Norton Juster, Jules Feiffer | 256 pages | 01 Jul 1993 | Random House USA Inc | 9780394820378 | English | New York, United States My favourite book as a kid: The Phantom Tollbooth by Norton Juster

His mother, Minnie, did her part, as her son put it, "terrorizing" bookstore owners into displaying it. The Phantom Tollbooth remains acknowledged as a classic of children's literature. Dec 21, Peter added it. Its competition among new books for the minds and hearts of children included 's James and the Giant Peach. Fish in a Tree. has written an introduction to a new edition of The Phantom Tollboothwhich is reprinted in the latest issue of the New York Review of Books June - you'll The Phantom Tollbooth a subscription to read the whole thingand which prompted a reread. In Dictionopolis and Digitopolis Milo discovers the value of The Phantom Tollbooth and numbers; on the Mountain of Ignorance he learns that knowledge can fight off inattention and indulgence; in the Doldrums, he avoids ennui by thinking; and through it all, he discovers that a little attention reveals wondrous details in The Phantom Tollbooth around him. How I Became a Spy. This ingenious centeres around Milo, a bored ten-year-old who comes home to find a large toy tollbooth sitting in his room. The Phantom Tollbooth friends at home? The numbers were not intended to have any meaning, and were meant to convey that the Mathemagician's letter could not have been understood by Azaz or his advisers. I mean, come on. A fiftieth anniversary edition was also published, with appreciations by Maurice SendakMichael Chabon and . In the process, he learns valuable lessons, finding a love of learning. The denizens around Digitopolis are little better; the twelve-faced Dodecahedronnamed for what he is, turns the logic of his naming on its head when he asks if everyone with one face is called Milo. Look Inside. Jules Feiffer's classic illustrations have withstood the test of time too. Go read it! I, for one, loved words. He remakes them. I loved the dictionopolis. Reading "grown-up" literature is excavating the human soul, the adult soul: a mangled The Phantom Tollbooth of contradictions and self-deceptions, screwy motives and the The Phantom Tollbooth self-adherent logic of artistic creation. Dec 01, Diane rated it really liked it Shelves: childrens. School Library Journal blog. See all 19 questions about The Phantom Tollbooth…. Feb 19, Drew rated it really liked it. I believe this absolute insanity is why I was unable to reread for the subsequent, like, 6 years. From the way the tollbooth mysteriously arrives, to the way it takes Milo to a strange new world, to the quest he ends up on to save the princesses Rhyme and Reason, to how he The Phantom Tollbooth is--without doubt--the funnest book I've ever read. Juster's guilt over his lack of progress on the cities book had led him to write pieces of stories about a little boy named Milo, [8] which he began to develop into a book. It's a good book. Pass it on! Louise Fitzhugh. The attitudes now displayed by the adherents of both brothers are summed up by the Dodecahedron, "as long The Phantom Tollbooth the answer is right, who The Phantom Tollbooth if the question is wrong? Still worth rereading every decade or so as an adult, and it remains one of my favorite books. It's special time with my boy. I LOVE this book. All of this boils down to the fact The Phantom Tollbooth, to me, language was a playground. Feiffer knew Judy Sheftel, who put deals together in the publishing trade and was his future bride. Apparently a classic in the US; I wanted to read it because I vaguely remembered snippets of it - I think I must have read it at a library or the like. But the real pleasure of it is the whip-smart wordplay. The demons pursue, but the armies of Wisdom repel them. We all have our things. Oct 12, ISBN Beyond Expectations 3. Confusion in the Market Place 5. Although the city of Illusions never actually existed, Reality was lost as its residents concentrated on getting to their destination as quickly as possible, and, unappreciated, the city withered away, unnoticed by the busy people who still hasten along its The Phantom Tollbooth streets. Is this a good read for a third grade who reads above grade level? More The Phantom Tollbooth Norton Juster. Juster disliked the film, describing it as "drivel". With them there is no obstacle you cannot overcome. The Phantom Tollbooth

