Art & Culture August 27, 2020 3 This Day in History Short Titles This Day in History (August 27) Today is Thursday; 6th of the Iranian month of Shahrivar 1399 solar hijri; corresponding to 7th of the Islamic month of Muharram 1442 lunar hijri; and August 27, 2020, of the Christian Gregorian Calendar. Line Up at Sao Over three millennium lunar years ago, on this day, God Almighty spoke for the first time with Moses, entrusting him with Prophethood and the mission to invite the tyrannical Pharaoh to monotheism and to ask for the release of Israelites from bondage. As is evident by ayah 9 onwards of Surah TaHa of the holy Qur’an, while searching for fire in the wilderness, Moses saw flames atop Paulo Festival Mount Sinai and was startled to see a bush on fire but with all its green leaves and branches miraculously intact. Here he heard the voice of the Almighty (IFILM) The 31st Sao Paulo International Short Creator asking him to take off his shoes, throw his walking staff down that Film Festival in Brazil is screening three short films from . miraculously turned into a snake and to remove his hand from the armpit to find the palm glowing with light. The three short films include ‘Weekend’ by Ario Motevaqe, ‘The 2499 solar years ago, on this day in 479 BC, Persian forces led by Mardonius, Other’ co-directed by Ako Zand-Karimi and Saman Hosseinpour, the Iranian governor of Greece and Macedonia and son-in-law of Emperor Darius 1, were routed by Pausanias, the Spartan commander of the Greek army and Ashkan Ahmadi’s ‘Kalima’. in the Battle of Plataea, which marked a turning point in the Greek-Persian ‘Weekend’ is about two families who have gone on a picnic, but Wars. The battle was fought near Plataea in the Peloponnese Peninsula, between an alliance of Greek city-states, including Sparta, Athens, Corinth it was later revealed that they went to the park for another purpose. and Megara, against the Achaemenid Empire of Xerxes I. The previous year ‘The Other’ is an Iranian-Indian film. It tells the story of a tra- the Iranian army, led by the emperor in person, had scored victories at the battles of Thermopylae and Artemisium and conquered Thessaly, Boeotia and ditional man who - after the death of his wife- suspects she was Attica. However, at Salamis, the allied Greek navy won an unlikely victory, cheating on him. preventing the conquest of the Peloponnesus. Xerxes then returned to Iran with much of his army, leaving his brother-in-law, General Mardonius, to finish off Meanwhile, ‘Kalima’ is about a girl who goes with her father to the Greeks the following year. It is said that the rashness of Mardonius was the the border areas with a hostile country to catch a butterfly. cause of the loss of the battle and his own loss of life, despite the fact that in the past twenty years he had been a key element of Iranian domination over The 31st Sao Paulo International Short Film Festival began on the Greeks. August 20 and will run until August 30. 1381 lunar years ago, on this day in 61 AH, Obaidullah ibn Ziyad, the tyrannical Omayyad governor of Iraq, dispatched more forces to Karbala to This year’s edition of the festival is being held virtually. besiege Imam Husain (AS) and ordered the commander of his army, Omar ibn Sa’d, to cut off access to the waters of the River Euphrates in order to extract oath of allegiance to Yazid’s illegal rule from the grandson of Prophet Mohammad (SAWA). Omar ibn Sa’d promptly stationed Amr ibn Hajjaj az- ‘Driving Lessons’ Honored at Italian Festival Zubaidi with a detachment of five hundred horsemen on the river banks, but the Imam’s valiant brother, Hazrat Abbas (AS), managed to fetch water from TEHRAN (MNA) – Iranian festivals in Europe and the the Euphrates during a night raid and stored it in the encampment, until all Short ‘Driving Lessons’ has won U.S. resources ran dry on the following day. an award at the 12th edition of It will go on screen at the 1271 solar years ago, on this day in 749 AD, Abbasid general Qahtaba Ibn Shabib-at-Ta’i, who played a leading role in uprooting of the Omayyad SiciliAmbiente Film Festival in Macon Film Festival in the caliphate, died in battle near Kufa. He was a Khorasani, belonging to the Yemeni Italy. U.S, and Spain’s short film tribal confederation that formed the bulk of the local Muslim population. The Iranian short film, direct- festival. 