Annals of Global History Volume 1, Issue 1, 2019, PP 7-18

Relevance of International Collaborations in Promoting Sustainable Development: The Case of IU-Kenya Partnership

David Nderitu1, Eunice Kamaara2 1Lecturer, Department of Philosophy, History and Religion, Egerton University, Kenya. 2Professor, Department of Philosophy, Religion and Theology, Moi University, Kenya. *Corresponding Author: David Nderitu, Lecturer, Department of Philosophy, History and Religion, Egerton University, Kenya.

ABSTRACT Sustainable development goal number 17 (SDG 17) focuses on international collaboration contemplating the amelioration of the socio-economic situation in low and medium income countries and the responsibility of the developed partners towards this end. Such a vision is influenced by the ideals of utilitarian and egalitarian nature of a responsible constituency of a greater part of the global society which acknowledges the value of shared vulnerability and shared future. The IU-Kenya Partnership, a health collaborative partnership involving a consortium of a number of North American universities and schools of Moi University College of Health Sciences (MUCHS) in Kenya is highlighted in this study as an epitome of such collaboration. This paper is part of a study conducted to show how IU-Kenya Partnership is a form of global North-South ‘unequal friendship’ and whose benefits particularly to ‘inferior’ party in the partnership are enormous. The qualitatively descriptive and analytical study had field research carried between January and April 2017 within IU-Kenya Partnership programmes at MUCHS, Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital (MTRH) and Academic Model Providing Access to Health care (AMPATH) Kenya. Co-Directors of AMPATH Research Network, Co-field Research Directors of AMPATH Research, Co-chairpersons of AMPATH Research Working Groups and Cores, principal investigators in collaborative health research projects under the IU-Kenya Partnership and students within the IU-Kenya Partnership programmes were purposively sampled for in-depth oral interviews and focus group discussions. This paper argues that, in the spirit of SDG 17, international collaborations could be used as vehicles for sustainable development in low and medium income countries as it is demonstrated by the success in the thirty year old IU-Kenya Partnership in improving health situation in western Kenya. The paper opines that the situation of the IU- Kenya Partnership ought to be replicated elsewhere in Kenya and the world. There should be measures to ensure that there is also mutual development of partners for global north-south partnerships and genuine empowerment for sustainable development. Keywords: Sustainable Development, Global Collaboration, IU-Kenya Partnership, Replication

INTRODUCTION the world would have implication on another part no matter how discrete these parts are in Sustainable Development Goal number 17 terms of economic development and (SDG17) adopted from Millennium geographical location. For instance, a disease Development Goal number 8 (MDG 8) is outbreak in Kenya can quickly spread to North specifically directed towards international co- America in hours. This is illustrated by the 2016 operation and collaboration for development Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) outbreak in West (United Nations, 2015b). Essentially, the SDG that quickly spread to and 17 boosts achievement of all other goals. This is America, in spite of interventions from by virtue of its emphasis on all aspects of humanitarian organization like Medecins Sans developmental needs of the low and medium Frontieres (MSF)-Doctors without Borders - income countries and the support needed from and International Organization for Migration developed countries and the international (IOM). community in achieving all the other SDGs (Osborn, Cutter, & Ullah, 2015; United Nations, A report by the Organization for Economic Co- 2015a). The call for international collaborations operation and Development (OECD) indicates is made in the context of shared vulnerability that Official Development Assistance (ODA) and shared future because crisis in one part of from developed countries to developing

