THE APRIL 2017 See MAGAZINE JOURNAL OF DIOCESE : THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND IN Teams of people from our parishes across The full list of participants from our Diocese in Lancashire – including Bishop Julian and Bishop Talking Jesus Bishops' Mission 2017 were: Lancashire Geoff – joined with the Archbishop of York and 22 other Bishops for a massive four-day mission event  Bishop Julian Henderson - Bishop of Blackburn in Durham Diocese in early March.  Bishop Geoff Pearson - Bishop teams Talking The ‘Talking Jesus’ event was the third annual of Lancaster northern Bishops’ mission and took place from  Susan Seed - Curate at Lancaster Christ March 2 - 5. The first was in Sheffield in 2015 and Church Jesus in the the second was our own ‘Crossroads Mission’ in  Hannah Boyd - Curate at Layton St September 2016. Mark's, Blackpool  You can see a selection of pictures from our  Claire Cooke - Ordinand at St Mellitus North East College, Liverpool teams' mission activities by visiting the Bishop Geoff, Ross Jesmont - PhD Student at Durham Diocesan Flickr feed (search online for Flickr  prepares to get and Blackburn Diocese) and viewing the and member of St James, Shireshead down to some Talking Jesus album of pictures.  Carolyn Leitch – Curate at Poulton, shoe-shining, Carleton and Singleton watched by  You can also see tweets from the four days of  James Goodwin-Hudson – Assistant mission team mission by visiting our Twitter feed Curate at Leyland St Andrew colleagues from (@cofelancs) Durham Diocese  Rie Walker – Curate at Broughton St John and Susan Seed, In Durham hundreds of events took place across Baptist Curate at the Diocese in places as varied as schools, pubs,  Heather Henderson – Board of Education Lancaster Christ shopping centres, community centres, cafes and, of Adviser and School Governor Church, at right, course, churches.  Andy Pratt – Vision Champion and Hannah at Preston St Stephen Boyd, Curate at As here in 2016, the hope was that ‘Talking Jesus’ Layton St would touch many people’s lives and will help  Rev. Canon David Banbury - Leader of the Mark's, Diocesan Parish Mission Support Team them to find a living faith. Blackpool,  Kamran Bhatti – Curate at Preston The middle. Bishop Julian was based for the four days in the Risen Lord Barnard Castle Deanery. His many engagements Linda Tomkinson – Associate Priest at Front row, left  to right, Andy included everything from a tough question and Marton St Paul, Blackpool answer session with upper-sixth form pupils at Pratt, Vision  Guy Jamieson – Vicar at Nelson Little Champion at Barnard Castle School to leading the morning Marsden Preston St service at Deerbolt Young Offenders’ Institute.  Alex Frost – Curate at St Matthew Stephen He said: “As we seek to remind people of the Church, Bishop Julian and Rev. relevance of the person of Jesus Christ and the Darren Moore, salvation He offers in their lives today, this initiative Barnard Castle by the Archbishop continues to grow year on year School Chap- and is proving to be a great success.” lain, with some of the young Bishop Geoff was based in Auckland Deanery. His people of the engagements during the mission included a prayer school’s upper- walk in the village of Aycliffe and cleaning the sixth form after shoes of passers-by in Bishop Auckland! the question and answer He commented: “We have had really good session conversations in many different settings and the whole mission has given local churches confidence to reach out into their communities with the Gospel message.” Kamran Bhatti– Curate at Preston The Risen Lord, third from left, with members of the local church, St Other mission team members were equally as John’s Church, Gateshead Fell and Simon Otterson, enthusiastic. Andy Pratt, Vision Champion Deputy Head, during a visit to Glynwood School at Preston St Stephen Church, speaking after where Kamran led the afternoon assembly. assisting Bishop Julian in answering questions from speaking after a day in schools in Gateshead the Barnard Castle Sixth Formers, said: “Talking Deanery, added: “This is my first time doing the Jesus has been a great experience. It’s good for northern bishops’ mission in another Diocese churches to open the doors and reach out to their and I’m thrilled to be here. I have led three local communities. It really excites me when school assemblies