841 lunar years ago, on this day in 601 AH, the historian and geographer, ed by Marzieh Riahi, won the It has won an award at the Yusuf Ibn Yaqoub Shaybani Dameshqi Ibn al-Mujawir, was born in Damascus, Syria. He spent his childhood and youth in Baghdad, Iraq, learning sciences second award of the Short Film 21st edition of Through Wom- under the prominent scholars. He traveled all over the Arabian Peninsula and category, during the festival en’s Eyes International Film wrote the important work, “Tarikh al-Mustabsir”, which contains valuable which was held on August 4-9. Festival (TWE) in the U.S, the political, geographical, and social information of the whole region. He died at the age of 89 in 690 AH. ‘Driving Lessons’ tells the Special Jury Award at the 13th 490 lunar years ago, on this day in 952 AH, on his return march from exile story of Bahareh, a young girl Film Festival for Women’s in Iran to reconquer Afghan-occupied Hindustan with Iranian help, Moghal who, according to Iranian law, Rights (FIWOM) in South Emperor Naseer od-Din Humayun took Qandahar, and as promised by him to Tahmasp, handed it over to the Safavid Empire. Qandahar, which is must have a man from among Korea, as well as the Best currently in Afghanistan, formed the border between the Safavid and Moghal her relatives accompany her on Earlier in August, the Iranian Festival (BWFF). (Long) Narrative award at the Empires in those days. It was often a bone of contention, exchanging hands driving lessons so she and her short film won a prize at Bei- The film is also set to take 42nd Big Muddy Film Festi- many times. male instructor won’t be alone. rut International Women Film part at two international film val in the U.S. 486 solar years ago, on this day in 1534 AD, Ismail Adel Shah, the 2nd king of the dynasty of Iranian origin of Bijapur in southwest India, died at the age of 36 after a reign of 24 years, while on a campaign against the neighbouring sultanate of Golkandah, ruled by the Qotb Shahi dynasty – also of Iranian origin. In the footsteps of his father, Yusuf Adel Shah, the founder of the dynasty Potential New Treatment who was from Saveh in Iran, he was a devout follower of the school of the Ahl al-Bayt of Prophet Mohammad (SAWA). He patronized ulema, scholars, poets, physicians and even soldiers migrating from Iran to the Deccan. He never lost Approach for Alzheimer’s a battle, and his artillery units were considered formidable. The kingdom of WASHINGTON (Dispatches) -- improved cognition. “The big Bijapur that lasted for 187 years until its annexation by Moghal Emperor Research looking at a possible new takeaway is that this is the first Aurangzeb of Hindustan (northern subcontinent) was a Persianate state. It is worth noting that Yusuf Adel Shah had declared Shi’a Islam as the state therapeutic approach for Alzhei- approach that targets TREM2 to religion almost a decade before Shah Ismail I founded the Safavid Dynasty in mer’s disease focuses on targeting promote microglia to clear the Iran and decreed Shi’a Islam as state religion. inflammation by using an antibody. amyloid deposits in the brain 250 solar years ago, on this day in 1770 AD, German philosopher, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, was born. On France’s occupation of Germany in The study by the University of that are thought to be the cause 1806, he was influenced by the characteristics of Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte. Kentucky explains that current of Alzheimer’s,” said Donna Hegel divided history into several phases and believed that its course is therapeutic approaches to the Wilcock, associate director at determined by God. He wrote several books including “The