REG. NO 150721015




MEDAN 2019





REG. NO 150721015


Dr. Martha Pardede, M.S. Dr. Alemina Perangin-angin, M.HUM NIP. 195212291979032001 NIP. 198001312019022001

Submitted to Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara Medan in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Sarjana Sastra From Department of English.


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Approved by the Department of English, Faculty of Cultural Studies, University of Sumatera Utara (USU) Medan as thesis for The Sarjana Sastra Examination.

Head, Secretary,

Prof. T. SilvanaSinar, M.A., Ph.D. Rahmadsyah Rangkuti, M.A., Ph.D.

NIP. 195409161980032003 NIP. 197502092008121002

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Accepted by the Board of Examiners in partial fulfillment of requirements for the degree of SarjanaSastra from the Department of English, Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara.

The examination is held in Department of English Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara on.

Dean of Faculty of Cultural Studies

University of Sumatera Utara

Dr. Budi Agustono, M.S.

NIP. 19600805 198703 1 001

Board of Examiners

Rahmadsyah Rangkuti,MA.,Ph.D. ______

Dr. Martha Pardede, M.S. ______

Drs. Parlindungan Purba, M.HUM. ______











Date: 20th August 2019














Date: 20th August 2019



First of all, I would like to say ―Alhamdulillah‖, thanks to Allah SWT for his compassion and blessing for me to finish this thesis. Shalawat and salam to the Prophet and the most noble Messenger, our Prophet Muhammad SAW, along with his family and his companions.

My sincere gratitudes are given to The Head of English Department, Prof. Tengku Silvana Ph.D, M.A and the Secretary of English Department, RahmadsyahRangkuti, M.A. Ph.D and to all the lecturers of English Department who have shared their excessive knowledge and for their contribution during the academic years, and special thanks to Bang Kirno and Pak Pon, who always help me with their information and guide me in administration process.

My gratitude also goes to my supervisor and co-supervisor, Dr. Martha Pardede, M.S. and Dr. Alemina Perangin-angin, M.HUM for the guidance, advice, support, and constructive comments during the writing of this thesis.

Thanks to my beloved parents, Adi Suseno and Rosmaisyah, for giving me support, love, caring, motivation, financial and attention. And also thanks to my siblings, Muhammad Fakhri, S.KOM and Fakhrun Nisa, A.MD who supporting me in the process of finishing this thesis.

I would like to say thank you to Azhar Holqi who have always give me the supports, advices, boost me, always fill my day with laughter and happiness throughout this thesis, thank you so much for having our great time together, you are such a remarkable and I‘m so grateful to know you. I would like to say thank you to Dedi Bangun, S.S who give contribution in supporting and give me some tips to complete my study and my thesis. I‘m grateful for everything you‘ve taught me and all the trust you‘ve put in me to finished this thesis no matter how the situation was.

Finally, may this thesis be advantageous and be useful for the readers. Thank you.

Medan, 20th August 2019

Fatimah Zahra



This thesis is entitled “Racism Towards Japanese-American in Isabel Allende's The Japanese Lover”. This thesis discusses racism that occurs against Japanese in america and the impact of racial discrimination on the characters in the novel. This novel was written by Isabel Allende. The writer used theory of sociology literature by Sapardi Djoko Damono. The writer used descriptive qualitative method that the data is from quotation in the novel. Moreover, the writer used the library research so that can be found. The results of this thesis to overview racism that occurs against Japanese in America and the impacts of racial discrimination on the characters such as feelings of anxiety, low self-esteem, and depression.

Keywords : racism, racial discrimination, anxiety, low self-esteem, and depression.



Tesis ini berjudul "Rasisme pada orang-orang Jepang-Amerika dalam novel Isabel Allende The Japanese Lover". Skripsi ini membahas tentang rasisme yang terjadi terhadap orang jepang di amerika dan dampak diskriminasi ras terhadap karakter di novel. Novel ini ditulis oleh Isabel Allende. Penulis menggunakan teori sosiologi sastra dari Sapardi Djoko Damono. Penulis menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dan datanya didapatkan dari kutipan novel. Selain itu, penulis menggunakan penelitian kepustakaan. Hasil yang didapat adalah berupa gambaran rasisme yang terjadi di amerika dan dampak rasial diskriminasi terhadap kehidupan para tokoh seperti perasaan cemas, rendah diri, dan depresi.

Kata kunci: rasisme, rasial diskriminasi, cemas, rendah diri, dan depresi.




CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ...... 1 1.1 Background of the Study ...... 1 1.2 Problems of the Study...... 3 1.3 Objective of the Study ...... 3 1.4 Scope of the Study ...... 3 1.5 Significance of the Study ...... 4


2.1 Brief Description of Novel ...... 5 2.2 Intrinsic Elements ...... 6 2.2.1 Theme ...... 7 2.2.2 Character ...... 7 Leading Character ...... 8 Protagonist & Antagonist Characters...... 8 2.2.3 Plot ...... 9 2.2.4 Setting ...... 10 2.2.5 Point of View...... 11 2.3 Sociology of Literature ...... 11 2.4 Race ...... 14


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 2.5 Racism ...... 14 2.5.1 Prejudice ...... 15 2.5.2 Rejection ...... 16 2.5.3 Segregation ...... 16 2.5.4 Discrimination ...... 17 Impacts of Racial Discrimination ...... 18 Anxiety ...... 18 Low Self-Esteem ...... 18 Depression ...... 18 2.6 Review of Related Studies ...... 19

CHAPTER III METHOD OF RESEARCH ...... 20 3.1 Research Design ...... 20 3.2 Data and Data Source ...... 21 3.3 Data Collection ...... 21 3.4 Data Analysis ...... 21


4.1 Racism as Portrayed in Novel The Japanese Lover ...... 23

4.1.1 Practice ...... 23 4.1.2 Institutions ...... 25 4.1.3 Structure ...... 27 4.2 Impacts of Racial Discrimination on the Characters as Portrayed in Novel The Japanese Lover ...... 28 4.2.1 Anxiety ...... 28 4.2.2 Low Self-Esteem ...... 30 4.2.3 Depression...... 30



5.2 Suggestion ...... 32


Appendix 1

Appendix 2




1.1 Background of the Study

The term ―racism‖ is often used in a loose and unreactive way to describe the hostile or negative feelings of one ethnic group or ―people‖ toward an-other and the actions resulting from such attitudes. Racism as I conceive it is not merely an attitude or set of beliefs; it also expresses itself in the practices, institutions, and structures that a sense of deep difference justi?es or validates. Racism, therefore, is more than theorizing about human differences or thinking badly of a group over which one has no control.

Racism often happens when things cause jealousy, friction, and conflicts in society are thought to have come from something irrelevant. We can find that phenomenon all around us, for example, Benediktus Fatubun, mahasiswa berusia 23 tahun asal Papua, terus berjalan dari satu rumah ke rumah yang lain. Dia selalu berhenti di setiap rumah yang memasang tulisan

‗Menerima Kos Putra‘ atau ‗Masih Ada Kamar Kosong‘ di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (DIY).