in one day today, teaching the parishes are encouraged to do it.” children to sing a worship song in both English Hannah Boyd, Curate at Layton St and Hindi and they have all responded very positively.” During a visit to Dryden Special School in Gateshead to Mark's, Blackpool, speaking during the shoe talk to the pupils, Rev. Canon David Banbury, who is cleaning event in Bishop Auckland led by Bishop And finally Susan Seed, Curate Leader of the Diocesan Parish Mission Support Team, is Geoff, commented: “What a brilliant event Talking at Lancaster Christ Church, speaking after a pictured with (l-r) mission team colleagues from St Jesus has been. There have been great Prayer Walk in Aycliffe village in Auckland Helen’s Church, Low Fell, Gateshead, Sue Patrick, Hazel opportunities to engage with local people.” Deanery said: “Talking Jesus has been really Usher and Evelyn Forster. exciting – the northern bishops’ mission does a “After the success of our own northern Bishops’ outdoor activity stall for children in Lancaster. It lot for the host Diocese and builds confidence to mission in Lancashire last September I think it has was so successful we repeated it just before try new things and to share the Gospel, making been great to be able to encourage local churches Christmas.” here in what they are doing.” disciples for Jesus.  Bishop Geoff reflects on the Talking Jesus Kamran Bhatti, Curate at Preston The Risen Lord, “For example, during the Bishops’ mission in Lancashire last September my own church held an mission in his column on page 2.

The See can also be found on the Diocesan Website: under News, or scan the ‘QR code’ on the back page with your smartphone to be taken to the Diocese website page which contains the current and archive editions of The See. NEWS SPECIAL / COMMENT: BISHOP GEOFF Bishop Philip has notified the Prime sense of humour, have helped to endear Minister of his intention to withdraw from him to people of all ages and church Bishop Philip his nomination as Bishop of Sheffield. traditions across our Diocese. Bishop Julian subsequently wrote a "And I know that he has valued the and the Diocese pastoral letter to parishes across support he has received from so many Lancashire and he also spoke about the women and men, both lay and ordained, of Sheffield decision at the Diocesan Synod which met within our diocese at this difficult time. in March (pictured). Bishop Julian added: "Alongside my He commented: “Bishop Philip has been, colleagues in the Bishop's Leadership Team and now will continue to be, an I look forward to his ongoing service with outstanding and much respected Bishop of us in Blackburn and will do all I can to Burnley; a fine episcopal colleague. support him in his work as we welcome him back. "As I have said before he has been a gift to the for the past two "He has asked me to say how grateful he is and a bit years since his consecration and for the love, prayers and support of the we could see him as an excellent next Diocese of Blackburn in such difficult times Bishop of Sheffield. and that he looks forward to serving the Members of Diocesan Synod listen to diocese with renewed vigour when he Bishop Julian speaking at the March "So my immediate response to the difficult returns. meeting which took place at Ewood St decision he has made is one of Bartholomew Church in Blackburn. overwhelming sadness. "Philip will be taking a break from his duties prior to his return and I know the "His own statement clearly indicates how whole Diocese will be joining together with  Also at Diocesan Synod in March difficult he has found the past few weeks me to pray for him at this time. representatives from parishes across as his nomination has been debated the Diocese gave positive feedback publicly and so now we must respect his "In light of what the Archbishop has said in about the work they are doing locally to need to recover well from all that he has his own statement I would like to support Vision 2026. You can read gone through. encourage this Lenten period to be one of about these presentations on the reflection and prayer.” "Bishop Philip's passion for the Gospel and Diocesan website right now and we will heart for the poor and disadvantaged,  More information on the Diocesan feature more detail in the next edition combined with his quick wit and sharp website of The See.