Annals of Global History V1 ● I1 ● 2019 7 Relevance of international collaborations in promoting sustainable development: The case of IU-Kenya Partnership countries increased by 66 per cent in real terms University of Notre Dame Eck Institute for between 2000 and 2014 (OECD, 2011). This Global health, among others.1 may have been as a result of the effects of the The IU-Kenya Partnership has been a significant preceding MDGs which were launched in 2000 player in healthcare provision through the and ended in 2015 to pave the way to the SDGs MTRH which provides clients for the which took effect from January 2016. This partnership. The biggest milestone in healthcare success indicates the significance of global that the IU-Kenya Partnership prides in is the development frameworks. Globalization has AMPATH programme. The birth of AMPATH necessitated development paradigms as the was as a response to the emergence and SDGs which to a large extend has catapulted escalation of HIV/AIDS pandemic in Western development in some developing countries Kenya (McIntosh & Kamaara, 2016). AMPATH though funding, capacity building and assistance serves a population of 3,000,000+ within its coming from their developed partners. Western Kenya catchment area (McIntosh & Development in health is one of the areas under Kamaara, 2016). and its mission “…in the last partnerships that global development road maps five years it has been involved in a address. Perhaps one of the most successful comprehensive primary health care programme North-South collaborations in health is the IU that is now working on non-communicable Kenya Partnership, a collaboration between Moi diseases like diabetes, cancer, hypertension …”2 University School of Medicine (MUSOM)- Though its inaugural mission has been Formerly Moi University Faculty of Health healthcare, but it is worth mentioning that Sciences (2005) in Kenya and, initially, the AMPATH integrates all the three arms of the Indiana University School of Medicine (IUSM), IU-Kenya mission – training, care and research. Indianapolis, Indiana USA. The Faculty of The partners within the programme are at the Health Sciences began with only a few units that same time researchers, lecturers (training) and made up the School of Public Health (SPH) and also care providers. Partners at the AMPATH the School of Medicine (SOM). Moi University Research Network that are included in interview School of Medicine, which has a Federal-wide here represent all these aspects. Assurance from the U.S. Office for Human Research Protections, is one of the pioneer One factor that has played a major contribution medical schools in Kenya while Indiana towards healthcare development is advancement University School of Medicine is the second in health research in developing countries. The largest medical school in the USA (Sidle et al., intensification of international health research 2006). collaboration indicates existence of development and dissemination of scientific MUSOM and IUSM have enjoyed a partnership knowledge to newly developing countries in health education, medical care, and research (Freshwater, Sherwood, & Drury, 2006). since the beginning of the Kenyan medical Scientific research in general and specifically school in 1989 (Sidle et al., 2006). The medical research in the past few years has collaboration evolved to include a large number become increasingly global, cross-national, of highly developed North American research cross-cultural, and collaborative. A part from universities and medical schools in a developing healthcare provision, the IU-Kenya Partnership, country (Tierney et al., 2013). Furthermore, it particularly through AMPATH also plays a has expanded into a consortium to include all significant role in health research. Research schools of Moi University College of Health partners in the AMPATH Research Programme Sciences (MUCHS) including School of Public attract research grants from international donors Health, School of Nursing, School of Dentistry running well over $500m. Its Projects have been and the Institute of Biomedical Informatics. It on HIV/AIDS, TB, cancer, and psychiatric also includes the Moi Teaching and Referral genomics etc. Hospital (MTRH), an indispensable institution because of the medical training practical component of the College. In the

Consortium includes partners in the United 1 States and Canada, including the schools of See AMPATH: Leading with Care. Our Partners Medicine at Brown University, University of ( partners/consortium -members/) Toronto, and the University of Utah, as well as 2 Interview with the acting AMPATH Research Co- the Duke University Medical Centre and the Director from North America on 06/02/2017

8 Annals of Global History V1 ● I1 ● 2019 Relevance of international collaborations in promoting sustainable development: The case of IU-Kenya Partnership

The IU-Kenya Partnership has maintained its contribute to sustainable development in Kenya. primary mission of improving the health of the Relevant verbatim quotes are picked and Kenyan public through three inter-related presented in the result section below enabling submissions previously mentioned. Likewise, the conclusion relating the aspect of correlation healthcare in many developing countries would of global partnership and sustainable improve if there is intensification of global development in developing world and the desire collaborative partnerships with developed for replication of such efforts elsewhere in countries. Health is a fundamental aspect of life Kenya and the world. and therefore addressing it is equals to The study was approved by the addressing many other aspects of human life MTRH/MUCHS Institutional Research Ethics because health influences the general wellbeing Committee (IREC) (approval number 0001753). of society and this has direct impact to Written informed consent to participate in the development. study was obtained from all research This paper is based on a study that sought to participants prior to data collection. address the unequal nature of the IU-Kenya Partnership according to Aristotle‟s analogy of RESULTS friendship among unequal parties. It presents The Participants findings for the objective that set to identify the Participants were members drawn from various type of benefits obtained by the partners and programmes and projects within the IU-Kenya institutions within the IU-Kenya Partnership Partnership who are either managers of these which has a bearing to the Aristotelian analogy. programmes, PI in various projects, project The IU-Kenya Partnership is presented here as a sponsors, senior healthcare practitioners from successful model for global collaboration for various health institutions in North America and sustainable development. It is therefore argued Kenya, health researchers (principal that such a partnership needs to be replicated in investigators) and students (MBChB, Msc, MA) other parts of Kenya and the world. within the IU-Kenya Partnership-sponsored academic programmes from both Kenya and METHODS North America. This was a cross-sectional qualitative These participants were mainly from three descriptive study. Data was collected between nationalities including Kenya, the January and April 2017. In depth oral interviews of America and Canada. They were members were conducted among the AMPATH from different academic institutions within the Programme and AMPATH Research Network IU-Kenya Partnership including: Moi partners, Principal Investigators (PIs) in the IU- University, Indiana University, Purdue Kenya programmes, Riley Mother and Baby University, Duke University, and the University Hospital principal fund donor and the IU-Moi of Toronto. Therefore, all participants were AREP students from North America. The Moi presumed to have adequate knowledge on and University Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery experience with the IU-Kenya Partnership. (MBchB) and the IU-Moi AREP students (Moi University) were engaged in two focus group IU-Kenya Partnership Benefits Contributing discussions (FGDs) each comprising eight to Sustainable Development in Kenya members. The benefits of the IU-Kenya Partnership are The above categories of participants were evident through the foundational tripartite purposively sampled and interviewed using mission mentioned above. These benefits are unstructured questions on the contribution of presented here as forms of sustainable specific projects and programmes of the IU- developments emanating From Global Kenya Partnership towards sustainable health Partnerships Which Are Replicable In Other care and research programmes. This gave rise to Parts Of The World. a sample of 40 participants. Audio-records and Education and Training field notes were taken in the course of the interviews and the FGDs. As observed earlier, education or training is among the key pillars of the IU-Kenya In this paper themes related to the efforts that Partnership and as such various academic lead to the success of IU-Kenya Partnership are programmes and training facilities have been selected and discussed particularly as they