Phenomenology treatment of Alzheimer’s disease University of Kentucky’s Sand- of Spirit”, “Science of Logic”, and “Encyclopedia of the Philosophical Sciences”. He died in 1831. focus on the major pathological ers-Brown Center on Aging 129 lunar years ago, on this day in 1313 AH, Grand Ayatollah Seyyed Hadi hallmarks of the disease which Milani was born in holy Najaf in Iraq in a family from Milaan in West Azarbaijan are amyloid plaques and neuro- Province. He started his religious studies at a very young age, soon mastering jurisprudence, theology, hadith, exegesis of the holy Qur’an, philosophy, and fibrillary tangles. They are the Arabic and Persian literature. He reached the status of Ijtehad at the young requirements for a diagnosis of age of 21, and migrated to holy in Iran, where he stayed the rest of Alzheimer’s disease. However, his life, passing away at the age of 82. He established the Imam Sadeq (AS) Seminary and the Husaini Institute of Islamic Sciences in Mashhad. Ayatollah the authors say there has been Milani who groomed many scholars and wrote the 10-volume jurisprudential an explosion of genetic data work “Muhadhiraat fi Fiqh-al-Imamia”, was laid to rest in the Towhid- suggesting the risk for sporadic Khanah Aivan of the holy shrine of Imam Reza (AS). Alzheimer’s disease is driven by 124 solar years ago, on this day in 1896 AD, the shortest war in history took place between Britain and Zanzibar, lasting only 40 minutes from 09:05 to several other factors including 09:45 hours local time. The cause was death of the pro-British Sultan Hamad neuroinflammation, membrane bin Thuwaini two days earlier and succession of Sultan Khalid bin Barghash. turnover and storage, and lipid The British authorities preferred Hamoud bin Mohammed, who was more favourable to British interests, as sultan. metabolism. 75 solar years ago, on this day in 1945 AD, English oriental scholar, Reynold In this study the researchers Alleyne Nicholson, died at the age of 77. Nicholson, as a teacher of the great focused on triggering recep- poet-philosopher of the Subcontinent, Muhammad Iqbal Lahori, translated the latrer’s first philosophical Persian poetry book “Asrar-e Khudi” into English tor expressed on myeloid cell-2 as “The Secrets of the Self”. He also wrote the book “A Literary History of (TREM2). “TREM2 was identi- the Arabs”. Another prominent student of Nicholson was Arthur John Arberry, fied several years ago as a gene an Arabic-Persian expert and a Rumi admirer, who completed an academic that, when there’s a mutation, English translation of the holy Qur’an as well as translation of Iqbal’s long ode in Persian “The Javid-Namah”. significantly increases risk of 72 lunar years ago, on this day in 1370 AH, the jurisprudent and exegete of Alzheimer’s disease. the holy Qur’an, Ayatollah Shaikh Ja’far Nizari Naqdi, passed away in holy Najaf, Through the groups work Iraq, at the age of 64. He authored several books, such as “al-Anwaar al-Alawiyya wa’l-Asraar al-Murtazawiyya” on the God-given merits of Imam Ali ibn Abi they found that the therapeu- Taleb (AS), the 1st divinely-designated Heir of Prophet Mohammad (SAWA). tic targeting of TREM2 using 29 solar years ago, on this day in 1991 AD, Moldova gained independence a TREM2-activating antibody after long domination by Ukraine, the Ottoman Turks, Russia, and the Soviet Union. In the late 1980s, when the Soviet Union was breaking apart, calls for leads to the activation of microg- merger with Romania were defeated by a referendum. lia, recruitment of microglia to Birthday of Muhammad ibn Zakariya al-Razi on August 26 is commemorated and named as Pharmaceutical Day in Iran. Muhammad 28 solar years ago, on this day in 1992 AD, the revolutionary Iranian Islamic amyloid plaques, reduced amy- ibn Zakariya al-Razi, known in the West as Rhazes, (854/865-925/935) was a Persian Muslim physician, alchemist and philosopher. scholar, Ayatollah Seyyed Abdul-Majid Iravani, passed away at the age of 58. loid deposition, and ultimately Courtesy of Mehr News Agency