As you will have read on page one of this parents in an assembly and I had edition, the northern bishops, with their opportunity to respond and tell a bible Talking Jesus mission teams, have been on mission story. together again - this time to the North Another Vicar had arranged for a church was a great East. and community choir of mainly children to Starting and finishing in Durham Cathedral, sing, flash-mob style, in Tesco. There we spread out from the ‘Tyne to the Tees must have been about 500 of us blocking experience and the Dales to the Sea’. the entrance and the escalators for a few minutes. The manager was very Twenty-two Bishops and their teams led by forgiving! the Archbishop of York, Dr John Sentamu, took up the theme ‘Talking Jesus’. Interestingly, with all the planned events it was often the spontaneous actions that I was in the Auckland Deanery moving produced some of the best between places like Spennymoor, Bishop conversations. Auckland and Newton Aycliffe. One afternoon I did some shoe polishing It was an exciting programme and I was for free outside the main shopping glad that my young team was so adaptable. centre. My team members had placards One moment they were joining in with 80 saying ‘Shoes cleaned here by a bishop youngsters on a wild chocolate and and for free’. One lady told me her shoes snowball evening, the next they were Bishop Geoff with members of the local had not been cleaned for 15 years. I told discussing their faith at a home meeting. parish in Great Aycliffe in Auckland Deanery, her that although I believed in miracles Durham Diocese, during a Prayer Walk They coped with noisy pubs, lots of food, this was a challenge! around the village for ‘Talking Jesus’. and the bishop frequently asking them to Another lady wanted her boots cleaning tell their faith story. The local church and but even more she wanted to talk about As so often in mission it was seeking to find clergy had done really well in preparing, the dilemma of both her parents being ill. out what God was doing and then joining setting up events and going the extra mile. One of the team prayed with her. in. We probably missed some One Vicar had made a DVD with the local opportunities but were excited when we There were a number of encounters like church school with children answering were able to listen and share our faith. this. Somehow God had gone before us questions about God and Jesus. The ten- and put us where we could be useful. Bishop Geoff minute clip was shown to children and

PEOPLE AND PLACES Forthcoming events telephone 01254 828400 or email office@ The Ancient Whalley Abbey Spirituality Programme 2017 - Church of St Residential Retreats: Pray As You Can. 6-8 June. Led Peter’s in Thy Kingdom Come invites Christians around the by Revd Jonathan Carmyllie, exploring the rich Heysham village world to pray between Ascension and Pentecost heritage of Christian prayer starting with the Celtic (pictured) has for more people to come to know Jesus saints. £115 per person full board - 3.30pm Tuesday recently Christ. More information on to breakfast Thursday. For further information, experienced a On Wednesday please contact Whalley Abbey on telephone 01254 series of May 24 at 7.30pm, on the eve of Thy Kingdom 828400 or email office@whalley unfortunate Come, the Diocese is holding an opening prayer St Silas Parish Church, Preston New Road, events. event at . Everyone is invited. Come individually, as a family, as a church so that Blackburn, on Saturday 29 April at 7.30pm. Come The roof has had to be completely replaced and and hear Ian Tracey, organist at Liverpool Cathedral we can pray together and then go back to our when the boiler was updated it revealed communities to continue praying from May 25- and St George's Hall, Liverpool, give an organ asbestos. concert. Tickets are £12; under 16s free, from Jean June 4. For more information visit www. (07935 498060) or Carole (01254 54991) or by The church has been closed for long periods of what’s on section and email at [email protected] time meaning the congregation has had to meet watch the website news section for more in their daughter church of St James’ on the updates. Holding your own local event for ‘Thy St Paul's Church, Whitegate Drive, Marton, Heysham Road. Kingdom Come’? Email communicate@ Blackpool. The concert is Marton Operatic Society and tell us more and when