SOLIDARITY ECONOMY: BUILDING ALTERNATIVES FOR PEOPLE AND PLANET PAPERS AND REPORTS FROM THE U.S. SOCIAL FORUM 2007 Edited by Jenna Allard, Carl Davidson, and Julie Matthaei ChangeMaker Publications Chicago IL USA Copyright © 2008, U.S. Solidarity Economy Network All rights reserved ORDERING INFORMATION For individual copies, order online from ChangeMaker Publications, Chicago IL USA, For bulk orders, special discounts may be available. Contact Germai Medhanie at Guramylay: Growing the Green Economy,
[email protected], 617-868-6133. For college textbook orders, or orders by U.S. trade bookstores and wholesal- ers contact Germai Medhanie at Guramylay: Growing the Green Economy,
[email protected], 617-868-6133. Printed in the United States of America ISBN 978-0-6151-9489-9 Globe Cover Graphic: Tiffany Sankary, Cover Design: Carl Davidson To Father Jose Maria Arizmendi (1915-1976) who thought deeply, put human solidarity first, made tools our servants rather than the reverse, and together with his students, brought the Mondragon cooperatives into this world, to blaze a path forward To Alice Lovelace and the other organizers of the U.S. Social Forum 2007 for making this all possible To the U.S. Solidarity Economy Network, may it thrive and grow And to the second superpower the millions of people around the globe who are bringing about a better world for us all About Our Editors Jenna Allard is an editor of, and works for Guramylay: Growing the Green Economy. She is also part of the Coordinating Committee for the U.S.