b PLANNING APPLICATIONS COMMITTEE Date and Time: Tuesday 24 April 2012 7.00 pm Venue : Room 8, Lambeth Town Hall, Brixton Hill, SW2 1RW Contact for enquiries: Website: Nigel Harvey www.lambeth.gov.uk/committee Democratic Services Officer Tel/Voicemail: 020 7926 3136 Lambeth Council – Democracy Live Fax: 020 7926 2361 on Facebook Email:
[email protected] http://www.facebook.com/ Governance and Democracy @LBLdemocracy on Twitter Lambeth Town Hall, Brixton Hill, http://twitter.com/LBLdemocracy London, SW2 1RW To tweet about Council agendas, minutes or meetings use #Lambeth Despatched: Friday 13 April 2012 COMMITTEE MEMBERS: Councillors BRADLEY, BRATHWAITE, EDBROOKE, LING (Vice-Chair), MEMERY, MORRIS (Chair) and PALMER SUBSTITUTE MEMBERS: Councillors AMINU, CLYNE, GIESS, HASELDEN, J.WHELAN, MALLEY, NOSEGBE, PICKARD and Vacancy Membership subject to confirmation at the Annual Meeting of Council on 18 April 2012. AGENDA PLEASE NOTE THAT THE ORDER OF THE AGENDA MAY BE CHANGED AT THE MEETING Page Nos. 1. Declarations of Interest 2. Minutes 1 - 8 To agree minutes of the meeting held on 3 April 2012. Town & Country Planning Act (1990), The Planning & Compensations Act (1991), The Town & Country Planning (Control of Advertisement) Regulations (1992), The Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act (1990), The Town & Country Planning General Regulations (1990), The Rush Common Act 1806 and related legislation: Applications For information on documents used in the preparation of the reports contact the Planning Advice Desk, Tel: 020 7926 1180. 3. Bedwell House, Stockwell Park Road, SW9 0UH (Ferndale Ward) 9 - 22 (11/04169/FUL) Recommendation: Grant Conditional Planning Permission 4. 604 -610 Streatham High Road, London, S W16 (Streatham South 23 - 86 Ward) (11/02196/FUL) Recommendation: Grant Conditional Permission subject to Section 106 Agreement.