Students Elect Officers to Fill Major Positions
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CONGRATULATIONS SEE YOU AT THE NEW OFFICERS GERMAN DANCE -MADISON COTXEGE- Vol. XXIII Madison College, Harrisonburg, Virginia, Friday, February 21, 1947 No. 24 Students Elect Officers To Fill Major Positions Mary Louise Huntington was elect- lion, and a member of Pi Kappa Sig- ed by the student body to head the ma sorority. Student Government Association for the coming year in the elections held Margaret Reid, of Cumberland, Tuesday. Eva Ann Trumbo will serve Maryland, has been a member of the as president of YWCA, Mary Lee Breeze staff since her freshman year, Moyer as chairman of the Honor holding the office of news editor for Council, and Joyce Hammond will be the past two years. She is reporter president of the Athletic Association. for the German club and IRC, a mem- Margaret Reid will serve as editor of ber of Kappa Delta Pi, ACE, and the Breeze and Jo Johnson as editor treasurer of Alpha Sigma Alpha soror- of the Schoolma'am. ity. Mary Louise, of Fairfield, Conn., is president of the junior class, a Woodstock is the home of Jo John- member of Panhellenic council, a mem- son, a member of the Schoolma'am ber of last year's student council, and staff since last fall. She is president a member of Pi Kappa Sigma sorority. of Aeolian club, a member of German club, ACE, Sigma Sigma Sigma soror- Eva Ann Trumbo, an officer of the ity, and reporter for Kappa Delta Pi. state organization of the Lutheran Results of the elections were an- student group, lives in Harrisonburg. German Midwinters nounced at a student body rally Tues- She is an ex-officio member of the day night. At that time Hilda Davis, To Feature Music i Y camhet, and a member of the Glee SG9 president,, announced that 73 club and of Alpha Sigma Alpha soro- per cent of the student body voted. Oi VPI Orchestra rity, and an English major. V.P.I.'s Southern Colonels will play A native of Middleburg, Mary Lee for German Midwinters tomorrow Moyer, is the junior class repres°nta- night in Reed gym. tive of the Honor Council, a member Quarterly Plans The Colonels are known in neigh- of Standards, and president of Theta boring colleges for their versatility in Sigma Upsilon sorority. She was presi- Annual Contest playing jump or sweet arrangements. dent of the sophomore class last year. March IS is the deadline for all When playing for dances, however, A junior transfer student from Wil- articles being submitted for the Madi- they stick to the sweet. mington, Deleware, Jo Hammond was son Quarterly Award. Entries must The boys in the band, of which the a first lieutenant in the WAC's. She be mailed on or before that date to majority are vets, have been playing is a physical education major, basket- the Editor of the Quarterly, Madison together since January, 1946. Last ball leader for senior hall, plays hoc- College. summer they toured the east coast key, is a member of Porpoise, Cotil- beaches, playing engagements at A $50 U. S. War Bond will be Wrightsville Beach, N. C; Myrtle Girls, Dates Crowd awarded to the winning contestant Beach, S. C; and Charleston, S! C. who must be a bona fide student of This year they have played at several New "Rec" Ffoom Madison College during the session of 1946-47. schools in Virginia in addition to regu- A steady flow of girls and their lar engagements at V. P. I., Randolph dates into Ashby gym last Sunday af- The ideas, which may take the form Top photo shows the Southern Colonels Orchestra which will play for Macpn, Sweet Broar, Farmville and ternoon marked the occasion of the of article, story, essay, play or poem, German Midwinters tomorrow night. Pictured below are Martha Lee and Radford were among the schools who must not exceed 4,000 words and may German members, shown putting finishing touches on dance scenery. (Lower opening of the new recreational facili- be shorter. The decision of the judges, photo by Mitchell.) danced to their music.. ties sponsored by the Sophomore class. Five cadets and ten civilian students, Fitted to accommodate fifty people, selected by the Quarterly Board, will eight of whom are ex-G. I.'s including the "Rec" Room was crowded during be final and the editors reserve tti Mother Goose Court Visits Madison representatives of the Infantry, Marine its open hours from 3-6 p.m. right to publish in the Madison Quar-^ Corps, Air Corps, and Navy, play in The new recreation center is con- terly any article submitted in the con- For German Rhyme, Rhythm Dance the orchestra. Vocalist Johnny Bacos viently located in Ashby gym so as to test At the invitation of the German club, Mrs. Benjamin Partlow, Mr. and Mrs. saw overseas service in the infantry. be near the tea room, which is also Manuscripts