Namun setiap ia mengetuk pintu, sang pemilik rumah selalu mengatakan kamar kos sudah penuh atau sudah tidak menerima kos. Mahasiswa yang biasa dipanggil Benfa ini tidak tahu pasti apa penyebabnya. Yang jelas dia yang sudah diterima menjadi mahasiswa di salah satu perguruan tinggi sampai sebulan tidak juga mendapatkan tempat kos. Belakangan Benfa tahu, penolakan itu lantaran dia orang Papua. ―Ada yang bilang, tidak menerima kos untuk anak Papua,‖ ceritanya,

Jumat (01/07) (Bbc.com)

In analyzing the topic, the writer uses the sociology of literature. Sociology of literature is an approach based on the author‘s point of view because the author tends to be influenced by


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA what that they feel and see in their life. Sociology of literature is also showing us the way how to understand our social condition which is reflected in literary works. Damono said that literature presented a picture of life; life itself was a social reality (1984: 1). By using this theory, we can understand about the social condition surround us through a novel then we can relate it to the reality in our surrounding because literature is an art that develops in the human society.

In the Japanese lover novel, racism was depicted in a group of Japanese people called

Fukuda family. Fukuda was the first generation of Japanese immigrant in America. He has four children named Charles, James, Ichimei, and Megumi. They were born as American but still, their parents were Japanese so it made them bring both of nationality at the same time. Even though they had an American nationality, their face of Japanese was more dominant than their

American nationality so their rights of being citizenship limited. They were forbidden to marry

American or even get in a relationship was considered a scandal. It is depicted when Ichimei was falling in a romantic relationship with alma, a girl from an American family. Their relationship was in the secret after world war II already finished. Alma who initially tried to fight the

American's laws finally alma gave up of her relationship because she was afraid of having

Japanese look baby. The misery which was experienced by Japanese-American eventually gave impacts for them such as feeling anxiety, low self-esteem, and depression. Because of the racist acts against them, they started to lose their confidence level and began to lower self-esteem.

Moreover, people around them keep talking that they would always be discriminated.


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 1.2 Problems of the Study

According to the title of this thesis ―Racism Towards Japanese-American in Isabel

Allende‘s The Japanese Lover‖, the writer tries to clarify the problems into some questions they are :

1. How is racism against Japanese-American during World War II portrayed in Isabel Allende's

The Japanese Lover?

2. What are the impacts of racial discrimination on the characters in Isabel Allende's The

Japanese Lover?

1.3 Objective of the Study

The objective of the analysis is to find out the answers to those questions, they are :

1. To find out the racism against Japanese-American during World War II in Isabel Allende's

The Japanese Lover.

2. To find out the impacts of racial discrimination on the characters in Isabel Allende's The

Japanese Lover.

1.4 Scope of the Study

It is important to make a scope in analyzing this thesis because it will make this more objective. The writer only focuses on the problem of finding racism against Japanese-American during the period of World War II and its impacts of racial discrimination on the characters in the novel such as feeling anxiety, low self-esteem, and depression.


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 1.5 Significance of the Study

The significances of this analysis are as follow :

1. Theoretically, to understand more about the conditions and struggles of the Japanese against the injustices of race and social class in America during World War II.

2. This analysis can practically be used as consideration for readers interested in studying the sociological relations of literature and the problems of racial and social injustice in which literary works arise.




This chapter discusses the related literature of this thesis. The writer has chosen some important books related to the sociology of literature. Some of the books explain the theory in analyzing sociology factors in literary works. To produce an interesting discussion to be studied in this thesis, the library material chosen should be relevant to the problems which are being analyzed, while the information should originally support the analysis of the problem. The writer introduces the relation between literature and sociology, explains the racism problem with

Japanese-American during world war II as well as its impacts of racial discrimination on the characters in the Japanese lover novel.

2.1 Brief Description of Novel

Richart Taylor in his book Understanding the Elements of Literature (1981:1) said that literature ―Like other arts, is essentially an imaginative act, that is, an act of the writer‘s imagination in selecting, ordering and interpreting life experience‖. So, we can see that Taylor in defining literature focuses on the activity and the process of creating literary works.

Sinha defines Literature more specifically. In his book A Hand-Book of the Study of

Literature, he said that: ―Literature in the true sense of the term is that kind of writing which is charged with human interest, and characterized by permanence, the coloring of imagination and artistic embellishment. It deals with the life of man and his destinies on earth. It expresses a thought, feeling and attitude towards life, which are permanent and universal, which, in other words, do not change with the change of time and place‖ (1977:2).


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA A novel is not expected to be written in legal term or a scientific textbook contain a lengthy description of the countryside. The way something has been written must be adapted to suit the subject matter. According to Taylor (1981:42-46), narrative fiction usually grouped into old and outmoded forms such as folk tale, epic, romance, allegory and satire, and contemporary forms such as novel and short story. The novel is pure art. It is self-contained. It contains within itself everything necessary for its comprehension and enjoyment. It relates and reports human action. Novel now is the most widely read of the literature, although it is comparatively a new arrival. Until the seventeenth century, it was almost unknown. It may be defined as a fictitious prose narrative of considerable length, which portrays characters and actions or the representative of real-life in the continuous plot. Still, of all literary form novel is the loosest.

Unlike the drama, it is free from all limitations. This free form not only makes it possible for a novelist to give a complete, presentation of human life but also make it the easiest to write.

2.2 Intrinsics Elements

There Intrinsic elements of a novel is very important element and vital in a literary work because of the absence of an intrinsic elements of the work will not be created. Elements which in fact would be found if we read a literary work is an intrinsic elements of the elements that directly participate in or build the story of the intrinsic elements are the elements of building works of literature that can be found in the literary text itself. Coherence between the various elements that make an intrinsically novel realized. The elements intended are the theme, characters, plot, setting, and point of view.



The theme of a fiction is the controlling idea of the whole story that may conclude what story is about. Hartoko and Rahmanto (1986:142) says that the theme is the ideas of common bases that sustains a work of literature and are contained in the text semantic structure and sabagi regarding commonality or differences.

Theme is the main idea that the writer expresses. Theme can also be defined as the underlying meaning of the story. Theme is another prime element of literature, which contains the central idea of all literary forms such as a novel, drama and short story. It reflects innocence, experience, live, death, reality, fate, madness, sanity, love, society, individual, etc.

Harcourt Brave Jovanovich (1974:102) states the theme of a piece of fiction is its controlling idea or its central insight. It is the unifying generalization about life stated or implied by the story. To derive the theme of a story, people must ask what its central purpose is : what view of life it supports or what insight into life it reveals.

2.2.2 Character

Character is one of the most important elements in literature; character holds the main role in a story of literature such as novel, drama, tale, and poem. In the real world we know that humanity as a people, but in a novel, human called as a character. It can be people, animals, plants, ghost, and things.

Roberts in his book entitled Literature: An Introduction to Reading and Writing

(1995:131) said that in fiction, a character may be defined as a verbal representation of human being.



The sub-classification of character into a leading character is viewed from the character‘s role in the work. When a character is talking a dominant part of the story that goes on the character would be classified as a main or leading character. As the name of leading suggests greater importance, the leading or main character appeared as very dominant from the beginning till the end story. It can be said without the presence of the leading character the story would not exist in form.

