Works Board Holds Routine Meeting ROTARY INSTALLS HAYES AS

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Works Board Holds Routine Meeting ROTARY INSTALLS HAYES AS CITiZI Vol. 90 No. 28 South Amboy Advertising Less Than 75% Thursday, July 10, 1969 Price 5t (Out of Town li ) Works Board Holds Routine Meeting ROTARY INSTALLS HAYES AS CLUB PRESIDENT APARTMENT The Board of Public Works will be heard by the Water HEARING POSTPONED meeting of last Tuesday Supply Division of the State night was one of Routine Department of Conserva- business, without any new tion and Development, the Arsan Inc., allegedly of or unusual developments. agency conducting the hear- Woodbridge, failed to ap- Commissioner Frank ings. According to Thomp- pear at a meeting of the O'Brien, who chaired the son, no purpose will be Board of Adjustment, last meeting due to the absence served by his attendance night, to press their ap- of the president of the and that he will be able to plication for the erection board, Woodrow McCarthy, obtain the minutes of the of 18 apartments on the announced that safety dis- meeting from the state de- property formerly known cussions will be held with partment. as the Armbruster estate, the city employees eaqh Madison Township had ap- Block 17, Lot 7 on Portia month. This month's Bafety plied to the state for per- St. topic will be, "Safety on mission to draw more water Speaking for the chairman Vacation". from the Farrington and of the board, Frank Superintendent Charles Old Bridge Sands. On June Leonard Jr., James Tustin, Thompson, in his report to 10, a hearing was held in the attorney of the board, the board, stated that the Trenton and at that time announced "the application water works pond will soon the communities of Perth of Arsan Inc., for 18 apart- be ready. He told the com- Amboy, South River and ments on Portia St. will not missioners that a drain SayreviUe filed formal ob- be considered tonight. pipe is being installed in jections to Madison's re- Their attorney called me one end of the pond and quest. Thompson attended earlier this evening when this Job is completed this hearing as an observer. and told me that their prin- the process of re-filling the It was brought out, at cipal witness would not be pond will begin. the June 10 meeting, that here, due to sickness in the Thompson said that future salt water intrusion, of the family." plans call for a man-made sands in question, is stead- island in the middle of the ily increasing hence the Tustin continued, "The pond. This island, accord- objections M>m the afore- Board of Adjustment's next Ing to Thompson, will be mentioned municipalities. regular meeting will be in made by the dredging of the August. If the applicant westerly side of the pond for this variance (Arsan) next year. The island, when still wishes to pursue this established, will be pro- At installation ceremonies held in Wilson, James Harrigan, Frank matter it will be necessary perly landscaped and beau- 3-ALARM FIRE; conjunction with the regular meeting Miller and Harold Bartz. for him to again sejrve tified. notice to the residents of the South Amboy Rotary Club, Ed- Guests at the meeting were: Joe within 200 feet of this prop- The superintendent also win J. Hayes, president for the Kuharick, coach of the Philade'phia reported that the alley-way, WOMAN BURNED erty and re-advertise his coming year is presented with the Eagles, guest of Dan Zack; Jim intent in the CITIZEN." between Sth St. and 6th St., A fire which partially des- gavel by outgoing president Joseph Day and Ross Maghan of Matawan; to Stevens Ave., will be troyed the upper two floors R. Wojciechowski. Murray Liebowitz and Michael Sto- A delegation of about 50 cleaned. He also told the of a three-storied house Other officers installed were: Vic- fega of Perth Amboy; and Bernard people, representing more board that the drainage at 219 Elm St., was the tor Oppenheim, vice-president; Greenfield, South River. than 22 families of the Por- system of Veterans Field, cause of a triple alarm Joseph Sumski, 2nd vice-president; The meeting was held at CONNIES tia St. area, were in attend* which will tie into Sayre- sounded from Box 26 at Lawrence Holden, secretary; Chris Restaurant. ance at the aborted hearing vllle's Brook Ave. drains 8:05 last night. Badly burn- Nicolas, treasurer; and Joseph J. In photo 1. to r.: Nicolas; Wilson; and voiced their opinions is near completion. ed by the flames of the Wojciechowski, sergeant-at-arms. J. R. Wojciechowski; Hayes; Oppen- individually and through The re-paving of John St., fire, which apparently The installation was conducted by heim; Holden and J. J. Woj- their attorney, Karl Me- between Broadway and started in the kitchen of the past-presidents of the club Jack ciechowski. yerton