Primuryfocuson Power Struggle "D-10”- To” "
<1 » eekly Newspaper Is People ESTABLISHED 1924 OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE TOWNSHIP AND SCHOOL DISTRICT OF HILLSIDE Y-OL. XLIII, NO. 45 HILLSIDE, N .J . THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1867 923-9207 PRICE TEN CENTS Will Help Build Goldhor New Sewage PlantclosesCloses PrimuryFocusOn Following two years of-die he around $14 million, with each Campaign cusslon, the Township Commit. of the municipalities inrhea- — Henry Goitihor candidate for - We W a y night adopted'the g H i S e f f ^ g the cost, of the the Democratic nomination for form of agreement in which • ■Services that they Will use. H ill-' ToWnsljlp Committee issued the Hillside will share the costs of a side's share, according toCom- ' following statement as-tts'Ilnal Power Struggle BBWaSe treatment missionar Ackerman, will be one^af the current campaign: A large turnout of. v oters is ship. Committee. 1, Arnold obtain the position of magis ■ ' * , . , 6,23 per cent of the total coat, "When—this' prim ary onto- expected-at thy Primary Elec- Witte, the le^.lieadjemlhdg,-; trate the first of the year .-The ____ oWn as e- Jo nt Meetlng wjth 30 per cent of this'being paign openeil stated that my tion Tiext Tuesday, 'bringing to )s running unopposed. party, splir also extends back a Inipeeting the centre I box for the H urdeM ^lcer fire r s ?. a.chttraxr-ttie-bltter , .in... I,,,'., andheated - Underlylng-.-the^mpflgf^es^ fov-: yo»rs when 'D emocrats u yraer mumei-paiitles. wm tehantitenant, oayspays 30 Derper Centcant 6fof the . N a t i v e detection system are, left to right, jack Wagner, tuperln- the B et^osafle caropalgn between j-oeeph Karn been a power Strugglo^nthe~ Maneuse and .
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