British Medical Journal
BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL. THE JOURNAL OF THE BRITISH MEDICAL ASSOCIATION Edited by HUGH CLEGG,. M.A., M.B., F.R.C.P. VOLUME II 1947 JUTLY TO DECEMBER Published at the Office of the British Medical Association, Tavistock Square, London, W.CJ1, and Printed by Fisher, Knight & Co., Ltd., Gainsborough Press, St. Albans -------n KEY TO DATES AND PAGES The following table, g¶ving a key to the dates of issue and the page numbers of the BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL and SUPPLEMENT in the second volume for 1947, may irove convenient to readers in search of a reference. Serial Date of Journal Supplement No. Issue Pages Pages 4513 July 5 1- 42 1- 6 4514 ,, 12 43- 82 7- 12 4515 ,, 19 83- 120 13- 18 4516 ,, 26 121- 160 19- 24 4517 Aug. 2 161- 196 25- 48 4518 ,, 9 197- 238 49- 52 4519 16 239- 282 53- 56 4520 23 283- 318 57- 58 4521 30 319- 358 59- 64 4522 Sept. 6 .359- 404 4523 13 405- 440 65- 69 4524 20 441- 476 70- 76 4525 27 477- 516 4526 Oct 4 517- 558 77- 84 4527 ,, 11 559- 598 85- 90 4528 18 599- 640 91- 94 4529 ,, 25 ,'641- 680 95- 98 4530 Nov. 1 681- 718 99-102 4531 8 719- 758 103-114 4532 ,,15 759- 806 115-118 4533 22 807- 854 119-122 4534 29 855- 896 123-128 4535 Dec. 6 897- 042 129-136 4536 13 943- 986 137-140 4537 20 987-1018 141-164 4538 27 1019-1066 165-172 INDEX TO VOLUME II FOR 1947 READERS in search of a particular subject will find it useful to bear in mind that the references are in several cases distributed under two or more separate headings-for example, Brain and Cerebral; Heart and Cardiac; Liver andf Hepatic; Renal and Kidney; Cancer and Carcinoma; Child and Infant; Goitre and Thyroid.
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