Published by Nero, an imprint of Schwartz Publishing Pty Ltd 37–39 Langridge Street Collingwood VIC 3066 Australia email:
[email protected] Copyright © Brad Hutchins 2014 Brad Hutchins asserts his right to be known as the author of this work. All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior consent of the publishers. The National Library of Australia Cataloguing-in-Publication entry: Hutchins, Brad Game, set, cash! : inside the secret world of international tennis trading / Brad Hutchins. 9781863956598 (pbk) 9781922231598 (ebook) Hutchins, Brad. Tennis – Tournaments – Anecdotes. Sports betting – Anecdotes. Gambling industry – Corrupt practices. Television broadcasting of sports. 796.342 Contents Tennis Trader Glossary Prologue 1. Scoring the Dream Job 2. The Mysterious World of Tennis Trading 3. A Day in the Life 4. Meet the Crew 5. Viviendo el Sueño 6. Keep Your Eye on the Ball 7. Monte Carlo 8. The Cancer of Tennis 9. The Italian Job 10. Crazy Touts and Taxi Drivers 11. SW19 12. God Bless America 13. New York, New York 14. Bangkok Madness 15. Reprieve 16. High Stakes on the Subcontinent 17. Debauchery in Van Diemen’s Land 18. Back in the Game 19. Showdown at the Championships 20. Mission Impossible 21. The Orient Express 22. ничего особенного 23. The Last Hurrah 24. Cash Out Epilogue For Pooch Names, dates, locations and scorelines have been changed where necessary for privacy and security reasons. TENNIS TRADER GLOSSARY I’ve put together a quick glossary to get you up to speed with the terms and phrases tennis traders use.