Official Records of the Australian Military
506 SIXTH (QUEENSLAND IMPERIAL BUSHMEN) CONTINGENT. AEEGIMENT raised under circumstances similar to those which governed the enrolment of the two which preceded it. For conditions of enlistment, clothing, and equipment, vide 4th Contingent. For rates of pay (stated to be upon joining camp in lieu of embarkation as previously), vide 5th Contingent. Establishment. Battalion Staff.— 1 lieut.-colonel or major, 1 adjutant, 1 quartermaster, 1 trans- port officer, 1 medical officer, 4 staff sergeants (R.S.M., R.Q.M.S., transport sergeant, O.R. clerk), 2 rank and file, 3 medical orderlies, 6 batmen ; total, 5 officers, 4 staff sergeants, 11 rank and file. In all, 20, with 10 private, 10 public riding horses. Veterinary officer appointed for the voyage. Details of a company.— 1 major or captain, 4 lieutenants, 1 sergeant-major, 4 sergeants, 1 farrier-sergeant, 2 shoeing-smiths, 1 saddler, 1 bugler, 8 corporals, 100 privates, 5 batmen ; total, 5 officers, 5 sergeants, 4 artificers, 1 bugler, 113 rank and file. In all, 128, with 10 private, 118 public riding horses ; total, 128. Recapitulation.—Battalion staff, as stated. Three companies.— 15 officers, 15 sergeants, 12 artificers, 3 buglers, 339 rank all, and file ; total, 384, with 30 private, 354 public riding horses. In 384. Spare horses, 296. Grand total.—20 officers, 19 staff sergeants and sergeants, 12 artificers, 3 buglers, 350 rank and file ; with 40 private, 660 public riding horses ; or 404 of all ranks, with 700 horses. Draught horses were to be supplied by the Imperial authorities in South Africa. No record could be obtained of promotions except other than to Com- missions ; for which vide Nominal Rolls.
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