Thewestpield Leader
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THEWESTPIELD LEADER The Leading and Most Widely Circulated Y<« sftuper In I nimi County M f=J •:.., NINET MO. 51 Second Cttt« Poatuge Paid WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, 111! KMlVi. It I V 24. 18 Pages • 20 Cents nt WPHtAcld. N. J PCM P-I-T Signup: Mixed Reactions Bank Granted Use of School Y6ung men throughout the country started registering for the draft this week, and as one might expect, feelings of those required to sign up art- Despite Residents' Protests mixed. 1 This week, young men Amidst tin' j/niu mj. discontent ol .1 lesidetils told bank ofliciuls !h<j! the) •-Mill the .-ippc'i! the in,arij denied Ihe born in 1900 were expected group of am;n I'ohinilius School area v.ere opposed to all on site |iiirkirig iind bank two ol H> proposed three signs to to register for the draft at residents wh" .-,:.;. ihc\ do »oi want .-, ;isked 1 ho-bank losw if it might acquire reduce the business impact of the center. local post offices. Next week commercial !; t • - i! 11 > encroaching nr, iiiiiic vacant town owned pni|jerty in the The bianl also ruled Ilia! all lighting ami registration continues for their neigh',-n l.ncid, ihe Boanl ni area lor parking. landscaping he >n cmnplumn- with the young men born in 1961. Adjustment r'.ii.'i) unanimously Monday These other vacant lots are in the requirements ol the luuii engineer, and night to allow Lincoln Federal Saving:- professional zone, however, and the stipulated a 1 ol<«it bul lei v. ith n shielded The Westfield Post Office and Loan u, loraie its new arl (own has indkaled that 1! has no in- If nee between Ihe oil-site parking lot reported that about GO men ministrative •••mi operations center at tention of including them in Ihe •swap." and the Peterson proper I) registered locally on the former M ln».| site according to Altenusio and board at The board did granl an addition In the Monday the first day of Board meioU-is nutcil the "bhghicil torney Kobert Doherty. third floor (o he used as a lalctena lor area" type problems (hat a vacant Kesiilentssaid Iliat they were not kepi bank employees 111 an clforl lo reduce registration, and Post Office 1 officials reported no building create. - "We might not agree In informed ol these developments us the tirillic coming lo and Irom the site. a new structure " said Ho;inl Chairman promised ;it the .hine meeting of the negative feedback. I.incoln Federal purchased the Local representatives of Mary Herberieh. "hut the building i> iioard Attenasio said that he did speak there." to Mr and Mrs .John Peterson ol 242 property lor $315.000 last tail and was the SANE's N.J. Coalition Hoard ol Kducation's only bidder for its Against Registration and She also no!ed Ihe runci'ssiiins Ihe Myrtle Ave on lour separate occasions bank had mode to the neighbors These Columbus School iract. Hank the Draft stood outside (he Mrs. Peterson rend a letter to hoard representatives say ihe use will be Westfield office distributing include a land swap with the town u Inch members urging them to deny the will keep tlif school's presenl balllield variance since the bank had not acted in limited to iho bank's "liack-ofijce" leaflets, inviting registrants operations during the'regular business to think about other options an play area intact and lessen the im- good Imlh, or to at least reserve decision pact of on site ears l>y parking ap- until the residents obtained legal day and installation of a computer is not before signing up. anticipated lor the immediate future. SANE member proximateh 4"i ul them in the town- counsel. Christopher Ambrose of owned lot across Ihe ..treel Iron) the She said thai the residents intend to In other business, the variance for a Westfield said that while he school at the cornel' ul Myrtle and appeal Ihe decision. deck for Shirley and AJan Parlelow of agrees with the draft in a Grandview Aves, Other residents echoed Mrs. Peter- Harrison Ave. was granted by the board. time of emergency, he does About 65 cars will still lie parked on- son's concern over the new center's The appeal of Kenneth Goski and Linda not support registration in a Christopher Ambrose, left, und Andy Wcllen, center, both of Westfield, discuss site, according to Ihe bank's revised site impact on traffic congestion, child Pickering to extend the back porcli of time of peace. He feels that registration with Itlcliard Ituj, a draft supporter, also of Westfield. Ambrose and plansubmitted to board members by the safety and Ihe overall character of the their Kinihall Ave home into a den was the actual draft will be Wellen were distributing leaflets from SANE outside tho local post office during the bank's attorney Arthur Allcn.iMo, neighborhood. denied by the board because of excessive reinstated in a year. He also draft sign-up. At last month's zoning bund meeiint' In action 011 