They all rushed down the avenues and hurried along the boulevards seeing nothing of the wonders and beauties of their city as they went. The Phantom Tollbooth has been loved by millions of children around the world. The Phantom Tollbooth after exiting the Doldrums [7]. But I'd heard about it, and The Phantom Tollbooth was in my house somehow so I decided to give it a try. View all 6 comments. Science Fiction The Phantom Tollbooth. Harold Underdown. Architect Norton Juster was living in his hometown of Brooklynafter three years in the Navy. Jules Feiffer is the author and illustrator of two novels for young readers, as well as several acclaimed picture books including Bark, George and Meanwhile Routine comforts us, it gives us an escape into the dull and Terrible Trivium: the small tasks which comfort us and distract us from important, difficult work and choices. My rereading as an adult left me tripping, puzzling and spinning. Although Milo is bored with learning, The Phantom Tollbooth does not mean he knew nothing before his journey. View all 5 The Phantom Tollbooth. Quotes from The Phantom Tollb Jun 05, Terence rated it it was amazing Recommends it for: Anyone. How can you not love a world where The Phantom Tollbooth can only get to the island of Conclusions by jumping or where cars go without saying or where the Mathemagician transports our heroes to the Mountains of Ignorance by carrying the three? That said, he never came The Phantom Tollbooth to me holding the book and said, "Let's read some more! How did they know about the lockdown? I read this book because of its amazing cover. Paperbackpages. Didn't love it. He also learns that most things in life are only impossible, if one perceives so. It is chock full of wisdom. May 08, David rated it really liked it Shelves: young-adult-childrens. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Even as a child, I remember being amazed that I could make sounds with my mouth that other people could recognise and understand. And why, with its combination of whimsy and morality, it might be a subject of nostalgia among adults, even among those who may not have loved it as much as they remember in childhood. Juster showed Feiffer the draft to date and, unbidden, the artist began sketching illustrations. This is a lesson that had The Phantom Tollbooth unlearned by the citizens of Wisdom, as exemplified by the The Phantom Tollbooth fate of the twin cities of Reality and Illusions. Because I can also see why I didn't love it - why I vaguely remembered it, fondly, but never had my The Phantom Tollbooth copy, never even remembered the name or the author until my memory was jogged. Still, they're puns, and we have to love them. His thoughts darted eagerly about as everything looked new—and worth trying. Children's literature portal. I was afraid that a re-read as an adult would leave me feeling as if it wasn't as good as I remembered or, maybe worse, that I've just grown up into a grumpy cynic. The few annotations I liked by Leonard Marcus were those regarding synes Norton Juster's 's classic, The Phantom Tollbooth is an all-time favorite of mine. I used to play a word association game I made up where I would think of a word, then think of a word associated with that word, then a word associated with that word, and on and on until I either tried to get back to the word I started with or tried to see how far I could deviate from my original word. They were just too abstract language-wise. Add to Cart. Oct 25, Alex rated it it was amazing. Seriously, what's not to love about a The Phantom Tollbooth dodecahedron? Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Readers also enjoyed. Enjoyments: 1. The drawing was The Phantom Tollbooth to show the following: "Three demons, one tall and thin, the second short and fat, and the third exactly the same as the other two! Indeed our hero does have to make a token payment, but then I recalled The Talking Parcelin which the youthful heroes travel to their adventure by train, and I believe it is the case that in the Harry Potter adventures the children also travel by train view spoiler [ as though Kings Cross isn't crowded enough hide spoiler ] The Phantom Tollbooth at the end of Narnia it is by means of a train accident that the final characters transfer The Phantom Tollbooth death in life to life everlasting. The Hollywood Reporter. Data Protection Choices

The New York Times. The book is filled with clever wordplay and has good advice on the importance of not jumping to conclusions and watching your words otherwise you may have to eat them! Hidden categories: Articles with short description Short description The Phantom Tollbooth Wikidata Featured articles. I found that refreshing. Joining forces with a watchdog named Tock, Milo drives through the tollbooth's gates and begins a memorable journey. He also learns that most things in life are only impossible, if one perceives so. Boredom may have led him to the Doldrums, but his thinking brain gets him through the magical Kingdom of Wisdom, across the Valley of Sound, up the Mountains of Ignorance to the Castle in the Air, to rescue the imprisoned Princesses Rhyme and Reason and return them to the Kingdom. I have a major soft spot for it, okay?! After the meal, King Azaz lets Milo and Tock talk themselves into a dangerous quest to rescue the princesses. My boy liked it well enough. Saving Mr. It is an absolute delight. But now we're BACK. A Very Dirty Bird Buy Now on BN. It just is. This article is about the novel. It's special time with my boy. Some of Juster's favorite books as a child, including The Wind in The Phantom Tollbooth Willowshad endpaper The Phantom Tollbooth Juster insisted on one, over Feiffer's opposition, going so far as to sketch one and require that his collaborator reproduce it in his own style. Milo is simply trying to figure things The Phantom Tollbooth. And the fact that it's my cousin's course book. Up there in the ranks of all time great kids books. Neither publisher nor first-time author expected many sales for The Phantom Tollboothbut Juster was nevertheless disappointed not to find his work on store shelves. The Phantom Tollbooth is a strange beast: decidedly accessible to children, The Phantom Tollbooth remains lovable to adults. Milo has had difficulties in school with mathematics and problem solving; his reaction to this encounter is to protest that averages are not real. That was amazing. Jan 26, Gaijinmama The Phantom Tollbooth it it was amazing Shelves: kidsfavoritesfiction. National Education Association nea. It's amazing how much of this had faded from my memory since childhood. Princesses Rhyme and The Phantom Tollbooth welcome Milo and agree to return to Wisdom.