Then on an extremely windy day in January a in Concert on Sunday 9 April at 7.30pm. Tickets £5. it is (max 75 words please). Tickets on the door or ring Irene on 01253 791784 huge tree was blown down and fell through the or St Paul's church on 01253 692047. roof of St Peter’s Parish Hall. Thankfully no one Situations vacant or wanted The Blackburn Diocese Mosamaria Trust Fund, was hurt but now this whole area is a building Eight scoop-neck white albs (various sizes) and full which helps to raise funds and the profile of site. sets of amices with liturgical coloured apparel, no Mosamaria AIDS Ministry in South Africa The hope is that, God willing, by Easter all the longer required. Please contact Carol Lawrance, ( invites you to listen and works will be completed and so the church is Head Server at Christ Church Thornton-le-Fylde. enjoy the Blackpool Male Voice Choir in an evening planning an Easter Celebration with The Email: [email protected] or telephone concert held at St Peter's Church, Lord Street, Morecambe Bay Singers to sing songs and hymns 01253 853668 Fleetwood, Lancashire FY7 6DX at 7.30pm on which celebrate the resurrection of Jesus ... and St Mary Magdalene’s Church Clitheroe are looking Saturday 20 May. Tickets £5 pp. Contact John St Peter’s Church premises! to recruit more singers for their SATB choir in Eastwood on 07803473988 or 01253 875994 or People from across the Diocese are welcome to particular Tenors and Basses. The choir sings a Gloria Birdsall on 07790768845. Tickets also come, sing and celebrate on Wednesday 17 April choral Eucharist at 9:30am on Sundays including an available on the door. at 7.30pm in St James’ Church, Heysham Road, anthem, and one evening service per month (usually Choral Evensong); choir rehearsal Tuesday Whalley Abbey Spirituality Programme 2017 - LA3 2RN. Contact joan.robinson.davao@gmail. evenings. The choir sings a wide range of choral Residential Retreats: The Spiritual Life of a Priest. com for more details. 10-12 July. Led by The Venerable Mark Ireland, music to a good standard from Byrd and Tallis, Archdeacon of Blackburn. £115 per person full through Stanford and Howells, to Chilcott and board - 3.30pm Monday to breakfast Wednesday. Rutter. Contact Director of Music, David Thornton, For further information, please contact Whalley Each email: [email protected] or tel 01282 Abbey on telephone 01254 828400 or email department in 614348. [email protected] Balshaws High Whalley Abbey needs your help! Keen gardeners School in St Paul’s Church, Adlington PR6 9QZ is hosting a required. Free board and lodgings. Monday 22 to Leyland puts on Thursday 25 May inclusive. Basic maintenance and concert by the Wigan-based choir Amicorum on a competition Saturday 22 April at 7.30pm in church. The concert gardening (weeding and clearing). For more where students enquiries or to register an interest please email is entitled Monteverdi's Flying Circus and will win house celebrate the 450th Anniversary of the birth of the [email protected] or telephone 01254 points, writes 828400. composer Claudio Monteverdi. Tickets £8 (£6 Fiona Conway, concessions). Contact Thomas Leeming on 01257 Youth Chaplain, Clergy updates 482471. Hot drinks and cakes will be served in the Balshaw's CE High School. The Rev Canon Dr Sue Penfold, Director of Ministry church club and the bar will also be open. All This year 'The Chaplain House Cup Challenge' tied and The Rev Canon Dr Simon Cox, Rector of proceeds to the Church Roof Repair Fund. in with The Meaningful Chocolate Company's Real Bispham All Hallows and Area Dean of Blackpool St Paul’s Church, Adlington PR6 9QZ. Saturday 6 Easter Egg competition. have been appointed Temporary Assistant May at 7.30pm there is to be a quiz night in the Students (some of whom are pictured above) Archdeacons, and will be commissioned by the church club. Entry costs £5 per person. Supper will drew their version of what happened on Easter Bishop of Blackburn on Thursday 13 April at be available and there will be a raffle. All proceeds Sunday, according to the Bible. This was launched Blackburn Cathedral. to the Church Roof Repair Fund. Further details in year group collective worship. The Rev Gillian Henwood, who holds the Bishop’s from Thomas Leeming tel 01257 482471. Tutors got involved by encouraging students in Permission to Officiate in the Diocese, and formerly Come and enjoy