oilier variances connected lot coverage. noted that during the Vietnam War, an estimated 250,000 young men didn't register for the draft and Study to Focus on Possible Library Expansion; were never identified. He added that the draft was never initiated in a time of peace before. Grant School Use, Other Alternatives Suggested IWIi I 19611 i 19611 11981 Future directions for the Westfield Memorial Library JAN APR I JUL I OCT Among the studies expected lo be considered by the circulation and layout problems. system would solve few of the problems facing the FEB MAY AUO [NOv could be mapped by a broad-based community com- special library committee will be recommendations "Constructing a single facility, either by remodeling library facility, (he report said. MARU JUNU SEP.U °EC mittee by Nov. 1, according to trustees of the library. offered in a $25,000 report by Fry Consultants, who were Ihe existing facility, remodeling an existing vacant Admitting that calculation of net annual collection Members of the community are expected to "oe ridmtci appointed by (lieTown Council in January t j study fut-jre structure or by building nn entirely new facility, would growth is difficult, the consultants predicted the library •MAT IMtMT I1HU1 MMMJT next month by Paul H. Kolterjahn, president of the result in one facility of adequate size and appropriate JUT *ir JW.T Mr needs of (he Westfield library. would contain 122,763 volumes by 1990 and 146,038 by Ihe 28 2« 30 31 library's board of trustees, to make recommendations While Fry Consultants indicate that the library is layout," Fry Consultants said, admitting however (ha! year 2000. The size of the collection, the report said, is IMt 1110 HI0 111) which will be presented to the Town Council for possible inadequate and future needs can be met only by ex- "a site as well-located and attractive" us the present dependent on "shifting tastes and needs within the Friday and Saturday arc plans to meet future needs of the library. Timing is panded facilities, a recent survey of randomly-selected complex will be hard lo find" but that the current site community." but should be at five nr six volumes per make-up days — this week geared, trustees said at a special meeting Thursday library card holders, according to Harrison Watson, presents significant problems in accornodating an ad- capita. for 20 year olds and next night, to meet deadlines for budgetary projections for dition "due to Ihe limited areas that are realistically Irustee, shows that a majority of present users are available" Explaining rationale for its recommendations on week for 19 year olds. any engineering plans which might be considered satisfied with existing services. facilities, the report detailed (he following options: (Continued on paga 4} necessary for long-range planning. In Ihe consultants' reporl considered by Ihe trustees Lack of facilities for the handicapped was frequently RK.MOOKI.IM; or1 c RANT SCHOOL Thursday night, Fry principally recommended that mentioned as a minus factor in use of Ihscurrent library Grant School was initially explored for adaptive Grant School be renovated at a projected cost of close to by Hie consultants. Under Stale law, any new con- re-use—but il was quickly determined that the existing Forest Ave. Tenants $1.5 million to house expanded facilities of Ihe Memorial struction must provide for use by handicapped and those building is flatly inappropriate for adaptive re-usedue lo Library. The school, closed at the end of June because of confined lo wheelchairs. The Fry report also urged that several major interlocking reasons. declining student enrollment, has been leased by I he- any renovations or construction utilize energy-saving • The structure has a wood floor and roof framing Continue Fight for Board of Education for a one-year term beginning next devices which are projected to pay for themselves in 10 system within Ihe masonry envelope. This structure is month to Catholic Charities as a facility for handicapped years, more or less. not acceptable in terms of the applicable building code, students. Construction of an "appropriately sized single building or. more directly, in terms of Ihe life safely of the Apartment Maintenance Other possibilities which were considered by Fry facility" was encouraged by Fry for three reasons: occupants, due lo the implicit threat to safety during a Consultants to meet expanding needs of the library o A single-building facility will be Ihe mosl efficient of fire. Tenants at Forest Ave.'s is made on paymenl of the rebuilding Iwo boilers and include, in order after Grant School remodeling: New the three alternatives in terms of staffing costs, ad- o II is not structurally possible to remove Ihe wood Westfield Manor apart- withheld rent money, said installing vacuum pumps construction, estimated lo cost more than $1.5 million; ministration, and maintenance costs.