Razorcake Issue
PO Box 42129, LA, CA 90042 www.razorcake.com #21 I called Sean up sometime during the next week. We talked ean Carswell is trying to kill me. Maybe he doesn’t magazine. Then I asked him if he’d been sunburned too. No. Just a know it. First, it was sun poisoning. According to his little bit more of a tan, he said. SSversion of the story, he was just trying to teach me to About a month later, after my head had fully healed, Sean surf. We just happened to forget to apply sun block. It was cloudy. came down to LA. We went to skate before we dropped off copies I thought, what the heck. I had a full suit on, so only my head, of Bucky Sinister’s new book at the distributor. hands, and feet were exposed. My special lady friend, Megan, had Sean’s a sneaky bastard. He brought up the existential void. just shaved my head. Right in the middle of skating a bowl. See, Nørb mentions it in his As I was bobbing in the ocean, trying not to fall off a piece of column in this issue, though he doesn’t use fruity terms like foam shaped in fiberglass, I got to see some dolphins up real close. “existential void.” Like four feet away. And they were wrestling. I also caught my We talked a lot about Nørb’s column and how it applies to us. first-ever wave and rode it for quite a long time. That made me feel I was thinking about it when I dropped in, carved the deep end, really good.
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