Annals of Global History V1 ● I1 ● 2019 9 Relevance of international collaborations in promoting sustainable development: The case of IU-Kenya Partnership established in Kenya and North America. As IU-Moi AREP Msc. in International Health mentioned earlier, the maiden mission of the IU- Research Ethics in Kenya had seven cohorts at Kenya Partnership was the establishment of a the time of data collection for this study Kenyan medical school in 1989 (Sidle et al., according to the Coordinator of the programme. 2006). This is a prima facie benefit that Kenya Since its inception in 2010 the programme has got from the partnership. The MUCHS had over forty students. Ten out of these had continues to be an outstanding health training graduated at the time of data collection. institution in Kenya to date. At Moi University, so far 39 students have been This aspect of the IU-Kenya mission is also trained in this programme in 7 cohorts since evident through the establishment of numerous 2010 while at Indiana University 3 students healthcare educational facilities among the have been trained.5 Some of these graduates North America partner institutions. The are over have excelled in various fields after the training. 19 medical schools and centers on the North For example, one of the authors in this paper has American side.3 Each of these schools has many done his doctorate research on: “An Analysis of departments and innumerable education Aristotelian Analogy of Friendship among programmes. There are a myriad of Unequal Party: the Case of IU-Kenya undergraduate and post-graduate health-related Partnership” out of which this paper is derived. courses in the partnering institutions across Another co-author is now a member of the Kenya and North America. There are also some Medicines Sans Frontieres Ethics Review Board specific academic programmes which are (MSFERB). replicated in both sides of the partnership. In Indiana University the equivalent of the Moi For example, there was a mention of the IU-Moi University programme is the MA in Philosophy Academic Research Ethics Partnership (IU-Moi (Specializing in either Bioethics or Research AREP) which has seen development of similar Ethics) at School of Liberal Arts. Similar to the health programmes in Indiana University and above Msc. and MA programmes is a short Moi University. According to Meslin et al., course programme in research ethics targeting (2013), Indiana University-Moi University health researchers, research ethics reviewers and Academic Research Ethics Partnership (IU-Moi students that seeks to educate and create AREP) is a bioethics training programme co- awareness on research ethics and bioethics. located in Indianapolis and Eldoret, Kenya. IU- TaSkR is an annual 3-day teaching workshop on Moi AREP has the following three programmes “Teaching Skills in International Research both in Kenya and North America: Master of Ethics” that rotates between Indiana and Kenya Science in International Health Research Ethics (Meslin et al., 2013). Similarly TaSkR aims at and MA in Philosophy; Teaching Skills in building capacity and education on research International Research Ethics (TaSkR); and ethics and bioethics to various health short courses in health research ethics. researchers, research ethics reviewers and healthcare professionals. A student of the programme described the impact of the IU-Moi AREP as follows: Training is also facilitated through mentorship programmes given to the faculty and students in This course of Msc. International Health the partnership. Particularly for Moi University Research Ethics has really contributed a lot in partners a major benefit to them is that they can that some of the people who have been trained have access to some resources that would and have been training others this course are hopefully support their academic goals.This already members of NACOSTI4. In this aspect aspect was variously mentioned by members of they give input to the upcoming research ethics the AMPATH Research. A Kenyan Co-PI under regulations in Kenya. the programme shared a personal benefit being in AMPATH Research:

3 op. cit. I have been able to go to school; I have 4 The National Commission for Science Technology engaged in different research projects; I have and Innovation is a statutory body in Kenya whose objective is to regulate and assure quality in the science, technology and innovation sector and advise the Government in matters related thereto. This body 5 gives guidelines and approval for ethical conduct of research in Kenya. See tudents/ Accessed on 25/05/2017

