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RWANDA STANDARDS JOURNAL 1 Rwanda Standards Journal | May 2017 RWANDA STANDARS JOURNAL 1 2 RWANDA STANDARS JOURNAL Rwanda Standards Journal | May 2017 8 BRALIRBRALIRWWAA L LTD:TD: UPHOLDING UPHOLDING WORLD-CWORLD-CLLASSASS S STTANDARDSANDARDS wawanda’snda’s o ldoeldset sta nadn dla rgelargest stm amnufanufactureacturer r anadn ddis distribtruteributer of of al cohoalcoholicli ca nadn dnon non-al-alcohocoholicli c of ofthe the elab elaboraortea tesys systemtem an adn pdroce proceduredures mes meanat nt bebveerverageages, sB, RALBRALIRWAIRWA Lt dLt, dh, ashas o voerv erthe the ye yaersa rs to toen ensuresure sa safetfety ofy ofpro pdrouctducts. s. comecome to to b eb eass assocociateiated dwi with ththe the b ebset sqt uqaliuality ty RproRproductducts as nadn dsys systemtems. Ths. This isis theis the di rectdirect re sreusltu oflt ofan a in -in- SaSafe few orkworkinging con conditdiiontions as t aallt allBRAL BRALIRWAIRWA pla plantsnt s nanteate cor corporporateate comm commitmentitment to to wi withhothholdildingng the the hi ghhig-h- area rea notheranother p riporriiorty,it ya, nadn dfor for th isth, isthe, the com compapanyn y eset st astnadandardsrds in iints itms manufanufacturacturinging proce waswas awa awarderdde dthe the O ccuOccupapationtional alH eHalethal tha nadn d SaSafetfety yA ssAessssementssment S erSieresi e(OHSs (OHSAS)A S)18001 18001:200:2007 7 BRALBRALIRWAIRWA Lt dLt dis pais part ofrt of the the intern internataiontionallyally reno renownewned d HeHinekeneineken Com Compapanyn ya nadn dho holdslds the the licence licence of ofTh The e TheThe com compapanyn isy als is also commo committeitted tod toa sau sstuaistnaiablnable e CocCoca-a-CoCola laCom Compapanyn toy to pro produceduce an adn disd distribtruteibute the their ir propdrouctductionion proce process thss atht agtiv geivs edsue due con considsideraertiaotnio n brbarnadsnds in iRnwa Rwandanda. to tothe the en environment,vironment, an adn hod holdslds the the En Evinronmenvironment t Hence,Hence, in inaddi additiontion to to p roproducducinging a ara rngeange of ofbeer beers ins -in- - - clucdilungding Pr iPrmuimus, Mützs, Mützig,ig, Mütz MützigLigLite,ite, Am Amstestel, Turl, Turbob Koi ngKing, , tion.Totion.To av avoido idp opllutolliutonion of ofthe the en environmentvironment an adn d LegenLegend da nadn dH uzHuza a ta itts itGiss Gisenenyi yibre bwreerwyer, ythe, the com compap-a- waswastagetage of ofre sreourcesources, Bs,r aliBrraliwa’srwa’s po plicoylic isy to is torec recy- y- nyn iym importports as nadn ddis distribtruteibutes Hs eHinekeneineken beer beer in iRnwa Rwandanda. cle,cl e,reu reuse,s e,re plreenplenishis wh henewheneverv erpo pssiblossible, e,an adn ond only ly replareplacece as as a lasa last ret sreortsort. BRALBRALIRWAIRWA Lt dLt dals also op roproduceduces thes the Coc Coca-a-CoCola lap ortfportfo-o- lioli o of of Coc Coca aCo Cola,la F,a Fntanta aO rOarnge,ange, Fa Fntaant Ca iCtron,itron, Fa Fntaant a BRALBRALIRWAIRWA recent recently lycon constructestructed da amo moderdner n FieFsietast,a Sp, Sprite,rite, Kre Krest sTont Tonic ica nadn dthe the com compapany’sny’s o wonw n SBSBR wasR waste tetre treatmentatment fa cfailictyili ttoy toha hnadlnedl iets iliqts uliqidu id brbarnadn dVi tVial’tal’ O Oa nadn dPE PTE bT ottbottledle dCoc Coca-a-CoCola lara ngerange a ta t waswaste,te, w hwileh ileh ahzazrdaourdous wass waste teis isinc incinerinerateadte d its itKsi gKaliigali pla plantnt. A lsAo,lsBo,RALBRALIRWAIRWA has h asthe the Q uQaliutaliy tMy aMnaangaeg-e- - - COMMITMCOMMITMENTENT TO TO Q QUALITUALITYY tomertomer sa satisftaisctfaictonion. - - papanyn iyn inR waRwandanda. To. Todayday, the, the com compapanyn isy ais amem membebr er ToTo cro crownw int all it ,all all, allthe the com compapany’sny’s soft soft dr idnkrink pro pdro-d- ofof the the p represtigstiiougious Bsure Bureaua uV erViertasitas, ”, a” aw orwldor ldle adleader erin in momost ofst ofits ialts cohoalcoholic libce bveervaergeages incs includilungding Am Amsteslte, l, - - LegenLegend, dMütz, Mütziig,ii g,Pr imuPrimus as nadn dTur Turbob oKi ngKing b eerbeers. s. esseessse; sa; nadn dm manayn yof of its itps roproductducts cs acrrayrr they the R waRwandnad-a- StaStnadandardsrds Bo Baoradr d(R (SB)RSB) “S “”S M” Marka rkof of qu qaliuality.ty. opoenepened du pu pthe the ex exportport m amrketarket a nadn dto daytoday e x-ex- portports tos toBurun Burundi,di D,RC DRC an adn Ugd Uganadanda. AccorAccordingding to to the the B raliBralirwarwa M aMnaangaingging Di rector,Director, Mr Mr. ViVictorctor M Madiadielae laBr aliBralirwa’srwa’s en endledlsse sseffort efforts ins ipn romotpromotingin g AWAAWARDRDS S stastnadandardsrds, not, not on only lyin ithen the b ebveervaergeages ins dinudsutrsytr byut b utals also o OvOver erthe the ye yaersa, rBsRAL, BRALIRWAIRWA Ltd Lt hdas h aswon won numerou numerous s acroacross ssthe the m manufanufacturacturinging sector sector a nadn dother other sector sectors s quqaliuality taway awardsrds inc includilungding the the G uGinneuinness Less Leagueague of of remremainai ourn our p rpincrincipliple oe bjoectbjective.iv e.We We therefore therefore look look fo rfo- r- ExceExcellencellence A waAward;r dCoc; Coca Coa Cola laCom Compapanyn 201y 2010 0 wawardr dto to b eb ethe the one ones as ta thet the fore fore front front of ofthe theses set astnadn-d- GoGldoenlden A waAward rdfor for Q uQaliutaliy;t yCoc; Coca aCo Cola laB ottBottle le aradsrds.”