Nugriyantoro (1998:13) in his book entitled Penilaian Dalam Pengajuan Bahasa dan

Sastra starting that a character in a novel is usually portrayed completely with a description of physical, social condition, behavior, habit, and attitude that makes one as a person. Thus, the description of the leading character has personal quails which can be studied from those natural characteristics. In other words, the quality of a person refers to the potential of being good or bad as an individual and social being.

Leading character is the focus the leading of attention which stands as the subject matter of the work. Without the role of the leading character, the story would be soon faded away for there is no clue to begin let alone to end.

2.2.2 Protagonist & Antagonist Characters

Reading a novel, readers often identified themselves with certain characters, giving sympathy and empathy, involving themselves emotionally on those characters. Those characters are called the protagonist. Therefore, a protagonist is a character that we adore – which one of its kinds is popularly called hero – a character that is norms manifestation, values, that is ideal for us. A fiction must consist of conflict and tension, especially conflict and tension experienced by


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA the protagonist character. Antagonist character can be stated to be the opposite of protagonist character, directly or indirectly, either physically or physiologically. In other words, the antagonist is the character, force, or collection of forces that stand directly opposed the protagonist and gives rise to the conflict of the story.

2.2.3 Plot

Plot is an important element of fiction or literary work; even most of the readers consider it as the most important element among other elements of fiction. Such a structure even arising out of a conflict maybe called the plot of the story. As if many terms used in literary discussions, plot is blessed with several meanings. Sometimes it refers simply to the events in a story. According to Kennedy (1991:7) plot is the artistic arrangement of those events.

There are five steps in plot according to Tasrif Nurgiyantoro (1998:149) :

• Introduction step, that is opening step of a story, giving earlier information, etc,

which is usable as the base of the next step.

• Step of generating circumstances, is when conflict happened for the first time and

it will develop or being developing as conflict in the next step.

• The step of rising option action is conflict that had happened in previous step will

become more developing and being developing its intensity. The external and

internal conflict, contrast among the interest problem and character that tends to

climax cannot be avo ided anymore.

• The step of climax is when conflicts and contrast that had been happened to the

characters reached culminating points. The main character who has subject and


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA object of conflict will realize the climax. A long fiction may be has more than one


• The denouement‗s step, in which conflict and contrast that had reached climax are

being solved and made clear. However, actually, the author did not arrange these

five step chronologically.

2.2.4 Setting

Gill (1985:106) says that setting is a broad word. It covers the places in which characters are presented; the social context of characters, such as their families, friends and classes; the customs, beliefs and rules of behavior of their society; the scenes that are background or the situation for the events of the novel; and the total atmosphere, mood or feel that id created by these. All of them are examples of setting. When we study a novel, we should pay attention to setting, because it can make a contribution to the book. A successful setting is one which is appropriate to the section of the novel in which it appears and also, possibly, to the book as whole.

Background elements can be divided into three main elements, namely a place, time, and social. Backgrounds on the location of the place suggest the occurance of the events recounted in a work of fiction. Elements may be used where the places with a certain name, initials, there may be certainn locationswithout exact name. Background of the time associated with the problem of

―when‖ of events recounted in a work of fiction problem ―when‖ is normally associated with the factual, the time to do or be associated with the historical events. Social background suggested on matters relating to the conduct of social life of the community in a place that is told.



According to Peck (1994:68) stated that Point of view is a technique that is used by the author to find and tell the meaning of his artistic work to the readers. The author expects that the reader can accept his technique. Point of view has psychological connection to the readers, and the readers need clear perception about the point of view. The readers understanding about the novel will be influenced by a clear point of view. Point of view is not only considered as the way of dramatic limitation but also considered as serving the thematic definition, because a novel offers values attitude and life perception which is controlled and served by the author intentionally through point of view.

2.3 Sociology of Literature

Literary works cannot be separated from real life. The process of producing literary works may be influenced by the sociological condition in a certain period. According to

Swingewood (1972), sociology is a scientific and objective study about human in society.

Sociology answers the question about how society is formed, how their work and why they hold on their environment (Faruk, 2005). It is also stated in Endraswara (2011) that sociological literature involves some terms which are the scientific study of human and society objectively and study of social institutes through literature and the study of the social process covering how the social work and spend their life. In short, the sociological approach is the way of seeing a literary work as the reflection of the sociological condition of society in real life. A literary work is a creation which is produced based on the occurrences in social life because the author is a part of society who is influenced by his surroundings.


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA The rationality of sociological literature appears in Glickberg as written in Endraswara

(2011) that all literary work, however fantastic or mystical in content, is animated by a profound social concern, and this is true even the most flagrant nihilistic work. In the words, it can be stated that the emergence of literary work is never released from the social condition. Based on the hall in Endraswara (2011), the concept of literature as social referent is, however, perfectly viable since it takes into account the writer's active concern to understand his society. This argument is in line with the argument of William Shakespeare that literature is the mirror of society.

According to Rene Wellek and Austin Warren (1994) in their book Theory of Literature, the study of sociological literature is divided into three kinds, sociological author, sociological literary work and sociological reader. The sociological author concerns on the author as the creator of the literary work. The author as the creator of literary work is regarded as a social creature which is influenced by society. The sociological author tries to explore the social status and the ideology of the author which have relation to the literary work produced by him.

Sociological literary work put concern on the literary work itself. Sociological literary work is developed from the mimetic idea of Plato who said that literary work is the limitation of real life.

This kind of sociological explores the content of literary work related to the social aspects of society. According to Wellek and Warren (1994), the content of literary work which has a relation with the real condition is often viewed as a social document or the picture of real social condition. The sociological reader focuses on the relation between literary work and its readers.

Wellek and Warren stated that sociological reader explores the problems of the reader and how far the literary work influences the social aspect of the reader.


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Laurenson and Swingewood as cited in Endraswara (2011) stated that there are three perspectives of sociological literature. First, literary criticism which sees the literary work as a social document which reflects the situation when the literary work was created. Second, literary criticism which reveals the literary work as the mirror of the social condition of the author.

Third, literary criticism which comprehends the literary work as the manifestation of the historical document and the condition of social culture.

This study concerns on the second kind of the concept of Rene Wellek and Austin Warren that is sociological literary work. It has been stated that sociological literary work focuses on the relation between the content of literary work and the social aspects of society. Afterward, this study also concerns on first perspectives of sociological literature that is literary work as the social document which reflects the situation when the literary work as the social document which reflects the situation when the literary work was produced. This study tries to see the social condition especially racism towards Japanese-American in Isabel Allende's Japanese lover.

Besides, it also identifies the form of struggle of Japanese-American slave against the practice of racism. Moreover, this study also relates the racism reflected in the novel with the real social condition of racism towards Japanese-American.

Damono in his book entitled Sosiologi Sastra : Sebuah Pengantar Ringkas says,―Sebuah karya sastra di zaman modern ini, dapat dianggap sebagai usaha untuk menciptakan kembali dunia sosial ini : hubungan manusia dengan keluarga, lingkungannya, politik, negara, dan sebagainya.‖ (1979: 8)



There is a big variety of people around the world. The varieties may be in the skin color, culture, language and also ideology. People are disposed to be grouped in some clusters according to their background. This kind of cluster is a term that is commonly known as a race.