10 Annals of Global History V1 ● I1 ● 2019 Relevance of international collaborations in promoting sustainable development: The case of IU-Kenya Partnership been able to expand my knowledge on research goals there is a specific education goal. because of the partnership. Achieving such a goal calls for international cooperation as is the case of IU-Kenya Mentorship is also an aspect that is evident Partnership which makes SDG 17 vital aspect of through institutions that are neither primarily sustainable development. educational nor research like the Riley Mother and Baby Hospital (RMBH). James Lemon, a Healthcare renowned neonatologist based at Indiana Healthcare is arguably the most tangible benefit University, is the coordinator of a $3million that can be said to have resulted from the IU- donor funding that built RMBH which was put Kenya partnership. Perhaps this is because it is up to address the needs of expectant mothers it has been the primary mission of the IU-Kenya from Western Kenya (McIntosh & Kamaara, Partnership. This is significantly evident in 2016). various healthcare facilities and institutions Lemons shared the contribution of the Riley particularly in Kenya as presented below: Mother and Baby Hospital to the course of AMPATH education and training in Kenya. According to him: Perhaps AMPATH is the maiden healthcare facility that the IU-Kenya Partnership prides in. The Riley Mother and Baby Hospital has It is the major programme of the IU Kenya influenced secondary effects of increasing partnership. As McIntosh & Kamaara, (2016) faculty, enhancing faculty happiness, improving observe, AMPATH is a good case of a North- teaching of students, starting a pediatric South, US-Kenya medical collaboration and as residency with improved support and teaching such it is cited here as a prototype showing how of house staff, leadership development, collaborations can contribute towards the incorporation of the arts in the facility, training achievement of SDGs. As mentioned above the now of chaplains, expansion of other emergence and escalation of HIV/AIDS programmes, serving as a model for other pandemic in Western Kenya necessitated a facilities and other health care programmes. response from the Partnership leading to the Education is key for any form of development birth of AMPATH shortly after the IU-Kenya and that is why in the sustainable development Partnership had been formed.

Figure1. AMPATH Clinic Map6

6 accessed on 25/05/2017

Annals of Global History V1 ● I1 ● 2019 11 Relevance of international collaborations in promoting sustainable development: The case of IU-Kenya Partnership

With more than 600,000 patients on HIV care, it A Kenyan Co-PI under AMPATH Research is reputed to be the biggest HIV provider in shared about a study he is involved by Eastern and Central Africa (McIntosh & observing: Kamaara, 2016). As explained before the focus I am involved in a study with street children and of AMPATH has expanded beyond HIV care to I feel like it is having an impact in the include chronic and non-communicable community because courtesy of the research diseases. At inception, AMPATH had only one study the street children now have a place clinical site at the MUCHS campus, now it has where they can seek medication, get free over 500 sites throughout western Kenya.7 medication. According to a former Deputy Chief of Party for AMPATH has some of the best healthcare the AMPATH Plus Programme from Kenya: facilities and remains the best health The care programme of AMPATH provides free establishment under the IU-Kenya Partnership: treatment to close to 100, 000 HIV patients; The Other health facilities that are affiliated to the programme is providing care to diabetes IU-Kenya Partnership either through MTRH or patients. The oncology programme, one of the Moi University include the following: biggest we have in the country, is run under the auspices of AMPATH care programme and it is Riley Mother and Baby Hospital Eldoret highly subsidized. (RMBH) This was echoed by an acting AMPATH The RMBH maternity facility is the only public Research Co-Director from North America who mother and baby hospital in Kenya. It was built observed: to address the needs of expectant mothers from Western Kenya and it was opened in 2009. 30- AMPATH is largely known by many as an HIV 60 babies are born every day in this hospital. It care project but really for the last five years was built on a $3million donor fund coordinated HIV is the main component of that but it is a by James Lemons, a renowned neonatologist comprehensive primary health care programme based at Indiana University (McIntosh & that is now working on non-communicable Kamaara, 2016). In oral interview, Lemons diseases like diabetes and cancer, hypertension explained during that as stakeholders in the and all those sort of conditions that are present Riley Mother and Baby Hospital: in Kenya and developing the same system we develop for HIV care we develop care systems “...we have always been committed to lifting up for those diseases. women and children throughout the world.” A Co-chairperson of one AMPATH Research It (Riley Mother and Baby Hospital) functions Working Group from North America explained as the maternity and new born wing for Moi that the IU-Kenya partnership has improved Teaching and Referral Hospital. Before 2009, patient care: the maternity ward was housed within the main hospital. It conducts approximately 20,000 You know what AMPATH has done in Western deliveries a year.8 This facility serves the Kenya; AMPATH has helped with the care of residents of the entire Western Kenya region people who needed it most in places that needed who visit it for maternity care. it most. AMPATH is involved in HIV care, cardiology, oncology, surgery. Those are the Because of the establishment of the RMBH, four big areas I think that we make a James Lemons observed: contribution. The quality of care has improved dramatically A Co-Chairperson member from a different over the years, in part because of the facility; AMPATH Research Working Group from North growth of OB to ~20,000 deliveries annually America explained: with over 100 babies in the NICU daily, improved nursing staffing, HIV screening. We have over 150,000 anti-retroviral patients Alongside this, the accessibility to the facility is all of these are HIV positive patients who are enhanced; the facility is readily available, more surviving and thriving and that is one clear-cut affordable, easily acceptable and physically benefit.