.” ExceExcellencellence A waAward rdfor for Q uQaliutaliy tay nadn dCoc Coca-Coa-Cola la ComCompapanyn Gy oGldoenlden A waAward rdfor for Q uQaliutaliy tay nadn dPe Per- r- Mr.Mr. Vi ctorVictor M Madiadielae lafurther further conten contendsds th athta Btr aliBralirwarwa look looks s formformanceance in i2010n 2010. ata cret creataingting a ab etterbetter pla placece w herewhere con consumersumers nots not on only ly sesaeta bat backck en enjoyjo ay nadn dre relaxla bxut b utbe b able able toe to un underdsertastnadn d ththata it ’sit ’sthe their riright right to to con consumersumer commo commoditdiietsie ws hwichhic h BRALBRALIRWAIRWA’s ’sconcern concern for for the the sa safetfety ofy ofits itps ropdrouctducts is is demondemonstrsatrteated da ta allt all st astgeages ofs of the the p ropdrouctductionion p ropcro-c- H. erHer sys systemtem was was awa awardredde thed the ISO ISO Foo Food Sad Safetfety Syy Sys- s- 9 9 Rwanda Standards Journal | May 2017 8 ZAMUKANA UBUZIRANENGE CAMPAIGN TO IMPROVE QUALITY OF MADE IN RWANDA PRODUCTS wanda Standards iranenge”, the campaign is that seek to empower some Board (RSB) has in line with government’s of the most vulnerable peo- initiated a new overall plan to add value to ple--women, the youth and campaign that made in Rwanda products persons with disabilities. is likely to add impetus to and services as well as en- R hancing the standardisation the country’s bid to pro- It caters for people who are mote domestic industries culture in industries that op- connected to milk process- and boost consumption of erate in Rwanda. ing, those who deal in the locally produced products storage of cereals, cargo and services. The mew programme large- vehicles, food markets such ly focuses on the develop- as market vendors, super- Dubbed as“Zamukana Ubuz- ment of small and medium markets and milk zones. It enterprises, mainly those also targets food processing 4 RWANDA STANDARS JOURNAL factories, those that deal in cation, which will make it 90 technical assistance based milk, vegetables, meat, sug- companies with a standards on their needs assessment ar, flour among others. certificate. results, which will help them to graduate from low cat- In addition, the standards Of the more than 27 busi- egories of industrial stand- body will also target serv- nesses that sell beef prod- ards to a higher category. ice providers such as hotels, ucts, no product has an motels, guest houses, res- s-mark, which further high- Furthermore, those indus- taurants, cafeterias, kiosks, lights the need for certifica- tries will be followed up on schools, conference centre, tion. RSB says that it targets a daily basis in order to as- hospitals and prisons as well at least 15 companies to sess progress on how they as catering services. have the standards certifi- are implementing the pro- cate. gramme. Industries that will In its first year (2017-2018), accrue the set measures in the programme will kick In more than 193 registered particular category will then off with milk processing companies that deal in prod- be granted a certificate. industries, dealers in milk ucts related to vegetables products, meat and beef and fruits, only 76 products Industries that will con- products, vegetables, fruits have standards certificate, tinue to develop and reach and fruit products before meaning more than 60% the 3•rd category, a com- being rolled out to honey require the standards mark. mended level of quality in- and across other categories RSB intends more than 30 dustrial standardisation will of food. companies in this category be granted a certificate and this year. be assisted to acquire the For example, in what dem- s-mark symbol that is in- onstrates a severe prevail- HOW IT WILL BE scribed on commodities. ing gap in standardisation ROLLED OUT and quality assurance in In addition, industries that the above categories, while The programme will be in- were given certificates in companies that sell milk augurated with the assess- their respective categories products are estimated at ment of industries where will be granted a deadline 138, only 40 have the stand- the basic needs of an indus- to be ready to shift from the ards certificate, meaning try to be certified shall be lower industrial standards 71% don’t have the stand- established and thereafter levels to a better one. ards certificate. be categorised in respective capacities.