According to Cheney (2006), the race is a social construct that artificially divides people into a distinct group based on characteristics such as physical appearance (particularly color), ancestral heritage, cultural history, ethnic classification, and the social, economic and political need of a society at a given period time.

Humankind cannot be separated from their origin as the social creature, people will always require a relation and communication with others, including people outside their race.

This condition causes the emergence of race relation. According to Edwards (1968), term ―race relations‖ refers to those forms of behavior which arise from the contacts and resulting interaction of people with varied physical and cultural characteristics.

2.5 Racism

Racism is a debatable term among people around the world. The emergence of racism often causes the fanaticism of people to their race's member. The fanaticism will make people give different treatment among people in the world. Some people consider their group as a better group than other groups. Afterward, they will regard their group as superior to others. People who consider themselves as superior, think that they have special rights among the inferior races.

This condition is later known as racism. According to Giddens (2006), racism as a system of domination that operates in social processes and social institutions, others see it as operating in the individual consciousness. In sum, racism is a negative treatment that is given by group as the


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA superior which has a better condition in many aspects, such as biological, economic, and education aspect.

George M. Fredrickson in his book Racism: A Short History (2005) stated that racism is not a kind of attitude or belief in society. Racism is all about practice, institutions, and structure based on strict differentiation. It also can create a kind of social order of society, not only theory about human's differentiation. The practice of racism may be done by every person, whether individually or in a group.

2.5.1 Prejudice

Prejudice is the stereotype of a superior group to understand the inferior group. Prejudice is opinion or feeling formed without knowledge or thought or reason. Prejudice is often caused by the misconception between some ethnic groups. In race relation, prejudice is judgment and negative opinion toward the inferior group. Oxford Dictionary stated that prejudice is dislike or distrust of person, group, a custom that is based on fear or false information rather than on reason or experience, and that influences one's attitude and behavior toward them. Prejudice often caused by the misconception between some ethnic groups. Prejudice may be decreased if there is good communication between the two groups.

According to Giddens (2006), prejudice refers to opinion or attitudes held by members of one group toward another. Prejudice is often based on hearsay rather than on direct evidence, and are resistant to change even in the face of new information. Klineberg (1968) stated that prejudice also involves any attitude for or against, the description of a positive or negative value, an affective, or feeling, component. Prejudice may, therefore, be defined as an unsubstantiated prejudgment of an individual or group, favorable or unfavorable, tending to action in a consonant


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA direction. In sum, prejudice is unfair judgment toward minority which is given by the majority group without any clarification that mostly done as the reason for cultural difference.

It is stated in Horton and Hunt (1984) that five factors cause prejudice. First is the ethnocentrism attitude that is considering own group as the best group and other groups are a worse group. the second factor is the existence of the fact that people often give early judgment into unknown people. Third, the generalization that is given to a group based on experience about some individual. Fourth, a stereotype which is given by some people to support their opinion about how the relationship should interact. Fifth, the existence of inclination to give prejudice to the rival group.

2.5.2 Rejection

Society does not realize that their act toward the people who has weakness is considered as a rejection. The rejection may be caused by the absence of awareness that difference can be responded positively. The rejection usually is a result of the consideration of the majority group that they are better than other groups. They want to be respected as the best group. In this case, minority group often think that they must accept this rejection because they do not have any power to against it.

2.5.3 Segregation

Segregation is the action of segregating people or things or the state of being segregating.

Segregation is the separation that conducted by the superior group with putting their self in the special and secure condition. Segregation also allowed close contact in the hierarchical situation, such as allowing a person of one race to work as a servant for a member of another race.


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Segregation is the spatial and social separation of the superior and inferior groups.

Segregation is an institutionalized form of social distance expressed in physical separation. It signifies a convergence of physical and social space and is to be distinguished from other social forms which also structure social distance in spatial terms, as, for example, the elaborate patterns of deference in African societies with sacred kingship or the different levels of seating (reflecting caste status) among Singhalese castes. (International Encyclopedia of the Social Science, 1968).

Systems of segregation vary in the criteria which distinguish the segregated groups, whether biological, cultural, and/or status, and in the situations, or roles, which are segregated. The concept of segregation in the term of public and daily facilities. In short, segregation is the separation that is conducted by the superior group by putting themselves in a special and secure condition.

2.5.4 Discrimination

Racial discrimination occurs when an individual is subjected to unequal treatment because of their actual or perceived race. Feagin (2006), argued that discrimination is the actions or practices carried out by members of the superior group, or their representatives, which have a differential and harmful impact on members of subordinate groups. In sum, discrimination is negative treatment with the superior and inferior group as the victim.

According to Giddens (2006), discrimination refers to actual behavior toward another group. It can be seen in activities that distribute rewards and benefits unequally based on membership in the dominant ethnic groups. It involves excluding or restricting members of specific groups from opportunities that are available to other groups.


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Impacts of Racial Discrimination

In general, negative impacts both physically and mentally and it certainly depends on every single of them because each individual had different self-resistance. Initially, the impacts that happen to their physical can lead to an increased risk of developing mental health problems. the impacts that happen to their mental are affected by strong emotion which influenced by many kinds of injustice to them. Jennifer, John, and Sapna (2011) mentioned some of the impacts of racial discrimination which affect personal mental health especially are anxiety, low self-esteem, and depression. Anxiety

Anxiety is a mental circumstance which is supported by a sense of uncomfortable, oppressed, or frightened. Low Self-Esteem

Self-esteem is a valuable thing that everybody has as self-identity. They will do everything to raise their self-esteem to get more appropriate treats from others. However, self- esteem also could down if they get oppression from others as well. Depression

Depression is a condition of feeling related to the social environment.


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 2.6 Previous Related Studies

In Robiah Al Adawiyah (2015) in her thesis entitled racism against African American slave in Solomon Northup's Twelve Years as a Slave.

In Farah Dipa Mitra Tami (2017) in her thesis entitled impacts of social rejection on the leading character in Leroux‘s The Phantom of the Opera.

In Ida Solfa Rona (2008) in her thesis entitled analysis of the impact of the racial issue on the characters in Eugene O‘neill‘s All God‘s Chillun Got Wings.

In Bowling's book Race, Crime, Criminal Justice (2002:38), the writer gets contribution such as a knowledge and information that can help the writer more understand about the racial discrimination itself.

Racial Discrimination As Portrayed In Harriet Beecher Stowe‘s Uncle Tom‘s Cabin, the writer gets a knowledge and infomation that can help the writer more understand about the racial discrimination itself.

In Rina Ulwiya (2014:20) in her journal entitled Sukses Menghadapi Penolak Sosial, the writer gets more knowledge and explanation about social rejection, it will help the writer to understand about it.

In Auguste Comte (1798-185) in The Foundation of Sociology‘s book, the writer gets the explanation about the sociology literature.




3.1 Research Design

This research is a qualitative descriptive. It uses qualitative and descriptive data. Moleong

(1995: 2) states that descriptive qualitative research is defined as the qualitative research, a type of research which does not include any calculation or enumerating. Qualitative data is usually in the form of words rather than numbers. They are a source of well-grounded, rich descriptions and explanations of processes in identifiable contexts. With qualitative research, one can preserve chronological flow and see precisely which events led to consequences and derive faithful explanation (Miles & Huberman,1994:10).