7 Accessed on 11/05/2018 8

12 Annals of Global History V1 ● I1 ● 2019 Relevance of international collaborations in promoting sustainable development: The case of IU-Kenya Partnership accessible due to its proximity to the majority of between Moi University and North American women in Eldoret. Institutions. Chandaria Cancer and Chronic Disease Shoe4Africa Children Hospital Centre (CCCDC) This is sub Saharan Africa‟s second only public The CCCDC is AMPATH‟s new outpatient children‟s hospital (and the first for East & clinic in Eldoret opened in 2015 within the Central Africa) located within the MTRH in MTRH. It is named after a Kenyan businessman Eldoret. It was opened in 2015 and offers a sick and philanthropist, Manu Chandaria, who child clinic, emergency services, neuro services, helped fund the building. Significant funding surgical wards, medical wards, oncology wards, also came from the Ruth Lilly Philanthropic a burns unit, a number of doctor‟s consulting Foundation, Pfizer and the IU Simon Cancer rooms, a pharmacy, and childlife programmes. Center.9 The cost of this was 4 million dollars The Hospital has two dedicated Theatre, and according to a co-director of the AMPATH Intensive Care Unit and High Dependency Unit. Research in an interview CCCDC facility It has a bed capacity of 105 spread over three screens about 1,000 patients per month for floors.12 This hospital is a product of the IU- breast and cervical cancer.10 The Centre is a Kenya Partnership according to a former Deputy milestone in the effort to combat the increasing Chief of Party for the AMPATH Plus cases of chronic and non-communicable Programme from Kenya. diseases in Kenya. Over and above the health facilities above it is The Cardiac Care Unit (CCU) worth enumerating MTRH as the oldest facility through which the IU-Kenya Partnership has This is a care unit that was opened in 2013 been effecting its healthcare mandate. In within MTRH sponsored by the Duke Global addition the newly formed Rafiki Adolescents Health partners of Duke University. This clinic adds to the list medical facilities in the IU- sponsorship was through the National Heart Kenya Partnership. Lung and Blood Institute which awarded Moi University and Duke University in 2009 a Benefit in healthcare can also be seen through contract to establish the AMPATH capacity building of the experts involved in Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Disease Center provision of these services in AMPATH and for Excellence. The motivation behind the MTRH. Clinicians who are in management and Cardiac Care unit at MTRH was to “ambitiously care get exposure, experience and connectivity tackle the shortage of specialists and through the IU-Kenya Partnership according to infrastructure necessary to address the rising a member of the Social Science and Behavioural burden of Cardiovascular Diseases” (Binanay, AMPATH Research Working Group from Constantine, & S., 2015). The capacity of the Kenya. This is also reiterated by a member of unit at the inception was 10 beds11 and at the the AMPATH Research Operations Core from moment the unit can record up to 456 North America who observed: admissions capacity for various cardiovascular For the care programme, there is a big diseases (Binanay et al., 2015). education component that trains next generation According to a member of an AMPATH of care providers and IU-Kenya Partnership has Research Working Group from Kenya, before been doing for decades. 2013: A Co-Chairperson of one AMPATH Research …we were caring for people who had advanced Working Group from North America observed heart disease in the general medical ward which the following regarding healthcare is not ideal. Now we have a Cardiac Care Unit enhancement: where we can treat those patients the way they I will talk about care for heart disease as I am a need to be treated. cardiologist, I have done partnership with the This is an example of healthcare benefit that Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital as well as Kenya has received from the collaboration the university but most of it with the hospital and there is developed capacity to treat heart 9 accessed on 25/05/17 10 Ibid. 11 accessed on 26/05/2017 12 accessed on 25/05/2017