of South River. Stevens Ave., will begin second floor apartment, In answer to a question soon. This project ha a been was Miss Elizabeth B.Sut- posed by Meyerton, Tustin under way for more than a liff, an aunt of Judge John stated that the application year, and apparently, all R. Everitt. ZEBRO ASSOCIATION of Arsan's had not been a- the problems delaying it . Miss Sutliff was taken to CHAMPS TO BE HONORED TONIGHT bandoned but would not be .have been resolved. The the Perth Amboy General TO HOLD PICNIC heard at this time. superintendent said that the Hospital reportedly with When city officials gather Mr. Zdanewicz is also When asked by someone in south-west corner of John burns on the arms, hands, this evening to honor the Recreation Director for The annual Frank Zebro the back row, "How many and Broadway necessitates face and head. The hos- championship baseball South Amboy's Recreation Association Picnic will be times can they (Arsan) a change in its radius, to pital this morning report- teams of Hoffman and St. Commission, a job he's held on Saturday, August 2, do this to U6? Tustin meet with state approval. ed her condition as satis- Mary's High Schools, one held for the past 16 years. at the Water Works Park, answered, "I don't know. This will be done when factory. of the proudest people at As director he's respon- beginning at noon. It costs them money every Public Service completes A neighbor, Arthur Jesko the dinner at John's Half- sible for programming Former Fire Chief, John time they do it. They have its work on gas mains in of Elm St., discovered the way House will be Coach Szatkowski, will be the to pay for the extra notices that area. blaze as he was putting his John Zdanewicz of Hoffman. HOFFMAN COACH "chief chef* and the honor- and advertisement*." The emergency repairs to car In a garage on the In an unique coincidence, ary chairmen and women Mrs. Raymond Hendricks Well No. 9, have been com- property, and turned in the both teams won their first HAPPY MAN are: Elizabeth McNamara, of Portia St. asked, "Why pleted and Thompson re- alarm. "I saw the flames state championships on the Agnes Holton, Marge Sur- weren't we notified that the ported that this pump is now and smelled the smoke and same day * June 4. Hoff- man, Frank O'Brien, Chet hearing was to be post- producing about 350 gallons I ran around the corner man beat Henry Hudson Cisezewski, Tom Cross, poned? ' Mrs. Hendricks of water per minute. At the and pulled the box," Jes- Regional of Atlantic High- Joseph Wojciechowski, added, "We're here meeting of June 23, the ko said, adding, *when I lands 6-5 for the Central Fred Henry, Albert Sor- because we were told to board voted to have these returned to the house, I Jersey Group I title while rentino, Allie Clark and be here, where are they necessary repairs made, saw the McCoys and a St. Mary's beat St. Peter's William O'Leary. (Arsan)?" with the council picking up couple of ladles helping of New Brunswick 4-2 for Tickets may be obtained the tab for the expected the elderly woman out of the Central-Southern Jer- from any of.the committee Mrs. Hendricks did not cost of $4,000, the burning building." sey Group B Parochial title. members; Raymond Dur- receive an answer to her The superintendent re- William McCoy and his For Coach Zdanewicz, ski. Franklin English, questions. ported that the catch ba- wife, with the assistance known city-wide as Mr. Z, Richard Schultz, John Raymond Hendricks fol- sins on Broadway, between of two other neighbors, his team's winning of the McCarthy, William Mozlio, lowed with, "If Arean was John St. and Augusta St., Mrs. Eileen WnekandMrs. state title comes as a dra- John Guiso, John Donnelly, here, and we weren't, what have been cleaned and that William Reilly, broke down matic highlight in a long Art DiMattia, Frank Con- would happen?" an exterminator is taking the front door and helped career, that has been domi- roy, Robert Munck, John Commissioner Joseph steps to eliminate the rat Miss Sutliff to the street. nated by athletics. Although English, Charles Koerner, JFlagga answered him wltly population of this drainage "She seemed very com- his profession is education- John Clark, John Cleary, "the hearing would goon. system. posed, in spite of the fact Mr, Z teaches physics and Edmund Lagoda, A If red Several voices called out, Thompson informed die ' shei was covered with chemistry at Hoffman «-• he O* Connor, Natalie Brennan, at this point, ''Weil Iw's board that he felt it would bums. Her hair was singed has been involved all his Chester Meinzer, Joaeph have the hearing even if not be necessary for South and her face was burnetl, life with sports, first as a Halmi, Stanley Jankowski, Arsan isn't here.
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