New Hampshire Statewide Target Fish Community Assessment Ammonoosuc River - Final Report

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New Hampshire Statewide Target Fish Community Assessment Ammonoosuc River - Final Report NEW HAMPSHIRE STATEWIDE TARGET FISH COMMUNITY ASSESSMENT AMMONOOSUC RIVER - FINAL REPORT Prepared for: Prepared by: July 2018 Table of Contents I. Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 1 II. Designated River Delineation ................................................................................................... 1 Delineation Methods ............................................................................................................................ 1 Delineation Results ............................................................................................................................... 7 III. Reference River Data Selection .............................................................................................. 14 Reference River Selection Methods .................................................................................................... 14 Reference River Selection Results ....................................................................................................... 18 IV. TFC Model Development ........................................................................................................... 35 TFC Model Development Methods ...................................................................................................... 35 TFC Model Results ............................................................................................................................... 36 V. References Cited .......................................................................................................................... 44 Appendix A ............................................................................................................................................ 45 NH Target Fish Community Assessment Gomez and Sullivan Engineers Final Ammonoosuc River Report i July, 2018 List of Tables Table - 1: Fish species removed from the NMDS delineation analysis. ....................................................... 3 Table - 2: GIS layers used in the delineation analysis. ................................................................................. 4 Table - 3: Gradient and watershed size class categories from the Northeast Aquatic Habitat Classification System layer. ........................................................................................................................... 4 Table - 4: Soil types used in the delineation analysis. .................................................................................. 5 Table - 5: Delineation parameter descriptions and break justifications. ..................................................... 7 Table - 6: Information pertaining to reaches delineated by the TFC breaks. .............................................. 8 Table - 7: Elevation classes and descriptions from the Northeast Aquatic Habitat Classification System layer. ........................................................................................................................................................... 14 Table - 8: Chemical classes and descriptions from the Northeast Aquatic Habitat Classification System layer. ........................................................................................................................................................... 14 Table - 9: Temperature classes and descriptions from the Northeast Aquatic Habitat Classification System layer. ............................................................................................................................................... 15 Table - 10: Characteristics used to select reference rivers for the upper segment. .................................. 18 Table - 11: Species counts for reference rivers for the upper segment. .................................................... 23 Table - 12: Characteristics used to select reference rivers for the middle segment. ................................. 24 Table - 13: Species counts for reference rivers for the middle segment. ................................................... 28 Table - 14: Characteristics used to select reference rivers for the lower segment. ................................... 29 Table - 15: Species counts for reference rivers for the lower segment. ..................................................... 34 Table - 16: Comprehensive list of native species used for the Designated River watershed, as determined from the greater basin area. ....................................................................................................................... 36 Table - 17: Count of fish from reference river data and expected percentage (TFC Model) of species for the upper segment. ..................................................................................................................................... 38 Table - 18: Count of fish from reference river data and expected percentage (TFC Model) of species for the middle segment. ................................................................................................................................... 40 Table - 19: Count of fish from reference river data and expected percentage (TFC Model) of species for the lower segment. ..................................................................................................................................... 43 Table – A1: List of common and scientific names for fish species in the fish community sample dataset (includes samples from NY, CT, RI, MA, VT, NH, and ME). ......................................................................... 46 NH Target Fish Community Assessment Gomez and Sullivan Engineers Final Ammonoosuc River Report ii July, 2018 List of Figures Figure - 1: NMDS ordination plot highlighting the locations of fish sampling sites in ordination space, based on the fish community. ...................................................................................................................... 9 Figure - 2: Gradient (left panel) and stream order (right panel), along with fish sampling locations. ...... 10 Figure - 3: Soils (left panel), watershed size class (right panel), and NH predicted fish community types (right panel)................................................................................................................................................. 11 Figure - 4: Bedrock composition and water chemical classification. .......................................................... 12 Figure - 5: Delineated segments derived from the TFC break points. ....................................................... 13 Figure - 6: Theoretical example of evaluating the number of samples (i.e. whether data are sufficient for further analysis) using MultSE. ................................................................................................................... 17 Figure - 7: Initial selection of reference river fish community samples for the upper segment. ............... 20 Figure - 8: MultSE (beginning at n=2) of fish community data for reference rivers initially selected for the upper segment. ........................................................................................................................................... 21 Figure - 9: MultSE for the final reference river selection for the upper segment. ..................................... 22 Figure - 10: Initial selection of reference river fish community samples for the middle segment............. 25 Figure - 11: MultSE (beginning at n=2) of fish community data for reference rivers initially selected for the middle segment. ................................................................................................................................... 26 Figure - 12: MultSE for the final reference river selection for the middle segment................................... 27 Figure - 13: Initial selection of reference river fish community samples for the lower segment. ............. 30 Figure - 14: MultSE (beginning at n=2) of fish community data for reference rivers initially selected for the lower segment. ..................................................................................................................................... 31 Figure – 15a: MultSE for the final reference river selection for the lower segment. ................................. 32 Figure – 15b: MultSE for the reference river selection for the lower segment, but with the Ausable River samples removed. ....................................................................................................................................... 33 Figure - 16: Graphical representation of the TFC Model for the upper segment. ...................................... 37 Figure - 17: Graphical representation of the TFC Model for the middle segment. .................................... 39 Figure - 18: Graphical representation of the TFC Model for the lower segment. ...................................... 41 NH Target Fish Community Assessment Gomez and Sullivan Engineers Final Ammonoosuc River Report iii July, 2018 I. Introduction Target Fish Community models have been developed for a number of instream flow related projects in the Northeast. The TFC development process, as defined by Bain and Meixler (2005), uses fish community data from the best available reference rivers that would characterize a feasible and currently relevant fish community. As such, the TFC model does not represent a historically “natural”
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