Annals of Global History V1 ● I1 ● 2019 13 Relevance of international collaborations in promoting sustainable development: The case of IU-Kenya Partnership diseases in terms of training individuals doctors, As a key component of the IU-Kenya nurses, technicians. Partnership research brings immense benefit to Kenya. The research component of the Healthcare benefit to Kenya is seen also in partnership is epitomized through the AMPATH terms of the motivation that the staff and Research Programme. In health research, employees in the care programmes get from IU- AMPATH started with a handful of partners. Kenya Partnership. This is in form of the Now there are scores from each side who have economic empowerment to these people. attracted grants from sources like the United According an acting AMPATH Research States Agency for International Development Network Co-Director from North America: (USAID), National Institutes of Health (NIH) Just look at the AMPATH in the last ten years and the Bill Gates Foundation, running well the project the first one was 65 million dollar over $500m. Projects have been on HIV/AIDS, grant, the second one was 75 million dollar TB, cancer, and psychiatric genomics, among grant that goes to paying the salaries of others. thousands of people in Kenya, care providers The programme has some of the best research and community health workers and all activities infrastructural facilities in Eastern and Central that goes into supporting care mission. Africa: Research and Sponsored Programmes Even though evidently the healthcare benefit Office, an Institutional Research Ethics from the IU-Kenya Partnership goes to Kenya, Committee,that has Federal Wide Assurance, North America also benefits in its own way. The and, state of the art laboratories including the main benefit is the experience particularly with new bio-banking facilities, among others. tropical diseases that North America gains while Additionally, the Partnership has established the in Kenya. A member of Behavioural and Social IU-Moi Academic Research Ethics Partnership Science AMPATH Research Working group programme “…to offer training in research from Kenya observed: ethics towards uplifting research ethics capacity particularly in this part of the world.”13 They get to learn about tropical diseases; the management of tropical diseases; the impact of Ultimately, the most significant contribution of tropical diseases on HIV status which I am sure research in the partnership is its role in the they may not get if they are in the developed enhancement of healthcare. The evidence of this world because there are certain diseases which is the output in terms of impact to healthcare. A are quite specific to Africa. member of the AMPATH Research Operations According to a former Deputy Chief of Party for Core from Kenya observed: the AMPATH Plus Programme from Kenya, If you look at our output in terms of publication It (AMPATH) started as an academic we’ve had collaborative projects that come out; partnership; the American faculty would come either reviewing the medical records that we have and publication of the data that we have. It and work here support our very young and our very small faculty. They (North Americans) has changed care; it has changed care in its would benefit by the fact that they are working own way. I mean there are drugs that have been within an environment where infectious diseases abandoned because of the research output and the effects in has had on the patients themselves. is the main thing. So they get the exposure and their students would also get an encounter with Other aspects of benefit in research in the IU- diseases that they only read in books. They don’t Kenya Partnership would include empowerment see them there but they come and see them here. in research capacity for the Kenyan partners and So they would benefit from that. Here they see establishment of research infrastructure and things that they would never have seen in their increase in publication activities for Kenyan own environment. institutions within the partnership. Even though the ideal aim of such an exposure The research component of the partnership also is the attempt to make contribution towards the benefits North America particularly by solution of challenges in Kenya, it is also an providing research output opportunity for the effort to learn about these diseases in order to partners there. An acting Co-director of know how to manage them should there be such an incident in North America. Research 13 IU-Moi AREP student from Kenya during FGD on 26/01/2017

14 Annals of Global History V1 ● I1 ● 2019 Relevance of international collaborations in promoting sustainable development: The case of IU-Kenya Partnership