Qualitative research is by following this study due to several reasons. First, the aim of this study is focused on the ‗‗qualities‘‘ of social life and to show how everyday experience is meaningfully constructed in social interaction. Second, the data‘s source is a novel which is full of narration of situation and dialogues of the characters, and therefore the data is in the form of narration and not numbers. Third, this study tries to explore what is commonly thought that is true in the society and thereby expose the shortcoming of everyday understandings as qualitative research which explores complexities.

The researcher uses two data sources: primary data and secondary data. The primary data source is about the novel itself. Then, the secondary data source is the books about sociological approach, references from the internet about the Japanese lover, and other sources, which have relation to the analysis.



The data in this thesis is all the quotation from Isabel Allende‘s Novel The Japanese

Lover. Source of data is Isabel Allende‘s Novel The Japanese Lover. The data was taken from the text of The Japanese Lover novel, it contains 321 pages.

3.3 Data Collection

In collecting the data, the writer needs some instruments for this thesis. The method of data collection is library research. The technique of data collection is descriptive. The technique used is collecting and underlining the important things from the novel such as the information of condition in America at that time. Then the writer gathered all the data from the library or internet and other supporting material relevant to the topic of the thesis as many as possible, then the writer begins to read the data carefully, to take down notes and composes it properly. The whole data, the quotation will be put in the writer‘s thesis later and find out the relations with the study. The right data is divided into parts to suit the parts of the study. All of the data are read carefully paragraph by paragraph to find out the relation with this analysis.

3.4 Data Analysis

In writing this thesis, the writer has to combine important data from many other sources which have been collected and analyze them well. The kind of research is library research. The writer collects the data from various books and the internet. First, the writer read the novel then identify the data from the dialogues or statement of the novel which support the main problem and the writer will analyze it to achieve what has been planned in the objective of this thesis and finally, the conclusion can be found from the analysis.




In this chapter, there are two major points that the writer wants to analyze. First, how racism against Japanese-American during world war II as portrayed in The Japanese Lover novel. Second, what the impacts of racial discrimination on the characters as portrayed in The

Japanese Lover novel.

In the first problem, the writer focuses on how racism reflected in The Japanese Lover novel. Racism is often used in a loose and unreactive way to describe the hostile or negative feelings of one ethnic group or ―people‖ toward an-other and the actions resulting from such attitudes.

In the second problem, the writer focuses on what are the impacts of racial discrimination reflected in The Japanese Lover novel. Three types found in the novel which are anxiety, low self-esteem, and depression.

In the analysis, the writer wants to analyze the quotations related to the problems. In the first problem, the writer will describe how racism reflected in the novel based on the quotation related to the problems. In the second problem, the writer put the quotations which related to impacts of racial discrimination as portrayed in The Japanese Lover novel and explain every quotation. So, in this analysis, the writer wants to analyze the quotation which contains racial discrimination types words based on the novel. The impacts of racial discrimination are anxiety, low self-esteem, and depression.

4.1 Racism as Portrayed in Novel The Japanese Lover.


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA According George M. Fredrickson in his book Racism: A Short History (2005) stated that

Racism is all about practice, institutions, and structure based on strict differentiation. Racism results in prejudice, rejection, segregation, and discrimination.

4.1.1 Practice

The practice is a basic condition of all group life.

―The reaction of widespread terror provoked by Japan‘s attack was whipped up by a hysterical media campaign that warned of an imminent invasion on the Pacific Coast by the ―yellows.‖ Hatred toward East Asians, which had already existed for a century, was exacerbated. Japanese who had lived in the country for years, as well as their children and grandchildren, suddenly became suspected of spying and collaborating with the enemy.‖ (page 83)

This quotation results in prejudice because shows that was really ironic when Japanese-

American had to accept the blaming of people towards them although they were not totally mistake and caused the aggression as rumor said. But they could do nothing and just facing the reality. Many families were forced to sell their home and materials. There was no guarantee for them to return to their hometown. As soon as after President Roosevelt‘s order, American military quickly arrested and gather.

―I‘m sure devine was a rake, and that‘s why he‘s dirty old man now.‖ (page 13)

This quotation results in prejudice because shows that they‘re always discovering the residents in someone else‘s bed. And not just the grandpas, the old women too. With so few men around, they have to make do with whatever they can find. Everybody needs company. That in itself age doesn‘t make anyone better or wiser, but only accentuates what they have always been.

―He admired many aspects of this immense land where the horizon blended with the sky but could not help feeling superior,…‖ (page 75)


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA This quotation results in prejudice because shows that his four children, Charles, James,

Ichimei and Megumi were born in California, but they are in the same time were Japanese. Their identity was questionable. They were American citizenship so they certainly dedicate themselves to be loyal for America yet they still hold Japanese tradition and believing their Japanese ancestry. The four children as like other teens‘ life, unconsciously they were involved in free styles of American culture and rather difficult to be controlled.

―Irina thought the same could be said of him: he looked like a chubby little boy going prematurely bald, someone who was out of his depth running an establishment of this sort.‖ (page 2)

This quotation results in prejudice because shows that she realized that the initial impression of voight could be deceiving, at a certain distance and in poor light. In fact, he was fifty four years old and had proved himself to be an excellent administrator. Irina assured him that her lack of qualifications was more than compensated for by the experience she had of dealing with old people in her native moldova.

―Watch out for depression, irina. That‘s very common here. If you notice that somebody seems isolated or very sad, if they stay in bed or stop eating, come and find me right away, okay?‖ (page 7)

This quotation results in prejudice because shows that old people don‘t have anyone who touches them, and get them hooked on a TV series, because nobody wants to die before the final episode. Some of them find comfort in prayer, but there are lots of atheists here, and they don‘t pray. What‘s most important is not to leave them on their own. If not around. Go and see cathy.

She knows what to do.

―You‘ll never get bored here. Our residents are well educated, and if they‘re in good health they keep on learning and experimenting. This community stimulates them and they can avoid the worst scourge of old age: loneliness.‖ (page 8)


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA This quotation results in prejudice because shows that irina knew from newspaper reports about the progressive spirit of the lark house residents. There was a waiting list of several years for admission, which would have been much longer if many of the candidates had not passed away before it was their turn. The old folks in the home were conclusive proof that age, despite all its limitations, does not stop one from having fun and taking part in the hubbub of life.

―However, he also told Hans Voigt that Jacques Devine was no longer in a fit mental state to remain on the second level. The time had come to transfer him to the third, where he would receive twenty-four-hour care.‖ (page 15)

This quotation results in prejudice because shows as everyone knew that the third level was the waiting room for paradise, from which there was no return. He was interrupted by a grief-stricken jean Daniel, who informed him that when he went to help him get dressed he had found Jacques‘s body stiff and cold on the floor.

―The doctor suggested an autopsy, because when he had examined him the previous day there had been nothing to suggest such a dramatic outcome, but voight was against the idea.‖ (page 15)

This quotation results in rejection because shows that an autopsy could sully lark house‘s impeccable reputation. When she heard the news, irina could not help weeping, because in spite of herself she had come to feel affection for her pathetic romeo. At the same time, she felt both a sense of relief that she was free of him, and shame at feeling so relieved.