the recital at St George the producing their designs, including showing a short Rector of Ribchester with Stydd, Blackburn, has Martyr, Preston PR1 2NP on Friday 7 April 2017. video showing events that happened on Easter been appointed as Priest in Charge of Grasmere St Yulia Vershinina (pianoforte). Admission £6 Sunday and giving time for students to work on Oswald and Rydal St Mary in the Diocese of Carlisle. (includes light refreshments beforehand). Recital designs. The Rev Dr Alexander Baker, will was licensed by starts at 12.30pm. Staff in the art department are also helping the Bishop of Burnley and inducted by the Dementia Friends Information Session at St students. It's a great opportunity for students to Archdeacon of Blackburn as Vicar of Gisburn St Cuthberts Church Hall, Church Road, Lytham, FY8 look at and reflect on the gospel accounts of Mary on 8 March 2017 at Blackburn Cathedral. 5QL on Tuesday 28 March at 11am to noon. There Jesus' resurrection. Benjamin David Green, BA, PG Dip, will be licensed is no charge for the information session which will Students win house points and Easter eggs and as Diocesan Youth Adviser by the Bishop of give people an understanding of dementia and the some designs will be entered into The Meaningful Blackburn on 13 April 2017 at Blackburn Cathedral. small things you can do that make a difference. Chocolate Company's competition with the The Rev Polly Mason, Vicar (half time) of Lunch will be available at 12.30pm followed by a chance to win Easter eggs and £250 for school. singalong. Cost £5. Contact Bev Wells 07742 709 Wrightington with Heskin St James the Great, will 994 to book your place. retire on 30 April 2017. Saturday 29 April from 10am to 4pm. One day you want to have a training day at your church for The Rev Matthew Cook has been granted the practical training course in using PowerPoint at up to eight people please contact Bev Wells 07742 Bishop’s Permission to Officiate in the Diocese. church services and events. More and more 709 994. The Revd Mike Barton will be instituted and churches are using data projection in church so Whalley Abbey Spirituality Programme 2017 - inducted as Vicar of Longridge St Lawrence and St improve your skills in putting together a Residential Retreats: Advent Retreat. 4-6 Paul on 2 May at 7.30pm at St Lawrences’ church. PowerPoint presentation. Basic knowledge on December. Led by Revd Jonathan Carmyllie, Vicar of Sarah Earnshaw, Cert Children’s Ministry, will be using PowerPoint is required. £30 per person. Whalley. £125 per person full board - 3.30pm licensed as Diocesan Adviser for under 5s by the Venue - St Cuthberts Vicarage, Lytham. Only eight Monday, depart after lunch Wednesday. For further Bishop of Blackburn on 13 April 2017 at Blackburn places available. For more information or to book information, please contact Whalley Abbey on Cathedral. your place visit . If

NEWS News? Feedback? [email protected]

Church buildings bear witness to the Christian faith Kingdom Come 10 days of prayer (from 25th writes Dave Champness, Diocesan Vision May to 4th June), we are encouraging as many Challenge to Coordinator. churches as feel able to open their doors, not They offer a sign and just on a Sunday, but initially throughout the 10 celebration of the day period, and hopefully beyond. leave our presence of God in a If you’ve been reluctant to open your church community. building until now, it’s possible that this is churches open A locked door is a because of concerns about security. universal symbol of If so, then don’t worry – you’re not alone! Fear of be 'timeless' so they can be used over the whole exclusion, while an open theft, anti-social behaviour and personal safety are summer; put up at other times during this year church expresses God’s the three reasons commonly given for not and then again in years to come. welcome, His presence, opening. There are plenty of measures you can put His creativity, His justice, in place to minimise the risks and strike the right If you want to order a banner you can express an His healing and His balance between accessibility and security. interest in doing so now by simply emailing my forgiveness. colleague Karen Ashcroft in the first instance on An 'open church' toolkit will be available on the [email protected] Allowing friends and Vision part of the Diocesan website by April to give strangers to enter your more practical advice. In the meantime, we building freely can have designed an 'Open church' banner for both become an integral part internal and temporary external building use (see of your mission action pictures) that are available at a subsidised price of plan. £99 each (including VAT and delivery). Although As part of the Thy temporary banners, they are designed to