will need no identifica- Bill Cook, ace tenor-sax man, was a kept open during these same hours tion but a separate, sealed envelope Mother Goose and her court will leave Alfred Eagle, Dr. and Mrs. Glenn Marine Air Corps gunner. on Sunday afternoon. Shuffle board, containing the author's name, title, their Land of Nursery Rhymes and Smjth, and Mr. and Mrs. Haynes Three of the air corpsmen were ping pong, badminton, and checkers and a statement signed by her stating come to Madison tomorrow night to McMullen. pilots: Doug Whitesell, first trumpet, were the games being played. It seems that the work is original with her and be guests oihonor at the Rhyme and During intermission refreshments and Ed Vernon, bass, both flew B-24's that badminton and ping pong were never before published, must be in- Rhythm dance. Greeting the couples will be served in Alumnae hall to arjd Dick Dillon, drummer and mana- the most popular, while the record cluded. at the front door, Mother Goose will members of German and Cotillion ger, flew P-51's with the 8th Air Force player was also kept busy. be assisted by Wanda Lee Lewter and clubs, and seniors and their dates. in England. Pat McCarthy, second Several members of'the faculty were Faye Mitchell. Phyllis Epperson To Head Other couples and stags will be served trumpet man, was, a B-24 photogra- in during the course of the afternoon, The cat and his fiddle will be perch- in the Reed balcony. pher-gunner; the lead sax-man, was a and Marianna Howard and Betty Gray Group As Chief Scribe ed behind the Southern Colonels, who German club committees for the gunner on a B-29..L. P. Nahoz, of the Scott acted as Sophomore, hostesses. Phyllis Epperson was elected new have been engaged to play for the dance are: theme, Frances Holliday trombone section, represents the Navy. Beginning next week the hours will chief scribe of Scribblers at a meet- merrymaking. The words of the cat's and Ayleen Kelley; chaperones, Sue Other members of the band are: Bill be changed from 3:00-6:00 to a new ing held Wednesday night. The group theme "Hey Diddle Diddle" will ap- Deaton and Kitty Dance; invitations, Batte, piano; Bill Cook, Ted Kirby, time. 2:30-5:30 p.m. Next week-end pear before the orchestra stand. Well- was entertained by Mrs. G. R. Hicks Betty Rinehart; bids, Unity Chappell; Dave Rosson and Joe Dixon, sax; being dane'e week-end, a big crowd known nursery rhymes are illustrated and Dr. Bessie Richardson at the home treasurers, Rose Marie Pace, Rose (Continued on Page 6) is anticipated. of Mrs. Hicks. on the window drops, painted by Marie Mitchell, and Margaret Hog- members of the Art club. Streamers of New members Were initiated by Chief gard; programs, Alice Sherman; de- Scribe Jessie Beaman. crepe paper in pastel colors will rad- corations, Anne Bussey and Angeline iate out from the center of the gym in Matthews; art advisor, Marjorie Dick- a new ceiling decoration. ie; figure, Miss Covington and Mitzi Orchestra Features In the receiving line will be Nancy Borkey; refreshments, Anna Bowman; Bristow, chairman of the social com- undecorating, Nancy Rogers; movie Mary E. Hillman As mittee, followed by the sponsors and for afternoon, Jean McLenan; and Soloist In Program officers of the German club: Martha flowers, Jo Garber. Lee, president; Mr. George Hicks, i Mary Elizabeth Hillman will be sponsor; Cora Mapp, secretary; Dr. Art Club To Hold Tryouts featured as guest soloist with the Otto Frederickson, sponsor; Marjorie Madison College orchestra, under the Dickie, treasurer; Miss Louise Coving- Tuesday; Elections Soon direction of Mr. Clifford T. Marshall, ton, sponsor; Nancy Rogers, sergeant- Art club tryouts will ie held Tues- during its assembly program on at-arms; Margaret Reid, reporter; Mrs. Wednesday, February 26. Hicks, sponsor; and Anna Bowman, day at 6:45 p.m. in Wilson 40, Dawn Mary Elizabeth will play Mendel- business manager. Rosetta Stanley, Brewer, president, has announced. The ssohn's Piano Concerto, "Capriccio vice-president of the club, is away for club will elect new officers after the Brilliant," with the orchestra. A music the week-end. tryouts are completed. major, she is a student of Miss Eliza- The following will attend the dance In addition to assisting with decora- beth Harris, and a native of Norfolk. as chaperones: Miss Katherine An- tions for German Mid-winters, the The orchestra will also present Mr. thony, Miss Mary Seeger, Mrs. Al- Mary Elizabeth Hillman, who will play Menedlssohn's piano concerto, Marshall's special arrangement of thea Johnston, Miss Edythe Schneider, Art club will also help decorate for "Capriccio Brillant," with the orchestra Wednesday, is pictured above at the Jerome Kern's "Smoke Gets in Your Cotillion Mid-winters and Homecom- Dr.