―Whoever she was, of willfully stealing from him.‖ (page 16)

This quotation results in prejudice because shows that his descendants accused the lark house administration of negligence regarding the old man‘s state of mind. They announced their intention to contest the will, to sue the lawyer for incompetence and lark house for damages and


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA compensation. Hans Voigt received the horde of frustrated relatives with the outward calm and courtesyhe had acquired over many years.

―No smoking on the premises,‖ the director warned her.‖ (page 3)

This quotation results in rejection because shows that‘s important when you‘re dealing with old people.

―Voight explained that only the domestic staff, the care and health assistants, were obliged to wear a uniform.‖ (page 3)

This quotation results in segregation because shows that residents of lark houses tend to adhere to various kinds of beliefs so that workers must dress neatly, politely, and cleanly because dealing with seniors is rather complicated because of various characters. There was however a tacit dress code for the rest of the employees, respect and good taste were the order of the day when it came to clothes.

―In practice, all the residents were white and middle class, and the only diversity was between freethinkers, spiritual searchers, social and ecological activists, nihilists, and some of the few hippies still alive in the san fransisco bay area.‖ (page 1)

This quotation results in segregation because shows that lark house had undergone many changes over the years but still charged fees in line with each resident‘s income, the idea being to create a certain economic and racial diversity.

―To make life easier for the second and third level residents. Irina would not be working with anyone on the first level, because they lived independently as tenants in an apartment building. Nor would she be working with those on level four the aptly named paradise because they were awaiting their transfer to heaven and spent most of the time dozing, and thus did not require the kind of assistance she was there to provide.‖ (page 2)


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA This quotation results in segregation because shows that irina‘s duties were to accompany the residents on their visits to doctors, lawyers, and accountants, to help them with their medical nad tax forms, to take them on shopping expeditions, and to perform various other tasks. Her only link with the clients in paradise, voight told her, would be to plan their funerals, but for that she would receive specific instructions, because the wishes of the dying did not always coincide with those of their families. Lark house residents tended to have myriad religious beliefs, which made their funerals rather complicated ecumenical affairs.

―That could take longer than you think, Megumi. It‘s going to be hard for you to become a doctor: you are not only a woman, but a Japanese one.‖ ―I‘m an American, the same as you,‖ (page 120)

This quotation results in discrimination because shows that a white soldier named Boyd was eventually looking at Fukuda family and fallen in love with Megumi, the daughter of

Fukuda. However, he could do nothing but keep distance to stay close. Because getting relationship involved two races would be regarded as repugnant and forbidden. The laws already forbid marriage between races or even a common relationship would be presumed as scandalous.

That is definitely indicates prejudice against Japanese. The same thing happened when Megumi dreamed to become a doctor. She already to be an assistant of White doctor named Frank Delillo.

One day Megumi told that she would study harder about medicine to reach her dream become a doctor, but Dr. Delillo seemed arguing her statement

4.1.2 Institutions

Institutions are a society or organization founded for a school, bank, an established law, and custom.

―Being in charge of the institution, yet inside he was fuming.‖ (page 16)



This quotation results in prejudice because shows that he had not expected such treachery from irina bazili, whom he had thought incapable of hurting a fly, but you never trust anyone. He took the lawyer aside and asked how much money was involved. It turned out to be a few parcels of desert in New Mexico, as well as some stocks and shares whose value had yet to be assessed.

The amount of available cash was insignificant. The director asked for twenty four hours to find a less costly solution than going to court and summoned Irina to his office at once. He had intended to treat the matter with kid gloves, as there was no point making an enemy of this vixen, but as soon as she came in, he lost control.

―The first step was to purchase some parcels of land in Isaac‘s name, as a way of getting around the 1913 law that prohibited issei from becoming American citizens, owning land, or buying property.‖ (page 82)

This quotation results in rejection because shows that fukuda worked as gardener in an honored American businessman house of Issac Belasco. Fukuda was skillful in agriculture field.

He once ever dreamed about had his own land to build garden, nursery and playground for their children, unfortunately it would not happen because of the law prohibited Japanese. Although

Fukuda was truly good in managing garden and it was unfortunate he could not actualize his dream.

―The government had sent a questionnaire to which the only correct answers were yes. All evacuees aged seventeen and over had to answer them. Among the leading questions, they were asked to be loyal to the United States, fight wherever they were sent—in the army in the case of men, and in the auxiliary forces for women— and to renounce their allegiance to the emperor of Japan.‖ (page 117)

This quotation results in rejection because shows that japanese not only experienced oppression from local residents but also from government. The government used this occasion to


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA attack back imperial of Japan. They gave Japanese, primarily who were seventeen ages and over, a sheet of questionnaire to determine their loyalty even though all of choices were no choice because the only available answer was ‗agree‘. They were ordered becoming army to fight against Japan. By filling the questionnaire, the Japanese would certainly devote themselves for

United States and gave them up on their nationality of Japan. It meant giving up their Japanese nationality without getting rights of American. Moreover, they did not have any choices. If they refused, they would absolutely experience more suffer even though for decades they had hard work and fulfill obligations for United States but they instead find themselves imprisoned and treated like criminal. As happened to few young Japanese called No-Nos who refused to agree.

They tried to rebel and considered risky by America government and they were arrested and alienated. They were probably sent to Tule Lake in California or Fort Leavenworth or even shot as spies. Japanese community preferred to keep away to reduce more disruption in order to not involved in scandal which probably could lead them into more serious problem. Their sons who involved in the No-Nos community had to let them go because they could do nothing even though they really wished to safe their beloveds.

4.1.3 Structure

The structure is an arrangement and organization of interrelated elements in a system, or system so organized.

―Several of the residents who were active members of seniors for peace spent their Friday mornings in street protests at the aberrations and injustices in the world, especially those committed by the American empire, for which they felt responsible.‖ (page 8)

This quotation results in prejudice because shows these activists, among whom was an old lady aged a hundred and one, met up in the northern corner of the square opposite the police


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA station with their canes, walkers, and wheelchairs. They held up banners against war or global warming, while the public showed their support by honking their car horns or signing petitions that these furious elders stuck under their noses. The protesters had appeared on television on more than one occasion, while the police were made to look ridiculous as they tried to disperse them with threats of tear gas that never materialized.

―Clearly moved, voigt had shown irina a plaque in the park in honor of a ninety-six-year- old musician.‖ (page 8)

This quotation results in prejudice because shows that he had honor of a ninety-six-year- old musician, who had died of a seizure with his boots on in broad daylight during a 2006 protest against the war in iraq.

―A snake is always a snake, wherever it lays its eggs. A Japanese-American born of Japanese parents, brought up in a Japanese tradition, living in an atmosphere transplanted from Japan, inevitably and with only rare exceptions grows up as Japanese and not American. They are all enemies.‖ It was enough to have a great-grandfather born in Japan to be seen as a snake. (page 85)

This quotation results in rejection because shows that happened to Japanese during World

War II since Imperial of Japan attack Pearl Harbor. From that day on, Japanese obtained more repression from whites. The huge oppression created image of Japanese worse and ruin Japanese childhood and future. Many Japanese families were separated and did not know whether her son or father still alive because some of them were forcefully deported to Japan as like happened to

James, one of son of Fukuda, who disappeared after he was deported. They were losing hope in finding James because there was no any news about him. This oppression made Fukuda family low self esteem to keep living. Injustice among Japanese was indirectly making them esteem


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA down. The local residents clearly spread hatred against Japanese by saying that all mistakes were caused by yellow race and surely believed them as enemy.