AMPATH Research from North America opportunities that AMPATH has created for me observed: is more than I could ever do for the population. My university has made AMPATH partnership For research AMPATH provides, because we one of its big projects it sells to all incoming have built this sort of infrastructure here it is a applicants and that are why most of the very attractive place for research to be incoming students actually choose Purdue. conducted and so it allows us to make a very powerful case for funding for research. I think it The research opportunities created through the is seen as a very important asset for that, this IU-Kenya Partnership seem to attract individual kind of facility for conducting research. Just as I North American researchers. Furthermore, described, we transport lessons that are found North American universities use this milestone here in Kenya for addressing similar challenges to attract more students as observed by the in the developed world. participant above. The fact that a North American can write or Another way in which the North American apply for a grant to come and do research in partners benefit from the IU-Kenya Partnership Kenya is a benefit to them. This is according to is by engaging in Global health research that is a former Deputy Chief of Party for the not possible in North America according to the AMPATH Plus Programme from Kenya who is member of one of the AMPATH research cores also a Co-PI in a multiple of Research under the from Kenya. partnership. There are institutional and personal Just like Kenyan benefit, North American benefits associated with winning a research partners benefit through publications emerging grant for North America. from research activities. A Co-Chairperson in one of the AMPATH The fact that you have somebody working in research working groups from North America Africa it’s a big thing for them. It’s like they are observed: contributing towards global health goal. This If you are a full time researcher you benefit by may enhance their personal feeling that they being able to do global health research and have done some good; or it may help them have one of the best collaborations in Kenya to progress in terms of their academics or in terms do that, probably the best collaboration in of their professional life-(A Kenyan Co-PI in a Kenya to do that research is AMPATH. We get a Social Science Research). chance to look at how things we understand to A Co-PI IU-Moi AREP from Kenya pointed out be potentially important in the US and cannot that Indiana University as an institution benefits be transferred to a different environment. from the publications that come out from Such an experience not only improves one‟s AMPATH. These publications put Indiana ability to do research but also gives one a University at the Ivy League Universities broader understanding of health issues in because of the research they are doing in the contextual situations and ultimately it enhances third world country. research in general for the benefit of the The IU-Kenya partnership goes beyond its partnering regions. primary mission of health training, healthcare Another Co-Chairperson of a different and research and addresses other issues that are AMPATH research working group from North not directly related to health like poverty and American shared what he thinks the North livelihoods14 which are related to holistic American partners benefit from the partnership: development in the society. As mentioned above, global partnerships in the spirit of SDG In all I can see, we’ve benefited more that we 17 support specific aspects of development can ever contribute. I’ll speak from an desired through the rest of SDGs. individual perspective and from a broader perspective. To somebody like me who trained All the benefits raised here are tangible gains in America, lived in America all of my life and that have a direct impact to the community in wanted more than I could do in the US, I wanted Western Kenya coming as direct assistance from to have more impact, wanted to have a career in North America. The IU-Kenya Partnership such kind of population research projects, these broader initiatives. I couldn’t find opportunities 14 like that in America. And so the amount of programmes/communicable-diseases/maji-safi-(safe- water)/. Accessed on 26/05/2017

Annals of Global History V1 ● I1 ● 2019 15 Relevance of international collaborations in promoting sustainable development: The case of IU-Kenya Partnership derives funding from a broad base in North Though the benefits of this global health America including federal grants such as the partnership is mutual, data on the IU Kenya Presidential Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief partnership presented above suggest that (PEPFAR), NIH, individual donations, local developing countries would gain siginifcantly Indianapolis institutions and private and public more especially in terms of tangible resources foundations.15 A case in point is the mention relating to healthcare, research and education. above of Dr. Lemons and his wife who sourced Improvement of needs in the developing world for $3 million from private donors to build the international collaborations is the main Riley Mother and Baby Hospital. intention of contemplating SDG 17; as noted Need and Efforts to Replicate the IU-Kenya earlier, the direction that is discerned in the Success SDG is on uplifting the developmental profile of the developing countries assisted by developed The IU-Kenya Partnership presents a case of a partners. The IU-Kenya Partnership may be successful global north-south partnership that cited as a success to achieving the vision of has benefited a developing country setting stage SDG 17. Through the partnership, Kenya has for sustainable development. This aspiration gained in the three central areas of the given in the SDG 17 has made it possible for partnership‟s mission: Healthcare- Particularly other aspects of the SDGs to be realized western through AMPATH with improved healthcare Kenya. Since what is learnt in one environment services through establishment of health can be taken to another and thoughtfully shared, facilities infrastructure for the community in adapted and molded, there are attempts to Western Kenya; enhancement of training in replicate the IU-Kenya Partnership elsewhere in health care at MUCHS, MTRH and AMPATH Kenya and other parts of the deveping world and health research mainly through AMPATH and other global places as a contribution Research Network by health research funding. towards pursuant of the SDGs. However, the needs of the global north In fact the success of the IU-Kenya Partnership development partners also have to be factored in in Kenya has been tried in North America at a for the sake of fairness. Actually, in the IU- partnering institution. For example, at Indiana Kenya Partnership there is evidence of some University Center for Global Health, Debra mutual benefit in certain circumstances. For Litzelman has formed WeCare Indiana, a example, the mentorship programme for faculty „reciprocal innovation‟ where lessons from and students discussed above is something that AMPATH are tested.16The trial at replicating junior members from North America gain when lessons from an IU-Kenya progamme is an they visit Kenya for exchange programmes. indication that it is possible to actually initiate some of the IU-Kenya programmes not only in In addition, North American healthcare partnering countries but also elsewhere in the practitioners who practice at MTRH end up world. Such global partnerships prove to be gaining knowledge of tropical diseases which effective agents for sustainable development they rarely experience back at home. McIntosh goals. & Kamaara, (2016) explain that it is very common to hear U.S. medical students and DISCUSSION residents reflect on how much better medical International co-operation and development practitioners they expected to become as a result underlined in the SDG 17 would remain of their hands-on experience in Kenya. theoretical if no practical frameworks and Further, some of the academic programmes like projects are intiated. The continued the IU-Moi Academic Research Ethics bioethics achievements of the IU-Kenya Partnership prior training programme is co-located in Indianapolis to and after the development of the MDGs prove and Eldoret, Kenya (Meslin et al., 2013). The that the visions and ideals set in the other important gain for North American development goals are feasible and tenable. partners is the opportunity for research which Kenya presents with its fertile ground for health 15 See research due to various health issues that are found in the country. This contributes to the 2014_orientation_manual.pdf accessed on 19th July improvement in academic profile of the 19, 2017. 16 individuals and the institutions involved everywhere/debra-litzelman.html particularly through publications. This means

