‐ Vestiphobia. Blood ‐ Hemophobia, Hemaphobia or Hematophobia. Clouds ‐ Nephophobia. Blushing or the color red ‐ Erythrophobia, Erytophobia or Ereuthophobia Clowns ‐ Coulrophobia. page 1 PHOBIAS FEAR OF: Cold or cold things ‐ Frigophobia. Demons ‐ Demonophobia or Daemonophobia. Cold: extreme, ice or frost ‐ Cryophobia. Dental surgery ‐ Odontophobia. Cold ‐ Cheimaphobia, Cheimatophobia, Psychrophobia or Psychropophobia Dentists ‐ Dentophobia. Color purple ‐ Porphyrophobia. Dependence on others ‐ Soteriophobia. Color red or blushing ‐ Erythrophobia, Erytophobia or Ereuthophobia Depth ‐ Bathophobia. Color yellow ‐ Xanthophobia. Diabetes ‐ Diabetophobia. Color white ‐ Leukophobia. Dining or dinner conservations ‐ Delpnophobia. Colors ‐ Chromophobia or Chromatophobia. Dirt, contamination or infection ‐ Molysmophobia or Molysomophobia Comets ‐ Cometophobia. Dirt or germs, being contaminated with ‐ Misophobia or mysophobia Computers or working on computers ‐ Cyberphobia. Dirt or filth ‐ Rhypophobia or Rupophobia. Confined spaces ‐ Claustrophobia. Dirty, being dirty or personal filth ‐ Automysophobia. Constipation ‐ Coprastasophobia. Disease ‐ Nosophobia, Nosemaphobia or Pathophobia. Contamination, dirt or infection ‐ Molysmophobia or Molysomophobia Disease and suffering ‐ Panthophobia. Contamination with dirt or germs ‐ Misophobia or Mysophobia Disease, a definite ‐ Monopathophobia. Cooking ‐ Mageirocophobia. Disease, brain ‐ Meningitophobia. Corpses ‐ Necrophobia. Disease: kidney ‐ Albuminurophobia. Cosmic Phenomenon ‐ Kosmikophobia. Disease, rectal ‐ Rectophobia. Creepy, crawly things ‐ Herpetophobia. Dizziness or vertigo when looking down ‐ Illyngophobia. Criticized severely, or beaten by rod or instrument of punishment ‐ Rhabdophobia Dizziness or whirlpools ‐ Dinophobia. Criticism ‐ Enissophobia. Doctor, going to the ‐ Iatrophobia. Crosses or the crucifix ‐ Staurophobia. Doctrine, challeges to or radical deviation from official ‐ Heresyphobia or Crossing streets ‐ Agyrophobia or Dromophobia. Hereiophobia. Crowded public places like markets ‐ Agoraphobia. Dogs or rabies ‐ Cynophobia. Crowds or mobs ‐ Enochlophobia, Demophobia or Ochlophobia Dolls ‐ Pediophobia. Crucifix, the or crosses ‐ Staurophobia. Double vision ‐ Diplophobia. Crystals or glass ‐ Crystallophobia. Drafts ‐ Aerophobia or Anemophobia. Dreams ‐ Oneirophobia. D ‐ Drinking ‐ Dipsophobia. Dampness, moisture or liquids ‐ Hygrophobia. Drugs, new ‐ Neopharmaphobia. Dancing ‐ Chorophobia. Drugs or taking medicine ‐ Pharmacophobia. Dark or night ‐ Nyctophobia. Dryness ‐ Xerophobia. Dark place, being in ‐ Lygophobia. Dust ‐ Amathophobia or Koniophobia. Darkness ‐ Achluophobia or Myctophobia, or Scotophobia Duty or responsibility, neglecting ‐ Paralipophobia. Dawn or daylight ‐ Eosophobia. Dying or death ‐ Thanatophobia. Daylight or sunshine ‐ Phengophobia. Death or dying ‐ Thanatophobia. E ‐ Death or dead things ‐ Necrophobia. Eating or swallowing ‐ Phagophobia. Decaying matter ‐ Seplophobia. Eating or food ‐ Sitophobia or Sitiophobia. Decisions: making decisions ‐ Decidophobia. Eating or swallowing or of being eaten ‐ Phagophobia. Defeat ‐ Kakorrhaphiophobia. Eight, the number ‐ Octophobia. Deformed people or bearing a deformed child ‐ Teratophobia. Electricity ‐ Electrophobia. Deformity or unattractive body image ‐ Dysmorphophobia. Englishness ‐ Anglophobia. page 2 PHOBIAS FEAR OF: Everything ‐ Panophobia, Panphobia, Pamphobia, or Pantophobia Germs or dirt, being contaminated with ‐ Misophobia or mysophobia Eyes ‐ Ommetaphobia or Ommatophobia. Germs ‐ Verminophobia. Eyes, opening one's ‐ Optophobia.. Ghosts or specters ‐ Spectrophobia. Ghosts ‐ Phasmophobia. F ‐ Glass or crystals ‐ Crystallophobia. Fabrics, certain ‐ Textophobia. Glass ‐ Hyelophobia, Hyalophobia or Nelophobia. Failure ‐ Atychiphobia or Kakorrhaphiophobia. Gloomy place, being in ‐ Lygophobia. Fainting ‐ Asthenophobia. God or gods ‐ Zeusophobia. Fatigue ‐ Kopophobia. Gods or religion ‐ Theophobia. Fearful situations: being preferred by a phobic ‐ Counterphobia Gold ‐ Aurophobia. Feathers or being tickled by feathers ‐ Pteronophobia. Good news, hearing good news ‐ Euphobia. Fecal matter, feces ‐ Coprophobia or Scatophobia. Gravity ‐ Barophobia. Fever ‐ Febriphobia, Fibriphobia, Fidriophobia or Pyrexiophobia.
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