Accepted by the Astrophysical Journal First Year Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP ) Observations: Determination of Cosmological Parameters D. N. Spergel 2, L. Verde 2 3, H. V. Peiris 2, E. Komatsu 2, M. R. Nolta 4, C. L. Bennett 5, M. Halpern 6, G. Hinshaw 5, N. Jarosik 4, A. Kogut 5, M. Limon 5 7, S. S. Meyer 8, L. Page 4, G. S. Tucker 5 7 9, J. L. Weiland 10, E. Wollack 5, & E. L. Wright 11
[email protected] ABSTRACT WMAP precision data enables accurate testing of cosmological models. We find that the emerging standard model of cosmology, a flat ¡ −dominated universe seeded by a nearly scale-invariant adiabatic Gaussian fluctuations, fits the WMAP data. For the WMAP data 2 2 £ ¢ ¤ ¢ £ ¢ ¤ ¢ £ ¢ only, the best fit parameters are h = 0 ¢ 72 0 05, bh = 0 024 0 001, mh = 0 14 0 02, ¥ +0 ¦ 076 ¢ £ ¢ § ¢ £ ¢ = 0 ¢ 166− , n = 0 99 0 04, and = 0 9 0 1. With parameters fixed only by WMAP 0 ¦ 071 s 8 data, we can fit finer scale CMB measurements and measurements of large scale structure (galaxy surveys and the Lyman ¨ forest). This simple model is also consistent with a host of other astronomical measurements: its inferred age of the universe is consistent with stel- lar ages, the baryon/photon ratio is consistent with measurements of the [D]/[H] ratio, and the inferred Hubble constant is consistent with local observations of the expansion rate. We then fit the model parameters to a combination of WMAP data with other finer scale CMB experi- ments (ACBAR and CBI), 2dFGRS measurements and Lyman ¨ forest data to find the model’s 1WMAP is the result of a partnership between Princeton University and NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center.