Chas. B. Mathis, Special Notice. Dining Saloon
*wv .» DEVOTRD TO LITERATURE, AGRICULTURE, LOCAL AKD GENERAL NEWS, AND THE ADVANCEMENT OK THE INTERESTS OK SOUTHERN NEW JERSEY. ESTABLISHED IN 1860. TOMS RIVER, N. J., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1878. V O L U M E 29— N U M B E R 4. BUSINESS CARDS. Country Sounds. God Incomprehensible. Feats of Strength. The North and the South. N e w J e r s e y C o u r ie r . BEWINQ MACHINES. SELECTED POETRY. Ofllee, Mffperthwtit'i IxehURt, Sometimes one ia conscious o f a sound A dog loves though he is abused; he Marshal Saxe, the most famous gener Congressman John F. House, in ad OVER THE rOST OFFICE, A. A. BRANT, CORNELIUS FECK, Bilant Meeting. impossible to locate or defiuc. I t is a loves without recompense; he loves al o f the last century, prior to the ap dressing the Democrats at Nashville, DEALER 7.4 T on» Both. O cran Counit, N. J. Sole authorized Agent for the sale of the genuine Esther, the blue-eyed Quakeress, . delieate murmur, which seems to oome against all manner of misusage; it iB pearance of Frederick the Great, was a Tenn., on the oooasion o f his recent re S. C. JB.VXIMCl*, Editor ittd PublUIicr. LUMBER, COAL, BRICKS, LIME, H o f fair sbe smiled on First-day morning! from nowhere iu particular, but whioli his n a —he can’t help i t H e con man o f remarkable bodily BtrongtU, of nomination, said ; Lath, Cement, Planter, Hair, aiilnaiea. SINGER SEWING MACHINE Fresh as a rose, in simple dress, tinues loving without motive aud with which he was far prouder than even of In the next contest between the two tssms-^TWO Do llars,* jo*r, Onii Dollar tor Doom , NaMlien, m in ds, Jfcc., is as unmistakable as the more blatant Without a thought of vaiu adorning! g iim o n S i; PW*We ia advance.
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