―The director told her it was strictly forbidden to accept tips and gifts.‖ (page 13)

This quotation results in rejection because shows this rule did not apply to the possessions lark house received from dying residents, or to the donations accepted under the counter so as to allow a family member to jump the queue, but these matters were not discussed.

The director took the hideous topaz insect, promising to return it to its rightful owner. In the meantime he would keep it in a drawer in his office.

―What‘s going to happen to my brother?‖ Megumi asked Anderson. ―I don‘t know, Megumi. They could have sent him to Tule Lake in California, or Fort Leavenworth in Kansas. The Federal Bureau of Prisons is in charge of that. I guess he won‘t be released until the war is over.‖ ―People here say that the No-Nos are going to be shot as spies . . .‖ ―Don‘t believe everything you hear, Megumi.‖ (page 118)

This quotation results in discrimination because shows that as like happened to James who rebelled and joined them No-Nos. it was definitely ashamed Fukuda family and worried at once including Megumi as her sister.

4.2 Impacts of Racial Discrimination on the Characters as Portrayed in Novel The Japanese


Impacts of racial discrimination which affect personal mental health especially are anxiety, low self esteem, and depression.

4.2.1 Anxiety


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA In this problem, the writer will analyze the point of view of the way the character think about in The Japanese Lover which that novel is one of the most famous of american literature written by Isabel Allende.

One of the bad impacts of racism is feeling anxious. Anxiety is a mental circumstance which is supported by sense of uncomfortable, oppressed, or frightened. This happens to one of character named Alma during internment camps. Alma is a childhood friend of Ichimei in San

Francisco. She certainly did not suffer living in the camps, but since Ichimei had to live in internment camps for years, they were become separated friends. Alma and Ichimei eventually were having special relationship and they agreed to hide their relationship in secret. Because it is absolutely forbidden for mixing races have a relationship. Alma initially did not worry about having a relationship with Ichimei who is Japanese, but since the situation in the camps was uncontrolled, both of them were losing communication. However, Alma did not give up on

Ichimei and kept waiting for him till he went back. Nathaniel, Alma‘s friend, told her that she could do nothing even though having relationship in secret because Ichimei is Japanese.

―Get him out of your head. Even in the unlikely event that he should reappear and still be interested in you, you know very well you can‘t marry him.‖ ―Why not?‖ ―Why not! Because he‘s from another race, another social class, another culture, another religion, another economic level. Do you need any more reasons?‖ (page 136)

This quotation shows that Even though people around her said that her relationship was impossible, she did not give up. She still kept communicating with Ichimei till they could meet each other in 1955 after the image of World War II ended. Both of them were having strong feeling and did not care about the forbidden laws since they believed could do that in secret.

Nevertheless, Alma began to worry about herself when she got pregnant and she assumed that


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA her baby was Ichmei‘s. From that day on, Alma decided to disappear from Ichimei without telling him anything about her pregnant and leave Ichimei behind in tears. Because she was anxious of having Asian baby that might be revealed in public one day. That feeling of anxiety made her to sacrifice her love because every struggle would not work on them because of different race between them. Till in the last Alma revealed her worry and stated that she could not maintain their relationship.

―Forgive me, Ichimei. I‘ve had a thousand mad thoughts about how we could continue to be together, to have a hideaway where we could make love rather than this disgusting motel, but I know it‘s not possible. I can‘t keep this secret any longer, it‘s destroying me. We have to say good-bye forever‖ (page 235)

This quotation shows that alma who initially tried to fight the law finally gave up of her relationship because she was afraid of having Japanese look baby. The misery which was experienced by Japanese-American eventually gave impacts on them feeling anxiety.

4.2.2 Low Self-Esteem

The next effect of racism is low self esteem. Self esteem is a valuable thing that everybody has as self identity. They will do everything to rise up their self esteem to get more appropriate treats from others. However, self esteem also could down if they get oppression from others as well.

―How could I forget? A relationship like yours was almost impossible; you would have regretted it, Alma. Prejudice would have destroyed you both in the end, and killed your love.‖ (page 173)


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA This quotation shows that lenny, another Alma‘s friend, told the same thing that Alma‘s relationship with Ichimei would be broken and only made her sick.

4.2.3 Depression

The next mentally effect of racism is depression. Depression is a condition of feeling related to social environment. Since the image of World War II began Japanese had already treated as stranger and regarded as enemy. Japanese were insulted, abused, discriminated by white people. It was a circumstance when Japanese suffered more and more. They literally were not enemy since they were not army who attacked Pearl Harbor in the same time and had live for a long time in United States. They even had been become American nationality. Nevertheless, whatever defenses to protect Japanese were not work because hatred among American had extensively spread. The result of this chaos, government finally took a decision to put all

Japanese in isolated area. In the internment camps, the situation was terrible. The camp was tightly guarded and Japanese could not do much because they were watched. Almost all men were ordered to be army of America and fight against Japan. They were separated from their families and there were no guarantee to survive so their wives and children had to let them go and ready to face the fact that they could not meet their husband anymore. A sign of rebellion absolutely would end to death. The situation such like that made Japanese depressed. Many families had lost their men had been sent to war and their sons were died because of trial of rebellion, including Fukuda family who had lost their son, Charles, who died in the war and

James who had been deported to Japan.

―That year Takao and Heideko‘s eldest son had enlisted, because he considered it his duty, not in order to escape from confinement, an accusation some young men opposed to


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA conscription made of these volunteers. He became part of the 442nd Infantry Regiment, made up exclusively of Nisei.‖ (page 115)

This quotation shows that was irony, when Japanese had already suffered to live in concentration camp, half of them had to be part of American fighters. All Japanese men were forced to risk their life in Worrld War II and attacked their own country Japan while leaving behind their wife and children.




5.1 Conclusion

The analysis above process of this thesis has led us a result. Based on the result of analysis and finding in chapter IV, the writer can conclude the subject matter which reflected in

The Japanese Lover novel.

1. There are only types found in the novels : practice, institutions, and structure. They include results in prejudice, rejection, segregation, and discrimination.

2. Impacts of racial discrimination which affect personal mental health. In the japanese lover, these include anxiety, low self-esteem, and depression.

5.2 Suggestion

After analyzing Isabel Allende‘s The Japanese Lover, it is discovered that the way how racism happened to Japanese-American was intricate enough. In this study, racism was mainly supported by the World War II chaos which made the situation and condition of Japanese who lived in America worse. This study also reveals how racism could impact the characters.

However, since racism is interesting and well-know enough topics in the future racism could be applied in other concepts such as colonialism or ageism. It was also possible to take deeper research and find other effects besides the three effects that the author has been explained in this study. At last, it is suggested to do a deeper analysis of the influences toward Japanese-American



The Japanese Lover novel are very interesting to be read. Also the novel can give us knowledge about racial discrimination. Based on the conclusion above, the writer wants to give the suggestion about racial discrimination especially about anxiety, low self-esteem, and depression.