16 Annals of Global History V1 ● I1 ● 2019 Relevance of international collaborations in promoting sustainable development: The case of IU-Kenya Partnership that in a global north-south partnership in the entire SDGs not just in the area of sustainable development should not be directed improvement of healthcare in Western Kenya. to the global south partner only. What this serves to show is that it is practical to promote sustainable through global partnerships. Across all three areas, the findings above reveal Lessons could be picked from the partnership that emphasis has been on building the capacity and be replicated in various places in Kenya and of human resource; faculty, consultant the world. However, development through specialists, laboratory staff, health and other global north-south partnership should strive at health care providers, managers, researchers, mutual development of partners involved while research ethicists, and other research staff have at the same time ensureng that there is authentic been trained in the partner universities in North sustainable development for the partners. America. Likewise, North American partners have been enhanced through their experience in REFERENCES Kenya. [1] Binanay et al. (2015). Building Sustainable In reference to the spirit of the SDG 17, the IU- Capacity for Cardiovascular Care at a Public Kenya Partnership expectedly empowers Kenya. Hospital in Western Kenya. Journal of the The Kenyan partners get opportunities American College of Cardiology 66 (22). empowerment either as healthcare practitioners and health researchers through the exposure that [2] Butrous, G. (2015). International research they get from the advanced world class experts collaboration : the key to combating pulmonary from North America. Empowerment of Kenyan vascular diseases in the developing world. Pulmonary Circulation, 5(3), 413–414. partners was one of the agenda during the time that the foundation of the partnership was being laid down (Tierney et al., 2013). Despite this, it [3] Freshwater, D., Sherwood, G., & Drury, V. (2006). International Research Collaboration: is critical to analyse whether there is real Issues, benefits and challenges of the global empowerment of partners. network. In certain circumstances, when one party gets used to be „given‟ all the time, they could grow [4] HCT. (2011). The Academic Model for the lazy and this act contrary to the expectation of Prevention and Treatment of HIV / AIDS. real empowerment. In a typical case of [5] Inui, T. S., et al. (2007). POPULATIONS AT collaborative research in the IU-Kenya for RISK AMPATH : Living Proof that No One example, the North American partner may be has to Die from HIV, J Gen Intern Med involved more in the research than the Kenyan 22(12):1745–50 partner. They may be the ones initiating the [6] writing of the proposal and applying for the [7] McIntosh, I. S., & Kamaara, E. (2016). grants while the Kenyan partners are waiting AMPATH: A Strategic Partnership in Kenya. only to benefit either by getting monetary gain In K. N. Clare Banks, Birgit Siebe-Herbig and inclusion in the published work. Even (Ed.), Global Perspectives on Strategic though the Kenyan partners gain by being International Partnerships: A Guide to Building Sustainable Academic Linkages (pp. „visible‟ in the partnership activities but real 255–265). New York: Institute of International empowerment should be defined in terms of Education. development of skills, ability and right attitude [8] Meslin, E. M., , Were, E., & Ayuku, D. (2013). in all aspects of the mission of the partnership. Taking Stock of the Ethical Foundations of Ultimately, the gain for Kenya should be about International Health Research : Pragmatic tending towards self-reliance. Lessons from the IU – Moi Academic Research Ethics Partnership. General Internal Medicine, CONCLUSION 28, 639–645. In this paper we show that the IU-Kenya [9] Partnership which idealizes the SDG17 on [10] OECD. (2011). Opportunities , Challenges and global partnership for development, has Good Practices in International Research significantly succeeded in contributing towards Cooperation between Developed and the achievement of holistic sustainable Developing Countries, (April). development in Kenya. The IU-Kenya [11] Osborn, D., Cutter, A., & Ullah, F. (2015). Partnership as a global health partnership UNIVERSAL SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT continues to promote many of the the goals set GOALS Understanding the Transformational

Annals of Global History V1 ● I1 ● 2019 17 Relevance of international collaborations in promoting sustainable development: The case of IU-Kenya Partnership

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Citation: David Nderitu, Eunice Kamaara, " Relevance of international collaborations in promoting

sustainable development: The case of IU-Kenya Partnership”, Annals of Global History, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 7-18 , 2019.

Copyright: © 2019 David Nderitu. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

18 Annals of Global History V1 ● I1 ● 2019