‘Standing Firm’ is the theme for this year’s doubts and worries. There will also be amazing Diocesan Youth Camp which will again take Stand firm on team challenges, a camp fire and brilliant food. place at Hothersall Lodge Outdoor Education As if all that wasn’t enough, young people will Centre on the weekend of June 9-11. have the opportunity to participate in outdoor A great team of leaders, including Bishop Geoff God’s promises activities, such as canoeing, climbing and zip wire, Pearson; a team from the Diocesan Board of directed by Hothersall’s team of highly qualified Education and a fantastic group of dedicated young leaders will outdoor instructors. make sure the weekend is a fabulous experience for all The cost is £80pp and booking forms are available to download at attending. The camp is for young people in school years 6-9 who will For more information about financial assistance or just to ask explore how faith in God’s promises will help them stand firm questions about the event email in making good choices and provide courage to face fears, [email protected]

The Diocese of Blackburn has announced the when he is not enjoying time with his family. appointment of a new Diocesan Youth Advisor. New Diocesan Speaking to ‘The See’ Ben said: “A long time ago Ben Green, 32, is currently the Youth Worker God put a passion in my heart to see young Chaplain at Bishop Rawstorne Church of England people come to know His love for themselves and Youth Advisor Academy in Croston, West Lancashire. He will start for them to step into the potential He has given in his new role on April 24. them. appointed The role of Diocesan Youth Advisor (DYA) requires “Having been employed by the Board of Education Ben to champion and lead on the strategic for nearly eight years I have watched Vision 2026 development of work with, and activities for, young being shaped and it is fantastic to see the impact people (aged 11-21) in parishes across Lancashire. churches are making as they step up to meet the challenges of the future. As Diocesan Youth Advisor Ben will make links to and liaise with a huge variety of contacts, from “It is also hugely encouraging to see that children clergy and teachers to volunteer and employed and young people are central to Vision 2026.” youth workers; as well as empowering young people to be actively involved in the life of the Stephen Whittaker, Director of Education, church. commented: “I am delighted that Ben will join us as Diocesan Youth Advisor as he brings a wonderful Ben is married to Ruth and the couple have one mix of practical experience, vision for the role and a daughter, Hannah, who will be one in April. The passion for work with young people.” family live in Manchester. Archdeacon Michael Everitt added: “Ben, who is Originally training and qualifying as a primary stepping up to a Diocesan role, has been a blessing school teacher, Ben moved into youth chaplaincy to Bishop Rawstorne and will now share his work at the well-known Croston school in 2009. He enthusiasm and expertise with the whole Diocese.” enjoys listening to music and is a big sports fan

Helpful information about 'The See' Deadline Want to submit an article or event for inclusion in The See? Check the deadline on the left and email for [email protected] the We'll always do our best to feature what we receive. For the online archive; more information about deadlines and how to submit articles, visit the website May (search 'The See') or just scan the QR code on the right. edition Sight loss problems? Access the online version of the latest issue on the website and adjust the page size as required using the + and is - buttons on the right of the screen, or hold down the keyboard 'Ctrl' button and press the + or - key to adjust as required. April 1, The See is edited by Diocesan Communications Manager Ronnie Semley. 2017 For new orders of ‘The See; or to change delivery address or quantities received contact Karen Ashcroft on [email protected] or 01254 503070.