Many discrimination happen around us and causes a serious problem. Therefore, this thesis is to give much information for a reader to get references to study about literary work.

Thus, this thesis provides much knowledge to learn about literature and discrimination so that the reader can bring out the knowledge that is found in society.



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Appendix 1 : Biography of Isabel Allende.

Author Isabel Allende was born on August 2, 1942, in Lima, Peru, to Tomás and Francisca Allende. She is the goddaughter of , the first socialist president of

Chile who was her father's cousin. Her father, a diplomat, deserted the family when Allende was just two. She, her siblings and mother then moved in with her grandfather in . Allende remembers herself as a rebellious child during those years living with her grandfather. ―We lived in an affluent house – with no money," she said in an interview with the telgraph. "My grandfather would pay for what was necessary but my mother did not even have the cash to buy us an ice cream. I wanted to be like my grandfather because my mother had a terrible life and he had all the privileges and the power and the freedom and the car – I think that was the moment I started to rebel against all male authority: the police, the church, everything."

Her mother remarried to Ramón Huidobro, also a diplomat, and the family moved often as his posts changed. Allende said she was determined to work as a young woman and started her writing career as a journalist. She became a prominent journalist working in television and for magazines in the 1960s and 1970s.

Literary Work

Allende's life was forever changed when General Augusto Pinochet led a military coup in

1973, toppling Salvador Allende's government. During an attack on the presidential palace

Salvador Allende was shot and killed. (After decades of controversy surrounding the cause of his

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA death, an autopsy confirmed in 2011 that it was a suicide.) Isabel Allende became active in aiding victims of the repression and brutality of Pinochet's regime, but realizing it was dangerous to stay in Chile, she fled the country with her husband and two children in 1975 and lived in exile in Venezuela for 13 years.

In 1981, Allende began writing a letter to her grandfather, who was dying in Chile. The letter became the basis for her first novel, (1985), which became a worldwide bestseller and launched her literary career. The novel tells the story of two families living in Chile from the 1920s until the 1973 military coup, weaving together elements of magical realism and political testimony. Some of her works include Of Love and

Shadows (1987), (1987), Two Words (1989), (1991), Daughter of

Fortune (1999), (2000), (2005), Ines of My Soul (2006), (2010), Maya's Notebook (2011), Ripper (2014) and The Japanese Lover (2015).

At the urging of her three grandchildren, Allende wrote her first book for young adults, City of the Beasts, which was published in 2002. It was the first book in a trilogy for young readers, which also included Kingdom of the Golden Dragon (2003) and Forest of the

Pygmies (2005).

The author calls her writing style "realistic literature, rooted in her remarkable upbringing and the mystical people and events that fueled her imagination," according to her website, She also explains that her work is "equally informed by her feminist convictions, her commitment to social justice, and the harsh political realities that shaped her destiny."

In addition to fiction, Allende has mined her own life to write deeply personal memoirs, including (1994) about the life and loss of her daughter to a rare disease; Aphrodite: A

Memoir of the Senses (1998), her ode to food and sex; My Invented Country: A Nostalgic

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Journey Through Chile (2003) about her early life and the inspirations of her personal history; and The Sum of Our Days: A Memoir (2008) about her life following the death of her daughter.


During the course of her career, Allende has received numerous awards for her work including the Chilean National Prize for Literature (2010) and the Library of Congress Creative

Achievement Award for Fiction (2010). In 2014, President Barack Obama presented Allende with the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

Personal Life

Allende married her first husband, Miguel Frías, in 1962. They had two children, Paula

(born in 1963) and Nicolás (born in 1966). After her divorce from Frías in 1987, Allende met and married her second husband, Willie Gordon, a lawyer and writer, in 1988, but after 27 years together, they too divorced in 2015.

During their marriage, the couple endured the heartbreaking death of two of Gordon‘s children from a previous relationship, as well as the passing of Allende's daughter Paula, who died from complications of a rare disease, porphyria, in 1992 at the age of 28. Allende established the Isabel Allende Foundation in Paula's honor. The foundation strives for economic and social justice for women.

Allende has lived in the San Francisco Bay Area since 1987, and became a U.S. citizen in

1993. She says on her website that remains connected to her adopted home and her birthplace living "with one foot in California and the other in Chile."

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Appendix 2 : Summary of The Japanese Lover novel.

In 1939, as Poland falls under the shadow of the Nazis, young Alma Belasco‘s parents send her away to live in safety with an aunt and uncle in their opulent mansion in San Francisco.

There, as the rest of the world goes to war, she encounters Ichimei Fukuda, the quiet and gentle son of the family‘s Japanese gardener. Unnoticed by those around them, a tender love affair begins to blossom. Following the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, the two are cruelly pulled apart as Ichimei and his family—like thousands of other Japanese Americans—are declared enemies and forcibly relocated to internment camps run by the United States government.

Throughout their lifetimes, Alma and Ichimei reunite again and again, but theirs is a love that they are forever forced to hide from the world.

Decades later, Alma is nearing the end of her long and eventful life. Irina Bazili, a care worker struggling to come to terms with her own troubled past, meets the elderly woman and her grandson, Seth, at San Francisco‘s charmingly eccentric Lark House nursing home. As Irina and

Seth forge a friendship, they become intrigued by a series of mysterious gifts and letters sent to

Alma, eventually learning about Ichimei and this extraordinary secret passion that has endured for nearly seventy years.

As penance for her life filled with material possessions and great wealth, the eccentric

80-year-old Alma Belasco decided to spend the rest of her days at Lark House, a senior retirement community, in the novel ―The Japanese Lover‖ by Isabel Allende. Alma hired Irina, an employee at Lark House, as a secretary. Irina soon began helping Alma‘s grandson, Seth, compile a family history. The two soon discovered that Alma had a secret Japanese lover in her life.

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA It was only after Irina Bazili began working at the Lark House that she began to find peace in her life. She not only had her full time job but also worked part time for Alma helping that lady with chores she could no longer do and providing secretarial services. Irina additionally agreed to help Alma and her grandson, Seth, compile a family history. As the two got to know

Alma‘s routine better, they noticed she received a box of flowers and a letter in a yellow envelope each week. She also took strange, often spur of the moment trips away from Lark

House. The two believed Alma was meeting Ichimei Fukuda, a Japanese man with whom she‘d been having an affair off and on all during her life.

Meanwhile, Seth fell in love with Irina, who was an emigrant from Moldova, but could not get her to return his affection. After Irina was visited at Lark House by an FBI agent,

Catherine Hope confronted Irina about her haunting past. It was with Cathy‘s urging that Irina told Seth about the sexual abuse she‘d received from her stepfather when she first came to

America and the photos and videos that he‘d sold of her.

After she‘d lived at Lark House nearly three years, Alma‘s health began failing. She was having chest pains and often grew confused. This didn‘t stop her from taking one last trip. On the way home from her trip Alma crashed her car. She died of her injuries a few days later in the hospital. While Irina was sitting with Alma the last night of her life, Irina saw a Japanese man whom she believed was Ichimei come into the room. It was only later that Seth told Irina it couldn‘t have been him because Ichimei had died of a heart attack several years prior.